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Skep is a monitoring dashboard for Docker Swarm.


See for more screenshots, features, etc..

You may find Skep to be a useful addition to your toolbox along with projects like these:



Launch Skep using the default configuration by running the following command on any Swarm manager:

curl -sSL | docker-compose -f - config | docker stack deploy -c - skep

Skep will be available on any Swarm node on port 8080.

When you have finished evaluating Skep you can remove the stack to destroy all services and networks:

docker stack rm skep


The agent service is responsible for harvesting host and container metrics; configure this service as appropriate for your hardware/operating system setup.

See the sections below to configure each of Skep's components. The provided example docker-compose.yml can be used as a starting point.

When you have a docker-compose.yml that suits your requirements you can launch Skep by executing the following command on any Swarm manager:

docker-compose -f <your-compose-file.yml> config | docker stack deploy -c - skep

Front end web app

Variable Meaning Example
SKEP_PRIVATE_PORT Port used for internal communications between Skep services. Do not publish this port. 6666 (default/recommended)


Variable Meaning Example
SKEP_APP_URL URL that agent containers will use to send metrics to Skep web application http://app:6666/ (default/recommended)
DISKS Comma-separated list of disk devices to monitor (disk activity) sda,sdc
FILE_SYSTEMS Comma-separated list of file systems to monitor (available space) /hostfs/root,/hostfs/backups (see file systems)
NETWORK_INTERFACES Comma-separated list of network devices to monitor (traffic) [not yet implemented] eth0,eth3
COLLECT_INTERVAL Time in seconds to wait between gathering metrics. 5
SAMPLE_DURATION Minimum time in seconds to monitor disk I/O etc. Will accumulate for multiple devices. 10
LOG_LEVEL By default, the agent only logs initial configuration on launch and errors. Set to DEBUG to log all statistics. INFO (default/recommended)
SKEP_HOST Set to docker-desktop when running on Docker Desktop for Mac docker-desktop


Variable Meaning Example
SKEP_APP_URL URL that agent containers will use to send metrics to Skep web application http://app:6666/ (default/recommended)
SERVICE_URL_TEMPLATE URL template for service names See URL templating
IMAGE_URL_TEMPLATE URL template for image names See URL templating
LOG_LEVEL By default, the monitor only logs initial configuration on launch and errors. Set to DEBUG to log all statistics. INFO (default/recommended)
COLLECT_INTERVAL Time in seconds to wait between gathering metrics. 5
SAMPLE_DURATION Minimum time in seconds to monitor disk I/O etc. Will accumulate for multiple devices. 10


Variable Meaning Example
SKEP_APP_URL URL that agent containers will use to send metrics to Skep web application http://app:6666/ (default/recommended)
SERVICE_URL_TEMPLATE URL template for service names See URL templating
IMAGE_URL_TEMPLATE URL template for image names See URL templating
LOG_LEVEL By default, the monitor only logs initial configuration on launch and errors. Set to DEBUG to log all statistics. INFO (default/recommended)
COLLECT_INTERVAL Time in seconds to wait between gathering metrics. 5
SAMPLE_DURATION Minimum time in seconds to monitor disk I/O etc. Will accumulate for multiple devices. 10


Variable Meaning Example
SKEP_APP_URL URL that agent containers will use to send metrics to Skep web application http://app:6666/ (default/recommended)
SKEP_CHARTS_URL URL that the charts service will be available on for handling chart requests. Sent to App service every time charts are updated. http://charts:8080/
SKEP_CHARTS_DB_PATH Path to statistics SQLite3 database. Mount a shared storage endpoint to this location if you want to retain data between restarts. /charts.db (default/recommended)
SKEP_CHARTS_DB_PERSIST By default, the statistics database is re-initialised on startup. Set this variable to any value to retain data between restarts. (not set)
LOG_LEVEL Application server log level. INFO (default/recommended)


Skep uses the gunicorn web server in conjunction with Flask and Flask-SocketIO.

To deploy Skep behind Nginx the following configuration can be used:

upstream skep {
  # Docker Swarm Nodes:
  server node1:8080;
  server node2:8080;
  server node3:8080;

server {

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://skep;

    location / {
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_buffering off;
        proxy_set_header Origin "";
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
        proxy_pass http://skep;

    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;

File Systems

To monitor a file system it must be mounted into the agent as a Docker bind mount. The FILE_SYSTEMS environment variable should refer to the destination of the bind mount. Skep uses the base path /hostfs for mounting host file systems but any valid path is acceptable.

For example, to monitor the root file system, the following configuration might be used:

    image: skep/stats

      - "/:/hostfs/root:ro"

      FILE_SYSTEMS: '/hostfs/root'

URL Templating

URL templating is supported for service names and image IDs. When the relevant environment variable is set, service names and image IDs will be rendered as hyperlinks according to a provided Python format string. See the table below for available parameters:

Service Name

Parameter Meaning Example
name Name of service skep_app
id Service ID yw1iaod282a7


Parameter Meaning Example
organization Image organization owner skep
repository Image repository name app
tag Image tag latest


# .env


Skep is comprised of four services:

  • An agent which is deployed globally (i.e. to all Swarm nodes);
  • A monitor which must be deployed to one manager node;
  • A charts service which stores and calculates chart data which can be deployed to any node and must have only one replica;
  • A web app that can be deployed to any node and must have only one replica.

The agent periodically harvests system and container metrics which are sent to the charts and app services; the app service forwards the data to the React front end using WebSockets / The charts service retains the data in an SQLite3 database.

Chart requests are sent to the app which forwards to the charts service. A confirmation is immediately returned to the front end while the charts service uses one of its worker processes to render the chart data. When the data has been compiled it is sent back to the front end via a WebSocket event.

Redux is used in the front end to manage events and data storage/manipulation.

Agents use bind mounts to access metrics from the host system (/proc, /etc/, and /dev are mounted). Agents also gather statistics about containers running on each host by mounting the Docker socket (/var/run/docker.sock).

All services are written in Python 3.

Skep utilises the excellent Docker SDK for Python extensively.

The web application uses the equally excellent Flask web framework and Flask-SocketIO.

The front end is read-only. No changes to a swarm can be made via the web application. A best-effort approach to filter sensitive data (e.g. passwords in environment configurations) is implemented using simple heuristics. Regardless, as with all similar systems, it is highly recommended that you run Skep behind a firewall and/or an authentication layer.


MIT License


Feel free to make a pull request.