First version of this code was wrotten in ~2018 year, before public release "v0.1-preview1" (25.02.2018), and before upload to GitHub. Later it been adapted for compatible with version "v0.1-preview2", while it was in private-beta stage. Latest published version "v0.1-preview3" should be compatible with that, but not 100%.
Quality of this code is sucks. It have a problems with "kludge-colshapes", and if server will have too much colshapes or online - performance will die. It have a "eval" in code. It have other bad JS practices. And it was not lint'ed. 🤷♀️
Just copy folder "live_freeroam" from this repository to your server packages folder.
! Package have a dependency from default "chat" package.
! Package "chat" also have a dependency from default "command-manager" package.
! And of course, it incompatible with default "freeroam" package. 🤔