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boris-kz committed Feb 1, 2024
1 parent 7db36e5 commit 2630a57
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Showing 4 changed files with 88 additions and 48 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,3 +79,9 @@ Kok Wei Chee, $22000: team developer, January-December

Khanh Nguyen, $8100, team developer, April-December


Kok Wei Chee, team developer, $2000 January

Khanh Nguyen, team developer, $800 January

27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions frame_2D_alg/deprecated/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -807,3 +807,30 @@ def unpack_rim(G, fd): # rim_t = [] | rimt|rim_t | rim_tH
if rim and isinstance(rim[0],list): rim = rim[-1] # not CderG, rim is rim_
return rim

def form_graph_t(root, G_, Et, nrng, fagg=0): # form Gm_,Gd_ from same-root nodes

node_connect(G_) # Graph Convolution of Correlations over init _G_
node_t = []
for fd in 0, 1:
if Et[0][fd] > ave * Et[1][fd]: # eValt > ave * eRdnt: cluster
graph_ = segment_node_(root, G_, fd, nrng) # fd: node-mediated Correlation Clustering
for graph in graph_:
# add graph link_ in the evaluation instead of node? Because we need link in der+ sub later
if graph.Vt[fd] * (len(graph.node_)-1)*root.rng * len(graph.link_) > G_aves[fd] * graph.Rt[fd]:
for node in graph.node_:
if node.rimH and isinstance(node.rimH[0],CderG): # 1st sub+: convert rim to rimH
node.rimH = [node.rimH]
node.rimH += [[]] # the simplest method is to add new rim layer here?
agg_recursion(root, graph, graph.node_, nrng, fagg=0)
root.fback_t[root.fd] += [[graph.aggH, graph.valt, graph.rdnt, graph.dect]]
# feedback(root,root.fd) # update root.root..
node_t += [graph_] # may be empty
node_t += [[]]
if fagg:
return node_t
elif any(node_t):
G_[:] = node_t # else keep root.node_ (replacement only in sub+?)

101 changes: 54 additions & 47 deletions frame_2D_alg/vectorize_edge_blob/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,13 +55,14 @@ def vectorize_root(blob, verbose): # vectorization in 3 composition levels of x

def agg_recursion(rroot, root, node_, nrng=1, fagg=0): # lenH = len(root.aggH[-1][0]), lenHH: same in agg_compress

Et = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] # grapht link_' eValt, eRdnt, eDect(currently not used)
Et = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] # grapht link_ Valt,Rdnt,Dect(currently not used)

# agg+ der=1 xcomp of new Gs if fagg, else sub+: der+ xcomp of old Gs:
nrng = rng_recursion(rroot, root, node_ if fagg else root.link_, Et, nrng) # rng+ appends rim, link.derH
nrng = rng_recursion(rroot, root, combinations(node_,r=2) if fagg else root.link_, Et, nrng) # rng+ appends rim, link.derH

GG_t = form_graph_t(root, node_, Et, nrng) # root_fd, eval sub+, feedback per graph
if GG_t:
form_graph_t(root, node_, Et, nrng, fagg) # root_fd, eval sub+, feedback per graph

if node_ and isinstance(node_[0], list):
for i, G_ in enumerate(node_):
if root.valt[i] * (len(G_)-1)*root.rng > G_aves[i] * root.rdnt[i]:
# agg+ / node_t, vs. sub+ / node_:
Expand All @@ -73,17 +74,17 @@ def agg_recursion(rroot, root, node_, nrng=1, fagg=0): # lenH = len(root.aggH[-

def rng_recursion(rroot, root, Q, Et, nrng=1): # rng++/ G_, der+/ link_ if called from sub+ fork of agg_recursion, -> rimH

et = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] # grapht link_' eValt, eRdnt, eDect(currently not used)
_G_,_link_ = set(),set() # for next rng+|sub+
fd = isinstance(Q,set) # Q is link_
et = [[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]] # grapht link_ Valt,Rdnt,Dect
_G_,_link_ = set(),set() # for next rng+ | sub+
fd = isinstance(Q,set) # link_ is a set

if fd: # der+, but recursion is still rng+
for link in Q: # inp_= root.link_, reform links
if link.Vt[1] > G_aves[1] * link.Rt[1]: # >rdn incr
comp_G(link, Et, fd)
comp_rim(_link_, link, nrng) # add matching-direction rim links for next rng+
else: # rng+
Gt_ = combinations(Q, r=2) if isinstance(Q, list) else Q # list or set
else: # rng+, before sub+
Gt_ = Q
for (_G, G) in Gt_: # form new link_ from original node_
dy = -; dx = -
dist = np.hypot(dy, dx)
Expand All @@ -106,7 +107,7 @@ def rng_recursion(rroot, root, Q, Et, nrng=1): # rng++/ G_, der+/ link_ if call
def comp_rim(_link_, link, nrng): # for next rng+:

