diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67e0fbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ Jelly Brainfuck Compiler
+ Jelly Brainfuck Compiler
+ Brainfuck is compiled to WebAssembly and executed natively in your browser. Each cell is 8 bytes. Input and output are treated as UTF-8.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jelly-bf.js b/jelly-bf.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cdd90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jelly-bf.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+var JellyBF={
+ compile:function(str,options,callback){
+ // compiles BF code string to a WebAssembly.Module
+ var moduleWriter=new Wasm32ModuleWriter();
+ var memoryWriter=new Wasm32MemoryWriter(16,16);
+ moduleWriter.setMemory(memoryWriter);
+ var codeWriter=new Wasm32CodeWriter([Wasm32VarType.i32]); // ptr
+ var memIndex=0;
+ for(var i=0;i':
+ codeWriter.get_local(0);
+ codeWriter.i32_const(1);
+ codeWriter.i32_add();
+ codeWriter.set_local(0);
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ codeWriter.get_local(0);
+ codeWriter.i32_const(1);
+ codeWriter.i32_sub();
+ codeWriter.set_local(0);
+ break;
+ case '[':
+ codeWriter.get_local(0);
+ codeWriter.i32_load8_u(0);
+ codeWriter.if(Wasm32VarType.none);
+ codeWriter.loop(Wasm32VarType.none);
+ break;
+ case ']':
+ codeWriter.get_local(0);
+ codeWriter.i32_load8_u(0);
+ codeWriter.br_if(0);
+ codeWriter.end();
+ codeWriter.end();
+ break;
+ case ',':
+ codeWriter.get_local(0);
+ codeWriter.call("input"); // input: [] => [i32]
+ codeWriter.i32_store8(0);
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ codeWriter.get_local(0);
+ codeWriter.i32_load8_u(0);
+ codeWriter.call("output"); // output: [i32] => []
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ codeWriter.end();
+ var type=new Wasm32TypeWriter([],[]).toUint8Array();
+ moduleWriter.addFunction("main",type,codeWriter);
+ moduleWriter.exportFunction("main","main");
+ moduleWriter.importFunction("input",new Wasm32TypeWriter([],[Wasm32VarType.i32]).toUint8Array(),"interaction","input");
+ moduleWriter.importFunction("output",new Wasm32TypeWriter([Wasm32VarType.i32],[]).toUint8Array(),"interaction","output");
+ var byteCode=moduleWriter.generateModule();
+ WebAssembly.compile(byteCode).then(function(compiledModule){
+ callback(compiledModule);
+ });
+ },
+ execute:function(compiledModule,inputString,callback){
+ var inputArr=new TextEncoder().encode(inputString);
+ var inputPtr=0;
+ var outputArr=new ResizableUint8Array();
+ WebAssembly.instantiate(compiledModule,{
+ interaction:{
+ input:function(){
+ if(inputPtr this._data.length) {
+ var new_buffer = new ArrayBuffer(Math.max(this._data.length * 2, this._size + amount));
+ var new_data = new Uint8Array(new_buffer);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._size; ++i) {
+ new_data[i] = this._data[i];
+ }
+ this._buffer = new_buffer;
+ this._data = new_data;
+ }
+ResizableUint8Array.prototype.push = function(value) {
+ this.reserve_extra(1);
+ this._data[this._size++] = value;
+ResizableUint8Array.prototype.append = function(value_uint8array) {
+ this.reserve_extra(value_uint8array.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < value_uint8array.length; ++i) {
+ this._data[this._size++] = value_uint8array[i];
+ }
+ResizableUint8Array.prototype.pop = function() {
+ return this._data[--this._size];
+ResizableUint8Array.prototype.insert_arr = function(index, value_uint8array) {
+ this.reserve_extra(value_uint8array.length);
+ for (var i = this._size - 1; i >= index; --i) {
+ this._data[i + value_uint8array.length] = this._data[i];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < value_uint8array.length; ++i) {
+ this._data[index + i] = value_uint8array[i];
+ }
+ this._size += value_uint8array.length;
+ResizableUint8Array.prototype.toUint8Array = function() {
+ var ret_arr = new Uint8Array(this._size);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._size; ++i) {
+ ret_arr[i] = this._data[i];
+ }
+ return ret_arr;
+var encodeUIntString = function(str) {
+ return new TextEncoder().encode(str);
+var VLQEncoder = {};
+VLQEncoder.encodeUInt = function(value) {
+ var output = new ResizableUint8Array();
+ while (true) {
+ var next_val = value % 128;
+ value = Math.floor(value / 128);
+ if (value > 0) {
+ output.push(128 + next_val);
+ } else {
+ output.push(next_val);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return output.toUint8Array();
+VLQEncoder.encodeInt = function(value) {
+ var output = new ResizableUint8Array();
+ var is_neg = value < 0;
+ if (is_neg) value = -value - 1;
+ while (true) {
+ var next_val = value % 128;
+ value = Math.floor(value / 128);
+ if (value > 0 || next_val >= 64) {
+ if (is_neg) output.push(~next_val & 255); else output.push(128 + next_val);
+ } else {
+ if (is_neg) output.push(~next_val & 127); else output.push(next_val);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return output.toUint8Array();
