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Lab Report Template

Hasan Baki Kucukcakiroglu edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 1 revision

Project Development Weekly Progress Report

Team Name: Rapid Response (Disaster Response Platform)
Date: 03.10.2023

Progress Summary

This week focused on updating the design documents and deciding on the general structure of the project. We set up the initial codebase for the back-end, the front-end, and the mobile. We decided on the technologies that will be used. We made several updates to the class diagram and the use case diagram. Our objective for the following week will be to connect the back-end with the front-end and the mobile.

What was planned for the week? How did it go?

Description Issue Assignee Due PR Estimated Duration Actual Duration
Re-verify the requirements #1 Team 27.09.2023 #21 1hr 1.5hr
Update the class diagram w.r.t. the changes in the requirements #2 Team 29.09.2023 #22 4hr 5hr
Update the use case diagram w.r.t. the changes in the requirements #3 Team 29.09.2023 #23 4hr 7hr
Update the sequence diagram w.r.t. the changes in the requirements #4 Team 29.09.2023 -- 4hr 5hr
Decide on what technologies are going to be used for the front-end #5 Front-Team 02.10.2023 -- 1hr 30mins
Decide on what technologies are going to be used for the back-end #6 Back-Team 02.10.2023 #26 1hr 30mins
Decide on what technologies are going to be used for the mobile #7 Mobile-Team 02.10.2023 #27 1hr 45mins
Cross-team technology sync - verify that these technologies are compatible #8 Team 02.10.2023 #28 1hr 15mins

Completed tasks that were not planned for the week

Description Issue Assignee Due PR
Set up the initial codebase for the back-end #9 Alice 05.10.2023 #29

Planned vs. Actual

  • We planned to decide on the front-end technologies by this week (#5). Even though we made a very fruitful discussion on the technologies that will be used for the front-end, we did not finalize the decision. Options are reduced to React and Vue. We will finalize the decision next week.

Your plans for the next week

Description Issue Assignee Due Estimated Duration
Decide on what technologies are going to be used for the front-end #5 Front-Team 02.10.2023 1hr
Create resource, user, and action data models together with their CRUD operations #10 Ayse 05.10.2023 2hr
Create facilitator, responder, coordinator, and victim data models by extending the user data model #11 Ali 07.10.2023 3.5hr
Create an EC2 host machine and write a GitHub action that will sync the host machine when there is a push to the main/release branch #12 Alice 07.10.2023 15mins


  • Extended user roles (e.g., facilitator, responder) may require additional fields that we did not consider in the initial design. We will address these issues as they arise. ...


  • Alice
  • Ayse
  • Ali


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