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boris-kz committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent 7494d00 commit ac71a22
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 24 deletions.
45 changes: 21 additions & 24 deletions frame_2D_alg/vectorize_edge_blob/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,14 +161,15 @@ def sort_H(He, fd): # re-assign rdn and form priority indices for comp_H, if se

class CG(CBase): # PP | graph | blob: params of single-fork node_ cluster

def __init__(G, root_= None, node_=None, link_=None, latuple=None, mdLay=None, derH=None, extH=None, rng=1, fd=0, n=0, box=None, yx=None, minL=None):
def __init__(G, root_= None, node_=None, link_=None, latuple=None, mdLay=None, derH=None, extH=None, rng=1, fd=0, n=0, box=None, yx=None, subG_=None, minL=None):
G.n = n # last layer?
G.fd = 0 if fd else fd # 1 if cluster of Ls | lGs?
G.rng = rng
G.root_ = None if root_ is None else root_ # convert to root_ in cluster_N_: same nodes in higher rng layers
G.node_ = [] if node_ is None else node_ # convert to GG_ or node_H in agg++
G.link_ = [] if link_ is None else link_ # internal links per comp layer in rng+, convert to LG_ in agg++
G.subG_ = [] if subG_ is None else subG_ # lower-rng Gs, nest in node_?
G.minL = 0 if minL is None else minL # min link.dist in subG
G.latuple = [0,0,0,0,0,[0,0]] if latuple is None else latuple # lateral I,G,M,Ma,L,[Dy,Dx]
G.mdLay = [[.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0], [.0,.0,.0,.0], 0] if mdLay is None else mdLay # H here is md_latuple
Expand All @@ -181,7 +182,6 @@ def __init__(G, root_= None, node_=None, link_=None, latuple=None, mdLay=None, d
G.yx = [0,0] if yx is None else yx # init PP.yx = [(y0+yn)/2,(x0,xn)/2], then ave node yx
G.alt_graph_ = [] # adjacent gap+overlap graphs, vs. contour in frame_graphs
G.visited_ = []
# G.subG_ = [] if subG_ is None else subG_ # lower-rng Gs, nest in node_?
# G.Et = [0,0,0,0] if Et is None else Et # derH.Et + extH.Et?
# G.fback_ = [] # always from CGs with fork merging, no dderHm_, dderHd_
# G.Rim = [] # links to the most mediated nodes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,24 +256,23 @@ def cluster_eval(root, N_, fd):
if len(pL_) > ave_L:
G_ = cluster_N_(root, pL_, fd) # optionally divisive clustering
if len(G_) > ave_L:
if isinstance(root.node_[0],CG): root.node_ = [root.node_, G_] # init node_ hierarchy
else: root.node_ += [G_]
agg_recursion(root) # cross-comp clustered nodes

N_,L_,fvm,fvd = comp_Q(root.node_ if isinstance(root.node_[0],CG) else root.node_[-1], fd=0)
# predict_val = proj m - proj d: vd is borrowed from falsely projected vm, if any:
if fvm:
root.derH.append_(CH().add_H([L.derH for L in L_])) # mfork, else no new layer
if fvd:
for L in L_: L.root_ = [root]
lN_,lL_,_,_ = comp_Q(L_,fd=1) # comp new L_, root.link_ was compared in root-forming for alt clustering
root.derH.append_(CH().add_H([L.derH for L in lL_])) # dfork
# recursive der+ eval_cost > ave_match, add by feedback if < _match?
root.derH.H += [[]] # empty to decode rng+|der+, n forks per layer = 2^depth
# after feedback because clustering adds deeper derH lays, unless fork-specific?:
if fvm: cluster_eval(root, N_, fd=0)
if fvd: cluster_eval(root, lN_, fd=1)

if fvm:
cluster_eval(root, N_, fd=0)
if fvd: cluster_eval(root, lN_, fd=1)

def comp_node_(_N_): # rng+ forms layer of rim and extH per N, appends N_,L_,Et, ~ graph CNN without backprop

