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boris-kz committed Feb 23, 2025
1 parent 3285df3 commit c466a24
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Showing 2 changed files with 77 additions and 77 deletions.
86 changes: 42 additions & 44 deletions frame_2D_alg/
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Expand Up @@ -36,30 +36,28 @@
ave, ave_L, icoef, max_dist = aves[-2], aves[6], aves[12], aves[9]

def cross_comp(root, fn, ave): # form agg_Level by breadth-first node_,link_ cross-comp, connect clustering, recursion
def cross_comp(root, fn, rc): # form agg_Level by breadth-first node_,link_ cross-comp, connect clustering, recursion
# rc: recursion count coef in recursive functions

N_,L_,Et = comp_node_(root.node_[-1].node_ if fn else root.link_[-1].node_, ave) # cross-comp top-composition exemplars
N_,L_,Et = comp_node_(root.node_[-1].node_ if fn else root.link_[-1].node_, ave*rc) # cross-comp top-composition exemplars
# mval -> lay
if Val_(Et, Et, ave, fd=0) > 0: # cluster eval
if Val_(Et, Et, ave*(rc+1), fd=0) > 0: # cluster eval
derH = [[comb_H_(L_, root, fd=1)]] # nested mlay
pL_ = {l for n in N_ for l,_ in get_rim(n, fd=0)}
if len(pL_) > ave_L:
cluster_N_(root, pL_, ave*2, fd=0) # form multiple distance segments, same depth
cluster_N_(root, pL_, ave*(rc+2), fd=0) # form multiple distance segments, same depth
# dval -> comp L_ for all dist segments, adds altGs
if Val_(Et, Et, ave, fd=1) > 0:
lN_,lL_,dEt = comp_link_(L2N(L_), ave*2) # comp root.link_ forms root in alt clustering?
if Val_(dEt, Et, ave, fd=1) > 0:
if Val_(Et, Et, ave*(rc+2), fd=1) > 0:
lN_,lL_,dEt = comp_link_(L2N(L_), ave*(rc+2)) # comp root.link_ forms root in alt clustering?
if Val_(dEt, Et, ave*(rc+3), fd=1) > 0:
derH[0] += [comb_H_(lL_, root, fd=1)] # += dlay
plL_ = {l for n in lN_ for l,_ in get_rim(n,fd=1)}
if len(plL_) > ave_L:
cluster_N_(root, plL_, ave*3, fd=1) # form altGs for cluster_C_, no new links between dist-seg Gs
derH[0] += [CLay()] # empty dlay
else: derH[0] += [CLay()]
cluster_N_(root, plL_, ave*(rc+4), fd=1) # form altGs for cluster_C_, no new links between dist-seg Gs

root.derH += derH # feedback
comb_altG_(root.node_[-1], ave*2) # comb node contour: altG_ | neg links sum, cross-comp -> CG altG
# agg eval +=derH,node_H:
cluster_C_(root, ave*2) # -> mfork G,altG exemplars, +altG surround borrow, root.derH + 1|2 lays
comb_altG_(root.node_[-1].node_, ave*(rc+4)) # comb node contour: altG_ | neg links sum, cross-comp -> CG altG
cluster_C_(root, rc+5) # -> mfork G,altG exemplars, +altG surround borrow, root.derH + 1|2 lays, agg++
# no dfork cluster_C_, no ddfork
# if val_: lev_G -> agg_H_seq
return root.node_[-1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,17 +98,18 @@ def cluster_N_(root, L_, ave, fd): # top-down segment L_ by >ave ratio of L.dis
_eN_ = {*eN_}
link_ = list({*link_}); Lay = CLay()
[Lay.add_lay(lay) for lay in sum_H(link_, root, fd=1)]
derTT = Lay.derTT # weigh m_,d_ by proximity to mean m and d
_,M = centroid_M_(derTT[0], np.sum(derTT[0]) / 8, ave)
_,D = centroid_M_(derTT[1], np.sum(derTT[1]) / 8, ave)
derTT = Lay.derTT
# weigh m_|d_ by similarity to mean m|d:
_,M = centroid_M_(derTT[0], np.sum(derTT[0]), ave)
_,D = centroid_M_(derTT[1], np.sum(derTT[1]), ave)
et[:2] = M,D
if Val_(et, Et, ave) > 0: # cluster node roots:
G_ += [sum2graph(root, [list({*node_}),link_, et, Lay], fd, min_dist, max_dist)]
# longer links:
L_ = L_[i + 1:]
if L_: min_dist = max_dist # next loop connects current-distance clusters via longer links
[comb_altG_(G.altG) for G in G_]
elif G_:
[comb_altG_(G.altG, ave) for G in G_]
if fd:
if root.lnest: root.link_ += [sum_G_(G_)]
else: root.link_ = [sum_G_(root.link_), sum_G_(G_)] # init nesting
Expand All @@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ def cluster_N_(root, L_, ave, fd): # top-down segment L_ by >ave ratio of L.dis
So connectivity clustering is a generative learning phase, forming new derivatives and structured composition levels,
while centroid clustering is a compressive phase, reducing multiple similar comparands to a single exemplar. '''

