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File metadata and controls

52 lines (42 loc) · 2.69 KB


My first ever project based on Arduino code. I recently installed two 10000 liter rainwater tanks, and I wanted to visualize how much water is left in the tanks in real time. The information needed to be visual on a small LCD screen inside my garage and also on a web page, where it could be scraped or viewed. I also wanted to be able to update the Arduino code using a web browser.


Hardware components used:

Software components (Arduino libraries) used:

  • Wifi: for network connectivity
  • rgb_lcd: for the Grove Seeed LCD screen
  • Softwareserial: to represent the software serial port for the ultrasonic distance sensor
  • ArduinoJSON: to buid the web page
  • Webserver & ElegantOTA: for Over The Air updates of the code

The code is pretty self-explanatory (I think): first Wifi is enabled then the JSON webserver and the OTA webserver are started. The loop will take a reading and update the LCD screen every 5 seconds. When a web client connects, an up-to-date web page will be generated.

Additional info:

  • I gave the ESP32 a static IP address through DHCP reservation.
  • The JSON webserver is running on port 80, the OTA server on port 81.
  • The LCD screen is connected to SDA & SCL ports.
  • The LCD screen shows the reading in percentage and displays a progress bar.
  • The JSON webserver shows percentage and the distance to the water. The percentage information is gathered by Home Assistant through a REST API call sensor so I have historical metrics available.
  "data": 87,
  "distance": 313

Home Assistant configuration:

- platform: rest
    name: regenput
    resource: http://192.168.0.x
    value_template: "{{}}"
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    scan_interval: 60
  • I also display the information on my Dakboard. As Dakboard can only talk to external https resources, I am using a Traefik reverse proxy, protected by Cloudflare and a Cloudflare Tunnel to allow access to the JSON server (config out of scope).

View of the hardware

Cable between sensor and ESP32 not shown IMG_1668