interruptions-supreme-court Public
Forked from kakeith/interruptions-supreme-courtReplication code and data from paper: "'Let Me Just Interrupt You': Estimating Gender Effects in Supreme Court Oral Arguments"
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 31, 2024 -
cmdutils Public
Some command-line utilities, mostly for data manipulation and inspection.
tweetmotif Public
Topical search for Twitter. See twokenize.py, emoticons.py for tokenization.
parseviz Public
Visualize constituent and dependency parses as PDF or image formats, through GraphViz.
OConnor_IREvents_ACL2013 Public
Replication software, data, and supplementary materials for the paper: O'Connor, Stewart and Smith, ACL-2013, "Learning to Extract International Relations from Political Context"
tsvutils Public
Utilities for processing tab-separated files
tikz-bayesnet Public
Forked from jluttine/tikz-bayesnetTikZ library for drawing Bayesian networks, graphical models and (directed) factor graphs in LaTeX.
GERGM Public
Forked from matthewjdenny/GERGMAn R package to estimate Generalized Exponential Random Graph Models
gfl_syntax Public
Graph Fragment Language for Easy Syntactic Annotation
mte Public
MiTextExplorer - interactive browser of text and document covariates.
bill-nicknames Public
Forked from unitedstates/bill-nicknamesTable of popular nicknames and keywords for bills, curated manually.
The Unlicense UpdatedJun 4, 2015 -
twitter_geo_preproc Public
A preprocessing script to get geo-coded tweets from the Streaming API
bow Public
A patched version of bow & rainbow 20020213 that compiles with modern gcc 4.0.1, OSX 10.5
hackathon Public
Forked from openeventdata/hackathonRepository for the GDELT hackathon at PSU on September 28, 2013
Python UpdatedMar 31, 2014