def cluster_C_(root, ave, elev=1): # 0 nest gap from cluster_edge: same derH depth in root and top Gs
def cluster_C_(root, rc): # 0 nest gap from cluster_edge: same derH depth in root and top Gs

def sum_C(dnode_, C=None): # sum|subtract and average C-connected nodes

Expand All @@ -147,16 +146,15 @@ def sum_C(dnode_, C=None): # sum|subtract and average C-connected nodes
if alt_: sum_G_(alt_, sign, fc=0, G=C.altG) # no m, M, L in altGs
k = len(dnode_) + 1
# get averages:
for falt, n in zip((0,1), (C, C.altG)):
for n in (C, C.altG):
n.Et/=k; n.derTT/=k; n.aRad/=k; n.yx /= k
if np.any(n.baseT): n.baseT/=k
norm_H(n.derH, k, fd=falt)
# alt has single layer
norm_H(n.derH, k) = reduce(extend_box, ( for n in C.node_))

return C

def centroid_cluster(N, N_, C_, root, ave): # form and refine C cluster around N, in root node_|link_?
def centroid_cluster(N, N_, C_, root): # form and refine C cluster around N, in root node_|link_?
# init:
N.fin = 1; CN_ = [N]
for n in N_:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,17 +189,17 @@ def centroid_cluster(N, N_, C_, root, ave): # form and refine C cluster around
n.m = 0; n.fin = 0
# C-cluster top node_|link_:
ave *= elev # cost+ / aggr+
C_t = [[],[]] # concat exemplar/centroid nodes across top Gs for global frame cross_comp
ave = globals()['ave'] * rc # recursion count
for fn, C_,nest,_N_ in zip((1,0), C_t, [root.nnest,root.lnest], [root.node_,root.link_]):
if not nest: continue
N_ = [N for N in sorted([N for N in _N_[-1].node_], key=lambda n: n.Et[fn], reverse=True)]
for N in N_:
N.sign, N.m, N.fin = 1, 0, 0 # C update sign, inclusion m, inclusion flag
for N in N_:
if not N.fin: # not in prior C
if Val_(N.Et, root.Et, ave, coef=10) > 0: # cross-similar in G
centroid_cluster(N,N_, C_, root, ave) # form centroid cluster around N, C_ +=[C]
if Val_(N.Et, root.Et, rc, coef=10) > 0: # cross-similar in G
centroid_cluster(N,N_, C_, root) # form centroid cluster around N, C_ +=[C]
break # the rest of N_ is lower-M
if len(C_) > ave_L:
Expand All @@ -210,7 +208,7 @@ def centroid_cluster(N, N_, C_, root, ave): # form and refine C cluster around
root.link_ += [sum_G_(C_)]; root.lnest += 1
if not root.root: # frame
cross_comp(root, fn, ave*2) # append derH, cluster_N_([root.node_,root.link_][fn][-1])
cross_comp(root, fn, rc+1) # append derH, cluster_N_([root.node_,root.link_][fn][-1])

def comb_altG_(G_, ave): # combine contour G.altG_ into altG (node_ defined by root=G), for agg+ cross-comp
# internal and external alts: different decay / distance?
Expand All @@ -221,8 +219,8 @@ def comb_altG_(G_, ave): # combine contour G.altG_ into altG (node_ defined by
if isinstance(G.altG, list):
G.altG = CG(root=G, node_= G.altG); G.altG.m=0 # was G.altG_
if Val_(G.altG.Et, G.Et, ave*2): # alt D * G rM
cross_comp(G.altG, G.node_, ave*2)
if Val_(G.altG.Et, G.Et, ave): # alt D * G rM
cross_comp(G.altG, G.node_, ave) # need rc?
else: # sum neg links
link_,node_,derH, Et = [],[],[], np.zeros(4)
for link in G.link_:
Expand All @@ -235,11 +233,11 @@ def comb_altG_(G_, ave): # combine contour G.altG_ into altG (node_ defined by
altG.derH = sum_H(altG.link_, altG, fd=1) # sum link derHs
G.altG = altG

