This is Audiokiste a fork of Audio Adventcalendar by Mischka. If you already built the Audio Adventcalendar you can use it later as a simple mp3 player for your kids.
- JQ6500 mp3 module
- Arduino Nano instead of the UNO.
- plays mp3 music on keys 0 to 9
- volume up and down by keys # and *, will be persisted
- pause switch
- switch to toggle LoopMode between None and Folder
- Board: Arduino Nano
- Prozessor: ATmega328P
- Programmer "Arduino as ISP"
Serial Monitor: 57600 Baud
Folders 00 to 09 for keys 0 to 9.
Files 001.mp3 to 999.mp3 for music files.
Detailed instructions and pictures of an example assembly will follow in the near future.