+var Wasm32VarType = {
+ i32: 127,
+ i64: 126,
+ f32: 125,
+ f64: 124,
+ anyfunc: 112,
+ func: 96,
+ none: 64
+var Wasm32ExternalKind = {
+ function: 0,
+ table: 1,
+ memory: 2,
+ global: 3
+var Wasm32TypeWriter = function(param_types, result_types) {
+ this._param_types = param_types ? param_types : [];
+ this._result_types = result_types ? result_types : [];
+Wasm32TypeWriter.prototype.toUint8Array = function() {
+ var output = new ResizableUint8Array();
+ output.push(Wasm32VarType.func);
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._param_types.length));
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._param_types.length; ++i) {
+ output.push(this._param_types[i]);
+ }
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._result_types.length));
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._result_types.length; ++i) {
+ output.push(this._result_types[i]);
+ }
+ return output.toUint8Array();
+var Wasm32FunctionWriter = function(type_index) {
+ this._type = type_index;
+Wasm32FunctionWriter.prototype.toUint8Array = function() {
+ var output = new ResizableUint8Array();
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._type));
+ return output.toUint8Array();
+var Wasm32CodeWriter = function(local_types) {
+ this._localTypes = local_types ? local_types : [];
+ this._data = new ResizableUint8Array();
+ this._functionlinks = [];
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.setName = function(name) {
+ this._functionname = name;
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.setType = function(type) {
+ this._functiontype = type;
+Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction = {
+ unreachable: 0,
+ nop: 1,
+ block: 2,
+ loop: 3,
+ if: 4,
+ else: 5,
+ end: 11,
+ br: 12,
+ br_if: 13,
+ br_table: 14,
+ return: 15,
+ call: 16,
+ call_indirect: 17,
+ drop: 26,
+ select: 27,
+ get_local: 32,
+ set_local: 33,
+ tee_local: 34,
+ get_global: 35,
+ set_global: 36,
+ i32_load: 40,
+ i64_load: 41,
+ f32_load: 42,
+ f64_load: 43,
+ i32_load8_s: 44,
+ i32_load8_u: 45,
+ i32_load16_s: 46,
+ i32_load16_u: 47,
+ i64_load8_s: 48,
+ i64_load8_u: 49,
+ i64_load16_s: 50,
+ i64_load16_u: 51,
+ i64_load32_s: 52,
+ i64_load32_u: 53,
+ i32_store: 54,
+ i64_store: 55,
+ f32_store: 56,
+ f64_store: 57,
+ i32_store8: 58,
+ i32_store16: 59,
+ i64_store8: 60,
+ i64_store16: 61,
+ i64_store32: 62,
+ current_memory: 63,
+ grow_memory: 64,
+ i32_const: 65,
+ i64_const: 66,
+ f32_const: 67,
+ f64_const: 68,
+ i32_eqz: 69,
+ i32_eq: 70,
+ i32_ne: 71,
+ i32_add: 106,
+ i32_sub: 107,
+ i32_mul: 108
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.writeRawBytes = function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
+ this._data.push(arguments[i]);
+ }
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.writeUint8Array = function(arr) {
+ this._data.append(arr);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.unreachable = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.unreachable);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.nop = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.nop);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.block = function(result_type) {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.block, result_type);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.loop = function(result_type) {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.loop, result_type);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.if = function(result_type) {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.if, result_type);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.else = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.else);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.end = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.end);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.br = function(relative_depth) {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.br);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(relative_depth));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.br_if = function(relative_depth) {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.br_if);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(relative_depth));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.return = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.return);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.call = function(function_index_or_name) {
+ if (typeof function_index_or_name === "number") {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.call);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(function_index_or_name));
+ } else {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.call);
+ this._functionlinks.push({
+ location: this._data.size(),
+ name: function_index_or_name
+ });
+ }
