diff --git a/DESCRIPTION b/DESCRIPTION index 2b2c97dc..6ca927bf 100644 --- a/DESCRIPTION +++ b/DESCRIPTION @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ Package: audio.whisper Type: Package Title: Transcribe Audio Files using the "Whisper" Automatic Speech Recognition Model -Version: 0.4.1 +Version: 0.5.0 Maintainer: Jan Wijffels Authors@R: c( person('Jan', 'Wijffels', role = c('aut', 'cre', 'cph'), email = 'jwijffels@bnosac.be', comment = "R wrapper"), @@ -29,6 +29,5 @@ Suggests: audio.vadwebrtc (>= 0.2.0) LinkingTo: Rcpp SystemRequirements: GNU make -RoxygenNote: 7.1.2 +RoxygenNote: 7.3.2 Remotes: bnosac/audio.vadwebrtc - diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md index ba44cb48..c3b34e6b 100644 --- a/NEWS.md +++ b/NEWS.md @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +## CHANGES IN audio.whisper VERSION 0.5.0 + +- Upgrade to whisper.cpp version v1.6.2 up to commit sha ede1718f6d45aa3f7ad4a1e169dfbc9d51570c4e + ## CHANGES IN audio.whisper VERSION 0.4.1 - Added function predict.whisper_transcription which allows to assign a transcription segment to either a left/right channel based on a Voice Activity Detection diff --git a/R/RcppExports.R b/R/RcppExports.R index 3c8e655b..595246ab 100644 --- a/R/RcppExports.R +++ b/R/RcppExports.R @@ -1,18 +1,6 @@ # Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand # Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393 -whisper_load_model <- function(model, use_gpu = FALSE) { - .Call('_audio_whisper_whisper_load_model', PACKAGE = 'audio.whisper', model, use_gpu) -} - -whisper_encode <- function(model, path, language, token_timestamps = FALSE, translate = FALSE, duration = 0L, offset = 0L, trace = 1L, n_threads = 1L, n_processors = 1L, entropy_thold = 2.40, logprob_thold = -1.00, beam_size = -1L, best_of = 5L, split_on_word = FALSE, max_context = -1L, prompt = "", print_special = FALSE, diarize = FALSE, diarize_percent = 1.1) { - .Call('_audio_whisper_whisper_encode', PACKAGE = 'audio.whisper', model, path, language, token_timestamps, translate, duration, offset, trace, n_threads, n_processors, entropy_thold, logprob_thold, beam_size, best_of, split_on_word, max_context, prompt, print_special, diarize, diarize_percent) -} - -whisper_print_benchmark <- function(model, n_threads = 1L) { - invisible(.Call('_audio_whisper_whisper_print_benchmark', PACKAGE = 'audio.whisper', model, n_threads)) -} - whisper_language_info <- function() { .Call('_audio_whisper_whisper_language_info', PACKAGE = 'audio.whisper') } diff --git a/src/Makevars b/src/Makevars index f910b057..e7f95a43 100644 --- a/src/Makevars +++ b/src/Makevars @@ -1,303 +1,14 @@ PKG_LIBS = CXX_STD = CXX11 -#CFLAGS = -I. -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c11 -fPIC -#CXXFLAGS = -I. -I./examples -O3 -DNDEBUG -std=c++11 -fPIC -#LDFLAGS = +PKG_CPPFLAGS += -DSTRICT_R_HEADERS -I./dr_libs -I./whisper_cpp/ggml/include -I./whisper_cpp/src -I./whisper_cpp/include -I./whisper_cpp/examples -# Enable O3 optimisations -PKG_CFLAGS += -O3 -PKG_CPPFLAGS += -O3 - -ifndef UNAME_S -UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) -endif - -ifndef UNAME_P -UNAME_P := $(shell uname -p) -endif - -ifndef UNAME_M -UNAME_M := $(shell uname -m) -endif - -ifndef NVCC_VERSION - ifeq ($(call,$(shell which nvcc))$(.SHELLSTATUS),0) - NVCC_VERSION := $(shell nvcc --version | egrep -o "V[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+" | cut -c2-) - endif -endif - -# Architecture specific -# TODO: probably these flags need to be tweaked on some architectures -# feel free to update the Makefile for your architecture and send a pull request or issue -ifeq ($(UNAME_M),$(filter $(UNAME_M),x86_64 i686 amd64)) - ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) - CPUINFO_CMD := sysctl machdep.cpu.features machdep.cpu.leaf7_features - else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) - CPUINFO_CMD := cat /proc/cpuinfo - else ifneq (,$(filter MINGW32_NT% MINGW64_NT% MSYS_NT%,$(UNAME_S))) - CPUINFO_CMD := cat /proc/cpuinfo - else ifneq (,$(filter DragonFly FreeBSD,$(UNAME_S))) - CPUINFO_CMD := grep Features /var/run/dmesg.boot - else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Haiku) - CPUINFO_CMD := sysinfo -cpu - endif - - ifdef CPUINFO_CMD - AVX_M := $(shell $(CPUINFO_CMD) | grep -iwE 'AVX|AVX1.0') - ifneq (,$(AVX_M)) - PKG_CFLAGS += -mavx - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mavx - endif - - AVX2_M := $(shell $(CPUINFO_CMD) | grep -iw 'AVX2') - ifneq (,$(AVX2_M)) - PKG_CFLAGS += -mavx2 - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mavx2 - endif - - AVX512F_M := $(shell $(CPUINFO_CMD) | grep -iw 'AVX512F') - ifneq (,$(AVX512F_M)) - PKG_CFLAGS += -mavx512f - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mavx512f - endif - - FMA_M := $(shell $(CPUINFO_CMD) | grep -iw 'FMA') - ifneq (,$(FMA_M)) - PKG_CFLAGS += -mfma - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mfma - endif - - F16C_M := $(shell $(CPUINFO_CMD) | grep -iw 'F16C') - ifneq (,$(F16C_M)) - PKG_CFLAGS += -mf16c - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mf16c - endif - - SSE3_M := $(shell $(CPUINFO_CMD) | grep -iwE 'PNI|SSE3') - ifneq (,$(SSE3_M)) - PKG_CFLAGS += -msse3 - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -msse3 - endif - - SSSE3_M := $(shell $(CPUINFO_CMD) | grep -iw 'SSSE3') - ifneq (,$(SSSE3_M)) - PKG_CFLAGS += -mssse3 - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mssse3 - endif - endif -endif - -ifneq ($(filter ppc64%,$(UNAME_M)),) - POWER9_M := $(shell grep "POWER9" /proc/cpuinfo) - ifneq (,$(findstring POWER9,$(POWER9_M))) - PKG_CFLAGS += -mpower9-vector - endif - # Require c++23's std::byteswap for big-endian support. - ifeq ($(UNAME_M),ppc64) - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -std=c++23 -DGGML_BIG_ENDIAN - endif -endif - -ifdef WHISPER_ACCELERATE - # Mac M1 - include Accelerate framework - ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) - PKG_CFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_ACCELERATE - PKG_LIBS += -framework Accelerate - endif -endif - -SOURCES_COREML = -OBJECTS_COREML = -ifdef WHISPER_COREML - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -DWHISPER_USE_COREML - PKG_LIBS += -framework Foundation -framework CoreML - -ifdef WHISPER_COREML_ALLOW_FALLBACK - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -DWHISPER_COREML_ALLOW_FALLBACK -endif - SOURCES_COREML = whisper_cpp/coreml/whisper-encoder.mm whisper_cpp/coreml/whisper-encoder-impl.m - OBJECTS_COREML = whisper_cpp/coreml/whisper-encoder.o whisper_cpp/coreml/whisper-encoder-impl.o - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -fobjc-arc -endif - -SOURCES_METAL = -OBJECTS_METAL = -ifdef WHISPER_METAL - ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) - WHISPER_METAL := 1 - - PKG_CFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_METAL - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_METAL - PKG_LIBS += -framework Foundation -framework Metal -framework MetalKit - - SOURCES_METAL = whisper_cpp/ggml-metal.m - OBJECTS_METAL = whisper_cpp/ggml-metal.o - endif -endif - -ifdef WHISPER_OPENBLAS - PKG_CFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_OPENBLAS $(shell pkg-config --libs openblas) - PKG_LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags openblas) -endif - -ifdef WHISPER_CUBLAS - ifeq ($(shell expr $(NVCC_VERSION) \>= 11.6), 1) - CUDA_ARCH_FLAG ?= native - else - CUDA_ARCH_FLAG ?= all - endif - #CUDA_ARCH_FLAG = all - - ifndef CUDA_PATH - CUDA_PATH := /usr/local/cuda - endif +SOURCES = whisper_cpp/ggml/src/ggml-quants.c whisper_cpp/ggml/src/ggml-backend.c whisper_cpp/ggml/src/ggml-alloc.c whisper_cpp/ggml/src/ggml-aarch64.c whisper_cpp/ggml/src/ggml.c +OBJECTS = whisper_cpp/ggml/src/ggml-quants.o whisper_cpp/ggml/src/ggml-backend.o whisper_cpp/ggml/src/ggml-alloc.o whisper_cpp/ggml/src/ggml-aarch64.o whisper_cpp/ggml/src/ggml.o - NVCC = nvcc - PKG_CFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_CUBLAS -I"$(CUDA_PATH)/include" -I"$(CUDA_PATH)/targets/$(UNAME_M)-linux/include" - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_CUBLAS -I"$(CUDA_PATH)/include" -I"$(CUDA_PATH)/targets/$(UNAME_M)-linux/include" - PKG_LIBS += -lcuda -lcublas -lculibos -lcudart -lcublasLt -lpthread -ldl -lrt -L"$(CUDA_PATH)/lib64" -L/opt/cuda/lib64 -L"$(CUDA_PATH)/targets/$(UNAME_M)-linux/lib" -L/usr/lib/wsl/lib - NVCCFLAGS = --forward-unknown-to-host-compiler -arch=$(CUDA_ARCH_FLAG) - OBJECTS_CUDA = whisper_cpp/ggml-cuda.o - -endif - -## Note/TODO: removed sections on WHISPER_HIPBLAS / WHISPER_CLBLAST - -ifdef WHISPER_GPROF - PKG_CFLAGS += -pg - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -pg -endif - -ifneq ($(filter aarch64%,$(UNAME_M)),) - PKG_CFLAGS += -mcpu=native - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mcpu=native -endif - -ifneq ($(filter armv6%,$(UNAME_M)),) - # 32-bit Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3 - PKG_CFLAGS += -mfpu=neon -mfp16-format=ieee -mno-unaligned-access -endif - -ifneq ($(filter armv7%,$(UNAME_M)),) - # 32-bit ARM, for example on Armbian or possibly raspbian - #PKG_CFLAGS += -mfpu=neon -mfp16-format=ieee -funsafe-math-optimizations -mno-unaligned-access - #PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mfpu=neon -mfp16-format=ieee -funsafe-math-optimizations -mno-unaligned-access - - # 64-bit ARM on 32-bit OS, use these (TODO: auto-detect 64-bit) - PKG_CFLAGS += -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfp16-format=ieee -funsafe-math-optimizations -mno-unaligned-access - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfp16-format=ieee -funsafe-math-optimizations -mno-unaligned-access -endif - -ifneq ($(filter armv8%,$(UNAME_M)),) - # Raspberry Pi 4 - PKG_CFLAGS += -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfp16-format=ieee -funsafe-math-optimizations -mno-unaligned-access - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfp16-format=ieee -funsafe-math-optimizations -mno-unaligned-access -endif - - -############################################################################################################## -##################### OVERWRITE PKG_CFLAGS / PKG_CPPFLAGS IF THE USER KNOWS WHAT TO DO ####################### -############################################################################################################## -ifdef WHISPER_CFLAGS -PKG_CFLAGS = $(WHISPER_CFLAGS) -endif -ifdef WHISPER_CPPFLAGS -PKG_CPPFLAGS = $(WHISPER_CPPFLAGS) -endif -ifdef WHISPER_LIBS -PKG_LIBS = $(WHISPER_LIBS) -endif - -PKG_CPPFLAGS += -DSTRICT_R_HEADERS -I./dr_libs -I./whisper_cpp -PKG_CFLAGS += -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -PKG_CPPFLAGS += -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 - -# Somehow in OpenBSD whenever POSIX conformance is specified -# some string functions rely on locale_t availability, -# which was introduced in POSIX.1-2008, forcing us to go higher -ifeq ($(UNAME_S),OpenBSD) - PKG_CFLAGS += -U_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700 - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -U_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700 -endif - -# Data types, macros and functions related to controlling CPU affinity -# are available on Linux through GNU extensions in libc -ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) - PKG_CFLAGS += -D_GNU_SOURCE - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -D_GNU_SOURCE -endif - -# RLIMIT_MEMLOCK came in BSD, is not specified in POSIX.1, -# and on macOS its availability depends on enabling Darwin extensions -# similarly on DragonFly, enabling BSD extensions is necessary -ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) - PKG_CFLAGS += -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE -endif -ifeq ($(UNAME_S),DragonFly) - PKG_CFLAGS += -D__BSD_VISIBLE - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -D__BSD_VISIBLE -endif - -# alloca is a non-standard interface that is not visible on BSDs when -# POSIX conformance is specified, but not all of them provide a clean way -# to enable it in such cases -ifeq ($(UNAME_S),FreeBSD) - PKG_CFLAGS += -D__BSD_VISIBLE - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -D__BSD_VISIBLE -endif -ifeq ($(UNAME_S),NetBSD) - PKG_CFLAGS += -D_NETBSD_SOURCE - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -D_NETBSD_SOURCE -endif -ifeq ($(UNAME_S),OpenBSD) - PKG_CFLAGS += -D_BSD_SOURCE - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -D_BSD_SOURCE -endif - -# OS specific -# TODO: support Windows -ifeq ($(filter $(UNAME_S),Linux Darwin DragonFly FreeBSD NetBSD OpenBSD Haiku),$(UNAME_S)) - PKG_CFLAGS += -pthread - PKG_CPPFLAGS += -pthread -endif - -# -# Print build information -# - -$(info I whisper.cpp build info: ) -$(info I UNAME_S: $(UNAME_S)) -$(info I UNAME_P: $(UNAME_P)) -$(info I UNAME_M: $(UNAME_M)) -$(info I PKG_CFLAGS: $(PKG_CFLAGS)) -$(info I PKG_CPPFLAGS: $(PKG_CPPFLAGS)) -$(info I PKG_LIBS: $(PKG_LIBS)) -#$(info I CC: $(CCV)) -#$(info I CXX: $(CXXV)) -$(info ) - -#PKG_CFLAGS = -mavx -mavx2 -mfma -mf16c -#PKG_CFLAGS = -msse3 -#PKG_CLFAGS = -mcpu=native -#PKG_CFLAGS = -O3 -#PKG_CPPFLAGS += -mcpu=native - -SOURCES = whisper_cpp/ggml-quants.c whisper_cpp/ggml-backend.c whisper_cpp/ggml-alloc.c whisper_cpp/ggml.c whisper_cpp/whisper.cpp whisper_cpp/common-ggml.cpp whisper_cpp/common.cpp rcpp_whisper.cpp RcppExports.cpp -OBJECTS = whisper_cpp/ggml-quants.o whisper_cpp/ggml-backend.o whisper_cpp/ggml-alloc.o whisper_cpp/ggml.o whisper_cpp/whisper.o whisper_cpp/common-ggml.o whisper_cpp/common.o rcpp_whisper.o RcppExports.o - -SOURCES += $(SOURCES_METAL) -OBJECTS += $(OBJECTS_METAL) - -SOURCES += $(SOURCES_COREML) -OBJECTS += $(OBJECTS_COREML) - -OBJECTS += $(OBJECTS_CUDA) +SOURCES += whisper_cpp/src/whisper.cpp rcpp_whisper.cpp RcppExports.cpp +OBJECTS += whisper_cpp/src/whisper.o rcpp_whisper.o RcppExports.o all: $(SHLIB) $(SHLIB): $(OBJECTS) - -whisper_cpp/ggml-cuda.o: whisper_cpp/ggml-cuda.cu whisper_cpp/ggml-cuda.h - $(NVCC) $(NVCCFLAGS) $(PKG_CPPFLAGS) -I"$(R_INCLUDE_DIR)" -fPIC -c $< -o $@ diff --git a/src/RcppExports.cpp b/src/RcppExports.cpp index 5bb9bf53..db5c0ae2 100644 --- a/src/RcppExports.cpp +++ b/src/RcppExports.cpp @@ -5,59 +5,11 @@ using namespace Rcpp; -// whisper_load_model -SEXP whisper_load_model(std::string model, bool use_gpu); -RcppExport SEXP _audio_whisper_whisper_load_model(SEXP modelSEXP, SEXP use_gpuSEXP) { -BEGIN_RCPP - Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen; - Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen; - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< std::string >::type model(modelSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< bool >::type use_gpu(use_gpuSEXP); - rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(whisper_load_model(model, use_gpu)); - return rcpp_result_gen; -END_RCPP -} -// whisper_encode -Rcpp::List whisper_encode(SEXP model, std::string path, std::string language, bool token_timestamps, bool translate, Rcpp::IntegerVector duration, Rcpp::IntegerVector offset, int trace, int n_threads, int n_processors, float entropy_thold, float logprob_thold, int beam_size, int best_of, bool split_on_word, int max_context, std::string prompt, bool print_special, bool diarize, float diarize_percent); -RcppExport SEXP _audio_whisper_whisper_encode(SEXP modelSEXP, SEXP pathSEXP, SEXP languageSEXP, SEXP token_timestampsSEXP, SEXP translateSEXP, SEXP durationSEXP, SEXP offsetSEXP, SEXP traceSEXP, SEXP n_threadsSEXP, SEXP n_processorsSEXP, SEXP entropy_tholdSEXP, SEXP logprob_tholdSEXP, SEXP beam_sizeSEXP, SEXP best_ofSEXP, SEXP split_on_wordSEXP, SEXP max_contextSEXP, SEXP promptSEXP, SEXP print_specialSEXP, SEXP diarizeSEXP, SEXP diarize_percentSEXP) { -BEGIN_RCPP - Rcpp::RObject rcpp_result_gen; - Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen; - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< SEXP >::type model(modelSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< std::string >::type path(pathSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< std::string >::type language(languageSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< bool >::type token_timestamps(token_timestampsSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< bool >::type translate(translateSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< Rcpp::IntegerVector >::type duration(durationSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< Rcpp::IntegerVector >::type offset(offsetSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< int >::type trace(traceSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< int >::type n_threads(n_threadsSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< int >::type n_processors(n_processorsSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< float >::type entropy_thold(entropy_tholdSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< float >::type logprob_thold(logprob_tholdSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< int >::type beam_size(beam_sizeSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< int >::type best_of(best_ofSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< bool >::type split_on_word(split_on_wordSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< int >::type max_context(max_contextSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< std::string >::type prompt(promptSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< bool >::type print_special(print_specialSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< bool >::type diarize(diarizeSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< float >::type diarize_percent(diarize_percentSEXP); - rcpp_result_gen = Rcpp::wrap(whisper_encode(model, path, language, token_timestamps, translate, duration, offset, trace, n_threads, n_processors, entropy_thold, logprob_thold, beam_size, best_of, split_on_word, max_context, prompt, print_special, diarize, diarize_percent)); - return rcpp_result_gen; -END_RCPP -} -// whisper_print_benchmark -void whisper_print_benchmark(SEXP model, int n_threads); -RcppExport SEXP _audio_whisper_whisper_print_benchmark(SEXP modelSEXP, SEXP n_threadsSEXP) { -BEGIN_RCPP - Rcpp::RNGScope rcpp_rngScope_gen; - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< SEXP >::type model(modelSEXP); - Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< int >::type n_threads(n_threadsSEXP); - whisper_print_benchmark(model, n_threads); - return R_NilValue; -END_RCPP -} +#ifdef RCPP_USE_GLOBAL_ROSTREAM +Rcpp::Rostream& Rcpp::Rcout = Rcpp::Rcpp_cout_get(); +Rcpp::Rostream& Rcpp::Rcerr = Rcpp::Rcpp_cerr_get(); +#endif + // whisper_language_info Rcpp::DataFrame whisper_language_info(); RcppExport SEXP _audio_whisper_whisper_language_info() { @@ -70,9 +22,6 @@ END_RCPP } static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = { - {"_audio_whisper_whisper_load_model", (DL_FUNC) &_audio_whisper_whisper_load_model, 2}, - {"_audio_whisper_whisper_encode", (DL_FUNC) &_audio_whisper_whisper_encode, 20}, - {"_audio_whisper_whisper_print_benchmark", (DL_FUNC) &_audio_whisper_whisper_print_benchmark, 2}, {"_audio_whisper_whisper_language_info", (DL_FUNC) &_audio_whisper_whisper_language_info, 0}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; diff --git a/src/rcpp_whisper.cpp b/src/rcpp_whisper.cpp index d04fe630..1fb10927 100644 --- a/src/rcpp_whisper.cpp +++ b/src/rcpp_whisper.cpp @@ -3,491 +3,6 @@ #include "whisper.h" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#if defined(_MSC_VER) -#pragma warning(disable: 4244 4267) // possible loss of data -#endif - -// Terminal color map. 10 colors grouped in ranges [0.0, 0.1, ..., 0.9] -// Lowest is red, middle is yellow, highest is green. -const std::vector k_colors = { - "\033[38;5;196m", "\033[38;5;202m", "\033[38;5;208m", "\033[38;5;214m", "\033[38;5;220m", - "\033[38;5;226m", "\033[38;5;190m", "\033[38;5;154m", "\033[38;5;118m", "\033[38;5;82m", -}; - -// 500 -> 00:05.000 -// 6000 -> 01:00.000 -std::string to_timestamp(int64_t t, bool comma = false) { - int64_t msec = t * 10; - int64_t hr = msec / (1000 * 60 * 60); - msec = msec - hr * (1000 * 60 * 60); - int64_t min = msec / (1000 * 60); - msec = msec - min * (1000 * 60); - int64_t sec = msec / 1000; - msec = msec - sec * 1000; - - char buf[32]; - snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:%02d:%02d%s%03d", (int) hr, (int) min, (int) sec, comma ? "," : ".", (int) msec); - - return std::string(buf); -} - -int timestamp_to_sample(int64_t t, int n_samples) { - return std::max(0, std::min((int) n_samples - 1, (int) ((t*WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE)/100))); -} - -// helper function to replace substrings -void replace_all(std::string & s, const std::string & search, const std::string & replace) { - for (size_t pos = 0; ; pos += replace.length()) { - pos = s.find(search, pos); - if (pos == std::string::npos) break; - s.erase(pos, search.length()); - s.insert(pos, replace); - } -} - -// command-line parameters -struct whisper_params { - int32_t n_threads = std::min(4, (int32_t) std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); - int32_t n_processors = 1; - int32_t offset_t_ms = 0; - int32_t offset_n = 0; - int32_t duration_ms = 0; - int32_t progress_step = 5; - int32_t max_context = -1; - int32_t max_len = 0; - int32_t best_of = whisper_full_default_params(WHISPER_SAMPLING_GREEDY).greedy.best_of; - int32_t beam_size = whisper_full_default_params(WHISPER_SAMPLING_BEAM_SEARCH).beam_search.beam_size; - - float word_thold = 0.01f; - float entropy_thold = 2.40f; - float logprob_thold = -1.00f; - - bool speed_up = false; - bool debug_mode = false; - bool translate = false; - bool detect_language = false; - bool diarize = false; - bool tinydiarize = false; - bool split_on_word = false; - bool no_fallback = false; - bool output_txt = false; - bool output_vtt = false; - bool output_srt = false; - bool output_wts = false; - bool output_csv = false; - bool output_jsn = false; - bool output_jsn_full = false; - bool output_lrc = false; - bool print_special = false; - bool print_colors = false; - bool print_progress = false; - bool no_timestamps = false; - bool log_score = false; - bool use_gpu = true; - - std::string language = "en"; - std::string prompt; - std::string font_path = "/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Courier New Bold.ttf"; - std::string model = "models/ggml-base.en.bin"; - - // [TDRZ] speaker turn string - std::string tdrz_speaker_turn = " [SPEAKER_TURN]"; // TODO: set from command line - - std::string openvino_encode_device = "CPU"; - - std::vector fname_inp = {}; - std::vector fname_out = {}; -}; - - -struct whisper_print_user_data { - const whisper_params * params; - - const std::vector> * pcmf32s; - int progress_prev; -}; - -std::string estimate_diarization_speaker(std::vector> pcmf32s, int64_t t0, int64_t t1, bool id_only = false, float energy_higher_percent = 1.1) { - std::string speaker = ""; - const int64_t n_samples = pcmf32s[0].size(); - - const int64_t is0 = timestamp_to_sample(t0, n_samples); - const int64_t is1 = timestamp_to_sample(t1, n_samples); - - double energy0 = 0.0f; - double energy1 = 0.0f; - - for (int64_t j = is0; j < is1; j++) { - energy0 += fabs(pcmf32s[0][j]); - energy1 += fabs(pcmf32s[1][j]); - } - - if (energy0 > energy_higher_percent*energy1) { - speaker = "0"; - } else if (energy1 > energy_higher_percent*energy0) { - speaker = "1"; - } else { - speaker = "?"; - } - - //printf("is0 = %lld, is1 = %lld, energy0 = %f, energy1 = %f, speaker = %s\n", is0, is1, energy0, energy1, speaker.c_str()); - - if (!id_only) { - speaker.insert(0, "(speaker "); - speaker.append(")"); - } - - return speaker; -} -void whisper_print_progress_callback(struct whisper_context * /*ctx*/, struct whisper_state * /*state*/, int progress, void * user_data) { - int progress_step = ((whisper_print_user_data *) user_data)->params->progress_step; - int * progress_prev = &(((whisper_print_user_data *) user_data)->progress_prev); - if (progress >= *progress_prev + progress_step) { - *progress_prev += progress_step; - Rprintf("%s: progress = %3d%%\n", __func__, progress); - } -} - -void whisper_print_segment_callback(struct whisper_context * ctx, struct whisper_state * /*state*/, int n_new, void * user_data) { - const auto & params = *((whisper_print_user_data *) user_data)->params; - - const int n_segments = whisper_full_n_segments(ctx); - - std::string speaker = ""; - - int64_t t0 = 0; - int64_t t1 = 0; - - // print the last n_new segments - const int s0 = n_segments - n_new; - - if (s0 == 0) { - if(params.print_progress){ - Rprintf("\n"); - } - } - - for (int i = s0; i < n_segments; i++) { - if (!params.no_timestamps || params.diarize) { - t0 = whisper_full_get_segment_t0(ctx, i); - t1 = whisper_full_get_segment_t1(ctx, i); - } - const char * text = whisper_full_get_segment_text(ctx, i); - if(params.print_progress){ - Rprintf("[%s --> %s] %s%s\n", to_timestamp(t0).c_str(), to_timestamp(t1).c_str(), speaker.c_str(), text); - } - Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt(); - } -} - - - -// Functionality to free the Rcpp::XPtr -class WhisperModel { - public: - struct whisper_context * ctx; - WhisperModel(std::string model, bool use_gpu = false){ - struct whisper_context_params cparams; - cparams.use_gpu = use_gpu; - ctx = whisper_init_from_file_with_params(model.c_str(), cparams); - } - ~WhisperModel(){ - whisper_free(ctx); - } -}; - -// [[Rcpp::export]] -SEXP whisper_load_model(std::string model, bool use_gpu = false) { - // Load language model and return the pointer to be used by whisper_encode - //struct whisper_context * ctx = whisper_init(model.c_str()); - //Rcpp::XPtr ptr(ctx, false); - WhisperModel * wp = new WhisperModel(model, use_gpu); - Rcpp::XPtr ptr(wp, false); - return ptr; -} - - -// [[Rcpp::export]] -Rcpp::List whisper_encode(SEXP model, std::string path, std::string language, - bool token_timestamps = false, bool translate = false, Rcpp::IntegerVector duration = 0, Rcpp::IntegerVector offset = 0, int trace = 1, - int n_threads = 1, int n_processors = 1, - float entropy_thold = 2.40, - float logprob_thold = -1.00, - int beam_size = -1, - int best_of = 5, - bool split_on_word = false, - int max_context = -1, - std::string prompt = "", - bool print_special = false, - bool diarize = false, - float diarize_percent = 1.1) { - float audio_duration=0; - - whisper_params params; - params.language = language; - params.translate = translate; - params.print_special = print_special; - params.duration_ms = duration[0]; - params.offset_t_ms = offset[0]; - params.fname_inp.push_back(path); - params.n_threads = n_threads; - params.n_processors = n_processors; - - params.entropy_thold = entropy_thold; - params.logprob_thold = logprob_thold; - params.beam_size = beam_size; - params.best_of = best_of; - params.split_on_word = split_on_word; - params.max_context = max_context; - params.prompt = prompt; - params.diarize = diarize; - if (params.fname_inp.empty()) { - Rcpp::stop("error: no input files specified"); - } - - if (params.language != "auto" && whisper_lang_id(params.language.c_str()) == -1) { - Rcpp::stop("Unknown language"); - } - - // whisper init - Rcpp::XPtr whispermodel(model); - struct whisper_context * ctx = whispermodel->ctx; - //Rcpp::XPtr ctx(model); - //struct whisper_context * ctx = whisper_init(params.model.c_str()); - - const auto fname_inp = params.fname_inp[0]; - std::vector pcmf32; // mono-channel F32 PCM - std::vector> pcmf32s; // stereo-channel F32 PCM - - if (!::read_wav(fname_inp, pcmf32, pcmf32s, params.diarize)) { - Rprintf("error: failed to read WAV file '%s'\n", fname_inp.c_str()); - Rcpp::stop("The input audio needs to be a 16-bit .wav file."); - } - - if(trace > 0){ - Rprintf("system_info: n_threads = %d / %d | %s\n", params.n_threads*params.n_processors, std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), whisper_print_system_info()); - } - - { - if (!whisper_is_multilingual(ctx)) { - if (params.language != "en" || params.translate) { - params.language = "en"; - params.translate = false; - Rcpp::warning("WARNING: model is not multilingual, ignoring language and translation options"); - } - } - if(trace > 0){ - Rcpp::Rcout << "Processing " << fname_inp << " (" << int(pcmf32.size()) << " samples, " << float(pcmf32.size())/WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE << " sec)" << ", lang = " << params.language << ", translate = " << params.translate << ", timestamps = " << token_timestamps << ", beam_size = " << params.beam_size << ", best_of = " << params.best_of << "\n"; - } - } - audio_duration = float(pcmf32.size())/WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE; - - // Structures to get the data back in R - std::vector segment_nr; - std::vector segment_offset; - Rcpp::StringVector transcriptions(0); - Rcpp::StringVector transcriptions_from(0); - Rcpp::StringVector transcriptions_to(0); - Rcpp::StringVector transcriptions_speaker(0); - std::vector token_segment_nr; - std::vector token_segment_id; - std::vector token_segment_text; - std::vector token_segment_probability; - std::vector token_segment_from; - std::vector token_segment_to; - //Rcpp::StringVector token_speaker(0); - int n_segments; - - for (int f = 0; f < (int) offset.size(); ++f) { - // run the inference - { - whisper_full_params wparams = whisper_full_default_params(WHISPER_SAMPLING_GREEDY); - - wparams.strategy = params.beam_size > 1 ? WHISPER_SAMPLING_BEAM_SEARCH : WHISPER_SAMPLING_GREEDY; - - wparams.print_realtime = false; - wparams.print_progress = false; - if(trace > 0){ - wparams.print_progress = true; - wparams.print_realtime = true; - } - wparams.print_timestamps = !params.no_timestamps; - wparams.print_special = params.print_special; - wparams.translate = params.translate; - wparams.language = params.language.c_str(); - wparams.detect_language = params.detect_language; - wparams.n_threads = params.n_threads; - wparams.n_max_text_ctx = params.max_context >= 0 ? params.max_context : wparams.n_max_text_ctx; - wparams.offset_ms = (int) offset[f]; - wparams.duration_ms = (int) duration[f]; - - wparams.token_timestamps = token_timestamps; - wparams.thold_pt = params.word_thold; - wparams.max_len = params.output_wts && params.max_len == 0 ? 60 : params.max_len; - wparams.split_on_word = params.split_on_word; - - wparams.speed_up = params.speed_up; - wparams.debug_mode = params.debug_mode; - - wparams.tdrz_enable = params.tinydiarize; // [TDRZ] - - wparams.initial_prompt = params.prompt.c_str(); - - - - wparams.greedy.best_of = params.best_of; - wparams.beam_search.beam_size = params.beam_size; - - wparams.temperature_inc = params.no_fallback ? 0.0f : wparams.temperature_inc; - wparams.entropy_thold = params.entropy_thold; - wparams.logprob_thold = params.logprob_thold; - - whisper_print_user_data user_data = { ¶ms, &pcmf32s, 0 }; - - // this callback is called on each new segment - if (!wparams.print_realtime) { - wparams.new_segment_callback = whisper_print_segment_callback; - wparams.new_segment_callback_user_data = &user_data; - } - if(trace > 0 && offset.size() > 1){ - Rcpp::Rcout << "Processing audio offset section " << f+1 << " (" << wparams.offset_ms << " ms - " << wparams.offset_ms+wparams.duration_ms << " ms)\n"; - } - - if (whisper_full_parallel(ctx, wparams, pcmf32.data(), pcmf32.size(), params.n_processors) != 0) { - Rcpp::stop("failed to process audio"); - } - } - n_segments = whisper_full_n_segments(ctx); - for (int i = 0; i < n_segments; ++i) { - segment_nr.push_back(segment_nr.size() + 1); - segment_offset.push_back(offset[f]); - const char * text = whisper_full_get_segment_text(ctx, i); - transcriptions.push_back(Rcpp::String(text)); - int64_t t0 = whisper_full_get_segment_t0(ctx, i); - int64_t t1 = whisper_full_get_segment_t1(ctx, i); - transcriptions_from.push_back(Rcpp::String(to_timestamp(t0).c_str())); - transcriptions_to.push_back(Rcpp::String(to_timestamp(t1).c_str())); - Rcpp::String channel_speaker; - if (params.diarize && pcmf32s.size() == 2) { - channel_speaker = Rcpp::String(estimate_diarization_speaker(pcmf32s, t0, t1, true, diarize_percent)); - }else{ - channel_speaker = NA_STRING; - } - transcriptions_speaker.push_back(channel_speaker); - - for (int j = 0; j < whisper_full_n_tokens(ctx, i); ++j) { - if (params.print_special == false) { - const whisper_token id = whisper_full_get_token_id(ctx, i, j); - if (id >= whisper_token_eot(ctx)) { - continue; - } - } - const char * text = whisper_full_get_token_text(ctx, i, j); - const float p = whisper_full_get_token_p (ctx, i, j); - const int tokenid = whisper_full_get_token_id (ctx, i, j); - token_segment_nr.push_back(i + 1); - token_segment_id.push_back(tokenid); - std::string str(text); - token_segment_text.push_back(str); - token_segment_probability.push_back(p); - if(token_timestamps){ - whisper_token_data token = whisper_full_get_token_data(ctx, i, j); - t0 = token.t0; - t1 = token.t1; - token_segment_from.push_back(Rcpp::String(to_timestamp(t0).c_str())); - token_segment_to.push_back(to_timestamp(token.t1)); - } - //token_speaker.push_back(channel_speaker); - } - } - } - Rcpp::DataFrame tokens; - if(token_timestamps){ - tokens = Rcpp::DataFrame::create( - Rcpp::Named("segment") = token_segment_nr, - Rcpp::Named("token_id") = token_segment_id, - Rcpp::Named("token") = token_segment_text, - Rcpp::Named("token_prob") = token_segment_probability, - Rcpp::Named("token_from") = token_segment_from, - Rcpp::Named("token_to") = token_segment_to, - //Rcpp::Named("token_speaker") = token_speaker, - Rcpp::Named("stringsAsFactors") = false); - }else{ - tokens = Rcpp::DataFrame::create( - Rcpp::Named("segment") = token_segment_nr, - Rcpp::Named("token_id") = token_segment_id, - Rcpp::Named("token") = token_segment_text, - Rcpp::Named("token_prob") = token_segment_probability, - //Rcpp::Named("token_speaker") = token_speaker, - Rcpp::Named("stringsAsFactors") = false); - } - - //whisper_free(ctx); - Rcpp::List output = Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("n_segments") = segment_nr.size(), - Rcpp::Named("data") = Rcpp::DataFrame::create( - Rcpp::Named("segment") = segment_nr, - Rcpp::Named("segment_offset") = segment_offset, - Rcpp::Named("from") = transcriptions_from, - Rcpp::Named("to") = transcriptions_to, - Rcpp::Named("text") = transcriptions, - Rcpp::Named("speaker") = transcriptions_speaker, - Rcpp::Named("stringsAsFactors") = false), - Rcpp::Named("tokens") = tokens, - Rcpp::Named("params") = Rcpp::List::create( - Rcpp::Named("audio") = path, - Rcpp::Named("audio_duration_seconds") = audio_duration, - Rcpp::Named("language") = params.language, - Rcpp::Named("offset") = offset, - Rcpp::Named("duration") = duration, - Rcpp::Named("translate") = params.translate, - Rcpp::Named("token_timestamps") = token_timestamps, - Rcpp::Named("word_threshold") = params.word_thold, - Rcpp::Named("entropy_thold") = params.entropy_thold, - Rcpp::Named("logprob_thold") = params.logprob_thold, - Rcpp::Named("beam_size") = params.beam_size, - Rcpp::Named("best_of") = params.best_of, - Rcpp::Named("split_on_word") = params.split_on_word, - Rcpp::Named("diarize") = params.diarize, - Rcpp::Named("system_info") = Rcpp::List::create( - Rcpp::Named("n_threads") = params.n_threads, - Rcpp::Named("n_processors") = params.n_processors, - Rcpp::Named("available_concurrency") = std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), - Rcpp::Named("optimisations") = whisper_print_system_info()))); - return output; -} - - - - -// [[Rcpp::export]] -void whisper_print_benchmark(SEXP model, int n_threads = 1) { - whisper_params params; - params.n_threads = n_threads; - // whisper init - Rcpp::XPtr whispermodel(model); - struct whisper_context * ctx = whispermodel->ctx; - Rprintf("\n"); - Rprintf("system_info: n_threads = %d / %d | %s\n", params.n_threads, std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), whisper_print_system_info()); - const int n_mels = whisper_model_n_mels(ctx); - if (int ret = whisper_set_mel(ctx, nullptr, 0, n_mels)) { - Rprintf("error: failed to set mel: %d\n", ret); - } - if (int ret = whisper_encode(ctx, 0, params.n_threads) != 0) { - Rprintf("error: failed to encode model: %d\n", ret); - } - whisper_print_timings(ctx); -} - - - // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::DataFrame whisper_language_info() { auto max_id = whisper_lang_max_id(); @@ -497,7 +12,7 @@ Rcpp::DataFrame whisper_language_info() { for (int i = 0; i <= max_id; ++i) { id.push_back(i); language.push_back(whisper_lang_str(i)); - label.push_back(whisper_lang_str_full(i)); + //label.push_back(whisper_lang_str_full(i)); } return Rcpp::DataFrame::create( Rcpp::Named("id") = id, diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/CMakeLists.txt b/src/whisper_cpp/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cb17def7 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) # for add_link_options and implicit target directories. +project("whisper.cpp" C CXX) +project("whisper.cpp" VERSION 1.6.2) +include(CheckIncludeFileCXX) + +set(SOVERSION 1) + +#set(CMAKE_WARN_DEPRECATED YES) +set(CMAKE_WARN_UNUSED_CLI YES) + +set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) + +if (NOT XCODE AND NOT MSVC AND NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) + set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Build type" FORCE) + set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug" "Release" "MinSizeRel" "RelWithDebInfo") +endif() + +# Add path to modules +list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/") + +set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin) + +if (CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) + set(WHISPER_STANDALONE ON) + + include(git-vars) + + # configure project version + configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bindings/javascript/package-tmpl.json ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bindings/javascript/package.json @ONLY) +else() + set(WHISPER_STANDALONE OFF) +endif() + +if (EMSCRIPTEN) + set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS_DEFAULT OFF) + + option(WHISPER_WASM_SINGLE_FILE "whisper: embed WASM inside the generated whisper.js" ON) + + # TODO: without these, we get the following error: + # wasm-ld: error: --shared-memory is disallowed by whisper.cpp.o because it was not compiled with 'atomics' or 'bulk-memory' features. + set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -pthread -s TOTAL_STACK=5242880") + set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -pthread -s TOTAL_STACK=5242880") +else() + if (MINGW) + set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS_DEFAULT OFF) + else() + set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS_DEFAULT ON) + endif() +endif() + +option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "build shared libraries" ${BUILD_SHARED_LIBS_DEFAULT}) + +# +# option list +# + +# general +option(WHISPER_CCACHE "whisper: use ccache if available" ON) + +# debug +option(WHISPER_ALL_WARNINGS "whisper: enable all compiler warnings" ON) +option(WHISPER_ALL_WARNINGS_3RD_PARTY "whisper: enable all compiler warnings in 3rd party libs" OFF) + +# build +option(WHISPER_FATAL_WARNINGS "whisper: enable -Werror flag" OFF) + +# sanitizers +option(WHISPER_SANITIZE_THREAD "whisper: enable thread sanitizer" OFF) +option(WHISPER_SANITIZE_ADDRESS "whisper: enable address sanitizer" OFF) +option(WHISPER_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED "whisper: enable undefined sanitizer" OFF) + +# extra artifacts +option(WHISPER_BUILD_TESTS "whisper: build tests" ${WHISPER_STANDALONE}) +option(WHISPER_BUILD_EXAMPLES "whisper: build examples" ${WHISPER_STANDALONE}) +option(WHISPER_BUILD_SERVER "whisper: build server example" ${WHISPER_STANDALONE}) + +# 3rd party libs +option(WHISPER_CURL "whisper: use libcurl to download model from an URL" OFF) +option(WHISPER_SDL2 "whisper: support for libSDL2" OFF) + +if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") + option(WHISPER_FFMPEG "whisper: support building and linking with ffmpeg libs (avcodec, swresample, ...)" OFF) +endif() + +option(WHISPER_COREML "whisper: enable Core ML framework" OFF) +option(WHISPER_COREML_ALLOW_FALLBACK "whisper: allow non-CoreML fallback" OFF) +option(WHISPER_OPENVINO "whisper: support for OpenVINO" OFF) + +# Required for relocatable CMake package +include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/build-info.cmake) + +# override ggml options +set(GGML_CCACHE ${WHISPER_CCACHE}) +set(GGML_SANITIZE_THREAD ${WHISPER_SANITIZE_THREAD}) +set(GGML_SANITIZE_ADDRESS ${WHISPER_SANITIZE_ADDRESS}) +set(GGML_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED ${WHISPER_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED}) +set(GGML_ALL_WARNINGS ${WHISPER_ALL_WARNINGS}) +set(GGML_FATAL_WARNINGS ${WHISPER_FATAL_WARNINGS}) + +# transition helpers +function (whisper_option_depr TYPE OLD NEW) + if (${OLD}) + message(${TYPE} "${OLD} is deprecated and will be removed in the future.\nUse ${NEW} instead\n") + set(${NEW} ON) + endif() +endfunction() + +whisper_option_depr(FATAL_ERROR WHISPER_CUBLAS GGML_CUDA) +whisper_option_depr(WARNING WHISPER_CUDA GGML_CUDA) +whisper_option_depr(WARNING WHISPER_KOMPUTE GGML_KOMPUTE) +whisper_option_depr(WARNING WHISPER_METAL GGML_METAL) +whisper_option_depr(WARNING WHISPER_METAL_EMBED_LIBRARY GGML_METAL_EMBED_LIBRARY) +whisper_option_depr(WARNING WHISPER_NATIVE GGML_NATIVE) +whisper_option_depr(WARNING WHISPER_OPENMP GGML_OPENMP) +whisper_option_depr(WARNING WHISPER_RPC GGML_RPC) +whisper_option_depr(WARNING WHISPER_SYCL GGML_SYCL) +whisper_option_depr(WARNING WHISPER_SYCL_F16 GGML_SYCL_F16) + +# +# build the library +# + +if (NOT TARGET ggml) + add_subdirectory(ggml) + # ... otherwise assume ggml is added by a parent CMakeLists.txt +endif() +add_subdirectory(src) + +# +# install +# + +include(GNUInstallDirs) +include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) + +set(WHISPER_BUILD_NUMBER ${BUILD_NUMBER}) +set(WHISPER_BUILD_COMMIT ${BUILD_COMMIT}) +set(WHISPER_INSTALL_VERSION ${CMAKE_PROJECT_VERSION}) + +set(WHISPER_INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR} CACHE PATH "Location of header files") +set(WHISPER_LIB_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} CACHE PATH "Location of library files") +set(WHISPER_BIN_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR} CACHE PATH "Location of binary files") + +get_directory_property(WHISPER_TRANSIENT_DEFINES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) + +set_target_properties(whisper PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/whisper.h) +install(TARGETS whisper LIBRARY PUBLIC_HEADER) + +configure_package_config_file( + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/whisper-config.cmake.in + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/whisper-config.cmake + INSTALL_DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/whisper + PATH_VARS + WHISPER_INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR + WHISPER_LIB_INSTALL_DIR + WHISPER_BIN_INSTALL_DIR ) + +write_basic_package_version_file( + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/whisper-version.cmake + VERSION ${WHISPER_INSTALL_VERSION} + COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion) + +install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/whisper-config.cmake + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/whisper-version.cmake + DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/whisper) + +configure_file(cmake/whisper.pc.in + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/whisper.pc" + @ONLY) + +install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/whisper.pc" + DESTINATION lib/pkgconfig) + +# +# programs, examples and tests +# + +if (WHISPER_BUILD_TESTS AND NOT CMAKE_JS_VERSION) + #include(CTest) + #add_subdirectory(tests) +endif () + +if (WHISPER_BUILD_EXAMPLES) + add_subdirectory(examples) +endif() diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/LICENSE b/src/whisper_cpp/LICENSE index 76f67efd..acb96ce7 100644 --- a/src/whisper_cpp/LICENSE +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/LICENSE @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ MIT License -Copyright (c) 2023 Georgi Gerganov +Copyright (c) 2023-2024 The ggml authors Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/Makefile b/src/whisper_cpp/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3c69aa85 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,1164 @@ +# Define the default target now so that it is always the first target +BUILD_TARGETS = \ + main \ + bench \ + quantize \ + server + +# Binaries only useful for tests +TEST_TARGETS = \ + tests/test-c.o + +# Deprecation aliases +ifdef WHISPER_CUBLAS +$(error WHISPER_CUBLAS is removed. Use GGML_CUDA instead.) +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_CUDA +GGML_CUDA := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_KOMPUTE +GGML_KOMPUTE := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_METAL +GGML_METAL := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_OPENMP +GGML_OPENMP := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_RPC +GGML_RPC := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_SYCL +GGML_SYCL := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_SYCL_F16 +GGML_SYCL_F16 := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_OPENBLAS +GGML_OPENBLAS := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_OPENBLAS64 +GGML_OPENBLAS64 := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_BLIS +GGML_BLIS := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_NO_WHISPERFILE +GGML_NO_WHISPERFILE := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_NO_ACCELERATE +GGML_NO_ACCELERATE := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_NO_OPENMP +GGML_NO_OPENMP := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_NO_METAL +GGML_NO_METAL := 1 +DEPRECATE_WARNING := 1 +endif + +ifndef UNAME_S +UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) +endif + +ifndef UNAME_P +UNAME_P := $(shell uname -p) +endif + +ifndef UNAME_M +UNAME_M := $(shell uname -m) +endif + +# In GNU make default CXX is g++ instead of c++. Let's fix that so that users +# of non-gcc compilers don't have to provide g++ alias or wrapper. +DEFCC := cc +DEFCXX := c++ +ifeq ($(origin CC),default) +CC := $(DEFCC) +endif +ifeq ($(origin CXX),default) +CXX := $(DEFCXX) +endif + +# Mac OS + Arm can report x86_64 +# ref: https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/66#issuecomment-1282546789 +ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) + ifndef GGML_NO_METAL + GGML_METAL := 1 + endif + + GGML_NO_OPENMP := 1 + + ifneq ($(UNAME_P),arm) + SYSCTL_M := $(shell sysctl -n hw.optional.arm64 2>/dev/null) + ifeq ($(SYSCTL_M),1) + # UNAME_P := arm + # UNAME_M := arm64 + warn := $(warning Your arch is announced as x86_64, but it seems to actually be ARM64. Not fixing that can lead to bad performance. For more info see: https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/66\#issuecomment-1282546789) + endif + endif +endif + +ifdef GGML_METAL + GGML_METAL_EMBED_LIBRARY := 1 +endif + +ifdef GGML_RPC + BUILD_TARGETS += rpc-server +endif + +ifeq ($(shell sdl2-config --cflags --libs 2>/dev/null),) +else + BUILD_TARGETS += \ + command \ + stream \ + lsp \ + talk-llama + # talk (TODO: disalbed) +endif + +default: $(BUILD_TARGETS) + +test: $(TEST_TARGETS) + @failures=0; \ + for test_target in $(TEST_TARGETS); do \ + echo "Running test $$test_target..."; \ + ./$$test_target; \ + if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ + printf 'Test %s FAILED!\n\n' $$test_target; \ + failures=$$(( failures + 1 )); \ + else \ + printf 'Test %s passed.\n\n' $$test_target; \ + fi; \ + done; \ + failures=$$(( failures + $$? )); \ + if [ $$failures -gt 0 ]; then \ + printf '\n%s tests failed.\n' $$failures; \ + exit 1; \ + fi + @echo 'All tests passed.' + +all: $(BUILD_TARGETS) $(TEST_TARGETS) + +ifdef RISCV_CROSS_COMPILE + CC := riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc + CXX := riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ +endif + +# +# Compile flags +# + +# keep standard at C11 and C++11 +MK_CPPFLAGS = -Iggml/include -Iggml/src -Iinclude -Isrc -Iexamples +MK_CFLAGS = -std=c11 -fPIC +MK_CXXFLAGS = -std=c++11 -fPIC +MK_NVCCFLAGS = -std=c++11 + +ifndef WHISPER_NO_CCACHE +CCACHE := $(shell which ccache) +ifdef CCACHE +export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS = time_macros +$(info I ccache found, compilation results will be cached. Disable with WHISPER_NO_CCACHE.) +CC := $(CCACHE) $(CC) +CXX := $(CCACHE) $(CXX) +else +$(info I ccache not found. Consider installing it for faster compilation.) +endif # CCACHE +endif # WHISPER_NO_CCACHE + +# clock_gettime came in POSIX.1b (1993) +# CLOCK_MONOTONIC came in POSIX.1-2001 / SUSv3 as optional +# posix_memalign came in POSIX.1-2001 / SUSv3 +# M_PI is an XSI extension since POSIX.1-2001 / SUSv3, came in XPG1 (1985) +MK_CPPFLAGS += -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 + +# Somehow in OpenBSD whenever POSIX conformance is specified +# some string functions rely on locale_t availability, +# which was introduced in POSIX.1-2008, forcing us to go higher +ifeq ($(UNAME_S),OpenBSD) + MK_CPPFLAGS += -U_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700 +endif + +# Data types, macros and functions related to controlling CPU affinity and +# some memory allocation are available on Linux through GNU extensions in libc +ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) + MK_CPPFLAGS += -D_GNU_SOURCE +endif + +# RLIMIT_MEMLOCK came in BSD, is not specified in POSIX.1, +# and on macOS its availability depends on enabling Darwin extensions +# similarly on DragonFly, enabling BSD extensions is necessary +ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) + MK_CPPFLAGS += -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE +endif +ifeq ($(UNAME_S),DragonFly) + MK_CPPFLAGS += -D__BSD_VISIBLE +endif + +# alloca is a non-standard interface that is not visible on BSDs when +# POSIX conformance is specified, but not all of them provide a clean way +# to enable it in such cases +ifeq ($(UNAME_S),FreeBSD) + MK_CPPFLAGS += -D__BSD_VISIBLE +endif +ifeq ($(UNAME_S),NetBSD) + MK_CPPFLAGS += -D_NETBSD_SOURCE +endif +ifeq ($(UNAME_S),OpenBSD) + MK_CPPFLAGS += -D_BSD_SOURCE +endif + +ifdef GGML_SCHED_MAX_COPIES + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_SCHED_MAX_COPIES=$(GGML_SCHED_MAX_COPIES) +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_DEBUG + MK_CFLAGS += -O0 -g + MK_CXXFLAGS += -O0 -g + MK_LDFLAGS += -g + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -O0 -g + + ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) + MK_CPPFLAGS += -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS + endif +else + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DNDEBUG + MK_CFLAGS += -O3 + MK_CXXFLAGS += -O3 + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -O3 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_SANITIZE_THREAD + MK_CFLAGS += -fsanitize=thread -g + MK_CXXFLAGS += -fsanitize=thread -g + MK_LDFLAGS += -fsanitize=thread -g +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_SANITIZE_ADDRESS + MK_CFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g + MK_CXXFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g + MK_LDFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED + MK_CFLAGS += -fsanitize=undefined -g + MK_CXXFLAGS += -fsanitize=undefined -g + MK_LDFLAGS += -fsanitize=undefined -g +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_SERVER_VERBOSE + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DSERVER_VERBOSE=$(WHISPER_SERVER_VERBOSE) +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_SERVER_SSL + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DCPPHTTPLIB_OPENSSL_SUPPORT + MK_LDFLAGS += -lssl -lcrypto +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_DISABLE_LOGS + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DLOG_DISABLE_LOGS +endif # WHISPER_DISABLE_LOGS + +# warnings +WARN_FLAGS = \ + -Wall \ + -Wextra \ + -Wpedantic \ + -Wcast-qual \ + -Wno-unused-function + +MK_CFLAGS += \ + $(WARN_FLAGS) \ + -Wshadow \ + -Wstrict-prototypes \ + -Wpointer-arith \ + -Wmissing-prototypes \ + -Werror=implicit-int \ + -Werror=implicit-function-declaration + +MK_CXXFLAGS += \ + $(WARN_FLAGS) \ + -Wmissing-declarations \ + -Wmissing-noreturn + +ifeq ($(WHISPER_FATAL_WARNINGS),1) + MK_CFLAGS += -Werror + MK_CXXFLAGS += -Werror +endif + +# this version of Apple ld64 is buggy +ifneq '' '$(findstring dyld-1015.7,$(shell $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-v 2>&1))' + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DHAVE_BUGGY_APPLE_LINKER +endif + +# OS specific +# TODO: support Windows +ifneq '' '$(filter $(UNAME_S),Linux Darwin FreeBSD NetBSD OpenBSD Haiku)' + MK_CFLAGS += -pthread + MK_CXXFLAGS += -pthread +endif + +# detect Windows +ifneq ($(findstring _NT,$(UNAME_S)),) + _WIN32 := 1 +endif + +# library name prefix +ifneq ($(_WIN32),1) + LIB_PRE := lib +endif + +# Dynamic Shared Object extension +ifneq ($(_WIN32),1) + DSO_EXT := .so +else + DSO_EXT := .dll +endif + +# Windows Sockets 2 (Winsock) for network-capable apps +ifeq ($(_WIN32),1) + LWINSOCK2 := -lws2_32 +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_GPROF + MK_CFLAGS += -pg + MK_CXXFLAGS += -pg +endif + +# Architecture specific +# TODO: probably these flags need to be tweaked on some architectures +# feel free to update the Makefile for your architecture and send a pull request or issue + +ifndef RISCV + +ifeq ($(UNAME_M),$(filter $(UNAME_M),x86_64 i686 amd64)) + # Use all CPU extensions that are available: + MK_CFLAGS += -march=native -mtune=native + HOST_CXXFLAGS += -march=native -mtune=native + + # Usage AVX-only + #MK_CFLAGS += -mfma -mf16c -mavx + #MK_CXXFLAGS += -mfma -mf16c -mavx + + # Usage SSSE3-only (Not is SSE3!) + #MK_CFLAGS += -mssse3 + #MK_CXXFLAGS += -mssse3 +endif + +ifneq '' '$(findstring mingw,$(shell $(CC) -dumpmachine))' + # The stack is only 16-byte aligned on Windows, so don't let gcc emit aligned moves. + # https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=54412 + # https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/issues/2922 + MK_CFLAGS += -Xassembler -muse-unaligned-vector-move + MK_CXXFLAGS += -Xassembler -muse-unaligned-vector-move + + # Target Windows 8 for PrefetchVirtualMemory + MK_CPPFLAGS += -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x602 +endif + +ifneq ($(filter aarch64%,$(UNAME_M)),) + # Apple M1, M2, etc. + # Raspberry Pi 3, 4, Zero 2 (64-bit) + # Nvidia Jetson + MK_CFLAGS += -mcpu=native + MK_CXXFLAGS += -mcpu=native + JETSON_RELEASE_INFO = $(shell jetson_release) + ifdef JETSON_RELEASE_INFO + ifneq ($(filter TX2%,$(JETSON_RELEASE_INFO)),) + JETSON_EOL_MODULE_DETECT = 1 + CC = aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc + cxx = aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++ + endif + endif +endif + +ifneq ($(filter armv6%,$(UNAME_M)),) + # Raspberry Pi 1, Zero + MK_CFLAGS += -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfp16-format=ieee -mno-unaligned-access + MK_CXXFLAGS += -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfp16-format=ieee -mno-unaligned-access +endif + +ifneq ($(filter armv7%,$(UNAME_M)),) + # Raspberry Pi 2 + MK_CFLAGS += -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfp16-format=ieee -mno-unaligned-access -funsafe-math-optimizations + MK_CXXFLAGS += -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mfp16-format=ieee -mno-unaligned-access -funsafe-math-optimizations +endif + +ifneq ($(filter armv8%,$(UNAME_M)),) + # Raspberry Pi 3, 4, Zero 2 (32-bit) + MK_CFLAGS += -mfp16-format=ieee -mno-unaligned-access + MK_CXXFLAGS += -mfp16-format=ieee -mno-unaligned-access +endif + +ifneq ($(filter ppc64%,$(UNAME_M)),) + POWER9_M := $(shell grep "POWER9" /proc/cpuinfo) + ifneq (,$(findstring POWER9,$(POWER9_M))) + MK_CFLAGS += -mcpu=power9 + MK_CXXFLAGS += -mcpu=power9 + endif +endif + +ifneq ($(filter ppc64le%,$(UNAME_M)),) + MK_CFLAGS += -mcpu=powerpc64le + MK_CXXFLAGS += -mcpu=powerpc64le + CUDA_POWER_ARCH = 1 +endif + +ifneq ($(filter loongarch64%,$(UNAME_M)),) + MK_CFLAGS += -mlasx + MK_CXXFLAGS += -mlasx +endif + +else + MK_CFLAGS += -march=rv64gcv -mabi=lp64d + MK_CXXFLAGS += -march=rv64gcv -mabi=lp64d +endif + +ifndef GGML_NO_ACCELERATE + # Mac OS - include Accelerate framework. + # `-framework Accelerate` works both with Apple Silicon and Mac Intel + ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_ACCELERATE -DGGML_USE_BLAS + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DACCELERATE_NEW_LAPACK + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DACCELERATE_LAPACK_ILP64 + MK_LDFLAGS += -framework Accelerate + OBJ_GGML += ggml/src/ggml-blas.o + endif +endif # GGML_NO_ACCELERATE + +ifndef GGML_NO_OPENMP + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_OPENMP + MK_CFLAGS += -fopenmp + MK_CXXFLAGS += -fopenmp +endif # GGML_NO_OPENMP + +ifdef GGML_OPENBLAS + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_BLAS $(shell pkg-config --cflags-only-I openblas) + MK_CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags-only-other openblas) + MK_LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --libs openblas) + OBJ_GGML += ggml/src/ggml-blas.o +endif # GGML_OPENBLAS + +ifdef GGML_OPENBLAS64 + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_BLAS $(shell pkg-config --cflags-only-I openblas64) + MK_CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags-only-other openblas64) + MK_LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --libs openblas64) + OBJ_GGML += ggml/src/ggml-blas.o +endif # GGML_OPENBLAS64 + +ifdef GGML_BLIS + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_BLAS -I/usr/local/include/blis -I/usr/include/blis + MK_LDFLAGS += -lblis -L/usr/local/lib + OBJ_GGML += ggml/src/ggml-blas.o +endif # GGML_BLIS + +ifdef GGML_RPC + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_RPC + OBJ_GGML += ggml/src/ggml-rpc.o +endif # GGML_RPC + +OBJ_CUDA_TMPL = $(patsubst %.cu,%.o,$(wildcard ggml/src/ggml-cuda/template-instances/fattn-wmma*.cu)) +OBJ_CUDA_TMPL += $(patsubst %.cu,%.o,$(wildcard ggml/src/ggml-cuda/template-instances/mmq*.cu)) + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_FA_ALL_QUANTS + OBJ_CUDA_TMPL += $(patsubst %.cu,%.o,$(wildcard ggml/src/ggml-cuda/template-instances/fattn-vec*.cu)) +else + OBJ_CUDA_TMPL += $(patsubst %.cu,%.o,$(wildcard ggml/src/ggml-cuda/template-instances/fattn-vec*q4_0-q4_0.cu)) + OBJ_CUDA_TMPL += $(patsubst %.cu,%.o,$(wildcard ggml/src/ggml-cuda/template-instances/fattn-vec*q8_0-q8_0.cu)) + OBJ_CUDA_TMPL += $(patsubst %.cu,%.o,$(wildcard ggml/src/ggml-cuda/template-instances/fattn-vec*f16-f16.cu)) +endif # GGML_CUDA_FA_ALL_QUANTS + +ifdef GGML_CUDA + ifneq ('', '$(wildcard /opt/cuda)') + CUDA_PATH ?= /opt/cuda + else + CUDA_PATH ?= /usr/local/cuda + endif + + #MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_CUDA -I$(CUDA_PATH)/include -I$(CUDA_PATH)/targets/$(UNAME_M)-linux/include -DGGML_CUDA_USE_GRAPHS + #MK_LDFLAGS += -lcuda -lcublas -lculibos -lcudart -lcufft -lcublasLt -lpthread -ldl -lrt -L$(CUDA_PATH)/lib64 -L/usr/lib64 -L$(CUDA_PATH)/targets/$(UNAME_M)-linux/lib -L$(CUDA_PATH)/lib64/stubs -L/usr/lib/wsl/lib + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_CUDA -I$(CUDA_PATH)/include -I$(CUDA_PATH)/targets/$(UNAME_M)-linux/include + MK_LDFLAGS += -lcuda -lcublas -lculibos -lcudart -lcublasLt -lpthread -ldl -lrt -L$(CUDA_PATH)/lib64 -L/usr/lib64 -L$(CUDA_PATH)/targets/$(UNAME_M)-linux/lib -L$(CUDA_PATH)/lib64/stubs -L/usr/lib/wsl/lib + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -use_fast_math + + OBJ_GGML += ggml/src/ggml-cuda.o + OBJ_GGML += $(patsubst %.cu,%.o,$(wildcard ggml/src/ggml-cuda/*.cu)) + OBJ_GGML += $(OBJ_CUDA_TMPL) + + #OBJ_WHISPER += src/whisper-mel-cuda.o + +ifdef WHISPER_FATAL_WARNINGS + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -Werror all-warnings +endif # WHISPER_FATAL_WARNINGS + +ifndef JETSON_EOL_MODULE_DETECT + MK_NVCCFLAGS += --forward-unknown-to-host-compiler +endif # JETSON_EOL_MODULE_DETECT + +ifdef WHISPER_DEBUG + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -lineinfo +endif # WHISPER_DEBUG + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_DEBUG + MK_NVCCFLAGS += --device-debug +endif # GGML_CUDA_DEBUG + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_NVCC + NVCC = $(CCACHE) $(GGML_CUDA_NVCC) +else + NVCC = $(CCACHE) nvcc +endif #GGML_CUDA_NVCC + +ifdef CUDA_DOCKER_ARCH + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets -arch=$(CUDA_DOCKER_ARCH) +else ifndef CUDA_POWER_ARCH + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -arch=native +endif # CUDA_DOCKER_ARCH + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_FORCE_DMMV + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_FORCE_DMMV +endif # GGML_CUDA_FORCE_DMMV + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_FORCE_MMQ + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_FORCE_MMQ +endif # GGML_CUDA_FORCE_MMQ + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_DMMV_X + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_DMMV_X=$(GGML_CUDA_DMMV_X) +else + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_DMMV_X=32 +endif # GGML_CUDA_DMMV_X + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_MMV_Y + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_MMV_Y=$(GGML_CUDA_MMV_Y) +else ifdef GGML_CUDA_DMMV_Y + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_MMV_Y=$(GGML_CUDA_DMMV_Y) # for backwards compatibility +else + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_MMV_Y=1 +endif # GGML_CUDA_MMV_Y + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_F16 + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_F16 +endif # GGML_CUDA_F16 + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_DMMV_F16 + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_F16 +endif # GGML_CUDA_DMMV_F16 + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_KQUANTS_ITER + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DK_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION=$(GGML_CUDA_KQUANTS_ITER) +else + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DK_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION=2 +endif + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_PEER_MAX_BATCH_SIZE + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_PEER_MAX_BATCH_SIZE=$(GGML_CUDA_PEER_MAX_BATCH_SIZE) +else + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_PEER_MAX_BATCH_SIZE=128 +endif # GGML_CUDA_PEER_MAX_BATCH_SIZE + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_NO_PEER_COPY + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_NO_PEER_COPY +endif # GGML_CUDA_NO_PEER_COPY + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_CCBIN + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -ccbin $(GGML_CUDA_CCBIN) +endif # GGML_CUDA_CCBIN + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_FA_ALL_QUANTS + MK_NVCCFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_FA_ALL_QUANTS +endif # GGML_CUDA_FA_ALL_QUANTS + +ifdef JETSON_EOL_MODULE_DETECT +define NVCC_COMPILE + $(NVCC) -I. -Icommon -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_GNU_SOURCE -DNDEBUG -DGGML_USE_CUDA -I/usr/local/cuda/include -I/opt/cuda/include -I/usr/local/cuda/targets/aarch64-linux/include -std=c++11 -O3 $(NVCCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -Xcompiler "$(CUDA_CXXFLAGS)" -c $< -o $@ +endef # NVCC_COMPILE +else +define NVCC_COMPILE + $(NVCC) $(NVCCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -Xcompiler "$(CUDA_CXXFLAGS)" -c $< -o $@ +endef # NVCC_COMPILE +endif # JETSON_EOL_MODULE_DETECT + +ggml/src/ggml-cuda/%.