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File metadata and controls

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Aggregation Framework Examples (MongoDB, Javascript)

This document provides a number of practical examples that display the capabilities of the aggregation framework.

The Aggregations using the Zip Codes Data Set examples uses a publicly available data set of all zipcodes and populations in the United States. These data are available at: zips.json.


Use the following command to load zips.json data set into your mongod instance:

mongoimport --drop -d test -c zipcodes zips.json

or use the zipcodes collection from here:

mongo --username student --password sesja2013

Note: The student user is given only the read privileges in the test database.

Aggregations using the Zip Codes Data Set

Each document in this collection has the following form:

  "_id" : "35004",
  "city" : "Acmar",
  "state" : "AL",
  "pop" : 6055,
  "loc" : [-86.51557, 33.584132]

In these documents:

  • The _id field holds the zipcode as a string.
  • The city field holds the city name.
  • The state field holds the two letter state abbreviation.
  • The pop field holds the population.
  • The loc field holds the location as a [latitude, longitude] array.

States with Populations Over 10 Million

To get all states with a population greater than 10 million, use the following aggregation pipeline:

coll = db.zipcodes

  { $group: {_id: "$state", totalPop: {$sum: "$pop"}} },
  { $match: {totalPop: {$gte: 10000000}} }

The result:

  "result": [
    { "_id": "PA", "totalPop": 11881643 },
    { "_id": "OH", "totalPop": 10847115 },
    { "_id": "NY", "totalPop": 17990455 },
    { "_id": "TX", "totalPop": 16986510 },
    { "_id": "FL", "totalPop": 12937926 },
    { "_id": "IL", "totalPop": 11430602 },
    { "_id": "CA", "totalPop": 29760021 }
  "ok": 1

The above aggregation pipeline is build from two pipeline operators: $group and $match.

The $group pipeline operator requires _id field where we specify grouping; remaining fields specify how to generate composite value and must use one of the group aggregation functions: $addToSet, $first, $last, $max, $min, $avg, $push, $sum. The $match pipeline operator syntax is the same as the read operation query syntax.

The $group process reads all documents and for each state it creates a separate document, for example:

   "_id": "CA",
   "totalPop": 29760021

The totalPop field uses the $sum aggregation function to sum the values of all pop fields in the source documents.

Documents created by $group are piped to the $match pipeline operator. It returns the documents with the value of totalPop field greater than or equal to 10 million.

Average City Population by State

To get the first three states with the greatest average population per city, use the following aggregation:

  { $group: {_id: {state: "$state", city: "$city"}, pop: {$sum: "$pop"}} },
  { $group: {_id: "$_id.state", avgCityPop: {$avg: "$pop"} } },
  { $sort: {avgCityPop: -1} },
  { $limit: 3 }

This aggregate pipeline produces:

  "result": [
    { "_id": "DC", "avgCityPop": 303450 },
    { "_id": "CA", "avgCityPop": 27581.113067655235 },
    { "_id": "FL", "avgCityPop": 26676.136082474226 }
  "ok": 1

The above aggregation pipeline is build from three pipeline operators: $group, $sort and $limit.

The first $group operator creates the following documents:

  "_id": {
    "state": "AZ",
    "city": "GOODYEAR"
  "pop": 5819

Note, that the $group operator can’t use nested documents except the _id field.

The second $group uses these documents to create the following documents:

  "_id": "WY",
  "avgCityPop": 3359.911111111111

These documents are sorted by the avgCityPop field in descending order. Finally, the $limit pipeline operator returns the first 3 documents from the sorted set.

Largest and Smallest Cities by State

To get the smallest and largest cities by population for each state, use the following aggregate pipeline:

  { $group: {_id: {state: "$state", city: "$city"}, pop: {$sum: "$pop"}} },
  { $sort: {pop: 1} },
    $group: {
      _id: "$_id.state",
      smallestCity: {$first: "$"},
      smallestPop:  {$first: "$pop"},
      biggestCity:  {$last:  "$"},
      biggestPop:   {$last:  "$pop"}

The first $group operator creates a new document for every combination of the state and city fields from the source documents. Each document created at this stage has the field pop which is set to the value computed by the $sum operator. It sums the values of the pop field in the grouped documents.

