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boris-kz committed Dec 30, 2024
1 parent 746d164 commit 2b02ae1
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Showing 2 changed files with 79 additions and 78 deletions.
91 changes: 50 additions & 41 deletions frame_2D_alg/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
postfix t denotes tuple, multiple ts is a nested tuple
prefix _ denotes prior of two same-name variables, multiple _s for relative precedence
postfix _ denotes array of same-name elements, multiple _s is nested array
capitalized vars are summed small-case vars '''

capitalized vars are summed small-case vars

def cross_comp(root): # breadth-first node_,link_ cross-comp, connect.clustering, recursion

Expand All @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ def cross_comp(root): # breadth-first node_,link_ cross-comp, connect.clusterin
mlay = CH().add_tree([L.derH for L in L_]); H=root.derH; mlay.root=H; H.Et += mlay.Et; H.lft = [mlay]
pL_ = {l for n in N_ for l,_ in get_rim(n, fd=0)}
if len(pL_) > ave_L:
cluster_N_(root, pL_, fd=0) # optional divisive clustering, calls centroid and higher connect.clustering
cluster_N_(root, pL_, fd=0) # nested distance clustering, calls centroid and higher connect.clustering
# dfork
if val_(Et, mEt=Et, fo=1) > 0: # same root for L_, root.link_ was compared in root-forming for alt clustering
for L in L_:
L.extH, L.root, L.Et, L.mL_t, L.rimt, L.aRad, L.visited_ = CH(),root,copy(L.derH.Et),[[],[]], [[],[]], 0,[L]
L.extH, L.root, L.Et, L.mL_t, L.rimt, L.aRad, L.visited_ = CH(),root,copy(L.derH.Et), [[],[]], [[],[]], 0,[L]
lN_,lL_,dEt = comp_link_(L_,Et)
if val_(dEt, mEt=Et, fo=1) > 0:
dlay = CH().add_tree([L.derH for L in lL_]); dlay.root=H; H.Et += dlay.Et; H.lft += [dlay]
Expand All @@ -42,41 +42,37 @@ def cluster_N_(root, L_, fd, nest=0): # top-down segment L_ by >ave ratio of L.

L_ = sorted(L_, key=lambda x: x.dist) # shorter links first
for n in [n for l in L_ for n in l.nodet]: n.fin = 0
_L = L_[0]; N_, et = _L.nodet, _L.derH.Et
_L = L_[0]
N_, et = copy(_L.nodet), _L.derH.Et
L_ = L_[1:]
while L_: # get longer links
for i, L in enumerate(L_): # shorter links first
while L_: # longer links
for i, L in enumerate(L_): # short first
rel_dist = L.dist / _L.dist # >= 1
if rel_dist < 1.2 or val_(et)>0 or len(L_[i:]) < ave_L: # ~=dist Ns or either side of L is weak
_L = L; N_ += L.nodet; et += L.derH.Et
_L = L; N_ += L.nodet; et += L.derH.Et # last L
break # terminate contiguous-distance segment
i -= 1; break # terminate contiguous-distance segment
G_ = []
max_dist = _L.dist; N_ = {*N_}
for N in N_: # cluster current distance segment
if N.fin: continue # no longer relevant?
max_dist = _L.dist
for N in {*N_}: # cluster current distance segment
_eN_, node_,link_, et, = [N], [],[], np.zeros(4)
while _eN_:
eN_ = []
for eN in _eN_: # cluster rim-connected ext Ns, all in root Gt
node_+=[eN]; eN.fin = 1 # all rim
for L,_ in get_rim(eN, fd):
if L not in link_: # if L.derH.Et[0]/ave * n.extH m/ave or L.derH.Et[0] + n.extH m*.1: density?
eN_ += [n for n in L.nodet if not n.fin]
eN_ += [n for n in L.nodet if nest or not n.fin] # filter in 1st dist seg only
if L.dist < max_dist:
link_+=[L]; et+=L.derH.Et
_eN_ = []
for n in {*eN_}:
n.fin = 0; _eN_ += [n]
# cluster node roots if max_dist else nodes:
G_ += [sum2graph(root, [list({*node_}),list({*link_}), et], fd, max_dist)]

# replace root node_|link_ with incrementally longer-link connected clusters:
if fd: root.link_ = G_
_eN_ = {*eN_}
G_ += [sum2graph(root, [list({*node_}),list({*link_}), et], fd, max_dist, nest)]
# cluster node roots if nest else nodes
nest += 1
if fd: root.link_ = G_ # replace with current-dist clusters
else: root.node_ = G_
nest += 1 # not sure we need it?
L_ = L_[i:] # cluster shorter-connected clusters via longer links, if any