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-cuda/%.cu \ + ggml/include/ggml.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-common.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-cuda/common.cuh + $(NVCC_COMPILE) + +ggml/src/ggml-cuda.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-cuda.cu \ + ggml/include/ggml.h \ + ggml/include/ggml-backend.h \ + ggml/include/ggml-cuda.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-backend-impl.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-common.h \ + $(wildcard ggml/src/ggml-cuda/*.cuh) + $(NVCC_COMPILE) + +#src/whisper-mel-cuda.o: src/whisper-mel-cuda.cu src/whisper-mel-cuda.hpp +# $(NVCC) $(NVCCFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -Xcompiler "$(CUDA_CXXFLAGS)" -c $< -o $@ + +endif # GGML_CUDA + +ifdef GGML_VULKAN + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_VULKAN + MK_LDFLAGS += -lvulkan + OBJ_GGML += ggml/src/ggml-vulkan.o + +ifdef GGML_VULKAN_CHECK_RESULTS + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_VULKAN_CHECK_RESULTS +endif + +ifdef GGML_VULKAN_DEBUG + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_VULKAN_DEBUG +endif + +ifdef GGML_VULKAN_MEMORY_DEBUG + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_VULKAN_MEMORY_DEBUG +endif + +ifdef GGML_VULKAN_VALIDATE + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_VULKAN_VALIDATE +endif + +ifdef GGML_VULKAN_RUN_TESTS + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_VULKAN_RUN_TESTS +endif + +ggml/src/ggml-vulkan.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-vulkan.cpp \ + ggml/include/ggml-vulkan.h + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ +endif # GGML_VULKAN + +ifdef GGML_HIPBLAS + ifeq ($(wildcard /opt/rocm),) + ROCM_PATH ?= /usr + AMDGPU_TARGETS ?= $(shell $(shell which amdgpu-arch)) + else + ROCM_PATH ?= /opt/rocm + AMDGPU_TARGETS ?= $(shell $(ROCM_PATH)/llvm/bin/amdgpu-arch) + endif + + GGML_CUDA_DMMV_X ?= 32 + GGML_CUDA_MMV_Y ?= 1 + GGML_CUDA_KQUANTS_ITER ?= 2 + + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_HIPBLAS -DGGML_USE_CUDA + +ifdef GGML_HIP_UMA + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_HIP_UMA +endif # GGML_HIP_UMA + + MK_LDFLAGS += -L$(ROCM_PATH)/lib -Wl,-rpath=$(ROCM_PATH)/lib + MK_LDFLAGS += -L$(ROCM_PATH)/lib64 -Wl,-rpath=$(ROCM_PATH)/lib64 + MK_LDFLAGS += -lhipblas -lamdhip64 -lrocblas + + HIPCC ?= $(CCACHE) $(ROCM_PATH)/bin/hipcc + + HIPFLAGS += $(addprefix --offload-arch=,$(AMDGPU_TARGETS)) + HIPFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_DMMV_X=$(GGML_CUDA_DMMV_X) + HIPFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_MMV_Y=$(GGML_CUDA_MMV_Y) + HIPFLAGS += -DK_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION=$(GGML_CUDA_KQUANTS_ITER) + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_FORCE_DMMV + HIPFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_FORCE_DMMV +endif # GGML_CUDA_FORCE_DMMV + +ifdef GGML_CUDA_NO_PEER_COPY + HIPFLAGS += -DGGML_CUDA_NO_PEER_COPY +endif # GGML_CUDA_NO_PEER_COPY + + OBJ_GGML += ggml/src/ggml-cuda.o + OBJ_GGML += $(patsubst %.cu,%.o,$(wildcard ggml/src/ggml-cuda/*.cu)) + OBJ_GGML += $(OBJ_CUDA_TMPL) + +ggml/src/ggml-cuda.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-cuda.cu \ + ggml/include/ggml.h \ + ggml/include/ggml-backend.h \ + ggml/include/ggml-cuda.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-backend-impl.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-common.h \ + $(wildcard ggml/src/ggml-cuda/*.cuh) + $(HIPCC) $(CXXFLAGS) $(HIPFLAGS) -x hip -c -o $@ $< + +ggml/src/ggml-cuda/%.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-cuda/%.cu \ + ggml/include/ggml.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-common.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-cuda/common.cuh + $(HIPCC) $(CXXFLAGS) $(HIPFLAGS) -x hip -c -o $@ $< +endif # GGML_HIPBLAS + +ifdef GGML_METAL + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_USE_METAL + MK_LDFLAGS += -framework Foundation -framework Metal -framework MetalKit + OBJ_GGML += ggml/src/ggml-metal.o +ifdef GGML_METAL_NDEBUG + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_METAL_NDEBUG +endif + +ifdef GGML_METAL_EMBED_LIBRARY + MK_CPPFLAGS += -DGGML_METAL_EMBED_LIBRARY + OBJ_GGML += ggml/src/ggml-metal-embed.o +endif +endif # GGML_METAL + +ifdef WHISPER_COREML + MK_CXXFLAGS += -DWHISPER_USE_COREML + LDFLAGS += -framework Foundation -framework CoreML + +ifdef WHISPER_COREML_ALLOW_FALLBACK + MK_CXXFLAGS += -DWHISPER_COREML_ALLOW_FALLBACK +endif +endif + +# === + +ifdef GGML_METAL +ggml/src/ggml-metal.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-metal.m \ + ggml/include/ggml-metal.h \ + ggml/include/ggml.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +ifdef GGML_METAL_EMBED_LIBRARY +ggml/src/ggml-metal-embed.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-metal.metal \ + ggml/src/ggml-common.h + @echo "Embedding Metal library" + @sed -e '/#include "ggml-common.h"/r ggml/src/ggml-common.h' -e '/#include "ggml-common.h"/d' < ggml/src/ggml-metal.metal > ggml/src/ggml-metal-embed.metal + $(eval TEMP_ASSEMBLY=$(shell mktemp)) + @echo ".section __DATA, __ggml_metallib" > $(TEMP_ASSEMBLY) + @echo ".globl _ggml_metallib_start" >> $(TEMP_ASSEMBLY) + @echo "_ggml_metallib_start:" >> $(TEMP_ASSEMBLY) + @echo ".incbin \"ggml/src/ggml-metal-embed.metal\"" >> $(TEMP_ASSEMBLY) + @echo ".globl _ggml_metallib_end" >> $(TEMP_ASSEMBLY) + @echo "_ggml_metallib_end:" >> $(TEMP_ASSEMBLY) + @$(AS) $(TEMP_ASSEMBLY) -o $@ + @rm -f ${TEMP_ASSEMBLY} +endif +endif # GGML_METAL + +ifdef WHISPER_COREML +src/coreml/whisper-encoder.o: src/coreml/whisper-encoder.mm src/coreml/whisper-encoder.h + $(CXX) -O3 -I . -fobjc-arc -c src/coreml/whisper-encoder.mm -o src/coreml/whisper-encoder.o + +src/coreml/whisper-encoder-impl.o: src/coreml/whisper-encoder-impl.m src/coreml/whisper-encoder-impl.h + $(CXX) -O3 -I . -fobjc-arc -c src/coreml/whisper-encoder-impl.m -o src/coreml/whisper-encoder-impl.o + +OBJ_WHISPER += src/coreml/whisper-encoder.o src/coreml/whisper-encoder-impl.o +endif + +OBJ_GGML += \ + ggml/src/ggml.o \ + ggml/src/ggml-alloc.o \ + ggml/src/ggml-backend.o \ + ggml/src/ggml-quants.o \ + ggml/src/ggml-aarch64.o + +OBJ_WHISPER += \ + src/whisper.o + +OBJ_COMMON += \ + examples/common.o \ + examples/common-ggml.o \ + examples/grammar-parser.o + +OBJ_SDL += \ + examples/common-sdl.o + +OBJ_ALL = $(OBJ_GGML) $(OBJ_WHISPER) $(OBJ_COMMON) $(OBJ_SDL) + +LIB_GGML = $(LIB_PRE)ggml$(DSO_EXT) +LIB_GGML_S = $(LIB_PRE)ggml.a + +LIB_WHISPER = $(LIB_PRE)whisper$(DSO_EXT) +LIB_WHISPER_S = $(LIB_PRE)whisper.a + +LIB_COMMON = $(LIB_PRE)common$(DSO_EXT) +LIB_COMMON_S = $(LIB_PRE)common.a + +LIB_COMMON_SDL = $(LIB_PRE)common-sdl$(DSO_EXT) +LIB_COMMON_SDL_S = $(LIB_PRE)common-sdl.a + +LIB_ALL = $(LIB_GGML) $(LIB_WHISPER) $(LIB_COMMON) $(LIB_COMMON_SDL) +LIB_ALL_S = $(LIB_GGML_S) $(LIB_WHISPER_S) $(LIB_COMMON_S) $(LIB_COMMON_SDL_S) + +GF_CC := $(CC) +include scripts/get-flags.mk + +# combine build flags with cmdline overrides +override CPPFLAGS := $(MK_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) +override CFLAGS := $(CPPFLAGS) $(MK_CFLAGS) $(GF_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +BASE_CXXFLAGS := $(MK_CXXFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) +override CXXFLAGS := $(BASE_CXXFLAGS) $(HOST_CXXFLAGS) $(GF_CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) +override NVCCFLAGS := $(MK_NVCCFLAGS) $(NVCCFLAGS) +override LDFLAGS := $(MK_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) + +# identify CUDA host compiler +ifdef GGML_CUDA +GF_CC := $(NVCC) $(NVCCFLAGS) 2>/dev/null .c -Xcompiler +include scripts/get-flags.mk +CUDA_CXXFLAGS := $(BASE_CXXFLAGS) $(GF_CXXFLAGS) -Wno-pedantic +endif + +ifdef WHISPER_CURL +override CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) -DWHISPER_USE_CURL +override LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -lcurl +endif + +# +# Print build information +# + +$(info I whisper.cpp build info: ) +$(info I UNAME_S: $(UNAME_S)) +$(info I UNAME_P: $(UNAME_P)) +$(info I UNAME_M: $(UNAME_M)) +$(info I CFLAGS: $(CFLAGS)) +$(info I CXXFLAGS: $(CXXFLAGS)) +$(info I NVCCFLAGS: $(NVCCFLAGS)) +$(info I LDFLAGS: $(LDFLAGS)) +$(info I CC: $(shell $(CC) --version | head -n 1)) +$(info I CXX: $(shell $(CXX) --version | head -n 1)) +ifdef GGML_CUDA +$(info I NVCC: $(shell $(NVCC) --version | tail -n 1)) +CUDA_VERSION := $(shell $(NVCC) --version | grep -oP 'release (\K[0-9]+\.[0-9])') +ifeq ($(shell awk -v "v=$(CUDA_VERSION)" 'BEGIN { print (v < 11.7) }'),1) + +ifndef CUDA_DOCKER_ARCH +ifndef CUDA_POWER_ARCH +$(error I ERROR: For CUDA versions < 11.7 a target CUDA architecture must be explicitly provided via environment variable CUDA_DOCKER_ARCH, e.g. by running "export CUDA_DOCKER_ARCH=compute_XX" on Unix-like systems, where XX is the minimum compute capability that the code needs to run on. A list with compute capabilities can be found here: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus ) +endif # CUDA_POWER_ARCH +endif # CUDA_DOCKER_ARCH + +endif # eq ($(shell echo "$(CUDA_VERSION) < 11.7" | bc),1) +endif # GGML_CUDA +$(info ) + +ifdef DEPRECATE_WARNING +$(info !!! DEPRECATION WARNING !!!) +$(info The following WHISPER_ options are deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use the GGML_ prefix instead) +$(info - WHISPER_CUDA) +$(info - WHISPER_METAL) +$(info - WHISPER_OPENMP) +$(info - WHISPER_RPC) +$(info - WHISPER_SYCL) +$(info - WHISPER_SYCL_F16) +$(info - WHISPER_OPENBLAS) +$(info - WHISPER_OPENBLAS64) +$(info - WHISPER_BLIS) +$(info - WHISPER_NO_LLAMAFILE) +$(info - WHISPER_NO_ACCELERATE) +$(info - WHISPER_NO_OPENMP) +$(info - WHISPER_NO_METAL) +$(info ) +endif + +# +# Build libraries +# + +# ggml + +ggml/src/ggml.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml.c \ + ggml/include/ggml.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +ggml/src/ggml-alloc.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-alloc.c \ + ggml/include/ggml.h \ + ggml/include/ggml-alloc.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +ggml/src/ggml-backend.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-backend.c \ + ggml/include/ggml.h \ + ggml/include/ggml-backend.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +ggml/src/ggml-quants.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-quants.c \ + ggml/include/ggml.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-quants.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-common.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +ggml/src/ggml-aarch64.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-aarch64.c \ + ggml/include/ggml.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-aarch64.h \ + ggml/src/ggml-common.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +ggml/src/ggml-blas.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-blas.cpp \ + ggml/include/ggml-blas.h + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +ifdef GGML_LLAMAFILE +ggml/src/sgemm.o: \ + ggml/src/sgemm.cpp \ + ggml/src/sgemm.h \ + ggml/include/ggml.h + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ +endif # GGML_LLAMAFILE + +ifdef GGML_RPC +ggml/src/ggml-rpc.o: \ + ggml/src/ggml-rpc.cpp \ + ggml/include/ggml-rpc.h + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ +endif # GGML_RPC + +$(LIB_GGML): \ + $(OBJ_GGML) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared -fPIC -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) + +$(LIB_GGML_S): \ + $(OBJ_GGML) + ar rcs $(LIB_GGML_S) $^ + +# whisper + +src/whisper.o: \ + src/whisper.cpp \ + src/whisper-mel.hpp \ + include/whisper.h \ + ggml/include/ggml.h \ + ggml/include/ggml-alloc.h \ + ggml/include/ggml-backend.h \ + ggml/include/ggml-cuda.h \ + ggml/include/ggml-metal.h + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +$(LIB_WHISPER): \ + $(OBJ_WHISPER) \ + $(LIB_GGML) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared -fPIC -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) + +$(LIB_WHISPER_S): \ + $(OBJ_WHISPER) \ + $(OBJ_GGML) + ar rcs $(LIB_WHISPER_S) $^ + +# common + +examples/common.o: \ + examples/common.cpp \ + examples/common.h + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +examples/common-ggml.o: \ + examples/common-ggml.cpp \ + examples/common-ggml.h + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ + +$(LIB_COMMON): \ + $(OBJ_COMMON) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared -fPIC -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) + +$(LIB_COMMON_S): \ + $(OBJ_COMMON) + ar rcs $(LIB_COMMON_S) $^ + +# common-sdl + +CFLAGS_SDL=$(shell sdl2-config --cflags) +LDFLAGS_SDL=$(shell sdl2-config --libs) + +examples/common-sdl.o: \ + examples/common-sdl.cpp \ + examples/common-sdl.h + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_SDL) -c $< -o $@ + +$(LIB_COMMON_SDL): \ + $(OBJ_SDL) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared -fPIC -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SDL) + +$(LIB_COMMON_SDL_S): \ + $(OBJ_SDL) + ar rcs $(LIB_COMMON_SDL_S) $^ + +clean: + rm -vrf *.dot $(BUILD_TARGETS) $(TEST_TARGETS) + rm -rvf src/*.o + rm -rvf src/coreml/*.o + rm -rvf tests/*.o + rm -rvf examples/*.o + rm -rvf *.a + rm -rvf *.dll + rm -rvf *.so + rm -rvf *.dot + rm -rvf ggml/*.a + rm -rvf ggml/*.dll + rm -rvf ggml/*.so + rm -vrf ggml/src/*.o + rm -vrf ggml/src/ggml-metal-embed.metal + rm -vrf ggml/src/ggml-cuda/*.o + rm -vrf ggml/src/ggml-cuda/template-instances/*.o + rm -rvf $(BUILD_TARGETS) + rm -rvf $(TEST_TARGETS) + find examples -type f -name "*.o" -delete + +# +# Examples +# + +# $< is the first prerequisite, i.e. the source file. +# Explicitly compile this to an object file so that it can be cached with ccache. +# The source file is then filtered out from $^ (the list of all prerequisites) and the object file is added instead. + +# Helper function that replaces .c, .cpp, and .cu file endings with .o: +GET_OBJ_FILE = $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(patsubst %.cpp,%.o,$(patsubst %.cu,%.o,$(1)))) + +main: examples/main/main.cpp \ + $(OBJ_GGML) $(OBJ_WHISPER) $(OBJ_COMMON) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h $<,$^) $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) + +bench: examples/bench/bench.cpp \ + $(OBJ_GGML) $(OBJ_WHISPER) $(OBJ_COMMON) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h $<,$^) $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) + +quantize: examples/quantize/quantize.cpp \ + $(OBJ_GGML) $(OBJ_WHISPER) $(OBJ_COMMON) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h $<,$^) $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) + +server: examples/server/server.cpp \ + $(OBJ_GGML) $(OBJ_WHISPER) $(OBJ_COMMON) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h $<,$^) $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LWINSOCK2) + +command: examples/command/command.cpp \ + $(OBJ_GGML) $(OBJ_WHISPER) $(OBJ_COMMON) $(OBJ_SDL) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_SDL) -c $< -o $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h $<,$^) $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SDL) + +stream: examples/stream/stream.cpp \ + $(OBJ_GGML) $(OBJ_WHISPER) $(OBJ_COMMON) $(OBJ_SDL) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_SDL) -c $< -o $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h $<,$^) $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SDL) + +lsp: examples/lsp/lsp.cpp \ + $(OBJ_GGML) $(OBJ_WHISPER) $(OBJ_COMMON) $(OBJ_SDL) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_SDL) -c $< -o $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h $<,$^) $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SDL) + +# TODO: disabled until update +# https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/1818 +#talk: examples/talk/talk.cpp examples/talk/gpt-2.cpp \ +# $(OBJ_GGML) $(OBJ_WHISPER) $(OBJ_COMMON) $(OBJ_SDL) +# $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_SDL) -c $< -o $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) +# $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h $<,$^) $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SDL) + +talk-llama: examples/talk-llama/talk-llama.cpp examples/talk-llama/llama.cpp examples/talk-llama/llama-vocab.cpp examples/talk-llama/llama-grammar.cpp examples/talk-llama/llama-sampling.cpp examples/talk-llama/unicode.cpp examples/talk-llama/unicode-data.cpp \ + $(OBJ_GGML) $(OBJ_WHISPER) $(OBJ_COMMON) $(OBJ_SDL) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_SDL) -c $< -o $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h $<,$^) $(call GET_OBJ_FILE, $<) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SDL) + +# +# Tests +# + +tests: $(TEST_TARGETS) + +tests/test-c.o: tests/test-c.c include/whisper.h + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $(filter-out %.h,$^) -o $@ + +# +# Audio samples +# + +# download a few audio samples into folder "./samples": +.PHONY: samples +samples: + @echo "Downloading samples..." + @mkdir -p samples + @wget --quiet --show-progress -O samples/gb0.ogg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/George_W._Bush%27s_weekly_radio_address_%28November_1%2C_2008%29.oga + @wget --quiet --show-progress -O samples/gb1.ogg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1f/George_W_Bush_Columbia_FINAL.ogg + @wget --quiet --show-progress -O samples/hp0.ogg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d4/En.henryfphillips.ogg + @wget --quiet --show-progress -O samples/mm1.wav https://cdn.openai.com/whisper/draft-20220913a/micro-machines.wav + @wget --quiet --show-progress -O samples/a13.mp3 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/transcoded/6/6f/Apollo13-wehaveaproblem.ogg/Apollo13-wehaveaproblem.ogg.mp3 + @wget --quiet --show-progress -O samples/diffusion2023-07-03.flac https://archive.org/download/diffusion2023-07-03/diffusion2023-07-03.flac + @echo "Converting to 16-bit WAV ..." + @ffmpeg -loglevel -0 -y -i samples/gb0.ogg -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le samples/gb0.wav + @ffmpeg -loglevel -0 -y -i samples/gb1.ogg -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le samples/gb1.wav + @ffmpeg -loglevel -0 -y -i samples/hp0.ogg -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le samples/hp0.wav + @rm samples/*.ogg + @ffmpeg -loglevel -0 -y -i samples/mm1.wav -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le samples/mm0.wav + @rm samples/mm1.wav + @ffmpeg -loglevel -0 -y -i samples/a13.mp3 -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le -ss 00:00:00 -to 00:00:30 samples/a13.wav + @rm samples/a13.mp3 + @ffmpeg -loglevel -0 -y -i samples/diffusion2023-07-03.flac -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le samples/diffusion2023-07-03.wav + @rm samples/diffusion2023-07-03.flac + +# +# Models +# + +# if not already downloaded, the following targets download the specified model and +# runs it on all samples in the folder "./samples": + +.PHONY: tiny.en +.PHONY: tiny +.PHONY: base.en +.PHONY: base +.PHONY: small.en +.PHONY: small +.PHONY: medium.en +.PHONY: medium +.PHONY: large-v1 +.PHONY: large-v2 +.PHONY: large-v3 +.PHONY: large-v3-turbo + +tiny.en tiny base.en base small.en small medium.en medium large-v1 large-v2 large-v3 large-v3-turbo: main + bash ./models/download-ggml-model.sh $@ + @echo "" + @echo "===============================================" + @echo "Running $@ on all samples in ./samples ..." + @echo "===============================================" + @echo "" + @for f in samples/*.wav; do \ + echo "----------------------------------------------" ; \ + echo "[+] Running $@ on $$f ... (run 'ffplay $$f' to listen)" ; \ + echo "----------------------------------------------" ; \ + echo "" ; \ + ./main -m models/ggml-$@.bin -f $$f ; \ + echo "" ; \ + done diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/CMakeLists.txt b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33e6249e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +# dependencies + +find_package(Threads REQUIRED) + +# third-party + +if (WHISPER_SDL2) + # SDL2 + find_package(SDL2 REQUIRED) + + string(STRIP "${SDL2_LIBRARIES}" SDL2_LIBRARIES) + + message(STATUS "SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS = ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS}") + message(STATUS "SDL2_LIBRARIES = ${SDL2_LIBRARIES}") +endif() + +if (WHISPER_CLBLAST) + find_package(CLBlast REQUIRED) +endif() + +# common + +set(TARGET common) + +unset(COMMON_EXTRA_LIBS) + +if (WHISPER_FFMPEG) + # As of cmake 3.27, there is no official cmake support for FindFFmpeg. + # Consequnelty we added a FindFFmpeg.cmake script the cmake subfolder: + # whisper.cpp does not need the full ffmpeg libs, just AVFORMAT AVCODEC AVUTIL SWRESAMPLE + # libswresample performs highly optimized audio resampling, rematrixing and sample format conversion operations + # libavcodec provides a generic encoding/decoding framework and contains multiple decoders and encoders for audio, video and subtitle streams, and several bitstream filters. + # libavformat provides a generic framework for multiplexing and demultiplexing (muxing and demuxing) audio, video and subtitle streams. + find_package(FFmpeg REQUIRED) + + if (NOT ${FFMPEG_FOUND}) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find ffmpeg libs/headers") + endif() + + message(STATUS "Found ffmpeg libs: ${FFMPEG_LIBRARIES}") + message(STATUS "Found ffmpeg headers in: ${FFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIRS}") + message(STATUS "ffmpeg definitions: ${FFMPEG_DEFINITIONS}") + message(STATUS "Found avformat ${AVFORMAT_VERSION}") + + include_directories(${FFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + add_compile_definitions(WHISPER_FFMPEG) + + list(APPEND COMMON_EXTRA_LIBS ${FFMPEG_LIBRARIES}) + + set(COMMON_SOURCES_FFMPEG ffmpeg-transcode.cpp) +endif() + + +add_library(${TARGET} STATIC + common.h + common.cpp + common-ggml.h + common-ggml.cpp + grammar-parser.h + grammar-parser.cpp + ${COMMON_SOURCES_FFMPEG} + ) + +include(DefaultTargetOptions) + +target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE whisper ${COMMON_EXTRA_LIBS}) + +set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) +set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES FOLDER "libs") + +if (WHISPER_SDL2) + # common-sdl + + set(TARGET common-sdl) + + add_library(${TARGET} STATIC + common-sdl.h + common-sdl.cpp + ) + + include(DefaultTargetOptions) + + target_include_directories(${TARGET} PUBLIC ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + target_link_libraries (${TARGET} PRIVATE ${SDL2_LIBRARIES}) + + set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) + set_target_properties(${TARGET} PROPERTIES FOLDER "libs") +endif() + +# add json lib +add_library(json_cpp INTERFACE) +target_include_directories(json_cpp INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) + +# examples + +include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) + +if (EMSCRIPTEN) + add_subdirectory(whisper.wasm) + set_target_properties(libmain PROPERTIES FOLDER "libs") + add_subdirectory(stream.wasm) + set_target_properties(libstream PROPERTIES FOLDER "libs") + add_subdirectory(command.wasm) + set_target_properties(libcommand PROPERTIES FOLDER "libs") + #add_subdirectory(talk.wasm) + #set_target_properties(libtalk PROPERTIES FOLDER "libs") + add_subdirectory(bench.wasm) + set_target_properties(libbench PROPERTIES FOLDER "libs") +elseif(CMAKE_JS_VERSION) + add_subdirectory(addon.node) + set_target_properties(addon.node PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") +else() + add_subdirectory(main) + set_target_properties(main PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") +if (WHISPER_SDL2) + add_subdirectory(stream) + set_target_properties(stream PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") +endif (WHISPER_SDL2) + add_subdirectory(server) + set_target_properties(server PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") +if (WHISPER_SDL2) + add_subdirectory(command) + set_target_properties(command PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") +endif (WHISPER_SDL2) + add_subdirectory(bench) + set_target_properties(bench PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") + add_subdirectory(quantize) + set_target_properties(quantize PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") +if (WHISPER_SDL2) + # TODO: disabled until update + # https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/1818 + #add_subdirectory(talk) + #set_target_properties(talk PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") + add_subdirectory(talk-llama) + set_target_properties(talk-llama PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") + add_subdirectory(lsp) + set_target_properties(lsp PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") + if (GGML_SYCL) + add_subdirectory(sycl) + set_target_properties(sycl PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") + endif() +endif (WHISPER_SDL2) +endif() + +if (WHISPER_SDL2) + add_subdirectory(wchess) + set_target_properties(wchess PROPERTIES FOLDER "examples") +endif (WHISPER_SDL2) diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/bench/CMakeLists.txt b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/bench/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f8a72ffd --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/bench/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +set(TARGET bench) +add_executable(${TARGET} bench.cpp) + +include(DefaultTargetOptions) + +target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE whisper ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/bench/README.md b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/bench/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b42cb4d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/bench/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +# bench + +A very basic tool for benchmarking the inference performance on your device. The tool simply runs the Encoder part of +the transformer on some random audio data and records the execution time. This way we can have an objective comparison +of the performance of the model for various setups. + +Benchmark results are tracked in the following Github issue: https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/89 + +```bash +# build the bench tool +$ make bench + +# run it on the small.en model using 4 threads +$ ./bench -m ./models/ggml-small.en.bin -t 4 + +whisper_model_load: loading model from './models/ggml-small.en.bin' +whisper_model_load: n_vocab = 51864 +whisper_model_load: n_audio_ctx = 1500 +whisper_model_load: n_audio_state = 768 +whisper_model_load: n_audio_head = 12 +whisper_model_load: n_audio_layer = 12 +whisper_model_load: n_text_ctx = 448 +whisper_model_load: n_text_state = 768 +whisper_model_load: n_text_head = 12 +whisper_model_load: n_text_layer = 12 +whisper_model_load: n_mels = 80 +whisper_model_load: f16 = 1 +whisper_model_load: type = 3 +whisper_model_load: mem_required = 1048.00 MB +whisper_model_load: adding 1607 extra tokens +whisper_model_load: ggml ctx size = 533.05 MB +whisper_model_load: memory size = 68.48 MB +whisper_model_load: model size = 464.44 MB + +whisper_print_timings: load time = 240.82 ms +whisper_print_timings: mel time = 0.00 ms +whisper_print_timings: sample time = 0.00 ms +whisper_print_timings: encode time = 1062.21 ms / 88.52 ms per layer +whisper_print_timings: decode time = 0.00 ms / 0.00 ms per layer +whisper_print_timings: total time = 1303.04 ms + +system_info: n_threads = 4 | AVX2 = 0 | AVX512 = 0 | NEON = 1 | FP16_VA = 1 | WASM_SIMD = 0 | BLAS = 1 | + +If you wish, you can submit these results here: + + https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/89 + +Please include the following information: + + - CPU model + - Operating system + - Compiler + +``` diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/bench/bench.cpp b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/bench/bench.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d19c8ac5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/bench/bench.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +#include "whisper.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +// command-line parameters +struct whisper_params { + int32_t n_threads = std::min(4, (int32_t) std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); + int32_t what = 0; // what to benchmark: 0 - whisper encoder, 1 - memcpy, 2 - ggml_mul_mat + + std::string model = "models/ggml-base.en.bin"; + + bool use_gpu = true; + bool flash_attn = false; +}; + +void whisper_print_usage(int argc, char ** argv, const whisper_params & params); + +static bool whisper_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, whisper_params & params) { + for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { + std::string arg = argv[i]; + + if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") { + whisper_print_usage(argc, argv, params); + exit(0); + } + else if (arg == "-t" || arg == "--threads") { params.n_threads = std::stoi(argv[++i]); } + else if (arg == "-m" || arg == "--model") { params.model = argv[++i]; } + else if (arg == "-w" || arg == "--what") { params.what = atoi(argv[++i]); } + else if (arg == "-ng" || arg == "--no-gpu") { params.use_gpu = false; } + else if (arg == "-fa" || arg == "--flash-attn") { params.flash_attn = true; } + else { + fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown argument: %s\n", arg.c_str()); + whisper_print_usage(argc, argv, params); + exit(0); + } + } + + return true; +} + +void whisper_print_usage(int /*argc*/, char ** argv, const whisper_params & params) { + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [options]\n", argv[0]); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "options:\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -h, --help [default] show this help message and exit\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -t N, --threads N [%-7d] number of threads to use during computation\n", params.n_threads); + fprintf(stderr, " -m FNAME, --model FNAME [%-7s] model path\n", params.model.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, " -w N, --what N [%-7d] what to benchmark:\n", params.what); + fprintf(stderr, " -ng, --no-gpu [%-7s] disable GPU\n", params.use_gpu ? "false" : "true"); + fprintf(stderr, " -fa, --flash-attn [%-7s] enable flash attention\n", params.flash_attn ? "true" : "false"); + fprintf(stderr, " %-7s 0 - whisper\n", ""); + fprintf(stderr, " %-7s 1 - memcpy\n", ""); + fprintf(stderr, " %-7s 2 - ggml_mul_mat\n", ""); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); +} + +static int whisper_bench_full(const whisper_params & params) { + // whisper init + + struct whisper_context_params cparams = whisper_context_default_params(); + + cparams.use_gpu = params.use_gpu; + cparams.flash_attn = params.flash_attn; + + struct whisper_context * ctx = whisper_init_from_file_with_params(params.model.c_str(), cparams); + + { + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "system_info: n_threads = %d / %d | %s\n", params.n_threads, std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), whisper_print_system_info()); + } + + if (ctx == nullptr) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to initialize whisper context\n"); + return 2; + } + + const int n_mels = whisper_model_n_mels(ctx); + + if (int ret = whisper_set_mel(ctx, nullptr, 0, n_mels)) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to set mel: %d\n", ret); + return 3; + } + // heat encoder + if (int ret = whisper_encode(ctx, 0, params.n_threads) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to encode: %d\n", ret); + return 4; + } + + whisper_token tokens[512]; + memset(tokens, 0, sizeof(tokens)); + + // prompt heat + if (int ret = whisper_decode(ctx, tokens, 256, 0, params.n_threads) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to decode: %d\n", ret); + return 4; + } + + // text-generation heat + if (int ret = whisper_decode(ctx, tokens, 1, 256, params.n_threads) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to decode: %d\n", ret); + return 4; + } + + whisper_reset_timings(ctx); + + // actual run + if (int ret = whisper_encode(ctx, 0, params.n_threads) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to encode: %d\n", ret); + return 4; + } + + // text-generation + for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { + if (int ret = whisper_decode(ctx, tokens, 1, i, params.n_threads) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to decode: %d\n", ret); + return 4; + } + } + + // batched decoding + for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { + if (int ret = whisper_decode(ctx, tokens, 5, 0, params.n_threads) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to decode: %d\n", ret); + return 4; + } + } + + // prompt processing + for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { + if (int ret = whisper_decode(ctx, tokens, 256, 0, params.n_threads) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to decode: %d\n", ret); + return 4; + } + } + + whisper_print_timings(ctx); + whisper_free(ctx); + + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "If you wish, you can submit these results here:\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/89\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "Please include the following information:\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " - CPU model\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " - Operating system\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " - Compiler\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + + return 0; +} + +int main(int argc, char ** argv) { + whisper_params params; + + if (whisper_params_parse(argc, argv, params) == false) { + return 1; + } + + int ret = -1; + + switch (params.what) { + case 0: ret = whisper_bench_full(params); break; + case 1: ret = whisper_bench_memcpy(params.n_threads); break; + case 2: ret = whisper_bench_ggml_mul_mat(params.n_threads); break; + default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown benchmark: %d\n", params.what); break; + } + + return ret; +} diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/CMakeLists.txt b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..40f278c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +if (WHISPER_SDL2) + # command + set(TARGET command) + add_executable(${TARGET} command.cpp) + + include(DefaultTargetOptions) + + target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE common common-sdl whisper ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) +endif () diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/README.md b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2cd27aa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +# command + +This is a basic Voice Assistant example that accepts voice commands from the microphone. +More info is available in [issue #171](https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/171). + +```bash +# Run with default arguments and small model +./command -m ./models/ggml-small.en.bin -t 8 + +# On Raspberry Pi, use tiny or base models + "-ac 768" for better performance +./command -m ./models/ggml-tiny.en.bin -ac 768 -t 3 -c 0 +``` + +https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1991296/204038393-2f846eae-c255-4099-a76d-5735c25c49da.mp4 + +Web version: [examples/command.wasm](/examples/command.wasm) + +## Guided mode + +"Guided mode" allows you to specify a list of commands (i.e. strings) and the transcription will be guided to classify your command into one from the list. This can be useful in situations where a device is listening only for a small subset of commands. + +Initial tests show that this approach might be extremely efficient in terms of performance, since it integrates very well with the "partial Encoder" idea from #137. + +```bash +# Run in guided mode, the list of allowed commands is in commands.txt +./command -m ./models/ggml-base.en.bin -cmd ./examples/command/commands.txt + +# On Raspberry Pi, in guided mode you can use "-ac 128" for extra performance +./command -m ./models/ggml-tiny.en.bin -cmd ./examples/command/commands.txt -ac 128 -t 3 -c 0 +``` + +https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1991296/207435352-8fc4ed3f-bde5-4555-9b8b-aeeb76bee969.mp4 + + +## Building + +The `command` tool depends on SDL2 library to capture audio from the microphone. You can build it like this: + +```bash +# Install SDL2 +# On Debian based linux distributions: +sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev + +# On Fedora Linux: +sudo dnf install SDL2 SDL2-devel + +# Install SDL2 on Mac OS +brew install sdl2 + +make command +``` diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/command.cpp b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/command.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..11ed9ed6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/command.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,777 @@ +// Voice assistant example +// +// Speak short text commands to the microphone. +// This program will detect your voice command and convert them to text. +// +// ref: https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/issues/171 +// + +#include "common-sdl.h" +#include "common.h" +#include "whisper.h" +#include "grammar-parser.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +// command-line parameters +struct whisper_params { + int32_t n_threads = std::min(4, (int32_t) std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); + int32_t prompt_ms = 5000; + int32_t command_ms = 8000; + int32_t capture_id = -1; + int32_t max_tokens = 32; + int32_t audio_ctx = 0; + + float vad_thold = 0.6f; + float freq_thold = 100.0f; + + float grammar_penalty = 100.0f; + + grammar_parser::parse_state grammar_parsed; + + bool translate = false; + bool print_special = false; + bool print_energy = false; + bool no_timestamps = true; + bool use_gpu = true; + bool flash_attn = false; + + std::string language = "en"; + std::string model = "models/ggml-base.en.bin"; + std::string fname_out; + std::string commands; + std::string prompt; + std::string context; + std::string grammar; + + // A regular expression that matches tokens to suppress + std::string suppress_regex; +}; + +void whisper_print_usage(int argc, char ** argv, const whisper_params & params); + +static bool whisper_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, whisper_params & params) { + for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { + std::string arg = argv[i]; + + if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") { + whisper_print_usage(argc, argv, params); + exit(0); + } + else if (arg == "-t" || arg == "--threads") { params.n_threads = std::stoi(argv[++i]); } + else if (arg == "-pms" || arg == "--prompt-ms") { params.prompt_ms = std::stoi(argv[++i]); } + else if (arg == "-cms" || arg == "--command-ms") { params.command_ms = std::stoi(argv[++i]); } + else if (arg == "-c" || arg == "--capture") { params.capture_id = std::stoi(argv[++i]); } + else if (arg == "-mt" || arg == "--max-tokens") { params.max_tokens = std::stoi(argv[++i]); } + else if (arg == "-ac" || arg == "--audio-ctx") { params.audio_ctx = std::stoi(argv[++i]); } + else if (arg == "-vth" || arg == "--vad-thold") { params.vad_thold = std::stof(argv[++i]); } + else if (arg == "-fth" || arg == "--freq-thold") { params.freq_thold = std::stof(argv[++i]); } + else if (arg == "-tr" || arg == "--translate") { params.translate = true; } + else if (arg == "-ps" || arg == "--print-special") { params.print_special = true; } + else if (arg == "-pe" || arg == "--print-energy") { params.print_energy = true; } + else if (arg == "-ng" || arg == "--no-gpu") { params.use_gpu = false; } + else if (arg == "-fa" || arg == "--flash-attn") { params.flash_attn = true; } + else if (arg == "-l" || arg == "--language") { params.language = argv[++i]; } + else if (arg == "-m" || arg == "--model") { params.model = argv[++i]; } + else if (arg == "-f" || arg == "--file") { params.fname_out = argv[++i]; } + else if (arg == "-cmd" || arg == "--commands") { params.commands = argv[++i]; } + else if (arg == "-p" || arg == "--prompt") { params.prompt = argv[++i]; } + else if (arg == "-ctx" || arg == "--context") { params.context = argv[++i]; } + else if ( arg == "--grammar") { params.grammar = argv[++i]; } + else if ( arg == "--grammar-penalty") { params.grammar_penalty = std::stof(argv[++i]); } + else if ( arg == "--suppress-regex") { params.suppress_regex = argv[++i]; } + else { + fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown argument: %s\n", arg.c_str()); + whisper_print_usage(argc, argv, params); + exit(0); + } + } + + return true; +} + +void whisper_print_usage(int /*argc*/, char ** argv, const whisper_params & params) { + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [options]\n", argv[0]); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "options:\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -h, --help [default] show this help message and exit\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -t N, --threads N [%-7d] number of threads to use during computation\n", params.n_threads); + fprintf(stderr, " -pms N, --prompt-ms N [%-7d] prompt duration in milliseconds\n", params.prompt_ms); + fprintf(stderr, " -cms N, --command-ms N [%-7d] command duration in milliseconds\n", params.command_ms); + fprintf(stderr, " -c ID, --capture ID [%-7d] capture device ID\n", params.capture_id); + fprintf(stderr, " -mt N, --max-tokens N [%-7d] maximum number of tokens per audio chunk\n", params.max_tokens); + fprintf(stderr, " -ac N, --audio-ctx N [%-7d] audio context size (0 - all)\n", params.audio_ctx); + fprintf(stderr, " -vth N, --vad-thold N [%-7.2f] voice activity detection threshold\n", params.vad_thold); + fprintf(stderr, " -fth N, --freq-thold N [%-7.2f] high-pass frequency cutoff\n", params.freq_thold); + fprintf(stderr, " -tr, --translate [%-7s] translate from source language to english\n", params.translate ? "true" : "false"); + fprintf(stderr, " -ps, --print-special [%-7s] print special tokens\n", params.print_special ? "true" : "false"); + fprintf(stderr, " -pe, --print-energy [%-7s] print sound energy (for debugging)\n", params.print_energy ? "true" : "false"); + fprintf(stderr, " -ng, --no-gpu [%-7s] disable GPU\n", params.use_gpu ? "false" : "true"); + fprintf(stderr, " -fa, --flash-attn [%-7s] flash attention\n", params.flash_attn ? "true" : "false"); + fprintf(stderr, " -l LANG, --language LANG [%-7s] spoken language\n", params.language.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, " -m FNAME, --model FNAME [%-7s] model path\n", params.model.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, " -f FNAME, --file FNAME [%-7s] text output file name\n", params.fname_out.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, " -cmd FNAME, --commands FNAME [%-7s] text file with allowed commands\n", params.commands.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, " -p, --prompt [%-7s] the required activation prompt\n", params.prompt.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, " -ctx, --context [%-7s] sample text to help the transcription\n", params.context.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, " --grammar GRAMMAR [%-7s] GBNF grammar to guide decoding\n", params.grammar.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, " --grammar-penalty N [%-7.1f] scales down logits of nongrammar tokens\n", params.grammar_penalty); + fprintf(stderr, " --suppress-regex REGEX [%-7s] regular expression matching tokens to suppress\n", params.suppress_regex.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); +} + +static std::string transcribe( + whisper_context * ctx, + const whisper_params & params, + const std::vector & pcmf32, + const std::string & grammar_rule, + float & logprob_min, + float & logprob_sum, + int & n_tokens, + int64_t & t_ms) { + const auto t_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); + + logprob_min = 0.0f; + logprob_sum = 0.0f; + n_tokens = 0; + t_ms = 0; + + //whisper_full_params wparams = whisper_full_default_params(WHISPER_SAMPLING_GREEDY); + whisper_full_params wparams = whisper_full_default_params(WHISPER_SAMPLING_BEAM_SEARCH); + + wparams.print_progress = false; + wparams.print_special = params.print_special; + wparams.print_realtime = false; + wparams.print_timestamps = !params.no_timestamps; + wparams.translate = params.translate; + wparams.no_context = true; + wparams.no_timestamps = params.no_timestamps; + wparams.single_segment = true; + wparams.max_tokens = params.max_tokens; + wparams.language = params.language.c_str(); + wparams.n_threads = params.n_threads; + + wparams.audio_ctx = params.audio_ctx; + + wparams.temperature = 0.4f; + wparams.temperature_inc = 1.0f; + wparams.greedy.best_of = 5; + + wparams.beam_search.beam_size = 5; + + wparams.initial_prompt = params.context.data(); + + wparams.suppress_regex = params.suppress_regex.c_str(); + + const auto & grammar_parsed = params.grammar_parsed; + auto grammar_rules = grammar_parsed.c_rules(); + + if (!params.grammar_parsed.rules.empty() && !grammar_rule.empty()) { + if (grammar_parsed.symbol_ids.find(grammar_rule) == grammar_parsed.symbol_ids.end()) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: grammar rule '%s' not found - skipping grammar sampling\n", __func__, grammar_rule.c_str()); + } else { + wparams.grammar_rules = grammar_rules.data(); + wparams.n_grammar_rules = grammar_rules.size(); + wparams.i_start_rule = grammar_parsed.symbol_ids.at(grammar_rule); + wparams.grammar_penalty = params.grammar_penalty; + } + } + + if (whisper_full(ctx, wparams, pcmf32.data(), pcmf32.size()) != 0) { + return ""; + } + + std::string result; + + const int n_segments = whisper_full_n_segments(ctx); + for (int i = 0; i < n_segments; ++i) { + const char * text = whisper_full_get_segment_text(ctx, i); + + result += text; + + const int n = whisper_full_n_tokens(ctx, i); + for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { + const auto token = whisper_full_get_token_data(ctx, i, j); + + if(token.plog > 0.0f) exit(0); + logprob_min = std::min(logprob_min, token.plog); + logprob_sum += token.plog; + ++n_tokens; + } + } + + const auto t_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); + t_ms = std::chrono::duration_cast(t_end - t_start).count(); + + return result; +} + +static std::vector read_allowed_commands(const std::string & fname) { + std::vector allowed_commands; + + std::ifstream ifs(fname); + if (!ifs.is_open()) { + return allowed_commands; + } + + std::string line; + while (std::getline(ifs, line)) { + line = ::trim(line); + if (line.empty()) { + continue; + } + + std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(),line.begin(), ::tolower); + allowed_commands.push_back(std::move(line)); + } + + return allowed_commands; +} + +static std::vector get_words(const std::string &txt) { + std::vector words; + + std::istringstream iss(txt); + std::string word; + while (iss >> word) { + words.push_back(word); + } + + return words; +} + +// command-list mode +// guide the transcription to match the most likely command from a provided list +static int process_command_list(struct whisper_context * ctx, audio_async &audio, const whisper_params ¶ms) { + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: guided mode\n", __func__); + + std::vector allowed_commands = read_allowed_commands(params.commands); + + if (allowed_commands.empty()) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: failed to read allowed commands from '%s'\n", __func__, params.commands.c_str()); + return 2; + } + + int max_len = 0; + + std::vector> allowed_tokens; + + for (const auto & cmd : allowed_commands) { + whisper_token tokens[1024]; + allowed_tokens.emplace_back(); + + for (int l = 0; l < (int) cmd.size(); ++l) { + // NOTE: very important to add the whitespace ! + // the reason is that the first decoded token starts with a whitespace too! + std::string ss = std::string(" ") + cmd.substr(0, l + 1); + + const int n = whisper_tokenize(ctx, ss.c_str(), tokens, 1024); + if (n < 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: failed to tokenize command '%s'\n", __func__, cmd.c_str()); + return 3; + } + + if (n == 1) { + allowed_tokens.back().push_back(tokens[0]); + } + } + + max_len = std::max(max_len, (int) cmd.size()); + } + + fprintf(stderr, "%s: allowed commands [ tokens ]:\n", __func__); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + for (int i = 0; i < (int) allowed_commands.size(); ++i) { + fprintf(stderr, " - \033[1m%-*s\033[0m = [", max_len, allowed_commands[i].c_str()); + for (const auto & token : allowed_tokens[i]) { + fprintf(stderr, " %5d", token); + } + fprintf(stderr, " ]\n"); + } + + std::string k_prompt = "select one from the available words: "; + for (int i = 0; i < (int) allowed_commands.size(); ++i) { + if (i > 0) { + k_prompt += ", "; + } + k_prompt += allowed_commands[i]; + } + k_prompt += ". selected word: "; + + // tokenize prompt + std::vector k_tokens; + { + k_tokens.resize(1024); + const int n = whisper_tokenize(ctx, k_prompt.c_str(), k_tokens.data(), 1024); + if (n < 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: failed to tokenize prompt '%s'\n", __func__, k_prompt.c_str()); + return 4; + } + k_tokens.resize(n); + } + + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: prompt: '%s'\n", __func__, k_prompt.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: tokens: [", __func__); + for (const auto & token : k_tokens) { + fprintf(stderr, " %d", token); + } + fprintf(stderr, " ]\n"); + + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: listening for a command ...\n", __func__); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + + bool is_running = true; + + std::vector pcmf32_cur; + std::vector pcmf32_prompt; + + // main loop + while (is_running) { + // handle Ctrl + C + is_running = sdl_poll_events(); + + // delay + std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); + + audio.get(2000, pcmf32_cur); + + if (::vad_simple(pcmf32_cur, WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE, 1000, params.vad_thold, params.freq_thold, params.print_energy)) { + fprintf(stdout, "%s: Speech detected! Processing ...\n", __func__); + + const auto t_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); + + whisper_full_params wparams = whisper_full_default_params(WHISPER_SAMPLING_GREEDY); + + wparams.print_progress = false; + wparams.print_special = params.print_special; + wparams.print_realtime = false; + wparams.print_timestamps = !params.no_timestamps; + wparams.translate = params.translate; + wparams.no_context = true; + wparams.single_segment = true; + wparams.max_tokens = 1; + wparams.language = params.language.c_str(); + wparams.n_threads = params.n_threads; + + wparams.audio_ctx = params.audio_ctx; + + wparams.prompt_tokens = k_tokens.data(); + wparams.prompt_n_tokens = k_tokens.size(); + + // run the transformer and a single decoding pass + if (whisper_full(ctx, wparams, pcmf32_cur.data(), pcmf32_cur.size()) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: whisper_full() failed\n", __func__); + break; + } + + // estimate command probability + // NOTE: not optimal + { + const auto * logits = whisper_get_logits(ctx); + + std::vector probs(whisper_n_vocab(ctx), 0.0f); + + // compute probs from logits via softmax + { + float max = -1e9; + for (int i = 0; i < (int) probs.size(); ++i) { + max = std::max(max, logits[i]); + } + + float sum = 0.0f; + for (int i = 0; i < (int) probs.size(); ++i) { + probs[i] = expf(logits[i] - max); + sum += probs[i]; + } + + for (int i = 0; i < (int) probs.size(); ++i) { + probs[i] /= sum; + } + } + + std::vector> probs_id; + + double psum = 0.0; + for (int i = 0; i < (int) allowed_commands.size(); ++i) { + probs_id.emplace_back(probs[allowed_tokens[i][0]], i); + for (int j = 1; j < (int) allowed_tokens[i].size(); ++j) { + probs_id.back().first += probs[allowed_tokens[i][j]]; + } + probs_id.back().first /= allowed_tokens[i].size(); + psum += probs_id.back().first; + } + + // normalize + for (auto & p : probs_id) { + p.first /= psum; + } + + // sort descending + { + using pair_type = decltype(probs_id)::value_type; + std::sort(probs_id.begin(), probs_id.end(), [](const pair_type & a, const pair_type & b) { + return a.first > b.first; + }); + } + + // print the commands and the respective probabilities + { + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + for (const auto & cmd : probs_id) { + fprintf(stdout, "%s: %s%-*s%s = %f | ", __func__, "\033[1m", max_len, allowed_commands[cmd.second].c_str(), "\033[0m", cmd.first); + for (int token : allowed_tokens[cmd.second]) { + fprintf(stdout, "'%4s' %f ", whisper_token_to_str(ctx, token), probs[token]); + } + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + } + } + + // best command + { + const auto t_end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); + + const float prob = probs_id[0].first; + const int index = probs_id[0].second; + + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + fprintf(stdout, "%s: detected command: %s%s%s | p = %f | t = %d ms\n", __func__, + "\033[1m", allowed_commands[index].c_str(), "\033[0m", prob, + (int) std::chrono::duration_cast(t_end - t_start).count()); + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + } + } + + audio.clear(); + } + } + + return 0; +} + +// always-prompt mode +// transcribe the voice into text after valid prompt +static int always_prompt_transcription(struct whisper_context * ctx, audio_async & audio, const whisper_params & params) { + bool is_running = true; + bool ask_prompt = true; + + float logprob_min = 0.0f; + float logprob_sum = 0.0f; + int n_tokens = 0; + + std::vector pcmf32_cur; + + const std::string k_prompt = params.prompt; + + const int k_prompt_length = get_words(k_prompt).size(); + + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: always-prompt mode\n", __func__); + + // main loop + while (is_running) { + // handle Ctrl + C + is_running = sdl_poll_events(); + + // delay + std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); + + if (ask_prompt) { + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + fprintf(stdout, "%s: The prompt is: '%s%s%s'\n", __func__, "\033[1m", k_prompt.c_str(), "\033[0m"); + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + + ask_prompt = false; + } + + { + audio.get(2000, pcmf32_cur); + + if (::vad_simple(pcmf32_cur, WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE, 1000, params.vad_thold, params.freq_thold, params.print_energy)) { + fprintf(stdout, "%s: Speech detected! Processing ...\n", __func__); + + int64_t t_ms = 0; + + // detect the commands + audio.get(params.command_ms, pcmf32_cur); + + const auto txt = ::trim(::transcribe(ctx, params, pcmf32_cur, "", logprob_min, logprob_sum, n_tokens, t_ms)); + + const auto words = get_words(txt); + + std::string prompt; + std::string command; + + for (int i = 0; i < (int) words.size(); ++i) { + if (i < k_prompt_length) { + prompt += words[i] + " "; + } else { + command += words[i] + " "; + } + } + + const float sim = similarity(prompt, k_prompt); + + //debug + //fprintf(stdout, "command size: %i\n", command_length); + + if ((sim > 0.7f) && (command.size() > 0)) { + fprintf(stdout, "%s: Command '%s%s%s', (t = %d ms)\n", __func__, "\033[1m", command.c_str(), "\033[0m", (int) t_ms); + } + + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + + audio.clear(); + } + } + } + + return 0; +} + +// general-purpose mode +// freely transcribe the voice into text +static int process_general_transcription(struct whisper_context * ctx, audio_async & audio, const whisper_params & params) { + bool is_running = true; + bool have_prompt = false; + bool ask_prompt = true; + + float logprob_min0 = 0.0f; + float logprob_min = 0.0f; + + float logprob_sum0 = 0.0f; + float logprob_sum = 0.0f; + + int n_tokens0 = 0; + int n_tokens = 0; + + std::vector pcmf32_cur; + std::vector pcmf32_prompt; + + std::string k_prompt = "Ok Whisper, start listening for commands."; + if (!params.prompt.empty()) { + k_prompt = params.prompt; + } + + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: general-purpose mode\n", __func__); + + // main loop + while (is_running) { + // handle Ctrl + C + is_running = sdl_poll_events(); + + // delay + std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100)); + + if (ask_prompt) { + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + fprintf(stdout, "%s: Say the following phrase: '%s%s%s'\n", __func__, "\033[1m", k_prompt.c_str(), "\033[0m"); + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + + ask_prompt = false; + } + + { + audio.get(2000, pcmf32_cur); + + if (::vad_simple(pcmf32_cur, WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE, 1000, params.vad_thold, params.freq_thold, params.print_energy)) { + fprintf(stdout, "%s: Speech detected! Processing ...\n", __func__); + + int64_t t_ms = 0; + + if (!have_prompt) { + // wait for activation phrase + audio.get(params.prompt_ms, pcmf32_cur); + + const auto txt = ::trim(::transcribe(ctx, params, pcmf32_cur, "prompt", logprob_min0, logprob_sum0, n_tokens0, t_ms)); + + const float p = 100.0f * std::exp(logprob_min0); + + fprintf(stdout, "%s: Heard '%s%s%s', (t = %d ms, p = %.2f%%)\n", __func__, "\033[1m", txt.c_str(), "\033[0m", (int) t_ms, p); + + const float sim = similarity(txt, k_prompt); + + if (txt.length() < 0.8*k_prompt.length() || txt.length() > 1.2*k_prompt.length() || sim < 0.8f) { + fprintf(stdout, "%s: WARNING: prompt not recognized, try again\n", __func__); + ask_prompt = true; + } else { + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + fprintf(stdout, "%s: The prompt has been recognized!\n", __func__); + fprintf(stdout, "%s: Waiting for voice commands ...\n", __func__); + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + + // save the audio for the prompt + pcmf32_prompt = pcmf32_cur; + have_prompt = true; + } + } else { + // we have heard the activation phrase, now detect the commands + audio.get(params.command_ms, pcmf32_cur); + + //printf("len prompt: %.4f\n", pcmf32_prompt.size() / (float) WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE); + //printf("len command: %.4f\n", pcmf32_cur.size() / (float) WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE); + + // prepend 3 second of silence + pcmf32_cur.insert(pcmf32_cur.begin(), 3.0f*WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE, 0.0f); + + // prepend the prompt audio + pcmf32_cur.insert(pcmf32_cur.begin(), pcmf32_prompt.begin(), pcmf32_prompt.end()); + + const auto txt = ::trim(::transcribe(ctx, params, pcmf32_cur, "root", logprob_min, logprob_sum, n_tokens, t_ms)); + + //const float p = 100.0f * std::exp((logprob - logprob0) / (n_tokens - n_tokens0)); + const float p = 100.0f * std::exp(logprob_min); + + //fprintf(stdout, "%s: heard '%s'\n", __func__, txt.c_str()); + + // find the prompt in the text + float best_sim = 0.0f; + size_t best_len = 0; + for (size_t n = 0.8*k_prompt.size(); n <= 1.2*k_prompt.size(); ++n) { + if (n >= txt.size()) { + break; + } + + const auto prompt = txt.substr(0, n); + + const float sim = similarity(prompt, k_prompt); + + //fprintf(stderr, "%s: prompt = '%s', sim = %f\n", __func__, prompt.c_str(), sim); + + if (sim > best_sim) { + best_sim = sim; + best_len = n; + } + } + + fprintf(stdout, "%s: DEBUG: txt = '%s', prob = %.2f%%\n", __func__, txt.c_str(), p); + if (best_len == 0) { + fprintf(stdout, "%s: WARNING: command not recognized, try again\n", __func__); + } else { + // cut the prompt from the decoded text + const std::string command = ::trim(txt.substr(best_len)); + + fprintf(stdout, "%s: Command '%s%s%s', (t = %d ms)\n", __func__, "\033[1m", command.c_str(), "\033[0m", (int) t_ms); + } + + fprintf(stdout, "\n"); + } + + audio.clear(); + } + } + } + + return 0; +} + +int main(int argc, char ** argv) { + whisper_params params; + + if (whisper_params_parse(argc, argv, params) == false) { + return 1; + } + + if (whisper_lang_id(params.language.c_str()) == -1) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown language '%s'\n", params.language.c_str()); + whisper_print_usage(argc, argv, params); + exit(0); + } + + // whisper init + + struct whisper_context_params cparams = whisper_context_default_params(); + + cparams.use_gpu = params.use_gpu; + cparams.flash_attn = params.flash_attn; + + struct whisper_context * ctx = whisper_init_from_file_with_params(params.model.c_str(), cparams); + + // print some info about the processing + { + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + if (!whisper_is_multilingual(ctx)) { + if (params.language != "en" || params.translate) { + params.language = "en"; + params.translate = false; + fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING: model is not multilingual, ignoring language and translation options\n", __func__); + } + } + fprintf(stderr, "%s: processing, %d threads, lang = %s, task = %s, timestamps = %d ...