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Merge pull request #4 from brave-experiments/ts
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convert main.js to typescript
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pes10k authored Jul 3, 2024
2 parents da89e6a + a50fefc commit b5d54e3
Showing 1 changed file with 61 additions and 42 deletions.
103 changes: 61 additions & 42 deletions main.js → main.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
/* as provided by adblock-rust */
type ProceduralFilterOperator = {
type: string,
arg: string,

/* post-processed for convenient usage in JS */
type BuiltFilterOperator = {
type: string,
func: Function,
args: any[],

const W = window

const _isDocument = (element) => {
const _isDocument = (element: HTMLElement) => {
const documentProto = W.HTMLDocument.prototype
return W.Object.getPrototypeOf(element) === documentProto

const _compileRegEx = (regexText) => {
const _compileRegEx = (regexText: string) => {
const regexParts = regexText.split('/')
const regexPattern = regexParts[1]
const regexArgs = regexParts[2]
Expand All @@ -29,7 +42,7 @@ const _compileRegEx = (regexText) => {
// If `exact` is true, then the string case it tested
// for an exact match (the regex case is not affected).
const _testMatches = (test, value, exact = false) => {
const _testMatches = (test: string, value: string, exact = false) => {
if (test[0] === '/') {
return value.match(_compileRegEx(test)) !== null
Expand All @@ -42,7 +55,7 @@ const _testMatches = (test, value, exact = false) => {
return value.includes(test)

const _extractKeyMatchRuleFromStr = (text) => {
const _extractKeyMatchRuleFromStr = (text: string) => {
const quotedTerminator = '"='
const unquotedTerminator = '='
const isQuotedCase = text[0] === '"'
Expand All @@ -64,7 +77,7 @@ const _extractKeyMatchRuleFromStr = (text) => {
return [testCaseFunc, finalNeedlePosition]

const _extractValueMatchRuleFromStr = (text, needlePosition = 0) => {
const _extractValueMatchRuleFromStr = (text: string, needlePosition = 0) => {
const isQuotedCase = text[needlePosition] === '"'
let endIndex

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,29 +110,35 @@ const _extractValueMatchRuleFromStr = (text, needlePosition = 0) => {
// if (keyTestFunc(key) === true)) {
// // key matches the test condition
// }
const _parseKeyValueMatchRules = (argStr) => {
const [keyMatchRule, needlePos] = _extractKeyMatchRuleFromStr(argStr)
const valueMatchRule = _extractValueMatchRuleFromStr(argStr, needlePos)
const _parseKeyValueMatchRules = (arg: string) => {
const [keyMatchRule, needlePos] = _extractKeyMatchRuleFromStr(arg)
const valueMatchRule = _extractValueMatchRuleFromStr(arg, needlePos)
return [keyMatchRule, valueMatchRule]

// Implementation of ":css-selector" rule
const proceduralOperatorCssSelector = (selector, element) => {
const _stripOperator = (operator, selector) => {
const proceduralOperatorCssSelector = (selector: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
const _stripOperator = (operator: string, selector: string) => {
if (selector[0] !== operator) {
throw new Error(
`Expected to find ${operator} in initial position of "${selector}`)
return selector.replace(operator, '').trimStart()

const _nextSibling = (element) => {
const _nextSibling = (element: HTMLElement) => {
if (!element.parentNode) {
return undefined;
const siblings = W.Array.from(element.parentNode.children)
const indexOfElm = siblings.indexOf(element)
return siblings[indexOfElm + 1]

const _allSiblings = (element) => {
const _allSiblings = (element: HTMLElement) => {
if (!element.parentNode) {
return [];
const siblings = Array.from(element.parentNode.children)
return siblings.filter(x => x !== element)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,17 +168,17 @@ const proceduralOperatorCssSelector = (selector, element) => {
return Array.from(element.querySelectorAll(':scope ' + trimmedSelector))

const _hasSelectorCase = (selector, element) => {
const _hasSelectorCase = (selector: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
return element.matches(selector) ? element : null

const _hasChildFiltersCase = (childFilters, element) => {
const _hasChildFiltersCase = (childFilters: ProceduralFilterOperator[], element: HTMLElement) => {
const matches = _elementsMatchingRuleList(childFilters, element)
return matches.length === 0 ? null : element

