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boris-kz committed Oct 12, 2024
1 parent 2f17b8b commit 6ddd8e6
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Showing 3 changed files with 66 additions and 61 deletions.
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions frame_2D_alg/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
import weakref
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
2D version of first-level core algorithm includes frame_blobs, intra_blob (recursive search within blobs), and blob2_P_blob.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -27,11 +30,7 @@
import weakref
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
postfix 't' denotes tuple, multiple ts is a nested tuple
postfix '_' denotes array name, vs. same-name elements
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104 changes: 57 additions & 47 deletions frame_2D_alg/vectorize_edge_blob/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,57 +1,54 @@
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy, copy
from itertools import combinations, zip_longest
from copy import deepcopy, copy
from frame_blobs import CBase
from .slice_edge import comp_angle, CsliceEdge
from .comp_slice import comp_slice, comp_latuple, add_lat, aves
from utils import extend_box
from frame_blobs import CBase

This code is ostensibly for clustering edge segments within high-gradient blob, but it's far too complex for the case.
That's because this is a prototype for open-ended compositional recursion, clustering blobs, graphs of blobs, etc.
This code is ostensibly for clustering segments within edge: high-gradient blob, but it's far too complex for the case.
That's because this is a prototype for open-ended compositional recursion: clustering blobs, graphs of blobs, etc.
Edge-specific processing will likely be a small subset of this file, it's not really a priority right now.
Blob edges may be represented by higher-composition patterns, etc., if top param-layer match,
in combination with spliced lower-composition patterns, etc, if only lower param-layers match.
This may form closed edge patterns around flat core blobs, which defines stable objects.
Graphs (predictive patterns) are formed from edges that match over < extendable max distance,
then internal cross-comp rng/der is incremented per relative M/D: induction from prior cross-comp
(no lateral prediction skipping: it requires overhead that can only be justified in vertical feedback)
Primary incremental-range (rng+) cross-comp leads to clustering edge segments, initially PPs, that match over < max distance.
Secondary incr-derivation (der+) cross-comp links formed in the primary one, if >ave (abs_diff * primary_xcomp_match):
diff patterns borrow value from proximate match patterns, because their projection cancels co-projected match.
Primary value is match, diff.patterns borrow value from proximate match patterns, canceling their projected match.
Thus graphs are assigned adjacent alt-fork graphs, to which they lend predictive value.
But alt match patterns borrow already borrowed value, which may be too tenuous to track, we use average borrowed value.
Thus graphs should be assigned adjacent alt-fork (der+ to rng+) graphs, to which they lend predictive value.
But alt match patterns borrow already borrowed value, which are too tenuous to track, we use average borrowed value.
So clustering criterion is M|D, summed across >ave vars if selective comp (<ave vars are not compared, don't add costs).
Clustering criterion is also M|D, summed across >ave vars if selective comp (<ave vars are not compared, don't add costs).
Clustering is exclusive per fork,ave, with fork selected per var| derLay| aggLay
Fuzzy clustering is centroid-based only, connectivity-based clusters will merge.
Param clustering if MM, along derivation sequence, or centroid-based if global?
There are concepts that include same matching vars: size, density, color, stability, etc, but in different combinations.
Weak value vars are combined into higher var, so derivation fork can be selected on different levels of param composition.
Clustering by variance: lend|borrow, contribution or counteraction to similarity | stability, such as metabolism?
graph G:
Agg+ cross-comps top Gs and forms higher-order Gs, adding up-forking levels to their node graphs.
Sub+ re-compares nodes within Gs, adding intermediate Gs, down-forking levels to root Gs, and up-forking levels to node Gs.
Graph is nested in dual tree of down-forking elements and up-forking clusters.
That resembles a neuron, which has dendritic tree as input and axonal tree as output.
But we have recursively nested param sets packed in each level of the trees, which don't exist in neurons.
Generic graph is a dual tree with common root: down-forking elements and up-forking clusters of this graph.
This resembles a neuron, which has dendritic tree as input and axonal tree as output.
But we have recursively structured param sets packed in each level of these trees, which don't exist in neurons.
prefix f denotes flag
postfix t denotes tuple, multiple ts is a nested tuple
prefix _ denotes prior of two same-name variables
postfix _ denotes array name, vs. same-name elements
capitalized variables are normally summed small-case variables
ave = 3
ave_d = 4
ave_L = 4
max_dist = 2
ave_rn = 1000 # scope disparity
ave_rn = 1000 # max scope disparity
ccoef = 10 # scaling match ave to clustering ave

class CH(CBase): # generic derivation hierarchy of variable nesting: extH | derH, their layers and sublayers
class CH(CBase): # generic derivation hierarchy of variable nesting: extH | derH, their layers and sub-layers

