Research Below you will find a list of all the research / articles that I have read and found interesting. If you would like to contribute to this list, please open a PR. Articles Title Summary SCIENCEAGENTBENCH: TOWARD RIGOROUS ASSESSMENT OF LANGUAGE AGENTS FOR DATA-DRIVEN SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY Combining Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Effective Information Retrieval Transforming Asset Servicing With AI, Oracles, and Blockchains CRISPR-GPT: An LLM Agent for Automated Design of Gene-Editing Experiments Impact of Code Transformation on Detection of Smart Contract Vulnerabilities Attention Is All You Need for LLM-based Code Vulnerability Localization Leveraging Fine-Tuned Language Models for Efficient and Accurate Smart Contract Auditing LLM-SmartAudit: Advanced Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection CountChain: A Decentralized Oracle Network for Counting Systems Semantic Interoperability on Blockchain by Generating Smart Contracts Based on Knowledge Graphs Detect Llama - Finding Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts using Large Language Models Vulnerability Detection in Smart Contracts: A Comprehensive Survey Gorilla: Large Language Model Connected withMassive APIs MAD: Move AI Decompiler to Improve Transparency and Auditability on Non-Open-Source Blockchain Smart Contract Financial Statement Analysis with Large Language Models Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Discovery, and Product Innovation* LONGMEMEVAL: BENCHMARKING CHAT ASSISTANTS ON LONG-TERM INTERACTIVE MEMORY LIGHTWEIGHT NEURAL APP CONTROL miniCTX: Neural Theorem Proving with (Long-)Contexts The Moral Case for Using Language Model Agents for Recommendation