\n", + __func__, + params.n_threads, + params.language.c_str(), + params.translate ? "translate" : "transcribe", + params.no_timestamps ? 0 : 1); + + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + } + + // init audio + + audio_async audio(30*1000); + if (!audio.init(params.capture_id, WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE)) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: audio.init() failed!\n", __func__); + return 1; + } + + audio.resume(); + + // wait for 1 second to avoid any buffered noise + std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000)); + audio.clear(); + + int ret_val = 0; + + if (!params.grammar.empty()) { + auto & grammar = params.grammar_parsed; + if (is_file_exist(params.grammar.c_str())) { + // read grammar from file + std::ifstream ifs(params.grammar.c_str()); + const std::string txt = std::string((std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); + grammar = grammar_parser::parse(txt.c_str()); + } else { + // read grammar from string + grammar = grammar_parser::parse(params.grammar.c_str()); + } + + // will be empty (default) if there are parse errors + if (grammar.rules.empty()) { + ret_val = 1; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: grammar:\n", __func__); + grammar_parser::print_grammar(stderr, grammar); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + } + } + + if (ret_val == 0) { + if (!params.commands.empty()) { + ret_val = process_command_list(ctx, audio, params); + } else if (!params.prompt.empty() && params.grammar_parsed.rules.empty()) { + ret_val = always_prompt_transcription(ctx, audio, params); + } else { + ret_val = process_general_transcription(ctx, audio, params); + } + } + + audio.pause(); + + whisper_print_timings(ctx); + whisper_free(ctx); + + return ret_val; +} diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/commands.txt b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/commands.txt new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2653de65 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/command/commands.txt @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +enable +disable +cat +dog +apple +red +blue +green +lightblue diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/common-ggml.cpp b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/common-ggml.cpp similarity index 73% rename from src/whisper_cpp/common-ggml.cpp rename to src/whisper_cpp/examples/common-ggml.cpp index aadded92..760cd1f4 100644 --- a/src/whisper_cpp/common-ggml.cpp +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/common-ggml.cpp @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -#include #include "common-ggml.h" #include @@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ enum ggml_ftype ggml_parse_ftype(const char * str) { if (str[0] == 'q') { const auto it = GGML_FTYPE_MAP.find(str); if (it == GGML_FTYPE_MAP.end()) { - Rprintf("%s: unknown ftype '%s'\n", __func__, str); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown ftype '%s'\n", __func__, str); return GGML_FTYPE_UNKNOWN; } ftype = it->second; @@ -63,14 +62,27 @@ bool ggml_common_quantize_0( case GGML_FTYPE_ALL_F32: case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_F16: case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q4_1_SOME_F16: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_IQ2_XXS: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_IQ2_XS: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_IQ2_S: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_IQ3_XXS: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_IQ3_S: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_IQ1_S: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_IQ4_NL: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_IQ4_XS: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_IQ1_M: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_BF16: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q4_0_4_4: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q4_0_4_8: + case GGML_FTYPE_MOSTLY_Q4_0_8_8: { - Rprintf("%s: invalid model type %d\n", __func__, ftype); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid model type %d\n", __func__, ftype); return false; } }; if (!ggml_is_quantized(qtype)) { - Rprintf("%s: invalid quantization type %d (%s)\n", __func__, qtype, ggml_type_name(qtype)); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid quantization type %d (%s)\n", __func__, qtype, ggml_type_name(qtype)); return false; } @@ -83,8 +95,6 @@ bool ggml_common_quantize_0( std::vector data_f16; std::vector data_f32; - std::vector hist_all(1 << 4, 0); - while (true) { int32_t n_dims; int32_t length; @@ -108,7 +118,7 @@ bool ggml_common_quantize_0( std::string name(length, 0); finp.read (&name[0], length); - Rprintf("%64s - [%5d, %5d, %5d], type = %6s ", name.data(), ne[0], ne[1], ne[2], ggml_type_name((ggml_type) ttype)); + printf("%64s - [%5d, %5d, %5d], type = %6s ", name.data(), ne[0], ne[1], ne[2], ggml_type_name((ggml_type) ttype)); bool quantize = false; @@ -133,7 +143,7 @@ bool ggml_common_quantize_0( if (quantize) { if (ttype != GGML_TYPE_F32 && ttype != GGML_TYPE_F16) { - Rprintf("%s: unsupported ttype %d (%s) for integer quantization\n", __func__, ttype, ggml_type_name((ggml_type) ttype)); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: unsupported ttype %d (%s) for integer quantization\n", __func__, ttype, ggml_type_name((ggml_type) ttype)); return false; } @@ -169,8 +179,6 @@ bool ggml_common_quantize_0( work.resize(nelements); // for quantization size_t cur_size = 0; - std::vector hist_cur(1 << 4, 0); - switch ((ggml_type) ttype) { case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0: case GGML_TYPE_Q4_1: @@ -183,18 +191,35 @@ bool ggml_common_quantize_0( case GGML_TYPE_Q5_K: case GGML_TYPE_Q6_K: { - cur_size = ggml_quantize_chunk((ggml_type) ttype, data_f32.data(), work.data(), 0, nelements, hist_cur.data()); + cur_size = ggml_quantize_chunk((ggml_type) ttype, data_f32.data(), work.data(), 0, nelements/ne[0], ne[0], nullptr); } break; case GGML_TYPE_F32: case GGML_TYPE_F16: case GGML_TYPE_I8: case GGML_TYPE_I16: case GGML_TYPE_I32: + case GGML_TYPE_I64: + case GGML_TYPE_F64: case GGML_TYPE_Q8_1: case GGML_TYPE_Q8_K: + case GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XXS: + case GGML_TYPE_IQ2_XS: + case GGML_TYPE_IQ2_S: + case GGML_TYPE_IQ3_XXS: + case GGML_TYPE_IQ3_S: + case GGML_TYPE_IQ1_S: + case GGML_TYPE_IQ4_NL: + case GGML_TYPE_IQ4_XS: + case GGML_TYPE_IQ1_M: + case GGML_TYPE_BF16: + case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0_4_4: + case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0_4_8: + case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0_8_8: + case GGML_TYPE_TQ1_0: + case GGML_TYPE_TQ2_0: case GGML_TYPE_COUNT: { - Rprintf("%s: unsupported quantization type %d (%s)\n", __func__, ttype, ggml_type_name((ggml_type) ttype)); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: unsupported quantization type %d (%s)\n", __func__, ttype, ggml_type_name((ggml_type) ttype)); return false; } } @@ -202,17 +227,9 @@ bool ggml_common_quantize_0( fout.write(reinterpret_cast(work.data()), cur_size); total_size_new += cur_size; - Rprintf("size = %8.2f MB -> %8.2f MB | hist: ", nelements * sizeof(float)/1024.0/1024.0, cur_size/1024.0/1024.0); - for (int i = 0; i < (int) hist_cur.size(); ++i) { - hist_all[i] += hist_cur[i]; - } - - for (int i = 0; i < (int) hist_cur.size(); ++i) { - Rprintf("%5.3f ", hist_cur[i] / (float)nelements); - } - Rprintf("\n"); + printf("size = %8.2f MB -> %8.2f MB\n", nelements * sizeof(float)/1024.0/1024.0, cur_size/1024.0/1024.0); } else { - Rprintf("size = %8.3f MB\n", data_u8.size()/1024.0/1024.0); + printf("size = %8.3f MB\n", data_u8.size()/1024.0/1024.0); fout.write(reinterpret_cast(data_u8.data()), data_u8.size()); total_size_new += data_u8.size(); } @@ -220,21 +237,8 @@ bool ggml_common_quantize_0( total_size_org += nelements * sizeof(float); } - Rprintf("%s: model size = %8.2f MB\n", __func__, total_size_org/1024.0/1024.0); - Rprintf("%s: quant size = %8.2f MB | ftype = %d (%s)\n", __func__, total_size_new/1024.0/1024.0, ftype, ggml_type_name(qtype)); - - { - int64_t sum_all = 0; - for (int i = 0; i < (int) hist_all.size(); ++i) { - sum_all += hist_all[i]; - } - - Rprintf("%s: hist: ", __func__); - for (int i = 0; i < (int) hist_all.size(); ++i) { - Rprintf("%5.3f ", hist_all[i] / (float)sum_all); - } - Rprintf("\n"); - } + printf("%s: model size = %8.2f MB\n", __func__, total_size_org/1024.0/1024.0); + printf("%s: quant size = %8.2f MB | ftype = %d (%s)\n", __func__, total_size_new/1024.0/1024.0, ftype, ggml_type_name(qtype)); return true; } diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/common-ggml.h b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/common-ggml.h similarity index 100% rename from src/whisper_cpp/common-ggml.h rename to src/whisper_cpp/examples/common-ggml.h diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/common-sdl.cpp b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/common-sdl.cpp similarity index 99% rename from src/whisper_cpp/common-sdl.cpp rename to src/whisper_cpp/examples/common-sdl.cpp index 5fc28e53..5329ec73 100644 --- a/src/whisper_cpp/common-sdl.cpp +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/common-sdl.cpp @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ bool sdl_poll_events() { case SDL_QUIT: { return false; - } break; + } default: break; } diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/common-sdl.h b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/common-sdl.h similarity index 100% rename from src/whisper_cpp/common-sdl.h rename to src/whisper_cpp/examples/common-sdl.h diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/common.cpp b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/common.cpp similarity index 71% rename from src/whisper_cpp/common.cpp rename to src/whisper_cpp/examples/common.cpp index 930635b6..11035736 100644 --- a/src/whisper_cpp/common.cpp +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/common.cpp @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -#include #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // for M_PI #include "common.h" @@ -20,14 +19,24 @@ #pragma warning(disable: 4244 4267) // possible loss of data #endif +#ifdef _WIN32 +#include +#include +#endif + +#ifdef WHISPER_FFMPEG +// as implemented in ffmpeg_trancode.cpp only embedded in common lib if whisper built with ffmpeg support +extern bool ffmpeg_decode_audio(const std::string & ifname, std::vector & wav_data); +#endif + // Function to check if the next argument exists -std::string get_next_arg(int& i, int argc, char** argv, const std::string& flag, gpt_params& params) { +static std::string get_next_arg(int& i, int argc, char** argv, const std::string& flag, gpt_params& params) { if (i + 1 < argc && argv[i + 1][0] != '-') { return argv[++i]; } else { - Rprintf("error: %s requires one argument.\n", flag.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "error: %s requires one argument.\n", flag.c_str()); gpt_print_usage(argc, argv, params); - Rcpp::stop("whispercpp error"); + exit(0); } } @@ -72,12 +81,12 @@ bool gpt_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, gpt_params & params) { params.interactive_port = std::stoi(get_next_arg(i, argc, argv, arg, params)); } else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") { gpt_print_usage(argc, argv, params); - Rcpp::stop("whispercpp error"); + exit(0); } else if (arg == "-f" || arg == "--file") { get_next_arg(i, argc, argv, arg, params); std::ifstream file(argv[i]); if (!file) { - Rprintf("error: failed to open file '%s'\n", argv[i]); + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to open file '%s'\n", argv[i]); break; } std::copy(std::istreambuf_iterator(file), std::istreambuf_iterator(), back_inserter(params.prompt)); @@ -88,9 +97,9 @@ bool gpt_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, gpt_params & params) { params.token_test = get_next_arg(i, argc, argv, arg, params); } else { - Rprintf("error: unknown argument: %s\n", arg.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown argument: %s\n", arg.c_str()); gpt_print_usage(argc, argv, params); - Rcpp::stop("whispercpp error"); + exit(0); } } @@ -98,31 +107,31 @@ bool gpt_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, gpt_params & params) { } void gpt_print_usage(int /*argc*/, char ** argv, const gpt_params & params) { - Rprintf("usage: %s [options]\n", argv[0]); - Rprintf("\n"); - Rprintf("options:\n"); - Rprintf(" -h, --help show this help message and exit\n"); - Rprintf(" -s SEED, --seed SEED RNG seed (default: -1)\n"); - Rprintf(" -t N, --threads N number of threads to use during computation (default: %d)\n", params.n_threads); - Rprintf(" -p PROMPT, --prompt PROMPT\n"); - Rprintf(" prompt to start generation with (default: random)\n"); - Rprintf(" -f FNAME, --file FNAME\n"); - Rprintf(" load prompt from a file\n"); - Rprintf(" -tt TOKEN_TEST, --token_test TOKEN_TEST\n"); - Rprintf(" test tokenization\n"); - Rprintf(" -n N, --n_predict N number of tokens to predict (default: %d)\n", params.n_predict); - Rprintf(" --top_k N top-k sampling (default: %d)\n", params.top_k); - Rprintf(" --top_p N top-p sampling (default: %.1f)\n", params.top_p); - Rprintf(" --temp N temperature (default: %.1f)\n", params.temp); - Rprintf(" --repeat-last-n N last n tokens to consider for penalize (default: %d, 0 = disabled)\n", params.repeat_last_n); - Rprintf(" --repeat-penalty N penalize repeat sequence of tokens (default: %.2f, 1.0 = disabled)\n", (double)params.repeat_penalty); - Rprintf(" -b N, --batch_size N batch size for prompt processing (default: %d)\n", params.n_batch); - Rprintf(" -c N, --context N context / KV cache size (default: %d)\n", params.n_ctx); - Rprintf(" --ignore-eos ignore EOS token during generation\n"); - Rprintf(" -ngl N, --gpu-layers N number of layers to offload to GPU on supported models (default: %d)\n", params.n_gpu_layers); - Rprintf(" -m FNAME, --model FNAME\n"); - Rprintf(" model path (default: %s)\n", params.model.c_str()); - Rprintf("\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [options]\n", argv[0]); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "options:\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -h, --help show this help message and exit\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -s SEED, --seed SEED RNG seed (default: -1)\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -t N, --threads N number of threads to use during computation (default: %d)\n", params.n_threads); + fprintf(stderr, " -p PROMPT, --prompt PROMPT\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " prompt to start generation with (default: random)\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -f FNAME, --file FNAME\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " load prompt from a file\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -tt TOKEN_TEST, --token_test TOKEN_TEST\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " test tokenization\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -n N, --n_predict N number of tokens to predict (default: %d)\n", params.n_predict); + fprintf(stderr, " --top_k N top-k sampling (default: %d)\n", params.top_k); + fprintf(stderr, " --top_p N top-p sampling (default: %.1f)\n", params.top_p); + fprintf(stderr, " --temp N temperature (default: %.1f)\n", params.temp); + fprintf(stderr, " --repeat-last-n N last n tokens to consider for penalize (default: %d, 0 = disabled)\n", params.repeat_last_n); + fprintf(stderr, " --repeat-penalty N penalize repeat sequence of tokens (default: %.2f, 1.0 = disabled)\n", (double)params.repeat_penalty); + fprintf(stderr, " -b N, --batch_size N batch size for prompt processing (default: %d)\n", params.n_batch); + fprintf(stderr, " -c N, --context N context / KV cache size (default: %d)\n", params.n_ctx); + fprintf(stderr, " --ignore-eos ignore EOS token during generation\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -ngl N, --gpu-layers N number of layers to offload to GPU on supported models (default: %d)\n", params.n_gpu_layers); + fprintf(stderr, " -m FNAME, --model FNAME\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " model path (default: %s)\n", params.model.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } std::string gpt_random_prompt(std::mt19937 & rng) { @@ -138,7 +147,6 @@ std::string gpt_random_prompt(std::mt19937 & rng) { case 7: return "He"; case 8: return "She"; case 9: return "They"; - default: return "To"; } return "The"; @@ -171,8 +179,8 @@ std::map json_parse(const std::string & fname) { { std::ifstream ifs(fname); if (!ifs) { - Rprintf("Failed to open %s\n", fname.c_str()); - Rcpp::stop("whispercpp error"); + fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s\n", fname.c_str()); + exit(1); } json = std::string((std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs)), @@ -234,7 +242,7 @@ std::map json_parse(const std::string & fname) { try { result[str_key] = std::stoi(str_val); } catch (...) { - //Rprintf("%s: ignoring key '%s' with value '%s'\n", fname.c_str(), str_key.c_str(), str_val.c_str()); + //fprintf(stderr, "%s: ignoring key '%s' with value '%s'\n", fname.c_str(), str_key.c_str(), str_val.c_str()); } str_key = ""; @@ -327,7 +335,7 @@ std::vector gpt_tokenize(const gpt_vocab & vocab, const std::stri break; } else if (j == i){ // word.substr(i, 1) has no matching - Rprintf("%s: unknown token '%s'\n", __func__, word.substr(i, 1).data()); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown token '%s'\n", __func__, word.substr(i, 1).data()); i++; } } @@ -337,7 +345,7 @@ std::vector gpt_tokenize(const gpt_vocab & vocab, const std::stri return tokens; } -std::vector parse_tokens_from_string(const std::string& input, char delimiter) { +static std::vector parse_tokens_from_string(const std::string& input, char delimiter) { std::vector output; std::stringstream ss(input); std::string token; @@ -349,9 +357,9 @@ std::vector parse_tokens_from_string(const std::string& input, ch return output; } -std::map> extract_tests_from_file(const std::string & fpath_test){ +static std::map> extract_tests_from_file(const std::string & fpath_test){ if (fpath_test.empty()){ - Rprintf("%s : No test file found.\n", __func__); + fprintf(stderr, "%s : No test file found.\n", __func__); return std::map>(); } @@ -384,25 +392,25 @@ void test_gpt_tokenizer(gpt_vocab & vocab, const std::string & fpath_test){ n_fails++; // print out failure cases - Rprintf("%s : failed test: '%s'\n", __func__, test.first.c_str()); - Rprintf("%s : tokens in hf: ", __func__); + fprintf(stderr, "%s : failed test: '%s'\n", __func__, test.first.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "%s : tokens in hf: ", __func__); for (const auto & t : test.second) { - Rprintf("%s(%d), ", vocab.id_to_token[t].c_str(), t); + fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d), ", vocab.id_to_token[t].c_str(), t); } - Rprintf("\n"); - Rprintf("%s : tokens in ggml: ", __func__); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "%s : tokens in ggml: ", __func__); for (const auto & t : tokens) { - Rprintf("%s(%d), ", vocab.id_to_token[t].c_str(), t); + fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d), ", vocab.id_to_token[t].c_str(), t); } - Rprintf("\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } - Rprintf("%s : %zu tests failed out of %zu tests.\n", __func__, n_fails, tests.size()); + fprintf(stderr, "%s : %zu tests failed out of %zu tests.\n", __func__, n_fails, tests.size()); } bool gpt_vocab_init(const std::string & fname, gpt_vocab & vocab) { - Rprintf("%s: loading vocab from '%s'\n", __func__, fname.c_str()); + printf("%s: loading vocab from '%s'\n", __func__, fname.c_str()); vocab.token_to_id = ::json_parse(fname); @@ -410,11 +418,11 @@ bool gpt_vocab_init(const std::string & fname, gpt_vocab & vocab) { vocab.id_to_token[kv.second] = kv.first; } - Rprintf("%s: vocab size = %d\n", __func__, (int) vocab.token_to_id.size()); + printf("%s: vocab size = %d\n", __func__, (int) vocab.token_to_id.size()); // print the vocabulary //for (auto kv : vocab.token_to_id) { - // Rprintf("'%s' -> %d\n", kv.first.data(), kv.second); + // printf("'%s' -> %d\n", kv.first.data(), kv.second); //} return true; @@ -490,9 +498,9 @@ gpt_vocab::id gpt_sample_top_k_top_p( //printf("\n"); //for (int i = 0; i < (int) probs.size(); i++) { - // Rprintf("%d: '%s' %f\n", i, vocab.id_to_token.at(logits_id[i].second).c_str(), probs[i]); + // printf("%d: '%s' %f\n", i, vocab.id_to_token.at(logits_id[i].second).c_str(), probs[i]); //} - //Rcpp::stop("whispercpp error"); + //exit(0); std::discrete_distribution<> dist(probs.begin(), probs.end()); int idx = dist(rng); @@ -603,10 +611,10 @@ gpt_vocab::id gpt_sample_top_k_top_p_repeat( } } -// Rprintf("\n"); +// printf("\n"); // for (int i = 0; i < (int) probs.size(); i++) { // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { -// Rprintf("%d: '%s' %f\n", i, vocab.id_to_token.at(logits_id[i].second).c_str(), probs[i]); +// printf("%d: '%s' %f\n", i, vocab.id_to_token.at(logits_id[i].second).c_str(), probs[i]); // } std::discrete_distribution<> dist(probs.begin(), probs.end()); @@ -616,12 +624,31 @@ gpt_vocab::id gpt_sample_top_k_top_p_repeat( } +bool is_wav_buffer(const std::string buf) { + // RIFF ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Interchange_File_Format + // WAV ref: https://www.mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/WAVE/WAVE.html + if (buf.size() < 12 || buf.substr(0, 4) != "RIFF" || buf.substr(8, 4) != "WAVE") { + return false; + } + + uint32_t chunk_size = *reinterpret_cast(buf.data() + 4); + if (chunk_size + 8 != buf.size()) { + return false; + } + + return true; +} + bool read_wav(const std::string & fname, std::vector& pcmf32, std::vector>& pcmf32s, bool stereo) { drwav wav; - std::vector wav_data; // used for pipe input from stdin + std::vector wav_data; // used for pipe input from stdin or ffmpeg decoding output if (fname == "-") { { + #ifdef _WIN32 + _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY); + #endif + uint8_t buf[1024]; while (true) { @@ -634,34 +661,55 @@ bool read_wav(const std::string & fname, std::vector& pcmf32, std::vector } if (drwav_init_memory(&wav, wav_data.data(), wav_data.size(), nullptr) == false) { - Rprintf("error: failed to open WAV file from stdin\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to open WAV file from stdin\n"); return false; } - Rprintf("%s: read %zu bytes from stdin\n", __func__, wav_data.size()); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: read %zu bytes from stdin\n", __func__, wav_data.size()); + } + else if (is_wav_buffer(fname)) { + if (drwav_init_memory(&wav, fname.c_str(), fname.size(), nullptr) == false) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to open WAV file from fname buffer\n"); + return false; + } } else if (drwav_init_file(&wav, fname.c_str(), nullptr) == false) { - Rprintf("error: failed to open '%s' as WAV file\n", fname.c_str()); +#if defined(WHISPER_FFMPEG) + if (ffmpeg_decode_audio(fname, wav_data) != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to ffmpeg decode '%s' \n", fname.c_str()); + return false; + } + if (drwav_init_memory(&wav, wav_data.data(), wav_data.size(), nullptr) == false) { + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to read wav data as wav \n"); + return false; + } +#else + fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to open '%s' as WAV file\n", fname.c_str()); return false; +#endif } if (wav.channels != 1 && wav.channels != 2) { - Rprintf("%s: WAV file '%s' must be mono or stereo\n", __func__, fname.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: WAV file '%s' must be mono or stereo\n", __func__, fname.c_str()); + drwav_uninit(&wav); return false; } if (stereo && wav.channels != 2) { - Rprintf("%s: WAV file '%s' must be stereo for diarization\n", __func__, fname.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: WAV file '%s' must be stereo for diarization\n", __func__, fname.c_str()); + drwav_uninit(&wav); return false; } if (wav.sampleRate != COMMON_SAMPLE_RATE) { - Rprintf("%s: WAV file '%s' must be %i kHz\n", __func__, fname.c_str(), COMMON_SAMPLE_RATE/1000); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: WAV file '%s' must be %i kHz\n", __func__, fname.c_str(), COMMON_SAMPLE_RATE/1000); + drwav_uninit(&wav); return false; } if (wav.bitsPerSample != 16) { - Rprintf("%s: WAV file '%s' must be 16-bit\n", __func__, fname.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: WAV file '%s' must be 16-bit\n", __func__, fname.c_str()); + drwav_uninit(&wav); return false; } @@ -740,7 +788,7 @@ bool vad_simple(std::vector & pcmf32, int sample_rate, int last_ms, float energy_last /= n_samples_last; if (verbose) { - Rprintf("%s: energy_all: %f, energy_last: %f, vad_thold: %f, freq_thold: %f\n", __func__, energy_all, energy_last, vad_thold, freq_thold); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: energy_all: %f, energy_last: %f, vad_thold: %f, freq_thold: %f\n", __func__, energy_all, energy_last, vad_thold, freq_thold); } if (energy_last > vad_thold*energy_all) { @@ -790,11 +838,11 @@ bool sam_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, sam_params & params) { params.fname_out = argv[++i]; } else if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") { sam_print_usage(argc, argv, params); - Rcpp::stop("whispercpp error"); + exit(0); } else { - Rprintf("error: unknown argument: %s\n", arg.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "error: unknown argument: %s\n", arg.c_str()); sam_print_usage(argc, argv, params); - Rcpp::stop("whispercpp error"); + exit(0); } } @@ -802,17 +850,62 @@ bool sam_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, sam_params & params) { } void sam_print_usage(int /*argc*/, char ** argv, const sam_params & params) { - Rprintf("usage: %s [options]\n", argv[0]); - Rprintf("\n"); - Rprintf("options:\n"); - Rprintf(" -h, --help show this help message and exit\n"); - Rprintf(" -s SEED, --seed SEED RNG seed (default: -1)\n"); - Rprintf(" -t N, --threads N number of threads to use during computation (default: %d)\n", params.n_threads); - Rprintf(" -m FNAME, --model FNAME\n"); - Rprintf(" model path (default: %s)\n", params.model.c_str()); - Rprintf(" -i FNAME, --inp FNAME\n"); - Rprintf(" input file (default: %s)\n", params.fname_inp.c_str()); - Rprintf(" -o FNAME, --out FNAME\n"); - Rprintf(" output file (default: %s)\n", params.fname_out.c_str()); - Rprintf("\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [options]\n", argv[0]); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); + fprintf(stderr, "options:\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -h, --help show this help message and exit\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -s SEED, --seed SEED RNG seed (default: -1)\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " -t N, --threads N number of threads to use during computation (default: %d)\n", params.n_threads); + fprintf(stderr, " -m FNAME, --model FNAME\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " model path (default: %s)\n", params.model.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, " -i FNAME, --inp FNAME\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " input file (default: %s)\n", params.fname_inp.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, " -o FNAME, --out FNAME\n"); + fprintf(stderr, " output file (default: %s)\n", params.fname_out.c_str()); + fprintf(stderr, "\n"); +} + +// 500 -> 00:05.000 +// 6000 -> 01:00.000 +std::string to_timestamp(int64_t t, bool comma) { + int64_t msec = t * 10; + int64_t hr = msec / (1000 * 60 * 60); + msec = msec - hr * (1000 * 60 * 60); + int64_t min = msec / (1000 * 60); + msec = msec - min * (1000 * 60); + int64_t sec = msec / 1000; + msec = msec - sec * 1000; + + char buf[32]; + snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d:%02d:%02d%s%03d", (int) hr, (int) min, (int) sec, comma ? "," : ".", (int) msec); + + return std::string(buf); +} + +int timestamp_to_sample(int64_t t, int n_samples, int whisper_sample_rate) { + return std::max(0, std::min((int) n_samples - 1, (int) ((t*whisper_sample_rate)/100))); +} + +bool is_file_exist(const char *fileName) +{ + std::ifstream infile(fileName); + return infile.good(); +} + +bool speak_with_file(const std::string & command, const std::string & text, const std::string & path, int voice_id) +{ + std::ofstream speak_file(path.c_str()); + if (speak_file.fail()) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to open speak_file\n", __func__); + return false; + } else { + speak_file.write(text.c_str(), text.size()); + speak_file.close(); + int ret = system((command + " " + std::to_string(voice_id) + " " + path).c_str()); + if (ret != 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to speak\n", __func__); + return false; + } + } + return true; } diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/common.h b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/common.h similarity index 79% rename from src/whisper_cpp/common.h rename to src/whisper_cpp/examples/common.h index 54f0b00d..8c514c9f 100644 --- a/src/whisper_cpp/common.h +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/common.h @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #define COMMON_SAMPLE_RATE 16000 @@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ struct gpt_params { int32_t n_threads = std::min(4, (int32_t) std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); int32_t n_predict = 200; // new tokens to predict int32_t n_parallel = 1; // number of parallel streams - int32_t n_batch = 8; // batch size for prompt processing + int32_t n_batch = 32; // batch size for prompt processing int32_t n_ctx = 2048; // context size (this is the KV cache max size) int32_t n_gpu_layers = 0; // number of layers to offlload to the GPU @@ -135,7 +136,11 @@ gpt_vocab::id gpt_sample_top_k_top_p_repeat( // Audio utils // +// Check if a buffer is a WAV audio file +bool is_wav_buffer(const std::string buf); + // Read WAV audio file and store the PCM data into pcmf32 +// fname can be a buffer of WAV data instead of a filename // The sample rate of the audio must be equal to COMMON_SAMPLE_RATE // If stereo flag is set and the audio has 2 channels, the pcmf32s will contain 2 channel PCM bool read_wav( @@ -181,7 +186,7 @@ class wav_writer { // It is assumed that PCM data is normalized to a range from -1 to 1 bool write_audio(const float * data, size_t length) { for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { - const int16_t intSample = data[i] * 32767; + const int16_t intSample = int16_t(data[i] * 32767); file.write(reinterpret_cast(&intSample), sizeof(int16_t)); dataSize += sizeof(int16_t); } @@ -277,3 +282,62 @@ struct sam_params { bool sam_params_parse(int argc, char ** argv, sam_params & params); void sam_print_usage(int argc, char ** argv, const sam_params & params); + +// +// Terminal utils +// + +#define SQR(X) ((X) * (X)) +#define UNCUBE(x) x < 48 ? 0 : x < 115 ? 1 : (x - 35) / 40 + +/** + * Quantizes 24-bit RGB to xterm256 code range [16,256). + */ +static int rgb2xterm256(int r, int g, int b) { + unsigned char cube[] = {0, 0137, 0207, 0257, 0327, 0377}; + int av, ir, ig, ib, il, qr, qg, qb, ql; + av = r * .299 + g * .587 + b * .114 + .5; + ql = (il = av > 238 ? 23 : (av - 3) / 10) * 10 + 8; + qr = cube[(ir = UNCUBE(r))]; + qg = cube[(ig = UNCUBE(g))]; + qb = cube[(ib = UNCUBE(b))]; + if (SQR(qr - r) + SQR(qg - g) + SQR(qb - b) <= + SQR(ql - r) + SQR(ql - g) + SQR(ql - b)) + return ir * 36 + ig * 6 + ib + 020; + return il + 0350; +} + +static std::string set_xterm256_foreground(int r, int g, int b) { + int x = rgb2xterm256(r, g, b); + std::ostringstream oss; + oss << "\033[38;5;" << x << "m"; + return oss.str(); +} + +// Lowest is red, middle is yellow, highest is green. Color scheme from +// Paul Tol; it is colorblind friendly https://personal.sron.nl/~pault/ +const std::vector k_colors = { + set_xterm256_foreground(220, 5, 12), + set_xterm256_foreground(232, 96, 28), + set_xterm256_foreground(241, 147, 45), + set_xterm256_foreground(246, 193, 65), + set_xterm256_foreground(247, 240, 86), + set_xterm256_foreground(144, 201, 135), + set_xterm256_foreground( 78, 178, 101), +}; + +// +// Other utils +// + +// convert timestamp to string, 6000 -> 01:00.000 +std::string to_timestamp(int64_t t, bool comma = false); + +// given a timestamp get the sample +int timestamp_to_sample(int64_t t, int n_samples, int whisper_sample_rate); + +// check if file exists using ifstream +bool is_file_exist(const char *fileName); + +// write text to file, and call system("command voice_id file") +bool speak_with_file(const std::string & command, const std::string & text, const std::string & path, int voice_id); diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/dr_wav.h b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/dr_wav.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aabeff69 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/dr_wav.h @@ -0,0 +1,8815 @@ +/* +WAV audio loader and writer. Choice of public domain or MIT-0. See license statements at the end of this file. +dr_wav - v0.13.16 - 2024-02-27 + +David Reid - mackron@gmail.com + +GitHub: https://github.com/mackron/dr_libs +*/ + +/* +Introduction +============ +This is a single file library. To use it, do something like the following in one .c file. + + ```c + #define DR_WAV_IMPLEMENTATION + #include "dr_wav.h" + ``` + +You can then #include this file in other parts of the program as you would with any other header file. Do something like the following to read audio data: + + ```c + drwav wav; + if (!drwav_init_file(&wav, "my_song.wav", NULL)) { + // Error opening WAV file. + } + + drwav_int32* pDecodedInterleavedPCMFrames = malloc(wav.totalPCMFrameCount * wav.channels * sizeof(drwav_int32)); + size_t numberOfSamplesActuallyDecoded = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32(&wav, wav.totalPCMFrameCount, pDecodedInterleavedPCMFrames); + + ... + + drwav_uninit(&wav); + ``` + +If you just want to quickly open and read the audio data in a single operation you can do something like this: + + ```c + unsigned int channels; + unsigned int sampleRate; + drwav_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount; + float* pSampleData = drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32("my_song.wav", &channels, &sampleRate, &totalPCMFrameCount, NULL); + if (pSampleData == NULL) { + // Error opening and reading WAV file. + } + + ... + + drwav_free(pSampleData, NULL); + ``` + +The examples above use versions of the API that convert the audio data to a consistent format (32-bit signed PCM, in this case), but you can still output the +audio data in its internal format (see notes below for supported formats): + + ```c + size_t framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(&wav, wav.totalPCMFrameCount, pDecodedInterleavedPCMFrames); + ``` + +You can also read the raw bytes of audio data, which could be useful if dr_wav does not have native support for a particular data format: + + ```c + size_t bytesRead = drwav_read_raw(&wav, bytesToRead, pRawDataBuffer); + ``` + +dr_wav can also be used to output WAV files. This does not currently support compressed formats. To use this, look at `drwav_init_write()`, +`drwav_init_file_write()`, etc. Use `drwav_write_pcm_frames()` to write samples, or `drwav_write_raw()` to write raw data in the "data" chunk. + + ```c + drwav_data_format format; + format.container = drwav_container_riff; // <-- drwav_container_riff = normal WAV files, drwav_container_w64 = Sony Wave64. + format.format = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; // <-- Any of the DR_WAVE_FORMAT_* codes. + format.channels = 2; + format.sampleRate = 44100; + format.bitsPerSample = 16; + drwav_init_file_write(&wav, "data/recording.wav", &format, NULL); + + ... + + drwav_uint64 framesWritten = drwav_write_pcm_frames(pWav, frameCount, pSamples); + ``` + +Note that writing to AIFF or RIFX is not supported. + +dr_wav has support for decoding from a number of different encapsulation formats. See below for details. + + +Build Options +============= +#define these options before including this file. + +#define DR_WAV_NO_CONVERSION_API + Disables conversion APIs such as `drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32()` and `drwav_s16_to_f32()`. + +#define DR_WAV_NO_STDIO + Disables APIs that initialize a decoder from a file such as `drwav_init_file()`, `drwav_init_file_write()`, etc. + +#define DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR + Disables all functions ending with `_w`. Use this if your compiler does not provide wchar.h. Not required if DR_WAV_NO_STDIO is also defined. + + +Supported Encapsulations +======================== +- RIFF (Regular WAV) +- RIFX (Big-Endian) +- AIFF (Does not currently support ADPCM) +- RF64 +- W64 + +Note that AIFF and RIFX do not support write mode, nor do they support reading of metadata. + + +Supported Encodings +=================== +- Unsigned 8-bit PCM +- Signed 12-bit PCM +- Signed 16-bit PCM +- Signed 24-bit PCM +- Signed 32-bit PCM +- IEEE 32-bit floating point +- IEEE 64-bit floating point +- A-law and u-law +- Microsoft ADPCM +- IMA ADPCM (DVI, format code 0x11) + +8-bit PCM encodings are always assumed to be unsigned. Signed 8-bit encoding can only be read with `drwav_read_raw()`. + +Note that ADPCM is not currently supported with AIFF. Contributions welcome. + + +Notes +===== +- Samples are always interleaved. +- The default read function does not do any data conversion. Use `drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32()`, `drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32()` and `drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16()` + to read and convert audio data to 32-bit floating point, signed 32-bit integer and signed 16-bit integer samples respectively. +- dr_wav will try to read the WAV file as best it can, even if it's not strictly conformant to the WAV format. +*/ + +#ifndef dr_wav_h +#define dr_wav_h + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +#define DRWAV_STRINGIFY(x) #x +#define DRWAV_XSTRINGIFY(x) DRWAV_STRINGIFY(x) + +#define DRWAV_VERSION_MAJOR 0 +#define DRWAV_VERSION_MINOR 13 +#define DRWAV_VERSION_REVISION 16 +#define DRWAV_VERSION_STRING DRWAV_XSTRINGIFY(DRWAV_VERSION_MAJOR) "." DRWAV_XSTRINGIFY(DRWAV_VERSION_MINOR) "." DRWAV_XSTRINGIFY(DRWAV_VERSION_REVISION) + +#include /* For size_t. */ + +/* Sized Types */ +typedef signed char drwav_int8; +typedef unsigned char drwav_uint8; +typedef signed short drwav_int16; +typedef unsigned short drwav_uint16; +typedef signed int drwav_int32; +typedef unsigned int drwav_uint32; +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__) + typedef signed __int64 drwav_int64; + typedef unsigned __int64 drwav_uint64; +#else + #if defined(__clang__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))) + #pragma GCC diagnostic push + #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wlong-long" + #if defined(__clang__) + #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wc++11-long-long" + #endif + #endif + typedef signed long long drwav_int64; + typedef unsigned long long drwav_uint64; + #if defined(__clang__) || (defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))) + #pragma GCC diagnostic pop + #endif +#endif +#if defined(__LP64__) || defined(_WIN64) || (defined(__x86_64__) && !defined(__ILP32__)) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__ia64) || defined (_M_IA64) || defined(__aarch64__) || defined(_M_ARM64) || defined(__powerpc64__) + typedef drwav_uint64 drwav_uintptr; +#else + typedef drwav_uint32 drwav_uintptr; +#endif +typedef drwav_uint8 drwav_bool8; +typedef drwav_uint32 drwav_bool32; +#define DRWAV_TRUE 1 +#define DRWAV_FALSE 0 +/* End Sized Types */ + +/* Decorations */ +#if !defined(DRWAV_API) + #if defined(DRWAV_DLL) + #if defined(_WIN32) + #define DRWAV_DLL_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) + #define DRWAV_DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) + #define DRWAV_DLL_PRIVATE static + #else + #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 + #define DRWAV_DLL_IMPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) + #define DRWAV_DLL_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default"))) + #define DRWAV_DLL_PRIVATE __attribute__((visibility("hidden"))) + #else + #define DRWAV_DLL_IMPORT + #define DRWAV_DLL_EXPORT + #define DRWAV_DLL_PRIVATE static + #endif + #endif + + #if defined(DR_WAV_IMPLEMENTATION) || defined(DRWAV_IMPLEMENTATION) + #define DRWAV_API DRWAV_DLL_EXPORT + #else + #define DRWAV_API DRWAV_DLL_IMPORT + #endif + #define DRWAV_PRIVATE DRWAV_DLL_PRIVATE + #else + #define DRWAV_API extern + #define DRWAV_PRIVATE static + #endif +#endif +/* End Decorations */ + +/* Result Codes */ +typedef drwav_int32 drwav_result; +#define DRWAV_SUCCESS 0 +#define DRWAV_ERROR -1 /* A generic error. */ +#define DRWAV_INVALID_ARGS -2 +#define DRWAV_INVALID_OPERATION -3 +#define DRWAV_OUT_OF_MEMORY -4 +#define DRWAV_OUT_OF_RANGE -5 +#define DRWAV_ACCESS_DENIED -6 +#define DRWAV_DOES_NOT_EXIST -7 +#define DRWAV_ALREADY_EXISTS -8 +#define DRWAV_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES -9 +#define DRWAV_INVALID_FILE -10 +#define DRWAV_TOO_BIG -11 +#define DRWAV_PATH_TOO_LONG -12 +#define DRWAV_NAME_TOO_LONG -13 +#define DRWAV_NOT_DIRECTORY -14 +#define DRWAV_IS_DIRECTORY -15 +#define DRWAV_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY -16 +#define DRWAV_END_OF_FILE -17 +#define DRWAV_NO_SPACE -18 +#define DRWAV_BUSY -19 +#define DRWAV_IO_ERROR -20 +#define DRWAV_INTERRUPT -21 +#define DRWAV_UNAVAILABLE -22 +#define DRWAV_ALREADY_IN_USE -23 +#define DRWAV_BAD_ADDRESS -24 +#define DRWAV_BAD_SEEK -25 +#define DRWAV_BAD_PIPE -26 +#define DRWAV_DEADLOCK -27 +#define DRWAV_TOO_MANY_LINKS -28 +#define DRWAV_NOT_IMPLEMENTED -29 +#define DRWAV_NO_MESSAGE -30 +#define DRWAV_BAD_MESSAGE -31 +#define DRWAV_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE -32 +#define DRWAV_INVALID_DATA -33 +#define DRWAV_TIMEOUT -34 +#define DRWAV_NO_NETWORK -35 +#define DRWAV_NOT_UNIQUE -36 +#define DRWAV_NOT_SOCKET -37 +#define DRWAV_NO_ADDRESS -38 +#define DRWAV_BAD_PROTOCOL -39 +#define DRWAV_PROTOCOL_UNAVAILABLE -40 +#define DRWAV_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED -41 +#define DRWAV_PROTOCOL_FAMILY_NOT_SUPPORTED -42 +#define DRWAV_ADDRESS_FAMILY_NOT_SUPPORTED -43 +#define DRWAV_SOCKET_NOT_SUPPORTED -44 +#define DRWAV_CONNECTION_RESET -45 +#define DRWAV_ALREADY_CONNECTED -46 +#define DRWAV_NOT_CONNECTED -47 +#define DRWAV_CONNECTION_REFUSED -48 +#define DRWAV_NO_HOST -49 +#define DRWAV_IN_PROGRESS -50 +#define DRWAV_CANCELLED -51 +#define DRWAV_MEMORY_ALREADY_MAPPED -52 +#define DRWAV_AT_END -53 +/* End Result Codes */ + +/* Common data formats. */ +#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM 0x1 +#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM 0x2 +#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT 0x3 +#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW 0x6 +#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW 0x7 +#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM 0x11 +#define DR_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE 0xFFFE + +/* Flags to pass into drwav_init_ex(), etc. */ +#define DRWAV_SEQUENTIAL 0x00000001 +#define DRWAV_WITH_METADATA 0x00000002 + +DRWAV_API void drwav_version(drwav_uint32* pMajor, drwav_uint32* pMinor, drwav_uint32* pRevision); +DRWAV_API const char* drwav_version_string(void); + +/* Allocation Callbacks */ +typedef struct +{ + void* pUserData; + void* (* onMalloc)(size_t sz, void* pUserData); + void* (* onRealloc)(void* p, size_t sz, void* pUserData); + void (* onFree)(void* p, void* pUserData); +} drwav_allocation_callbacks; +/* End Allocation Callbacks */ + +typedef enum +{ + drwav_seek_origin_start, + drwav_seek_origin_current +} drwav_seek_origin; + +typedef enum +{ + drwav_container_riff, + drwav_container_rifx, + drwav_container_w64, + drwav_container_rf64, + drwav_container_aiff +} drwav_container; + +typedef struct +{ + union + { + drwav_uint8 fourcc[4]; + drwav_uint8 guid[16]; + } id; + + /* The size in bytes of the chunk. */ + drwav_uint64 sizeInBytes; + + /* + RIFF = 2 byte alignment. + W64 = 8 byte alignment. + */ + unsigned int paddingSize; +} drwav_chunk_header; + +typedef struct +{ + /* + The format tag exactly as specified in the wave file's "fmt" chunk. This can be used by applications + that require support for data formats not natively supported by dr_wav. + */ + drwav_uint16 formatTag; + + /* The number of channels making up the audio data. When this is set to 1 it is mono, 2 is stereo, etc. */ + drwav_uint16 channels; + + /* The sample rate. Usually set to something like 44100. */ + drwav_uint32 sampleRate; + + /* Average bytes per second. You probably don't need this, but it's left here for informational purposes. */ + drwav_uint32 avgBytesPerSec; + + /* Block align. This is equal to the number of channels * bytes per sample. */ + drwav_uint16 blockAlign; + + /* Bits per sample. */ + drwav_uint16 bitsPerSample; + + /* The size of the extended data. Only used internally for validation, but left here for informational purposes. */ + drwav_uint16 extendedSize; + + /* + The number of valid bits per sample. When is equal to WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE, + is always rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8. This variable contains information about exactly how + many bits are valid per sample. Mainly used for informational purposes. + */ + drwav_uint16 validBitsPerSample; + + /* The channel mask. Not used at the moment. */ + drwav_uint32 channelMask; + + /* The sub-format, exactly as specified by the wave file. */ + drwav_uint8 subFormat[16]; +} drwav_fmt; + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint16 drwav_fmt_get_format(const drwav_fmt* pFMT); + + +/* +Callback for when data is read. Return value is the number of bytes actually read. + +pUserData [in] The user data that was passed to drwav_init() and family. +pBufferOut [out] The output buffer. +bytesToRead [in] The number of bytes to read. + +Returns the number of bytes actually read. + +A return value of less than bytesToRead indicates the end of the stream. Do _not_ return from this callback until +either the entire bytesToRead is filled or you have reached the end of the stream. +*/ +typedef size_t (* drwav_read_proc)(void* pUserData, void* pBufferOut, size_t bytesToRead); + +/* +Callback for when data is written. Returns value is the number of bytes actually written. + +pUserData [in] The user data that was passed to drwav_init_write() and family. +pData [out] A pointer to the data to write. +bytesToWrite [in] The number of bytes to write. + +Returns the number of bytes actually written. + +If the return value differs from bytesToWrite, it indicates an error. +*/ +typedef size_t (* drwav_write_proc)(void* pUserData, const void* pData, size_t bytesToWrite); + +/* +Callback for when data needs to be seeked. + +pUserData [in] The user data that was passed to drwav_init() and family. +offset [in] The number of bytes to move, relative to the origin. Will never be negative. +origin [in] The origin of the seek - the current position or the start of the stream. + +Returns whether or not the seek was successful. + +Whether or not it is relative to the beginning or current position is determined by the "origin" parameter which will be either drwav_seek_origin_start or +drwav_seek_origin_current. +*/ +typedef drwav_bool32 (* drwav_seek_proc)(void* pUserData, int offset, drwav_seek_origin origin); + +/* +Callback for when drwav_init_ex() finds a chunk. + +pChunkUserData [in] The user data that was passed to the pChunkUserData parameter of drwav_init_ex() and family. +onRead [in] A pointer to the function to call when reading. +onSeek [in] A pointer to the function to call when seeking. +pReadSeekUserData [in] The user data that was passed to the pReadSeekUserData parameter of drwav_init_ex() and family. +pChunkHeader [in] A pointer to an object containing basic header information about the chunk. Use this to identify the chunk. +container [in] Whether or not the WAV file is a RIFF or Wave64 container. If you're unsure of the difference, assume RIFF. +pFMT [in] A pointer to the object containing the contents of the "fmt" chunk. + +Returns the number of bytes read + seeked. + +To read data from the chunk, call onRead(), passing in pReadSeekUserData as the first parameter. Do the same for seeking with onSeek(). The return value must +be the total number of bytes you have read _plus_ seeked. + +Use the `container` argument to discriminate the fields in `pChunkHeader->id`. If the container is `drwav_container_riff` or `drwav_container_rf64` you should +use `id.fourcc`, otherwise you should use `id.guid`. + +The `pFMT` parameter can be used to determine the data format of the wave file. Use `drwav_fmt_get_format()` to get the sample format, which will be one of the +`DR_WAVE_FORMAT_*` identifiers. + +The read pointer will be sitting on the first byte after the chunk's header. You must not attempt to read beyond the boundary of the chunk. +*/ +typedef drwav_uint64 (* drwav_chunk_proc)(void* pChunkUserData, drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pReadSeekUserData, const drwav_chunk_header* pChunkHeader, drwav_container container, const drwav_fmt* pFMT); + + +/* Structure for internal use. Only used for loaders opened with drwav_init_memory(). */ +typedef struct +{ + const drwav_uint8* data; + size_t dataSize; + size_t currentReadPos; +} drwav__memory_stream; + +/* Structure for internal use. Only used for writers opened with drwav_init_memory_write(). */ +typedef struct +{ + void** ppData; + size_t* pDataSize; + size_t dataSize; + size_t dataCapacity; + size_t currentWritePos; +} drwav__memory_stream_write; + +typedef struct +{ + drwav_container container; /* RIFF, W64. */ + drwav_uint32 format; /* DR_WAVE_FORMAT_* */ + drwav_uint32 channels; + drwav_uint32 sampleRate; + drwav_uint32 bitsPerSample; +} drwav_data_format; + +typedef enum +{ + drwav_metadata_type_none = 0, + + /* + Unknown simply means a chunk that drwav does not handle specifically. You can still ask to + receive these chunks as metadata objects. It is then up to you to interpret the chunk's data. + You can also write unknown metadata to a wav file. Be careful writing unknown chunks if you + have also edited the audio data. The unknown chunks could represent offsets/sizes that no + longer correctly correspond to the audio data. + */ + drwav_metadata_type_unknown = 1 << 0, + + /* Only 1 of each of these metadata items are allowed in a wav file. */ + drwav_metadata_type_smpl = 1 << 1, + drwav_metadata_type_inst = 1 << 2, + drwav_metadata_type_cue = 1 << 3, + drwav_metadata_type_acid = 1 << 4, + drwav_metadata_type_bext = 1 << 5, + + /* + Wav files often have a LIST chunk. This is a chunk that contains a set of subchunks. For this + higher-level metadata API, we don't make a distinction between a regular chunk and a LIST + subchunk. Instead, they are all just 'metadata' items. + + There can be multiple of these metadata items in a wav file. + */ + drwav_metadata_type_list_label = 1 << 6, + drwav_metadata_type_list_note = 1 << 7, + drwav_metadata_type_list_labelled_cue_region = 1 << 8, + + drwav_metadata_type_list_info_software = 1 << 9, + drwav_metadata_type_list_info_copyright = 1 << 10, + drwav_metadata_type_list_info_title = 1 << 11, + drwav_metadata_type_list_info_artist = 1 << 12, + drwav_metadata_type_list_info_comment = 1 << 13, + drwav_metadata_type_list_info_date = 1 << 14, + drwav_metadata_type_list_info_genre = 1 << 15, + drwav_metadata_type_list_info_album = 1 << 16, + drwav_metadata_type_list_info_tracknumber = 1 << 17, + + /* Other type constants for convenience. */ + drwav_metadata_type_list_all_info_strings = drwav_metadata_type_list_info_software + | drwav_metadata_type_list_info_copyright + | drwav_metadata_type_list_info_title + | drwav_metadata_type_list_info_artist + | drwav_metadata_type_list_info_comment + | drwav_metadata_type_list_info_date + | drwav_metadata_type_list_info_genre + | drwav_metadata_type_list_info_album + | drwav_metadata_type_list_info_tracknumber, + + drwav_metadata_type_list_all_adtl = drwav_metadata_type_list_label + | drwav_metadata_type_list_note + | drwav_metadata_type_list_labelled_cue_region, + + drwav_metadata_type_all = -2, /*0xFFFFFFFF & ~drwav_metadata_type_unknown,*/ + drwav_metadata_type_all_including_unknown = -1 /*0xFFFFFFFF,*/ +} drwav_metadata_type; + +/* +Sampler Metadata + +The sampler chunk contains information about how a sound should be played in the context of a whole +audio production, and when used in a sampler. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample-based_synthesis. +*/ +typedef enum +{ + drwav_smpl_loop_type_forward = 0, + drwav_smpl_loop_type_pingpong = 1, + drwav_smpl_loop_type_backward = 2 +} drwav_smpl_loop_type; + +typedef struct +{ + /* The ID of the associated cue point, see drwav_cue and drwav_cue_point. As with all cue point IDs, this can correspond to a label chunk to give this loop a name, see drwav_list_label_or_note. */ + drwav_uint32 cuePointId; + + /* See drwav_smpl_loop_type. */ + drwav_uint32 type; + + /* The byte offset of the first sample to be played in the loop. */ + drwav_uint32 firstSampleByteOffset; + + /* The byte offset into the audio data of the last sample to be played in the loop. */ + drwav_uint32 lastSampleByteOffset; + + /* A value to represent that playback should occur at a point between samples. This value ranges from 0 to UINT32_MAX. Where a value of 0 means no fraction, and a value of (UINT32_MAX / 2) would mean half a sample. */ + drwav_uint32 sampleFraction; + + /* Number of times to play the loop. 0 means loop infinitely. */ + drwav_uint32 playCount; +} drwav_smpl_loop; + +typedef struct +{ + /* IDs for a particular MIDI manufacturer. 0 if not used. */ + drwav_uint32 manufacturerId; + drwav_uint32 productId; + + /* The period of 1 sample in nanoseconds. */ + drwav_uint32 samplePeriodNanoseconds; + + /* The MIDI root note of this file. 0 to 127. */ + drwav_uint32 midiUnityNote; + + /* The fraction of a semitone up from the given MIDI note. This is a value from 0 to UINT32_MAX, where 0 means no change and (UINT32_MAX / 2) is half a semitone (AKA 50 cents). */ + drwav_uint32 midiPitchFraction; + + /* Data relating to SMPTE standards which are used for syncing audio and video. 0 if not used. */ + drwav_uint32 smpteFormat; + drwav_uint32 smpteOffset; + + /* drwav_smpl_loop loops. */ + drwav_uint32 sampleLoopCount; + + /* Optional sampler-specific data. */ + drwav_uint32 samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes; + + drwav_smpl_loop* pLoops; + drwav_uint8* pSamplerSpecificData; +} drwav_smpl; + +/* +Instrument Metadata + +The inst metadata contains data about how a sound should be played as part of an instrument. This +commonly read by samplers. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample-based_synthesis. +*/ +typedef struct +{ + drwav_int8 midiUnityNote; /* The root note of the audio as a MIDI note number. 