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Node client for the Genius API.


$ npm install --save node-genius


// Instantiate a Genius instance:
var Genius = require("node-genius");
var geniusClient = new Genius(process.env.GENIUS_ACCESS_TOKEN);

// Call functions on that instance:
geniusClient.getSong("378195", function (error, song) {
  if (error)
    console.error("Whops. Something went wrong:", error);
    console.log("Hoorah. Here is the song: ", song);


var Genius = require("node-genius");
var geniusClient = new Genius(process.env.GENIUS_ACCESS_TOKEN);

// Look up an annotation.
geniusClient.getAnnotation("6737668", function (error, annotation) {

// Create an annotation.
  "annotation": {
    "body": {
      "markdown": "Genius is **awesome!**"
  "referent": {
    "fragment": "out of respect for which"
}, function(error, annotation) {


// Update an annotation.
geniusClient.updateAnnotation("123", {
  "annotation": {
    "body": {
      "markdown": "This is an updated annotation"
}, function(error, annotation) {


// Permanently delete an annotation.
geniusClient.deleteAnnotation("123", function (error, response) {

// Upvote an annotation.
geniusClient.upvoteAnnotation("6737668", function (error, response) {

// Removes vote (up or down) for the annotation.
geniusClient.unvoteAnnotation("6737668", function (error, response) {

// Downvote an annotation.
geniusClient.downvoteAnnotation("6737668", function (error, response) {

// Look up a song.
geniusClient.getSong("378195", function (error, song) {

// Look up an artist.
geniusClient.getArtist("16775", {"text_format": "plain"}, function (error, artist) {

// Look up songs by the given artist.
geniusClient.getArtistSongs("16775", {"page": "1", "per_page": "10"},
  function (error, songs) {

// Look up an album.
geniusClient.getAlbum("104614", function (error, album) {

// Look up all referents/annotations for a song.
geniusClient.getReferents({"song_id": "378195", "text_format": "plain"}, function (error, results) {

// Search Genius."Kendrick Lamar", function (error, results) {

// Look up a web page to which annotations may be attached.
geniusClient.getWebPage({"raw_annotatable_url": ""},
  function(error, page) {

// Look up information about the currently authenticated user.
geniusClient.getMe(function (error, account) {