Bot using the unofficial Community Rest API (for Automic)
Target: Automic Engine v10+ and unofficial Rest API
Chat App: This bot is built on Hubot and for Slack specifically, however it can be ported easily to any other chat app
- Make sure your system has all prerequisites to run "Hubot" (a quick google query will yield many tutorials on this)
- Clone this repository
- For Unix / Linux / Mac: Rename the to (For Windows, create a similar set_env.bat)
- Modify the (or set_env.bat) with your own parameters (including the IP to AE, Client #, Slack Token, etc.)
- Open a terminal / CMD session and load the set_env file (on Linux / Unix / Mac: . ./bin/
- Start the bot (on Linux / Unix / Mac: From within the Repo folder: ./bin/hubot --adapter slack)
- Say "hi" and say "help", the bot will guide you through what can be done.
- Ask for the Release Notes ("get release notes") to see the latest changes
- March 29th: Initial Release,not yet functional