0 to 127. */ + drwav_int8 fineTuneCents; /* -50 to +50 */ + drwav_int8 gainDecibels; /* -64 to +64 */ + drwav_int8 lowNote; /* 0 to 127 */ + drwav_int8 highNote; /* 0 to 127 */ + drwav_int8 lowVelocity; /* 1 to 127 */ + drwav_int8 highVelocity; /* 1 to 127 */ +} drwav_inst; + +/* +Cue Metadata + +Cue points are markers at specific points in the audio. They often come with an associated piece of +drwav_list_label_or_note metadata which contains the text for the marker. +*/ +typedef struct +{ + /* Unique identification value. */ + drwav_uint32 id; + + /* Set to 0. This is only relevant if there is a 'playlist' chunk - which is not supported by dr_wav. */ + drwav_uint32 playOrderPosition; + + /* Should always be "data". This represents the fourcc value of the chunk that this cue point corresponds to. dr_wav only supports a single data chunk so this should always be "data". */ + drwav_uint8 dataChunkId[4]; + + /* Set to 0. This is only relevant if there is a wave list chunk. dr_wav, like lots of readers/writers, do not support this. */ + drwav_uint32 chunkStart; + + /* Set to 0 for uncompressed formats. Else the last byte in compressed wave data where decompression can begin to find the value of the corresponding sample value. */ + drwav_uint32 blockStart; + + /* For uncompressed formats this is the byte offset of the cue point into the audio data. For compressed formats this is relative to the block specified with blockStart. */ + drwav_uint32 sampleByteOffset; +} drwav_cue_point; + +typedef struct +{ + drwav_uint32 cuePointCount; + drwav_cue_point *pCuePoints; +} drwav_cue; + +/* +Acid Metadata + +This chunk contains some information about the time signature and the tempo of the audio. +*/ +typedef enum +{ + drwav_acid_flag_one_shot = 1, /* If this is not set, then it is a loop instead of a one-shot. */ + drwav_acid_flag_root_note_set = 2, + drwav_acid_flag_stretch = 4, + drwav_acid_flag_disk_based = 8, + drwav_acid_flag_acidizer = 16 /* Not sure what this means. */ +} drwav_acid_flag; + +typedef struct +{ + /* A bit-field, see drwav_acid_flag. */ + drwav_uint32 flags; + + /* Valid if flags contains drwav_acid_flag_root_note_set. It represents the MIDI root note the file - a value from 0 to 127. */ + drwav_uint16 midiUnityNote; + + /* Reserved values that should probably be ignored. reserved1 seems to often be 128 and reserved2 is 0. */ + drwav_uint16 reserved1; + float reserved2; + + /* Number of beats. */ + drwav_uint32 numBeats; + + /* The time signature of the audio. */ + drwav_uint16 meterDenominator; + drwav_uint16 meterNumerator; + + /* Beats per minute of the track. Setting a value of 0 suggests that there is no tempo. */ + float tempo; +} drwav_acid; + +/* +Cue Label or Note metadata + +These are 2 different types of metadata, but they have the exact same format. Labels tend to be the +more common and represent a short name for a cue point. Notes might be used to represent a longer +comment. +*/ +typedef struct +{ + /* The ID of a cue point that this label or note corresponds to. */ + drwav_uint32 cuePointId; + + /* Size of the string not including any null terminator. */ + drwav_uint32 stringLength; + + /* The string. The *init_with_metadata functions null terminate this for convenience. */ + char* pString; +} drwav_list_label_or_note; + +/* +BEXT metadata, also known as Broadcast Wave Format (BWF) + +This metadata adds some extra description to an audio file. You must check the version field to +determine if the UMID or the loudness fields are valid. +*/ +typedef struct +{ + /* + These top 3 fields, and the umid field are actually defined in the standard as a statically + sized buffers. In order to reduce the size of this struct (and therefore the union in the + metadata struct), we instead store these as pointers. + */ + char* pDescription; /* Can be NULL or a null-terminated string, must be <= 256 characters. */ + char* pOriginatorName; /* Can be NULL or a null-terminated string, must be <= 32 characters. */ + char* pOriginatorReference; /* Can be NULL or a null-terminated string, must be <= 32 characters. */ + char pOriginationDate[10]; /* ASCII "yyyy:mm:dd". */ + char pOriginationTime[8]; /* ASCII "hh:mm:ss". */ + drwav_uint64 timeReference; /* First sample count since midnight. */ + drwav_uint16 version; /* Version of the BWF, check this to see if the fields below are valid. */ + + /* + Unrestricted ASCII characters containing a collection of strings terminated by CR/LF. Each + string shall contain a description of a coding process applied to the audio data. + */ + char* pCodingHistory; + drwav_uint32 codingHistorySize; + + /* Fields below this point are only valid if the version is 1 or above. */ + drwav_uint8* pUMID; /* Exactly 64 bytes of SMPTE UMID */ + + /* Fields below this point are only valid if the version is 2 or above. */ + drwav_uint16 loudnessValue; /* Integrated Loudness Value of the file in LUFS (multiplied by 100). */ + drwav_uint16 loudnessRange; /* Loudness Range of the file in LU (multiplied by 100). */ + drwav_uint16 maxTruePeakLevel; /* Maximum True Peak Level of the file expressed as dBTP (multiplied by 100). */ + drwav_uint16 maxMomentaryLoudness; /* Highest value of the Momentary Loudness Level of the file in LUFS (multiplied by 100). */ + drwav_uint16 maxShortTermLoudness; /* Highest value of the Short-Term Loudness Level of the file in LUFS (multiplied by 100). */ +} drwav_bext; + +/* +Info Text Metadata + +There a many different types of information text that can be saved in this format. This is where +things like the album name, the artists, the year it was produced, etc are saved. See +drwav_metadata_type for the full list of types that dr_wav supports. +*/ +typedef struct +{ + /* Size of the string not including any null terminator. */ + drwav_uint32 stringLength; + + /* The string. The *init_with_metadata functions null terminate this for convenience. */ + char* pString; +} drwav_list_info_text; + +/* +Labelled Cue Region Metadata + +The labelled cue region metadata is used to associate some region of audio with text. The region +starts at a cue point, and extends for the given number of samples. +*/ +typedef struct +{ + /* The ID of a cue point that this object corresponds to. */ + drwav_uint32 cuePointId; + + /* The number of samples from the cue point forwards that should be considered this region */ + drwav_uint32 sampleLength; + + /* Four characters used to say what the purpose of this region is. */ + drwav_uint8 purposeId[4]; + + /* Unsure of the exact meanings of these. It appears to be acceptable to set them all to 0. */ + drwav_uint16 country; + drwav_uint16 language; + drwav_uint16 dialect; + drwav_uint16 codePage; + + /* Size of the string not including any null terminator. */ + drwav_uint32 stringLength; + + /* The string. The *init_with_metadata functions null terminate this for convenience. */ + char* pString; +} drwav_list_labelled_cue_region; + +/* +Unknown Metadata + +This chunk just represents a type of chunk that dr_wav does not understand. + +Unknown metadata has a location attached to it. This is because wav files can have a LIST chunk +that contains subchunks. These LIST chunks can be one of two types. An adtl list, or an INFO +list. This enum is used to specify the location of a chunk that dr_wav currently doesn't support. +*/ +typedef enum +{ + drwav_metadata_location_invalid, + drwav_metadata_location_top_level, + drwav_metadata_location_inside_info_list, + drwav_metadata_location_inside_adtl_list +} drwav_metadata_location; + +typedef struct +{ + drwav_uint8 id[4]; + drwav_metadata_location chunkLocation; + drwav_uint32 dataSizeInBytes; + drwav_uint8* pData; +} drwav_unknown_metadata; + +/* +Metadata is saved as a union of all the supported types. +*/ +typedef struct +{ + /* Determines which item in the union is valid. */ + drwav_metadata_type type; + + union + { + drwav_cue cue; + drwav_smpl smpl; + drwav_acid acid; + drwav_inst inst; + drwav_bext bext; + drwav_list_label_or_note labelOrNote; /* List label or list note. */ + drwav_list_labelled_cue_region labelledCueRegion; + drwav_list_info_text infoText; /* Any of the list info types. */ + drwav_unknown_metadata unknown; + } data; +} drwav_metadata; + +typedef struct +{ + /* A pointer to the function to call when more data is needed. */ + drwav_read_proc onRead; + + /* A pointer to the function to call when data needs to be written. Only used when the drwav object is opened in write mode. */ + drwav_write_proc onWrite; + + /* A pointer to the function to call when the wav file needs to be seeked. */ + drwav_seek_proc onSeek; + + /* The user data to pass to callbacks. */ + void* pUserData; + + /* Allocation callbacks. */ + drwav_allocation_callbacks allocationCallbacks; + + + /* Whether or not the WAV file is formatted as a standard RIFF file or W64. */ + drwav_container container; + + + /* Structure containing format information exactly as specified by the wav file. */ + drwav_fmt fmt; + + /* The sample rate. Will be set to something like 44100. */ + drwav_uint32 sampleRate; + + /* The number of channels. This will be set to 1 for monaural streams, 2 for stereo, etc. */ + drwav_uint16 channels; + + /* The bits per sample. Will be set to something like 16, 24, etc. */ + drwav_uint16 bitsPerSample; + + /* Equal to fmt.formatTag, or the value specified by fmt.subFormat if fmt.formatTag is equal to 65534 (WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE). */ + drwav_uint16 translatedFormatTag; + + /* The total number of PCM frames making up the audio data. */ + drwav_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount; + + + /* The size in bytes of the data chunk. */ + drwav_uint64 dataChunkDataSize; + + /* The position in the stream of the first data byte of the data chunk. This is used for seeking. */ + drwav_uint64 dataChunkDataPos; + + /* The number of bytes remaining in the data chunk. */ + drwav_uint64 bytesRemaining; + + /* The current read position in PCM frames. */ + drwav_uint64 readCursorInPCMFrames; + + + /* + Only used in sequential write mode. Keeps track of the desired size of the "data" chunk at the point of initialization time. Always + set to 0 for non-sequential writes and when the drwav object is opened in read mode. Used for validation. + */ + drwav_uint64 dataChunkDataSizeTargetWrite; + + /* Keeps track of whether or not the wav writer was initialized in sequential mode. */ + drwav_bool32 isSequentialWrite; + + + /* A array of metadata. This is valid after the *init_with_metadata call returns. It will be valid until drwav_uninit() is called. You can take ownership of this data with drwav_take_ownership_of_metadata(). */ + drwav_metadata* pMetadata; + drwav_uint32 metadataCount; + + + /* A hack to avoid a DRWAV_MALLOC() when opening a decoder with drwav_init_memory(). */ + drwav__memory_stream memoryStream; + drwav__memory_stream_write memoryStreamWrite; + + + /* Microsoft ADPCM specific data. */ + struct + { + drwav_uint32 bytesRemainingInBlock; + drwav_uint16 predictor[2]; + drwav_int32 delta[2]; + drwav_int32 cachedFrames[4]; /* Samples are stored in this cache during decoding. */ + drwav_uint32 cachedFrameCount; + drwav_int32 prevFrames[2][2]; /* The previous 2 samples for each channel (2 channels at most). */ + } msadpcm; + + /* IMA ADPCM specific data. */ + struct + { + drwav_uint32 bytesRemainingInBlock; + drwav_int32 predictor[2]; + drwav_int32 stepIndex[2]; + drwav_int32 cachedFrames[16]; /* Samples are stored in this cache during decoding. */ + drwav_uint32 cachedFrameCount; + } ima; + + /* AIFF specific data. */ + struct + { + drwav_bool8 isLE; /* Will be set to true if the audio data is little-endian encoded. */ + drwav_bool8 isUnsigned; /* Only used for 8-bit samples. When set to true, will be treated as unsigned. */ + } aiff; +} drwav; + + +/* +Initializes a pre-allocated drwav object for reading. + +pWav [out] A pointer to the drwav object being initialized. +onRead [in] The function to call when data needs to be read from the client. +onSeek [in] The function to call when the read position of the client data needs to move. +onChunk [in, optional] The function to call when a chunk is enumerated at initialized time. +pUserData, pReadSeekUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onRead and onSeek. +pChunkUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onChunk. +flags [in, optional] A set of flags for controlling how things are loaded. + +Returns true if successful; false otherwise. + +Close the loader with drwav_uninit(). + +This is the lowest level function for initializing a WAV file. You can also use drwav_init_file() and drwav_init_memory() +to open the stream from a file or from a block of memory respectively. + +Possible values for flags: + DRWAV_SEQUENTIAL: Never perform a backwards seek while loading. This disables the chunk callback and will cause this function + to return as soon as the data chunk is found. Any chunks after the data chunk will be ignored. + +drwav_init() is equivalent to "drwav_init_ex(pWav, onRead, onSeek, NULL, pUserData, NULL, 0);". + +The onChunk callback is not called for the WAVE or FMT chunks. The contents of the FMT chunk can be read from pWav->fmt +after the function returns. + +See also: drwav_init_file(), drwav_init_memory(), drwav_uninit() +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init(drwav* pWav, drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_ex(drwav* pWav, drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, drwav_chunk_proc onChunk, void* pReadSeekUserData, void* pChunkUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_with_metadata(drwav* pWav, drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); + +/* +Initializes a pre-allocated drwav object for writing. + +onWrite [in] The function to call when data needs to be written. +onSeek [in] The function to call when the write position needs to move. +pUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onWrite and onSeek. +metadata, numMetadata [in, optional] An array of metadata objects that should be written to the file. The array is not edited. You are responsible for this metadata memory and it must maintain valid until drwav_uninit() is called. + +Returns true if successful; false otherwise. + +Close the writer with drwav_uninit(). + +This is the lowest level function for initializing a WAV file. You can also use drwav_init_file_write() and drwav_init_memory_write() +to open the stream from a file or from a block of memory respectively. + +If the total sample count is known, you can use drwav_init_write_sequential(). This avoids the need for dr_wav to perform +a post-processing step for storing the total sample count and the size of the data chunk which requires a backwards seek. + +See also: drwav_init_file_write(), drwav_init_memory_write(), drwav_uninit() +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_write_proc onWrite, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write_sequential(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, drwav_write_proc onWrite, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write_sequential_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount, drwav_write_proc onWrite, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write_with_metadata(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_write_proc onWrite, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, drwav_metadata* pMetadata, drwav_uint32 metadataCount); + +/* +Utility function to determine the target size of the entire data to be written (including all headers and chunks). + +Returns the target size in bytes. + +The metadata argument can be NULL meaning no metadata exists. + +Useful if the application needs to know the size to allocate. + +Only writing to the RIFF chunk and one data chunk is currently supported. + +See also: drwav_init_write(), drwav_init_file_write(), drwav_init_memory_write() +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_target_write_size_bytes(const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalFrameCount, drwav_metadata* pMetadata, drwav_uint32 metadataCount); + +/* +Take ownership of the metadata objects that were allocated via one of the init_with_metadata() function calls. The init_with_metdata functions perform a single heap allocation for this metadata. + +Useful if you want the data to persist beyond the lifetime of the drwav object. + +You must free the data returned from this function using drwav_free(). +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_metadata* drwav_take_ownership_of_metadata(drwav* pWav); + +/* +Uninitializes the given drwav object. + +Use this only for objects initialized with drwav_init*() functions (drwav_init(), drwav_init_ex(), drwav_init_write(), drwav_init_write_sequential()). +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_result drwav_uninit(drwav* pWav); + + +/* +Reads raw audio data. + +This is the lowest level function for reading audio data. It simply reads the given number of +bytes of the raw internal sample data. + +Consider using drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16(), drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32() or drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32() for +reading sample data in a consistent format. + +pBufferOut can be NULL in which case a seek will be performed. + +Returns the number of bytes actually read. +*/ +DRWAV_API size_t drwav_read_raw(drwav* pWav, size_t bytesToRead, void* pBufferOut); + +/* +Reads up to the specified number of PCM frames from the WAV file. + +The output data will be in the file's internal format, converted to native-endian byte order. Use +drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16/f32/s32() to read data in a specific format. + +If the return value is less than it means the end of the file has been reached or +you have requested more PCM frames than can possibly fit in the output buffer. + +This function will only work when sample data is of a fixed size and uncompressed. If you are +using a compressed format consider using drwav_read_raw() or drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16/s32/f32(). + +pBufferOut can be NULL in which case a seek will be performed. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, void* pBufferOut); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, void* pBufferOut); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_be(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, void* pBufferOut); + +/* +Seeks to the given PCM frame. + +Returns true if successful; false otherwise. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_seek_to_pcm_frame(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 targetFrameIndex); + +/* +Retrieves the current read position in pcm frames. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_result drwav_get_cursor_in_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64* pCursor); + +/* +Retrieves the length of the file. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_result drwav_get_length_in_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64* pLength); + + +/* +Writes raw audio data. + +Returns the number of bytes actually written. If this differs from bytesToWrite, it indicates an error. +*/ +DRWAV_API size_t drwav_write_raw(drwav* pWav, size_t bytesToWrite, const void* pData); + +/* +Writes PCM frames. + +Returns the number of PCM frames written. + +Input samples need to be in native-endian byte order. On big-endian architectures the input data will be converted to +little-endian. Use drwav_write_raw() to write raw audio data without performing any conversion. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_write_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToWrite, const void* pData); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_write_pcm_frames_le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToWrite, const void* pData); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_write_pcm_frames_be(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToWrite, const void* pData); + +/* Conversion Utilities */ +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_CONVERSION_API + +/* +Reads a chunk of audio data and converts it to signed 16-bit PCM samples. + +pBufferOut can be NULL in which case a seek will be performed. + +Returns the number of PCM frames actually read. + +If the return value is less than it means the end of the file has been reached. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16be(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut); + +/* Low-level function for converting unsigned 8-bit PCM samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_u8_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting signed 24-bit PCM samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_s24_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting signed 32-bit PCM samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_s32_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_int32* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting IEEE 32-bit floating point samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_f32_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const float* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting IEEE 64-bit floating point samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_f64_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting A-law samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_alaw_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting u-law samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_mulaw_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + + +/* +Reads a chunk of audio data and converts it to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. + +pBufferOut can be NULL in which case a seek will be performed. + +Returns the number of PCM frames actually read. + +If the return value is less than it means the end of the file has been reached. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32be(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut); + +/* Low-level function for converting unsigned 8-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_u8_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting signed 16-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_s16_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_int16* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting signed 24-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_s24_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting signed 32-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_s32_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_int32* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting IEEE 64-bit floating point samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_f64_to_f32(float* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting A-law samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_alaw_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting u-law samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_mulaw_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + + +/* +Reads a chunk of audio data and converts it to signed 32-bit PCM samples. + +pBufferOut can be NULL in which case a seek will be performed. + +Returns the number of PCM frames actually read. + +If the return value is less than it means the end of the file has been reached. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32be(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut); + +/* Low-level function for converting unsigned 8-bit PCM samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_u8_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting signed 16-bit PCM samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_s16_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_int16* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting signed 24-bit PCM samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_s24_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting IEEE 32-bit floating point samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_f32_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const float* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting IEEE 64-bit floating point samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_f64_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting A-law samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_alaw_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +/* Low-level function for converting u-law samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_mulaw_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount); + +#endif /* DR_WAV_NO_CONVERSION_API */ + + +/* High-Level Convenience Helpers */ + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO +/* +Helper for initializing a wave file for reading using stdio. + +This holds the internal FILE object until drwav_uninit() is called. Keep this in mind if you're caching drwav +objects because the operating system may restrict the number of file handles an application can have open at +any given time. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_ex(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, drwav_chunk_proc onChunk, void* pChunkUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_ex_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, drwav_chunk_proc onChunk, void* pChunkUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_with_metadata(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_with_metadata_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); + + +/* +Helper for initializing a wave file for writing using stdio. + +This holds the internal FILE object until drwav_uninit() is called. Keep this in mind if you're caching drwav +objects because the operating system may restrict the number of file handles an application can have open at +any given time. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_sequential(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_sequential_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_sequential_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_sequential_pcm_frames_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +#endif /* DR_WAV_NO_STDIO */ + +/* +Helper for initializing a loader from a pre-allocated memory buffer. + +This does not create a copy of the data. It is up to the application to ensure the buffer remains valid for +the lifetime of the drwav object. + +The buffer should contain the contents of the entire wave file, not just the sample data. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory(drwav* pWav, const void* data, size_t dataSize, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_ex(drwav* pWav, const void* data, size_t dataSize, drwav_chunk_proc onChunk, void* pChunkUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_with_metadata(drwav* pWav, const void* data, size_t dataSize, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); + +/* +Helper for initializing a writer which outputs data to a memory buffer. + +dr_wav will manage the memory allocations, however it is up to the caller to free the data with drwav_free(). + +The buffer will remain allocated even after drwav_uninit() is called. The buffer should not be considered valid +until after drwav_uninit() has been called. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_write(drwav* pWav, void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_write_sequential(drwav* pWav, void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_write_sequential_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); + + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_CONVERSION_API +/* +Opens and reads an entire wav file in a single operation. + +The return value is a heap-allocated buffer containing the audio data. Use drwav_free() to free the buffer. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_int16* drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API float* drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_int32* drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO +/* +Opens and decodes an entire wav file in a single operation. + +The return value is a heap-allocated buffer containing the audio data. Use drwav_free() to free the buffer. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_int16* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16(const char* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API float* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32(const char* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_int32* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(const char* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_int16* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16_w(const wchar_t* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API float* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32_w(const wchar_t* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_int32* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32_w(const wchar_t* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +#endif +/* +Opens and decodes an entire wav file from a block of memory in a single operation. + +The return value is a heap-allocated buffer containing the audio data. Use drwav_free() to free the buffer. +*/ +DRWAV_API drwav_int16* drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API float* drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +DRWAV_API drwav_int32* drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); +#endif + +/* Frees data that was allocated internally by dr_wav. */ +DRWAV_API void drwav_free(void* p, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks); + +/* Converts bytes from a wav stream to a sized type of native endian. */ +DRWAV_API drwav_uint16 drwav_bytes_to_u16(const drwav_uint8* data); +DRWAV_API drwav_int16 drwav_bytes_to_s16(const drwav_uint8* data); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint32 drwav_bytes_to_u32(const drwav_uint8* data); +DRWAV_API drwav_int32 drwav_bytes_to_s32(const drwav_uint8* data); +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_bytes_to_u64(const drwav_uint8* data); +DRWAV_API drwav_int64 drwav_bytes_to_s64(const drwav_uint8* data); +DRWAV_API float drwav_bytes_to_f32(const drwav_uint8* data); + +/* Compares a GUID for the purpose of checking the type of a Wave64 chunk. */ +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_guid_equal(const drwav_uint8 a[16], const drwav_uint8 b[16]); + +/* Compares a four-character-code for the purpose of checking the type of a RIFF chunk. */ +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_fourcc_equal(const drwav_uint8* a, const char* b); + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif /* dr_wav_h */ + + +/************************************************************************************************************************************************************ + ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ + + IMPLEMENTATION + + ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ + ************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ +#if defined(DR_WAV_IMPLEMENTATION) || defined(DRWAV_IMPLEMENTATION) +#ifndef dr_wav_c +#define dr_wav_c + +#ifdef __MRC__ +/* MrC currently doesn't compile dr_wav correctly with any optimizations enabled. */ +#pragma options opt off +#endif + +#include +#include +#include /* For INT_MAX */ + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO +#include +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR +#include +#endif +#endif + +/* Standard library stuff. */ +#ifndef DRWAV_ASSERT +#include +#define DRWAV_ASSERT(expression) assert(expression) +#endif +#ifndef DRWAV_MALLOC +#define DRWAV_MALLOC(sz) malloc((sz)) +#endif +#ifndef DRWAV_REALLOC +#define DRWAV_REALLOC(p, sz) realloc((p), (sz)) +#endif +#ifndef DRWAV_FREE +#define DRWAV_FREE(p) free((p)) +#endif +#ifndef DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY +#define DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY(dst, src, sz) memcpy((dst), (src), (sz)) +#endif +#ifndef DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY +#define DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(p, sz) memset((p), 0, (sz)) +#endif +#ifndef DRWAV_ZERO_OBJECT +#define DRWAV_ZERO_OBJECT(p) DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY((p), sizeof(*p)) +#endif + +#define drwav_countof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) +#define drwav_align(x, a) ((((x) + (a) - 1) / (a)) * (a)) +#define drwav_min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) +#define drwav_max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) +#define drwav_clamp(x, lo, hi) (drwav_max((lo), drwav_min((hi), (x)))) +#define drwav_offset_ptr(p, offset) (((drwav_uint8*)(p)) + (offset)) + +#define DRWAV_MAX_SIMD_VECTOR_SIZE 32 + +/* Architecture Detection */ +#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) + #define DRWAV_X64 +#elif defined(__i386) || defined(_M_IX86) + #define DRWAV_X86 +#elif defined(__arm__) || defined(_M_ARM) + #define DRWAV_ARM +#endif +/* End Architecture Detection */ + +/* Inline */ +#ifdef _MSC_VER + #define DRWAV_INLINE __forceinline +#elif defined(__GNUC__) + /* + I've had a bug report where GCC is emitting warnings about functions possibly not being inlineable. This warning happens when + the __attribute__((always_inline)) attribute is defined without an "inline" statement. I think therefore there must be some + case where "__inline__" is not always defined, thus the compiler emitting these warnings. When using -std=c89 or -ansi on the + command line, we cannot use the "inline" keyword and instead need to use "__inline__". In an attempt to work around this issue + I am using "__inline__" only when we're compiling in strict ANSI mode. + */ + #if defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) + #define DRWAV_GNUC_INLINE_HINT __inline__ + #else + #define DRWAV_GNUC_INLINE_HINT inline + #endif + + #if (__GNUC__ > 3 || (__GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2)) || defined(__clang__) + #define DRWAV_INLINE DRWAV_GNUC_INLINE_HINT __attribute__((always_inline)) + #else + #define DRWAV_INLINE DRWAV_GNUC_INLINE_HINT + #endif +#elif defined(__WATCOMC__) + #define DRWAV_INLINE __inline +#else + #define DRWAV_INLINE +#endif +/* End Inline */ + +/* SIZE_MAX */ +#if defined(SIZE_MAX) + #define DRWAV_SIZE_MAX SIZE_MAX +#else + #if defined(_WIN64) || defined(_LP64) || defined(__LP64__) + #define DRWAV_SIZE_MAX ((drwav_uint64)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) + #else + #define DRWAV_SIZE_MAX 0xFFFFFFFF + #endif +#endif +/* End SIZE_MAX */ + +/* Weird bit manipulation is for C89 compatibility (no direct support for 64-bit integers). */ +#define DRWAV_INT64_MIN ((drwav_int64) ((drwav_uint64)0x80000000 << 32)) +#define DRWAV_INT64_MAX ((drwav_int64)(((drwav_uint64)0x7FFFFFFF << 32) | 0xFFFFFFFF)) + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 + #define DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP16_INTRINSIC + #define DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP32_INTRINSIC + #define DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP64_INTRINSIC +#elif defined(__clang__) + #if defined(__has_builtin) + #if __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap16) + #define DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP16_INTRINSIC + #endif + #if __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap32) + #define DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP32_INTRINSIC + #endif + #if __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap64) + #define DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP64_INTRINSIC + #endif + #endif +#elif defined(__GNUC__) + #if ((__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) + #define DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP32_INTRINSIC + #define DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP64_INTRINSIC + #endif + #if ((__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 8)) + #define DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP16_INTRINSIC + #endif +#endif + +DRWAV_API void drwav_version(drwav_uint32* pMajor, drwav_uint32* pMinor, drwav_uint32* pRevision) +{ + if (pMajor) { + *pMajor = DRWAV_VERSION_MAJOR; + } + + if (pMinor) { + *pMinor = DRWAV_VERSION_MINOR; + } + + if (pRevision) { + *pRevision = DRWAV_VERSION_REVISION; + } +} + +DRWAV_API const char* drwav_version_string(void) +{ + return DRWAV_VERSION_STRING; +} + +/* +These limits are used for basic validation when initializing the decoder. If you exceed these limits, first of all: what on Earth are +you doing?! (Let me know, I'd be curious!) Second, you can adjust these by #define-ing them before the dr_wav implementation. +*/ +#ifndef DRWAV_MAX_SAMPLE_RATE +#define DRWAV_MAX_SAMPLE_RATE 384000 +#endif +#ifndef DRWAV_MAX_CHANNELS +#define DRWAV_MAX_CHANNELS 256 +#endif +#ifndef DRWAV_MAX_BITS_PER_SAMPLE +#define DRWAV_MAX_BITS_PER_SAMPLE 64 +#endif + +static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_RIFF[16] = {0x72,0x69,0x66,0x66, 0x2E,0x91, 0xCF,0x11, 0xA5,0xD6, 0x28,0xDB,0x04,0xC1,0x00,0x00}; /* 66666972-912E-11CF-A5D6-28DB04C10000 */ +static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_WAVE[16] = {0x77,0x61,0x76,0x65, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A}; /* 65766177-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A */ +/*static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_JUNK[16] = {0x6A,0x75,0x6E,0x6B, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A};*/ /* 6B6E756A-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A */ +static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_FMT [16] = {0x66,0x6D,0x74,0x20, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A}; /* 20746D66-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A */ +static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_FACT[16] = {0x66,0x61,0x63,0x74, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A}; /* 74636166-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A */ +static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_DATA[16] = {0x64,0x61,0x74,0x61, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A}; /* 61746164-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A */ +/*static const drwav_uint8 drwavGUID_W64_SMPL[16] = {0x73,0x6D,0x70,0x6C, 0xF3,0xAC, 0xD3,0x11, 0x8C,0xD1, 0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0x8E,0xDB,0x8A};*/ /* 6C706D73-ACF3-11D3-8CD1-00C04F8EDB8A */ + + +static DRWAV_INLINE int drwav__is_little_endian(void) +{ +#if defined(DRWAV_X86) || defined(DRWAV_X64) + return DRWAV_TRUE; +#elif defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN) && __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN + return DRWAV_TRUE; +#else + int n = 1; + return (*(char*)&n) == 1; +#endif +} + + +static DRWAV_INLINE void drwav_bytes_to_guid(const drwav_uint8* data, drwav_uint8* guid) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { + guid[i] = data[i]; + } +} + + +static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_uint16 drwav__bswap16(drwav_uint16 n) +{ +#ifdef DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP16_INTRINSIC + #if defined(_MSC_VER) + return _byteswap_ushort(n); + #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) + return __builtin_bswap16(n); + #else + #error "This compiler does not support the byte swap intrinsic." + #endif +#else + return ((n & 0xFF00) >> 8) | + ((n & 0x00FF) << 8); +#endif +} + +static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_uint32 drwav__bswap32(drwav_uint32 n) +{ +#ifdef DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP32_INTRINSIC + #if defined(_MSC_VER) + return _byteswap_ulong(n); + #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) + #if defined(DRWAV_ARM) && (defined(__ARM_ARCH) && __ARM_ARCH >= 6) && !defined(DRWAV_64BIT) /* <-- 64-bit inline assembly has not been tested, so disabling for now. */ + /* Inline assembly optimized implementation for ARM. In my testing, GCC does not generate optimized code with __builtin_bswap32(). */ + drwav_uint32 r; + __asm__ __volatile__ ( + #if defined(DRWAV_64BIT) + "rev %w[out], %w[in]" : [out]"=r"(r) : [in]"r"(n) /* <-- This is untested. If someone in the community could test this, that would be appreciated! */ + #else + "rev %[out], %[in]" : [out]"=r"(r) : [in]"r"(n) + #endif + ); + return r; + #else + return __builtin_bswap32(n); + #endif + #else + #error "This compiler does not support the byte swap intrinsic." + #endif +#else + return ((n & 0xFF000000) >> 24) | + ((n & 0x00FF0000) >> 8) | + ((n & 0x0000FF00) << 8) | + ((n & 0x000000FF) << 24); +#endif +} + +static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_uint64 drwav__bswap64(drwav_uint64 n) +{ +#ifdef DRWAV_HAS_BYTESWAP64_INTRINSIC + #if defined(_MSC_VER) + return _byteswap_uint64(n); + #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) + return __builtin_bswap64(n); + #else + #error "This compiler does not support the byte swap intrinsic." + #endif +#else + /* Weird "<< 32" bitshift is required for C89 because it doesn't support 64-bit constants. Should be optimized out by a good compiler. */ + return ((n & ((drwav_uint64)0xFF000000 << 32)) >> 56) | + ((n & ((drwav_uint64)0x00FF0000 << 32)) >> 40) | + ((n & ((drwav_uint64)0x0000FF00 << 32)) >> 24) | + ((n & ((drwav_uint64)0x000000FF << 32)) >> 8) | + ((n & ((drwav_uint64)0xFF000000 )) << 8) | + ((n & ((drwav_uint64)0x00FF0000 )) << 24) | + ((n & ((drwav_uint64)0x0000FF00 )) << 40) | + ((n & ((drwav_uint64)0x000000FF )) << 56); +#endif +} + + +static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_int16 drwav__bswap_s16(drwav_int16 n) +{ + return (drwav_int16)drwav__bswap16((drwav_uint16)n); +} + +static DRWAV_INLINE void drwav__bswap_samples_s16(drwav_int16* pSamples, drwav_uint64 sampleCount) +{ + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < sampleCount; iSample += 1) { + pSamples[iSample] = drwav__bswap_s16(pSamples[iSample]); + } +} + + +static DRWAV_INLINE void drwav__bswap_s24(drwav_uint8* p) +{ + drwav_uint8 t; + t = p[0]; + p[0] = p[2]; + p[2] = t; +} + +static DRWAV_INLINE void drwav__bswap_samples_s24(drwav_uint8* pSamples, drwav_uint64 sampleCount) +{ + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < sampleCount; iSample += 1) { + drwav_uint8* pSample = pSamples + (iSample*3); + drwav__bswap_s24(pSample); + } +} + + +static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_int32 drwav__bswap_s32(drwav_int32 n) +{ + return (drwav_int32)drwav__bswap32((drwav_uint32)n); +} + +static DRWAV_INLINE void drwav__bswap_samples_s32(drwav_int32* pSamples, drwav_uint64 sampleCount) +{ + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < sampleCount; iSample += 1) { + pSamples[iSample] = drwav__bswap_s32(pSamples[iSample]); + } +} + + +static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_int64 drwav__bswap_s64(drwav_int64 n) +{ + return (drwav_int64)drwav__bswap64((drwav_uint64)n); +} + +static DRWAV_INLINE void drwav__bswap_samples_s64(drwav_int64* pSamples, drwav_uint64 sampleCount) +{ + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < sampleCount; iSample += 1) { + pSamples[iSample] = drwav__bswap_s64(pSamples[iSample]); + } +} + + +static DRWAV_INLINE float drwav__bswap_f32(float n) +{ + union { + drwav_uint32 i; + float f; + } x; + x.f = n; + x.i = drwav__bswap32(x.i); + + return x.f; +} + +static DRWAV_INLINE void drwav__bswap_samples_f32(float* pSamples, drwav_uint64 sampleCount) +{ + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < sampleCount; iSample += 1) { + pSamples[iSample] = drwav__bswap_f32(pSamples[iSample]); + } +} + + +static DRWAV_INLINE void drwav__bswap_samples(void* pSamples, drwav_uint64 sampleCount, drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample) +{ + switch (bytesPerSample) + { + case 1: + { + /* No-op. */ + } break; + case 2: + { + drwav__bswap_samples_s16((drwav_int16*)pSamples, sampleCount); + } break; + case 3: + { + drwav__bswap_samples_s24((drwav_uint8*)pSamples, sampleCount); + } break; + case 4: + { + drwav__bswap_samples_s32((drwav_int32*)pSamples, sampleCount); + } break; + case 8: + { + drwav__bswap_samples_s64((drwav_int64*)pSamples, sampleCount); + } break; + default: + { + /* Unsupported format. */ + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); + } break; + } +} + + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE DRWAV_INLINE drwav_bool32 drwav_is_container_be(drwav_container container) +{ + if (container == drwav_container_rifx || container == drwav_container_aiff) { + return DRWAV_TRUE; + } else { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE DRWAV_INLINE drwav_uint16 drwav_bytes_to_u16_le(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + return ((drwav_uint16)data[0] << 0) | ((drwav_uint16)data[1] << 8); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE DRWAV_INLINE drwav_uint16 drwav_bytes_to_u16_be(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + return ((drwav_uint16)data[1] << 0) | ((drwav_uint16)data[0] << 8); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE DRWAV_INLINE drwav_uint16 drwav_bytes_to_u16_ex(const drwav_uint8* data, drwav_container container) +{ + if (drwav_is_container_be(container)) { + return drwav_bytes_to_u16_be(data); + } else { + return drwav_bytes_to_u16_le(data); + } +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE DRWAV_INLINE drwav_uint32 drwav_bytes_to_u32_le(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + return ((drwav_uint32)data[0] << 0) | ((drwav_uint32)data[1] << 8) | ((drwav_uint32)data[2] << 16) | ((drwav_uint32)data[3] << 24); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE DRWAV_INLINE drwav_uint32 drwav_bytes_to_u32_be(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + return ((drwav_uint32)data[3] << 0) | ((drwav_uint32)data[2] << 8) | ((drwav_uint32)data[1] << 16) | ((drwav_uint32)data[0] << 24); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE DRWAV_INLINE drwav_uint32 drwav_bytes_to_u32_ex(const drwav_uint8* data, drwav_container container) +{ + if (drwav_is_container_be(container)) { + return drwav_bytes_to_u32_be(data); + } else { + return drwav_bytes_to_u32_le(data); + } +} + + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_int64 drwav_aiff_extented_to_s64(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + drwav_uint32 exponent = ((drwav_uint32)data[0] << 8) | data[1]; + drwav_uint64 hi = ((drwav_uint64)data[2] << 24) | ((drwav_uint64)data[3] << 16) | ((drwav_uint64)data[4] << 8) | ((drwav_uint64)data[5] << 0); + drwav_uint64 lo = ((drwav_uint64)data[6] << 24) | ((drwav_uint64)data[7] << 16) | ((drwav_uint64)data[8] << 8) | ((drwav_uint64)data[9] << 0); + drwav_uint64 significand = (hi << 32) | lo; + int sign = exponent >> 15; + + /* Remove sign bit. */ + exponent &= 0x7FFF; + + /* Special cases. */ + if (exponent == 0 && significand == 0) { + return 0; + } else if (exponent == 0x7FFF) { + return sign ? DRWAV_INT64_MIN : DRWAV_INT64_MAX; /* Infinite. */ + } + + exponent -= 16383; + + if (exponent > 63) { + return sign ? DRWAV_INT64_MIN : DRWAV_INT64_MAX; /* Too big for a 64-bit integer. */ + } else if (exponent < 1) { + return 0; /* Number is less than 1, so rounds down to 0. */ + } + + significand >>= (63 - exponent); + + if (sign) { + return -(drwav_int64)significand; + } else { + return (drwav_int64)significand; + } +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void* drwav__malloc_default(size_t sz, void* pUserData) +{ + (void)pUserData; + return DRWAV_MALLOC(sz); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void* drwav__realloc_default(void* p, size_t sz, void* pUserData) +{ + (void)pUserData; + return DRWAV_REALLOC(p, sz); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void drwav__free_default(void* p, void* pUserData) +{ + (void)pUserData; + DRWAV_FREE(p); +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void* drwav__malloc_from_callbacks(size_t sz, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pAllocationCallbacks == NULL) { + return NULL; + } + + if (pAllocationCallbacks->onMalloc != NULL) { + return pAllocationCallbacks->onMalloc(sz, pAllocationCallbacks->pUserData); + } + + /* Try using realloc(). */ + if (pAllocationCallbacks->onRealloc != NULL) { + return pAllocationCallbacks->onRealloc(NULL, sz, pAllocationCallbacks->pUserData); + } + + return NULL; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void* drwav__realloc_from_callbacks(void* p, size_t szNew, size_t szOld, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pAllocationCallbacks == NULL) { + return NULL; + } + + if (pAllocationCallbacks->onRealloc != NULL) { + return pAllocationCallbacks->onRealloc(p, szNew, pAllocationCallbacks->pUserData); + } + + /* Try emulating realloc() in terms of malloc()/free(). */ + if (pAllocationCallbacks->onMalloc != NULL && pAllocationCallbacks->onFree != NULL) { + void* p2; + + p2 = pAllocationCallbacks->onMalloc(szNew, pAllocationCallbacks->pUserData); + if (p2 == NULL) { + return NULL; + } + + if (p != NULL) { + DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY(p2, p, szOld); + pAllocationCallbacks->onFree(p, pAllocationCallbacks->pUserData); + } + + return p2; + } + + return NULL; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void drwav__free_from_callbacks(void* p, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (p == NULL || pAllocationCallbacks == NULL) { + return; + } + + if (pAllocationCallbacks->onFree != NULL) { + pAllocationCallbacks->onFree(p, pAllocationCallbacks->pUserData); + } +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_allocation_callbacks drwav_copy_allocation_callbacks_or_defaults(const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pAllocationCallbacks != NULL) { + /* Copy. */ + return *pAllocationCallbacks; + } else { + /* Defaults. */ + drwav_allocation_callbacks allocationCallbacks; + allocationCallbacks.pUserData = NULL; + allocationCallbacks.onMalloc = drwav__malloc_default; + allocationCallbacks.onRealloc = drwav__realloc_default; + allocationCallbacks.onFree = drwav__free_default; + return allocationCallbacks; + } +} + + +static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_bool32 drwav__is_compressed_format_tag(drwav_uint16 formatTag) +{ + return + formatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM || + formatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE unsigned int drwav__chunk_padding_size_riff(drwav_uint64 chunkSize) +{ + return (unsigned int)(chunkSize % 2); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE unsigned int drwav__chunk_padding_size_w64(drwav_uint64 chunkSize) +{ + return (unsigned int)(chunkSize % 8); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__msadpcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut); +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__ima(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 samplesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut); +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write__internal(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount); + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_result drwav__read_chunk_header(drwav_read_proc onRead, void* pUserData, drwav_container container, drwav_uint64* pRunningBytesReadOut, drwav_chunk_header* pHeaderOut) +{ + if (container == drwav_container_riff || container == drwav_container_rifx || container == drwav_container_rf64 || container == drwav_container_aiff) { + drwav_uint8 sizeInBytes[4]; + + if (onRead(pUserData, pHeaderOut->id.fourcc, 4) != 4) { + return DRWAV_AT_END; + } + + if (onRead(pUserData, sizeInBytes, 4) != 4) { + return DRWAV_INVALID_FILE; + } + + pHeaderOut->sizeInBytes = drwav_bytes_to_u32_ex(sizeInBytes, container); + pHeaderOut->paddingSize = drwav__chunk_padding_size_riff(pHeaderOut->sizeInBytes); + + *pRunningBytesReadOut += 8; + } else if (container == drwav_container_w64) { + drwav_uint8 sizeInBytes[8]; + + if (onRead(pUserData, pHeaderOut->id.guid, 16) != 16) { + return DRWAV_AT_END; + } + + if (onRead(pUserData, sizeInBytes, 8) != 8) { + return DRWAV_INVALID_FILE; + } + + pHeaderOut->sizeInBytes = drwav_bytes_to_u64(sizeInBytes) - 24; /* <-- Subtract 24 because w64 includes the size of the header. */ + pHeaderOut->paddingSize = drwav__chunk_padding_size_w64(pHeaderOut->sizeInBytes); + *pRunningBytesReadOut += 24; + } else { + return DRWAV_INVALID_FILE; + } + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav__seek_forward(drwav_seek_proc onSeek, drwav_uint64 offset, void* pUserData) +{ + drwav_uint64 bytesRemainingToSeek = offset; + while (bytesRemainingToSeek > 0) { + if (bytesRemainingToSeek > 0x7FFFFFFF) { + if (!onSeek(pUserData, 0x7FFFFFFF, drwav_seek_origin_current)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + bytesRemainingToSeek -= 0x7FFFFFFF; + } else { + if (!onSeek(pUserData, (int)bytesRemainingToSeek, drwav_seek_origin_current)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + bytesRemainingToSeek = 0; + } + } + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav__seek_from_start(drwav_seek_proc onSeek, drwav_uint64 offset, void* pUserData) +{ + if (offset <= 0x7FFFFFFF) { + return onSeek(pUserData, (int)offset, drwav_seek_origin_start); + } + + /* Larger than 32-bit seek. */ + if (!onSeek(pUserData, 0x7FFFFFFF, drwav_seek_origin_start)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + offset -= 0x7FFFFFFF; + + for (;;) { + if (offset <= 0x7FFFFFFF) { + return onSeek(pUserData, (int)offset, drwav_seek_origin_current); + } + + if (!onSeek(pUserData, 0x7FFFFFFF, drwav_seek_origin_current)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + offset -= 0x7FFFFFFF; + } + + /* Should never get here. */ + /*return DRWAV_TRUE; */ +} + + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__on_read(drwav_read_proc onRead, void* pUserData, void* pBufferOut, size_t bytesToRead, drwav_uint64* pCursor) +{ + size_t bytesRead; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(onRead != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pCursor != NULL); + + bytesRead = onRead(pUserData, pBufferOut, bytesToRead); + *pCursor += bytesRead; + return bytesRead; +} + +#if 0 +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav__on_seek(drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, int offset, drwav_seek_origin origin, drwav_uint64* pCursor) +{ + DRWAV_ASSERT(onSeek != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pCursor != NULL); + + if (!onSeek(pUserData, offset, origin)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (origin == drwav_seek_origin_start) { + *pCursor = offset; + } else { + *pCursor += offset; + } + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} +#endif + + +#define DRWAV_SMPL_BYTES 36 +#define DRWAV_SMPL_LOOP_BYTES 24 +#define DRWAV_INST_BYTES 7 +#define DRWAV_ACID_BYTES 24 +#define DRWAV_CUE_BYTES 4 +#define DRWAV_BEXT_BYTES 602 +#define DRWAV_BEXT_DESCRIPTION_BYTES 256 +#define DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_NAME_BYTES 32 +#define DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_REF_BYTES 32 +#define DRWAV_BEXT_RESERVED_BYTES 180 +#define DRWAV_BEXT_UMID_BYTES 64 +#define DRWAV_CUE_POINT_BYTES 24 +#define DRWAV_LIST_LABEL_OR_NOTE_BYTES 4 +#define DRWAV_LIST_LABELLED_TEXT_BYTES 20 + +#define DRWAV_METADATA_ALIGNMENT 8 + +typedef enum +{ + drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count, + drwav__metadata_parser_stage_read +} drwav__metadata_parser_stage; + +typedef struct +{ + drwav_read_proc onRead; + drwav_seek_proc onSeek; + void *pReadSeekUserData; + drwav__metadata_parser_stage stage; + drwav_metadata *pMetadata; + drwav_uint32 metadataCount; + drwav_uint8 *pData; + drwav_uint8 *pDataCursor; + drwav_uint64 metadataCursor; + drwav_uint64 extraCapacity; +} drwav__metadata_parser; + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__metadata_memory_capacity(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser) +{ + drwav_uint64 cap = sizeof(drwav_metadata) * (drwav_uint64)pParser->metadataCount + pParser->extraCapacity; + if (cap > DRWAV_SIZE_MAX) { + return 0; /* Too big. */ + } + + return (size_t)cap; /* Safe cast thanks to the check above. */ +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint8* drwav__metadata_get_memory(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, size_t size, size_t align) +{ + drwav_uint8* pResult; + + if (align) { + drwav_uintptr modulo = (drwav_uintptr)pParser->pDataCursor % align; + if (modulo != 0) { + pParser->pDataCursor += align - modulo; + } + } + + pResult = pParser->pDataCursor; + + /* + Getting to the point where this function is called means there should always be memory + available. Out of memory checks should have been done at an earlier stage. + */ + DRWAV_ASSERT((pResult + size) <= (pParser->pData + drwav__metadata_memory_capacity(pParser))); + + pParser->pDataCursor += size; + return pResult; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void drwav__metadata_request_extra_memory_for_stage_2(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, size_t bytes, size_t align) +{ + size_t extra = bytes + (align ? (align - 1) : 0); + pParser->extraCapacity += extra; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_result drwav__metadata_alloc(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pParser->extraCapacity != 0 || pParser->metadataCount != 0) { + pAllocationCallbacks->onFree(pParser->pData, pAllocationCallbacks->pUserData); + + pParser->pData = (drwav_uint8*)pAllocationCallbacks->onMalloc(drwav__metadata_memory_capacity(pParser), pAllocationCallbacks->pUserData); + pParser->pDataCursor = pParser->pData; + + if (pParser->pData == NULL) { + return DRWAV_OUT_OF_MEMORY; + } + + /* + We don't need to worry about specifying an alignment here because malloc always returns something + of suitable alignment. This also means pParser->pMetadata is all that we need to store in order + for us to free when we are done. + */ + pParser->pMetadata = (drwav_metadata*)drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, sizeof(drwav_metadata) * pParser->metadataCount, 1); + pParser->metadataCursor = 0; + } + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__metadata_parser_read(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, void* pBufferOut, size_t bytesToRead, drwav_uint64* pCursor) +{ + if (pCursor != NULL) { + return drwav__on_read(pParser->onRead, pParser->pReadSeekUserData, pBufferOut, bytesToRead, pCursor); + } else { + return pParser->onRead(pParser->pReadSeekUserData, pBufferOut, bytesToRead); + } +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__read_smpl_to_metadata_obj(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, const drwav_chunk_header* pChunkHeader, drwav_metadata* pMetadata) +{ + drwav_uint8 smplHeaderData[DRWAV_SMPL_BYTES]; + drwav_uint64 totalBytesRead = 0; + size_t bytesJustRead; + + if (pMetadata == NULL) { + return 0; + } + + bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, smplHeaderData, sizeof(smplHeaderData), &totalBytesRead); + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_read); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pChunkHeader != NULL); + + if (pMetadata != NULL && bytesJustRead == sizeof(smplHeaderData)) { + drwav_uint32 iSampleLoop; + + pMetadata->type = drwav_metadata_type_smpl; + pMetadata->data.smpl.manufacturerId = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplHeaderData + 0); + pMetadata->data.smpl.productId = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplHeaderData + 4); + pMetadata->data.smpl.samplePeriodNanoseconds = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplHeaderData + 8); + pMetadata->data.smpl.midiUnityNote = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplHeaderData + 12); + pMetadata->data.smpl.midiPitchFraction = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplHeaderData + 16); + pMetadata->data.smpl.smpteFormat = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplHeaderData + 20); + pMetadata->data.smpl.smpteOffset = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplHeaderData + 24); + pMetadata->data.smpl.sampleLoopCount = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplHeaderData + 28); + pMetadata->data.smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplHeaderData + 32); + + /* + The loop count needs to be validated against the size of the chunk for safety so we don't + attempt to read over the boundary of the chunk. + */ + if (pMetadata->data.smpl.sampleLoopCount == (pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes - DRWAV_SMPL_BYTES) / DRWAV_SMPL_LOOP_BYTES) { + pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops = (drwav_smpl_loop*)drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, sizeof(drwav_smpl_loop) * pMetadata->data.smpl.sampleLoopCount, DRWAV_METADATA_ALIGNMENT); + + for (iSampleLoop = 0; iSampleLoop < pMetadata->data.smpl.sampleLoopCount; ++iSampleLoop) { + drwav_uint8 smplLoopData[DRWAV_SMPL_LOOP_BYTES]; + bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, smplLoopData, sizeof(smplLoopData), &totalBytesRead); + + if (bytesJustRead == sizeof(smplLoopData)) { + pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iSampleLoop].cuePointId = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplLoopData + 0); + pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iSampleLoop].type = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplLoopData + 4); + pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iSampleLoop].firstSampleByteOffset = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplLoopData + 8); + pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iSampleLoop].lastSampleByteOffset = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplLoopData + 12); + pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iSampleLoop].sampleFraction = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplLoopData + 16); + pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iSampleLoop].playCount = drwav_bytes_to_u32(smplLoopData + 20); + } else { + break; + } + } + + if (pMetadata->data.smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes > 0) { + pMetadata->data.smpl.pSamplerSpecificData = drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, pMetadata->data.smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes, 1); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pMetadata->data.smpl.pSamplerSpecificData != NULL); + + drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, pMetadata->data.smpl.pSamplerSpecificData, pMetadata->data.smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes, &totalBytesRead); + } + } + } + + return totalBytesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__read_cue_to_metadata_obj(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, const drwav_chunk_header* pChunkHeader, drwav_metadata* pMetadata) +{ + drwav_uint8 cueHeaderSectionData[DRWAV_CUE_BYTES]; + drwav_uint64 totalBytesRead = 0; + size_t bytesJustRead; + + if (pMetadata == NULL) { + return 0; + } + + bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, cueHeaderSectionData, sizeof(cueHeaderSectionData), &totalBytesRead); + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_read); + + if (bytesJustRead == sizeof(cueHeaderSectionData)) { + pMetadata->type = drwav_metadata_type_cue; + pMetadata->data.cue.cuePointCount = drwav_bytes_to_u32(cueHeaderSectionData); + + /* + We need to validate the cue point count against the size of the chunk so we don't read + beyond the chunk. + */ + if (pMetadata->data.cue.cuePointCount == (pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes - DRWAV_CUE_BYTES) / DRWAV_CUE_POINT_BYTES) { + pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints = (drwav_cue_point*)drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, sizeof(drwav_cue_point) * pMetadata->data.cue.cuePointCount, DRWAV_METADATA_ALIGNMENT); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints != NULL); + + if (pMetadata->data.cue.cuePointCount > 0) { + drwav_uint32 iCuePoint; + + for (iCuePoint = 0; iCuePoint < pMetadata->data.cue.cuePointCount; ++iCuePoint) { + drwav_uint8 cuePointData[DRWAV_CUE_POINT_BYTES]; + bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, cuePointData, sizeof(cuePointData), &totalBytesRead); + + if (bytesJustRead == sizeof(cuePointData)) { + pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].id = drwav_bytes_to_u32(cuePointData + 0); + pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].playOrderPosition = drwav_bytes_to_u32(cuePointData + 4); + pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].dataChunkId[0] = cuePointData[8]; + pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].dataChunkId[1] = cuePointData[9]; + pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].dataChunkId[2] = cuePointData[10]; + pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].dataChunkId[3] = cuePointData[11]; + pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].chunkStart = drwav_bytes_to_u32(cuePointData + 12); + pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].blockStart = drwav_bytes_to_u32(cuePointData + 16); + pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].sampleByteOffset = drwav_bytes_to_u32(cuePointData + 20); + } else { + break; + } + } + } + } + } + + return totalBytesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__read_inst_to_metadata_obj(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, drwav_metadata* pMetadata) +{ + drwav_uint8 instData[DRWAV_INST_BYTES]; + drwav_uint64 bytesRead; + + if (pMetadata == NULL) { + return 0; + } + + bytesRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, instData, sizeof(instData), NULL); + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_read); + + if (bytesRead == sizeof(instData)) { + pMetadata->type = drwav_metadata_type_inst; + pMetadata->data.inst.midiUnityNote = (drwav_int8)instData[0]; + pMetadata->data.inst.fineTuneCents = (drwav_int8)instData[1]; + pMetadata->data.inst.gainDecibels = (drwav_int8)instData[2]; + pMetadata->data.inst.lowNote = (drwav_int8)instData[3]; + pMetadata->data.inst.highNote = (drwav_int8)instData[4]; + pMetadata->data.inst.lowVelocity = (drwav_int8)instData[5]; + pMetadata->data.inst.highVelocity = (drwav_int8)instData[6]; + } + + return bytesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__read_acid_to_metadata_obj(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, drwav_metadata* pMetadata) +{ + drwav_uint8 acidData[DRWAV_ACID_BYTES]; + drwav_uint64 bytesRead; + + if (pMetadata == NULL) { + return 0; + } + + bytesRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, acidData, sizeof(acidData), NULL); + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_read); + + if (bytesRead == sizeof(acidData)) { + pMetadata->type = drwav_metadata_type_acid; + pMetadata->data.acid.flags = drwav_bytes_to_u32(acidData + 0); + pMetadata->data.acid.midiUnityNote = drwav_bytes_to_u16(acidData + 4); + pMetadata->data.acid.reserved1 = drwav_bytes_to_u16(acidData + 6); + pMetadata->data.acid.reserved2 = drwav_bytes_to_f32(acidData + 8); + pMetadata->data.acid.numBeats = drwav_bytes_to_u32(acidData + 12); + pMetadata->data.acid.meterDenominator = drwav_bytes_to_u16(acidData + 16); + pMetadata->data.acid.meterNumerator = drwav_bytes_to_u16(acidData + 18); + pMetadata->data.acid.tempo = drwav_bytes_to_f32(acidData + 20); + } + + return bytesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__strlen(const char* str) +{ + size_t result = 0; + + while (*str++) { + result += 1; + } + + return result; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__strlen_clamped(const char* str, size_t maxToRead) +{ + size_t result = 0; + + while (*str++ && result < maxToRead) { + result += 1; + } + + return result; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE char* drwav__metadata_copy_string(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, const char* str, size_t maxToRead) +{ + size_t len = drwav__strlen_clamped(str, maxToRead); + + if (len) { + char* result = (char*)drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, len + 1, 1); + DRWAV_ASSERT(result != NULL); + + DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY(result, str, len); + result[len] = '\0'; + + return result; + } else { + return NULL; + } +} + +typedef struct +{ + const void* pBuffer; + size_t sizeInBytes; + size_t cursor; +} drwav_buffer_reader; + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_result drwav_buffer_reader_init(const void* pBuffer, size_t sizeInBytes, drwav_buffer_reader* pReader) +{ + DRWAV_ASSERT(pBuffer != