A simple generic TTS speak simulator ROS Node. Other to be used Speech engines can also be configured.
One or both of these are pre installed
- espeak (default)
- spd-say
# installation
sudo apt-get update
# espeak
sudo apt-get install espeak
# spd-say
sudo apt-get install speech-dispatcher
# run in your ros2_ws/src folder
git clone https://gitlab.com/bob-ros2/rosspeaks.git
cd ..
colcon build
. install/setup.bash
# start the node.
ros2 run rosspeaks speak.py
~pitch (int, default: 60)
Pitch of voice.
~rate (int, default: 90)
Rate of voice.
~lang (string, default: "en+f3")
Language type. The value format depends on the used speech engine.
~level (int, default: 70)
Level of voice.
~suppress (Bool, default: False)
Possibility to suppress the speak execution. If True all new messages are discarded until it's set back to False.
~exec (string, default: "espeak")
To be used speach executable. Integrated speech engines are 'espeak' and 'spdsay'.
If providing a custom executable it will be called in the followng way:
script <pitch> <rate> <lang> <level> <text>
~speak (std_msgs/String)
Text to speak. For better control use the action if a finished feedback is needed or use the published speaking topic.
~speaking (std_msgs/Bool)
Flag which indicates if speaking is ongoing. The message is letched to see the last state at any time.
Perfoms speaking. The action ends when speaking has finished. See action/Speaking.action for details.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first
to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.