- Change directory:
cd /path/to/directory
- Go to the home directory:
cd ~
- Go to the previous directory:
cd -
- List files and directories:
- List detailed file info:
ls -l
- List hidden files:
ls -a
- Copy files:
cp source destination
- Copy directories:
cp -r source_dir destination_dir
- Move or rename files:
mv source destination
- Delete files:
rm file.txt
- Delete directories:
rm -r directory_name
- Create a new file:
touch file.txt
- Create a new directory:
mkdir directory_name
- Remove an empty directory:
rmdir directory_name
- Display file content:
cat file.txt
- View file content one page at a time:
less file.txt
- Display the first 10 lines of a file:
head file.txt
- Display the last 10 lines of a file:
tail file.txt
- Follow a file in real-time:
tail -f file.txt
- Edit files using
nano file.txt
- Edit files using
vim file.txt
- Change file permissions (e.g.,
chmod 755 file.txt
- Change directory permissions recursively:
chmod -R 755 directory_name
- Change file owner:
chown user file.txt
- Change file owner and group:
chown user:group file.txt
- Change ownership recursively:
chown -R user:group directory_name
- Search for a file by name:
find /path -name "filename"
- Search for files by extension:
find /path -name "*.txt"
- Search for text in a file:
grep 'pattern' file.txt
- Search recursively in a directory:
grep -r 'pattern' /path
- Check disk space usage:
df -h
- Check directory or file size:
du -sh /path
- Display system information:
uname -a
- Show current logged-in users:
- Display memory usage:
free -h
- Show running processes:
- Display detailed process list:
ps aux
- Display IP address:
ip addr
- Test network connectivity:
ping example.com
- Display open network ports:
netstat -tuln
- Copy files between systems:
scp file.txt user@remote:/path
- Download files using
wget http://example.com/file.zip
- Show current running processes:
ps aux
- Kill a process by PID:
kill PID
- Kill a process by name:
pkill process_name
- Run a command in the background:
command &
- List background jobs:
- Bring a background job to the foreground:
fg %job_number
- Add a new user:
sudo useradd username
- Change a user's password:
sudo passwd username
- Add a user to a group:
sudo usermod -aG groupname username
- Switch to another user:
su - username
- Execute a command as another user:
sudo command
- Create a
tar -cvf archive.tar file_or_directory
- Create a compressed
tar -czvf archive.tar.gz file_or_directory
- Extract a
tar -xvf archive.tar
- Extract a
tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz
- Update package list:
sudo apt update
- Upgrade all packages:
sudo apt upgrade
- Install a package:
sudo apt install package_name
- Remove a package:
sudo apt remove package_name
- Install a package:
sudo yum install package_name
sudo dnf install package_name
- Remove a package:
sudo yum remove package_name
sudo dnf remove package_name
- Update package list:
sudo pacman -Sy
- Upgrade all packages:
- Install a package:
sudo pacman -S package_name
- Remove a package:
sudo pacman -R package_name
- Search for a package:
pacman -Ss search_term
- Install a package:
yay -S package_name
- Remove a package:
yay -R package_name
- Search for a package:
yay -Ss search_term
- Assign a variable:
- Print a variable:
echo $variable_name
- Run a shell script:
bash script.sh
loop:for i in {1..5}; do echo $i done
statement:if [ condition ]; then echo "Condition met" fi
- Show command history:
- Create a command alias:
alias ll='ls -la'
- Display current working directory:
- Change the hostname:
sudo hostname new_hostname