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.drop = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.drop);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.select = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.select);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.get_local = function(localidx) {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.get_local, localidx);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.set_local = function(localidx) {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.set_local, localidx);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.tee_local = function(localidx) {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.tee_local, localidx);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_load = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_load);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_load = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_load);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.f32_load = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.f32_load);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.f64_load = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.f64_load);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_load8_s = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_load8_s);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_load8_u = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_load8_u);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_load16_s = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_load16_s);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_load16_u = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_load16_u);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_load8_s = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_load8_s);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_load8_u = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_load8_u);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_load16_s = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_load16_s);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_load16_u = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_load16_u);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_load32_s = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_load32_s);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_load32_u = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_load32_u);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_store = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_store);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_store = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_store);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.f32_store = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.f32_store);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.f64_store = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.f64_store);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_store8 = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_store8);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_store16 = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_store16);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_store8 = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_store8);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_store16 = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_store16);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_store32 = function(offset, log_align) {
+ log_align = log_align || 0;
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_store32);
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(log_align));
+ this.writeUint8Array(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(offset));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.current_memory = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.current_memory, 0);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.grow_memory = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.grow_memory, 0);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_const = function(val_i32) {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_const, VLQEncoder.encodeInt(val_i32));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i64_const = function(val_i64) {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i64_const, VLQEncoder.encodeInt(val_i64));
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_eqz = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_eqz);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_eq = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_eq);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_ne = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_ne);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_add = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_add);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_sub = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_sub);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.i32_mul = function() {
