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DOOM by id Software.
Chocolate DOOM by Simon Howard, James Haley, Samuel Villarreal, Fabian Greffrath and Jonathan Dowland.
BOOM by Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman and Stan Gula.
Marine’s Best Friend (MBF) by Lee Killough.
Here are the many fans of DOOM Retro who have contributed in some way to its development over the years:
Adrian Piotr Gryko, Agent Slacker, a-is (Alexey Ismagilov), ajs91, aleis9748, Alexander Kuzevanov, Alexey Lysiuk, AlexMax (Lexi Mayfield), alfasketer, Alia Immortalis, AmethystViper, andrikpowell, AnotherLife/VGA, Anton, AntonLiniares, arneolavhal, arromdee, Auberginux, AXDOOMER (Alexandre-Xavier Labonté-Lamoureux), BeemerJ, Beezle, BEG, Ben Paddon, Benjamín Albiñana, bETAmEN, BionicLuke, Blitzy (Ryan Cook), Blue Phoenix, bofu, brandleesee (Brandon Camilleri), Brewtal_Legend, Broy, brzegorz, bubbleguuum, bzzrak (Драган Поняшкин-Спаркс), CapnClever, captwalsh, Carnifex, Chamelenoel, ChampionHyena, chetchaka, Chris Greene, chungy (Mike Swanson), cMISS, ConSiGno/sneakernets (Claude Freeman), cyan0s1s, d10sfan, Da Werecat, Dani Ventas, Darren Mason, Death Egg (Michael Jurich), deathz0r, DemonExterminator, derek57 (Ronald Lasmanowicz), derekmd (Derek MacDonald), devnexen (David Carlier), Doohnibor, DoomTheRobot, Doomy__Doom, DovahClown, Dragonsbrethren, drnooooo, DRON12261, Dugan Chen, DustArma, Dweller, Eric Curtin, Fabian Greffrath, Ferk (Fernando Carmona Varo), Fireseth, Fists_Akimbo, Fraggle (Simon Howard), FreaKzero, FredBezies, FrenchGuy, Gaerzi, garoto, Get Phobo, Gibbon (Adam Bilbrough), grawlinson (George Rawlinson), GuyNamedErick, HAK3180, hawkwind, Henito Kisou, Herr Dethnout, HeyItsLollie, Hoodie, Iain Macfarlane, iainrm, ice44 (Michael), Im TPhentr, indigotyrian, Infirnex, INfront95, irukanjji, Jason Carlough, Jeff Doggett, Jens Theisen, jewellds, jfgomez21, Jim Doeson, Jim Sniper, jmickle66666666 (Jazz Mickle), Jon Krazov, Joshua Savarese, Joshua Woodie, Julia Nechaevsky, Juza, JXC, Kaan88, Karnasis, kb1, Khorus, Killer5, Kinnerokhn, kohijin, Kroc Camen, Krypcik13ty, L3gend, lagz89, LazyLazurus (Jonathan Bergeron), Lemonjack, Lila Feuer, Linguica (Andrew Stine), LoboEire, lokbustam257, Lol 6, Lord_Kane, ludicrous_peridot, Luis Antonio, Luke-Nukem (Luke Jones), lunixoid (Roman Kalashnikov), mammajamma, Manuel-K, Matacrat, Mati9319 (Mateusz Rzempołuch), MauryMyers, maxmanium, Melter, mfrancis95 (Michael Francis), Michael Truscott, Michał Godlewski, MidwayMarine, Misha Druzik, ModestCinderace, MrAlaux, Mr. Jar, MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai, Muusi, Najork, namsan, 倉敷楠花 (Nanka Kurashiki), Nathan Varner, NieMaMordy, Nik, Nikolanchik, Noiser, Noxat, odun, .օʀǟƈʟɛ., ozy24, P41R47 (Pablo Martin), Parker, Phobos Anomaly (Tim Woodacre), PhobosGuy, phredreeke, PKr, Plat1num, Psycho Rockter, racig24151, RamessesXIII, RastaManGames, RavenMacDaddy, RedyFoxy, Rethlehen, rfomin, rnasshat, ryan-sg (Ryan Freeman), S3M_XM, Satku0, seascape, seed, segfault, sgt dopey, Shockwave_S08, simc2, Sir.Citrux, Sol1vaN, Some1NamedNate (Nathan Umali), SpelzR2, Spowmtom, Steampunkery, stickman_tim, Stitchu27, stupacshakur, sylux, Tea&Cakes, thearst3rd (Terry Hearst), TheLonerD, Thomas Dutra, Thunderkvnt, TobiasBohnen, Tohan Marchand, tokyovigilante, toshiaki2115, tslilc (Tslil Clingman), TurboGurra, UNERXAi, Urthar (Stephen Wadsworth), Vados, valkiriforce, vanfanel (Manuel Alfayate Corchete), Venti, vesperas, via-dev, viggles (Alun Bestor), waverider (Mattias Johansson), whouishere, xDShot, xvz0, ZigfriedYoshimitsu and Zodomaniac.
Whether it be by providing code, reporting a bug or suggesting a feature, my sincere thanks go to everyone who has taken the time to offer their support!
Smack My Marine Up (SMMU) by Simon Howard.
Eternity by James Haley, Stephen McGranahan, David Hill, Charles Gunyon and Ioan Chera.
Odamex by “Dr. Sean” Leonard.
PrBoom+ by Andrey Budko.
Crispy DOOM by Fabian Greffrath.
Woof! by Fabian Greffrath and Roman Fomin.
International DOOM by Julia Nechaevsky.
DSDA DOOM by Ryan Krafnick.
E1M4B: Phobos Mission Control and E1M8B: Tech Gone Bad by John Romero. Bundled with his express permission.
lumps by Nash Muhandes. Released under the Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license.
lumps based on Mr Dog_01.wav by ScouseMouseJB. Released under the Creative Commons (CC0 1.0 Universal) license.
lumps based on DogYelp.wav by TobiasKosmos. Released under the Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license.
lumps by Talon1024. Released in the public domain.
DOOM widescreen modding assets. Released under license by Bethesda.
Classic Doomguy by BustorToon (Sean Brennan). Released under the Creative Commons (BY-NC 3.0) license.
Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) by Sam Lantinga and others.
SDL_mixer by Sam Lantinga, Stephane Peter and Ryan Gordon.
SDL_image by Sam Lantinga and Mattias Engdegård.
cJSON by Dave Gamble.
miniz by Rich Geldreich.
DOOM Retro is Copyright © 2013–2025 by Brad Harding. All rights reserved. Coded with love in Western Sydney, Australia. DOOM Retro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. DOOM Retro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. DOOM is a registered trademark of id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company, in the US and/or other countries, and is used without permission. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. DOOM Retro is in no way affiliated with nor endorsed by id Software.