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Customer Milestone 1 Report

Ümit Can Evleksiz edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 21 revisions

Customer Milestone 1

This is the first milestone report for the bounswe2024group11 team. It includes a summary of what we have done so far, our project plan in a detailed manner, work done by each team member, and the tools we have benefitted.

1. Executive Summary

1.a) Summary & Status

  • We have decided our project domain as comics.
  • We have prepared and asked some requirement elicitation questions in the meeting with the staff.
  • We have documented the requirements.
  • We have created 5 different scenarios.
  • We have created the mock-up screens for each step in the scenarios.
  • We have created a project plan.

1.b) Deliverables

  • Our Wiki is in a well-established and well-navigatable state. We have a functioning Sidebar and a descriptive landing page.
  • We have our Communication Plan, Project Plan, Requirements, Mockups, Scenarios, and Meeting Notes ready to review and evaluate.
  • We have more than 100 issues opened, of which 90 are closed. Our issues have a standard form where we try to describe the problem in a succinct manner

1.c) Decisions

  • Simplicity of issues and issue templates. We want to be direct and succinct.
  • Weekly meetings on Google Meet, and subgroup meetings on Discord. Separation of concerns.
  • Comics over Chess: We have checked WikiData and changed our domain to Comics because of WikiData searchability, and content richness.
  • Only desktop flows: We used a mobile-first approach to designs so that our customers can easily extrapolate what they see in a desktop view to a mobile view.
  • Reviewer: We decided to assign at least one reviewer to future issues besides the assignees.

1.d) Challenges met

  • The first domain is not rich enough in terms of WikiData content. Domain change required double work on most of the ends such as requirements, and user scenarios.
  • Understanding semantic search, its use cases, and its implications for our project.
  • The false idea that we all have to be in every meeting hindered us
  • Meetings taking too much time
  • Trying to "glue" 5 user scenarios and mockups was an exhausting task.

2. Project Plan

We have created our project plan in ProjectLibre and displayed it in our Wiki. It can be found in this link.

Our project plan consists of ...

3. Personal Efforts

You can view each student's personal efforts page here

Arda Vural

Ceydanur Şen

Emre Kılıç
Researched about Semantic Search and documented with Hasan Kerem at this link
Defined the requirement elicitation questions. Can be seen at this link
Organized the meeting with Kutay Altintas and asked the elicitation questions. Documented the answers at the elicitation page.
Specified the user requirements. Can be seen at this link
Contributed to the milestone report in Executive Summary and Evaluation part. Can be seen at this link

Hasan Kerem Şeker
Created my bio page
Created my personal efforts page
Created five user scenarios(Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5) with Ceydanur Şen
Documented the research for Semantic Search
Took notes during the PS at March 18 and posted it on GitHub
Contributed to the milestone report in Executive Summary and Evaluation of Tools and Processes.
Updated RAM document to reflect my efforts
Contributed and review issue templates and README

Muhammed Emin Arayıcı

Muhammet Emin Çiftçi

Mücahit Erdoğan Ünlü
Created Git Tutorial. The tutorial can be viewed at link
Determined domain selection criteria with Muhammet Emin Çiftçi. The document can be seen at link
Prepared system requirements. It can be seen at link
Prepared the glossary for requirements. It can be seen at link
Created RAM table. The table can be seen at link
Contributed to the milestone report in Executive Summary and Evaluation part. Can be seen at this link

Ozan Oytun Karakaya

Ümit Can Evleksiz
Created issue templates and template configurator
Bootstrapped a bio page template and created my own bio page
Created a readme page in the repository, summarized the team and the project, and updated it when necessary
Created our Wiki home page (landing page) and modified as we progress. i.e. add team members' bio and efforts
Created image assets for the Wiki
Set up a drive folder, store assets such as meeting notes draft document and tutorial-esque video
Created Wiki Sidebar and changed and reorganized it as we add more pages.
Added 3 repositories to our collaborative repo research page, and wrote descriptions for them (You Don't Know JS, react-router-typesafe, and Astro.)
Initialized Github Projects and Github Discussions, published discussion questions and
Create a Mail Addresses Wiki document
Led weekly meetings, keep track of the agenda
Kept track of the progresses of the issues, fixed typos and grammar mistakes
Found and discussed example domains for the project
Modified Communication Plan page to reflect the changes on our workflow
Created Figma team, invited team members in it, and initalized our Figma project
Designed an application logo, made design & branding decisions. These are briefly mentioned in the Mockup Screens
Designed 20+ mockup screens, designed subpages and modals to fit the 5 user scenarios
Contributed to the Customer Milestone 1 Report by ways of creating an outline, writing the status of the project & deliverabes, listing out the tools we have empowered, adding decisions and difficulties encountered, and my personel efforts.
Added my personal efforts to Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Yunus Kağan Aydın
Created bio page
Created personal efforts page
Wrote the meeting notes #3 #4 #5 #7
Specified the performance requirements
Specified the security requirements
Specified the compatibility requirements
Documented the research of Well Designed Documented API's
Added my personal efforts to Responsibility Assignment Matrix