for G in link._G, link.G:
for _link in G.rimH[1]:
for _link in G.rimH[-1]:
_G = _link.G if _link.G in [link._G,link.G] else _link.G # new to link

dy = -; dx = -
Expand All @@ -126,12 +127,12 @@ def form_graph_t(root, G_, Et, nrng, fagg=0): # form Gm_,Gd_ from same-root nod
for fd in 0, 1:
if Et[0][fd] > ave * Et[1][fd]: # eValt > ave * eRdnt
graph_ = segment_node_(root, G_, fd, nrng, fagg) # fd: node-mediated Correlation Clustering
if fd: # der+ only, rng+ exhausted before sub+
if fd: # der+ only, rng+ exhausted before sub+, can't be effectively extended in sub Gs?
for graph in graph_:
if graph.Vt[1] > G_aves[1] * graph.Rt[1]: # no * (len(graph.node_)-1) * root.rng
if graph.link_ and graph.Vt[1] > G_aves[1] * graph.Rt[1]:
node_ = graph.node_
if isinstance(node_[0].rimH[0],CderG): # 1st sub+, same rim nesting for all nodes,
for node in node_: node.rimH = [node.rimH] # rim -> rimH, no += [[]]: may stay empty
if isinstance(node_[0].rimH[0],CderG): # 1st sub+, same rim nesting?
for node in node_: node.rimH = [node.rimH] # rim -> rimH
agg_recursion(root, graph, graph.node_, nrng, fagg=0)
root.fback_t[root.fd] += [[graph.aggH, graph.valt, graph.rdnt, graph.dect]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ def node_connect(_G_): # node connectivity = sum surround link vals,
if dv > ave * dr:
G.Vt[i]+=V; G.Rt[i]+=R; G.Dt[i]+=D # add link last layer vals
if link not in uprim: uprim += [link]
# more selective eval: dVt[i] += dv; L = len(uprimt[i]); Lent[i] += L
# more selective eval: dVt[i] += dv; L=len(uprim); Lent[i] += L
if V > ave * R:
G.evalt[i] += dv; G.erdnt[i] += dr; G.edect[i] += dd
if uprim: # prune rim for next loop
Expand All @@ -187,15 +188,15 @@ def segment_node_(root, root_G_, fd, nrng, fagg): # eval rim links with summed
igraph_ = []; ave = G_aves[fd]

for G in root_G_: # init per node, last-layer Vt,Vt,Dt:
grapht = [[G],[], G.Vt,G.Rt,G.Dt, copy(G.rimH[-1] if G.rimH and isinstance(G.rimH[0],list) else G.rimH)] # init link_ with last rim
grapht = [[G],[], G.Vt,G.Rt,G.Dt, copy(G.rimH[-1] if G.rimH and isinstance(G.rimH[0],list) else G.rimH)] # link_ = last rim
G.roott[fd] = grapht # roott for feedback
igraph_ += [grapht]
_graph_ = igraph_

while True:
graph_ = []
for grapht in _graph_: # extend grapht Rim with +ve in-root links
G_, Link_, Valt, Rdnt, Dect, Rim = grapht
G_, Link_, Vt, Rt, Dt, Rim = grapht
inVal, inRdn = 0,0 # new in-graph +ve
new_Rim = []
for link in Rim: # unique links
Expand All @@ -205,39 +206,37 @@ def segment_node_(root, root_G_, fd, nrng, fagg): # eval rim links with summed
G = link._G; _G = link.G
if _G in G_: continue
# connect by rel match of nodes * match of node Vs: surround M|Ds,
# V = how deeply inside the graph is G
# V suggests how deeply inside the graph is G
cval = link.Vt[fd] + get_match(G.Vt[fd],_G.Vt[fd]) # same coef for int and ext match?
crdn = link.Rt[fd] + (G.Rt[fd] + _G.Rt[fd]) / 2
if cval > ave * crdn: # _G and its root are effectively connected
# merge _root:
_grapht = _G.roott[fd]
_G_,_Link_,_Valt,_Rdnt,_Dect,_Rim = _grapht
_G_,_Link_,_Vt,_Rt,_Dt,_Rim = _grapht
Link_[:] = list(set(Link_+_Link_)) + [link]
for g in _G_:
g.roott[fd] = grapht
if g not in G_: G_+=[g]
for i in 0,1:
Valt[i]+=_Valt[i]; Rdnt[i]+=_Rdnt[i]; Dect[i]+=_Dect[i]
inVal += _Valt[fd]; inRdn += _Rdnt[fd]
Vt[i]+=_Vt[i]; Rt[i]+=_Rt[i]; Dt[i]+=_Dt[i]
inVal += _Vt[fd]; inRdn += _Rt[fd]
if _grapht in igraph_:
new_Rim += [link for link in _Rim if link not in new_Rim+Rim+Link_]
# for next loop:
if len(new_Rim) * inVal > ave * inRdn:
graph_ += [[G_,Link_, Valt,Rdnt,Dect, new_Rim]]
graph_ += [[G_,Link_, Vt,Rt,Dt, new_Rim]]

