Right now there are 2 simple apps in ReactJS and NextJS, NextJS app is same ReactJS app, but adapted for NextJS. So devs can clone them and experiment with DeSo Protocol https://github.com/deso-protocol
✔ Authorize user with Derived Keys using DeSo Identity service
✔ Load user profile to get username and profile image
✔ Switch between authorized users.
✔ Create and Submit Post Transaction
To see apps in action you must have profile at DeSo. These template apps are deployed to Netlify and Vercel from this repository. Here are the links:
https://deso-template.netlify.app/ - ReactJS
https://deso-template.vercel.app/ - NextJS
Those apps are using DeSo Identity JavaScript library to create and sign transactions https://www.npmjs.com/package/@deso-core/identity
If you have some questions you can find me by brootle username on apps that run on DeSo Protocol, link https://www.gemstori.com/@brootle