- changed: minor fixes for six_enum_discover
- changed: enforce paging on all public API enpoints
- changed: python dependencies required for Debian 12 Bookworm
- fixed: bookworm postgres permissions setup
- added: vulnsearch add request timeout
- changed: server, full-fat taggable models for versioninfo and vulnsearch (requires db migratin)
- changed: server, configurable filters on vulnsearch list
- changed: server: api, paginate vulnsearch by default (can produce large output)
- changed: server: remove host_filter from elastic rebuilders
- added: server, host list tabs for versioninfo and vulnsearch
- added: server, add astext_ilike sqlafilter (naive JSON columns filtering)
- added: server: sqlafilters, add inet_in, inet_not_in, bumps sqlalchemy-filters
- added: coverage server-storage helper
- fixed: server, handle null value for sum in metrics
- fixed: fix versioninfo paging for datatables
- changed: syncstorage to elasticstorage refactoring
- changed: bump misc javascript libraries
- changed: storage queue-enqueue read from stdin
- changed: scheduler enumips read from stdin
- changed: rename syncstorage and syncvulnsearch to rebuild-* commands
- changed: other minor ui tweaks
- changed: public api with parameters use only post json
- added: grouped notes
- added: api note list
- added: plugin nmap, save banner_dict
- added: storage versioninfo
- added: storage heatmap-check
- added: storage heatmap metrics
- added: show metrics in internal visual
- added: vulnsearch localdb and sync to elastic
- fixed: migrations
- fixed: ui dt sorting
- fixed: elasticstorage note sync
- fixed: vuln group aggegation with tags in different order
- security: bump datatables plugin.ellipsis, fixes possible XSS (no CVE)
- changed: server: ux, storage service dropdown add copy to clipboard button/icon
- changed: server: updates for report and reportdata (report:data) tags
- changed: server: vulnerabilities group aggregate tags with 'i:' exclusion
- changed: ci: update github actions to use current versions
- changed: server: also other minor ux
- added: server: ux, copy vulnerability to other host/service, add autocomplete for vuln addedit
- added: coverage-plugin helper
- added: nuclei plugin
- added: server: ux, fuller storage datatables toolbar multi-action toolboxes
- added: planner, 'load_standalone' stages
- added: server: scheduler maintenance mode
- fixed: server: fix filter POST request
- fixed: timeout for OIDC calls
- security: bump jquery
- changed: various snerlytics indexes updates
- changed: elastic sync features add file based filter
- fixed: network exclusion matcher fix sixenum:// matching
- changed: agent, planner, tiny better logging
- changed: storage sync features configurable elastic indexer buffers
- changes: oidc scope omit profile
- added: auth add-user command
- changed: runtime queue cosmetics
- changed: tests use Mock instead of local functions where possible
- changed: six_enum_discover target format vs heatmap hasvals [BC BREAK]
- changed: view note list table truncate data column with ellipsis to 4k chars
- added: vulnsearch use optional client tls authentication
- added: add storage sync-storage command
- fixed: planner QueueHandler handle exception during draining/job parsing
- fixed: handle delete queue OSerror for UI/UX
- changed: nessus parser pull solution data
- changed: split CI jobs and update makefile targets
- changed: heavy planner refactoring
- changed: untagging ux
- changed: exclusion config from config, drop excl db storage [BC BREAK]
- fix: vulnsearch elasticapi 8.x
- fix: nessus pull solution element from xml
- fix: api logging
- fix: npe in vuln view
- fix: gracefull filter parser exception handling
- added: experimental screenshot_web plugin
- added: experimental testssl plugin
- added: add reportdata tag report generation workflow
- changed: bump packages
- changed: enhance logging in various components, use apache time format, refactor configuration and setup
- changed: server: local swagger assets
- changed: extra: gunicorn service add access log to output
- changed: extra: tune db_dump/restore scripts
- fixed: plugin: six_enum_discover usr local scanning if necessary
- fixed: server: webauthn credential management javascripts
- fixed: server: quickjump when host.hostname is None
- added: server: add ip and user for logs
- added: server: optional werkzeug proxyfix for proper remote_addr handling if server runs behing reverse proxy
- added: server: webui add moredata dropdowns for all storage objects (lists and views)
- bump used dependencies
- changed: internal refactorings
- server/agent config loading refactoring
- partial scheduler core refactoring to managers and services layer
- parser full refactoring
- json messages use "message" field as basic attribute
- changed: Debian Bullseye support/requirement
- changed: rate-limiting scheduler (nacelnik.mk1 design)
- changed: longer session idle timeout by default
- changed:
server db
refactored toserver dbx
- changed: refactor installation process
- changed: create enabled queues by default
- changes: rename sner-web service to sner-server
- changes: enhance planner logging
- added: basic migrations support
- added: scripts: url generator
- added: add tag during storage import
- added: public api accesible with apikey (reject session auth to api; prevent csrf)
- added: user authentication simple OIDC support, user profile generate apikey
- added: basic quickjump via address or hostname
- added: readynet_recount command, update readynets for current heatmap_hot_level
- security: allow login only for active users
- bump used dependencies
- feature: vuln-report and vuln-export filtering and grouping