L_ = L_[i+1:] # get longer links if any, may connect current-dist clusters
N_ = []

''' Hierarchical clustering should alternate between two phases: generative via connectivity and compressive via centroid.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,36 +141,50 @@ def centroid_cluster(N): # refine and extend cluster with extN_

if dM > ave and M + extM > ave: # update for next loop, terminate if low reform val
if dN_: # recompute C if any changes in node_
C = centroid(set(dN_),N_,C)
C = centroid(set(dN_), N_, C)
_N_ = set(N_) | set(extN_) # next loop compares both old and new nodes to new C
C.M = M; C.node_ = N_
if C.M > ave * 10:
C.root = N.root # C.nest = N.nest+1
for n in C.node_:
try: n.root += [C]
except TypeError: n.root = [n.root, C]
n.fin = 1; delattr(n,"sign")
n.root = C; n.fin = 1; delattr(n,"sign")
return C # centroid cluster
else: # unpack C.node_
for n in C.node_: n.m = 0
return N # keep seed node

# find representative centroids for complemented Gs: m-core + d-contour, initially from unpacked edge
N_ = sorted([N for N in graph.subG_ if any(N.Et)], key=lambda n: n.Et[0], reverse=True)
subG_ = []
# get representative centroids of complemented Gs: mCore + dContour, initially in unpacked edges
N_ = sorted([N for N in graph.node_ if any(N.Et)], key=lambda n: n.Et[0], reverse=True)
G_ = []
for N in N_:
N.sign, N.m, N.fin = 1, 0, 0 # setattr: C update sign, inclusion val, prior C inclusion flag
for i, N in enumerate(N_): # replace some of connectivity cluster by exemplar centroids
if not N.fin: # not in prior C
if N.Et[0] > ave * 10:
subG_ += [centroid_cluster(N)] # extend from N.rim, return C if packed else N
G_ += [centroid_cluster(N)] # extend from N.rim, return C if packed else N
else: # the rest of N_ M is lower
subG_ += [N for N in N_[i:] if not N.fin]
G_ += [N for N in N_[i:] if not N.fin]
graph.subG_ = subG_ # mix of Ns and Cs: exemplars of their network?
if len(graph.subG_) > ave_L:
# draft:
for G in G_:
# cross-comp | sum altG_ -> combined altG before next agg+ cross-comp
if val_(np.sum([alt.Et for alt in G.altG_]), mEt=G.Et):
G.altG_ = cross_comp(G, G.altG_)
G.altG_ = reduce(sum_G_, [alt for alt in G.altG_])

graph.node_ = G_ # mix of Ns and Cs: exemplars of their network?
if len(G_) > ave_L:
cross_comp(graph) # selective connectivity clustering between exemplars, extrapolated to their node_

def sum_G_(node_):
G = CG()
for n in node_:
G.rng = n.rng; G.latuple += n.latuple; G.vert += n.vert; G.aRad += n.aRad; = extend_box(,
if n.derH: G.derH.add_tree(n.derH, root=G)
if n.extH: G.extH.add_tree(n.extH)
return G