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pReader != NULL); + + DRWAV_ZERO_OBJECT(pReader); + + pReader->pBuffer = pBuffer; + pReader->sizeInBytes = sizeInBytes; + pReader->cursor = 0; + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE const void* drwav_buffer_reader_ptr(const drwav_buffer_reader* pReader) +{ + DRWAV_ASSERT(pReader != NULL); + + return drwav_offset_ptr(pReader->pBuffer, pReader->cursor); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_result drwav_buffer_reader_seek(drwav_buffer_reader* pReader, size_t bytesToSeek) +{ + DRWAV_ASSERT(pReader != NULL); + + if (pReader->cursor + bytesToSeek > pReader->sizeInBytes) { + return DRWAV_BAD_SEEK; /* Seeking too far forward. */ + } + + pReader->cursor += bytesToSeek; + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_result drwav_buffer_reader_read(drwav_buffer_reader* pReader, void* pDst, size_t bytesToRead, size_t* pBytesRead) +{ + drwav_result result = DRWAV_SUCCESS; + size_t bytesRemaining; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pReader != NULL); + + if (pBytesRead != NULL) { + *pBytesRead = 0; + } + + bytesRemaining = (pReader->sizeInBytes - pReader->cursor); + if (bytesToRead > bytesRemaining) { + bytesToRead = bytesRemaining; + } + + if (pDst == NULL) { + /* Seek. */ + result = drwav_buffer_reader_seek(pReader, bytesToRead); + } else { + /* Read. */ + DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY(pDst, drwav_buffer_reader_ptr(pReader), bytesToRead); + pReader->cursor += bytesToRead; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pReader->cursor <= pReader->sizeInBytes); + + if (result == DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + if (pBytesRead != NULL) { + *pBytesRead = bytesToRead; + } + } + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_result drwav_buffer_reader_read_u16(drwav_buffer_reader* pReader, drwav_uint16* pDst) +{ + drwav_result result; + size_t bytesRead; + drwav_uint8 data[2]; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pReader != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pDst != NULL); + + *pDst = 0; /* Safety. */ + + result = drwav_buffer_reader_read(pReader, data, sizeof(*pDst), &bytesRead); + if (result != DRWAV_SUCCESS || bytesRead != sizeof(*pDst)) { + return result; + } + + *pDst = drwav_bytes_to_u16(data); + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_result drwav_buffer_reader_read_u32(drwav_buffer_reader* pReader, drwav_uint32* pDst) +{ + drwav_result result; + size_t bytesRead; + drwav_uint8 data[4]; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pReader != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pDst != NULL); + + *pDst = 0; /* Safety. */ + + result = drwav_buffer_reader_read(pReader, data, sizeof(*pDst), &bytesRead); + if (result != DRWAV_SUCCESS || bytesRead != sizeof(*pDst)) { + return result; + } + + *pDst = drwav_bytes_to_u32(data); + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} + + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__read_bext_to_metadata_obj(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, drwav_metadata* pMetadata, drwav_uint64 chunkSize) +{ + drwav_uint8 bextData[DRWAV_BEXT_BYTES]; + size_t bytesRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, bextData, sizeof(bextData), NULL); + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_read); + + if (bytesRead == sizeof(bextData)) { + drwav_buffer_reader reader; + drwav_uint32 timeReferenceLow; + drwav_uint32 timeReferenceHigh; + size_t extraBytes; + + pMetadata->type = drwav_metadata_type_bext; + + if (drwav_buffer_reader_init(bextData, bytesRead, &reader) == DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + pMetadata->data.bext.pDescription = drwav__metadata_copy_string(pParser, (const char*)drwav_buffer_reader_ptr(&reader), DRWAV_BEXT_DESCRIPTION_BYTES); + drwav_buffer_reader_seek(&reader, DRWAV_BEXT_DESCRIPTION_BYTES); + + pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginatorName = drwav__metadata_copy_string(pParser, (const char*)drwav_buffer_reader_ptr(&reader), DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_NAME_BYTES); + drwav_buffer_reader_seek(&reader, DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_NAME_BYTES); + + pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginatorReference = drwav__metadata_copy_string(pParser, (const char*)drwav_buffer_reader_ptr(&reader), DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_REF_BYTES); + drwav_buffer_reader_seek(&reader, DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_REF_BYTES); + + drwav_buffer_reader_read(&reader, pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginationDate, sizeof(pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginationDate), NULL); + drwav_buffer_reader_read(&reader, pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginationTime, sizeof(pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginationTime), NULL); + + drwav_buffer_reader_read_u32(&reader, &timeReferenceLow); + drwav_buffer_reader_read_u32(&reader, &timeReferenceHigh); + pMetadata->data.bext.timeReference = ((drwav_uint64)timeReferenceHigh << 32) + timeReferenceLow; + + drwav_buffer_reader_read_u16(&reader, &pMetadata->data.bext.version); + + pMetadata->data.bext.pUMID = drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, DRWAV_BEXT_UMID_BYTES, 1); + drwav_buffer_reader_read(&reader, pMetadata->data.bext.pUMID, DRWAV_BEXT_UMID_BYTES, NULL); + + drwav_buffer_reader_read_u16(&reader, &pMetadata->data.bext.loudnessValue); + drwav_buffer_reader_read_u16(&reader, &pMetadata->data.bext.loudnessRange); + drwav_buffer_reader_read_u16(&reader, &pMetadata->data.bext.maxTruePeakLevel); + drwav_buffer_reader_read_u16(&reader, &pMetadata->data.bext.maxMomentaryLoudness); + drwav_buffer_reader_read_u16(&reader, &pMetadata->data.bext.maxShortTermLoudness); + + DRWAV_ASSERT((drwav_offset_ptr(drwav_buffer_reader_ptr(&reader), DRWAV_BEXT_RESERVED_BYTES)) == (bextData + DRWAV_BEXT_BYTES)); + + extraBytes = (size_t)(chunkSize - DRWAV_BEXT_BYTES); + if (extraBytes > 0) { + pMetadata->data.bext.pCodingHistory = (char*)drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, extraBytes + 1, 1); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pMetadata->data.bext.pCodingHistory != NULL); + + bytesRead += drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, pMetadata->data.bext.pCodingHistory, extraBytes, NULL); + pMetadata->data.bext.codingHistorySize = (drwav_uint32)drwav__strlen(pMetadata->data.bext.pCodingHistory); + } else { + pMetadata->data.bext.pCodingHistory = NULL; + pMetadata->data.bext.codingHistorySize = 0; + } + } + } + + return bytesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__read_list_label_or_note_to_metadata_obj(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, drwav_metadata* pMetadata, drwav_uint64 chunkSize, drwav_metadata_type type) +{ + drwav_uint8 cueIDBuffer[DRWAV_LIST_LABEL_OR_NOTE_BYTES]; + drwav_uint64 totalBytesRead = 0; + size_t bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, cueIDBuffer, sizeof(cueIDBuffer), &totalBytesRead); + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_read); + + if (bytesJustRead == sizeof(cueIDBuffer)) { + drwav_uint32 sizeIncludingNullTerminator; + + pMetadata->type = type; + pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.cuePointId = drwav_bytes_to_u32(cueIDBuffer); + + sizeIncludingNullTerminator = (drwav_uint32)chunkSize - DRWAV_LIST_LABEL_OR_NOTE_BYTES; + if (sizeIncludingNullTerminator > 0) { + pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.stringLength = sizeIncludingNullTerminator - 1; + pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.pString = (char*)drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, sizeIncludingNullTerminator, 1); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.pString != NULL); + + drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.pString, sizeIncludingNullTerminator, &totalBytesRead); + } else { + pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.stringLength = 0; + pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.pString = NULL; + } + } + + return totalBytesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__read_list_labelled_cue_region_to_metadata_obj(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, drwav_metadata* pMetadata, drwav_uint64 chunkSize) +{ + drwav_uint8 buffer[DRWAV_LIST_LABELLED_TEXT_BYTES]; + drwav_uint64 totalBytesRead = 0; + size_t bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &totalBytesRead); + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_read); + + if (bytesJustRead == sizeof(buffer)) { + drwav_uint32 sizeIncludingNullTerminator; + + pMetadata->type = drwav_metadata_type_list_labelled_cue_region; + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.cuePointId = drwav_bytes_to_u32(buffer + 0); + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.sampleLength = drwav_bytes_to_u32(buffer + 4); + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.purposeId[0] = buffer[8]; + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.purposeId[1] = buffer[9]; + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.purposeId[2] = buffer[10]; + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.purposeId[3] = buffer[11]; + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.country = drwav_bytes_to_u16(buffer + 12); + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.language = drwav_bytes_to_u16(buffer + 14); + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.dialect = drwav_bytes_to_u16(buffer + 16); + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.codePage = drwav_bytes_to_u16(buffer + 18); + + sizeIncludingNullTerminator = (drwav_uint32)chunkSize - DRWAV_LIST_LABELLED_TEXT_BYTES; + if (sizeIncludingNullTerminator > 0) { + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.stringLength = sizeIncludingNullTerminator - 1; + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.pString = (char*)drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, sizeIncludingNullTerminator, 1); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.pString != NULL); + + drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.pString, sizeIncludingNullTerminator, &totalBytesRead); + } else { + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.stringLength = 0; + pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.pString = NULL; + } + } + + return totalBytesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__metadata_process_info_text_chunk(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, drwav_uint64 chunkSize, drwav_metadata_type type) +{ + drwav_uint64 bytesRead = 0; + drwav_uint32 stringSizeWithNullTerminator = (drwav_uint32)chunkSize; + + if (pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count) { + pParser->metadataCount += 1; + drwav__metadata_request_extra_memory_for_stage_2(pParser, stringSizeWithNullTerminator, 1); + } else { + drwav_metadata* pMetadata = &pParser->pMetadata[pParser->metadataCursor]; + pMetadata->type = type; + if (stringSizeWithNullTerminator > 0) { + pMetadata->data.infoText.stringLength = stringSizeWithNullTerminator - 1; + pMetadata->data.infoText.pString = (char*)drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, stringSizeWithNullTerminator, 1); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pMetadata->data.infoText.pString != NULL); + + bytesRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, pMetadata->data.infoText.pString, (size_t)stringSizeWithNullTerminator, NULL); + if (bytesRead == chunkSize) { + pParser->metadataCursor += 1; + } else { + /* Failed to parse. */ + } + } else { + pMetadata->data.infoText.stringLength = 0; + pMetadata->data.infoText.pString = NULL; + pParser->metadataCursor += 1; + } + } + + return bytesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__metadata_process_unknown_chunk(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, const drwav_uint8* pChunkId, drwav_uint64 chunkSize, drwav_metadata_location location) +{ + drwav_uint64 bytesRead = 0; + + if (location == drwav_metadata_location_invalid) { + return 0; + } + + if (drwav_fourcc_equal(pChunkId, "data") || drwav_fourcc_equal(pChunkId, "fmt ") || drwav_fourcc_equal(pChunkId, "fact")) { + return 0; + } + + if (pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count) { + pParser->metadataCount += 1; + drwav__metadata_request_extra_memory_for_stage_2(pParser, (size_t)chunkSize, 1); + } else { + drwav_metadata* pMetadata = &pParser->pMetadata[pParser->metadataCursor]; + pMetadata->type = drwav_metadata_type_unknown; + pMetadata->data.unknown.chunkLocation = location; + pMetadata->data.unknown.id[0] = pChunkId[0]; + pMetadata->data.unknown.id[1] = pChunkId[1]; + pMetadata->data.unknown.id[2] = pChunkId[2]; + pMetadata->data.unknown.id[3] = pChunkId[3]; + pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes = (drwav_uint32)chunkSize; + pMetadata->data.unknown.pData = (drwav_uint8 *)drwav__metadata_get_memory(pParser, (size_t)chunkSize, 1); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pMetadata->data.unknown.pData != NULL); + + bytesRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, pMetadata->data.unknown.pData, pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes, NULL); + if (bytesRead == pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes) { + pParser->metadataCursor += 1; + } else { + /* Failed to read. */ + } + } + + return bytesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav__chunk_matches(drwav_metadata_type allowedMetadataTypes, const drwav_uint8* pChunkID, drwav_metadata_type type, const char* pID) +{ + return (allowedMetadataTypes & type) && drwav_fourcc_equal(pChunkID, pID); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__metadata_process_chunk(drwav__metadata_parser* pParser, const drwav_chunk_header* pChunkHeader, drwav_metadata_type allowedMetadataTypes) +{ + const drwav_uint8 *pChunkID = pChunkHeader->id.fourcc; + drwav_uint64 bytesRead = 0; + + if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, pChunkID, drwav_metadata_type_smpl, "smpl")) { + if (pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes >= DRWAV_SMPL_BYTES) { + if (pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count) { + drwav_uint8 buffer[4]; + size_t bytesJustRead; + + if (!pParser->onSeek(pParser->pReadSeekUserData, 28, drwav_seek_origin_current)) { + return bytesRead; + } + bytesRead += 28; + + bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &bytesRead); + if (bytesJustRead == sizeof(buffer)) { + drwav_uint32 loopCount = drwav_bytes_to_u32(buffer); + drwav_uint64 calculatedLoopCount; + + /* The loop count must be validated against the size of the chunk. */ + calculatedLoopCount = (pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes - DRWAV_SMPL_BYTES) / DRWAV_SMPL_LOOP_BYTES; + if (calculatedLoopCount == loopCount) { + bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &bytesRead); + if (bytesJustRead == sizeof(buffer)) { + drwav_uint32 samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes = drwav_bytes_to_u32(buffer); + + pParser->metadataCount += 1; + drwav__metadata_request_extra_memory_for_stage_2(pParser, sizeof(drwav_smpl_loop) * loopCount, DRWAV_METADATA_ALIGNMENT); + drwav__metadata_request_extra_memory_for_stage_2(pParser, samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes, 1); + } + } else { + /* Loop count in header does not match the size of the chunk. */ + } + } + } else { + bytesRead = drwav__read_smpl_to_metadata_obj(pParser, pChunkHeader, &pParser->pMetadata[pParser->metadataCursor]); + if (bytesRead == pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes) { + pParser->metadataCursor += 1; + } else { + /* Failed to parse. */ + } + } + } else { + /* Incorrectly formed chunk. */ + } + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, pChunkID, drwav_metadata_type_inst, "inst")) { + if (pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes == DRWAV_INST_BYTES) { + if (pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count) { + pParser->metadataCount += 1; + } else { + bytesRead = drwav__read_inst_to_metadata_obj(pParser, &pParser->pMetadata[pParser->metadataCursor]); + if (bytesRead == pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes) { + pParser->metadataCursor += 1; + } else { + /* Failed to parse. */ + } + } + } else { + /* Incorrectly formed chunk. */ + } + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, pChunkID, drwav_metadata_type_acid, "acid")) { + if (pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes == DRWAV_ACID_BYTES) { + if (pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count) { + pParser->metadataCount += 1; + } else { + bytesRead = drwav__read_acid_to_metadata_obj(pParser, &pParser->pMetadata[pParser->metadataCursor]); + if (bytesRead == pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes) { + pParser->metadataCursor += 1; + } else { + /* Failed to parse. */ + } + } + } else { + /* Incorrectly formed chunk. */ + } + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, pChunkID, drwav_metadata_type_cue, "cue ")) { + if (pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes >= DRWAV_CUE_BYTES) { + if (pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count) { + size_t cueCount; + + pParser->metadataCount += 1; + cueCount = (size_t)(pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes - DRWAV_CUE_BYTES) / DRWAV_CUE_POINT_BYTES; + drwav__metadata_request_extra_memory_for_stage_2(pParser, sizeof(drwav_cue_point) * cueCount, DRWAV_METADATA_ALIGNMENT); + } else { + bytesRead = drwav__read_cue_to_metadata_obj(pParser, pChunkHeader, &pParser->pMetadata[pParser->metadataCursor]); + if (bytesRead == pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes) { + pParser->metadataCursor += 1; + } else { + /* Failed to parse. */ + } + } + } else { + /* Incorrectly formed chunk. */ + } + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, pChunkID, drwav_metadata_type_bext, "bext")) { + if (pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes >= DRWAV_BEXT_BYTES) { + if (pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count) { + /* The description field is the largest one in a bext chunk, so that is the max size of this temporary buffer. */ + char buffer[DRWAV_BEXT_DESCRIPTION_BYTES + 1]; + size_t allocSizeNeeded = DRWAV_BEXT_UMID_BYTES; /* We know we will need SMPTE umid size. */ + size_t bytesJustRead; + + buffer[DRWAV_BEXT_DESCRIPTION_BYTES] = '\0'; + bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, buffer, DRWAV_BEXT_DESCRIPTION_BYTES, &bytesRead); + if (bytesJustRead != DRWAV_BEXT_DESCRIPTION_BYTES) { + return bytesRead; + } + allocSizeNeeded += drwav__strlen(buffer) + 1; + + buffer[DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_NAME_BYTES] = '\0'; + bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, buffer, DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_NAME_BYTES, &bytesRead); + if (bytesJustRead != DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_NAME_BYTES) { + return bytesRead; + } + allocSizeNeeded += drwav__strlen(buffer) + 1; + + buffer[DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_REF_BYTES] = '\0'; + bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, buffer, DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_REF_BYTES, &bytesRead); + if (bytesJustRead != DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_REF_BYTES) { + return bytesRead; + } + allocSizeNeeded += drwav__strlen(buffer) + 1; + allocSizeNeeded += (size_t)pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes - DRWAV_BEXT_BYTES; /* Coding history. */ + + drwav__metadata_request_extra_memory_for_stage_2(pParser, allocSizeNeeded, 1); + + pParser->metadataCount += 1; + } else { + bytesRead = drwav__read_bext_to_metadata_obj(pParser, &pParser->pMetadata[pParser->metadataCursor], pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes); + if (bytesRead == pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes) { + pParser->metadataCursor += 1; + } else { + /* Failed to parse. */ + } + } + } else { + /* Incorrectly formed chunk. */ + } + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(pChunkID, "LIST") || drwav_fourcc_equal(pChunkID, "list")) { + drwav_metadata_location listType = drwav_metadata_location_invalid; + while (bytesRead < pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes) { + drwav_uint8 subchunkId[4]; + drwav_uint8 subchunkSizeBuffer[4]; + drwav_uint64 subchunkDataSize; + drwav_uint64 subchunkBytesRead = 0; + drwav_uint64 bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, subchunkId, sizeof(subchunkId), &bytesRead); + if (bytesJustRead != sizeof(subchunkId)) { + break; + } + + /* + The first thing in a list chunk should be "adtl" or "INFO". + + - adtl means this list is a Associated Data List Chunk and will contain labels, notes + or labelled cue regions. + - INFO means this list is an Info List Chunk containing info text chunks such as IPRD + which would specifies the album of this wav file. + + No data follows the adtl or INFO id so we just make note of what type this list is and + continue. + */ + if (drwav_fourcc_equal(subchunkId, "adtl")) { + listType = drwav_metadata_location_inside_adtl_list; + continue; + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(subchunkId, "INFO")) { + listType = drwav_metadata_location_inside_info_list; + continue; + } + + bytesJustRead = drwav__metadata_parser_read(pParser, subchunkSizeBuffer, sizeof(subchunkSizeBuffer), &bytesRead); + if (bytesJustRead != sizeof(subchunkSizeBuffer)) { + break; + } + subchunkDataSize = drwav_bytes_to_u32(subchunkSizeBuffer); + + if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_label, "labl") || drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_note, "note")) { + if (subchunkDataSize >= DRWAV_LIST_LABEL_OR_NOTE_BYTES) { + drwav_uint64 stringSizeWithNullTerm = subchunkDataSize - DRWAV_LIST_LABEL_OR_NOTE_BYTES; + if (pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count) { + pParser->metadataCount += 1; + drwav__metadata_request_extra_memory_for_stage_2(pParser, (size_t)stringSizeWithNullTerm, 1); + } else { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__read_list_label_or_note_to_metadata_obj(pParser, &pParser->pMetadata[pParser->metadataCursor], subchunkDataSize, drwav_fourcc_equal(subchunkId, "labl") ? drwav_metadata_type_list_label : drwav_metadata_type_list_note); + if (subchunkBytesRead == subchunkDataSize) { + pParser->metadataCursor += 1; + } else { + /* Failed to parse. */ + } + } + } else { + /* Incorrectly formed chunk. */ + } + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_labelled_cue_region, "ltxt")) { + if (subchunkDataSize >= DRWAV_LIST_LABELLED_TEXT_BYTES) { + drwav_uint64 stringSizeWithNullTerminator = subchunkDataSize - DRWAV_LIST_LABELLED_TEXT_BYTES; + if (pParser->stage == drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count) { + pParser->metadataCount += 1; + drwav__metadata_request_extra_memory_for_stage_2(pParser, (size_t)stringSizeWithNullTerminator, 1); + } else { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__read_list_labelled_cue_region_to_metadata_obj(pParser, &pParser->pMetadata[pParser->metadataCursor], subchunkDataSize); + if (subchunkBytesRead == subchunkDataSize) { + pParser->metadataCursor += 1; + } else { + /* Failed to parse. */ + } + } + } else { + /* Incorrectly formed chunk. */ + } + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_software, "ISFT")) { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_info_text_chunk(pParser, subchunkDataSize, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_software); + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_copyright, "ICOP")) { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_info_text_chunk(pParser, subchunkDataSize, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_copyright); + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_title, "INAM")) { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_info_text_chunk(pParser, subchunkDataSize, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_title); + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_artist, "IART")) { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_info_text_chunk(pParser, subchunkDataSize, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_artist); + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_comment, "ICMT")) { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_info_text_chunk(pParser, subchunkDataSize, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_comment); + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_date, "ICRD")) { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_info_text_chunk(pParser, subchunkDataSize, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_date); + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_genre, "IGNR")) { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_info_text_chunk(pParser, subchunkDataSize, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_genre); + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_album, "IPRD")) { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_info_text_chunk(pParser, subchunkDataSize, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_album); + } else if (drwav__chunk_matches(allowedMetadataTypes, subchunkId, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_tracknumber, "ITRK")) { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_info_text_chunk(pParser, subchunkDataSize, drwav_metadata_type_list_info_tracknumber); + } else if ((allowedMetadataTypes & drwav_metadata_type_unknown) != 0) { + subchunkBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_unknown_chunk(pParser, subchunkId, subchunkDataSize, listType); + } + + bytesRead += subchunkBytesRead; + DRWAV_ASSERT(subchunkBytesRead <= subchunkDataSize); + + if (subchunkBytesRead < subchunkDataSize) { + drwav_uint64 bytesToSeek = subchunkDataSize - subchunkBytesRead; + + if (!pParser->onSeek(pParser->pReadSeekUserData, (int)bytesToSeek, drwav_seek_origin_current)) { + break; + } + bytesRead += bytesToSeek; + } + + if ((subchunkDataSize % 2) == 1) { + if (!pParser->onSeek(pParser->pReadSeekUserData, 1, drwav_seek_origin_current)) { + break; + } + bytesRead += 1; + } + } + } else if ((allowedMetadataTypes & drwav_metadata_type_unknown) != 0) { + bytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_unknown_chunk(pParser, pChunkID, pChunkHeader->sizeInBytes, drwav_metadata_location_top_level); + } + + return bytesRead; +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint32 drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(drwav* pWav) +{ + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + + /* + The bytes per frame is a bit ambiguous. It can be either be based on the bits per sample, or the block align. The way I'm doing it here + is that if the bits per sample is a multiple of 8, use floor(bitsPerSample*channels/8), otherwise fall back to the block align. + */ + if ((pWav->bitsPerSample & 0x7) == 0) { + /* Bits per sample is a multiple of 8. */ + bytesPerFrame = (pWav->bitsPerSample * pWav->fmt.channels) >> 3; + } else { + bytesPerFrame = pWav->fmt.blockAlign; + } + + /* Validation for known formats. a-law and mu-law should be 1 byte per channel. If it's not, it's not decodable. */ + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW || pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW) { + if (bytesPerFrame != pWav->fmt.channels) { + return 0; /* Invalid file. */ + } + } + + return bytesPerFrame; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint16 drwav_fmt_get_format(const drwav_fmt* pFMT) +{ + if (pFMT == NULL) { + return 0; + } + + if (pFMT->formatTag != DR_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) { + return pFMT->formatTag; + } else { + return drwav_bytes_to_u16(pFMT->subFormat); /* Only the first two bytes are required. */ + } +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_preinit(drwav* pWav, drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pReadSeekUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pWav == NULL || onRead == NULL || onSeek == NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(pWav, sizeof(*pWav)); + pWav->onRead = onRead; + pWav->onSeek = onSeek; + pWav->pUserData = pReadSeekUserData; + pWav->allocationCallbacks = drwav_copy_allocation_callbacks_or_defaults(pAllocationCallbacks); + + if (pWav->allocationCallbacks.onFree == NULL || (pWav->allocationCallbacks.onMalloc == NULL && pWav->allocationCallbacks.onRealloc == NULL)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Invalid allocation callbacks. */ + } + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_init__internal(drwav* pWav, drwav_chunk_proc onChunk, void* pChunkUserData, drwav_uint32 flags) +{ + /* This function assumes drwav_preinit() has been called beforehand. */ + drwav_result result; + drwav_uint64 cursor; /* <-- Keeps track of the byte position so we can seek to specific locations. */ + drwav_bool32 sequential; + drwav_uint8 riff[4]; + drwav_fmt fmt; + unsigned short translatedFormatTag; + drwav_uint64 dataChunkSize = 0; /* <-- Important! Don't explicitly set this to 0 anywhere else. Calculation of the size of the data chunk is performed in different paths depending on the container. */ + drwav_uint64 sampleCountFromFactChunk = 0; /* Same as dataChunkSize - make sure this is the only place this is initialized to 0. */ + drwav_uint64 metadataStartPos; + drwav__metadata_parser metadataParser; + drwav_bool8 isProcessingMetadata = DRWAV_FALSE; + drwav_bool8 foundChunk_fmt = DRWAV_FALSE; + drwav_bool8 foundChunk_data = DRWAV_FALSE; + drwav_bool8 isAIFCFormType = DRWAV_FALSE; /* Only used with AIFF. */ + drwav_uint64 aiffFrameCount = 0; + + cursor = 0; + sequential = (flags & DRWAV_SEQUENTIAL) != 0; + DRWAV_ZERO_OBJECT(&fmt); + + /* The first 4 bytes should be the RIFF identifier. */ + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, riff, sizeof(riff), &cursor) != sizeof(riff)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* + The first 4 bytes can be used to identify the container. For RIFF files it will start with "RIFF" and for + w64 it will start with "riff". + */ + if (drwav_fourcc_equal(riff, "RIFF")) { + pWav->container = drwav_container_riff; + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(riff, "RIFX")) { + pWav->container = drwav_container_rifx; + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(riff, "riff")) { + int i; + drwav_uint8 riff2[12]; + + pWav->container = drwav_container_w64; + + /* Check the rest of the GUID for validity. */ + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, riff2, sizeof(riff2), &cursor) != sizeof(riff2)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { + if (riff2[i] != drwavGUID_W64_RIFF[i+4]) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + } + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(riff, "RF64")) { + pWav->container = drwav_container_rf64; + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(riff, "FORM")) { + pWav->container = drwav_container_aiff; + } else { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Unknown or unsupported container. */ + } + + + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff || pWav->container == drwav_container_rifx || pWav->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + drwav_uint8 chunkSizeBytes[4]; + drwav_uint8 wave[4]; + + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, chunkSizeBytes, sizeof(chunkSizeBytes), &cursor) != sizeof(chunkSizeBytes)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff || pWav->container == drwav_container_rifx) { + if (drwav_bytes_to_u32_ex(chunkSizeBytes, pWav->container) < 36) { + /* + I've had a report of a WAV file failing to load when the size of the WAVE chunk is not encoded + and is instead just set to 0. I'm going to relax the validation here to allow these files to + load. Considering the chunk size isn't actually used this should be safe. With this change my + test suite still passes. + */ + /*return DRWAV_FALSE;*/ /* Chunk size should always be at least 36 bytes. */ + } + } else if (pWav->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + if (drwav_bytes_to_u32_le(chunkSizeBytes) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Chunk size should always be set to -1/0xFFFFFFFF for RF64. The actual size is retrieved later. */ + } + } else { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Should never hit this. */ + } + + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, wave, sizeof(wave), &cursor) != sizeof(wave)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (!drwav_fourcc_equal(wave, "WAVE")) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Expecting "WAVE". */ + } + } else if (pWav->container == drwav_container_w64) { + drwav_uint8 chunkSizeBytes[8]; + drwav_uint8 wave[16]; + + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, chunkSizeBytes, sizeof(chunkSizeBytes), &cursor) != sizeof(chunkSizeBytes)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (drwav_bytes_to_u64(chunkSizeBytes) < 80) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, wave, sizeof(wave), &cursor) != sizeof(wave)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (!drwav_guid_equal(wave, drwavGUID_W64_WAVE)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + } else if (pWav->container == drwav_container_aiff) { + drwav_uint8 chunkSizeBytes[4]; + drwav_uint8 aiff[4]; + + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, chunkSizeBytes, sizeof(chunkSizeBytes), &cursor) != sizeof(chunkSizeBytes)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (drwav_bytes_to_u32_be(chunkSizeBytes) < 18) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, aiff, sizeof(aiff), &cursor) != sizeof(aiff)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (drwav_fourcc_equal(aiff, "AIFF")) { + isAIFCFormType = DRWAV_FALSE; + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(aiff, "AIFC")) { + isAIFCFormType = DRWAV_TRUE; + } else { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Expecting "AIFF" or "AIFC". */ + } + } else { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + + /* For RF64, the "ds64" chunk must come next, before the "fmt " chunk. */ + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + drwav_uint8 sizeBytes[8]; + drwav_uint64 bytesRemainingInChunk; + drwav_chunk_header header; + result = drwav__read_chunk_header(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, pWav->container, &cursor, &header); + if (result != DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (!drwav_fourcc_equal(header.id.fourcc, "ds64")) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Expecting "ds64". */ + } + + bytesRemainingInChunk = header.sizeInBytes + header.paddingSize; + + /* We don't care about the size of the RIFF chunk - skip it. */ + if (!drwav__seek_forward(pWav->onSeek, 8, pWav->pUserData)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + bytesRemainingInChunk -= 8; + cursor += 8; + + + /* Next 8 bytes is the size of the "data" chunk. */ + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, sizeBytes, sizeof(sizeBytes), &cursor) != sizeof(sizeBytes)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + bytesRemainingInChunk -= 8; + dataChunkSize = drwav_bytes_to_u64(sizeBytes); + + + /* Next 8 bytes is the same count which we would usually derived from the FACT chunk if it was available. */ + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, sizeBytes, sizeof(sizeBytes), &cursor) != sizeof(sizeBytes)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + bytesRemainingInChunk -= 8; + sampleCountFromFactChunk = drwav_bytes_to_u64(sizeBytes); + + + /* Skip over everything else. */ + if (!drwav__seek_forward(pWav->onSeek, bytesRemainingInChunk, pWav->pUserData)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + cursor += bytesRemainingInChunk; + } + + + metadataStartPos = cursor; + + /* + Whether or not we are processing metadata controls how we load. We can load more efficiently when + metadata is not being processed, but we also cannot process metadata for Wave64 because I have not + been able to test it. If someone is able to test this and provide a patch I'm happy to enable it. + + Seqential mode cannot support metadata because it involves seeking backwards. + */ + isProcessingMetadata = !sequential && ((flags & DRWAV_WITH_METADATA) != 0); + + /* Don't allow processing of metadata with untested containers. */ + if (pWav->container != drwav_container_riff && pWav->container != drwav_container_rf64) { + isProcessingMetadata = DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(&metadataParser, sizeof(metadataParser)); + if (isProcessingMetadata) { + metadataParser.onRead = pWav->onRead; + metadataParser.onSeek = pWav->onSeek; + metadataParser.pReadSeekUserData = pWav->pUserData; + metadataParser.stage = drwav__metadata_parser_stage_count; + } + + + /* + From here on out, chunks might be in any order. In order to robustly handle metadata we'll need + to loop through every chunk and handle them as we find them. In sequential mode we need to get + out of the loop as soon as we find the data chunk because we won't be able to seek back. + */ + for (;;) { /* For each chunk... */ + drwav_chunk_header header; + drwav_uint64 chunkSize; + + result = drwav__read_chunk_header(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, pWav->container, &cursor, &header); + if (result != DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + break; + } + + chunkSize = header.sizeInBytes; + + + /* + Always tell the caller about this chunk. We cannot do this in sequential mode because the + callback is allowed to read from the file, in which case we'll need to rewind. + */ + if (!sequential && onChunk != NULL) { + drwav_uint64 callbackBytesRead = onChunk(pChunkUserData, pWav->onRead, pWav->onSeek, pWav->pUserData, &header, pWav->container, &fmt); + + /* + dr_wav may need to read the contents of the chunk, so we now need to seek back to the position before + we called the callback. + */ + if (callbackBytesRead > 0) { + if (drwav__seek_from_start(pWav->onSeek, cursor, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + } + } + + + /* Explicitly handle known chunks first. */ + + /* "fmt " */ + if (((pWav->container == drwav_container_riff || pWav->container == drwav_container_rifx || pWav->container == drwav_container_rf64) && drwav_fourcc_equal(header.id.fourcc, "fmt ")) || + ((pWav->container == drwav_container_w64) && drwav_guid_equal(header.id.guid, drwavGUID_W64_FMT))) { + drwav_uint8 fmtData[16]; + + foundChunk_fmt = DRWAV_TRUE; + + if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, fmtData, sizeof(fmtData)) != sizeof(fmtData)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + cursor += sizeof(fmtData); + + fmt.formatTag = drwav_bytes_to_u16_ex(fmtData + 0, pWav->container); + fmt.channels = drwav_bytes_to_u16_ex(fmtData + 2, pWav->container); + fmt.sampleRate = drwav_bytes_to_u32_ex(fmtData + 4, pWav->container); + fmt.avgBytesPerSec = drwav_bytes_to_u32_ex(fmtData + 8, pWav->container); + fmt.blockAlign = drwav_bytes_to_u16_ex(fmtData + 12, pWav->container); + fmt.bitsPerSample = drwav_bytes_to_u16_ex(fmtData + 14, pWav->container); + + fmt.extendedSize = 0; + fmt.validBitsPerSample = 0; + fmt.channelMask = 0; + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(fmt.subFormat, sizeof(fmt.subFormat)); + + if (header.sizeInBytes > 16) { + drwav_uint8 fmt_cbSize[2]; + int bytesReadSoFar = 0; + + if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, fmt_cbSize, sizeof(fmt_cbSize)) != sizeof(fmt_cbSize)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Expecting more data. */ + } + cursor += sizeof(fmt_cbSize); + + bytesReadSoFar = 18; + + fmt.extendedSize = drwav_bytes_to_u16_ex(fmt_cbSize, pWav->container); + if (fmt.extendedSize > 0) { + /* Simple validation. */ + if (fmt.formatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) { + if (fmt.extendedSize != 22) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + } + + if (fmt.formatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) { + drwav_uint8 fmtext[22]; + + if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, fmtext, fmt.extendedSize) != fmt.extendedSize) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Expecting more data. */ + } + + fmt.validBitsPerSample = drwav_bytes_to_u16_ex(fmtext + 0, pWav->container); + fmt.channelMask = drwav_bytes_to_u32_ex(fmtext + 2, pWav->container); + drwav_bytes_to_guid(fmtext + 6, fmt.subFormat); + } else { + if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, fmt.extendedSize, drwav_seek_origin_current) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + } + cursor += fmt.extendedSize; + + bytesReadSoFar += fmt.extendedSize; + } + + /* Seek past any leftover bytes. For w64 the leftover will be defined based on the chunk size. */ + if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, (int)(header.sizeInBytes - bytesReadSoFar), drwav_seek_origin_current) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + cursor += (header.sizeInBytes - bytesReadSoFar); + } + + if (header.paddingSize > 0) { + if (drwav__seek_forward(pWav->onSeek, header.paddingSize, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + break; + } + cursor += header.paddingSize; + } + + /* Go to the next chunk. Don't include this chunk in metadata. */ + continue; + } + + /* "data" */ + if (((pWav->container == drwav_container_riff || pWav->container == drwav_container_rifx || pWav->container == drwav_container_rf64) && drwav_fourcc_equal(header.id.fourcc, "data")) || + ((pWav->container == drwav_container_w64) && drwav_guid_equal(header.id.guid, drwavGUID_W64_DATA))) { + foundChunk_data = DRWAV_TRUE; + + pWav->dataChunkDataPos = cursor; + + if (pWav->container != drwav_container_rf64) { /* The data chunk size for RF64 will always be set to 0xFFFFFFFF here. It was set to it's true value earlier. */ + dataChunkSize = chunkSize; + } + + /* If we're running in sequential mode, or we're not reading metadata, we have enough now that we can get out of the loop. */ + if (sequential || !isProcessingMetadata) { + break; /* No need to keep reading beyond the data chunk. */ + } else { + chunkSize += header.paddingSize; /* <-- Make sure we seek past the padding. */ + if (drwav__seek_forward(pWav->onSeek, chunkSize, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + break; + } + cursor += chunkSize; + + continue; /* There may be some more metadata to read. */ + } + } + + /* "fact". This is optional. Can use this to get the sample count which is useful for compressed formats. For RF64 we retrieved the sample count from the ds64 chunk earlier. */ + if (((pWav->container == drwav_container_riff || pWav->container == drwav_container_rifx || pWav->container == drwav_container_rf64) && drwav_fourcc_equal(header.id.fourcc, "fact")) || + ((pWav->container == drwav_container_w64) && drwav_guid_equal(header.id.guid, drwavGUID_W64_FACT))) { + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff || pWav->container == drwav_container_rifx) { + drwav_uint8 sampleCount[4]; + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, &sampleCount, 4, &cursor) != 4) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + chunkSize -= 4; + + /* + The sample count in the "fact" chunk is either unreliable, or I'm not understanding it properly. For now I am only enabling this + for Microsoft ADPCM formats. + */ + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) { + sampleCountFromFactChunk = drwav_bytes_to_u32_ex(sampleCount, pWav->container); + } else { + sampleCountFromFactChunk = 0; + } + } else if (pWav->container == drwav_container_w64) { + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, &sampleCountFromFactChunk, 8, &cursor) != 8) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + chunkSize -= 8; + } else if (pWav->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + /* We retrieved the sample count from the ds64 chunk earlier so no need to do that here. */ + } + + /* Seek to the next chunk in preparation for the next iteration. */ + chunkSize += header.paddingSize; /* <-- Make sure we seek past the padding. */ + if (drwav__seek_forward(pWav->onSeek, chunkSize, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + break; + } + cursor += chunkSize; + + continue; + } + + + /* "COMM". AIFF/AIFC only. */ + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_aiff && drwav_fourcc_equal(header.id.fourcc, "COMM")) { + drwav_uint8 commData[24]; + drwav_uint32 commDataBytesToRead; + drwav_uint16 channels; + drwav_uint32 frameCount; + drwav_uint16 sampleSizeInBits; + drwav_int64 sampleRate; + drwav_uint16 compressionFormat; + + foundChunk_fmt = DRWAV_TRUE; + + if (isAIFCFormType) { + commDataBytesToRead = 24; + if (header.sizeInBytes < commDataBytesToRead) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Invalid COMM chunk. */ + } + } else { + commDataBytesToRead = 18; + if (header.sizeInBytes != commDataBytesToRead) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* INVALID COMM chunk. */ + } + } + + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, commData, commDataBytesToRead, &cursor) != commDataBytesToRead) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + + channels = drwav_bytes_to_u16_ex (commData + 0, pWav->container); + frameCount = drwav_bytes_to_u32_ex (commData + 2, pWav->container); + sampleSizeInBits = drwav_bytes_to_u16_ex (commData + 6, pWav->container); + sampleRate = drwav_aiff_extented_to_s64(commData + 8); + + if (sampleRate < 0 || sampleRate > 0xFFFFFFFF) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Invalid sample rate. */ + } + + if (isAIFCFormType) { + const drwav_uint8* type = commData + 18; + + if (drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "NONE")) { + compressionFormat = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; /* PCM, big-endian. */ + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "raw ")) { + compressionFormat = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; + + /* In my testing, it looks like when the "raw " compression type is used, 8-bit samples should be considered unsigned. */ + if (sampleSizeInBits == 8) { + pWav->aiff.isUnsigned = DRWAV_TRUE; + } + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "sowt")) { + compressionFormat = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; /* PCM, little-endian. */ + pWav->aiff.isLE = DRWAV_TRUE; + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "fl32") || drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "fl64") || drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "FL32") || drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "FL64")) { + compressionFormat = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT; + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "alaw") || drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "ALAW")) { + compressionFormat = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW; + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "ulaw") || drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "ULAW")) { + compressionFormat = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW; + } else if (drwav_fourcc_equal(type, "ima4")) { + compressionFormat = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM; + sampleSizeInBits = 4; + + /* + I haven't been able to figure out how to get correct decoding for IMA ADPCM. Until this is figured out + we'll need to abort when we encounter such an encoding. Advice welcome! + */ + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } else { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Unknown or unsupported compression format. Need to abort. */ + } + } else { + compressionFormat = DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; /* It's a standard AIFF form which is always compressed. */ + } + + /* With AIFF we want to use the explicitly defined frame count rather than deriving it from the size of the chunk. */ + aiffFrameCount = frameCount; + + /* We should now have enough information to fill out our fmt structure. */ + fmt.formatTag = compressionFormat; + fmt.channels = channels; + fmt.sampleRate = (drwav_uint32)sampleRate; + fmt.bitsPerSample = sampleSizeInBits; + fmt.blockAlign = (drwav_uint16)(fmt.channels * fmt.bitsPerSample / 8); + fmt.avgBytesPerSec = fmt.blockAlign * fmt.sampleRate; + + if (fmt.blockAlign == 0 && compressionFormat == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { + fmt.blockAlign = 34 * fmt.channels; + } + + /* + Weird one. I've seen some alaw and ulaw encoded files that for some reason set the bits per sample to 16 when + it should be 8. To get this working I need to explicitly check for this and change it. + */ + if (compressionFormat == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW || compressionFormat == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW) { + if (fmt.bitsPerSample > 8) { + fmt.bitsPerSample = 8; + fmt.blockAlign = fmt.channels; + } + } + + /* In AIFF, samples are padded to 8 byte boundaries. We need to round up our bits per sample here. */ + fmt.bitsPerSample += (fmt.bitsPerSample & 7); + + + /* If the form type is AIFC there will be some additional data in the chunk. We need to seek past it. */ + if (isAIFCFormType) { + if (drwav__seek_forward(pWav->onSeek, (chunkSize - commDataBytesToRead), pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + cursor += (chunkSize - commDataBytesToRead); + } + + /* Don't fall through or else we'll end up treating this chunk as metadata which is incorrect. */ + continue; + } + + + /* "SSND". AIFF/AIFC only. This is the AIFF equivalent of the "data" chunk. */ + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_aiff && drwav_fourcc_equal(header.id.fourcc, "SSND")) { + drwav_uint8 offsetAndBlockSizeData[8]; + drwav_uint32 offset; + + foundChunk_data = DRWAV_TRUE; + + if (drwav__on_read(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, offsetAndBlockSizeData, sizeof(offsetAndBlockSizeData), &cursor) != sizeof(offsetAndBlockSizeData)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* We need to seek forward by the offset. */ + offset = drwav_bytes_to_u32_ex(offsetAndBlockSizeData + 0, pWav->container); + if (drwav__seek_forward(pWav->onSeek, offset, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + cursor += offset; + + pWav->dataChunkDataPos = cursor; + dataChunkSize = chunkSize; + + /* If we're running in sequential mode, or we're not reading metadata, we have enough now that we can get out of the loop. */ + if (sequential || !isProcessingMetadata) { + break; /* No need to keep reading beyond the data chunk. */ + } else { + if (drwav__seek_forward(pWav->onSeek, chunkSize, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + break; + } + cursor += chunkSize; + + continue; /* There may be some more metadata to read. */ + } + } + + + + /* Getting here means it's not a chunk that we care about internally, but might need to be handled as metadata by the caller. */ + if (isProcessingMetadata) { + drwav__metadata_process_chunk(&metadataParser, &header, drwav_metadata_type_all_including_unknown); + + /* Go back to the start of the chunk so we can normalize the position of the cursor. */ + if (drwav__seek_from_start(pWav->onSeek, cursor, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + break; /* Failed to seek. Can't reliable read the remaining chunks. Get out. */ + } + } + + + /* Make sure we skip past the content of this chunk before we go to the next one. */ + chunkSize += header.paddingSize; /* <-- Make sure we seek past the padding. */ + if (drwav__seek_forward(pWav->onSeek, chunkSize, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + break; + } + cursor += chunkSize; + } + + /* There's some mandatory chunks that must exist. If they were not found in the iteration above we must abort. */ + if (!foundChunk_fmt || !foundChunk_data) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* Basic validation. */ + if ((fmt.sampleRate == 0 || fmt.sampleRate > DRWAV_MAX_SAMPLE_RATE ) || + (fmt.channels == 0 || fmt.channels > DRWAV_MAX_CHANNELS ) || + (fmt.bitsPerSample == 0 || fmt.bitsPerSample > DRWAV_MAX_BITS_PER_SAMPLE) || + fmt.blockAlign == 0) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Probably an invalid WAV file. */ + } + + /* Translate the internal format. */ + translatedFormatTag = fmt.formatTag; + if (translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) { + translatedFormatTag = drwav_bytes_to_u16_ex(fmt.subFormat + 0, pWav->container); + } + + /* We may have moved passed the data chunk. If so we need to move back. If running in sequential mode we can assume we are already sitting on the data chunk. */ + if (!sequential) { + if (!drwav__seek_from_start(pWav->onSeek, pWav->dataChunkDataPos, pWav->pUserData)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + cursor = pWav->dataChunkDataPos; + } + + + /* + At this point we should have done the initial parsing of each of our chunks, but we now need to + do a second pass to extract the actual contents of the metadata (the first pass just calculated + the length of the memory allocation). + + We only do this if we've actually got metadata to parse. + */ + if (isProcessingMetadata && metadataParser.metadataCount > 0) { + if (drwav__seek_from_start(pWav->onSeek, metadataStartPos, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + result = drwav__metadata_alloc(&metadataParser, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + if (result != DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + metadataParser.stage = drwav__metadata_parser_stage_read; + + for (;;) { + drwav_chunk_header header; + drwav_uint64 metadataBytesRead; + + result = drwav__read_chunk_header(pWav->onRead, pWav->pUserData, pWav->container, &cursor, &header); + if (result != DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + break; + } + + metadataBytesRead = drwav__metadata_process_chunk(&metadataParser, &header, drwav_metadata_type_all_including_unknown); + + /* Move to the end of the chunk so we can keep iterating. */ + if (drwav__seek_forward(pWav->onSeek, (header.sizeInBytes + header.paddingSize) - metadataBytesRead, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + drwav_free(metadataParser.pMetadata, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + } + + /* Getting here means we're finished parsing the metadata. */ + pWav->pMetadata = metadataParser.pMetadata; + pWav->metadataCount = metadataParser.metadataCount; + } + + + /* At this point we should be sitting on the first byte of the raw audio data. */ + + /* + I've seen a WAV file in the wild where a RIFF-ecapsulated file has the size of it's "RIFF" and + "data" chunks set to 0xFFFFFFFF when the file is definitely not that big. In this case we're + going to have to calculate the size by reading and discarding bytes, and then seeking back. We + cannot do this in sequential mode. We just assume that the rest of the file is audio data. + */ + if (dataChunkSize == 0xFFFFFFFF && (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff || pWav->container == drwav_container_rifx) && pWav->isSequentialWrite == DRWAV_FALSE) { + dataChunkSize = 0; + + for (;;) { + drwav_uint8 temp[4096]; + size_t bytesRead = pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, temp, sizeof(temp)); + dataChunkSize += bytesRead; + + if (bytesRead < sizeof(temp)) { + break; + } + } + } + + if (drwav__seek_from_start(pWav->onSeek, pWav->dataChunkDataPos, pWav->pUserData) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + drwav_free(pWav->pMetadata, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + + pWav->fmt = fmt; + pWav->sampleRate = fmt.sampleRate; + pWav->channels = fmt.channels; + pWav->bitsPerSample = fmt.bitsPerSample; + pWav->bytesRemaining = dataChunkSize; + pWav->translatedFormatTag = translatedFormatTag; + pWav->dataChunkDataSize = dataChunkSize; + + if (sampleCountFromFactChunk != 0) { + pWav->totalPCMFrameCount = sampleCountFromFactChunk; + } else if (aiffFrameCount != 0) { + pWav->totalPCMFrameCount = aiffFrameCount; + } else { + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + drwav_free(pWav->pMetadata, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Invalid file. */ + } + + pWav->totalPCMFrameCount = dataChunkSize / bytesPerFrame; + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) { + drwav_uint64 totalBlockHeaderSizeInBytes; + drwav_uint64 blockCount = dataChunkSize / fmt.blockAlign; + + /* Make sure any trailing partial block is accounted for. */ + if ((blockCount * fmt.blockAlign) < dataChunkSize) { + blockCount += 1; + } + + /* We decode two samples per byte. There will be blockCount headers in the data chunk. This is enough to know how to calculate the total PCM frame count. */ + totalBlockHeaderSizeInBytes = blockCount * (6*fmt.channels); + pWav->totalPCMFrameCount = ((dataChunkSize - totalBlockHeaderSizeInBytes) * 2) / fmt.channels; + } + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { + drwav_uint64 totalBlockHeaderSizeInBytes; + drwav_uint64 blockCount = dataChunkSize / fmt.blockAlign; + + /* Make sure any trailing partial block is accounted for. */ + if ((blockCount * fmt.blockAlign) < dataChunkSize) { + blockCount += 1; + } + + /* We decode two samples per byte. There will be blockCount headers in the data chunk. This is enough to know how to calculate the total PCM frame count. */ + totalBlockHeaderSizeInBytes = blockCount * (4*fmt.channels); + pWav->totalPCMFrameCount = ((dataChunkSize - totalBlockHeaderSizeInBytes) * 2) / fmt.channels; + + /* The header includes a decoded sample for each channel which acts as the initial predictor sample. */ + pWav->totalPCMFrameCount += blockCount; + } + } + + /* Some formats only support a certain number of channels. */ + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM || pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { + if (pWav->channels > 2) { + drwav_free(pWav->pMetadata, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + } + + /* The number of bytes per frame must be known. If not, it's an invalid file and not decodable. */ + if (drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav) == 0) { + drwav_free(pWav->pMetadata, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + +#ifdef DR_WAV_LIBSNDFILE_COMPAT + /* + I use libsndfile as a benchmark for testing, however in the version I'm using (from the Windows installer on the libsndfile website), + it appears the total sample count libsndfile uses for MS-ADPCM is incorrect. It would seem they are computing the total sample count + from the number of blocks, however this results in the inclusion of extra silent samples at the end of the last block. The correct + way to know the total sample count is to inspect the "fact" chunk, which should always be present for compressed formats, and should + always include the sample count. This little block of code below is only used to emulate the libsndfile logic so I can properly run my + correctness tests against libsndfile, and is disabled by default. + */ + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) { + drwav_uint64 blockCount = dataChunkSize / fmt.blockAlign; + pWav->totalPCMFrameCount = (((blockCount * (fmt.blockAlign - (6*pWav->channels))) * 2)) / fmt.channels; /* x2 because two samples per byte. */ + } + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { + drwav_uint64 blockCount = dataChunkSize / fmt.blockAlign; + pWav->totalPCMFrameCount = (((blockCount * (fmt.blockAlign - (4*pWav->channels))) * 2) + (blockCount * pWav->channels)) / fmt.channels; + } +#endif + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init(drwav* pWav, drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + return drwav_init_ex(pWav, onRead, onSeek, NULL, pUserData, NULL, 0, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_ex(drwav* pWav, drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, drwav_chunk_proc onChunk, void* pReadSeekUserData, void* pChunkUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (!drwav_preinit(pWav, onRead, onSeek, pReadSeekUserData, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + return drwav_init__internal(pWav, onChunk, pChunkUserData, flags); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_with_metadata(drwav* pWav, drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (!drwav_preinit(pWav, onRead, onSeek, pUserData, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + return drwav_init__internal(pWav, NULL, NULL, flags | DRWAV_WITH_METADATA); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_metadata* drwav_take_ownership_of_metadata(drwav* pWav) +{ + drwav_metadata *result = pWav->pMetadata; + + pWav->pMetadata = NULL; + pWav->metadataCount = 0; + + return result; +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write(drwav* pWav, const void* pData, size_t dataSize) +{ + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav->onWrite != NULL); + + /* Generic write. Assumes no byte reordering required. */ + return pWav->onWrite(pWav->pUserData, pData, dataSize); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_byte(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint8 byte) +{ + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav->onWrite != NULL); + + return pWav->onWrite(pWav->pUserData, &byte, 1); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_u16ne_to_le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint16 value) +{ + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav->onWrite != NULL); + + if (!drwav__is_little_endian()) { + value = drwav__bswap16(value); + } + + return drwav__write(pWav, &value, 2); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint32 value) +{ + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav->onWrite != NULL); + + if (!drwav__is_little_endian()) { + value = drwav__bswap32(value); + } + + return drwav__write(pWav, &value, 4); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 value) +{ + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav->onWrite != NULL); + + if (!drwav__is_little_endian()) { + value = drwav__bswap64(value); + } + + return drwav__write(pWav, &value, 8); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_f32ne_to_le(drwav* pWav, float value) +{ + union { + drwav_uint32 u32; + float f32; + } u; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav->onWrite != NULL); + + u.f32 = value; + + if (!drwav__is_little_endian()) { + u.u32 = drwav__bswap32(u.u32); + } + + return drwav__write(pWav, &u.u32, 4); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_or_count(drwav* pWav, const void* pData, size_t dataSize) +{ + if (pWav == NULL) { + return dataSize; + } + + return drwav__write(pWav, pData, dataSize); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_or_count_byte(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint8 byte) +{ + if (pWav == NULL) { + return 1; + } + + return drwav__write_byte(pWav, byte); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint16 value) +{ + if (pWav == NULL) { + return 2; + } + + return drwav__write_u16ne_to_le(pWav, value); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint32 value) +{ + if (pWav == NULL) { + return 4; + } + + return drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, value); +} + +#if 0 /* Unused for now. */ +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_or_count_u64ne_to_le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 value) +{ + if (pWav == NULL) { + return 8; + } + + return drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, value); +} +#endif + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_or_count_f32ne_to_le(drwav* pWav, float value) +{ + if (pWav == NULL) { + return 4; + } + + return drwav__write_f32ne_to_le(pWav, value); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_or_count_string_to_fixed_size_buf(drwav* pWav, char* str, size_t bufFixedSize) +{ + size_t len; + + if (pWav == NULL) { + return bufFixedSize; + } + + len = drwav__strlen_clamped(str, bufFixedSize); + drwav__write_or_count(pWav, str, len); + + if (len < bufFixedSize) { + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < bufFixedSize - len; ++i) { + drwav__write_byte(pWav, 0); + } + } + + return bufFixedSize; +} + + +/* pWav can be NULL meaning just count the bytes that would be written. */ +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__write_or_count_metadata(drwav* pWav, drwav_metadata* pMetadatas, drwav_uint32 metadataCount) +{ + size_t bytesWritten = 0; + drwav_bool32 hasListAdtl = DRWAV_FALSE; + drwav_bool32 hasListInfo = DRWAV_FALSE; + drwav_uint32 iMetadata; + + if (pMetadatas == NULL || metadataCount == 0) { + return 0; + } + + for (iMetadata = 0; iMetadata < metadataCount; ++iMetadata) { + drwav_metadata* pMetadata = &pMetadatas[iMetadata]; + drwav_uint32 chunkSize = 0; + + if ((pMetadata->type & drwav_metadata_type_list_all_info_strings) || (pMetadata->type == drwav_metadata_type_unknown && pMetadata->data.unknown.chunkLocation == drwav_metadata_location_inside_info_list)) { + hasListInfo = DRWAV_TRUE; + } + + if ((pMetadata->type & drwav_metadata_type_list_all_adtl) || (pMetadata->type == drwav_metadata_type_unknown && pMetadata->data.unknown.chunkLocation == drwav_metadata_location_inside_adtl_list)) { + hasListAdtl = DRWAV_TRUE; + } + + switch (pMetadata->type) { + case drwav_metadata_type_smpl: + { + drwav_uint32 iLoop; + + chunkSize = DRWAV_SMPL_BYTES + DRWAV_SMPL_LOOP_BYTES * pMetadata->data.smpl.sampleLoopCount + pMetadata->data.smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes; + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, "smpl", 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSize); + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.manufacturerId); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.productId); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.samplePeriodNanoseconds); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.midiUnityNote); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.midiPitchFraction); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.smpteFormat); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.smpteOffset); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.sampleLoopCount); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes); + + for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < pMetadata->data.smpl.sampleLoopCount; ++iLoop) { + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iLoop].cuePointId); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iLoop].type); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iLoop].firstSampleByteOffset); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iLoop].lastSampleByteOffset); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iLoop].sampleFraction); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.pLoops[iLoop].playCount); + } + + if (pMetadata->data.smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes > 0) { + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.smpl.pSamplerSpecificData, pMetadata->data.smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes); + } + } break; + + case drwav_metadata_type_inst: + { + chunkSize = DRWAV_INST_BYTES; + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, "inst", 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSize); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, &pMetadata->data.inst.midiUnityNote, 1); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, &pMetadata->data.inst.fineTuneCents, 1); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, &pMetadata->data.inst.gainDecibels, 1); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, &pMetadata->data.inst.lowNote, 1); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, &pMetadata->data.inst.highNote, 1); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, &pMetadata->data.inst.lowVelocity, 1); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, &pMetadata->data.inst.highVelocity, 1); + } break; + + case drwav_metadata_type_cue: + { + drwav_uint32 iCuePoint; + + chunkSize = DRWAV_CUE_BYTES + DRWAV_CUE_POINT_BYTES * pMetadata->data.cue.cuePointCount; + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, "cue ", 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSize); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.cue.cuePointCount); + for (iCuePoint = 0; iCuePoint < pMetadata->data.cue.cuePointCount; ++iCuePoint) { + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].id); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].playOrderPosition); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].dataChunkId, 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].chunkStart); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].blockStart); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.cue.pCuePoints[iCuePoint].sampleByteOffset); + } + } break; + + case drwav_metadata_type_acid: + { + chunkSize = DRWAV_ACID_BYTES; + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, "acid", 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSize); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.acid.flags); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.acid.midiUnityNote); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.acid.reserved1); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_f32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.acid.reserved2); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.acid.numBeats); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.acid.meterDenominator); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.acid.meterNumerator); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_f32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.acid.tempo); + } break; + + case drwav_metadata_type_bext: + { + char reservedBuf[DRWAV_BEXT_RESERVED_BYTES]; + drwav_uint32 timeReferenceLow; + drwav_uint32 timeReferenceHigh; + + chunkSize = DRWAV_BEXT_BYTES + pMetadata->data.bext.codingHistorySize; + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, "bext", 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSize); + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_string_to_fixed_size_buf(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.pDescription, DRWAV_BEXT_DESCRIPTION_BYTES); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_string_to_fixed_size_buf(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginatorName, DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_NAME_BYTES); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_string_to_fixed_size_buf(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginatorReference, DRWAV_BEXT_ORIGINATOR_REF_BYTES); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginationDate, sizeof(pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginationDate)); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginationTime, sizeof(pMetadata->data.bext.pOriginationTime)); + + timeReferenceLow = (drwav_uint32)(pMetadata->data.bext.timeReference & 0xFFFFFFFF); + timeReferenceHigh = (drwav_uint32)(pMetadata->data.bext.timeReference >> 32); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, timeReferenceLow); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, timeReferenceHigh); + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.version); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.pUMID, DRWAV_BEXT_UMID_BYTES); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.loudnessValue); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.loudnessRange); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.maxTruePeakLevel); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.maxMomentaryLoudness); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.maxShortTermLoudness); + + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(reservedBuf, sizeof(reservedBuf)); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, reservedBuf, sizeof(reservedBuf)); + + if (pMetadata->data.bext.codingHistorySize > 0) { + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.bext.pCodingHistory, pMetadata->data.bext.codingHistorySize); + } + } break; + + case drwav_metadata_type_unknown: + { + if (pMetadata->data.unknown.chunkLocation == drwav_metadata_location_top_level) { + chunkSize = pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes; + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.unknown.id, 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSize); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.unknown.pData, pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes); + } + } break; + + default: break; + } + if ((chunkSize % 2) != 0) { + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_byte(pWav, 0); + } + } + + if (hasListInfo) { + drwav_uint32 chunkSize = 4; /* Start with 4 bytes for "INFO". */ + for (iMetadata = 0; iMetadata < metadataCount; ++iMetadata) { + drwav_metadata* pMetadata = &pMetadatas[iMetadata]; + + if ((pMetadata->type & drwav_metadata_type_list_all_info_strings)) { + chunkSize += 8; /* For id and string size. */ + chunkSize += pMetadata->data.infoText.stringLength + 1; /* Include null terminator. */ + } else if (pMetadata->type == drwav_metadata_type_unknown && pMetadata->data.unknown.chunkLocation == drwav_metadata_location_inside_info_list) { + chunkSize += 8; /* For id string size. */ + chunkSize += pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes; + } + + if ((chunkSize % 2) != 0) { + chunkSize += 1; + } + } + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, "LIST", 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSize); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, "INFO", 4); + + for (iMetadata = 0; iMetadata < metadataCount; ++iMetadata) { + drwav_metadata* pMetadata = &pMetadatas[iMetadata]; + drwav_uint32 subchunkSize = 0; + + if (pMetadata->type & drwav_metadata_type_list_all_info_strings) { + const char* pID = NULL; + + switch (pMetadata->type) { + case drwav_metadata_type_list_info_software: pID = "ISFT"; break; + case drwav_metadata_type_list_info_copyright: pID = "ICOP"; break; + case drwav_metadata_type_list_info_title: pID = "INAM"; break; + case drwav_metadata_type_list_info_artist: pID = "IART"; break; + case drwav_metadata_type_list_info_comment: pID = "ICMT"; break; + case drwav_metadata_type_list_info_date: pID = "ICRD"; break; + case drwav_metadata_type_list_info_genre: pID = "IGNR"; break; + case drwav_metadata_type_list_info_album: pID = "IPRD"; break; + case drwav_metadata_type_list_info_tracknumber: pID = "ITRK"; break; + default: break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pID != NULL); + + if (pMetadata->data.infoText.stringLength) { + subchunkSize = pMetadata->data.infoText.stringLength + 1; + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pID, 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, subchunkSize); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.infoText.pString, pMetadata->data.infoText.stringLength); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_byte(pWav, '\0'); + } + } else if (pMetadata->type == drwav_metadata_type_unknown && pMetadata->data.unknown.chunkLocation == drwav_metadata_location_inside_info_list) { + if (pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes) { + subchunkSize = pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes; + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.unknown.id, 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.unknown.pData, subchunkSize); + } + } + + if ((subchunkSize % 2) != 0) { + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_byte(pWav, 0); + } + } + } + + if (hasListAdtl) { + drwav_uint32 chunkSize = 4; /* start with 4 bytes for "adtl" */ + + for (iMetadata = 0; iMetadata < metadataCount; ++iMetadata) { + drwav_metadata* pMetadata = &pMetadatas[iMetadata]; + + switch (pMetadata->type) + { + case drwav_metadata_type_list_label: + case drwav_metadata_type_list_note: + { + chunkSize += 8; /* for id and chunk size */ + chunkSize += DRWAV_LIST_LABEL_OR_NOTE_BYTES; + + if (pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.stringLength > 0) { + chunkSize += pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.stringLength + 1; + } + } break; + + case drwav_metadata_type_list_labelled_cue_region: + { + chunkSize += 8; /* for id and chunk size */ + chunkSize += DRWAV_LIST_LABELLED_TEXT_BYTES; + + if (pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.stringLength > 0) { + chunkSize += pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.stringLength + 1; + } + } break; + + case drwav_metadata_type_unknown: + { + if (pMetadata->data.unknown.chunkLocation == drwav_metadata_location_inside_adtl_list) { + chunkSize += 8; /* for id and chunk size */ + chunkSize += pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes; + } + } break; + + default: break; + } + + if ((chunkSize % 2) != 0) { + chunkSize += 1; + } + } + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, "LIST", 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSize); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, "adtl", 4); + + for (iMetadata = 0; iMetadata < metadataCount; ++iMetadata) { + drwav_metadata* pMetadata = &pMetadatas[iMetadata]; + drwav_uint32 subchunkSize = 0; + + switch (pMetadata->type) + { + case drwav_metadata_type_list_label: + case drwav_metadata_type_list_note: + { + if (pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.stringLength > 0) { + const char *pID = NULL; + + if (pMetadata->type == drwav_metadata_type_list_label) { + pID = "labl"; + } + else if (pMetadata->type == drwav_metadata_type_list_note) { + pID = "note"; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pID != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.pString != NULL); + + subchunkSize = DRWAV_LIST_LABEL_OR_NOTE_BYTES; + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pID, 4); + subchunkSize += pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.stringLength + 1; + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, subchunkSize); + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.cuePointId); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.pString, pMetadata->data.labelOrNote.stringLength); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_byte(pWav, '\0'); + } + } break; + + case drwav_metadata_type_list_labelled_cue_region: + { + subchunkSize = DRWAV_LIST_LABELLED_TEXT_BYTES; + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, "ltxt", 4); + if (pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.stringLength > 0) { + subchunkSize += pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.stringLength + 1; + } + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, subchunkSize); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.cuePointId); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.sampleLength); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.purposeId, 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.country); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.language); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.dialect); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.codePage); + + if (pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.stringLength > 0) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.pString != NULL); + + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.pString, pMetadata->data.labelledCueRegion.stringLength); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_byte(pWav, '\0'); + } + } break; + + case drwav_metadata_type_unknown: + { + if (pMetadata->data.unknown.chunkLocation == drwav_metadata_location_inside_adtl_list) { + subchunkSize = pMetadata->data.unknown.dataSizeInBytes; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pMetadata->data.unknown.pData != NULL); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.unknown.id, 4); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_u32ne_to_le(pWav, subchunkSize); + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count(pWav, pMetadata->data.unknown.pData, subchunkSize); + } + } break; + + default: break; + } + + if ((subchunkSize % 2) != 0) { + bytesWritten += drwav__write_or_count_byte(pWav, 0); + } + } + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT((bytesWritten % 2) == 0); + + return bytesWritten; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint32 drwav__riff_chunk_size_riff(drwav_uint64 dataChunkSize, drwav_metadata* pMetadata, drwav_uint32 metadataCount) +{ + drwav_uint64 chunkSize = 4 + 24 + (drwav_uint64)drwav__write_or_count_metadata(NULL, pMetadata, metadataCount) + 8 + dataChunkSize + drwav__chunk_padding_size_riff(dataChunkSize); /* 4 = "WAVE". 24 = "fmt " chunk. 8 = "data" + u32 data size. */ + if (chunkSize > 0xFFFFFFFFUL) { + chunkSize = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; + } + + return (drwav_uint32)chunkSize; /* Safe cast due to the clamp above. */ +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint32 drwav__data_chunk_size_riff(drwav_uint64 dataChunkSize) +{ + if (dataChunkSize <= 0xFFFFFFFFUL) { + return (drwav_uint32)dataChunkSize; + } else { + return 0xFFFFFFFFUL; + } +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__riff_chunk_size_w64(drwav_uint64 dataChunkSize) +{ + drwav_uint64 dataSubchunkPaddingSize = drwav__chunk_padding_size_w64(dataChunkSize); + + return 80 + 24 + dataChunkSize + dataSubchunkPaddingSize; /* +24 because W64 includes the size of the GUID and size fields. */ +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__data_chunk_size_w64(drwav_uint64 dataChunkSize) +{ + return 24 + dataChunkSize; /* +24 because W64 includes the size of the GUID and size fields. */ +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__riff_chunk_size_rf64(drwav_uint64 dataChunkSize, drwav_metadata *metadata, drwav_uint32 numMetadata) +{ + drwav_uint64 chunkSize = 4 + 36 + 24 + (drwav_uint64)drwav__write_or_count_metadata(NULL, metadata, numMetadata) + 8 + dataChunkSize + drwav__chunk_padding_size_riff(dataChunkSize); /* 4 = "WAVE". 36 = "ds64" chunk. 24 = "fmt " chunk. 8 = "data" + u32 data size. */ + if (chunkSize > 0xFFFFFFFFUL) { + chunkSize = 0xFFFFFFFFUL; + } + + return chunkSize; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav__data_chunk_size_rf64(drwav_uint64 dataChunkSize) +{ + return dataChunkSize; +} + + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_preinit_write(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_bool32 isSequential, drwav_write_proc onWrite, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pWav == NULL || onWrite == NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (!isSequential && onSeek == NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* <-- onSeek is required when in non-sequential mode. */ + } + + /* Not currently supporting compressed formats. Will need to add support for the "fact" chunk before we enable this. */ + if (pFormat->format == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + if (pFormat->format == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM || pFormat->format == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(pWav, sizeof(*pWav)); + pWav->onWrite = onWrite; + pWav->onSeek = onSeek; + pWav->pUserData = pUserData; + pWav->allocationCallbacks = drwav_copy_allocation_callbacks_or_defaults(pAllocationCallbacks); + + if (pWav->allocationCallbacks.onFree == NULL || (pWav->allocationCallbacks.onMalloc == NULL && pWav->allocationCallbacks.onRealloc == NULL)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Invalid allocation callbacks. */ + } + + pWav->fmt.formatTag = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->format; + pWav->fmt.channels = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->channels; + pWav->fmt.sampleRate = pFormat->sampleRate; + pWav->fmt.avgBytesPerSec = (drwav_uint32)((pFormat->bitsPerSample * pFormat->sampleRate * pFormat->channels) / 8); + pWav->fmt.blockAlign = (drwav_uint16)((pFormat->channels * pFormat->bitsPerSample) / 8); + pWav->fmt.bitsPerSample = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->bitsPerSample; + pWav->fmt.extendedSize = 0; + pWav->isSequentialWrite = isSequential; + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write__internal(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount) +{ + /* The function assumes drwav_preinit_write() was called beforehand. */ + + size_t runningPos = 0; + drwav_uint64 initialDataChunkSize = 0; + drwav_uint64 chunkSizeFMT; + + /* + The initial values for the "RIFF" and "data" chunks depends on whether or not we are initializing in sequential mode or not. In + sequential mode we set this to its final values straight away since they can be calculated from the total sample count. In non- + sequential mode we initialize it all to zero and fill it out in drwav_uninit() using a backwards seek. + */ + if (pWav->isSequentialWrite) { + initialDataChunkSize = (totalSampleCount * pWav->fmt.bitsPerSample) / 8; + + /* + The RIFF container has a limit on the number of samples. drwav is not allowing this. There's no practical limits for Wave64 + so for the sake of simplicity I'm not doing any validation for that. + */ + if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_riff) { + if (initialDataChunkSize > (0xFFFFFFFFUL - 36)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Not enough room to store every sample. */ + } + } + } + + pWav->dataChunkDataSizeTargetWrite = initialDataChunkSize; + + + /* "RIFF" chunk. */ + if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_riff) { + drwav_uint32 chunkSizeRIFF = 28 + (drwav_uint32)initialDataChunkSize; /* +28 = "WAVE" + [sizeof "fmt " chunk] */ + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, "RIFF", 4); + runningPos += drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSizeRIFF); + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, "WAVE", 4); + } else if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_w64) { + drwav_uint64 chunkSizeRIFF = 80 + 24 + initialDataChunkSize; /* +24 because W64 includes the size of the GUID and size fields. */ + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, drwavGUID_W64_RIFF, 16); + runningPos += drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSizeRIFF); + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, drwavGUID_W64_WAVE, 16); + } else if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, "RF64", 4); + runningPos += drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, 0xFFFFFFFF); /* Always 0xFFFFFFFF for RF64. Set to a proper value in the "ds64" chunk. */ + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, "WAVE", 4); + } else { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Container not supported for writing. */ + } + + + /* "ds64" chunk (RF64 only). */ + if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + drwav_uint32 initialds64ChunkSize = 28; /* 28 = [Size of RIFF (8 bytes)] + [Size of DATA (8 bytes)] + [Sample Count (8 bytes)] + [Table Length (4 bytes)]. Table length always set to 0. */ + drwav_uint64 initialRiffChunkSize = 8 + initialds64ChunkSize + initialDataChunkSize; /* +8 for the ds64 header. */ + + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, "ds64", 4); + runningPos += drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, initialds64ChunkSize); /* Size of ds64. */ + runningPos += drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, initialRiffChunkSize); /* Size of RIFF. Set to true value at the end. */ + runningPos += drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, initialDataChunkSize); /* Size of DATA. Set to true value at the end. */ + runningPos += drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, totalSampleCount); /* Sample count. */ + runningPos += drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, 0); /* Table length. Always set to zero in our case since we're not doing any other chunks than "DATA". */ + } + + + /* "fmt " chunk. */ + if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_riff || pFormat->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + chunkSizeFMT = 16; + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, "fmt ", 4); + runningPos += drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, (drwav_uint32)chunkSizeFMT); + } else if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_w64) { + chunkSizeFMT = 40; + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, drwavGUID_W64_FMT, 16); + runningPos += drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSizeFMT); + } + + runningPos += drwav__write_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pWav->fmt.formatTag); + runningPos += drwav__write_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pWav->fmt.channels); + runningPos += drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pWav->fmt.sampleRate); + runningPos += drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, pWav->fmt.avgBytesPerSec); + runningPos += drwav__write_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pWav->fmt.blockAlign); + runningPos += drwav__write_u16ne_to_le(pWav, pWav->fmt.bitsPerSample); + + /* TODO: is a 'fact' chunk required for DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT? */ + + if (!pWav->isSequentialWrite && pWav->pMetadata != NULL && pWav->metadataCount > 0 && (pFormat->container == drwav_container_riff || pFormat->container == drwav_container_rf64)) { + runningPos += drwav__write_or_count_metadata(pWav, pWav->pMetadata, pWav->metadataCount); + } + + pWav->dataChunkDataPos = runningPos; + + /* "data" chunk. */ + if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_riff) { + drwav_uint32 chunkSizeDATA = (drwav_uint32)initialDataChunkSize; + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, "data", 4); + runningPos += drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSizeDATA); + } else if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_w64) { + drwav_uint64 chunkSizeDATA = 24 + initialDataChunkSize; /* +24 because W64 includes the size of the GUID and size fields. */ + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, drwavGUID_W64_DATA, 16); + runningPos += drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, chunkSizeDATA); + } else if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + runningPos += drwav__write(pWav, "data", 4); + runningPos += drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, 0xFFFFFFFF); /* Always set to 0xFFFFFFFF for RF64. The true size of the data chunk is specified in the ds64 chunk. */ + } + + /* Set some properties for the client's convenience. */ + pWav->container = pFormat->container; + pWav->channels = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->channels; + pWav->sampleRate = pFormat->sampleRate; + pWav->bitsPerSample = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->bitsPerSample; + pWav->translatedFormatTag = (drwav_uint16)pFormat->format; + pWav->dataChunkDataPos = runningPos; + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_write_proc onWrite, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (!drwav_preinit_write(pWav, pFormat, DRWAV_FALSE, onWrite, onSeek, pUserData, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + return drwav_init_write__internal(pWav, pFormat, 0); /* DRWAV_FALSE = Not Sequential */ +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write_sequential(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, drwav_write_proc onWrite, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (!drwav_preinit_write(pWav, pFormat, DRWAV_TRUE, onWrite, NULL, pUserData, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + return drwav_init_write__internal(pWav, pFormat, totalSampleCount); /* DRWAV_TRUE = Sequential */ +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write_sequential_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount, drwav_write_proc onWrite, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pFormat == NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + return drwav_init_write_sequential(pWav, pFormat, totalPCMFrameCount*pFormat->channels, onWrite, pUserData, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_write_with_metadata(drwav* pWav, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_write_proc onWrite, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks, drwav_metadata* pMetadata, drwav_uint32 metadataCount) +{ + if (!drwav_preinit_write(pWav, pFormat, DRWAV_FALSE, onWrite, onSeek, pUserData, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + pWav->pMetadata = pMetadata; + pWav->metadataCount = metadataCount; + + return drwav_init_write__internal(pWav, pFormat, 0); +} + + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_target_write_size_bytes(const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalFrameCount, drwav_metadata* pMetadata, drwav_uint32 metadataCount) +{ + /* Casting totalFrameCount to drwav_int64 for VC6 compatibility. No issues in practice because nobody is going to exhaust the whole 63 bits. */ + drwav_uint64 targetDataSizeBytes = (drwav_uint64)((drwav_int64)totalFrameCount * pFormat->channels * pFormat->bitsPerSample/8.0); + drwav_uint64 riffChunkSizeBytes; + drwav_uint64 fileSizeBytes = 0; + + if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_riff) { + riffChunkSizeBytes = drwav__riff_chunk_size_riff(targetDataSizeBytes, pMetadata, metadataCount); + fileSizeBytes = (8 + riffChunkSizeBytes); /* +8 because WAV doesn't include the size of the ChunkID and ChunkSize fields. */ + } else if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_w64) { + riffChunkSizeBytes = drwav__riff_chunk_size_w64(targetDataSizeBytes); + fileSizeBytes = riffChunkSizeBytes; + } else if (pFormat->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + riffChunkSizeBytes = drwav__riff_chunk_size_rf64(targetDataSizeBytes, pMetadata, metadataCount); + fileSizeBytes = (8 + riffChunkSizeBytes); /* +8 because WAV doesn't include the size of the ChunkID and ChunkSize fields. */ + } + + return fileSizeBytes; +} + + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO + +/* Errno */ +/* drwav_result_from_errno() is only used for fopen() and wfopen() so putting it inside DR_WAV_NO_STDIO for now. If something else needs this later we can move it out. */ +#include +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_result drwav_result_from_errno(int e) +{ + switch (e) + { + case 0: return DRWAV_SUCCESS; + #ifdef EPERM + case EPERM: return DRWAV_INVALID_OPERATION; + #endif + #ifdef ENOENT + case ENOENT: return DRWAV_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + #endif + #ifdef ESRCH + case ESRCH: return DRWAV_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + #endif + #ifdef EINTR + case EINTR: return DRWAV_INTERRUPT; + #endif + #ifdef EIO + case EIO: return DRWAV_IO_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENXIO + case ENXIO: return DRWAV_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + #endif + #ifdef E2BIG + case E2BIG: return DRWAV_INVALID_ARGS; + #endif + #ifdef ENOEXEC + case ENOEXEC: return DRWAV_INVALID_FILE; + #endif + #ifdef EBADF + case EBADF: return DRWAV_INVALID_FILE; + #endif + #ifdef ECHILD + case ECHILD: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EAGAIN + case EAGAIN: return DRWAV_UNAVAILABLE; + #endif + #ifdef ENOMEM + case ENOMEM: return DRWAV_OUT_OF_MEMORY; + #endif + #ifdef EACCES + case EACCES: return DRWAV_ACCESS_DENIED; + #endif + #ifdef EFAULT + case EFAULT: return DRWAV_BAD_ADDRESS; + #endif + #ifdef ENOTBLK + case ENOTBLK: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EBUSY + case EBUSY: return DRWAV_BUSY; + #endif + #ifdef EEXIST + case EEXIST: return DRWAV_ALREADY_EXISTS; + #endif + #ifdef EXDEV + case EXDEV: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENODEV + case ENODEV: return DRWAV_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + #endif + #ifdef ENOTDIR + case ENOTDIR: return DRWAV_NOT_DIRECTORY; + #endif + #ifdef EISDIR + case EISDIR: return DRWAV_IS_DIRECTORY; + #endif + #ifdef EINVAL + case EINVAL: return DRWAV_INVALID_ARGS; + #endif + #ifdef ENFILE + case ENFILE: return DRWAV_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; + #endif + #ifdef EMFILE + case EMFILE: return DRWAV_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; + #endif + #ifdef ENOTTY + case ENOTTY: return DRWAV_INVALID_OPERATION; + #endif + #ifdef ETXTBSY + case ETXTBSY: return DRWAV_BUSY; + #endif + #ifdef EFBIG + case EFBIG: return DRWAV_TOO_BIG; + #endif + #ifdef ENOSPC + case ENOSPC: return DRWAV_NO_SPACE; + #endif + #ifdef ESPIPE + case ESPIPE: return DRWAV_BAD_SEEK; + #endif + #ifdef EROFS + case EROFS: return DRWAV_ACCESS_DENIED; + #endif + #ifdef EMLINK + case EMLINK: return DRWAV_TOO_MANY_LINKS; + #endif + #ifdef EPIPE + case EPIPE: return DRWAV_BAD_PIPE; + #endif + #ifdef EDOM + case EDOM: return DRWAV_OUT_OF_RANGE; + #endif + #ifdef ERANGE + case ERANGE: return DRWAV_OUT_OF_RANGE; + #endif + #ifdef EDEADLK + case EDEADLK: return DRWAV_DEADLOCK; + #endif + #ifdef ENAMETOOLONG + case ENAMETOOLONG: return DRWAV_PATH_TOO_LONG; + #endif + #ifdef ENOLCK + case ENOLCK: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENOSYS + case ENOSYS: return DRWAV_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; + #endif + #ifdef ENOTEMPTY + case ENOTEMPTY: return DRWAV_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY; + #endif + #ifdef ELOOP + case ELOOP: return DRWAV_TOO_MANY_LINKS; + #endif + #ifdef ENOMSG + case ENOMSG: return DRWAV_NO_MESSAGE; + #endif + #ifdef EIDRM + case EIDRM: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ECHRNG + case ECHRNG: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EL2NSYNC + case EL2NSYNC: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EL3HLT + case EL3HLT: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EL3RST + case EL3RST: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ELNRNG + case ELNRNG: return DRWAV_OUT_OF_RANGE; + #endif + #ifdef EUNATCH + case EUNATCH: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENOCSI + case ENOCSI: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EL2HLT + case EL2HLT: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EBADE + case EBADE: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EBADR + case EBADR: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EXFULL + case EXFULL: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENOANO + case ENOANO: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EBADRQC + case EBADRQC: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EBADSLT + case EBADSLT: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EBFONT + case EBFONT: return DRWAV_INVALID_FILE; + #endif + #ifdef ENOSTR + case ENOSTR: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENODATA + case ENODATA: return DRWAV_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE; + #endif + #ifdef ETIME + case ETIME: return DRWAV_TIMEOUT; + #endif + #ifdef ENOSR + case ENOSR: return DRWAV_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE; + #endif + #ifdef ENONET + case ENONET: return DRWAV_NO_NETWORK; + #endif + #ifdef ENOPKG + case ENOPKG: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EREMOTE + case EREMOTE: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENOLINK + case ENOLINK: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EADV + case EADV: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ESRMNT + case ESRMNT: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ECOMM + case ECOMM: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EPROTO + case EPROTO: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EMULTIHOP + case EMULTIHOP: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EDOTDOT + case EDOTDOT: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EBADMSG + case EBADMSG: return DRWAV_BAD_MESSAGE; + #endif + #ifdef EOVERFLOW + case EOVERFLOW: return DRWAV_TOO_BIG; + #endif + #ifdef ENOTUNIQ + case ENOTUNIQ: return DRWAV_NOT_UNIQUE; + #endif + #ifdef EBADFD + case EBADFD: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EREMCHG + case EREMCHG: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ELIBACC + case ELIBACC: return DRWAV_ACCESS_DENIED; + #endif + #ifdef ELIBBAD + case ELIBBAD: return DRWAV_INVALID_FILE; + #endif + #ifdef ELIBSCN + case ELIBSCN: return DRWAV_INVALID_FILE; + #endif + #ifdef ELIBMAX + case ELIBMAX: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ELIBEXEC + case ELIBEXEC: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EILSEQ + case EILSEQ: return DRWAV_INVALID_DATA; + #endif + #ifdef ERESTART + case ERESTART: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ESTRPIPE + case ESTRPIPE: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EUSERS + case EUSERS: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENOTSOCK + case ENOTSOCK: return DRWAV_NOT_SOCKET; + #endif + #ifdef EDESTADDRREQ + case EDESTADDRREQ: return DRWAV_NO_ADDRESS; + #endif + #ifdef EMSGSIZE + case EMSGSIZE: return DRWAV_TOO_BIG; + #endif + #ifdef EPROTOTYPE + case EPROTOTYPE: return DRWAV_BAD_PROTOCOL; + #endif + #ifdef ENOPROTOOPT + case ENOPROTOOPT: return DRWAV_PROTOCOL_UNAVAILABLE; + #endif + #ifdef EPROTONOSUPPORT + case EPROTONOSUPPORT: return DRWAV_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED; + #endif + #ifdef ESOCKTNOSUPPORT + case ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: return DRWAV_SOCKET_NOT_SUPPORTED; + #endif + #ifdef EOPNOTSUPP + case EOPNOTSUPP: return DRWAV_INVALID_OPERATION; + #endif + #ifdef EPFNOSUPPORT + case EPFNOSUPPORT: return DRWAV_PROTOCOL_FAMILY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + #endif + #ifdef EAFNOSUPPORT + case EAFNOSUPPORT: return DRWAV_ADDRESS_FAMILY_NOT_SUPPORTED; + #endif + #ifdef EADDRINUSE + case EADDRINUSE: return DRWAV_ALREADY_IN_USE; + #endif + #ifdef EADDRNOTAVAIL + case EADDRNOTAVAIL: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENETDOWN + case ENETDOWN: return DRWAV_NO_NETWORK; + #endif + #ifdef ENETUNREACH + case ENETUNREACH: return DRWAV_NO_NETWORK; + #endif + #ifdef ENETRESET + case ENETRESET: return DRWAV_NO_NETWORK; + #endif + #ifdef ECONNABORTED + case ECONNABORTED: return DRWAV_NO_NETWORK; + #endif + #ifdef ECONNRESET + case ECONNRESET: return DRWAV_CONNECTION_RESET; + #endif + #ifdef ENOBUFS + case ENOBUFS: return DRWAV_NO_SPACE; + #endif + #ifdef EISCONN + case EISCONN: return DRWAV_ALREADY_CONNECTED; + #endif + #ifdef ENOTCONN + case ENOTCONN: return DRWAV_NOT_CONNECTED; + #endif + #ifdef ESHUTDOWN + case ESHUTDOWN: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ETOOMANYREFS + case ETOOMANYREFS: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ETIMEDOUT + case ETIMEDOUT: return DRWAV_TIMEOUT; + #endif + #ifdef ECONNREFUSED + case ECONNREFUSED: return DRWAV_CONNECTION_REFUSED; + #endif + #ifdef EHOSTDOWN + case EHOSTDOWN: return DRWAV_NO_HOST; + #endif + #ifdef EHOSTUNREACH + case EHOSTUNREACH: return DRWAV_NO_HOST; + #endif + #ifdef EALREADY + case EALREADY: return DRWAV_IN_PROGRESS; + #endif + #ifdef EINPROGRESS + case EINPROGRESS: return DRWAV_IN_PROGRESS; + #endif + #ifdef ESTALE + case ESTALE: return DRWAV_INVALID_FILE; + #endif + #ifdef EUCLEAN + case EUCLEAN: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENOTNAM + case ENOTNAM: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENAVAIL + case ENAVAIL: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EISNAM + case EISNAM: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EREMOTEIO + case EREMOTEIO: return DRWAV_IO_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EDQUOT + case EDQUOT: return DRWAV_NO_SPACE; + #endif + #ifdef ENOMEDIUM + case ENOMEDIUM: return DRWAV_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + #endif + #ifdef EMEDIUMTYPE + case EMEDIUMTYPE: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ECANCELED + case ECANCELED: return DRWAV_CANCELLED; + #endif + #ifdef ENOKEY + case ENOKEY: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EKEYEXPIRED + case EKEYEXPIRED: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EKEYREVOKED + case EKEYREVOKED: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EKEYREJECTED + case EKEYREJECTED: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EOWNERDEAD + case EOWNERDEAD: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ENOTRECOVERABLE + case ENOTRECOVERABLE: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef ERFKILL + case ERFKILL: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + #ifdef EHWPOISON + case EHWPOISON: return DRWAV_ERROR; + #endif + default: return DRWAV_ERROR; + } +} +/* End Errno */ + +/* fopen */ +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_result drwav_fopen(FILE** ppFile, const char* pFilePath, const char* pOpenMode) +{ +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 + errno_t err; +#endif + + if (ppFile != NULL) { + *ppFile = NULL; /* Safety. */ + } + + if (pFilePath == NULL || pOpenMode == NULL || ppFile == NULL) { + return DRWAV_INVALID_ARGS; + } + +#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 + err = fopen_s(ppFile, pFilePath, pOpenMode); + if (err != 0) { + return drwav_result_from_errno(err); + } +#else +#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) + *ppFile = fopen(pFilePath, pOpenMode); +#else + #if defined(_FILE_OFFSET_BITS) && _FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64 && defined(_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE) + *ppFile = fopen64(pFilePath, pOpenMode); + #else + *ppFile = fopen(pFilePath, pOpenMode); + #endif +#endif + if (*ppFile == NULL) { + drwav_result result = drwav_result_from_errno(errno); + if (result == DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + result = DRWAV_ERROR; /* Just a safety check to make sure we never ever return success when pFile == NULL. */ + } + + return result; + } +#endif + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} + +/* +_wfopen() isn't always available in all compilation environments. + + * Windows only. + * MSVC seems to support it universally as far back as VC6 from what I can tell (haven't checked further back). + * MinGW-64 (both 32- and 64-bit) seems to support it. + * MinGW wraps it in !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__). + * OpenWatcom wraps it in !defined(_NO_EXT_KEYS). + +This can be reviewed as compatibility issues arise. The preference is to use _wfopen_s() and _wfopen() as opposed to the wcsrtombs() +fallback, so if you notice your compiler not detecting this properly I'm happy to look at adding support. +*/ +#if defined(_WIN32) + #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW64__) || (!defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && !defined(_NO_EXT_KEYS)) + #define DRWAV_HAS_WFOPEN + #endif +#endif + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_result drwav_wfopen(FILE** ppFile, const wchar_t* pFilePath, const wchar_t* pOpenMode, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (ppFile != NULL) { + *ppFile = NULL; /* Safety. */ + } + + if (pFilePath == NULL || pOpenMode == NULL || ppFile == NULL) { + return DRWAV_INVALID_ARGS; + } + +#if defined(DRWAV_HAS_WFOPEN) + { + /* Use _wfopen() on Windows. */ + #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400 + errno_t err = _wfopen_s(ppFile, pFilePath, pOpenMode); + if (err != 0) { + return drwav_result_from_errno(err); + } + #else + *ppFile = _wfopen(pFilePath, pOpenMode); + if (*ppFile == NULL) { + return drwav_result_from_errno(errno); + } + #endif + (void)pAllocationCallbacks; + } +#else + /* + Use fopen() on anything other than Windows. Requires a conversion. This is annoying because + fopen() is locale specific. The only real way I can think of to do this is with wcsrtombs(). Note + that wcstombs() is apparently not thread-safe because it uses a static global mbstate_t object for + maintaining state. I've checked this with -std=c89 and it works, but if somebody get's a compiler + error I'll look into improving compatibility. + */ + + /* + Some compilers don't support wchar_t or wcsrtombs() which we're using below. In this case we just + need to abort with an error. If you encounter a compiler lacking such support, add it to this list + and submit a bug report and it'll be added to the library upstream. + */ + #if defined(__DJGPP__) + { + /* Nothing to do here. This will fall through to the error check below. */ + } + #else + { + mbstate_t mbs; + size_t lenMB; + const wchar_t* pFilePathTemp = pFilePath; + char* pFilePathMB = NULL; + char pOpenModeMB[32] = {0}; + + /* Get the length first. */ + DRWAV_ZERO_OBJECT(&mbs); + lenMB = wcsrtombs(NULL, &pFilePathTemp, 0, &mbs); + if (lenMB == (size_t)-1) { + return drwav_result_from_errno(errno); + } + + pFilePathMB = (char*)drwav__malloc_from_callbacks(lenMB + 1, pAllocationCallbacks); + if (pFilePathMB == NULL) { + return DRWAV_OUT_OF_MEMORY; + } + + pFilePathTemp = pFilePath; + DRWAV_ZERO_OBJECT(&mbs); + wcsrtombs(pFilePathMB, &pFilePathTemp, lenMB + 1, &mbs); + + /* The open mode should always consist of ASCII characters so we should be able to do a trivial conversion. */ + { + size_t i = 0; + for (;;) { + if (pOpenMode[i] == 0) { + pOpenModeMB[i] = '\0'; + break; + } + + pOpenModeMB[i] = (char)pOpenMode[i]; + i += 1; + } + } + + *ppFile = fopen(pFilePathMB, pOpenModeMB); + + drwav__free_from_callbacks(pFilePathMB, pAllocationCallbacks); + } + #endif + + if (*ppFile == NULL) { + return DRWAV_ERROR; + } +#endif + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} +#endif +/* End fopen */ + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__on_read_stdio(void* pUserData, void* pBufferOut, size_t bytesToRead) +{ + return fread(pBufferOut, 1, bytesToRead, (FILE*)pUserData); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__on_write_stdio(void* pUserData, const void* pData, size_t bytesToWrite) +{ + return fwrite(pData, 1, bytesToWrite, (FILE*)pUserData); +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav__on_seek_stdio(void* pUserData, int offset, drwav_seek_origin origin) +{ + return fseek((FILE*)pUserData, offset, (origin == drwav_seek_origin_current) ? SEEK_CUR : SEEK_SET) == 0; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + return drwav_init_file_ex(pWav, filename, NULL, NULL, 0, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file__internal_FILE(drwav* pWav, FILE* pFile, drwav_chunk_proc onChunk, void* pChunkUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav_bool32 result; + + result = drwav_preinit(pWav, drwav__on_read_stdio, drwav__on_seek_stdio, (void*)pFile, pAllocationCallbacks); + if (result != DRWAV_TRUE) { + fclose(pFile); + return result; + } + + result = drwav_init__internal(pWav, onChunk, pChunkUserData, flags); + if (result != DRWAV_TRUE) { + fclose(pFile); + return result; + } + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_ex(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, drwav_chunk_proc onChunk, void* pChunkUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + FILE* pFile; + if (drwav_fopen(&pFile, filename, "rb") != DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* This takes ownership of the FILE* object. */ + return drwav_init_file__internal_FILE(pWav, pFile, onChunk, pChunkUserData, flags, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + return drwav_init_file_ex_w(pWav, filename, NULL, NULL, 0, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_ex_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, drwav_chunk_proc onChunk, void* pChunkUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + FILE* pFile; + if (drwav_wfopen(&pFile, filename, L"rb", pAllocationCallbacks) != DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* This takes ownership of the FILE* object. */ + return drwav_init_file__internal_FILE(pWav, pFile, onChunk, pChunkUserData, flags, pAllocationCallbacks); +} +#endif + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_with_metadata(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + FILE* pFile; + if (drwav_fopen(&pFile, filename, "rb") != DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* This takes ownership of the FILE* object. */ + return drwav_init_file__internal_FILE(pWav, pFile, NULL, NULL, flags | DRWAV_WITH_METADATA, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_with_metadata_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + FILE* pFile; + if (drwav_wfopen(&pFile, filename, L"rb", pAllocationCallbacks) != DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* This takes ownership of the FILE* object. */ + return drwav_init_file__internal_FILE(pWav, pFile, NULL, NULL, flags | DRWAV_WITH_METADATA, pAllocationCallbacks); +} +#endif + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write__internal_FILE(drwav* pWav, FILE* pFile, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, drwav_bool32 isSequential, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav_bool32 result; + + result = drwav_preinit_write(pWav, pFormat, isSequential, drwav__on_write_stdio, drwav__on_seek_stdio, (void*)pFile, pAllocationCallbacks); + if (result != DRWAV_TRUE) { + fclose(pFile); + return result; + } + + result = drwav_init_write__internal(pWav, pFormat, totalSampleCount); + if (result != DRWAV_TRUE) { + fclose(pFile); + return result; + } + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write__internal(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, drwav_bool32 isSequential, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + FILE* pFile; + if (drwav_fopen(&pFile, filename, "wb") != DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* This takes ownership of the FILE* object. */ + return drwav_init_file_write__internal_FILE(pWav, pFile, pFormat, totalSampleCount, isSequential, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_w__internal(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, drwav_bool32 isSequential, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + FILE* pFile; + if (drwav_wfopen(&pFile, filename, L"wb", pAllocationCallbacks) != DRWAV_SUCCESS) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* This takes ownership of the FILE* object. */ + return drwav_init_file_write__internal_FILE(pWav, pFile, pFormat, totalSampleCount, isSequential, pAllocationCallbacks); +} +#endif + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + return drwav_init_file_write__internal(pWav, filename, pFormat, 0, DRWAV_FALSE, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_sequential(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + return drwav_init_file_write__internal(pWav, filename, pFormat, totalSampleCount, DRWAV_TRUE, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_sequential_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, const char* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pFormat == NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + return drwav_init_file_write_sequential(pWav, filename, pFormat, totalPCMFrameCount*pFormat->channels, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + return drwav_init_file_write_w__internal(pWav, filename, pFormat, 0, DRWAV_FALSE, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_sequential_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + return drwav_init_file_write_w__internal(pWav, filename, pFormat, totalSampleCount, DRWAV_TRUE, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_file_write_sequential_pcm_frames_w(drwav* pWav, const wchar_t* filename, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pFormat == NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + return drwav_init_file_write_sequential_w(pWav, filename, pFormat, totalPCMFrameCount*pFormat->channels, pAllocationCallbacks); +} +#endif +#endif /* DR_WAV_NO_STDIO */ + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__on_read_memory(void* pUserData, void* pBufferOut, size_t bytesToRead) +{ + drwav* pWav = (drwav*)pUserData; + size_t bytesRemaining; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav->memoryStream.dataSize >= pWav->memoryStream.currentReadPos); + + bytesRemaining = pWav->memoryStream.dataSize - pWav->memoryStream.currentReadPos; + if (bytesToRead > bytesRemaining) { + bytesToRead = bytesRemaining; + } + + if (bytesToRead > 0) { + DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY(pBufferOut, pWav->memoryStream.data + pWav->memoryStream.currentReadPos, bytesToRead); + pWav->memoryStream.currentReadPos += bytesToRead; + } + + return bytesToRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav__on_seek_memory(void* pUserData, int offset, drwav_seek_origin origin) +{ + drwav* pWav = (drwav*)pUserData; + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + + if (origin == drwav_seek_origin_current) { + if (offset > 0) { + if (pWav->memoryStream.currentReadPos + offset > pWav->memoryStream.dataSize) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Trying to seek too far forward. */ + } + } else { + if (pWav->memoryStream.currentReadPos < (size_t)-offset) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Trying to seek too far backwards. */ + } + } + + /* This will never underflow thanks to the clamps above. */ + pWav->memoryStream.currentReadPos += offset; + } else { + if ((drwav_uint32)offset <= pWav->memoryStream.dataSize) { + pWav->memoryStream.currentReadPos = offset; + } else { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Trying to seek too far forward. */ + } + } + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE size_t drwav__on_write_memory(void* pUserData, const void* pDataIn, size_t bytesToWrite) +{ + drwav* pWav = (drwav*)pUserData; + size_t bytesRemaining; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataCapacity >= pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos); + + bytesRemaining = pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataCapacity - pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos; + if (bytesRemaining < bytesToWrite) { + /* Need to reallocate. */ + void* pNewData; + size_t newDataCapacity = (pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataCapacity == 0) ? 