This is the first, poorly documented step towards some utilities to manage Google Groups within a Apps for Business domain.
These might not have any utility for any domain other than the domain they were written for, but hopefully they can be of some use.
- Creates a dictionary of all groups in the domain, along with members, indexed by the group email. By default creates a pickle file containing the dictionary, for use in other scripts or utilties. Used to cache the group data while testing script logic.
- Runs a command line specified audit of the groups and members.
Prior to use, the client_secrets.json file must be generated via the Google Developer Console. See for instructions.
$ [-v] [-h] domain
where domain is the Google Apps domain to dump.
$ [-v] [-i INPUT] command
- -i is an optional flag defining the dump file produced by
- -v Verbose output. Will print the date the dump file was created.
- command: audit to run. The current audits are:
- empty: groups that have no members
- single_user_member: groups that have only one member, where the member is not another group