Built from ink!athon – DApp Boilerplate for Substrate & ink!
This is built on useInkathon
React Hooks that abstract & improve the polkadot.js experience.
By Bolaji Ahmad 🪄
Table of Contents:
- The Stack
- Setup and Installation
- Customization
- Environmnent Variables
- Roadmap
- FAQs & Troubleshooting
The Stack in Detail
- Structure: Monorepo
- Package-Manager:
- Smart Contract Development:
- Frontend:
- Contract Interactions:
React Hooks - Styling:
- Contract Interactions:
- Misc:
- Linting & Formatting:
- Linting & Formatting:
- Deployment: Vercel
This repository contains code for the Proownas DAO Decentralized application. More information about the DAO can be found in (the DAO doc)[packages/contracts/README.md].
There are 2 applications in the ./packages
folder namely: contracts
and frontend
Assuming you have NodeJS installed, Installed pnpm also (the project is managed by pnpm).
# From the root folder run the following commands
1. pnpm install
# Copy and paste environment variables to env.<environment> file
# Be sure to update with actual values after
2. cp packages/frontend/.env.local.example packages/frontend/.env.local
# Navigate to frontend directory (recommended)
3. cd packages/frontend
# Start the frontend (it should start on http://localhost:3000)
4. pnpm dev
To run the frontend successfully, be sure to update the NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3STORAGE_TOKEN
with a token of your choice, or contact (bjahmad4tech@gmail.com)[mailto:bjahmad4tech@gmail.com]
# If the following 3 are not available, be sure to install them
1. Setup Rust: https://docs.substrate.io/install/
# NOTE: Skip the "Compile a Substrate node" section
2. Install ink! cli (cargo contract): https://github.com/paritytech/cargo-contract
3. Install local contracts node: https://github.com/paritytech/substrate-contracts-node
# Navigate to contracts directory
4. cd packages/contracts
# Compile and build the contract
# Build Contracts & move deployments to `./deployments/{contract}/` folders
# NOTE: When adding/renaming your contracts, edit them in `build-all.sh`
5. pnpm build
# Deployment files can be found in the ./src/packages/contracts/deployments folder.
# Each folder contains .contract/.wasm/metadata.json files
# The .contract file can be deployed by uploading to (Substrate Contracts UI)[https://contracts-ui.substrate.io/]
# Test Contracts
# NOTE: When adding/renaming your contracts, edit them in `test-all.sh`
pnpm test
I strongly recommend developing in VSCode by opening the workspace file located at .vscode/inkathon.code-workspace
instead of just the directory. This has multiple advantages and assures a more predictable monorepo configuration. The first plugin listed below will help with getting used to it.
I strongly recommend installing all plugins listed inside .vscode/extensions.json
. They should be suggested automatically by VSCode.
Plugin Details
– Automatically suggests opening the according.code-workspace
– Adds ESLint editor support.esbenp.prettier-vscode
– Adds Prettier editor support.bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss
– Adds tailwindcss & twin.macro editor support.tamasfe.even-better-toml
– Adds.toml
file support.rust-lang.rust-analyzer
– Adds Rust language support.- Optional:
– Lists allTODO
comments in your workspace. - Optional:
– Adds syntax highlighting for.env
The only mandatory environment variable you need to add is NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3STORAGE_TOKEN
. Just set it to YOUR-API-KEY-FROM-WEB3STORAGE as there are defaults for other values.
Please see all pre-defined environment variables below and find more info in packages/frontend/.env.local.example
. All available blockchain network identifiers are defined in the useInkathon
Environment Variable | Value |
true |
https://localhost:3000 |
shibuya |
["alephzero-testnet", "shibuya"] |
` |
Please see the Contract Quickstart section above.
The project roadmap is discussed in the (pitchdeck)[https://youtu.be/F6LhVe9ooDs].