if __name__ == "__main__":
image_file = './images/raccoon_eye.jpeg'
Expand All @@ -183,10 +193,9 @@ def centroid_cluster(N): # refine and extend cluster with extN_
if frame.subG_: # converted edges
subG_ = []
for edge in frame.subG_:
if edge.subG_: # or / and edge Et?
cluster_C_(edge) # no cluster_C_ in trace_edge
subG_ += edge.subG_ # unpack edge, or keep if connectivity cluster, or in flat blob altG_?
frame.subG_ = subG_
G_ = []
for edge in frame.node_:
cluster_C_(edge) # no cluster_C_ in vect_edge
G_ += edge.node_ # unpack edge, or keep if connectivity cluster, or in flat blob altG_?
frame.node_ = G_
cross_comp(frame) # calls connectivity clustering
66 changes: 29 additions & 37 deletions frame_2D_alg/
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Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
This code is initially for clustering segments within edge: high-gradient blob, but too complex for that.
It's mostly a prototype for open-ended compositional recursion: clustering blobs, graphs of blobs, etc.
rng+ fork: incremental-range cross-comp nodes, cluster edge segments, initially PPs, that match over < max distance.
der+ fork: incremental-derivation cross-comp links from node cross-comp, if abs_diff * rel_match > ave
rng+ fork: incremental-range cross-comp nodes: edge segments at < max distance, cluster if they match.
der+ fork: incremental-derivation cross-comp links, from node cross-comp, if abs_diff * rel_adjacent_match
(variance patterns borrow value from co-projected match patterns because their projections cancel-out)
Thus graphs should be assigned adjacent alt-fork (der+ to rng+) graphs, to which they lend predictive value.
So graphs should be assigned adjacent alt-fork (der+ to rng+) graphs, to which they lend predictive value.
But alt match patterns borrow already borrowed value, which is too tenuous to track, we use average borrowed value.
Clustering criterion within each fork is summed match of >ave vars (<ave vars are not compared and don't add comp costs).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,17 +160,16 @@ def __init__(G, **kwargs):
G.vert = kwargs.get('vert', np.array([np.zeros(6), np.zeros(6)])) # vertical m_d_ of latuple = kwargs.get('box', np.array([np.inf,np.inf,-np.inf,-np.inf])) # y0,x0,yn,xn
G.yx = kwargs.get('yx', np.zeros(2)) # init PP.yx = [(y0+yn)/2,(x0,xn)/2], then ave node yx
G.altG = kwargs.get('altG', CG(altG=G)) # adjacent gap+overlap graphs, vs. contour in frame_graphs (prevent cyclic)
G.rng = 1
G.aRad = 0 # average distance between graph center and node center
# G.altG = CG(altG=G) if kwargs.get('altG', None) is None else kwargs.get('altG') # prevent cyclic
G.rim = [] # flat links of any rng, may be nested in clustering
G.nest = 0 # nesting in nodes
G.aRad = 0 # average distance between graph center and node center
# maps to node_tree / agg+|sub+:
G.derH = CH() # sum from nodes, then append from feedback
G.extH = CH() # sum from rim_ elays, H maybe deleted
# G.fback_ = [] # if fb buffering
# id_tree: list = z([[]]) # indices in all layers(forks, if no fback merge
# depth: int = 0 # n sub_G levels over base node_, max across forks
# nval: int = 0 # of open links: base alt rep
G.extH = CH() # sum from rims
G.altG_ = [] # adjacent gap+overlap alt-fork graphs, forming a contour
# fd_ | fork_tree: list = z([[]]) # indices in all layers(forks, if no fback merge
# G.fback_ = [] # fb buffer
def __bool__(G): return bool(G.node_) # never empty

class CL(CBase): # link or edge, a product of comparison between two nodes or links
Expand All @@ -179,7 +178,6 @@ class CL(CBase): # link or edge, a product of comparison between two nodes or l
def __init__(l, nodet, derH, yx, angle, dist, box):
# CL = binary tree of Gs, depth+/der+: CL nodet is 2 Gs, CL + CLs in nodet is 4 Gs, etc., unpack sequentially
# inputs:
l.derH = derH
l.nodet = nodet # e_ in kernels, else replaces _node,node: not used in kernels
l.angle = angle # dy,dx between nodet centers
Expand All @@ -200,7 +198,7 @@ def vectorize_root(frame):
if blob.Et[0] * (len(blob.node_)-1)*(blob.rng+1) > ave:
# init for agg+:
if not hasattr(frame, 'derH'):
frame.derH = CH(root=frame, Et=np.zeros(4), tft=[]); frame.root = None; frame.subG_ = []
frame.derH = CH(root=frame, Et=np.zeros(4), tft=[]); frame.root = None; frame.node_ = [] # distinct from base blob_
lat = np.array([.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,np.zeros(2)],dtype=object); vert = np.array([np.zeros(6), np.zeros(6)])
for PP in blob.node_:
vert += PP[3]; lat += PP[4]
Expand All @@ -211,11 +209,11 @@ def vectorize_root(frame):
P_, link_, vert, lat, A, S, box, [y,x], Et = N[1:] # PPt
if Et[0] > ave: # no altG until cross-comp
PP = CG(fd=0, Et=Et,root=edge, node_=P_,link_=link_, vert=vert, latuple=lat, box=box, yx=[y,x])
y0,x0,yn,xn = box; PP.aRad = np.hypot((yn-y0)/2, (xn-x0)/2) # approx
y0,x0,yn,xn = box; PP.aRad = np.hypot((yn-y0)/2,(xn-x0)/2) # approx
G_ += [PP]
edge.subG_ = G_
edge.node_ = G_
if len(G_) > ave_L:
cluster_edge(edge); frame.subG_ += [edge]; frame.derH.add_tree(edge.derH)
cluster_edge(edge); frame.node_ += [edge]; frame.derH.add_tree(edge.derH)
# add altG: summed converted adj_blobs of converted edge blob
# if len(edge.subG_) > ave_L: agg_recursion(edge) # unlikely

