Very simple module to create modals on the fly. Features callbacks and open/update/close methods.
content: [HTMLElement || String] [REQUIRED] HTMLElement or String which contains all the content for your Modal.
modalID: [String] Default: random string. Unique ID for the Modal. If a Modal with the same ID is present, said Modal will open instead.
container: [HTMLElement || String] Default: document.body. Specify a container for the Modal. Can be an HTMLElement or a selector string.
keepAlive: [Boolean] Default: true. If set to false, the Modal will be removed from the DOM after closing it.
openImmediately: [Boolean] Default: true. Open the Modal immediately after creating it.
beforeOpenCallback: [function] Runs every time before the Modal is opened or updated. If false is returned, Modal won't open nor update.
afterOpenCallback: [function] Runs every time after the Modal opens.
afterCloseCallback: [function] Runs every time after the Modal is closed.
afterCreateCallback: [function] Runs once after the Modal is initially created. If keepAlive is true it will run every time the Modal opens.
You can run these on your new Modal instance:
open: [or;]
close: [or yourModalElement.modal.close();]
parameters: [None]
update: [or yourModalElement.modal.update();]
'content': [String || HTMLElement] HTML string or HTMLElement to update the Modal with.
'newID': [String] Changes the updated Modal's ID to this value.
var myModal = new Modal({
modalID: 'custom-unique-id',
modalClass: 'homepage-modal',
content: '<p>Content for the Modal here</p>',
beforeOpenCallback: function(modal) {
if (someCondition) {
//Do something.
return true;
return false;