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84 lines (65 loc) · 2.09 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (65 loc) · 2.09 KB


My personal Vim/NeoVim config.


Debian/Ubuntu & Mac OS X

if [ -d ~/.vim ]; then mv ~/.vim ~/.vim_old; fi && cd && mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim/ && git clone ~/.vim && cp ~/.vim/init.vim ~/.config/nvim/ && if [ -f ~/.vimrc ]; then mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc_old; fi && ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc && cd ~/.vim && make vim

To install NeoVim just substitute the Makefile target with make neovim, in the command above.

Windows (Powershell)

The following assumes that the chocolatey package manager is in installed in your system.

choco install ctags, vim, python
pip3 install jedi
cd ~
git clone .vim
md ~\.vim\autoload
$uri = ''
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($uri, $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath("~\.vim\autoload\plug.vim"))

Create a ~\_vimrc file with the following contents

" init
let g:vim_root=expand("$HOME/.vim")

" add g:vim_root to the front of the runtimepath
execute "set rtp^=".g:vim_root
execute "source " .g:vim_root . '\\vimrc'


vim +PlugInstall +qall

In case you have issues with UltiSnips & Python in Windows, make sure your PATH does not contain multiple Python executables.

Staying up-to-date

Debian/Ubuntu & Mac OS X

cd ~/.vim && make update

Oftentimes this step is known to break plugins - in that deleting ~/.vim and installing from scratch is probably the best way to go.


cd %userprofile%\.vim
git stash
git pull
git clean -fdx -eswap -eundo -eautoload
vim +PlugClean! +qall
vim +PlugInstall +qall
vim +PlugUpdate +qall

Custom Settings

You can specify your own settings overriding the defaults in config/user.vim


Most plugins should work out of the box, however several plugins require the presence of the appropriate software (e.g., linters).