if graph_: _graph_ = graph_ # selected graph expansion
else: break

# -> Cgraphs if Val > ave * Rdn:
return [sum2graph(root, graph, fd, nrng, fagg) for graph in igraph_ if graph[2][fd] > ave * graph[3][fd]]

# form Cgraphs if Val > ave* Rdn, no use for Vt,Rt,Dt,link_:
return [sum2graph(root, graph[0], graph[1], fd, nrng, fagg) for graph in igraph_ if graph[2][fd] > ave * graph[3][fd]]

def sum2graph(root, grapht, fd, nrng, fagg): # sum node and link params into graph, aggH in agg+ or player in sub+

G_,Link_,Vt,Rt,Dt,_ = grapht # last-layer vals only; depth 0:derLay, 1:derHv, 2:subHv
def sum2graph(root, G_, Link_, fd, nrng, fagg): # sum node and link params into graph, aggH in agg+ or player in sub+

graph = Cgraph(fd=fd, node_=G_, L=len(G_),link_=Link_, Vt=Vt, Rt=Rt, Dt=Dt, rng=nrng)
graph = Cgraph(fd=fd, node_=G_, L=len(G_),link_=set(Link_), rng=nrng, fHH=fagg)
graph.roott[fd] = root
for link in Link_:
Expand All @@ -254,15 +253,16 @@ def sum2graph(root, grapht, fd, nrng, fagg): # sum node and link params into gr
for j in 0,1:
evalt[j] += G.evalt[j]; erdnt[j] += G.erdnt[j]; edect[j] += G.edect[j]
valt[j] += G.valt[j]; rdnt[j] += G.rdnt[j]; dect[j] += G.dect[j]
# concat link_ dsubH | daggH:
graph.aggH += extH

graph.aggH += extH # concat dsubH or daggH
# graph internals = G Internals + Externals:
valt = Cmd(*valt) + evalt; graph.valt = valt
rdnt = Cmd(*rdnt) + erdnt; graph.rdnt = rdnt
dect = Cmd(*dect) + edect; graph.dect = dect
if fagg and not G_[0].fHH:
# 1st agg+, init aggH = [subHv]:
graph.aggH = [[graph.aggH,valt,rdnt,dect]]
graph.fHH = 1 # set fHH here?

graph.A = [A0,A1]; graph.S = S

Expand All @@ -278,25 +278,22 @@ def sum2graph(root, grapht, fd, nrng, fagg): # sum node and link params into gr
return graph

# not revised:

def sum_links_last_lay(G, fd): # eLay += last_lay/ link, lenHH: daggH, lenH: dsubH

def sum_links_last_lay(G, fd): # eLay += last_lay/ link
eLay = [] # accum from link daggH | dsubH | ddaggH:
for link in G.rimH[-1] if G.rimH and isinstance(G.rimH[0],list) else G.rimH: # always rimH?

for link in G.rimH[-1] if G.rimH and isinstance(G.rimH[0],list) else G.rimH:
if link.daggH:
daggH = link.daggH
if G.aggH: # we just need check G.aggH here? Because if there's G.aggH, there will be additional nesting in daggH
if G.fHH:
if len(daggH) > len(G.extH):
dsubH = daggH[-1][0] # last subHv's subH
dsubH = daggH[-1][0] # last subH
dsubH = []
else: # from sub+
dsubH = daggH
for dderH in dsubH[ int(len(dsubH)/2): ]: # derH_/ last xcomp: len subH *= 2, maybe single dderH
sum_derHv(eLay, dderH, base_rdn=link.Rt[fd]) # sum all derHs of link layer=rdH into esubH[-1]