4. Evaluation of Tools and Processes

Tools Used:

  • WhatsApp

    • We used WhatsApp to do our spontaneous discussions and urgent communication, and to share polls or links.
    • We organized our discussions mostly on Whatsapp. This can make discussions untraceable. We should consider using Github Discussions for more organized and traceable discussions.
  • Discord

    • We used Discord to carry out our subgroup meetings. The topics of these subgroup meetings include the creation of scenarios, elicitation of requirements, and creation of the project plan.
    • We also used Discord to get in contact with the instructors to ask our questions and arrangements.
  • Google Drive

    • We used Google Drive to share folders and draft files. We kept our ProjectLibre documents here.
  • Google Meet

    • We used Google Meet to do weekly meetings in which current tasks are assigned to subgroups. These meetings allowed us to synchronize our progress. Google Meet is compatible with Google Calendar, which is used to schedule not only CMPE352 but all of our workflow.
  • GitHub

    • The deliverables of the project are populated on GitHub Wiki. Our repository has issues linked with assignees and reviewers.
    • We have a research section to keep documentation of our research. Our repository also stored the project requirements, scenarios, mock-ups, and plans in Github Wiki
    • We also have GitHub Discussions and GitHub Project pages.
  • Project Libre

    • It is used to create the project plan and Gantt Chart.
  • Google Sheets

    • We used Google Sheets to save draft meeting notes.
  • Figma

    • We have a Figma team/workspace where we do ideation and create our designs. UI mockups and repository image assets are created within Figma.
  • HackMD

    • HackMD helped us collaboratively edit md documents, allowing us to contribute into the milestone report page without any blockage or conflicts.

Meeting Notes Workflow:

Mark general information → Checkbox the participants →

Issue Workflow:

Problem Occurrence → Create Issue → Assign Someone → Review → Complete

Some Design Decisions

Issue Templates:

We have mainly used simple todo issues, where it is required to specify a description and acceptance criteria. Along the way we have also incorporated "reviewer" in our issues.

Issue Labels:

We have categorized our issue labels under a few super-titles: app:, pri:, type, each of which are associated with different subcategories.

(i.e. app:backend, type:repo, pri:high)

Wiki Pages:

We have made an extensive use of tables and emoticons in our documents for better readability and semantics.


In the mobile version of the mockups, the content within the central container remains unchanged, but the navigation bar is reduced in size. The “new post” button is designed similarly to the floating action buttons seen in Google Products. Our central container’s size varies between 440 and 480 pt, depending on the content. This can be effectively scaled down to 360px width with appropriate adjustments in font size and spacing. Thus, our desktop version includes all elements found in the mobile version.

Helpful Links

Relevant Wiki Pages
Team Members
Communication Plan
Project Plan
Requirement Elicitation
User Scenarios (Scenario 1)

Visit our Wiki to see our documents on Research and Meetings as well as the other Scenarios.


Possible Improvements

  • We didn't make use of peer reviews at its full capacity for the first portion of this milestone. We also did our meeting as a whole instead of multiple submeetings in the first portion of this milestone.
  • Some of the meetings were in an indecisive atmosphere, where we could not simple sort everything out and create action items. These long meetings are presumably to be eliminated and replaced by a sequence of short and more frequent meetings
  • Semantic search for the mockup screens were not taken into account at the first stage of the user scenario and designs.
  • We couldn't pay enough attention to our research pages. We instead spent most of our time learning and understanding the topic, lacking the documentation part. To put it shortly, we could have documented our research better.
  • .


  • Overall responsibility and availability of the team was top-notch
  • Issue usage was on point and effective. We had a good quality and quantity of issues opened and closed throughout the process
  • Our project has a very distinctive design, look and feel overall.
  • All 10 team members were reliable when it comes to finishing the tasks.
  • No AWOL :) Everyone was in the call, or known to be unavailable beforehand

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