// Implementation of ":has" rule
const proceduralOperatorHas = (instruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorHas = (instruction: string | ProceduralFilterOperator[], element: HTMLElement) => {
if (W.Array.isArray(instruction)) {
return _hasChildFiltersCase(instruction, element)
} else {
Expand All @@ -168,23 +187,23 @@ const proceduralOperatorHas = (instruction, element) => {

// Implementation of ":has-text" rule
const proceduralOperatorHasText = (instruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorHasText = (instruction: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
const text = element.innerText
const valueTest = _extractValueMatchRuleFromStr(instruction)
return valueTest(text) ? element : null

const _notSelectorCase = (selector, element) => {
const _notSelectorCase = (selector: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
return element.matches(selector) ? null : selector

const _notChildFiltersCase = (childFilters, element) => {
const _notChildFiltersCase = (childFilters: ProceduralFilterOperator[], element: HTMLElement) => {
const matches = _elementsMatchingRuleList(childFilters, element)
return matches.length === 0 ? element : null

// Implementation of ":not" rule
const proceduralOperatorNot = (instruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorNot = (instruction: string | ProceduralFilterOperator[], element: HTMLElement) => {
if (Array.isArray(instruction)) {
return _notChildFiltersCase(instruction, element)
} else {
Expand All @@ -193,7 +212,7 @@ const proceduralOperatorNot = (instruction, element) => {

// Implementation of ":matches-property" rule
const proceduralOperatorMatchesProperty = (instruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorMatchesProperty = (instruction: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
const [keyTest, valueTest] = _parseKeyValueMatchRules(instruction)
for (const [propName, propValue] of Object.entries(element)) {
if (keyTest(propName) === false) {
Expand All @@ -208,7 +227,7 @@ const proceduralOperatorMatchesProperty = (instruction, element) => {

// Implementation of ":min-text-length" rule
const proceduralOperatorMinTextLength = (instruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorMinTextLength = (instruction: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
const minLength = +instruction
if (minLength === W.NaN) {
throw new Error(`min-text-length: Invalid arg, ${instruction}`)
Expand All @@ -217,7 +236,7 @@ const proceduralOperatorMinTextLength = (instruction, element) => {

// Implementation of ":matches-attr" rule
const proceduralOperatorMatchesAttr = (instruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorMatchesAttr = (instruction: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
const [keyTest, valueTest] = _parseKeyValueMatchRules(instruction)
for (const attrName of element.getAttributeNames()) {
if (keyTest(attrName) === false) {
Expand All @@ -233,7 +252,7 @@ const proceduralOperatorMatchesAttr = (instruction, element) => {

// Implementation of ":matches-css-*" rules
const proceduralOperatorMatchesCSS = (beforeOrAfter, cssInstruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorMatchesCSS = (beforeOrAfter: string | null, cssInstruction: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
const cssInstructionBits = cssInstruction.split(': ')
const [cssKey, cssVal] = cssInstructionBits
const valueTest = _extractValueMatchRuleFromStr(cssVal)
Expand All @@ -248,59 +267,59 @@ const proceduralOperatorMatchesCSS = (beforeOrAfter, cssInstruction, element) =>

// Implementation of ":matches-media" rule
const proceduralOperatorMatchesMedia = (instruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorMatchesMedia = (instruction: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
return W.matchMedia(instruction).matches === true
? element
: null