+ this.writeRawBytes(Wasm32CodeWriter.instruction.i32_mul);
+Wasm32CodeWriter.prototype.toUint8Array = function() {
+ var output = new ResizableUint8Array();
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._localTypes.length));
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._localTypes.length; ++i) {
+ output.push(1);
+ output.push(this._localTypes[i]);
+ }
+ output.append(this._data.toUint8Array());
+ output.insert_arr(0, VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(output.size()));
+ return output.toUint8Array();
+var Wasm32ExportWriter = function(field, kind, index) {
+ this._field = field;
+ this._kind = kind;
+ this._index = index;
+Wasm32ExportWriter.prototype.setName = function(name) {
+ this._functionname = name;
+Wasm32ExportWriter.prototype.toUint8Array = function() {
+ var output = new ResizableUint8Array();
+ var encoded_field_bytes = encodeUIntString(this._field);
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(encoded_field_bytes.length));
+ output.append(encoded_field_bytes);
+ output.push(this._kind);
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._index));
+ return output.toUint8Array();
+var Wasm32ImportWriter = function(module, field, kind) {
+ this._module = module;
+ this._field = field;
+ this._kind = kind;
+Wasm32ImportWriter.prototype.setName = function(name) {
+ this._functionname = name;
+Wasm32ImportWriter.prototype.setType = function(type) {
+ this._functiontype = type;
+Wasm32ImportWriter.prototype.toUint8Array = function() {
+ var output = new ResizableUint8Array();
+ var module_bytes = encodeUIntString(this._module);
+ var field_bytes = encodeUIntString(this._field);
+ output.push(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(module_bytes.length));
+ output.append(module_bytes);
+ output.push(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(field_bytes.length));
+ output.append(field_bytes);
+ output.push(this._kind);
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._type));
+ return output.toUint8Array();
+var Wasm32MemoryWriter = function(initial_pages, maximum_pages) {
+ this._initial_pages = initial_pages;
+ if (maximum_pages) this._maximum_pages = maximum_pages;
+Wasm32MemoryWriter.prototype.toUint8Array = function() {
+ var output = new ResizableUint8Array();
+ if (this._maximum_pages) {
+ output.push(1);
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._initial_pages));
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._maximum_pages));
+ } else {
+ output.push(0);
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._initial_pages));
+ }
+ return output.toUint8Array();
+var Wasm32ModuleWriter = function() {
+ this._types = [];
+ this._imports = [];
+ this._functions = [];
+ this._memory = [];
+ this._exports = [];
+ this._codes = [];
+Wasm32ModuleWriter.sectionCode = {
+ TYPE: 1,
+ IMPORT: 2,
+ TABLE: 4,
+ MEMORY: 5,
+ GLOBAL: 6,
+ EXPORT: 7,
+ START: 8,
+ CODE: 10,
+ DATA: 11
+Wasm32ModuleWriter.prototype.setMemory = function(memory) {
+ this._memory = [ memory ];
+Wasm32ModuleWriter.prototype.exportFunction = function(name, field) {
+ field = field || name;
+ var exportWriter = new Wasm32ExportWriter(field, Wasm32ExternalKind.function);
+ exportWriter.setName(name);
+ this._exports.push(exportWriter);
+Wasm32ModuleWriter.prototype.importFunction = function(name, type, module, field) {
+ var importWriter = new Wasm32ImportWriter(module, field, Wasm32ExternalKind.function);
+ importWriter.setName(name);
+ importWriter.setType(type);
+ this._imports.push(importWriter);
+Wasm32ModuleWriter.prototype.addFunction = function(name, type, codeWriter) {
+ codeWriter.setName(name);
+ codeWriter.setType(type);
+ this._codes.push(codeWriter);
+Wasm32ModuleWriter.prototype.generateModule = function() {
+ var funcTypes = [];
+ var funcTypesOffset = this._types.length;
+ var funcTypesEqComp = function(type_data) {
+ return function(el) {
+ if (el.length != type_data.length) return false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < el.length; ++i) {
+ if (el[i] != type_data[i]) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ };
+ var funcNames = [];
+ var funcNamesOffset = this._functions.length;
+ this._imports.forEach(function(obj) {
+ var name = obj._functionname;
+ if (name) {
+ if (funcNames.findIndex(function(el) {
+ return el.name === name;
+ }) === -1) funcNames.push({
+ name: name,
+ funcType: obj._functiontype
+ }); else throw 'Repeated function "' + name + '".';
+ }
+ });
+ this._codes.forEach(function(obj) {
+ var name = obj._functionname;
+ if (name) {
+ if (funcNames.findIndex(function(el) {
+ return el.name === name;
+ }) === -1) funcNames.push({
+ name: name,
+ funcType: obj._functiontype
+ }); else throw 'Repeated function "' + name + '".';
+ }
+ });
+ funcNames.forEach(function(el) {
+ if (funcTypes.findIndex(funcTypesEqComp(el.funcType)) === -1) funcTypes.push(el.funcType);
