#Modification of Twitter Retweet Bot using Python & Tweepy. Searches and retweets based on hashtag or keyword. Checks for blocked or muted accounts and words to avoid retweeting spam or malicious actors. Intelligently splits content it is not sure about into a printout for manual verification.
- Tweepy - An easy-to-use Python library for accessing the Twitter API.
pip install tweepy
- Make sure you fully understand Twitter's Rules on Automation. Play nice. Don't spam!
- Out of general OS hygiene, create a new directory to contain all of your retweet bot files.
mkdir retweet-bot
- Create a new Twitter Application. This is where you'll generate your keys, tokens, and secrets.
- Fill in your keys, tokens, and secrets in the keys.py file.
- Check comments in retweet.py to tweak the retweet bot to your liking.
- The example demonstrates a single hashtag value, but you can tweak the code to search multiple hashtags. Example:
q='%23apples%20OR%20%23oranges' will search #apples OR #oranges
- Run your retweet.py script. Enjoy!
python retweet.py
- Note: Make sure that your retweet.py and keys.py files are, obviously, in the same directory.
- Create a Cron Job or use Task Scheduler to automate this script.
- Consider using a Raspberry Pi to host your retweet bot, so it's always on and always running. :)