name = "H"
def __init__(He, node_=None, md_t=None, n=0, Et=None, H=None, root=None, i=None, i_=None):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,10 +282,13 @@ def vectorize_root(image): # vectorization in 3 composition levels of xcomp, cl
if len(G_) > 10:
agg_recursion(edge, G_, fd=0) # discontinuous PP_ xcomp, cluster

def agg_recursion(root, Q, fd): # breadth-first rng++ cross-comp -> eval cluster, fd recursion
def agg_recursion(root, iQ, fd): # breadth-first rng+ cross-comp -> eval clustering, recursion per fd fork: rng+ | der+

for e in Q:
e.root_, e.extH = [],CH()
Q = []
for e in iQ:
if isinstance(e, list): continue # skip weak Gts
e.root_, e.extH = [], CH()
Q += [e]
# cross-comp link_ or node_:
N__,L__,Et,rng = rng_link_(Q) if fd else rng_node_(Q)

Expand All @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ def agg_recursion(root, Q, fd): # breadth-first rng++ cross-comp -> eval cluste
cluster_N__(root, N__, fd) # cluster rngLays in root.node_,
for N_ in N__: # replace root.node_ with nested H of graphs
if len(N_) > ave_L: # rng_node_
agg_recursion(root, N_, fd=0) # adds higher aggLay / recursive call
agg_recursion(root, N_, fd=0) # forms higher-composition graphs
if flat derH:
root.derH.append_(CH().copy(L_[0].derH)) # init
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,11 +352,12 @@ def rng_node_(_N_): # rng+ forms layer of rim_ and extH per N, appends N__,L__,
return N__,L__,ET,rng

def rng_link_(iL_): # comp CLs via directional node-mediated link tracing: der+'rng+ in root.link_ rim_t node rims

fd = isinstance(iL_[0].nodet[0], CL)
for L in iL_:
L.mL_t, L.rimt_,L.aRad,L.visited_ = [[],[]],[],0,[L]
L.mL_t, L.rimt_, L.aRad, L.visited_ = [[],[]],[],0,[L]
# init mL_t (mediated Ls):
for rev, n, mL_ in zip((0,1), L.nodet, L.mL_t):
rim_ = n.rimt_ if fd else n.rim_
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -409,6 +410,10 @@ def rng_link_(iL_): # comp CLs via directional node-mediated link tracing: der+
return L__, LL__, ET, med # =rng

def extend_box(box, _box): # add 2 boxes
y0, x0, yn, xn = box; _y0, _x0, _yn, _xn = _box
return min(y0, _y0), min(x0, _x0), max(yn, _yn), max(xn, _xn)

def comp_N(Link, rn, rng, dir=None): # dir if fd, Link.derH=dH, comparand rim+=Link