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,7 +425,7 @@ def comp_N(Link, rn, rng, dir=None): # dir if fd, Link.derH=dH, comparand rim+=
def get_rim(N,fd): return N.rimt[0] + N.rimt[1] if fd else N.rim # add nesting in cluster_N_?

def cluster_N_(root, L_, fd, nest=1): # top-down segment L_ by >ave ratio of L.dists
ave_rL = 1.2 # define segment and sub-cluster
ave_rL = 1.2 # defines segment and cluster

L_ = sorted(L_, key=lambda x: x.dist, reverse=True) # lower-dist links
_L = L_[0]
Expand All @@ -437,32 +436,31 @@ def cluster_N_(root, L_, fd, nest=1): # top-down segment L_ by >ave ratio of L.
if rel_dist < ave_rL or et[0] < ave or len(L_[i:]) < ave_L: # ~=dist Ns or either side of L is weak
_L = L; et += L.derH.Et
for n in L.nodet: N_.add(n)
min_dist = _L.dist; break # terminate contiguous-dist segment
else: break # terminate contiguous-dist segment
min_dist = _L.dist
Gt_ = []
for N in N_: # cluster current dist segment
if len(N.root_) >= nest: continue # N is already merged
if len(N.root_)+1 == nest: continue # N was merged, root_ includes edge
node_, link_, et = {N}, set(), np.array([.0,.0,.0,.0])
Gt = [node_, link_, et, min_dist]
N.root_ += [Gt]
_eN_ = {l.nodet[1] if l.nodet[0] is N else l.nodet[0] for l,_ in get_rim(N, fd) if l.dist >= min_dist} # init ext Ns
_eN_ = {l.nodet[1] if l.nodet[0] is N else l.nodet[0] for l,_ in get_rim(N, fd)} # init ext Ns
while _eN_:
eN_ = set()
for eN in _eN_: # cluster rim-connected ext Ns
if len(eN.root_) >= nest: continue # N is already merged
for eN in _eN_: # cluster rim-connected ext Ns, all in root Gt
if len(eN.root_)+1 == nest: continue # N was merged
eN.root_ += [Gt]
node_.add(eN) # of all rim
for L,_ in get_rim(eN, fd):
if L.dist >= min_dist and L not in link_:
eN_.update(L.nodet); et += L.derH.Et # L.nodet root_s will be checked above?
if L not in link_:
eN_.update(L.nodet) # of all rim
if L.dist >= min_dist:
link_.add(L); et += L.derH.Et
_eN_ = eN_
# form subG_ from shorter-L seg per Gt, depth-first:
sub_L_ = set()
if isinstance(root,list): root[0].update(node_) # add lower nodes if root is not edge
sub_L_ = set() # form subG_ from shorter-L seg per Gt, depth-first:
for N in node_:
sub_L_.update({l for l,_ in get_rim(N,fd) if l.dist < min_dist})
if len(sub_L_) > ave_L * nest: # this eval looks wrong?
if len(sub_L_) > ave_L:
subG_ = cluster_N_(Gt, sub_L_, fd, nest+1)
else: subG_ = []
Gt += [subG_]; Gt_ += [Gt]
Expand All @@ -478,8 +476,7 @@ def cluster_N_(root, L_, fd, nest=1): # top-down segment L_ by >ave ratio of L.
def sum2graph(root, grapht, fd, nest): # sum node and link params into graph, aggH in agg+ or player in sub+

node_, link_, Et, minL, subG_ = grapht
graph = CG(fd=fd, root_=[root], node_= [list(node_),subG_], link_=link_, minL=minL, rng=nest)
# incr node_ nesting, not just 2 layers as above? also root_?
graph = CG(fd=fd, root_ = [root]+node_[0].root_, subG_=subG_, node_=list(node_), link_=link_, minL=minL, rng=nest)
yx = [0,0]
graph.derH.append_(CH(node_=node_).add_H([link.derH for link in link_])) # new der layer
derH = CH()
Expand Down

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