Taha is a socially aware student who is responsible about the society he lives in. So, he wants to know what is going on and search the violations around the campus.
- Actor: Taha (an unregistered user)
- Goal: Search violations around the campus
- Actions:
- Taha signs up to the system with his necessary informations.
- He logs in to the system.
- He searchs violations with using the location of campus.
Burak is an able student who is a member of Universal Access and wants to vocalize recent violations for blind people.
- Actor: Burak (a registered user)
- Goal: Vocalize violations
- Actions:
- Burak logs in to the system.
- He searchs recent violations using the search bar and typing the time interval.
- He clicks the button 'Voice Record' and records the violation.
- After a while, blind users can reach the record.
Pinar is a disabled student who lives in Kilyos Campus. She logs in to Universal Access and search a specific type of violation. When she found it she positively rates the violation and also leaves a comment about what she went through.
- Actor: Pinar (a registered user)
- Goal: Rate and comment on a violation
- Actions:
- Pinar logs in to the system.
- She searchs for a specific type of violation.
- She finds one that she already suffers from.
- She rates it positively.
- She leaves a comment.
Buse is an able student who took responsibilities about the society she lives in . She wants to report wrong car parking locations on pedestrian ways around the campus.
- Actor: Buse (a registered user)
- Goal: Report wrong car parking locations
- Actions:
- She detects locations where cars park wrongly.
- She logs in to the system
- She pins the locations on the map one by one and writes the description of the violation.
Tolga is a student who is a member of Universal Access. He finds out there is a user who mostly reports the violations around him. So he follows the user and get notifications about the violations that the user reports.
- Actor: Tolga (a registered user)
- Goal: Follow a user
- Actions:
- Tolga logs in to the system.
- He searchs violations with the specific location.
- He finds a user that he wants to follow his/her reports.
- Then he follows the user.
- User also has a notification about Tolga.
- Tolga gets notification when the user share something.