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Carida is a font based on the Aurebesh writing system used in various Star Wars media. The font includes all 34 letters, standard and alternative digits, and 15 punctuation symbols. Points and corners are slightly rounded, and most glyph pairs are kerned.


Font glyph sheet

Glyphs are constructed on a grid of 32 columns and 20 rows with the ascender and descender adding 4 and 2 rows, respectively. The letter Shen has a wider glyph due to its leading diacritic symbol.

Download & Install

You can download the latest version by clicking this link: Download Carida

The download contains the font in .otf format for use on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Consult your operating system's documentation for guidance on how to install fonts.

Web font versions in .woff and .woff2 are also provided. You can learn how to use web fonts on Mozilla's web fonts page.

Copyright Notice

Star Wars, Aurebesh, and the Aurebesh glyph designs are the exclusive property of LucasFilm Ltd.

This project is a fair use fan work intended for use by cosplayers, LARPers, and TTRPG players. The font binaries and graphic source files are offered under The Unlicense, and it is the user's responsibility to ensure that their usage of them respects LucasFilm Ltd.'s intellectual property rights.



The core letter set is mapped to the lowercase Latin characters a-z. The digraph phonemes are mapped to the uppercase Latin characters (A, C, E, K, N, O, S, and T).

Glyph Name Key Mapping Unicode Mapping
Aurek Aurek (a) a U+0061
Besh Besh (b) b U+0062
Cresh Cresh (c) c U+0063
Dorn Dorn (d) d U+0064
Esk Esk (e) e U+0065
Forn Forn (f) f U+0066
Grek Grek (g) g U+0067
Herf Herf (h) h U+0068
Isk Isk (i) i U+0069
Jenth Jenth (j) j U+006A
Krill Krill (k) k U+006B
Leth Leth (l) l U+006C
Mern Mern (m) m U+006D
Nern Nern (n) n U+006E
Osk Osk (o) o U+006F
Peth Peth (p) p U+0070
Qek Qek (q) q U+0071
Resh Resh (r) r U+0072
Senth Senth (s) s U+0073
Trill Trill (t) t U+0074
Usk Usk (u) u U+0075
Vev Vev (v) v U+0076
Wesk Wesk (w) w U+0077
Xesh Xesh (x) x U+0078
Yirt Yirt (y) y U+0079
Zerek Zerek (z) z U+007A
Cherek Cherek (ch) C U+0043
Enth Enth (ae) A U+0041
Onith Onith (eo) E U+0045
Krenth Krenth (kh) K U+004B
Nen Nen (ng) N U+004E
Orenth Orenth (oo) O U+004F
Shen Shen (sh) S U+0053
Thesh Thesh (th) T U+0054


The standard digits are mapped to the Arabic numerals 0-9.

Glyph Name Key Mapping Unicode Mapping
0 Zero 0 U+0030
1 One 1 U+0031
2 Two 2 U+0032
3 Three 3 U+0033
4 Four 4 U+0034
5 Five 5 U+0035
6 Six 6 U+0036
7 Seven 7 U+0037
8 Eight 8 U+0038
9 Nine 9 U+0039


Glyph Name Key Mappings Unicode Mappings
comma Comma , U+002C
full stop (period) Full Stop (period) . U+002E
question mark Question Mark ? U+003F
exclamation mark Exclamation Mark ! U+0021
colon Colon : U+003A
semicolon Semicolon ; U+003B
hyphen-minus Hyphen-minus - U+002D
left double quote Left Double Quote , « U+201C, U+00AB
right double quote Right Double Quote ", , » U+0022, U+201D, U+00BB
left single quote Left Single Quote , U+2018, U+2039
right single quote Right Single Quote ', , U+0027, U+2019, U+203A
left parenthesis Left Parenthesis ( U+0028
right parenthesis Right Parenthesis ) U+0029
solidus (slash) Slash (solidus) / U+002F
credits Credits $, , £ U+0024, U+20AC, U+00A3

Alternate Digits

The alternate numerical system is present in some recent media. These digits are mapped to the circled number dingbats and are not directly accessible on the keyboard. They may be accessed via a character map tool or by using the Unicode value with the proper escape sequence for your application.

Glyph Name Unicode Mapping
0 Zero U+24EA
1 One U+2460
2 Two U+2461
3 Three U+2462
4 Four U+2463
5 Five U+2464
6 Six U+2465
7 Seven U+2466
8 Eight U+2467
9 Nine U+2468