The News and Events Sidebar conveniently displays upcoming events from your Zimbra calendars right on the mail tab. You can also see the latest items from all of your subscribed news feeds.
To hide this feature for the current session, click on the calendar icon in the header of the New and Events sidebar.
- Display events from all of your checked mail calendars (including shared calendars.)
- Events are colour coded for each calendar.
- Place the mouse cursor over an event to see the full event details.
- Clicking on an event jumps to that day in your calendar.
- Click on a news item to read the article right in Zimbra mail.
- Click on the News and Events header to hide the sidebar.
- Calendars (and news feeds) can be hidden from the sidebar by prefixing their name with a tilde (~) character (e.g. "~Vacation".)
This is the adopted version of the News and Events Sidebar-Zimlet from University of Guelph.
If you find News and Events Sidebar useful and want to support its continued development, you can make donations via:
- PayPal:
- Bank transfer: IBAN NL55ABNA0623226413 ; BIC ABNANL2A