This project is intended to be a serial data logger reimplementation for megasquirt based projects. My plan is to install this on a raspberry pi running a wpe buildroot (fast boot time a handful of seconds) The buildroot contains a webkit browser and can display a gauge cluster built in react.
- Parses megasquirt ini files (reasonably well) to enable customized field logging
- Pluggable architecture enabling single input multiple output of megasquirt data. Current outputs:
- Log to file (msl format - works with MegalogViewer)
- Websocket streaming (for another project i'm working on for react based gauge cluster)
- Automatically start new log file on disconnect/reconnect
- Consider doing a better job at parsing the insanity that is the MS ini files (maybe)
- Better/more error handling
If you don't have yarn you can use npm I guess
yarn install
- Requires: cpp to parse the macros in the MS ini files
- Copy your ini file to the config directory
cd config
- Run
./ <config_file_name> mainController.ini
- This will enable celsius mode, edit if you don't want this, it's a very basic script
- Basic:
yarn start -s <serial_port>
- With websocket server on port 8088:
yarn start -s <serial_port>
yarn start --help
Usage: index [options]
-s, --serial-port <file> Serial port Megasquirt is connected to
-i, --ini-file <file> INI file from MegaTune project (default: "./config/mainController.ini")
-b, --baud-rate Serial baud rate. defaults to 115200
-m, --mock-serial Enables mock serial mode
-l, --log-dir <directory> Directory in which to create log files. defaults to ./dataLogs (default: "./dataLogs")
-n, --no-log Disable data logging
-w, --websocket-port <n> Websocket broadcast port. defaults to 8088 (default: 8088)
-f, --fake-data Emit fake data
-h, --help output usage information