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Customer Milestone 1 Report

Ümit Can Evleksiz edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 21 revisions

Customer Milestone 1

This is the first milestone report for the bounswe2024group11 team. It includes a summary of what we have done so far, our project plan in a detailed manner, work done by each team member, and the tools we have benefitted.

1. Executive Summary

1.a) Summery & Status

1.b) Deliverables

  • Our Wiki is in a well-established and well-navigatable state. We have a functioning Sidebar and a descriptive landing page.
  • We have our Communication Plan, Project Plan, Requirements, Mockups, Scenarios, and Meeting Notes ready to review and evaluate.
  • We have more than 100 issues opened, of which 90 are closed. Our issues have a standard form where we try to describe the problem in a succinct manner

1.c) Decisions

  • Simplicity of issue and issue templates. We want to be direct and succinct.

  • Weekly meetings on Google Meet, and subgroup meetings on Discord. Separation of concerns.

  • Comics over Chess: WikiData searchability, and content richness.

  • Only desktop flows: We used a mobile-first approach to designs so that our customers can easily extrapolate what they see in a desktop view to a mobile view.

  • Domain change.

1.d) Challenges met

  • First domain being not rich enough in terms of WikiData content. Domain change required double work on most of ends such as requirements, and user scenarios.
  • Understanding semantic search, its use cases and its implications to our project.
  • The false idea that we all have to be in every meeting hindered us
  • Meetings taking too much time
  • Trying to "glue" 5 user scenarios and mockups was an exhausting task.

(a) Summary of project and overall status (b) List the status of deliverables (c) Decisions and choices you have made and your assessment regarding them. These include, but are not limited to, conventions and choices related to issue management, meetings, and wiki documentation) (d) Challenges you have met as a group (if any), and how you have or plan to overcome them

Currently, we have settled on the domain Comics. ...

2. Project Plan

We have created our project plan in ProjectLibre and displayed it in our Wiki. It can be found in this link.

Our project plan consists of ...

3. Personal Efforts

You can view each student's personal efforts page here

4. Evaluation of Tools and Processes

Tools Used:

  • WhatsApp

  • Discord

  • Google Drive

  • Google Meet

  • GitHub

  • Project Libre

  • Google Sheets

  • Figma


Problem Occurrence → Create Issue → Assign Somone → Review

See Communication Plan for details


We didn't make use of peer reviews at its full capacity for the first portion of this milestone

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