The sample document created at this stage looks like:

  "_id": {
    "state": "AZ",
    "city": "GOODYEAR"
  "pop": 5819

Note: To preserve the values of the state and city fields for later use in the pipeline we specify the value of _id as a nested document which contains both values.

The second $group operator groups the documents by the value of _id.state.

The sorting order is preserved within grouped documents. So, $first operators return name of the city with the smallest population and the city population. The $last operators return the city name with the biggest population and the city population.

The sample document created at this stage looks like:

  "_id": "CA",
  "smallestCity": "OREGON HOUSE",
  "smallestPop": 0,
  "biggestCity": "LOS ANGELES",
  "biggestPop": 2102295

Unwinding data in the Name Days Data Set

To run the examples below you need this data set: name_days.json.

Use mongoimport to import this data set into MongoDB:

mongoimport --drop --db test --collection cal name_days.json

or use the cal collection from here:

mongo --username student --password sesja2013

The collection cal should contain 364 documents in the following format:

  "_id": ObjectId("51643484c20a89f0145ac8e8"),
  "names": [
    "Mieszka", "Mieczysława", "Marii" ],
  "date": {
    "day": 1, "month": 1

The 6 most common name days

The following aggregation pipeline computes this:

coll =  // switch collection

  { $project: {names: 1, _id: 0} },
  { $unwind: "$names" },
  { $group: {_id: "$names", count: {$sum: 1}} },
  { $sort: {count: -1} },
  { $limit: 6 }

The sample document created by the $project pipeline operator looks like:

{ "names": [ "Sylwestra", "Melanii", "Mariusza" ] }

The $unwind operator creates one document for every member of names array. For example, the above document is unwinded into three documents:

{ "names": "Sylwestra" }
{ "names": "Melanii"   }
{ "names": "Mariusza"  }

These documents are grouped by the names field and the documents in each group are counted by the $sum operator.

The sample document created at this stage looks like:

{ "_id": "Julii", "count": 3 }

Finally, the $sort operator sorts these documents by the count field in descending order, and the $limit operator outputs the first 6 documents:

  "result": [
    { "_id": "Jana",      "count": 21 },
    { "_id": "Marii",     "count": 16 },
    { "_id": "Grzegorza", "count":  9 },
    { "_id": "Piotra",    "count":  9 },
    { "_id": "Feliksa",   "count":  8 },
    { "_id": "Leona",     "count":  8 }
  "ok": 1

Pivot date ↺ names

We want to pivot the name_days.json data set. Precisely, we want to convert documents from this format:

   "date": { "day": 1, "month": 1 }
   "names": [ "Mieszka", "Mieczysława", "Marii" ],

into this format:

   "name": "Mateusza",
   "dates": [{"day": 13, "month": 11}, {"day": 21, "month": 9}]

The following aggregation pipeline does the trick:

  { $project: {_id: 0, date: 1, names: 1} },
  { $unwind: "$names" },
  { $group: {_id: "$names", dates: {$addToSet: "$date"}} },
  { $project: {name: "$_id", dates: 1, _id: 0} },
  { $sort: {name: 1} }

The sample document created by the unwinding stage looks like:

   "names": "Eugeniusza",
   "date": { "day": 30, "month": 12 }

The $group pipeline operator groups these documents by the names field. The $addToSet operator returns an array of all unique values of the date field found in the set of grouped documents. The sample document created at this stage of the pipeline looks like:

   "_id": "Maksymiliana",
   "dates": [{"day": 12, "month": 10}, {"day": 14, "month": 8}]

In the last two stages we sort and reshape these documents to the requested format:

   "name": "Zuzanny",
   "dates": [{"day": 11, "month": 8}, { "day": 24, "month": 5}]


1. For the zipcodes collection, the aggregation below computes 248_706_415. What does this number mean?

coll.aggregate({ $group: {_id: 0, sum: {$sum: "$pop"}} })
// {
//   "result": [
//     {
//       "_id": 0,
//       "sum": 248706415
//     }
//   ],
//   "ok": 1
// }

2. How many different names are in the cal collection?