- feature: add nc/netcat zero io scanner parser
- feature: storage import command dry run support
- feature: report, export add brackets to ipv6 addrs
- scripts: various helper scripts
- security: bump handlebars (CVE-2021-23369)
- add skeleton script
- server, plugin: update database schema for vuln, note to contain via_target field which allows handling name based virtualhost reports data
- server: ui, change default datatables page length
- general: misc tests compatibility or stabilitiy fixes
- plugin nessus: nessus report can contain ip addres in host-rdns
- server: scheduler enumips enums 4 hosts on /31 ipv4 network
- server: ihost.starttime in nmap import can be empty (via -sL scan)
- documentation cosmetics
- vulnserach ensure complete index
- tests naming cosmetics
- queue requirements and agent capabilities for node-grained workload management
- local agent invocation id autogeneration
- jarm scanning
- syn scan as main service discovery, ack scan removal
- ui cosmetics
- service-list simple output
- dev helpers add and cleanup (db, vim.local)
- nmap parser pull cpe info for hosts and services
- vulnsearch, use cpe info to create basic snerlytics view
- planner refactoring, all steps explicitly using and passing context, add run_group step
- agent and parser modules refactored to plugins with dynamic loading
- various tests cometics (sqlaf, pws)
- parser internal structures uses stricter types (namedtuples)
- nessus parser normalize protocol string
bc breaks
- protocol, get assignment parameters from url to qstring
- api, dropped '/v1/' from url
- db schema, queue model attrs
- fix:
- fix add-agent command
- bin/server psql helper, drops psql shell logged in configured database
- api adds prometheus statistics
- planner switch to syn scan by default, add filter_tarpits to default pipeline
- nftables notrack config example
- doc and other cleanups to orchestrate with sner-ansible
- add support for github actions
- password hasing refactored, moved from ORM to app logic
- featues
- vuln export (non grouped data export)
- configurable action buttons for vulns and hosts
- scheduler: add job repeat feature
- tune default queues (drop unused, add generic script scan queue)
- decouple module output parsing from storage imports
- refactor planner to be drived by configured pipelines, remove celery and implement as simple loop daemon
- add default script scanning queue
- add ipv6 handling to nmap agent module and server parser, update on default queues and planner steps config
- add filtering form/field for storage and visuals + add join host model to allow filtering by host properties
- main menu active item highlighting
- new helpers: scripts, added portlist file service lister
- add service endpoint URIs dropdown for storage ui (including selenium tests)
- add MSFT and MSKB vuln refs links
- minor UI cosmetics tweaks
- add severity to generated report
- add filtering form for scheduler job list page
- fix annotate modal dialogue form action to work properly with gunicorn
- hotfix python selenium to correctly close sockets
- fix storage_cleanup and handle empty hosts with only note.xtype hostnames
- fix planner step project_servicelist ipv6 address handling
- sqlafilter fix parsing '>' vs '>='
- fix user profile page layout
- fit add user button placement
- fix six enum discover test
- fix bin/server commands --debug handling and setup
- fix logging vs print output
- update handlbars library
- general: add syslogidentifiers to systemd services
- server: randomize queue selection among same priority
- server: [BC BREAK] add import_time for selected models
- agent, server, planner: add six_enum_discover module and discover_ipv6_enum stage
- agent: add six_dns_discover result filter
- bypass ipv6 tests for travis env
- features
- planner:
- [BC BREAK] refactored queues workflows to stages
- implemented as celery worker and beats
- agent: [BC BREAK] restructured code from init to core
- agent: six_dns_discover module to discover ipv6 addresses from ipv4 addrs and dns records
- planner:
- general: use upstream sqlalchemy-filters
- scheduler: fix runnaway assignments when server busy
- storage: fix report generation when cells would contain >=64k chars
- storage: handling line-endings during import and editing
- storage: fix row ordering upon annotation
- general: all test models and data created through factoryboy
- general: mod_wsgi integration changed to gunicorn and proxy setup
- scheduler: simplified task/queue concept only to queues
- scheduler: server modules refactored heavily to reflect somewhat standard flask app architecture
- scheduler: droped support to reference queue by numeric id
- scheduler: added rich module configuration
- storage: added timestams to all storage models
- storage: add refs for metasploit modules
fixes and refactorings
- storage/host/list missing unfilter
- enumips enumerate host addresses
- misc styling and cosmetic
- tests stabilization
- multiple ids components naming
- visuals internal refactoring
- new tags and configurable tag helpers buttons
- dynamic distance for dns tree graph
- badge numbers for models in host/view tabs
- removed direct calling live_server fixture, replacet with httpserver fixture
- updated all libraries to recent versions
- ui cosmetics
- Bootstrap4 full ui redress
- user interface ajvascript refactoring from sparse functions into ES6 objects
- enhanced tagging and commenting
- empty strings represented as database nulls
- replace nessus_report_parser with pytenable
- fix report generation
- code cosmetics
- old password required for password changea
- initial implementation