- Nothing changed yet.
- Modified coding style of getPortalLogoId function. [vincentfretin]
- Make iw.rejectanonymous work in tests [jaroel]
- 4.2.1 Compatibility. [thomasdesvenain]
- Include cmf permissions zcml. [thomasdesvenain]
- ZCML duplicate viewlet setting [eleddy]
- Typos in README.rst [glenfant]
- Version in setup.py was a float [glenfant]
- Added doc for customization [glenfant]
- Re enabled tests [glenfant]
- Disabled some viewlets to anonymous and added doc for customization. See collective#1 [glenfant]
- Added valid subpart prefixes such iw.rejectanonymous does not conflict with plone.app.theming (Diazo) [glenfant]
- Enable portal_kss subparts. [thomasdesvenain]
- In plone 4, use of base_properties is sketchy and likely incompat. Catch error if needed and use better default for logo. [eleddy]
- z3c.autoinclude awareness added so the ZCML slug does not need to be
explicitely added in buildout
. [glenfant] - Add customization utilities and doc (add new enabled ids and subpaths) [glenfant]
- Enable favicon. [thomasdesvenain]
- Enable password reset system. [thomasdesvenain]
- Initial release [bmathieu]