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boris-kz committed Nov 23, 2024
1 parent bb85a16 commit d09d246
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Showing 2 changed files with 32 additions and 28 deletions.
54 changes: 31 additions & 23 deletions frame_2D_alg/vectorize_edge_blob/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def cluster_eval(frame, N_, fd):
G_ = cluster_N_(frame, pL_, fd) # optionally divisive clustering
frame.subG_ = G_
if len(G_) > ave_L:
med_cluster_(frame) # alternating medoid clustering
get_exemplar_(frame) # may call medoid clustering
cross-comp converted edges, then GGs, GGGs., interlaced connectivity clustering and exemplar selection
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ def cluster_N_(root, L_, fd, nest=1): # top-down segment L_ by >ave ratio of L.
Med_cluster may be extended, but only its exemplar node (with max m to medoid) will be a sample for next cross-comp.
Other nodes interactions can be predicted from the exemplar, they are supposed to be the same type of objects.
def med_cluster_(frame):
def get_exemplar_(frame):

def comp_cN(_N, N): # compute match without new derivatives: relation to the medoid is not directional

Expand All @@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ def comp_cN(_N, N): # compute match without new derivatives: relation to the me

def medoid(N_): # sum and average nodes

N = CG(root_=[None])
for n in N_:
N = CG()
for n, m in N_:
N.n += n.n; N.rng = n.rng; N.aRad += n.aRad = extend_box(,
N.latuple += n.latuple; N.mdLay += n.mdLay
Expand All @@ -136,58 +136,67 @@ def medoid(N_): # sum and average nodes

def xcomp_(N_): # initial global cross-comp

for g in N_: # setattr
g.M = 0
for _G, G in combinations(N_, r=2):
rn = _G.n/G.n
if rn > ave_rn: continue # scope disparity
M = comp_cN(_G, G)
vM = M - ave
for _g,g in (_G,G),(G,_G):
if vM > 0:
g.perim.add(_g) # loose match
g.perim.add((_g,M)) # loose match
if vM > ave:
g.crim.add((_g,M)) # strict match
g.M += M

def get_exemplar_(N_): # select Ns with M > ave * Mr
def prune_overlap(N_): # select Ns with M > ave * Mr

exemplar_ = []
for N in N_:
for _N, M in N.crim:
if N.M >_N.M: _N.M -= M
else: N.M -= M
# exclusive representation, or incr N.Mr?
for _N,m in N.crim:
if N.M < _N.M:
N.M -= m # exclusive representation, vs. N.Mr+=1?
if N.M > ave:
exemplar_ += [N]

return exemplar_

def refine_(exemplar):
_node_, _peri_, _M = exemplar.crim, exemplar.perim, exemplar.M

dM = ave + 1
while dM > ave:
node_, peri_, M = set(), set(), 0
mN = medoid(_node_)
for _N,_m in _peri_:
for ref in _peri_:
_N,_m = ref
m = comp_cN(mN,_N)
if M > ave:
if M > ave*2: node_.add((_N,m))
M += m
if m > ave:
if m > ave * 20:
for _ref in _N.crim: # crims are exclusive
if _ref is ref:
_N.crim.remove(ref); _N.M -= _m; break
dM = M - _M
_node_,_peri_,_M = node_,peri_,M

exemplar.crim, exemplar.perim, exemplar.M = list(node_), list(peri_), M # final cluster

N_ = frame.subG_ # should be complemented graphs: m-type core + d-type contour
for N in N_:
N.perim = set(); N.crim = set(); N.root_ += [frame]
N.perim = set(); N.crim = set(); N.root_ += [frame]; N.M = 0
exemplar_ = get_exemplar_(N_) # select strong Ns
exemplar_ = prune_overlap(N_) # select strong Ns
subG_ = set()
for N in exemplar_:
if N.M > ave * 10: # tentative, else keep N.crim
refine_(N) # N.crim = N.perim clustered by N.crim medoid
frame.exemplar_ = exemplar_
if len(frame.exemplar_) > ave_L:
if N.M > ave * 10: # else keep N.crim
refine_(N) # N.crim = N.perim exclusively clustered by N.crim medoid
if N.M: # has crim, pruned in refine_
frame.subG_ = list(subG_)
if len(frame.subG_) > ave_L:
agg_cluster_(frame) # alternating connectivity clustering per exemplar, more selective

Expand All @@ -198,5 +207,4 @@ def refine_(exemplar):
if frame.subG_: # converted edges
# start from medoid clustering because edges are connectivity-clustered
med_cluster_(frame) # starts alternating agg_recursion
get_exemplar_(frame) # selects connectivity-clustered edges for agg_cluster_
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions frame_2D_alg/vectorize_edge_blob/
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Expand Up @@ -222,11 +222,7 @@ def vectorize_root(frame):
for N in edge.node_: # no comp node_, link_ | PPd_ for now
md_,Et,n = N[3] if isinstance(N,list) else N.mdLay # N is CP
if any(md_) and Et[0] > ave * Et[2]: # convert PP|P to G:
if isinstance(N,list):
root_,P_,link_,(md_,Et,n), lat, A, S, area, box, [y,x], n = N # PPt
else: # single CP
root_=edge; P_=[N]; link_=[]; md_,Et,n = N.mdLay; lat=N.latuple; [y,x]=N.yx; n=N.n
box = [y, x-len(N.dert_), y,x]
root_,P_,link_,(md_,Et,n), lat, A, S, area, box, [y,x], n = N # PPt
PP = CG(fd=0, root_=[root_], node_=P_,link_=link_,mdLay=np.array([md_,Et,n],dtype=object),latuple=lat, box=box,yx=[y,x],n=n)
y0,x0,yn,xn = box
PP.aRad = np.hypot(*np.subtract(PP.yx,(yn,xn)))
Expand Down

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