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Lab Report Week 3

EgemenKaplan edited this page Oct 17, 2023 · 13 revisions

Project Development Weekly Progress Report

Team Name: Web Info Aggregator
Date: 17.10.2023

Progress Summary

This week We have revised most of our design, created a basic project plan to have some sort of understanding of our roadmap and prepared ourselves for the implementation of the project. We have decided on which technologies to use and initialized parts of our project.

Next week We will be implementing our Authentication flow on mobile, web and backend sides.

What was planned for the week? How did it go?

Description Issue Assignee Due Artifact Estimated Duration Actual Duration
Revising requirement specifications. #192 Egemen, Baki, Bahadır, Meriç 13.10.2023 Requirement Specifications 4hr 4hr
Revisiting the use-case diagram. #193 Meriç, Enes 16.10.2023 Use Case Diagram 3hr 2hr
Revisiting the mock-ups. #194 Begüm, Sude, Bahri 16.10.2023 Mock-ups 4hr 3hr
Revisiting class diagrams #195 Bahadır, Baki, Furkan 16.10.2023 Refactored Class Diagrams 5hr 3hr
Revisiting sequence diagram. #196 Miraç, Egemen, Ömer Faruk, Begüm, Sude 16.10.2023 Sequence Diagrams 7hr 1hr
Decide on technologies for the development of our project #202, #203, #204 All Members 16.10.2023 Technologies to be Used 30min 15 min

Completed tasks that were not planned for the week

Description Issue Assignee Due Artifact
Initialize Backend Spring Project #207 Bahadır, Baki 17.10.2023 #214
Create and Document DB Details #209 Bahadır, Baki 17.10.2023 Comments under #209

Planned vs. Actual

We are ahead of our schedule. There is nothing else to add.

Your plans for the next week

Description Issue Assignee Due Estimated Duration
Initialize web project #211, #215, #216 Bahri 17.10.2023 1hr
Initialize mobile project #212 Mobile Team 17.10.2023 1hr
Improve the branch policy #213 20.10.2023 1hr
Mobile Signup Page #224 Furkan, Enes 23.10.2023 2hr
Mobile Login Page #223 Ömer Faruk 23.10.2023 2 hr
Mobile Opening Page #222 Meriç, Begüm 23.10.2023 3 hr
Mobile Forgot Password Page #227 Furkan 23.10.2023 2hr
Web Signup Page #225 Egemen 23.10.2023 3hr
Web Login Page #228 Sude 23.10.2023 3hr
Web Forgot Password Page #229 Bahri 23.10.2023 3hr
Web Opening Page #233 Miraç 23.10.2023 3hr
Backend - Add user service and authentication #226 Baki, Bahadır 23.10.2023 4h
Backend - Develop a working version of the interest area model #230 Baki, Bahadır 23.10.2023 4h
Backend - Develop a working version of the post model #231 Baki, Bahadır 23.10.2023 4h


Initially we made plans for doing singular tasks each week until the end of the term. For example, if the mobile team is supposed to create Views for Authentication flow during a week, there will be -most probably- 3 views to create. This means that for a team with 5 members, 2 people will have no work to do since working on a single file with more than one person will complicate the process. We might need to replan our weekly tasks and complete them in parallel so that we can utilize this unused source of manpower.


Name Participation
Bahadır Gezer
Hasan Baki Küçükçakıroğlu
Egemen Kaplan
İbrahim Furkan Özçelik
Ömer Faruk Çelik
Begüm Yivli
Enes Yıldız
Sude Konyalıoğlu
Bahri Alabey
Orkun Mahir Kılıç
Miraç Öztürk
Meriç Keskin


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