// Implementation of ":matches-path" rule
const proceduralOperatorMatchesPath = (instruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorMatchesPath = (instruction: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
const pathAndQuery = W.location.pathname +
const matchRule = _extractValueMatchRuleFromStr(instruction)
return matchRule(pathAndQuery) ? element : null

const _upwardIntCase = (intNeedle, element) => {
const _upwardIntCase = (intNeedle: number, element: HTMLElement | null) => {
if (intNeedle < 1 || intNeedle >= 256) {
throw new Error(`upward: invalid arg, ${intNeedle}`)
let currentElement = element
while (currentElement !== null && intNeedle > 0) {
currentElement = currentElement.parentNode
currentElement = currentElement.parentNode as (HTMLElement | null)
intNeedle -= 1
return currentElement

const _upwardChildFiltersCase = (childFilters, element) => {
const _upwardChildFiltersCase = (childFilters: ProceduralFilterOperator[], element: HTMLElement | null) => {
const childRuleList = buildFilter(childFilters)
let currentElement = element
while (currentElement !== null && _isDocument(currentElement) === false) {
const matches = applyFilter(childRuleList, [currentElement])
if (matches.length !== 0) {
return currentElement
currentElement = currentElement.parentNode
currentElement = currentElement.parentNode as (HTMLElement | null)
return null

const _upwardSelectorCase = (selector, element) => {
const _upwardSelectorCase = (selector: string, element: HTMLElement | null) => {
let currentElement = element
while (currentElement !== null && _isDocument(currentElement) === false) {
if (currentElement.matches(selector)) {
return currentElement
currentElement = currentElement.parentNode
currentElement = currentElement.parentNode as (HTMLElement | null)
return null

// Implementation of ":upward" rule
const proceduralOperatorUpward = (instruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorUpward = (instruction: string | ProceduralFilterOperator[], element: HTMLElement) => {
if (W.Number.isInteger(+instruction)) {
return _upwardIntCase(instruction, element)
return _upwardIntCase(+instruction, element)
} else if (W.Array.isArray(instruction)) {
return _upwardChildFiltersCase(instruction, element)
} else {
Expand All @@ -310,11 +329,11 @@ const proceduralOperatorUpward = (instruction, element) => {

// Implementation of ":xpath" rule
const proceduralOperatorXPath = (instruction, element) => {
const proceduralOperatorXPath = (instruction: string, element: HTMLElement) => {
const result = W.document.evaluate(instruction, element, null,
const nodes = []
let currentNode
const nodes: Node[] = []
let currentNode: Node | null
while ((currentNode = result.iterateNext())) {
Expand All @@ -339,12 +358,12 @@ const ruleTypeToFuncMap = {
xpath: proceduralOperatorXPath

const _elementsMatchingRuleList = (ruleList, element) => {
const _elementsMatchingRuleList = (ruleList: ProceduralFilterOperator[], element: HTMLElement) => {
const childRuleList = buildFilter(ruleList)
return applyFilter(childRuleList, [element])

export const buildFilter = (ruleList) => {
export const buildFilter = (ruleList: ProceduralFilterOperator[]) => {
const operatorList = []
for (const rule of ruleList) {
const anOperatorFunc = ruleTypeToFuncMap[rule.type]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,8 +391,8 @@ const fastPathOperatorTypes = [

export const applyFilter = (filter, initNodes = undefined) => {
let nodesToConsider = []
export const applyFilter = (filter: BuiltFilterOperator[], initNodes: HTMLElement[] | undefined = undefined) => {
let nodesToConsider: Node[] = []
let index = 0

// A couple of special cases to consider.
Expand All @@ -394,7 +413,7 @@ export const applyFilter = (filter, initNodes = undefined) => {
nodesToConsider = W.Array.from(W.document.querySelectorAll(firstArg))
index += 1
} else if (firstOperatorType === 'xpath') {
nodesToConsider = proceduralOperatorXPath(firstArg, W.document)
nodesToConsider = proceduralOperatorXPath(firstArg, W.document.documentElement)
index += 1
} else {
// Case three: we gotta apply the first operator to the entire document.
Expand All @@ -421,7 +440,7 @@ export const applyFilter = (filter, initNodes = undefined) => {

let newNodesToConsider = []
let newNodesToConsider: Node[] = []
for (const aNode of nodesToConsider) {
const result = operatorFunc(aNode)
if (result === null) {
Expand Down

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