Ctrl +, (Comma):
Open the "Navigate To" dialog for quick file and symbol search.Ctrl + T:
Open the "Go to All" dialog to find files, types, and symbols.Ctrl + Tab:
Switch between open files.Ctrl + - (Minus):
Navigate backward through code locations.Ctrl + Shift + - (Minus):
Navigate forward through code locations.Ctrl + F2:
Set or clear a bookmark at the current line.F2:
Navigate between bookmarks.
Ctrl + Space:
Trigger IntelliSense for code completion.Ctrl +. (Period):
Trigger the quick actions and refactoring menu.Ctrl + K, Ctrl + D:
Format the entire document.Ctrl + K, Ctrl + F:
Format the selected code block.Alt + Up Arrow/Down Arrow:
Move lines or code blocks up or down.Ctrl + L:
Cut the current line or selected lines.Ctrl + X:
Cut the selected text.Ctrl + C:
Copy the selected text.Ctrl + V:
Paste the copied text.Ctrl + Z:
Undo the last action.Ctrl + Y:
Redo the last undone action.Shift + Alt +. (Period):
Select next occurrence of the current word (for multiple cursors/editing).Shift + Alt +, (Period):
Select next previous of the current word (for multiple cursors/editing).
Go to the definition of a symbol.Ctrl + - (Minus):
Navigate back to the previous location.Ctrl + Shift + - (Minus):
Navigate forward to the next location.Ctrl +]:
Move the cursor to the matching brace.Ctrl + - (Minus) and Ctrl +]:
Navigate between matching braces.Ctrl +, (Comma):
Open the "Navigate To" dialog for symbol search.Ctrl + T:
Open the "Go to All" dialog for file and symbol search.
Start debugging.F9:
Toggle breakpoints.F10:
Step over.F11:
Step into.Shift + F11:
Step out.Ctrl + F5:
Start without debugging.Shift + F5:
Stop debugging.
Ctrl + F:
Open the Find dialog.Ctrl + H:
Open the Replace dialog.Ctrl + Shift + F:
Open the "Find in Files" dialog for searching across multiple files.Ctrl + Shift + H:
Open the "Replace in Files" dialog for replacing across multiple files.
Ctrl + N:
Open a new project or file dialog.Ctrl + Shift + S:
Save all open documents and projects.Ctrl + Shift + A:
Add a new item to the current project.Ctrl + Shift + N:
Create a new project.Ctrl + O:
Open an existing project or file.Ctrl + Shift + O:
Open a project/solution.