This repository contains some code to calculate the Software Carbon Intensity (SCI) score of a CPU job on our high performance computer OSCAR. This code is meant to be a starting point to developing new, more interesting manifests
Impact Framework is a tool designed by the Green Software Foundation to calculate pipelines related to software sustainability. This workshop builds out a very rudimentary SCI score from an example job
Ensure you have a recent version of node
. If you do not have node installed, please visit and follow the install instructions
Once node
is installed, run npm install
to install all the software packages
To run Impact Framework, use the npx
$ npx if-run --help
To run a pipeline in a given manifest file run:
$ npx if-run -m ${MANIFEST_FILE}
Manifest files are artifacts that contain observations about a system and a pipeline to compute metrics about those observations. Each manifest in this repository is meant to illustrate different parts of the SCI score
This manifest file is there to show you the structure of a manifest file. This file takes observations and doubles the CPU utilization
This manifest file calculates the operational carbon of the CPU from a job on OSCAR. The CPU for a given node is contained within the cpu-model.csv
file in the resources
directory. The regional grid intensity is from the EPA's most recent eGrid dataset (a copy is provided in the resources
The pipeline takes the CPU utilization for the different observations and calculates the kilowatt-hour used based on the Thermal Design Power of a given CPU
This manifest file calculates the embodied carbon of the CPU by leveraging the SciEmbodied
plugin from Impact Framework. The methodology used by the plugin is borrowed from the Cloud Carbon Footprint Dashboard
This manifest file calculates the SCI score of the OSCAR job by combining the operational and embodied embodied emissions. The contents of the pipeline are copied from 02-operational-emissions.yml
and 03-embodied-emissions.yml
Jobcarbon outputs yaml that is suitable for use as observations in an Impact Framework manifest. These observations are based on data in the Prometheus database. Prometheus is a timeseries database that stores information about recently run jobs
Jobcarbon requires an OSCAR job run within the last 30 days that took longer than a minute to complete
Copy the jobcarbon
directory to OSCAR:
$ scp -r jobcarbon
Log into OSCAR and load the python
$ module load python/3.9
Install uv
to manage the jobcarbon
$ pip3 install uv
Sync the jobcarbon
project using uv
$ cd jobcarbon && uv sync
To run jobcarbon
use uv
$ uv run ${JOB_ID} ${START_TIME} ${END_TIME}
Copy the output of jobcarbon
into a manifest file. Be careful about the indentation! Yaml is very picky. You'll still need to add the defaults
and pipeline
to the manifest alongside the inputs
The format of $START_TIME
and ${END_TIME}
is "YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:S". The exact parameters can be grabbed from sacct
(NB: you only need the line where the job id has no suffix):
$ sacct -j ${JOB_ID} -o Job,Start,End