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JMS Remote Messaging Usecases on JBoss AS

This demo shows the various ways of sending JMS messages to remote (JVM) HornetQ system running on JBoss AS a.k.a Wildfly

Prerequisites for the Demo

  • Ensure that [Oracle JDK] ( is installed
  • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable pointing to the JDK installation
  • Update the PATH environment variable to include the bin directory of the JDK installation
  • If in a new command prompt window you are able to run the command: javac -version you are all set
  • For building the packaged source code, download and install Maven
  • Ensure that the PATH environment variable to include the bin directory of the Maven installation

Highlights of the Demo

The install process will:

  • Setup two standlaone instances of Wildfly server
  • Start the servers : Server 1 and Server 2, with Server 2 started with a port offset of 100
  • On Server 1, thru CLI scripts
  • Configure JMS Queues: JMSBridgeSourceQ, LocalServer1Q
  • JMS Bridge: simple-jms-brdige
  • A pooled-connection-factory using outbound JCA adapter
  • On Server 2, thru CLI scripts
  • Configure JMS Queues: JMSBridgeTargetQ, LocalServer2Q

In this demo you will see how to send messages to a:

  • Remote queue running inside JBoss AS using a simple local Java client
  • Remote queue running inside JBoss AS from a process running on local JBoss AS
  • Local queue which will then forward the message to a remote using a JMS bridge

Pre-Installation Setup

  1. [Download RHQ Bundle Deployer 4.8.0] (
  2. Extract the contents of to the root folder of the demo

Command-Line Installation

  • Open up Linux terminal or Windows command prompt
  • Navigate to the demo root folder. On Unix/Linux, run chmod -R 755 * at the command prompt when in the demo root folder
  • Configure runtime properties in the file, including path to the deployment folder
  • Execute either or install.bat based on the OS
  • Based on the bind address configured in the deployment properties verify the startup of the server(s)

Building the Source Code with Maven

  • Navigate to the folder jms-remote-messaging-usecases in the demo root folder
  • Find the files, and correct the IP address to the IP of your physical server
  • Come back to folder jms-remote-messaging-usecases at command propmt and run mvn clean package
  • If everything goes well and the build is a SUCCESS, the included test case for simple-remote-messaging-client has already sent out a message to LocalServer1Q on Server 1
  • Now deploy the WAR file simple-remote-messaging-webapp\target\simple-remote-messaging-webapp.war onto Server 1
  • Assuming a successful WAR deployment and assuming the IP address of the server is for example


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