def norm_H(H, n, fd=0):
if fd: H = [H] # L.derH is not nested
def norm_H(H, n):

for lay in H:
if lay:
if fd:
if isinstance(lay, CLay):
for v_ in lay.derTT: v_ *= n # array
lay.Et *= n
Expand All @@ -258,15 +256,15 @@ def sort_H(H, fd): # re-assign olp and form priority indices for comp_tree, if
if not fd:
H.root.node_ = H.node_

def centroid_M_(m_, M, ave): # adjust weights on attr matches, add cost attrs?
def centroid_M_(m_, M, rc): # adjust weights on attr matches, add cost attrs?
_w_ = [1 for _ in m_]
while True:
M /= sum(_w_) # mean
w_ = [min(m/M, M/m) for m in m_] # rational deviations from mean,
# in range 0:1, or 0:2: w = min(m/M, M/m) + mean(min(m/M, M/m))
Dw = sum([abs(w-_w) for w,_w in zip(w_,_w_)]) # weight update
M = sum(m*w for m, w in zip(m_,w_)) # weighted M update
if Dw > ave:
if Dw > ave * rc:
_w_ = w_
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,27 +308,27 @@ def agg_H_par(focus): # draft parallel level-updating pipeline

frame.aggH = list(H) # convert back to list

def agg_H_seq(focus, image, ave, _nestt=(1,0)): # recursive level-forming pipeline, called from cluster_C_
def agg_H_seq(focus, image, _nestt=(1,0)): # recursive level-forming pipeline, called from cluster_C_

frame = frame_blobs_root(focus)
if not frame.nnest:
return frame
comb_altG_(frame.node_[-1].node_, ave) # PP graphs in frame.node_[2]
comb_altG_(frame.node_[-1].node_, ave*2) # PP graphs in frame.node_[2]
# feedforward agg+
cluster_C_(frame, ave) # eval by ave * elev
rM = 1 # summed fb aves coef
cluster_C_(frame, rc=1) # ave * rc
rM = 1 # summed fb coef for aves
# feedback, each fork is lev_G_:
for fd, nest,_nest,Q in zip((0,1), (frame.nnest,frame.lnest), _nestt, (frame.node_[2:],frame.link_[1:])): # skip blob_,PP_,link_PP_
if nest==_nest: continue # no new nesting
hG = Q[-1] # init top level
for lev_G in reversed(Q[:-1]): # no feedback to top level
hG = Q[-1] # init top level, no feedback
for lev_G in reversed(Q[:-1]):
_m,_,_n,_ = hG.Et; m,_,n,_ = lev_G.Et
rM += (_m/_n) / (m/n) # no d,o eval?
if rM > ave:
hG = lev_G
if rM > ave: # must be the bottom
if rM > ave: # reached the bottom level
base = frame.node_[2]; Et,box,baseT = base.Et,, base.baseT
# project focus by bottom D_val:
if Val_(Et, Et, ave, coef=20) > 0: # mean value shift within focus, bottom only, internal search per G
Expand All @@ -341,7 +339,7 @@ def agg_H_seq(focus, image, ave, _nestt=(1,0)): # recursive level-forming pipel
if y > 0 and x > 0 and Y < image.shape[0] and X < image.shape[1]: # focus is inside the image
frame.aves *= rM
# rerun agg+ with new bottom-level focus and aves:
agg_H_seq([y,x,Y,X], ave, (frame.nnest,frame.lnest))
agg_H_seq([y,x,Y,X], (frame.nnest,frame.lnest))

return frame

Expand All @@ -353,4 +351,4 @@ def agg_H_seq(focus, image, ave, _nestt=(1,0)): # recursive level-forming pipel
yn = xn = 64 # focal sub-frame size, = raccoon_eye, can be any number
y0 = x0 = 300 # focal sub-frame start @ image center
focus = image[y0:y0+yn, x0:x0+xn]
frame = agg_H_seq(focus, image, ave) # focus will be shifted by internal feedback
frame = agg_H_seq(focus, image) # recursion count, focus will be shifted by internal feedback

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