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Java Implementation of the Huffman coding, which is used to compress files.


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Huffman Coding


The Huffman coding is a lossless compression method that uses the probabilities of symbols occurring in the data set to determine variable-length codes for each symbol.

In this implementation, a full binary tree is recursively created by merging two symbols with the lowest value (frequency) of a heap, which are then added to a subtree and relocated to the binary tree. The process ends when all the symbols of the heap are combined. Then the binary tree is traversed and binary values of 1 or 0 are assigned to each of its edges, finally generating the codes from this path.

Note: This project is solely intended for educational purposes.

Input examples

Encoding with a dictionary

|        H U F F M A N   C O D I N G        |
|            Created by @brensio            |
To exit from the program, type 'exit' at any time.


|    M E N U    |
|    1 - Encode (with dictionary)    |
|    2 - Encode (without dictionary)    |
|    3 - Decode    |
|    Enter the number of a menu item    |
>>> 1
|    Enter the number of symbols    |
>>> 4
|    Enter both the symbol and the frequency (1/4)    |
>>> a 70
|    Enter both the symbol and the frequency (2/4)    |
>>> b 3
|    Enter both the symbol and the frequency (3/4)    |
>>> c 20
|    Enter both the symbol and the frequency (4/4)    |
>>> d 37


|    Generated binary heap:    |
Representation in layers:
                [b | 3]

            [d | 37] [c | 20] 

        [a | 70] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [b | 3] 
(2) [d | 37] 
(3) [c | 20] 
(4) [a | 70] 


|    Steps of Huffman's Algorithm:    |
|    STEP 1    |
Representation in layers:
        [  | 23]

    [a | 70] [d | 37] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [  | 23] 
(2) [a | 70] 
(3) [d | 37] 


|    STEP 2    |
Representation in layers:
        [  | 60]

    [a | 70] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [  | 60] 
(2) [a | 70] 


|    STEP 3    |
Representation in layers:
[  | 130]

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [  | 130] 


|    Huffman's algorithm runtime: 13ms    |


|    Pre-order tree representation:    |
( 130  ( 60  ( 23  ( 3 b )( 20 c ) )( 37 d ) )( 70 a ) )


|    Dictionary:    |
Symbol  |   Code
b       |   000
c       |   001
d       |   01
a       |   1


|    Enter a text to be encoded, based on the dictionary    |
>>> aabdca


|    Encoded text:    |

Original size: 6 bytes
Compressed size: 2 bytes
Compression ratio: 33%
|    Encoding runtime: 4ms    |


|    Enter 'menu' to go back or 'exit' to quit    |

Encoding without a dictionary

|        H U F F M A N   C O D I N G        |
|            Created by @brensio            |
To exit from the program, type 'exit' at any time.


|    M E N U    |
|    1 - Encode (with dictionary)    |
|    2 - Encode (without dictionary)    |
|    3 - Decode    |
|    Enter the number of a menu item    |
>>> 2
|    Enter a text to be encoded    |
>>> avada kedavra


|    Generated binary heap:    |
Representation in layers:
                        [  | 1]

                    [e | 1] [r | 1] 

                [d | 2] [a | 5] [v | 2] [k | 1] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [  | 1] 
(2) [e | 1] 
(3) [r | 1] 
(4) [d | 2] 
(5) [a | 5] 
(6) [v | 2] 
(7) [k | 1] 


|    Steps of Huffman's Algorithm:    |
|    STEP 1    |
Representation in layers:
                        [e | 1]

                    [v | 2] [r | 1] 

                [d | 2] [a | 5] [  | 2] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [e | 1] 
(2) [v | 2] 
(3) [r | 1] 
(4) [d | 2] 
(5) [a | 5] 
(6) [  | 2] 


|    STEP 2    |
Representation in layers:
                [v | 2]

            [d | 2] [  | 2] 

        [a | 5] [  | 2] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [v | 2] 
(2) [d | 2] 
(3) [  | 2] 
(4) [a | 5] 
(5) [  | 2] 


|    STEP 3    |
Representation in layers:
                [d | 2]

            [  | 4] [  | 2] 

        [a | 5] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [d | 2] 
(2) [  | 4] 
(3) [  | 2] 
(4) [a | 5] 


|    STEP 4    |
Representation in layers:
        [  | 4]

    [a | 5] [  | 4] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [  | 4] 
(2) [a | 5] 
(3) [  | 4] 


|    STEP 5    |
Representation in layers:
        [a | 5]

    [  | 8] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [a | 5] 
(2) [  | 8] 


|    STEP 6    |
Representation in layers:
[  | 13]

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [  | 13] 


|    Huffman's algorithm runtime: 13ms    |
|    Pre-order tree representation:    |
( 13  ( 5 a )( 8  ( 4  ( 2 v )( 2  ( 1 e )( 1 r ) ) )( 4  ( 2 d )( 2  ( 1   )( 1 k ) ) ) ) )


|    Dictionary:    |
Symbol  |	Code
a       |       0
v       |       100
e       |       1010
r       |       1011
d       |       110
        |       1110
k       |       1111


|    Encoded text:    |

Original size: 13 bytes
Compressed size: 5 bytes
Compression ratio: 38%
|    Total runtime: 97ms    |


|    Enter 'menu' to go back or 'exit' to quit    |


|        H U F F M A N   C O D I N G        |
|            Created by @brensio            |
To exit from the program, type 'exit' at any time.


|    M E N U    |
|    1 - Encode (with dictionary)    |
|    2 - Encode (without dictionary)    |
|    3 - Decode    |
|    Enter the number of a menu item    |
>>> 3
|    Enter the number of symbols    |
>>> 3
|    Enter both the symbol and the frequency (1/3)    |
>>> a 2
|    Enter both the symbol and the frequency (2/3)    |
>>> b 1
|    Enter both the symbol and the frequency (3/3)    |
>>> r 1


|    Generated binary heap:    |
Representation in layers:
        [b | 1]

    [a | 2] [r | 1] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [b | 1] 
(2) [a | 2] 
(3) [r | 1] 


|    Steps of Huffman's Algorithm:    |
|    STEP 1    |
Representation in layers:
        [a | 2]

    [  | 2] 

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [a | 2] 
(2) [  | 2] 


|    STEP 2    |
Representation in layers:
[  | 4]

List representation:
(index) [symbol | frequency]
(1) [  | 4] 


|    Huffman's algorithm runtime: 6ms    |
|    Enter an encoded text based on the dictionary    |
>>> 010110
|    Decoded text:    |


|    Enter 'menu' to go back or 'exit' to quit    |


Java Implementation of the Huffman coding, which is used to compress files.








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