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -444,7 +449,7 @@ def comp_N(Link, rn, rng, dir=None): # dir if fd, Link.derH=dH, comparand rim+=
else: node.rim_[-1] += [(Link, rev)]
if fv: # select for next rng:
if len(node.extH.H) < rng: # init rng layer
node.extH.append_(elay) # node.lrim_ += [{Link}]; node.nrim_ += [{(_N,N)[rev]}] # _node
node.extH.append_(elay) # node.lrim_ += [{Link}]; node.nrim_ += [{(_N,N)[rev]}] # _node
else: # append last layer
node.extH.H[-1].add_H(elay) # node.lrim_[-1].add(Link); node.nrim_[-1].add((_N,N)[rev])
if fv:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -474,46 +479,50 @@ def cluster_N__(root, N__, fd): # cluster G__|L__ by value density of +ve links
# add new root for generic merging:
for N in N_:
if not N.root_:
N.root_ = [[{N}, set(), get_rim(N,fd,rng), np.array([.0,.0,.0,.0]), 0]]
N.root_ = [[{N}, set(), np.array([.0,.0,.0,.0]), get_rim(N,fd,rng), 0]]
node_, link_, et, rim, mrg = N.root_[-1]
rng_rim = set().union(*[get_rim(n, fd, rng) for n in node_])
N.root_ += [[node_.copy(), link_.copy(), rng_rim, np.array([.0,.0,.0,.0]), 0]]
Link_ = list(link_); rng_rim = []
for n in node_:
for L in get_rim(n, fd, rng):
if all([n in node_ for n in L.nodet]):
Link_ += [L]
else: rng_rim += [L] # one external node
N.root_ += [[node_.copy(), set(Link_), np.array([.0,.0,.0,.0]), set(rng_rim), 0]]
Gt_ = []
for N in N_: # merge Gts
Gt = N.root_[-1]
node_, link_, et, rim, mrg = Gt
if mrg: continue
while rim: # extend node_,link_, replace rim
while any(rim): # extend node_,link_, replace rim
ext_rim = set()
for _L in rim:
G,_G = _L.nodet if _L.nodet[0] in node_ else list(reversed(_L.nodet)) # one must be outside node_
G,_G = _L.nodet if _L.nodet[0] in node_ else list(reversed(_L.nodet)) # one is outside node_
_node_,_link_,_et,_rim,_mrg = _G.root_[-1]
Rim = rim | ext_rim # combine without replacing rim in-place
crim = Rim & _rim # Rim intersect
if _mrg: continue
crim = (rim | ext_rim) & _rim # intersect with old+new rim
xrim = _rim - crim # exclusive _rim
cV = 0 # common val
for __L in crim: # common Ls
v = ((G.extH.Et[0]-ave*G.extH.Et[2]) + (_G.extH.Et[0]-ave*_G.extH.Et[2])) * (__L.derH.Et[0]/ave)
if v > 0: cV += v
if cV > ave * ccoef: # cost of merging Gts
_G.root_[-1][-1] = 1 # mrg
_G.root_[-1][-1] = 1 # set mrg
ext_rim.update(xrim) # add new links
link_.update(_link_|{_L}) # add external L
link_.update(_link_|{_L}) # external L
et += _L.derH.Et + _et
rim = ext_rim
Gt_ += [Gt]
Gt__ += [Gt_]
n__ = []
for rng, Gt_ in enumerate(Gt__, start=1): # selective convert Gts to CGs
n_ = []
for node_,link_,rim, et,mrg in Gt_:
for node_,link_,et,_,_ in Gt_:
if et[0] > et[2] * ave * rng: # additive rng Et
n_ += [sum2graph(root, [list(node_),list(link_),et], fd, rng)]
for n in node_: # unpack weak Gt
if n.Et[0] > n.Et[2] * ave * rng: n_ += [n] # eval / added rng
else: # weak Gt
n_ += [[node_,link_,et]] # skip in current-agg xcomp, unpack if extended lower-agg xcomp
n__ += [n_]
N__[:] = n__ # replace some Ns with Gts

Expand All @@ -526,6 +535,7 @@ def get_rim(N, fd, rng):
if Lt[0].derH.Et[0] > ave * Lt[0].derH.Et[2] * rng])
return lrim

def sum2graph(root, grapht, fd, rng): # sum node and link params into graph, aggH in agg+ or player in sub+

N_, L_, Et = grapht # [node_, link_, Et]
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14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions frame_2D_alg/vectorize_edge_blob/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
import numpy as np
from collections import deque, defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy, copy
from itertools import zip_longest
import sys
from frame_blobs import CBase, imread
if __name__ == "__main__": from slice_edge import CP, comp_angle, CsliceEdge
else: from .slice_edge import CP, comp_angle, CsliceEdge

Vectorize is a terminal fork of intra_blob.
comp_slice traces edge axis by cross-comparing vertically adjacent Ps: horizontal slices across an edge blob.
These are low-M high-Ma blobs, vectorized into outlines of adjacent flat (high internal match) blobs.
(high match or match of angle: M | Ma, roughly corresponds to low gradient: G | Ga)
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aves = ave_mI, ave_mG, ave_mM, ave_mMa, ave_mA, ave_mL = ave, 10, 2, .1, .2, 2
PP_aves = ave_PPm, ave_PPd = 50, 50
P_aves = ave_Pm, ave_Pd = 10, 10
ave_L = 5
ave_Gm = 50
ave_L = 5
if __name__ == "__main__": from slice_edge import CP, comp_angle, CsliceEdge
else: from .slice_edge import CP, comp_angle, CsliceEdge

class CcompSliceFrame(CsliceEdge):
class CEdge(CsliceEdge.CEdge): # replaces CBlob

# replace CBlob:
class CEdge(CsliceEdge.CEdge):
def vectorize(edge): # overrides in CsliceEdge.CEdge.vectorize
if edge.latuple[-1] * (len(edge.P_)-1) > ave_PPm: # eval PP, rdn=1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,7 +215,6 @@ def form_PP_(root, iP_): # form PPs of dP.valt[fd] + connected Ps val

return PPt_

def sum2PP(root, P_, dP_): # sum links in Ps and Ps in PP

mdLay, latuple, link_, A, S, area, n, box = [[],np.array([.0,.0,.0,.0]),0], [0,0,0,0,0,[0,0]], [],[0,0],0,0,0, [np.inf,np.inf,0,0]
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