+ });
+ var that = this;
+ funcTypes.forEach(function(type) {
+ that._types.push(type);
+ });
+ var that = this;
+ this._codes.forEach(function(obj) {
+ var type = obj._functiontype;
+ if (type) {
+ var typeIndex = funcTypes.findIndex(funcTypesEqComp(obj._functiontype)) + funcTypesOffset;
+ if (typeIndex === -1) throw "Weird assembler bug.";
+ var functionWriter = new Wasm32FunctionWriter(typeIndex);
+ that._functions.push(functionWriter);
+ }
+ });
+ this._imports.forEach(function(obj) {
+ var type = obj._functiontype;
+ if (type) {
+ var typeIndex = funcTypes.findIndex(funcTypesEqComp(type)) + funcTypesOffset;
+ if (typeIndex === -1) throw "Weird assembler bug.";
+ obj._type = typeIndex;
+ }
+ });
+ this._codes.forEach(function(obj) {
+ var functionLinks = obj._functionlinks;
+ functionLinks.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return b.location - a.location;
+ });
+ functionLinks.forEach(function(functionLink) {
+ var funcIndex = funcNames.findIndex(function(el) {
+ return el.name === functionLink.name;
+ }) + funcNamesOffset;
+ if (funcIndex === -1) throw 'Undeclared function "' + functionLink.name + '".';
+ obj._data.insert_arr(functionLink.location, VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(funcIndex));
+ });
+ });
+ this._exports.forEach(function(obj) {
+ var name = obj._functionname;
+ if (name) {
+ var funcIndex = funcNames.findIndex(function(el) {
+ return el.name === name;
+ }) + funcNamesOffset;
+ if (funcIndex === -1) throw 'Undeclared function "' + functionLink.name + '".';
+ obj._index = funcIndex;
+ }
+ });
+ this._exports.forEach(function(obj) {
+ if (obj._functionname) obj._functionname = undefined;
+ });
+ this._imports.forEach(function(obj) {
+ if (obj._functionname) {
+ obj._functionname = undefined;
+ obj._functiontype = undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ this._codes.forEach(function(obj) {
+ if (obj._functionname) {
+ obj._functionname = undefined;
+ obj._functiontype = undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ var output = new ResizableUint8Array();
+ var wasm_header = new Uint8Array(8);
+ wasm_header[0] = 0;
+ wasm_header[1] = 97;
+ wasm_header[2] = 115;
+ wasm_header[3] = 109;
+ wasm_header[4] = 1;
+ wasm_header[5] = 0;
+ wasm_header[6] = 0;
+ wasm_header[7] = 0;
+ output.append(wasm_header);
+ if (this._types.length > 0) {
+ output.push(Wasm32ModuleWriter.sectionCode.TYPE);
+ var sizeloc = output.size();
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._types.length));
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._types.length; ++i) {
+ output.append(this._types[i]);
+ }
+ output.insert_arr(sizeloc, VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(output.size() - sizeloc));
+ }
+ if (this._imports.length > 0) {
+ output.push(Wasm32ModuleWriter.sectionCode.IMPORT);
+ var sizeloc = output.size();
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._imports.length));
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._imports.length; ++i) {
+ output.append(this._imports[i].toUint8Array());
+ }
+ output.insert_arr(sizeloc, VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(output.size() - sizeloc));
+ }
+ if (this._functions.length > 0) {
+ output.push(Wasm32ModuleWriter.sectionCode.FUNCTION);
+ var sizeloc = output.size();
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._functions.length));
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._functions.length; ++i) {
+ output.append(this._functions[i].toUint8Array());
+ }
+ output.insert_arr(sizeloc, VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(output.size() - sizeloc));
+ }
+ if (this._memory.length > 0) {
+ output.push(Wasm32ModuleWriter.sectionCode.MEMORY);
+ var sizeloc = output.size();
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._memory.length));
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._memory.length; ++i) {
+ output.append(this._memory[i].toUint8Array());
+ }
+ output.insert_arr(sizeloc, VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(output.size() - sizeloc));
+ }
+ if (this._exports.length > 0) {
+ output.push(Wasm32ModuleWriter.sectionCode.EXPORT);
+ var sizeloc = output.size();
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._exports.length));
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._exports.length; ++i) {
+ output.append(this._exports[i].toUint8Array());
+ }
+ output.insert_arr(sizeloc, VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(output.size() - sizeloc));
+ }
+ if (this._codes.length > 0) {
+ output.push(Wasm32ModuleWriter.sectionCode.CODE);
+ var sizeloc = output.size();
+ output.append(VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(this._codes.length));
+ for (var i = 0; i < this._codes.length; ++i) {
+ output.append(this._codes[i].toUint8Array());
+ }
+ output.insert_arr(sizeloc, VLQEncoder.encodeUInt(output.size() - sizeloc));
+ }
+ return output.toUint8Array();
\ No newline at end of file