Clone the repo on your computer:
git clone https://github.com/wecodeafrica/hospitalsghana.git
Or, if you use SSH:
git clone git@github.com:wecodeafrica/hospitalsghana.git
- Using yout command line tool, go to the app folder:
cd hospitalsghana
Add remote upstream to the main repository:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/wecodeafrica/hospitalsghana.git
Or, for SHH:
git remote add upstream git@github.com:wecodeafrica/hospitalsghana.git
Now you have two remotes on your local computer: origin
and upstream
Make sure you are on master branch:
git checkout master
Get the current version of both on the main repository and push to your fork:
git pull upstream master && git push origin master
Create a new branch to work on and name it following this patther:
; -
As an example:
git checkout -b lawrence\update-readme
After do some work, stage to git:
git add file you changed
In this case:
git add README.md
Commit the work you staged to git to save it permanently:
git commit -m "message of what you did"
In this case:
git commit -m "update contributing part of README.md
Push the new branch to the remote repo on Github:
git push -u origin branch you created
In this case:
git push -u origin lawrence\update-readme
Create a pull request
This is for asking for your changes to be included in the main repository. -
In Github, go to your fork of the repository
You can use the Compare and pull request button.
- Add a proper name and description to your pull request
You can use follow this example:
# Title of what you did
## subtitle or short description
- To make points
- More points
# Screenshots
- drag and drop images to show the outputs of your changes
- this makes it easier to verify your changes
- Sit, relax, and wait for your pull request to be accepted. :)
- You did good.