Pony::Object - An object system for Perl.
If you wanna protected methods, abstract classes and other OOP stuff, you may use Pony::Object. Also Pony::Objects are strict and modern.
Supports Perl>=5.014
cpan Pony::Object
See full documentation on metacpan.
New-style objects:
package User {
use Pony::Object;
protected 'name';
protected 'age';
sub init($self, $name, $age) {
$self->name = $name;
$self->age = $age;
sub hello($self) {
print("Hello, " + $self->name);
package InvalidAgeException {
use Pony::Object qw/Pony::Object::Throwable/;
package User {
use Pony::Object;
protected 'name';
protected 'age';
sub init($self, $name, $age) {
$self->name = $name;
throw InvalidAgeException if $age < 0;
$self->age = $age;
package main {
use Pony::Object qw(:exceptions);
try {
my $user = new User('Joe', -1);
} catch {
my $e = shift; # get exception object
if ($e->isa('InvalidAgeException')) {
# handle exception
And many other features.
Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018, Georgy Bazhukov.
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.