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,7 +250,7 @@ def cluster_PP_(edge, fd):
G_ += node_ # unpack weak Gts
if fd: edge.link_ = G_
else: edge.node_ = G_
else: edge.node_ = G_ # vs init PP_
# comp PP_:
N_,L_,Et = comp_node_(edge.subG_)
if val_(Et, fo=1) > 0: # cancel by borrowing d?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -415,19 +413,19 @@ def comp_N(_N,N, rn, angle=None, dist=None, dir=1): # dir if fd, Link.derH=dH,

def get_rim(N,fd): return N.rimt[0] + N.rimt[1] if fd else N.rim # add nesting in cluster_N_?

def sum2graph(root, grapht, fd, maxL=None): # sum node and link params into graph, aggH in agg+ or player in sub+
def sum2graph(root, grapht, fd, maxL=None, nest=0): # sum node and link params into graph, aggH in agg+ or player in sub+

node_, link_, Et = grapht
graph = CG(fd=fd, Et=Et*icoef, root=root, link_=link_, maxL=maxL)
graph = CG(fd=fd, Et=Et*icoef, root=root, link_=link_, maxL=maxL, nest=nest) # internal nesting
# arg Et is weaker if internal
yx = np.array([0,0]); yx_ = []
derH = CH(root=graph)
root_ = []
for N in node_:
if maxL: # G is dist-nested, called from cluster_N_, cluster roots instead of nodes
N = N.root # or highest, get root.root while root.nest?
if nest: # G is dist-nested in cluster_N_, cluster roots instead of nodes
while N.root.nest < nest: N = N.root # incr/elevation, term if ==nest
if N in root_: continue # roots overlap
else: root_ += [N]
root_ += [N] = extend_box(, # pre-compute graph.area += N.area?
yx = np.add(yx, N.yx)
yx_ += [N.yx]
Expand All @@ -437,22 +435,24 @@ def sum2graph(root, grapht, fd, maxL=None): # sum node and link params into gra
derH.add_tree(N.derH, graph)
graph.Et += N.Et * icoef ** 2 # deeper, lower weight
N.root = graph
graph.node_ = root_ if maxL else node_ # link_ is still current-dist links only?
graph.node_ = root_ if nest else node_ # link_ is still current-dist links only?
# sum link_ derH:
derLay = CH().add_tree([link.derH for link in link_],root=graph) # root added in copy_ within add_tree
if derH:
derLay.lft += [derH]; derLay.Et += derH.Et
graph.derH = derLay
L = len(node_)
yx = np.divide(yx,L); graph.yx = yx
graph.aRad = np.hypot( *(graph.yx - yx_ ).T).mean() # ave distance from graph center to node centers
if fd and val_(Et, mEt=root.Et) > 0: # strong dgraph
yx = np.divide(yx,L)
dy,dx = np.divide( np.sum([yx-_yx for _yx in yx_], axis=0), L)
graph.aRad = np.hypot(dy,dx) # ave distance from graph center to node centers
graph.yx = yx
if fd: # dgraph # and val_(Et, mEt=root.Et) > 0:
altG_ = [] # mGs overlapping dG
for L in node_:
for n in L.nodet: # map root mG
mG = n.root
if mG not in altG_:
mG.altG = sum_G_([mG.altG, graph])
mG.altG_ += [graph] # cross-comp|sum complete altG_ before next agg+ cross-comp
altG_ += [mG]
feedback(graph) # recursive root.derH.add_fork(graph.derH)
return graph
Expand All @@ -467,20 +467,12 @@ def feedback(node): # propagate node.derH to higher roots
if len(addH.lft) > fd:
addH = lowH; lowH = lowH.lft[fd] # keep unpacking
lowH.lft += [addH.copy_()]; add = 0 # fork was empty, init with He
lowH.lft += [addH.copy_()] # fork was empty, init with He
add = 0; break
if add: # add in fork initialized by prior feedback, else append above
lowH.add_tree(addH, root)
node = root

def sum_G_(node_):
G = CG()
for n in node_:
G.rng = n.rng; G.latuple += n.latuple; G.vert += n.vert; G.aRad += n.aRad; = extend_box(,
if n.derH: G.derH.add_tree(n.derH, root=G)
if n.extH: G.extH.add_tree(n.extH)
return G

if __name__ == "__main__":
image_file = './images/raccoon_eye.jpeg'
image = imread(image_file)
Expand Down

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