G.evalt[fd] += link.Vt[fd]; G.erdnt[fd] += link.Rt[fd]; G.edect[fd] += link.Dt[fd]
if eLay: G.extH += [eLay]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,7 +327,7 @@ def comp_G(link, Et, ifd):
for fd, (ptuple,Ptuple) in enumerate(zip((mtuple,dtuple),(Mtuple,Dtuple))):
for (par, max, ave) in zip(ptuple, Ptuple, aves): # different ave for comp_dtuple
if fd: ddec += abs(par)/ abs(max) if max else 1
else: mdec += (par+ave)/ (max+ave) if max else 1
else: mdec += (par+ave)/ (max+ave) if max else 1
mdec /= 6; ddec /= 6
Mval+=dval; Dval+=mval; Mdec=(Mdec+mdec)/2; Ddec=(Ddec+ddec)/2
dderH += [[[mtuple,dtuple], [mval,dval],[mrdn,drdn],[mdec,ddec]]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,10 +357,12 @@ def comp_G(link, Et, ifd):
G.Vt[fd] += Val; G.Rt[fd] += Rdn; G.Dt[fd] += Dec
if not fd:
for G in link.G, link._G:
if G.rimH and isinstance(G.rimH[0],list): # rim is converted to rimH in 1st sub+
G.rimH[-1] += [link] # rimH
rimH = G.rimH
if rimH and isinstance(rimH[0],list): # rim is converted to rimH in 1st sub+
if len(rimH) == len(G.RimH): rimH += [[]] # no new rim layer yet
rimH[-1] += [link] # rimH
G.rimH += [link] # rim
rimH += [link] # rim

def comp_aggHv(_aggH, aggH, rn): # no separate ext
Expand All @@ -373,8 +372,13 @@ def comp_aggHv(_aggH, aggH, rn): # no separate ext

for _lev, lev in zip(_aggH, aggH): # compare common subHs, if lower-der match?
if _lev and lev:
dsubH, valt,rdnt,dect = comp_subHv(_lev[0],lev[0], rn)
SubH += dsubH # concat

if len(lev) == 5: # derHv with additional ext
dderH, valt,rdnt,dect, dextt = comp_derHv(_lev,lev, rn)
SubH += [[dderH, valt,rdnt,dect,dextt]]
dsubH, valt,rdnt,dect = comp_subHv(_lev[0],lev[0], rn)
SubH += dsubH # concat
Mdec += dect[0]; Ddec += dect[1]
mval,dval = valt; Mval += mval; Dval += dval
Mrdn += rdnt[0] + dval > mval; Drdn += rdnt[1] + mval <= dval
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,8 +420,8 @@ def comp_derHv(_derHv, derHv, rn): # derH is a list of der layers or sub-layers
dect = [0,0]
for fd, (ptuple,Ptuple) in enumerate(zip((mtuple,dtuple),(Mtuple,Dtuple))):
for (par, max, ave) in zip(ptuple, Ptuple, aves): # different ave for comp_dtuple
if fd: dect[fd] += par/max if max else 1
else: dect[fd] += (par+ave)/(max) if max else 1
if fd: dect[fd] += abs(par)/abs(max) if max else 1
else: dect[fd] += (par+ave)/abs(max)+ave if max else 1
dect[0]/=6; dect[1]/=6
dderH += [[[mtuple,dtuple], [mval,dval],[mrdn,drdn],dect]]
Mval+=mval; Dval+=dval; Mrdn+=mrdn; Drdn+=drdn
Expand All @@ -443,7 +447,10 @@ def sum_aggHv(AggH, aggH, base_rdn):
if aggH:
if AggH:
for Layer, layer in zip_longest(AggH,aggH, fillvalue=[]):
sum_subHv(Layer, layer, base_rdn)
if len(layer) == 5: # derHv has additional ext
sum_derHv(Layer, layer, base_rdn)
sum_subHv(Layer, layer, base_rdn)
AggH[:] = deepcopy(aggH)

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion frame_2D_alg/vectorize_edge_blob/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ def comp_dtuple(_ptuple, ptuple, rn, fagg=0):
mtuple += [get_match(_par, npar) - ave]
dtuple += [_par - npar]
if fagg:
Mtuple += [max(par,npar)]
Mtuple += [max(abs(par),abs(npar))]
Dtuple += [abs(_par)+abs(npar)]
ret = [mtuple, dtuple]
if fagg: ret += [Mtuple, Dtuple]
Expand Down

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