256 : pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataCapacity * 2; + + /* If doubling wasn't enough, just make it the minimum required size to write the data. */ + if ((newDataCapacity - pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos) < bytesToWrite) { + newDataCapacity = pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos + bytesToWrite; + } + + pNewData = drwav__realloc_from_callbacks(*pWav->memoryStreamWrite.ppData, newDataCapacity, pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataCapacity, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + if (pNewData == NULL) { + return 0; + } + + *pWav->memoryStreamWrite.ppData = pNewData; + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataCapacity = newDataCapacity; + } + + DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY(((drwav_uint8*)(*pWav->memoryStreamWrite.ppData)) + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos, pDataIn, bytesToWrite); + + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos += bytesToWrite; + if (pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataSize < pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos) { + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataSize = pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos; + } + + *pWav->memoryStreamWrite.pDataSize = pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataSize; + + return bytesToWrite; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav__on_seek_memory_write(void* pUserData, int offset, drwav_seek_origin origin) +{ + drwav* pWav = (drwav*)pUserData; + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + + if (origin == drwav_seek_origin_current) { + if (offset > 0) { + if (pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos + offset > pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataSize) { + offset = (int)(pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataSize - pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos); /* Trying to seek too far forward. */ + } + } else { + if (pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos < (size_t)-offset) { + offset = -(int)pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos; /* Trying to seek too far backwards. */ + } + } + + /* This will never underflow thanks to the clamps above. */ + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos += offset; + } else { + if ((drwav_uint32)offset <= pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataSize) { + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos = offset; + } else { + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos = pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataSize; /* Trying to seek too far forward. */ + } + } + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory(drwav* pWav, const void* data, size_t dataSize, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + return drwav_init_memory_ex(pWav, data, dataSize, NULL, NULL, 0, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_ex(drwav* pWav, const void* data, size_t dataSize, drwav_chunk_proc onChunk, void* pChunkUserData, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (data == NULL || dataSize == 0) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (!drwav_preinit(pWav, drwav__on_read_memory, drwav__on_seek_memory, pWav, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + pWav->memoryStream.data = (const drwav_uint8*)data; + pWav->memoryStream.dataSize = dataSize; + pWav->memoryStream.currentReadPos = 0; + + return drwav_init__internal(pWav, onChunk, pChunkUserData, flags); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_with_metadata(drwav* pWav, const void* data, size_t dataSize, drwav_uint32 flags, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (data == NULL || dataSize == 0) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (!drwav_preinit(pWav, drwav__on_read_memory, drwav__on_seek_memory, pWav, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + pWav->memoryStream.data = (const drwav_uint8*)data; + pWav->memoryStream.dataSize = dataSize; + pWav->memoryStream.currentReadPos = 0; + + return drwav_init__internal(pWav, NULL, NULL, flags | DRWAV_WITH_METADATA); +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_write__internal(drwav* pWav, void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, drwav_bool32 isSequential, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (ppData == NULL || pDataSize == NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + *ppData = NULL; /* Important because we're using realloc()! */ + *pDataSize = 0; + + if (!drwav_preinit_write(pWav, pFormat, isSequential, drwav__on_write_memory, drwav__on_seek_memory_write, pWav, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.ppData = ppData; + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.pDataSize = pDataSize; + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataSize = 0; + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.dataCapacity = 0; + pWav->memoryStreamWrite.currentWritePos = 0; + + return drwav_init_write__internal(pWav, pFormat, totalSampleCount); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_write(drwav* pWav, void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + return drwav_init_memory_write__internal(pWav, ppData, pDataSize, pFormat, 0, DRWAV_FALSE, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_write_sequential(drwav* pWav, void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalSampleCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + return drwav_init_memory_write__internal(pWav, ppData, pDataSize, pFormat, totalSampleCount, DRWAV_TRUE, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_init_memory_write_sequential_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, void** ppData, size_t* pDataSize, const drwav_data_format* pFormat, drwav_uint64 totalPCMFrameCount, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pFormat == NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + return drwav_init_memory_write_sequential(pWav, ppData, pDataSize, pFormat, totalPCMFrameCount*pFormat->channels, pAllocationCallbacks); +} + + + +DRWAV_API drwav_result drwav_uninit(drwav* pWav) +{ + drwav_result result = DRWAV_SUCCESS; + + if (pWav == NULL) { + return DRWAV_INVALID_ARGS; + } + + /* + If the drwav object was opened in write mode we'll need to finalize a few things: + - Make sure the "data" chunk is aligned to 16-bits for RIFF containers, or 64 bits for W64 containers. + - Set the size of the "data" chunk. + */ + if (pWav->onWrite != NULL) { + drwav_uint32 paddingSize = 0; + + /* Padding. Do not adjust pWav->dataChunkDataSize - this should not include the padding. */ + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff || pWav->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + paddingSize = drwav__chunk_padding_size_riff(pWav->dataChunkDataSize); + } else { + paddingSize = drwav__chunk_padding_size_w64(pWav->dataChunkDataSize); + } + + if (paddingSize > 0) { + drwav_uint64 paddingData = 0; + drwav__write(pWav, &paddingData, paddingSize); /* Byte order does not matter for this. */ + } + + /* + Chunk sizes. When using sequential mode, these will have been filled in at initialization time. We only need + to do this when using non-sequential mode. + */ + if (pWav->onSeek && !pWav->isSequentialWrite) { + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_riff) { + /* The "RIFF" chunk size. */ + if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, 4, drwav_seek_origin_start)) { + drwav_uint32 riffChunkSize = drwav__riff_chunk_size_riff(pWav->dataChunkDataSize, pWav->pMetadata, pWav->metadataCount); + drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, riffChunkSize); + } + + /* The "data" chunk size. */ + if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, (int)pWav->dataChunkDataPos - 4, drwav_seek_origin_start)) { + drwav_uint32 dataChunkSize = drwav__data_chunk_size_riff(pWav->dataChunkDataSize); + drwav__write_u32ne_to_le(pWav, dataChunkSize); + } + } else if (pWav->container == drwav_container_w64) { + /* The "RIFF" chunk size. */ + if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, 16, drwav_seek_origin_start)) { + drwav_uint64 riffChunkSize = drwav__riff_chunk_size_w64(pWav->dataChunkDataSize); + drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, riffChunkSize); + } + + /* The "data" chunk size. */ + if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, (int)pWav->dataChunkDataPos - 8, drwav_seek_origin_start)) { + drwav_uint64 dataChunkSize = drwav__data_chunk_size_w64(pWav->dataChunkDataSize); + drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, dataChunkSize); + } + } else if (pWav->container == drwav_container_rf64) { + /* We only need to update the ds64 chunk. The "RIFF" and "data" chunks always have their sizes set to 0xFFFFFFFF for RF64. */ + int ds64BodyPos = 12 + 8; + + /* The "RIFF" chunk size. */ + if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, ds64BodyPos + 0, drwav_seek_origin_start)) { + drwav_uint64 riffChunkSize = drwav__riff_chunk_size_rf64(pWav->dataChunkDataSize, pWav->pMetadata, pWav->metadataCount); + drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, riffChunkSize); + } + + /* The "data" chunk size. */ + if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, ds64BodyPos + 8, drwav_seek_origin_start)) { + drwav_uint64 dataChunkSize = drwav__data_chunk_size_rf64(pWav->dataChunkDataSize); + drwav__write_u64ne_to_le(pWav, dataChunkSize); + } + } + } + + /* Validation for sequential mode. */ + if (pWav->isSequentialWrite) { + if (pWav->dataChunkDataSize != pWav->dataChunkDataSizeTargetWrite) { + result = DRWAV_INVALID_FILE; + } + } + } else { + drwav_free(pWav->pMetadata, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + } + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO + /* + If we opened the file with drwav_open_file() we will want to close the file handle. We can know whether or not drwav_open_file() + was used by looking at the onRead and onSeek callbacks. + */ + if (pWav->onRead == drwav__on_read_stdio || pWav->onWrite == drwav__on_write_stdio) { + fclose((FILE*)pWav->pUserData); + } +#endif + + return result; +} + + + +DRWAV_API size_t drwav_read_raw(drwav* pWav, size_t bytesToRead, void* pBufferOut) +{ + size_t bytesRead; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + + if (pWav == NULL || bytesToRead == 0) { + return 0; /* Invalid args. */ + } + + if (bytesToRead > pWav->bytesRemaining) { + bytesToRead = (size_t)pWav->bytesRemaining; + } + + if (bytesToRead == 0) { + return 0; /* At end. */ + } + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; /* Could not determine the bytes per frame. */ + } + + if (pBufferOut != NULL) { + bytesRead = pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, pBufferOut, bytesToRead); + } else { + /* We need to seek. If we fail, we need to read-and-discard to make sure we get a good byte count. */ + bytesRead = 0; + while (bytesRead < bytesToRead) { + size_t bytesToSeek = (bytesToRead - bytesRead); + if (bytesToSeek > 0x7FFFFFFF) { + bytesToSeek = 0x7FFFFFFF; + } + + if (pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, (int)bytesToSeek, drwav_seek_origin_current) == DRWAV_FALSE) { + break; + } + + bytesRead += bytesToSeek; + } + + /* When we get here we may need to read-and-discard some data. */ + while (bytesRead < bytesToRead) { + drwav_uint8 buffer[4096]; + size_t bytesSeeked; + size_t bytesToSeek = (bytesToRead - bytesRead); + if (bytesToSeek > sizeof(buffer)) { + bytesToSeek = sizeof(buffer); + } + + bytesSeeked = pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, buffer, bytesToSeek); + bytesRead += bytesSeeked; + + if (bytesSeeked < bytesToSeek) { + break; /* Reached the end. */ + } + } + } + + pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames += bytesRead / bytesPerFrame; + + pWav->bytesRemaining -= bytesRead; + return bytesRead; +} + + + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, void* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint64 bytesToRead; /* Intentionally uint64 instead of size_t so we can do a check that we're not reading too much on 32-bit builds. */ + drwav_uint64 framesRemainingInFile; + + if (pWav == NULL || framesToRead == 0) { + return 0; + } + + /* Cannot use this function for compressed formats. */ + if (drwav__is_compressed_format_tag(pWav->translatedFormatTag)) { + return 0; + } + + framesRemainingInFile = pWav->totalPCMFrameCount - pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames; + if (framesToRead > framesRemainingInFile) { + framesToRead = framesRemainingInFile; + } + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + /* Don't try to read more samples than can potentially fit in the output buffer. */ + bytesToRead = framesToRead * bytesPerFrame; + if (bytesToRead > DRWAV_SIZE_MAX) { + bytesToRead = (DRWAV_SIZE_MAX / bytesPerFrame) * bytesPerFrame; /* Round the number of bytes to read to a clean frame boundary. */ + } + + /* + Doing an explicit check here just to make it clear that we don't want to be attempt to read anything if there's no bytes to read. There + *could* be a time where it evaluates to 0 due to overflowing. + */ + if (bytesToRead == 0) { + return 0; + } + + return drwav_read_raw(pWav, (size_t)bytesToRead, pBufferOut) / bytesPerFrame; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_be(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, void* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_le(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + + if (pBufferOut != NULL) { + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; /* Could not get the bytes per frame which means bytes per sample cannot be determined and we don't know how to byte swap. */ + } + + drwav__bswap_samples(pBufferOut, framesRead*pWav->channels, bytesPerFrame/pWav->channels); + } + + return framesRead; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, void* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 framesRead = 0; + + if (drwav_is_container_be(pWav->container)) { + /* + Special case for AIFF. AIFF is a big-endian encoded format, but it supports a format that is + PCM in little-endian encoding. In this case, we fall through this branch and treate it as + little-endian. + */ + if (pWav->container != drwav_container_aiff || pWav->aiff.isLE == DRWAV_FALSE) { + if (drwav__is_little_endian()) { + framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_be(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } else { + framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_le(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + goto post_process; + } + } + + /* Getting here means the data should be considered little-endian. */ + if (drwav__is_little_endian()) { + framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_le(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } else { + framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_be(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + /* + Here is where we check if we need to do a signed/unsigned conversion for AIFF. The reason we need to do this + is because dr_wav always assumes an 8-bit sample is unsigned, whereas AIFF can have signed 8-bit formats. + */ + post_process: + { + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_aiff && pWav->bitsPerSample == 8 && pWav->aiff.isUnsigned == DRWAV_FALSE) { + if (pBufferOut != NULL) { + drwav_uint64 iSample; + + for (iSample = 0; iSample < framesRead * pWav->channels; iSample += 1) { + ((drwav_uint8*)pBufferOut)[iSample] += 128; + } + } + } + } + + return framesRead; +} + + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_bool32 drwav_seek_to_first_pcm_frame(drwav* pWav) +{ + if (pWav->onWrite != NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* No seeking in write mode. */ + } + + if (!pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, (int)pWav->dataChunkDataPos, drwav_seek_origin_start)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + if (drwav__is_compressed_format_tag(pWav->translatedFormatTag)) { + /* Cached data needs to be cleared for compressed formats. */ + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) { + DRWAV_ZERO_OBJECT(&pWav->msadpcm); + } else if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { + DRWAV_ZERO_OBJECT(&pWav->ima); + } else { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* If this assertion is triggered it means I've implemented a new compressed format but forgot to add a branch for it here. */ + } + } + + pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames = 0; + pWav->bytesRemaining = pWav->dataChunkDataSize; + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_seek_to_pcm_frame(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 targetFrameIndex) +{ + /* Seeking should be compatible with wave files > 2GB. */ + + if (pWav == NULL || pWav->onSeek == NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* No seeking in write mode. */ + if (pWav->onWrite != NULL) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + /* If there are no samples, just return DRWAV_TRUE without doing anything. */ + if (pWav->totalPCMFrameCount == 0) { + return DRWAV_TRUE; + } + + /* Make sure the sample is clamped. */ + if (targetFrameIndex > pWav->totalPCMFrameCount) { + targetFrameIndex = pWav->totalPCMFrameCount; + } + + /* + For compressed formats we just use a slow generic seek. If we are seeking forward we just seek forward. If we are going backwards we need + to seek back to the start. + */ + if (drwav__is_compressed_format_tag(pWav->translatedFormatTag)) { + /* TODO: This can be optimized. */ + + /* + If we're seeking forward it's simple - just keep reading samples until we hit the sample we're requesting. If we're seeking backwards, + we first need to seek back to the start and then just do the same thing as a forward seek. + */ + if (targetFrameIndex < pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames) { + if (!drwav_seek_to_first_pcm_frame(pWav)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + } + + if (targetFrameIndex > pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames) { + drwav_uint64 offsetInFrames = targetFrameIndex - pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames; + + drwav_int16 devnull[2048]; + while (offsetInFrames > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesRead = 0; + drwav_uint64 framesToRead = offsetInFrames; + if (framesToRead > drwav_countof(devnull)/pWav->channels) { + framesToRead = drwav_countof(devnull)/pWav->channels; + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) { + framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__msadpcm(pWav, framesToRead, devnull); + } else if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { + framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__ima(pWav, framesToRead, devnull); + } else { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* If this assertion is triggered it means I've implemented a new compressed format but forgot to add a branch for it here. */ + } + + if (framesRead != framesToRead) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + offsetInFrames -= framesRead; + } + } + } else { + drwav_uint64 totalSizeInBytes; + drwav_uint64 currentBytePos; + drwav_uint64 targetBytePos; + drwav_uint64 offset; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; /* Not able to calculate offset. */ + } + + totalSizeInBytes = pWav->totalPCMFrameCount * bytesPerFrame; + /*DRWAV_ASSERT(totalSizeInBytes >= pWav->bytesRemaining);*/ + + currentBytePos = totalSizeInBytes - pWav->bytesRemaining; + targetBytePos = targetFrameIndex * bytesPerFrame; + + if (currentBytePos < targetBytePos) { + /* Offset forwards. */ + offset = (targetBytePos - currentBytePos); + } else { + /* Offset backwards. */ + if (!drwav_seek_to_first_pcm_frame(pWav)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + offset = targetBytePos; + } + + while (offset > 0) { + int offset32 = ((offset > INT_MAX) ? INT_MAX : (int)offset); + if (!pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, offset32, drwav_seek_origin_current)) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + + pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames += offset32 / bytesPerFrame; + pWav->bytesRemaining -= offset32; + offset -= offset32; + } + } + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_result drwav_get_cursor_in_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64* pCursor) +{ + if (pCursor == NULL) { + return DRWAV_INVALID_ARGS; + } + + *pCursor = 0; /* Safety. */ + + if (pWav == NULL) { + return DRWAV_INVALID_ARGS; + } + + *pCursor = pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames; + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_result drwav_get_length_in_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64* pLength) +{ + if (pLength == NULL) { + return DRWAV_INVALID_ARGS; + } + + *pLength = 0; /* Safety. */ + + if (pWav == NULL) { + return DRWAV_INVALID_ARGS; + } + + *pLength = pWav->totalPCMFrameCount; + + return DRWAV_SUCCESS; +} + + +DRWAV_API size_t drwav_write_raw(drwav* pWav, size_t bytesToWrite, const void* pData) +{ + size_t bytesWritten; + + if (pWav == NULL || bytesToWrite == 0 || pData == NULL) { + return 0; + } + + bytesWritten = pWav->onWrite(pWav->pUserData, pData, bytesToWrite); + pWav->dataChunkDataSize += bytesWritten; + + return bytesWritten; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_write_pcm_frames_le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToWrite, const void* pData) +{ + drwav_uint64 bytesToWrite; + drwav_uint64 bytesWritten; + const drwav_uint8* pRunningData; + + if (pWav == NULL || framesToWrite == 0 || pData == NULL) { + return 0; + } + + bytesToWrite = ((framesToWrite * pWav->channels * pWav->bitsPerSample) / 8); + if (bytesToWrite > DRWAV_SIZE_MAX) { + return 0; + } + + bytesWritten = 0; + pRunningData = (const drwav_uint8*)pData; + + while (bytesToWrite > 0) { + size_t bytesJustWritten; + drwav_uint64 bytesToWriteThisIteration; + + bytesToWriteThisIteration = bytesToWrite; + DRWAV_ASSERT(bytesToWriteThisIteration <= DRWAV_SIZE_MAX); /* <-- This is checked above. */ + + bytesJustWritten = drwav_write_raw(pWav, (size_t)bytesToWriteThisIteration, pRunningData); + if (bytesJustWritten == 0) { + break; + } + + bytesToWrite -= bytesJustWritten; + bytesWritten += bytesJustWritten; + pRunningData += bytesJustWritten; + } + + return (bytesWritten * 8) / pWav->bitsPerSample / pWav->channels; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_write_pcm_frames_be(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToWrite, const void* pData) +{ + drwav_uint64 bytesToWrite; + drwav_uint64 bytesWritten; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + const drwav_uint8* pRunningData; + + if (pWav == NULL || framesToWrite == 0 || pData == NULL) { + return 0; + } + + bytesToWrite = ((framesToWrite * pWav->channels * pWav->bitsPerSample) / 8); + if (bytesToWrite > DRWAV_SIZE_MAX) { + return 0; + } + + bytesWritten = 0; + pRunningData = (const drwav_uint8*)pData; + + bytesPerSample = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav) / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0) { + return 0; /* Cannot determine bytes per sample, or bytes per sample is less than one byte. */ + } + + while (bytesToWrite > 0) { + drwav_uint8 temp[4096]; + drwav_uint32 sampleCount; + size_t bytesJustWritten; + drwav_uint64 bytesToWriteThisIteration; + + bytesToWriteThisIteration = bytesToWrite; + DRWAV_ASSERT(bytesToWriteThisIteration <= DRWAV_SIZE_MAX); /* <-- This is checked above. */ + + /* + WAV files are always little-endian. We need to byte swap on big-endian architectures. Since our input buffer is read-only we need + to use an intermediary buffer for the conversion. + */ + sampleCount = sizeof(temp)/bytesPerSample; + + if (bytesToWriteThisIteration > ((drwav_uint64)sampleCount)*bytesPerSample) { + bytesToWriteThisIteration = ((drwav_uint64)sampleCount)*bytesPerSample; + } + + DRWAV_COPY_MEMORY(temp, pRunningData, (size_t)bytesToWriteThisIteration); + drwav__bswap_samples(temp, sampleCount, bytesPerSample); + + bytesJustWritten = drwav_write_raw(pWav, (size_t)bytesToWriteThisIteration, temp); + if (bytesJustWritten == 0) { + break; + } + + bytesToWrite -= bytesJustWritten; + bytesWritten += bytesJustWritten; + pRunningData += bytesJustWritten; + } + + return (bytesWritten * 8) / pWav->bitsPerSample / pWav->channels; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_write_pcm_frames(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToWrite, const void* pData) +{ + if (drwav__is_little_endian()) { + return drwav_write_pcm_frames_le(pWav, framesToWrite, pData); + } else { + return drwav_write_pcm_frames_be(pWav, framesToWrite, pData); + } +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__msadpcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead = 0; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesToRead > 0); + + /* TODO: Lots of room for optimization here. */ + + while (pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames < pWav->totalPCMFrameCount) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesToRead > 0); /* This loop iteration will never get hit with framesToRead == 0 because it's asserted at the top, and we check for 0 inside the loop just below. */ + + /* If there are no cached frames we need to load a new block. */ + if (pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrameCount == 0 && pWav->msadpcm.bytesRemainingInBlock == 0) { + if (pWav->channels == 1) { + /* Mono. */ + drwav_uint8 header[7]; + if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) { + return totalFramesRead; + } + pWav->msadpcm.bytesRemainingInBlock = pWav->fmt.blockAlign - sizeof(header); + + pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0] = header[0]; + pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] = drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 1); + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1] = (drwav_int32)drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 3); + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][0] = (drwav_int32)drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 5); + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[2] = pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][0]; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[3] = pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1]; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrameCount = 2; + } else { + /* Stereo. */ + drwav_uint8 header[14]; + if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) { + return totalFramesRead; + } + pWav->msadpcm.bytesRemainingInBlock = pWav->fmt.blockAlign - sizeof(header); + + pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0] = header[0]; + pWav->msadpcm.predictor[1] = header[1]; + pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] = drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 2); + pWav->msadpcm.delta[1] = drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 4); + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1] = (drwav_int32)drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 6); + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[1][1] = (drwav_int32)drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 8); + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][0] = (drwav_int32)drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 10); + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[1][0] = (drwav_int32)drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 12); + + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[0] = pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][0]; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[1] = pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[1][0]; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[2] = pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1]; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[3] = pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[1][1]; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrameCount = 2; + } + } + + /* Output anything that's cached. */ + while (framesToRead > 0 && pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrameCount > 0 && pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames < pWav->totalPCMFrameCount) { + if (pBufferOut != NULL) { + drwav_uint32 iSample = 0; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < pWav->channels; iSample += 1) { + pBufferOut[iSample] = (drwav_int16)pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[(drwav_countof(pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames) - (pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrameCount*pWav->channels)) + iSample]; + } + + pBufferOut += pWav->channels; + } + + framesToRead -= 1; + totalFramesRead += 1; + pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames += 1; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrameCount -= 1; + } + + if (framesToRead == 0) { + break; + } + + + /* + If there's nothing left in the cache, just go ahead and load more. If there's nothing left to load in the current block we just continue to the next + loop iteration which will trigger the loading of a new block. + */ + if (pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrameCount == 0) { + if (pWav->msadpcm.bytesRemainingInBlock == 0) { + continue; + } else { + static drwav_int32 adaptationTable[] = { + 230, 230, 230, 230, 307, 409, 512, 614, + 768, 614, 512, 409, 307, 230, 230, 230 + }; + static drwav_int32 coeff1Table[] = { 256, 512, 0, 192, 240, 460, 392 }; + static drwav_int32 coeff2Table[] = { 0, -256, 0, 64, 0, -208, -232 }; + + drwav_uint8 nibbles; + drwav_int32 nibble0; + drwav_int32 nibble1; + + if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, &nibbles, 1) != 1) { + return totalFramesRead; + } + pWav->msadpcm.bytesRemainingInBlock -= 1; + + /* TODO: Optimize away these if statements. */ + nibble0 = ((nibbles & 0xF0) >> 4); if ((nibbles & 0x80)) { nibble0 |= 0xFFFFFFF0UL; } + nibble1 = ((nibbles & 0x0F) >> 0); if ((nibbles & 0x08)) { nibble1 |= 0xFFFFFFF0UL; } + + if (pWav->channels == 1) { + /* Mono. */ + drwav_int32 newSample0; + drwav_int32 newSample1; + + newSample0 = ((pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1] * coeff1Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]]) + (pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][0] * coeff2Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]])) >> 8; + newSample0 += nibble0 * pWav->msadpcm.delta[0]; + newSample0 = drwav_clamp(newSample0, -32768, 32767); + + pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] = (adaptationTable[((nibbles & 0xF0) >> 4)] * pWav->msadpcm.delta[0]) >> 8; + if (pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] < 16) { + pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] = 16; + } + + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][0] = pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1]; + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1] = newSample0; + + + newSample1 = ((pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1] * coeff1Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]]) + (pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][0] * coeff2Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]])) >> 8; + newSample1 += nibble1 * pWav->msadpcm.delta[0]; + newSample1 = drwav_clamp(newSample1, -32768, 32767); + + pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] = (adaptationTable[((nibbles & 0x0F) >> 0)] * pWav->msadpcm.delta[0]) >> 8; + if (pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] < 16) { + pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] = 16; + } + + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][0] = pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1]; + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1] = newSample1; + + + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[2] = newSample0; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[3] = newSample1; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrameCount = 2; + } else { + /* Stereo. */ + drwav_int32 newSample0; + drwav_int32 newSample1; + + /* Left. */ + newSample0 = ((pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1] * coeff1Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]]) + (pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][0] * coeff2Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[0]])) >> 8; + newSample0 += nibble0 * pWav->msadpcm.delta[0]; + newSample0 = drwav_clamp(newSample0, -32768, 32767); + + pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] = (adaptationTable[((nibbles & 0xF0) >> 4)] * pWav->msadpcm.delta[0]) >> 8; + if (pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] < 16) { + pWav->msadpcm.delta[0] = 16; + } + + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][0] = pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1]; + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[0][1] = newSample0; + + + /* Right. */ + newSample1 = ((pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[1][1] * coeff1Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[1]]) + (pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[1][0] * coeff2Table[pWav->msadpcm.predictor[1]])) >> 8; + newSample1 += nibble1 * pWav->msadpcm.delta[1]; + newSample1 = drwav_clamp(newSample1, -32768, 32767); + + pWav->msadpcm.delta[1] = (adaptationTable[((nibbles & 0x0F) >> 0)] * pWav->msadpcm.delta[1]) >> 8; + if (pWav->msadpcm.delta[1] < 16) { + pWav->msadpcm.delta[1] = 16; + } + + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[1][0] = pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[1][1]; + pWav->msadpcm.prevFrames[1][1] = newSample1; + + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[2] = newSample0; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrames[3] = newSample1; + pWav->msadpcm.cachedFrameCount = 1; + } + } + } + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__ima(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead = 0; + drwav_uint32 iChannel; + + static drwav_int32 indexTable[16] = { + -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8, + -1, -1, -1, -1, 2, 4, 6, 8 + }; + + static drwav_int32 stepTable[89] = { + 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, + 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, 41, 45, + 50, 55, 60, 66, 73, 80, 88, 97, 107, 118, + 130, 143, 157, 173, 190, 209, 230, 253, 279, 307, + 337, 371, 408, 449, 494, 544, 598, 658, 724, 796, + 876, 963, 1060, 1166, 1282, 1411, 1552, 1707, 1878, 2066, + 2272, 2499, 2749, 3024, 3327, 3660, 4026, 4428, 4871, 5358, + 5894, 6484, 7132, 7845, 8630, 9493, 10442, 11487, 12635, 13899, + 15289, 16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623, 27086, 29794, 32767 + }; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesToRead > 0); + + /* TODO: Lots of room for optimization here. */ + + while (pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames < pWav->totalPCMFrameCount) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesToRead > 0); /* This loop iteration will never get hit with framesToRead == 0 because it's asserted at the top, and we check for 0 inside the loop just below. */ + + /* If there are no cached samples we need to load a new block. */ + if (pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount == 0 && pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock == 0) { + if (pWav->channels == 1) { + /* Mono. */ + drwav_uint8 header[4]; + if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) { + return totalFramesRead; + } + pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock = pWav->fmt.blockAlign - sizeof(header); + + if (header[2] >= drwav_countof(stepTable)) { + pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock, drwav_seek_origin_current); + pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock = 0; + return totalFramesRead; /* Invalid data. */ + } + + pWav->ima.predictor[0] = (drwav_int16)drwav_bytes_to_u16(header + 0); + pWav->ima.stepIndex[0] = drwav_clamp(header[2], 0, (drwav_int32)drwav_countof(stepTable)-1); /* Clamp not necessary because we checked above, but adding here to silence a static analysis warning. */ + pWav->ima.cachedFrames[drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedFrames) - 1] = pWav->ima.predictor[0]; + pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount = 1; + } else { + /* Stereo. */ + drwav_uint8 header[8]; + if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, header, sizeof(header)) != sizeof(header)) { + return totalFramesRead; + } + pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock = pWav->fmt.blockAlign - sizeof(header); + + if (header[2] >= drwav_countof(stepTable) || header[6] >= drwav_countof(stepTable)) { + pWav->onSeek(pWav->pUserData, pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock, drwav_seek_origin_current); + pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock = 0; + return totalFramesRead; /* Invalid data. */ + } + + pWav->ima.predictor[0] = drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 0); + pWav->ima.stepIndex[0] = drwav_clamp(header[2], 0, (drwav_int32)drwav_countof(stepTable)-1); /* Clamp not necessary because we checked above, but adding here to silence a static analysis warning. */ + pWav->ima.predictor[1] = drwav_bytes_to_s16(header + 4); + pWav->ima.stepIndex[1] = drwav_clamp(header[6], 0, (drwav_int32)drwav_countof(stepTable)-1); /* Clamp not necessary because we checked above, but adding here to silence a static analysis warning. */ + + pWav->ima.cachedFrames[drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedFrames) - 2] = pWav->ima.predictor[0]; + pWav->ima.cachedFrames[drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedFrames) - 1] = pWav->ima.predictor[1]; + pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount = 1; + } + } + + /* Output anything that's cached. */ + while (framesToRead > 0 && pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount > 0 && pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames < pWav->totalPCMFrameCount) { + if (pBufferOut != NULL) { + drwav_uint32 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < pWav->channels; iSample += 1) { + pBufferOut[iSample] = (drwav_int16)pWav->ima.cachedFrames[(drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedFrames) - (pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount*pWav->channels)) + iSample]; + } + pBufferOut += pWav->channels; + } + + framesToRead -= 1; + totalFramesRead += 1; + pWav->readCursorInPCMFrames += 1; + pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount -= 1; + } + + if (framesToRead == 0) { + break; + } + + /* + If there's nothing left in the cache, just go ahead and load more. If there's nothing left to load in the current block we just continue to the next + loop iteration which will trigger the loading of a new block. + */ + if (pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount == 0) { + if (pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock == 0) { + continue; + } else { + /* + From what I can tell with stereo streams, it looks like every 4 bytes (8 samples) is for one channel. So it goes 4 bytes for the + left channel, 4 bytes for the right channel. + */ + pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount = 8; + for (iChannel = 0; iChannel < pWav->channels; ++iChannel) { + drwav_uint32 iByte; + drwav_uint8 nibbles[4]; + if (pWav->onRead(pWav->pUserData, &nibbles, 4) != 4) { + pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount = 0; + return totalFramesRead; + } + pWav->ima.bytesRemainingInBlock -= 4; + + for (iByte = 0; iByte < 4; ++iByte) { + drwav_uint8 nibble0 = ((nibbles[iByte] & 0x0F) >> 0); + drwav_uint8 nibble1 = ((nibbles[iByte] & 0xF0) >> 4); + + drwav_int32 step = stepTable[pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel]]; + drwav_int32 predictor = pWav->ima.predictor[iChannel]; + + drwav_int32 diff = step >> 3; + if (nibble0 & 1) diff += step >> 2; + if (nibble0 & 2) diff += step >> 1; + if (nibble0 & 4) diff += step; + if (nibble0 & 8) diff = -diff; + + predictor = drwav_clamp(predictor + diff, -32768, 32767); + pWav->ima.predictor[iChannel] = predictor; + pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel] = drwav_clamp(pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel] + indexTable[nibble0], 0, (drwav_int32)drwav_countof(stepTable)-1); + pWav->ima.cachedFrames[(drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedFrames) - (pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount*pWav->channels)) + (iByte*2+0)*pWav->channels + iChannel] = predictor; + + + step = stepTable[pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel]]; + predictor = pWav->ima.predictor[iChannel]; + + diff = step >> 3; + if (nibble1 & 1) diff += step >> 2; + if (nibble1 & 2) diff += step >> 1; + if (nibble1 & 4) diff += step; + if (nibble1 & 8) diff = -diff; + + predictor = drwav_clamp(predictor + diff, -32768, 32767); + pWav->ima.predictor[iChannel] = predictor; + pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel] = drwav_clamp(pWav->ima.stepIndex[iChannel] + indexTable[nibble1], 0, (drwav_int32)drwav_countof(stepTable)-1); + pWav->ima.cachedFrames[(drwav_countof(pWav->ima.cachedFrames) - (pWav->ima.cachedFrameCount*pWav->channels)) + (iByte*2+1)*pWav->channels + iChannel] = predictor; + } + } + } + } + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_CONVERSION_API +static unsigned short g_drwavAlawTable[256] = { + 0xEA80, 0xEB80, 0xE880, 0xE980, 0xEE80, 0xEF80, 0xEC80, 0xED80, 0xE280, 0xE380, 0xE080, 0xE180, 0xE680, 0xE780, 0xE480, 0xE580, + 0xF540, 0xF5C0, 0xF440, 0xF4C0, 0xF740, 0xF7C0, 0xF640, 0xF6C0, 0xF140, 0xF1C0, 0xF040, 0xF0C0, 0xF340, 0xF3C0, 0xF240, 0xF2C0, + 0xAA00, 0xAE00, 0xA200, 0xA600, 0xBA00, 0xBE00, 0xB200, 0xB600, 0x8A00, 0x8E00, 0x8200, 0x8600, 0x9A00, 0x9E00, 0x9200, 0x9600, + 0xD500, 0xD700, 0xD100, 0xD300, 0xDD00, 0xDF00, 0xD900, 0xDB00, 0xC500, 0xC700, 0xC100, 0xC300, 0xCD00, 0xCF00, 0xC900, 0xCB00, + 0xFEA8, 0xFEB8, 0xFE88, 0xFE98, 0xFEE8, 0xFEF8, 0xFEC8, 0xFED8, 0xFE28, 0xFE38, 0xFE08, 0xFE18, 0xFE68, 0xFE78, 0xFE48, 0xFE58, + 0xFFA8, 0xFFB8, 0xFF88, 0xFF98, 0xFFE8, 0xFFF8, 0xFFC8, 0xFFD8, 0xFF28, 0xFF38, 0xFF08, 0xFF18, 0xFF68, 0xFF78, 0xFF48, 0xFF58, + 0xFAA0, 0xFAE0, 0xFA20, 0xFA60, 0xFBA0, 0xFBE0, 0xFB20, 0xFB60, 0xF8A0, 0xF8E0, 0xF820, 0xF860, 0xF9A0, 0xF9E0, 0xF920, 0xF960, + 0xFD50, 0xFD70, 0xFD10, 0xFD30, 0xFDD0, 0xFDF0, 0xFD90, 0xFDB0, 0xFC50, 0xFC70, 0xFC10, 0xFC30, 0xFCD0, 0xFCF0, 0xFC90, 0xFCB0, + 0x1580, 0x1480, 0x1780, 0x1680, 0x1180, 0x1080, 0x1380, 0x1280, 0x1D80, 0x1C80, 0x1F80, 0x1E80, 0x1980, 0x1880, 0x1B80, 0x1A80, + 0x0AC0, 0x0A40, 0x0BC0, 0x0B40, 0x08C0, 0x0840, 0x09C0, 0x0940, 0x0EC0, 0x0E40, 0x0FC0, 0x0F40, 0x0CC0, 0x0C40, 0x0DC0, 0x0D40, + 0x5600, 0x5200, 0x5E00, 0x5A00, 0x4600, 0x4200, 0x4E00, 0x4A00, 0x7600, 0x7200, 0x7E00, 0x7A00, 0x6600, 0x6200, 0x6E00, 0x6A00, + 0x2B00, 0x2900, 0x2F00, 0x2D00, 0x2300, 0x2100, 0x2700, 0x2500, 0x3B00, 0x3900, 0x3F00, 0x3D00, 0x3300, 0x3100, 0x3700, 0x3500, + 0x0158, 0x0148, 0x0178, 0x0168, 0x0118, 0x0108, 0x0138, 0x0128, 0x01D8, 0x01C8, 0x01F8, 0x01E8, 0x0198, 0x0188, 0x01B8, 0x01A8, + 0x0058, 0x0048, 0x0078, 0x0068, 0x0018, 0x0008, 0x0038, 0x0028, 0x00D8, 0x00C8, 0x00F8, 0x00E8, 0x0098, 0x0088, 0x00B8, 0x00A8, + 0x0560, 0x0520, 0x05E0, 0x05A0, 0x0460, 0x0420, 0x04E0, 0x04A0, 0x0760, 0x0720, 0x07E0, 0x07A0, 0x0660, 0x0620, 0x06E0, 0x06A0, + 0x02B0, 0x0290, 0x02F0, 0x02D0, 0x0230, 0x0210, 0x0270, 0x0250, 0x03B0, 0x0390, 0x03F0, 0x03D0, 0x0330, 0x0310, 0x0370, 0x0350 +}; + +static unsigned short g_drwavMulawTable[256] = { + 0x8284, 0x8684, 0x8A84, 0x8E84, 0x9284, 0x9684, 0x9A84, 0x9E84, 0xA284, 0xA684, 0xAA84, 0xAE84, 0xB284, 0xB684, 0xBA84, 0xBE84, + 0xC184, 0xC384, 0xC584, 0xC784, 0xC984, 0xCB84, 0xCD84, 0xCF84, 0xD184, 0xD384, 0xD584, 0xD784, 0xD984, 0xDB84, 0xDD84, 0xDF84, + 0xE104, 0xE204, 0xE304, 0xE404, 0xE504, 0xE604, 0xE704, 0xE804, 0xE904, 0xEA04, 0xEB04, 0xEC04, 0xED04, 0xEE04, 0xEF04, 0xF004, + 0xF0C4, 0xF144, 0xF1C4, 0xF244, 0xF2C4, 0xF344, 0xF3C4, 0xF444, 0xF4C4, 0xF544, 0xF5C4, 0xF644, 0xF6C4, 0xF744, 0xF7C4, 0xF844, + 0xF8A4, 0xF8E4, 0xF924, 0xF964, 0xF9A4, 0xF9E4, 0xFA24, 0xFA64, 0xFAA4, 0xFAE4, 0xFB24, 0xFB64, 0xFBA4, 0xFBE4, 0xFC24, 0xFC64, + 0xFC94, 0xFCB4, 0xFCD4, 0xFCF4, 0xFD14, 0xFD34, 0xFD54, 0xFD74, 0xFD94, 0xFDB4, 0xFDD4, 0xFDF4, 0xFE14, 0xFE34, 0xFE54, 0xFE74, + 0xFE8C, 0xFE9C, 0xFEAC, 0xFEBC, 0xFECC, 0xFEDC, 0xFEEC, 0xFEFC, 0xFF0C, 0xFF1C, 0xFF2C, 0xFF3C, 0xFF4C, 0xFF5C, 0xFF6C, 0xFF7C, + 0xFF88, 0xFF90, 0xFF98, 0xFFA0, 0xFFA8, 0xFFB0, 0xFFB8, 0xFFC0, 0xFFC8, 0xFFD0, 0xFFD8, 0xFFE0, 0xFFE8, 0xFFF0, 0xFFF8, 0x0000, + 0x7D7C, 0x797C, 0x757C, 0x717C, 0x6D7C, 0x697C, 0x657C, 0x617C, 0x5D7C, 0x597C, 0x557C, 0x517C, 0x4D7C, 0x497C, 0x457C, 0x417C, + 0x3E7C, 0x3C7C, 0x3A7C, 0x387C, 0x367C, 0x347C, 0x327C, 0x307C, 0x2E7C, 0x2C7C, 0x2A7C, 0x287C, 0x267C, 0x247C, 0x227C, 0x207C, + 0x1EFC, 0x1DFC, 0x1CFC, 0x1BFC, 0x1AFC, 0x19FC, 0x18FC, 0x17FC, 0x16FC, 0x15FC, 0x14FC, 0x13FC, 0x12FC, 0x11FC, 0x10FC, 0x0FFC, + 0x0F3C, 0x0EBC, 0x0E3C, 0x0DBC, 0x0D3C, 0x0CBC, 0x0C3C, 0x0BBC, 0x0B3C, 0x0ABC, 0x0A3C, 0x09BC, 0x093C, 0x08BC, 0x083C, 0x07BC, + 0x075C, 0x071C, 0x06DC, 0x069C, 0x065C, 0x061C, 0x05DC, 0x059C, 0x055C, 0x051C, 0x04DC, 0x049C, 0x045C, 0x041C, 0x03DC, 0x039C, + 0x036C, 0x034C, 0x032C, 0x030C, 0x02EC, 0x02CC, 0x02AC, 0x028C, 0x026C, 0x024C, 0x022C, 0x020C, 0x01EC, 0x01CC, 0x01AC, 0x018C, + 0x0174, 0x0164, 0x0154, 0x0144, 0x0134, 0x0124, 0x0114, 0x0104, 0x00F4, 0x00E4, 0x00D4, 0x00C4, 0x00B4, 0x00A4, 0x0094, 0x0084, + 0x0078, 0x0070, 0x0068, 0x0060, 0x0058, 0x0050, 0x0048, 0x0040, 0x0038, 0x0030, 0x0028, 0x0020, 0x0018, 0x0010, 0x0008, 0x0000 +}; + +static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_int16 drwav__alaw_to_s16(drwav_uint8 sampleIn) +{ + return (short)g_drwavAlawTable[sampleIn]; +} + +static DRWAV_INLINE drwav_int16 drwav__mulaw_to_s16(drwav_uint8 sampleIn) +{ + return (short)g_drwavMulawTable[sampleIn]; +} + + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void drwav__pcm_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t totalSampleCount, unsigned int bytesPerSample) +{ + size_t i; + + /* Special case for 8-bit sample data because it's treated as unsigned. */ + if (bytesPerSample == 1) { + drwav_u8_to_s16(pOut, pIn, totalSampleCount); + return; + } + + + /* Slightly more optimal implementation for common formats. */ + if (bytesPerSample == 2) { + for (i = 0; i < totalSampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = ((const drwav_int16*)pIn)[i]; + } + return; + } + if (bytesPerSample == 3) { + drwav_s24_to_s16(pOut, pIn, totalSampleCount); + return; + } + if (bytesPerSample == 4) { + drwav_s32_to_s16(pOut, (const drwav_int32*)pIn, totalSampleCount); + return; + } + + + /* Anything more than 64 bits per sample is not supported. */ + if (bytesPerSample > 8) { + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(pOut, totalSampleCount * sizeof(*pOut)); + return; + } + + + /* Generic, slow converter. */ + for (i = 0; i < totalSampleCount; ++i) { + drwav_uint64 sample = 0; + unsigned int shift = (8 - bytesPerSample) * 8; + + unsigned int j; + for (j = 0; j < bytesPerSample; j += 1) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(j < 8); + sample |= (drwav_uint64)(pIn[j]) << shift; + shift += 8; + } + + pIn += j; + *pOut++ = (drwav_int16)((drwav_int64)sample >> 48); + } +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void drwav__ieee_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t totalSampleCount, unsigned int bytesPerSample) +{ + if (bytesPerSample == 4) { + drwav_f32_to_s16(pOut, (const float*)pIn, totalSampleCount); + return; + } else if (bytesPerSample == 8) { + drwav_f64_to_s16(pOut, (const double*)pIn, totalSampleCount); + return; + } else { + /* Only supporting 32- and 64-bit float. Output silence in all other cases. Contributions welcome for 16-bit float. */ + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(pOut, totalSampleCount * sizeof(*pOut)); + return; + } +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__pcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + /* Fast path. */ + if ((pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM && pWav->bitsPerSample == 16) || pBufferOut == NULL) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav__pcm_to_s16(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, bytesPerSample); + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__ieee(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + if (pBufferOut == NULL) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToRead, NULL); + } + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav__ieee_to_s16(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, bytesPerSample); /* Safe cast. */ + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__alaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + if (pBufferOut == NULL) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToRead, NULL); + } + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav_alaw_to_s16(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead); + + /* + For some reason libsndfile seems to be returning samples of the opposite sign for a-law, but only + with AIFF files. For WAV files it seems to be the same as dr_wav. This is resulting in dr_wav's + automated tests failing. I'm not sure which is correct, but will assume dr_wav. If we're enforcing + libsndfile compatibility we'll swap the signs here. + */ + #ifdef DR_WAV_LIBSNDFILE_COMPAT + { + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_aiff) { + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < samplesRead; iSample += 1) { + pBufferOut[iSample] = -pBufferOut[iSample]; + } + } + } + #endif + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__mulaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + if (pBufferOut == NULL) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToRead, NULL); + } + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav_mulaw_to_s16(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead); + + /* + Just like with alaw, for some reason the signs between libsndfile and dr_wav are opposite. We just need to + swap the sign if we're compiling with libsndfile compatiblity so our automated tests don't fail. + */ + #ifdef DR_WAV_LIBSNDFILE_COMPAT + { + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_aiff) { + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < samplesRead; iSample += 1) { + pBufferOut[iSample] = -pBufferOut[iSample]; + } + } + } + #endif + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut) +{ + if (pWav == NULL || framesToRead == 0) { + return 0; + } + + if (pBufferOut == NULL) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToRead, NULL); + } + + /* Don't try to read more samples than can potentially fit in the output buffer. */ + if (framesToRead * pWav->channels * sizeof(drwav_int16) > DRWAV_SIZE_MAX) { + framesToRead = DRWAV_SIZE_MAX / sizeof(drwav_int16) / pWav->channels; + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__pcm(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__ieee(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__alaw(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__mulaw(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__msadpcm(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16__ima(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + return 0; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + if (pBufferOut != NULL && drwav__is_little_endian() == DRWAV_FALSE) { + drwav__bswap_samples_s16(pBufferOut, framesRead*pWav->channels); + } + + return framesRead; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16be(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int16* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + if (pBufferOut != NULL && drwav__is_little_endian() == DRWAV_TRUE) { + drwav__bswap_samples_s16(pBufferOut, framesRead*pWav->channels); + } + + return framesRead; +} + + +DRWAV_API void drwav_u8_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + int r; + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + int x = pIn[i]; + r = x << 8; + r = r - 32768; + pOut[i] = (short)r; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_s24_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + int r; + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + int x = ((int)(((unsigned int)(((const drwav_uint8*)pIn)[i*3+0]) << 8) | ((unsigned int)(((const drwav_uint8*)pIn)[i*3+1]) << 16) | ((unsigned int)(((const drwav_uint8*)pIn)[i*3+2])) << 24)) >> 8; + r = x >> 8; + pOut[i] = (short)r; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_s32_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_int32* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + int r; + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + int x = pIn[i]; + r = x >> 16; + pOut[i] = (short)r; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_f32_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const float* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + int r; + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + float x = pIn[i]; + float c; + c = ((x < -1) ? -1 : ((x > 1) ? 1 : x)); + c = c + 1; + r = (int)(c * 32767.5f); + r = r - 32768; + pOut[i] = (short)r; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_f64_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + int r; + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + double x = pIn[i]; + double c; + c = ((x < -1) ? -1 : ((x > 1) ? 1 : x)); + c = c + 1; + r = (int)(c * 32767.5); + r = r - 32768; + pOut[i] = (short)r; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_alaw_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + pOut[i] = drwav__alaw_to_s16(pIn[i]); + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_mulaw_to_s16(drwav_int16* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + pOut[i] = drwav__mulaw_to_s16(pIn[i]); + } +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void drwav__pcm_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount, unsigned int bytesPerSample) +{ + unsigned int i; + + /* Special case for 8-bit sample data because it's treated as unsigned. */ + if (bytesPerSample == 1) { + drwav_u8_to_f32(pOut, pIn, sampleCount); + return; + } + + /* Slightly more optimal implementation for common formats. */ + if (bytesPerSample == 2) { + drwav_s16_to_f32(pOut, (const drwav_int16*)pIn, sampleCount); + return; + } + if (bytesPerSample == 3) { + drwav_s24_to_f32(pOut, pIn, sampleCount); + return; + } + if (bytesPerSample == 4) { + drwav_s32_to_f32(pOut, (const drwav_int32*)pIn, sampleCount); + return; + } + + + /* Anything more than 64 bits per sample is not supported. */ + if (bytesPerSample > 8) { + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(pOut, sampleCount * sizeof(*pOut)); + return; + } + + + /* Generic, slow converter. */ + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + drwav_uint64 sample = 0; + unsigned int shift = (8 - bytesPerSample) * 8; + + unsigned int j; + for (j = 0; j < bytesPerSample; j += 1) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(j < 8); + sample |= (drwav_uint64)(pIn[j]) << shift; + shift += 8; + } + + pIn += j; + *pOut++ = (float)((drwav_int64)sample / 9223372036854775807.0); + } +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void drwav__ieee_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount, unsigned int bytesPerSample) +{ + if (bytesPerSample == 4) { + unsigned int i; + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = ((const float*)pIn)[i]; + } + return; + } else if (bytesPerSample == 8) { + drwav_f64_to_f32(pOut, (const double*)pIn, sampleCount); + return; + } else { + /* Only supporting 32- and 64-bit float. Output silence in all other cases. Contributions welcome for 16-bit float. */ + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(pOut, sampleCount * sizeof(*pOut)); + return; + } +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32__pcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav__pcm_to_f32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, bytesPerSample); + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32__msadpcm_ima(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut) +{ + /* + We're just going to borrow the implementation from the drwav_read_s16() since ADPCM is a little bit more complicated than other formats and I don't + want to duplicate that code. + */ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_int16 samples16[2048]; + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, drwav_countof(samples16)/pWav->channels); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, samples16); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + drwav_s16_to_f32(pBufferOut, samples16, (size_t)(framesRead*pWav->channels)); /* <-- Safe cast because we're clamping to 2048. */ + + pBufferOut += framesRead*pWav->channels; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32__ieee(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + /* Fast path. */ + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT && pWav->bitsPerSample == 32) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav__ieee_to_f32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, bytesPerSample); + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32__alaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav_alaw_to_f32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead); + + #ifdef DR_WAV_LIBSNDFILE_COMPAT + { + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_aiff) { + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < samplesRead; iSample += 1) { + pBufferOut[iSample] = -pBufferOut[iSample]; + } + } + } + #endif + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32__mulaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav_mulaw_to_f32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead); + + #ifdef DR_WAV_LIBSNDFILE_COMPAT + { + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_aiff) { + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < samplesRead; iSample += 1) { + pBufferOut[iSample] = -pBufferOut[iSample]; + } + } + } + #endif + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut) +{ + if (pWav == NULL || framesToRead == 0) { + return 0; + } + + if (pBufferOut == NULL) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToRead, NULL); + } + + /* Don't try to read more samples than can potentially fit in the output buffer. */ + if (framesToRead * pWav->channels * sizeof(float) > DRWAV_SIZE_MAX) { + framesToRead = DRWAV_SIZE_MAX / sizeof(float) / pWav->channels; + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32__pcm(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM || pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32__msadpcm_ima(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32__ieee(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32__alaw(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32__mulaw(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + return 0; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + if (pBufferOut != NULL && drwav__is_little_endian() == DRWAV_FALSE) { + drwav__bswap_samples_f32(pBufferOut, framesRead*pWav->channels); + } + + return framesRead; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32be(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, float* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + if (pBufferOut != NULL && drwav__is_little_endian() == DRWAV_TRUE) { + drwav__bswap_samples_f32(pBufferOut, framesRead*pWav->channels); + } + + return framesRead; +} + + +DRWAV_API void drwav_u8_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + +#ifdef DR_WAV_LIBSNDFILE_COMPAT + /* + It appears libsndfile uses slightly different logic for the u8 -> f32 conversion to dr_wav, which in my opinion is incorrect. It appears + libsndfile performs the conversion something like "f32 = (u8 / 256) * 2 - 1", however I think it should be "f32 = (u8 / 255) * 2 - 1" (note + the divisor of 256 vs 255). I use libsndfile as a benchmark for testing, so I'm therefore leaving this block here just for my automated + correctness testing. This is disabled by default. + */ + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = (pIn[i] / 256.0f) * 2 - 1; + } +#else + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + float x = pIn[i]; + x = x * 0.00784313725490196078f; /* 0..255 to 0..2 */ + x = x - 1; /* 0..2 to -1..1 */ + + *pOut++ = x; + } +#endif +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_s16_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_int16* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = pIn[i] * 0.000030517578125f; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_s24_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + double x; + drwav_uint32 a = ((drwav_uint32)(pIn[i*3+0]) << 8); + drwav_uint32 b = ((drwav_uint32)(pIn[i*3+1]) << 16); + drwav_uint32 c = ((drwav_uint32)(pIn[i*3+2]) << 24); + + x = (double)((drwav_int32)(a | b | c) >> 8); + *pOut++ = (float)(x * 0.00000011920928955078125); + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_s32_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_int32* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = (float)(pIn[i] / 2147483648.0); + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_f64_to_f32(float* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = (float)pIn[i]; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_alaw_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = drwav__alaw_to_s16(pIn[i]) / 32768.0f; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_mulaw_to_f32(float* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = drwav__mulaw_to_s16(pIn[i]) / 32768.0f; + } +} + + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void drwav__pcm_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t totalSampleCount, unsigned int bytesPerSample) +{ + unsigned int i; + + /* Special case for 8-bit sample data because it's treated as unsigned. */ + if (bytesPerSample == 1) { + drwav_u8_to_s32(pOut, pIn, totalSampleCount); + return; + } + + /* Slightly more optimal implementation for common formats. */ + if (bytesPerSample == 2) { + drwav_s16_to_s32(pOut, (const drwav_int16*)pIn, totalSampleCount); + return; + } + if (bytesPerSample == 3) { + drwav_s24_to_s32(pOut, pIn, totalSampleCount); + return; + } + if (bytesPerSample == 4) { + for (i = 0; i < totalSampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = ((const drwav_int32*)pIn)[i]; + } + return; + } + + + /* Anything more than 64 bits per sample is not supported. */ + if (bytesPerSample > 8) { + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(pOut, totalSampleCount * sizeof(*pOut)); + return; + } + + + /* Generic, slow converter. */ + for (i = 0; i < totalSampleCount; ++i) { + drwav_uint64 sample = 0; + unsigned int shift = (8 - bytesPerSample) * 8; + + unsigned int j; + for (j = 0; j < bytesPerSample; j += 1) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(j < 8); + sample |= (drwav_uint64)(pIn[j]) << shift; + shift += 8; + } + + pIn += j; + *pOut++ = (drwav_int32)((drwav_int64)sample >> 32); + } +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE void drwav__ieee_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t totalSampleCount, unsigned int bytesPerSample) +{ + if (bytesPerSample == 4) { + drwav_f32_to_s32(pOut, (const float*)pIn, totalSampleCount); + return; + } else if (bytesPerSample == 8) { + drwav_f64_to_s32(pOut, (const double*)pIn, totalSampleCount); + return; + } else { + /* Only supporting 32- and 64-bit float. Output silence in all other cases. Contributions welcome for 16-bit float. */ + DRWAV_ZERO_MEMORY(pOut, totalSampleCount * sizeof(*pOut)); + return; + } +} + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32__pcm(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + /* Fast path. */ + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM && pWav->bitsPerSample == 32) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav__pcm_to_s32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, bytesPerSample); + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32__msadpcm_ima(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut) +{ + /* + We're just going to borrow the implementation from the drwav_read_s16() since ADPCM is a little bit more complicated than other formats and I don't + want to duplicate that code. + */ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead = 0; + drwav_int16 samples16[2048]; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, drwav_countof(samples16)/pWav->channels); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, samples16); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + drwav_s16_to_s32(pBufferOut, samples16, (size_t)(framesRead*pWav->channels)); /* <-- Safe cast because we're clamping to 2048. */ + + pBufferOut += framesRead*pWav->channels; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32__ieee(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav__ieee_to_s32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead, bytesPerSample); + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32__alaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav_alaw_to_s32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead); + + #ifdef DR_WAV_LIBSNDFILE_COMPAT + { + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_aiff) { + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < samplesRead; iSample += 1) { + pBufferOut[iSample] = -pBufferOut[iSample]; + } + } + } + #endif + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32__mulaw(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 totalFramesRead; + drwav_uint8 sampleData[4096] = {0}; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerFrame; + drwav_uint32 bytesPerSample; + drwav_uint64 samplesRead; + + bytesPerFrame = drwav_get_bytes_per_pcm_frame(pWav); + if (bytesPerFrame == 0) { + return 0; + } + + bytesPerSample = bytesPerFrame / pWav->channels; + if (bytesPerSample == 0 || (bytesPerFrame % pWav->channels) != 0) { + return 0; /* Only byte-aligned formats are supported. */ + } + + totalFramesRead = 0; + + while (framesToRead > 0) { + drwav_uint64 framesToReadThisIteration = drwav_min(framesToRead, sizeof(sampleData)/bytesPerFrame); + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToReadThisIteration, sampleData); + if (framesRead == 0) { + break; + } + + DRWAV_ASSERT(framesRead <= framesToReadThisIteration); /* If this fails it means there's a bug in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). */ + + /* Validation to ensure we don't read too much from out intermediary buffer. This is to protect from invalid files. */ + samplesRead = framesRead * pWav->channels; + if ((samplesRead * bytesPerSample) > sizeof(sampleData)) { + DRWAV_ASSERT(DRWAV_FALSE); /* This should never happen with a valid file. */ + break; + } + + drwav_mulaw_to_s32(pBufferOut, sampleData, (size_t)samplesRead); + + #ifdef DR_WAV_LIBSNDFILE_COMPAT + { + if (pWav->container == drwav_container_aiff) { + drwav_uint64 iSample; + for (iSample = 0; iSample < samplesRead; iSample += 1) { + pBufferOut[iSample] = -pBufferOut[iSample]; + } + } + } + #endif + + pBufferOut += samplesRead; + framesToRead -= framesRead; + totalFramesRead += framesRead; + } + + return totalFramesRead; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut) +{ + if (pWav == NULL || framesToRead == 0) { + return 0; + } + + if (pBufferOut == NULL) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames(pWav, framesToRead, NULL); + } + + /* Don't try to read more samples than can potentially fit in the output buffer. */ + if (framesToRead * pWav->channels * sizeof(drwav_int32) > DRWAV_SIZE_MAX) { + framesToRead = DRWAV_SIZE_MAX / sizeof(drwav_int32) / pWav->channels; + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32__pcm(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM || pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32__msadpcm_ima(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32__ieee(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32__alaw(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + if (pWav->translatedFormatTag == DR_WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW) { + return drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32__mulaw(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + } + + return 0; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32le(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + if (pBufferOut != NULL && drwav__is_little_endian() == DRWAV_FALSE) { + drwav__bswap_samples_s32(pBufferOut, framesRead*pWav->channels); + } + + return framesRead; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32be(drwav* pWav, drwav_uint64 framesToRead, drwav_int32* pBufferOut) +{ + drwav_uint64 framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32(pWav, framesToRead, pBufferOut); + if (pBufferOut != NULL && drwav__is_little_endian() == DRWAV_TRUE) { + drwav__bswap_samples_s32(pBufferOut, framesRead*pWav->channels); + } + + return framesRead; +} + + +DRWAV_API void drwav_u8_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = ((int)pIn[i] - 128) << 24; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_s16_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_int16* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = pIn[i] << 16; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_s24_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + unsigned int s0 = pIn[i*3 + 0]; + unsigned int s1 = pIn[i*3 + 1]; + unsigned int s2 = pIn[i*3 + 2]; + + drwav_int32 sample32 = (drwav_int32)((s0 << 8) | (s1 << 16) | (s2 << 24)); + *pOut++ = sample32; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_f32_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const float* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = (drwav_int32)(2147483648.0f * pIn[i]); + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_f64_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const double* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = (drwav_int32)(2147483648.0 * pIn[i]); + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_alaw_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = ((drwav_int32)drwav__alaw_to_s16(pIn[i])) << 16; + } +} + +DRWAV_API void drwav_mulaw_to_s32(drwav_int32* pOut, const drwav_uint8* pIn, size_t sampleCount) +{ + size_t i; + + if (pOut == NULL || pIn == NULL) { + return; + } + + for (i= 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) { + *pOut++ = ((drwav_int32)drwav__mulaw_to_s16(pIn[i])) << 16; + } +} + + + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_int16* drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_s16(drwav* pWav, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCount) +{ + drwav_uint64 sampleDataSize; + drwav_int16* pSampleData; + drwav_uint64 framesRead; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + + sampleDataSize = pWav->totalPCMFrameCount * pWav->channels * sizeof(drwav_int16); + if (sampleDataSize > DRWAV_SIZE_MAX) { + drwav_uninit(pWav); + return NULL; /* File's too big. */ + } + + pSampleData = (drwav_int16*)drwav__malloc_from_callbacks((size_t)sampleDataSize, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); /* <-- Safe cast due to the check above. */ + if (pSampleData == NULL) { + drwav_uninit(pWav); + return NULL; /* Failed to allocate memory. */ + } + + framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16(pWav, (size_t)pWav->totalPCMFrameCount, pSampleData); + if (framesRead != pWav->totalPCMFrameCount) { + drwav__free_from_callbacks(pSampleData, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + drwav_uninit(pWav); + return NULL; /* There was an error reading the samples. */ + } + + drwav_uninit(pWav); + + if (sampleRate) { + *sampleRate = pWav->sampleRate; + } + if (channels) { + *channels = pWav->channels; + } + if (totalFrameCount) { + *totalFrameCount = pWav->totalPCMFrameCount; + } + + return pSampleData; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE float* drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_f32(drwav* pWav, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCount) +{ + drwav_uint64 sampleDataSize; + float* pSampleData; + drwav_uint64 framesRead; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + + sampleDataSize = pWav->totalPCMFrameCount * pWav->channels * sizeof(float); + if (sampleDataSize > DRWAV_SIZE_MAX) { + drwav_uninit(pWav); + return NULL; /* File's too big. */ + } + + pSampleData = (float*)drwav__malloc_from_callbacks((size_t)sampleDataSize, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); /* <-- Safe cast due to the check above. */ + if (pSampleData == NULL) { + drwav_uninit(pWav); + return NULL; /* Failed to allocate memory. */ + } + + framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32(pWav, (size_t)pWav->totalPCMFrameCount, pSampleData); + if (framesRead != pWav->totalPCMFrameCount) { + drwav__free_from_callbacks(pSampleData, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + drwav_uninit(pWav); + return NULL; /* There was an error reading the samples. */ + } + + drwav_uninit(pWav); + + if (sampleRate) { + *sampleRate = pWav->sampleRate; + } + if (channels) { + *channels = pWav->channels; + } + if (totalFrameCount) { + *totalFrameCount = pWav->totalPCMFrameCount; + } + + return pSampleData; +} + +DRWAV_PRIVATE drwav_int32* drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_s32(drwav* pWav, unsigned int* channels, unsigned int* sampleRate, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCount) +{ + drwav_uint64 sampleDataSize; + drwav_int32* pSampleData; + drwav_uint64 framesRead; + + DRWAV_ASSERT(pWav != NULL); + + sampleDataSize = pWav->totalPCMFrameCount * pWav->channels * sizeof(drwav_int32); + if (sampleDataSize > DRWAV_SIZE_MAX) { + drwav_uninit(pWav); + return NULL; /* File's too big. */ + } + + pSampleData = (drwav_int32*)drwav__malloc_from_callbacks((size_t)sampleDataSize, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); /* <-- Safe cast due to the check above. */ + if (pSampleData == NULL) { + drwav_uninit(pWav); + return NULL; /* Failed to allocate memory. */ + } + + framesRead = drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32(pWav, (size_t)pWav->totalPCMFrameCount, pSampleData); + if (framesRead != pWav->totalPCMFrameCount) { + drwav__free_from_callbacks(pSampleData, &pWav->allocationCallbacks); + drwav_uninit(pWav); + return NULL; /* There was an error reading the samples. */ + } + + drwav_uninit(pWav); + + if (sampleRate) { + *sampleRate = pWav->sampleRate; + } + if (channels) { + *channels = pWav->channels; + } + if (totalFrameCount) { + *totalFrameCount = pWav->totalPCMFrameCount; + } + + return pSampleData; +} + + + +DRWAV_API drwav_int16* drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init(&wav, onRead, onSeek, pUserData, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_s16(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} + +DRWAV_API float* drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init(&wav, onRead, onSeek, pUserData, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_f32(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_int32* drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(drwav_read_proc onRead, drwav_seek_proc onSeek, void* pUserData, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init(&wav, onRead, onSeek, pUserData, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_s32(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_STDIO +DRWAV_API drwav_int16* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16(const char* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init_file(&wav, filename, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_s16(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} + +DRWAV_API float* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32(const char* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init_file(&wav, filename, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_f32(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_int32* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(const char* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init_file(&wav, filename, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_s32(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} + + +#ifndef DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR +DRWAV_API drwav_int16* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16_w(const wchar_t* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init_file_w(&wav, filename, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_s16(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} + +DRWAV_API float* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32_w(const wchar_t* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init_file_w(&wav, filename, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_f32(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_int32* drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32_w(const wchar_t* filename, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init_file_w(&wav, filename, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_s32(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} +#endif /* DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR */ +#endif /* DR_WAV_NO_STDIO */ + +DRWAV_API drwav_int16* drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init_memory(&wav, data, dataSize, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_s16(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} + +DRWAV_API float* drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init_memory(&wav, data, dataSize, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_f32(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_int32* drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(const void* data, size_t dataSize, unsigned int* channelsOut, unsigned int* sampleRateOut, drwav_uint64* totalFrameCountOut, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + drwav wav; + + if (channelsOut) { + *channelsOut = 0; + } + if (sampleRateOut) { + *sampleRateOut = 0; + } + if (totalFrameCountOut) { + *totalFrameCountOut = 0; + } + + if (!drwav_init_memory(&wav, data, dataSize, pAllocationCallbacks)) { + return NULL; + } + + return drwav__read_pcm_frames_and_close_s32(&wav, channelsOut, sampleRateOut, totalFrameCountOut); +} +#endif /* DR_WAV_NO_CONVERSION_API */ + + +DRWAV_API void drwav_free(void* p, const drwav_allocation_callbacks* pAllocationCallbacks) +{ + if (pAllocationCallbacks != NULL) { + drwav__free_from_callbacks(p, pAllocationCallbacks); + } else { + drwav__free_default(p, NULL); + } +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint16 drwav_bytes_to_u16(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + return ((drwav_uint16)data[0] << 0) | ((drwav_uint16)data[1] << 8); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_int16 drwav_bytes_to_s16(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + return (drwav_int16)drwav_bytes_to_u16(data); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint32 drwav_bytes_to_u32(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + return drwav_bytes_to_u32_le(data); +} + +DRWAV_API float drwav_bytes_to_f32(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + union { + drwav_uint32 u32; + float f32; + } value; + + value.u32 = drwav_bytes_to_u32(data); + return value.f32; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_int32 drwav_bytes_to_s32(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + return (drwav_int32)drwav_bytes_to_u32(data); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_uint64 drwav_bytes_to_u64(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + return + ((drwav_uint64)data[0] << 0) | ((drwav_uint64)data[1] << 8) | ((drwav_uint64)data[2] << 16) | ((drwav_uint64)data[3] << 24) | + ((drwav_uint64)data[4] << 32) | ((drwav_uint64)data[5] << 40) | ((drwav_uint64)data[6] << 48) | ((drwav_uint64)data[7] << 56); +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_int64 drwav_bytes_to_s64(const drwav_uint8* data) +{ + return (drwav_int64)drwav_bytes_to_u64(data); +} + + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_guid_equal(const drwav_uint8 a[16], const drwav_uint8 b[16]) +{ + int i; + for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) { + if (a[i] != b[i]) { + return DRWAV_FALSE; + } + } + + return DRWAV_TRUE; +} + +DRWAV_API drwav_bool32 drwav_fourcc_equal(const drwav_uint8* a, const char* b) +{ + return + a[0] == b[0] && + a[1] == b[1] && + a[2] == b[2] && + a[3] == b[3]; +} + +#ifdef __MRC__ +/* Undo the pragma at the beginning of this file. */ +#pragma options opt reset +#endif + +#endif /* dr_wav_c */ +#endif /* DR_WAV_IMPLEMENTATION */ + +/* +REVISION HISTORY +================ +v0.13.16 - 2024-02-27 + - Fix a Wdouble-promotion warning. + +v0.13.15 - 2024-01-23 + - Relax some unnecessary validation that prevented some files from loading. + +v0.13.14 - 2023-12-02 + - Fix a warning about an unused variable. + +v0.13.13 - 2023-11-02 + - Fix a warning when compiling with Clang. + +v0.13.12 - 2023-08-07 + - Fix a possible crash in drwav_read_pcm_frames(). + +v0.13.11 - 2023-07-07 + - AIFF compatibility improvements. + +v0.13.10 - 2023-05-29 + - Fix a bug where drwav_init_with_metadata() does not decode any frames after initializtion. + +v0.13.9 - 2023-05-22 + - Add support for AIFF decoding (writing and metadata not supported). + - Add support for RIFX decoding (writing and metadata not supported). + - Fix a bug where metadata is not processed if it's located before the "fmt " chunk. + - Add a workaround for a type of malformed WAV file where the size of the "RIFF" and "data" chunks + are incorrectly set to 0xFFFFFFFF. + +v0.13.8 - 2023-03-25 + - Fix a possible null pointer dereference. + - Fix a crash when loading files with badly formed metadata. + +v0.13.7 - 2022-09-17 + - Fix compilation with DJGPP. + - Add support for disabling wchar_t with DR_WAV_NO_WCHAR. + +v0.13.6 - 2022-04-10 + - Fix compilation error on older versions of GCC. + - Remove some dependencies on the standard library. + +v0.13.5 - 2022-01-26 + - Fix an error when seeking to the end of the file. + +v0.13.4 - 2021-12-08 + - Fix some static analysis warnings. + +v0.13.3 - 2021-11-24 + - Fix an incorrect assertion when trying to endian swap 1-byte sample formats. This is now a no-op + rather than a failed assertion. + - Fix a bug with parsing of the bext chunk. + - Fix some static analysis warnings. + +v0.13.2 - 2021-10-02 + - Fix a possible buffer overflow when reading from compressed formats. + +v0.13.1 - 2021-07-31 + - Fix platform detection for ARM64. + +v0.13.0 - 2021-07-01 + - Improve support for reading and writing metadata. Use the `_with_metadata()` APIs to initialize + a WAV decoder and store the metadata within the `drwav` object. Use the `pMetadata` and + `metadataCount` members of the `drwav` object to read the data. The old way of handling metadata + via a callback is still usable and valid. + - API CHANGE: drwav_target_write_size_bytes() now takes extra parameters for calculating the + required write size when writing metadata. + - Add drwav_get_cursor_in_pcm_frames() + - Add drwav_get_length_in_pcm_frames() + - Fix a bug where drwav_read_raw() can call the read callback with a byte count of zero. + +v0.12.20 - 2021-06-11 + - Fix some undefined behavior. + +v0.12.19 - 2021-02-21 + - Fix a warning due to referencing _MSC_VER when it is undefined. + - Minor improvements to the management of some internal state concerning the data chunk cursor. + +v0.12.18 - 2021-01-31 + - Clean up some static analysis warnings. + +v0.12.17 - 2021-01-17 + - Minor fix to sample code in documentation. + - Correctly qualify a private API as private rather than public. + - Code cleanup. + +v0.12.16 - 2020-12-02 + - Fix a bug when trying to read more bytes than can fit in a size_t. + +v0.12.15 - 2020-11-21 + - Fix compilation with OpenWatcom. + +v0.12.14 - 2020-11-13 + - Minor code clean up. + +v0.12.13 - 2020-11-01 + - Improve compiler support for older versions of GCC. + +v0.12.12 - 2020-09-28 + - Add support for RF64. + - Fix a bug in writing mode where the size of the RIFF chunk incorrectly includes the header section. + +v0.12.11 - 2020-09-08 + - Fix a compilation error on older compilers. + +v0.12.10 - 2020-08-24 + - Fix a bug when seeking with ADPCM formats. + +v0.12.9 - 2020-08-02 + - Simplify sized types. + +v0.12.8 - 2020-07-25 + - Fix a compilation warning. + +v0.12.7 - 2020-07-15 + - Fix some bugs on big-endian architectures. + - Fix an error in s24 to f32 conversion. + +v0.12.6 - 2020-06-23 + - Change drwav_read_*() to allow NULL to be passed in as the output buffer which is equivalent to a forward seek. + - Fix a buffer overflow when trying to decode invalid IMA-ADPCM files. + - Add include guard for the implementation section. + +v0.12.5 - 2020-05-27 + - Minor documentation fix. + +v0.12.4 - 2020-05-16 + - Replace assert() with DRWAV_ASSERT(). + - Add compile-time and run-time version querying. + - DRWAV_VERSION_MINOR + - DRWAV_VERSION_MAJOR + - DRWAV_VERSION_REVISION + - DRWAV_VERSION_STRING + - drwav_version() + - drwav_version_string() + +v0.12.3 - 2020-04-30 + - Fix compilation errors with VC6. + +v0.12.2 - 2020-04-21 + - Fix a bug where drwav_init_file() does not close the file handle after attempting to load an erroneous file. + +v0.12.1 - 2020-04-13 + - Fix some pedantic warnings. + +v0.12.0 - 2020-04-04 + - API CHANGE: Add container and format parameters to the chunk callback. + - Minor documentation updates. + +v0.11.5 - 2020-03-07 + - Fix compilation error with Visual Studio .NET 2003. + +v0.11.4 - 2020-01-29 + - Fix some static analysis warnings. + - Fix a bug when reading f32 samples from an A-law encoded stream. + +v0.11.3 - 2020-01-12 + - Minor changes to some f32 format conversion routines. + - Minor bug fix for ADPCM conversion when end of file is reached. + +v0.11.2 - 2019-12-02 + - Fix a possible crash when using custom memory allocators without a custom realloc() implementation. + - Fix an integer overflow bug. + - Fix a null pointer dereference bug. + - Add limits to sample rate, channels and bits per sample to tighten up some validation. + +v0.11.1 - 2019-10-07 + - Internal code clean up. + +v0.11.0 - 2019-10-06 + - API CHANGE: Add support for user defined memory allocation routines. This system allows the program to specify their own memory allocation + routines with a user data pointer for client-specific contextual data. This adds an extra parameter to the end of the following APIs: + - drwav_init() + - drwav_init_ex() + - drwav_init_file() + - drwav_init_file_ex() + - drwav_init_file_w() + - drwav_init_file_w_ex() + - drwav_init_memory() + - drwav_init_memory_ex() + - drwav_init_write() + - drwav_init_write_sequential() + - drwav_init_write_sequential_pcm_frames() + - drwav_init_file_write() + - drwav_init_file_write_sequential() + - drwav_init_file_write_sequential_pcm_frames() + - drwav_init_file_write_w() + - drwav_init_file_write_sequential_w() + - drwav_init_file_write_sequential_pcm_frames_w() + - drwav_init_memory_write() + - drwav_init_memory_write_sequential() + - drwav_init_memory_write_sequential_pcm_frames() + - drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16() + - drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32() + - drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16_w() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32_w() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32_w() + - drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16() + - drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32() + - drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() + Set this extra parameter to NULL to use defaults which is the same as the previous behaviour. Setting this NULL will use + DRWAV_MALLOC, DRWAV_REALLOC and DRWAV_FREE. + - Add support for reading and writing PCM frames in an explicit endianness. New APIs: + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_le() + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_be() + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16le() + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16be() + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32le() + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32be() + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32le() + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32be() + - drwav_write_pcm_frames_le() + - drwav_write_pcm_frames_be() + - Remove deprecated APIs. + - API CHANGE: The following APIs now return native-endian data. Previously they returned little-endian data. + - drwav_read_pcm_frames() + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16() + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32() + - drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32() + - drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16() + - drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() + - drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16_w() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32_w() + - drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32_w() + - drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16() + - drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() + - drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32() + +v0.10.1 - 2019-08-31 + - Correctly handle partial trailing ADPCM blocks. + +v0.10.0 - 2019-08-04 + - Remove deprecated APIs. + - Add wchar_t variants for file loading APIs: + drwav_init_file_w() + drwav_init_file_ex_w() + drwav_init_file_write_w() + drwav_init_file_write_sequential_w() + - Add drwav_target_write_size_bytes() which calculates the total size in bytes of a WAV file given a format and sample count. + - Add APIs for specifying the PCM frame count instead of the sample count when opening in sequential write mode: + drwav_init_write_sequential_pcm_frames() + drwav_init_file_write_sequential_pcm_frames() + drwav_init_file_write_sequential_pcm_frames_w() + drwav_init_memory_write_sequential_pcm_frames() + - Deprecate drwav_open*() and drwav_close(): + drwav_open() + drwav_open_ex() + drwav_open_write() + drwav_open_write_sequential() + drwav_open_file() + drwav_open_file_ex() + drwav_open_file_write() + drwav_open_file_write_sequential() + drwav_open_memory() + drwav_open_memory_ex() + drwav_open_memory_write() + drwav_open_memory_write_sequential() + drwav_close() + - Minor documentation updates. + +v0.9.2 - 2019-05-21 + - Fix warnings. + +v0.9.1 - 2019-05-05 + - Add support for C89. + - Change license to choice of public domain or MIT-0. + +v0.9.0 - 2018-12-16 + - API CHANGE: Add new reading APIs for reading by PCM frames instead of samples. Old APIs have been deprecated and + will be removed in v0.10.0. Deprecated APIs and their replacements: + drwav_read() -> drwav_read_pcm_frames() + drwav_read_s16() -> drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16() + drwav_read_f32() -> drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32() + drwav_read_s32() -> drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32() + drwav_seek_to_sample() -> drwav_seek_to_pcm_frame() + drwav_write() -> drwav_write_pcm_frames() + drwav_open_and_read_s16() -> drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16() + drwav_open_and_read_f32() -> drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32() + drwav_open_and_read_s32() -> drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() + drwav_open_file_and_read_s16() -> drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16() + drwav_open_file_and_read_f32() -> drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32() + drwav_open_file_and_read_s32() -> drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() + drwav_open_memory_and_read_s16() -> drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16() + drwav_open_memory_and_read_f32() -> drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32() + drwav_open_memory_and_read_s32() -> drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() + drwav::totalSampleCount -> drwav::totalPCMFrameCount + - API CHANGE: Rename drwav_open_and_read_file_*() to drwav_open_file_and_read_*(). + - API CHANGE: Rename drwav_open_and_read_memory_*() to drwav_open_memory_and_read_*(). + - Add built-in support for smpl chunks. + - Add support for firing a callback for each chunk in the file at initialization time. + - This is enabled through the drwav_init_ex(), etc. family of APIs. + - Handle invalid FMT chunks more robustly. + +v0.8.5 - 2018-09-11 + - Const correctness. + - Fix a potential stack overflow. + +v0.8.4 - 2018-08-07 + - Improve 64-bit detection. + +v0.8.3 - 2018-08-05 + - Fix C++ build on older versions of GCC. + +v0.8.2 - 2018-08-02 + - Fix some big-endian bugs. + +v0.8.1 - 2018-06-29 + - Add support for sequential writing APIs. + - Disable seeking in write mode. + - Fix bugs with Wave64. + - Fix typos. + +v0.8 - 2018-04-27 + - Bug fix. + - Start using major.minor.revision versioning. + +v0.7f - 2018-02-05 + - Restrict ADPCM formats to a maximum of 2 channels. + +v0.7e - 2018-02-02 + - Fix a crash. + +v0.7d - 2018-02-01 + - Fix a crash. + +v0.7c - 2018-02-01 + - Set drwav.bytesPerSample to 0 for all compressed formats. + - Fix a crash when reading 16-bit floating point WAV files. In this case dr_wav will output silence for + all format conversion reading APIs (*_s16, *_s32, *_f32 APIs). + - Fix some divide-by-zero errors. + +v0.7b - 2018-01-22 + - Fix errors with seeking of compressed formats. + - Fix compilation error when DR_WAV_NO_CONVERSION_API + +v0.7a - 2017-11-17 + - Fix some GCC warnings. + +v0.7 - 2017-11-04 + - Add writing APIs. + +v0.6 - 2017-08-16 + - API CHANGE: Rename dr_* types to drwav_*. + - Add support for custom implementations of malloc(), realloc(), etc. + - Add support for Microsoft ADPCM. + - Add support for IMA ADPCM (DVI, format code 0x11). + - Optimizations to drwav_read_s16(). + - Bug fixes. + +v0.5g - 2017-07-16 + - Change underlying type for booleans to unsigned. + +v0.5f - 2017-04-04 + - Fix a minor bug with drwav_open_and_read_s16() and family. + +v0.5e - 2016-12-29 + - Added support for reading samples as signed 16-bit integers. Use the _s16() family of APIs for this. + - Minor fixes to documentation. + +v0.5d - 2016-12-28 + - Use drwav_int* and drwav_uint* sized types to improve compiler support. + +v0.5c - 2016-11-11 + - Properly handle JUNK chunks that come before the FMT chunk. + +v0.5b - 2016-10-23 + - A minor change to drwav_bool8 and drwav_bool32 types. + +v0.5a - 2016-10-11 + - Fixed a bug with drwav_open_and_read() and family due to incorrect argument ordering. + - Improve A-law and mu-law efficiency. + +v0.5 - 2016-09-29 + - API CHANGE. Swap the order of "channels" and "sampleRate" parameters in drwav_open_and_read*(). Rationale for this is to + keep it consistent with dr_audio and dr_flac. + +v0.4b - 2016-09-18 + - Fixed a typo in documentation. + +v0.4a - 2016-09-18 + - Fixed a typo. + - Change date format to ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD) + +v0.4 - 2016-07-13 + - API CHANGE. Make onSeek consistent with dr_flac. + - API CHANGE. Rename drwav_seek() to drwav_seek_to_sample() for clarity and consistency with dr_flac. + - Added support for Sony Wave64. + +v0.3a - 2016-05-28 + - API CHANGE. Return drwav_bool32 instead of int in onSeek callback. + - Fixed a memory leak. + +v0.3 - 2016-05-22 + - Lots of API changes for consistency. + +v0.2a - 2016-05-16 + - Fixed Linux/GCC build. + +v0.2 - 2016-05-11 + - Added support for reading data as signed 32-bit PCM for consistency with dr_flac. + +v0.1a - 2016-05-07 + - Fixed a bug in drwav_open_file() where the file handle would not be closed if the loader failed to initialize. + +v0.1 - 2016-05-04 + - Initial versioned release. +*/ + +/* +This software is available as a choice of the following licenses. Choose +whichever you prefer. + +=============================================================================== +ALTERNATIVE 1 - Public Domain (www.unlicense.org) +=============================================================================== +This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. + +Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this +software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, +commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. + +In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this +software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public +domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to +the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an +overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to +this software under copyright law. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN +ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +For more information, please refer to + +=============================================================================== +ALTERNATIVE 2 - MIT No Attribution +=============================================================================== +Copyright 2023 David Reid + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in +the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to +use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies +of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do +so. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. +*/ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/grammar-parser.cpp b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/grammar-parser.cpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e282fc7b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/grammar-parser.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,423 @@ +#include "grammar-parser.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace grammar_parser { + // NOTE: assumes valid utf8 (but checks for overrun) + // copied from whisper.cpp + static std::pair decode_utf8(const char * src) { + static const int lookup[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 }; + uint8_t first_byte = static_cast(*src); + uint8_t highbits = first_byte >> 4; + int len = lookup[highbits]; + uint8_t mask = (1 << (8 - len)) - 1; + uint32_t value = first_byte & mask; + const char * end = src + len; // may overrun! + const char * pos = src + 1; + for ( ; pos < end && *pos; pos++) { + value = (value << 6) + (static_cast(*pos) & 0x3F); + } + return std::make_pair(value, pos); + } + + static uint32_t get_symbol_id(parse_state & state, const char * src, size_t len) { + uint32_t next_id = static_cast(state.symbol_ids.size()); + auto result = state.symbol_ids.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(src, len), next_id)); + return result.first->second; + } + + static uint32_t generate_symbol_id(parse_state & state, const std::string & base_name) { + uint32_t next_id = static_cast(state.symbol_ids.size()); + state.symbol_ids[base_name + '_' + std::to_string(next_id)] = next_id; + return next_id; + } + + static void add_rule( + parse_state & state, + uint32_t rule_id, + const std::vector & rule) { + if (state.rules.size() <= rule_id) { + state.rules.resize(rule_id + 1); + } + state.rules[rule_id] = rule; + } + + static bool is_word_char(char c) { + return ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || c == '-' || ('0' <= c && c <= '9'); + } + + static std::pair parse_hex(const char * src, int size) { + const char * pos = src; + const char * end = src + size; + uint32_t value = 0; + for ( ; pos < end && *pos; pos++) { + value <<= 4; + char c = *pos; + if ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') { + value += c - 'a' + 10; + } else if ('A' <= c && c <= 'F') { + value += c - 'A' + 10; + } else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { + value += c - '0'; + } else { + break; + } + } + if (pos != end) { + throw std::runtime_error("expecting " + std::to_string(size) + " hex chars at " + src); + } + return std::make_pair(value, pos); + } + + static const char * parse_space(const char * src, bool newline_ok) { + const char * pos = src; + while (*pos == ' ' || *pos == '\t' || *pos == '#' || + (newline_ok && (*pos == '\r' || *pos == '\n'))) { + if (*pos == '#') { + while (*pos && *pos != '\r' && *pos != '\n') { + pos++; + } + } else { + pos++; + } + } + return pos; + } + + static const char * parse_name(const char * src) { + const char * pos = src; + while (is_word_char(*pos)) { + pos++; + } + if (pos == src) { + throw std::runtime_error(std::string("expecting name at ") + src); + } + return pos; + } + + static std::pair parse_char(const char * src) { + if (*src == '\\') { + switch (src[1]) { + case 'x': return parse_hex(src + 2, 2); + case 'u': return parse_hex(src + 2, 4); + case 'U': return parse_hex(src + 2, 8); + case 't': return std::make_pair('\t', src + 2); + case 'r': return std::make_pair('\r', src + 2); + case 'n': return std::make_pair('\n', src + 2); + case '\\': + case '"': + case '[': + case ']': + return std::make_pair(src[1], src + 2); + default: + throw std::runtime_error(std::string("unknown escape at ") + src); + } + } else if (*src) { + return decode_utf8(src); + } + throw std::runtime_error("unexpected end of input"); + } + + static const char * parse_alternates( + parse_state & state, + const char * src, + const std::string & rule_name, + uint32_t rule_id, + bool is_nested); + + static const char * parse_sequence( + parse_state & state, + const char * src, + const std::string & rule_name, + std::vector & out_elements, + bool is_nested) { + size_t last_sym_start = out_elements.size(); + const char * pos = src; + while (*pos) { + if (*pos == '"') { // literal string + pos++; + last_sym_start = out_elements.size(); + while (*pos != '"') { + auto char_pair = parse_char(pos); + pos = char_pair.second; + out_elements.push_back({WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR, char_pair.first}); + } + pos = parse_space(pos + 1, is_nested); + } else if (*pos == '[') { // char range(s) + pos++; + enum whisper_gretype start_type = WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR; + if (*pos == '^') { + pos++; + start_type = WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_NOT; + } + last_sym_start = out_elements.size(); + while (*pos != ']') { + auto char_pair = parse_char(pos); + pos = char_pair.second; + enum whisper_gretype type = last_sym_start < out_elements.size() + ? WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT + : start_type; + + out_elements.push_back({type, char_pair.first}); + if (pos[0] == '-' && pos[1] != ']') { + auto endchar_pair = parse_char(pos + 1); + pos = endchar_pair.second; + out_elements.push_back({WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER, endchar_pair.first}); + } + } + pos = parse_space(pos + 1, is_nested); + } else if (is_word_char(*pos)) { // rule reference + const char * name_end = parse_name(pos); + uint32_t ref_rule_id = get_symbol_id(state, pos, name_end - pos); + pos = parse_space(name_end, is_nested); + last_sym_start = out_elements.size(); + out_elements.push_back({WHISPER_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, ref_rule_id}); + } else if (*pos == '(') { // grouping + // parse nested alternates into synthesized rule + pos = parse_space(pos + 1, true); + uint32_t sub_rule_id = generate_symbol_id(state, rule_name); + pos = parse_alternates(state, pos, rule_name, sub_rule_id, true); + last_sym_start = out_elements.size(); + // output reference to synthesized rule + out_elements.push_back({WHISPER_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, sub_rule_id}); + if (*pos != ')') { + throw std::runtime_error(std::string("expecting ')' at ") + pos); + } + pos = parse_space(pos + 1, is_nested); + } else if (*pos == '*' || *pos == '+' || *pos == '?') { // repetition operator + if (last_sym_start == out_elements.size()) { + throw std::runtime_error(std::string("expecting preceding item to */+/? at ") + pos); + } + + // apply transformation to previous symbol (last_sym_start to end) according to + // rewrite rules: + // S* --> S' ::= S S' | + // S+ --> S' ::= S S' | S + // S? --> S' ::= S | + uint32_t sub_rule_id = generate_symbol_id(state, rule_name); + std::vector sub_rule; + // add preceding symbol to generated rule + sub_rule.insert( + sub_rule.end(), out_elements.begin() + last_sym_start, out_elements.end()); + if (*pos == '*' || *pos == '+') { + // cause generated rule to recurse + sub_rule.push_back({WHISPER_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, sub_rule_id}); + } + // mark start of alternate def + sub_rule.push_back({WHISPER_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}); + if (*pos == '+') { + // add preceding symbol as alternate only for '+' (otherwise empty) + sub_rule.insert( + sub_rule.end(), out_elements.begin() + last_sym_start, out_elements.end()); + } + sub_rule.push_back({WHISPER_GRETYPE_END, 0}); + add_rule(state, sub_rule_id, sub_rule); + + // in original rule, replace previous symbol with reference to generated rule + out_elements.resize(last_sym_start); + out_elements.push_back({WHISPER_GRETYPE_RULE_REF, sub_rule_id}); + + pos = parse_space(pos + 1, is_nested); + } else { + break; + } + } + return pos; + } + + static const char * parse_alternates( + parse_state & state, + const char * src, + const std::string & rule_name, + uint32_t rule_id, + bool is_nested) { + std::vector rule; + const char * pos = parse_sequence(state, src, rule_name, rule, is_nested); + while (*pos == '|') { + rule.push_back({WHISPER_GRETYPE_ALT, 0}); + pos = parse_space(pos + 1, true); + pos = parse_sequence(state, pos, rule_name, rule, is_nested); + } + rule.push_back({WHISPER_GRETYPE_END, 0}); + add_rule(state, rule_id, rule); + return pos; + } + + static const char * parse_rule(parse_state & state, const char * src) { + const char * name_end = parse_name(src); + const char * pos = parse_space(name_end, false); + size_t name_len = name_end - src; + uint32_t rule_id = get_symbol_id(state, src, name_len); + const std::string name(src, name_len); + + if (!(pos[0] == ':' && pos[1] == ':' && pos[2] == '=')) { + throw std::runtime_error(std::string("expecting ::= at ") + pos); + } + pos = parse_space(pos + 3, true); + + pos = parse_alternates(state, pos, name, rule_id, false); + + if (*pos == '\r') { + pos += pos[1] == '\n' ? 2 : 1; + } else if (*pos == '\n') { + pos++; + } else if (*pos) { + throw std::runtime_error(std::string("expecting newline or end at ") + pos); + } + return parse_space(pos, true); + } + + parse_state parse(const char * src) { + try { + parse_state state; + const char * pos = parse_space(src, true); + while (*pos) { + pos = parse_rule(state, pos); + } + return state; + } catch (const std::exception & err) { + fprintf(stderr, "%s: error parsing grammar: %s\n", __func__, err.what()); + return parse_state(); + } + } + + static void print_grammar_char(FILE * file, uint32_t c) { + if (0x20 <= c && c <= 0x7f) { + fprintf(file, "%c", static_cast(c)); + } else { + // cop out of encoding UTF-8 + fprintf(file, "", c); + } + } + + static bool is_char_element(whisper_grammar_element elem) { + switch (elem.type) { + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR: return true; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_NOT: return true; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT: return true; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER: return true; + default: return false; + } + } + + static void print_rule_binary(FILE * file, const std::vector & rule) { + for (auto elem : rule) { + switch (elem.type) { + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_END: fprintf(file, "END"); break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_ALT: fprintf(file, "ALT"); break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_RULE_REF: fprintf(file, "RULE_REF"); break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR: fprintf(file, "CHAR"); break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_NOT: fprintf(file, "CHAR_NOT"); break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER: fprintf(file, "CHAR_RNG_UPPER"); break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT: fprintf(file, "CHAR_ALT"); break; + } + switch (elem.type) { + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_END: + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_ALT: + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_RULE_REF: + fprintf(file, "(%u) ", elem.value); + break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR: + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_NOT: + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER: + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT: + fprintf(file, "(\""); + print_grammar_char(file, elem.value); + fprintf(file, "\") "); + break; + } + } + fprintf(file, "\n"); + } + + static void print_rule( + FILE * file, + uint32_t rule_id, + const std::vector & rule, + const std::map & symbol_id_names) { + if (rule.empty() || rule.back().type != WHISPER_GRETYPE_END) { + throw std::runtime_error( + "malformed rule, does not end with WHISPER_GRETYPE_END: " + std::to_string(rule_id)); + } + fprintf(file, "%s ::= ", symbol_id_names.at(rule_id).c_str()); + for (size_t i = 0, end = rule.size() - 1; i < end; i++) { + whisper_grammar_element elem = rule[i]; + switch (elem.type) { + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_END: + throw std::runtime_error( + "unexpected end of rule: " + std::to_string(rule_id) + "," + + std::to_string(i)); + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_ALT: + fprintf(file, "| "); + break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_RULE_REF: + fprintf(file, "%s ", symbol_id_names.at(elem.value).c_str()); + break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR: + fprintf(file, "["); + print_grammar_char(file, elem.value); + break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_NOT: + fprintf(file, "[^"); + print_grammar_char(file, elem.value); + break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER: + if (i == 0 || !is_char_element(rule[i - 1])) { + throw std::runtime_error( + "WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER without preceding char: " + + std::to_string(rule_id) + "," + std::to_string(i)); + } + fprintf(file, "-"); + print_grammar_char(file, elem.value); + break; + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT: + if (i == 0 || !is_char_element(rule[i - 1])) { + throw std::runtime_error( + "WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT without preceding char: " + + std::to_string(rule_id) + "," + std::to_string(i)); + } + print_grammar_char(file, elem.value); + break; + } + if (is_char_element(elem)) { + switch (rule[i + 1].type) { + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_ALT: + case WHISPER_GRETYPE_CHAR_RNG_UPPER: + break; + default: + fprintf(file, "] "); + } + } + } + fprintf(file, "\n"); + } + + void print_grammar(FILE * file, const parse_state & state) { + try { + std::map symbol_id_names; + for (auto kv : state.symbol_ids) { + symbol_id_names[kv.second] = kv.first; + } + for (size_t i = 0, end = state.rules.size(); i < end; i++) { + // fprintf(file, "%zu: ", i); + // print_rule_binary(file, state.rules[i]); + print_rule(file, uint32_t(i), state.rules[i], symbol_id_names); + // fprintf(file, "\n"); + } + } catch (const std::exception & err) { + fprintf(stderr, "\n%s: error printing grammar: %s\n", __func__, err.what()); + } + } + + std::vector parse_state::c_rules() const { + std::vector ret; + for (const auto & rule : rules) { + ret.push_back(rule.data()); + } + return ret; + } +} diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/grammar-parser.h b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/grammar-parser.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..47d019c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/grammar-parser.h @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Implements a parser for an extended Backus-Naur form (BNF), producing the +// binary context-free grammar format specified by whisper.h. Supports character +// ranges, grouping, and repetition operators. As an example, a grammar for +// arithmetic might look like: +// +// root ::= expr +// expr ::= term ([-+*/] term)* +// term ::= num | "(" space expr ")" space +// num ::= [0-9]+ space +// space ::= [ \t\n]* + +#pragma once +#include "whisper.h" +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace grammar_parser { + struct parse_state { + std::map symbol_ids; + std::vector> rules; + + std::vector c_rules() const; + }; + + parse_state parse(const char * src); + void print_grammar(FILE * file, const parse_state & state); +} diff --git a/src/whisper_cpp/examples/json.hpp b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/json.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d1a37ad --- /dev/null +++ b/src/whisper_cpp/examples/json.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,24596 @@ +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +/****************************************************************************\ + * Note on documentation: The source files contain links to the online * + * documentation of the public API at https://json.nlohmann.me. This URL * + * contains the most recent documentation and should also be applicable to * + * previous versions; documentation for deprecated functions is not * + * removed, but marked deprecated. See "Generate documentation" section in * + * file docs/README.md. * +\****************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef INCLUDE_NLOHMANN_JSON_HPP_ +#define INCLUDE_NLOHMANN_JSON_HPP_ + +#include // all_of, find, for_each +#include // nullptr_t, ptrdiff_t, size_t +#include // hash, less +#include // initializer_list +#ifndef JSON_NO_IO + #include // istream, ostream +#endif // JSON_NO_IO +#include // random_access_iterator_tag +#include // unique_ptr +#include // accumulate +#include // string, stoi, to_string +#include // declval, forward, move, pair, swap +#include // vector + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +#include + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +// This file contains all macro definitions affecting or depending on the ABI + +#ifndef JSON_SKIP_LIBRARY_VERSION_CHECK + #if defined(NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MAJOR) && defined(NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MINOR) && defined(NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_PATCH) + #if NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MAJOR != 3 || NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MINOR != 11 || NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_PATCH != 2 + #warning "Already included a different version of the library!" + #endif + #endif +#endif + +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MAJOR 3 // NOLINT(modernize-macro-to-enum) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MINOR 11 // NOLINT(modernize-macro-to-enum) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_PATCH 2 // NOLINT(modernize-macro-to-enum) + +#ifndef JSON_DIAGNOSTICS + #define JSON_DIAGNOSTICS 0 +#endif + +#ifndef JSON_USE_LEGACY_DISCARDED_VALUE_COMPARISON + #define JSON_USE_LEGACY_DISCARDED_VALUE_COMPARISON 0 +#endif + +#if JSON_DIAGNOSTICS + #define NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAG_DIAGNOSTICS _diag +#else + #define NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAG_DIAGNOSTICS +#endif + +#if JSON_USE_LEGACY_DISCARDED_VALUE_COMPARISON + #define NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAG_LEGACY_DISCARDED_VALUE_COMPARISON _ldvcmp +#else + #define NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAG_LEGACY_DISCARDED_VALUE_COMPARISON +#endif + +#ifndef NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_NO_VERSION + #define NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_NO_VERSION 0 +#endif + +// Construct the namespace ABI tags component +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAGS_CONCAT_EX(a, b) json_abi ## a ## b +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAGS_CONCAT(a, b) \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAGS_CONCAT_EX(a, b) + +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAGS \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAGS_CONCAT( \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAG_DIAGNOSTICS, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAG_LEGACY_DISCARDED_VALUE_COMPARISON) + +// Construct the namespace version component +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_VERSION_CONCAT_EX(major, minor, patch) \ + _v ## major ## _ ## minor ## _ ## patch +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_VERSION_CONCAT(major, minor, patch) \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_VERSION_CONCAT_EX(major, minor, patch) + +#if NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_NO_VERSION +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_VERSION +#else +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_VERSION \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_VERSION_CONCAT(NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MAJOR, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_MINOR, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_VERSION_PATCH) +#endif + +// Combine namespace components +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_CONCAT_EX(a, b) a ## b +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_CONCAT(a, b) \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_CONCAT_EX(a, b) + +#ifndef NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE \ + nlohmann::NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_CONCAT( \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAGS, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_VERSION) +#endif + +#ifndef NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN \ + namespace nlohmann \ + { \ + inline namespace NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_CONCAT( \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_ABI_TAGS, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_VERSION) \ + { +#endif + +#ifndef NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END \ + } /* namespace (inline namespace) NOLINT(readability/namespace) */ \ + } // namespace nlohmann +#endif + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +#include // transform +#include // array +#include // forward_list +#include // inserter, front_inserter, end +#include // map +#include // string +#include // tuple, make_tuple +#include // is_arithmetic, is_same, is_enum, underlying_type, is_convertible +#include // unordered_map +#include // pair, declval +#include // valarray + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +#include // nullptr_t +#include // exception +#include // runtime_error +#include // to_string +#include // vector + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +#include // array +#include // size_t +#include // uint8_t +#include // string + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +#include // declval, pair +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +#include + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +// #include + + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace detail +{ + +template struct make_void +{ + using type = void; +}; +template using void_t = typename make_void::type; + +} // namespace detail +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END + + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace detail +{ + +// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/experimental/is_detected +struct nonesuch +{ + nonesuch() = delete; + ~nonesuch() = delete; + nonesuch(nonesuch const&) = delete; + nonesuch(nonesuch const&&) = delete; + void operator=(nonesuch const&) = delete; + void operator=(nonesuch&&) = delete; +}; + +template class Op, + class... Args> +struct detector +{ + using value_t = std::false_type; + using type = Default; +}; + +template class Op, class... Args> +struct detector>, Op, Args...> +{ + using value_t = std::true_type; + using type = Op; +}; + +template class Op, class... Args> +using is_detected = typename detector::value_t; + +template class Op, class... Args> +struct is_detected_lazy : is_detected { }; + +template class Op, class... Args> +using detected_t = typename detector::type; + +template class Op, class... Args> +using detected_or = detector; + +template class Op, class... Args> +using detected_or_t = typename detected_or::type; + +template class Op, class... Args> +using is_detected_exact = std::is_same>; + +template class Op, class... Args> +using is_detected_convertible = + std::is_convertible, To>; + +} // namespace detail +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END + +// #include + + +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2021 Evan Nemerson +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +/* Hedley - https://nemequ.github.io/hedley + * Created by Evan Nemerson + */ + +#if !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION) || (JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION < 15) +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION 15 + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_STRINGIFY_EX) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_STRINGIFY_EX +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_STRINGIFY_EX(x) #x + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_STRINGIFY) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_STRINGIFY +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_STRINGIFY(x) JSON_HEDLEY_STRINGIFY_EX(x) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT_EX) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT_EX +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT_EX(a,b) a##b + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT(a,b) JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT_EX(a,b) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT3_EX) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT3_EX +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT3_EX(a,b,c) a##b##c + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT3) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT3 +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT3(a,b,c) JSON_HEDLEY_CONCAT3_EX(a,b,c) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major,minor,revision) (((major) * 1000000) + ((minor) * 1000) + (revision)) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_DECODE_MAJOR) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_DECODE_MAJOR +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_DECODE_MAJOR(version) ((version) / 1000000) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_DECODE_MINOR) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_DECODE_MINOR +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_DECODE_MINOR(version) (((version) % 1000000) / 1000) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_DECODE_REVISION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_DECODE_REVISION +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_DECODE_REVISION(version) ((version) % 1000) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) +#elif defined(__GNUC__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, 0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 140000000) && !defined(__ICL) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(_MSC_FULL_VER / 10000000, (_MSC_FULL_VER % 10000000) / 100000, (_MSC_FULL_VER % 100000) / 100) +#elif defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && !defined(__ICL) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(_MSC_FULL_VER / 1000000, (_MSC_FULL_VER % 1000000) / 10000, (_MSC_FULL_VER % 10000) / 10) +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__ICL) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(_MSC_VER / 100, _MSC_VER % 100, 0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1400) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (_MSC_FULL_VER >= ((major * 10000000) + (minor * 100000) + (patch))) +#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (_MSC_FULL_VER >= ((major * 1000000) + (minor * 10000) + (patch))) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (_MSC_VER >= ((major * 100) + (minor))) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && defined(__INTEL_COMPILER_UPDATE) && !defined(__ICL) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__INTEL_COMPILER / 100, __INTEL_COMPILER % 100, __INTEL_COMPILER_UPDATE) +#elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && !defined(__ICL) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__INTEL_COMPILER / 100, __INTEL_COMPILER % 100, 0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && defined(__INTEL_COMPILER_UPDATE) && defined(__ICL) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__INTEL_COMPILER, __INTEL_COMPILER_UPDATE, 0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__PGI) && defined(__PGIC__) && defined(__PGIC_MINOR__) && defined(__PGIC_PATCHLEVEL__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__PGIC__, __PGIC_MINOR__, __PGIC_PATCHLEVEL__) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C > 0x1000) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE((((__SUNPRO_C >> 16) & 0xf) * 10) + ((__SUNPRO_C >> 12) & 0xf), (((__SUNPRO_C >> 8) & 0xf) * 10) + ((__SUNPRO_C >> 4) & 0xf), (__SUNPRO_C & 0xf) * 10) +#elif defined(__SUNPRO_C) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE((__SUNPRO_C >> 8) & 0xf, (__SUNPRO_C >> 4) & 0xf, (__SUNPRO_C) & 0xf) +#elif defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && (__SUNPRO_CC > 0x1000) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE((((__SUNPRO_CC >> 16) & 0xf) * 10) + ((__SUNPRO_CC >> 12) & 0xf), (((__SUNPRO_CC >> 8) & 0xf) * 10) + ((__SUNPRO_CC >> 4) & 0xf), (__SUNPRO_CC & 0xf) * 10) +#elif defined(__SUNPRO_CC) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE((__SUNPRO_CC >> 8) & 0xf, (__SUNPRO_CC >> 4) & 0xf, (__SUNPRO_CC) & 0xf) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__EMSCRIPTEN_major__, __EMSCRIPTEN_minor__, __EMSCRIPTEN_tiny__) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__CC_ARM) && defined(__ARMCOMPILER_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__ARMCOMPILER_VERSION / 1000000, (__ARMCOMPILER_VERSION % 1000000) / 10000, (__ARMCOMPILER_VERSION % 10000) / 100) +#elif defined(__CC_ARM) && defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__ARMCC_VERSION / 1000000, (__ARMCC_VERSION % 1000000) / 10000, (__ARMCC_VERSION % 10000) / 100) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__ibmxl__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__ibmxl_version__, __ibmxl_release__, __ibmxl_modification__) +#elif defined(__xlC__) && defined(__xlC_ver__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__xlC__ >> 8, __xlC__ & 0xff, (__xlC_ver__ >> 8) & 0xff) +#elif defined(__xlC__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__xlC__ >> 8, __xlC__ & 0xff, 0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION +#endif +#if \ + defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) && \ + ( \ + defined(__TMS470__) || defined(__TI_ARM__) || \ + defined(__MSP430__) || \ + defined(__TMS320C2000__) \ + ) +#if (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ >= 16000000) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ / 1000000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000000) / 1000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000)) +#endif +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) && defined(__TMS320C2000__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ / 1000000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000000) / 1000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000)) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) && defined(__MSP430__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ / 1000000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000000) / 1000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000)) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) && (defined(__TMS470__) || defined(__TI_ARM__)) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ / 1000000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000000) / 1000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000)) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) && defined(__TMS320C6X__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ / 1000000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000000) / 1000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000)) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) && defined(__C7000__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ / 1000000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000000) / 1000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000)) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) && defined(__PRU__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ / 1000000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000000) / 1000, (__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ % 1000)) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(_CRAYC) + #if defined(_RELEASE_PATCHLEVEL) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(_RELEASE_MAJOR, _RELEASE_MINOR, _RELEASE_PATCHLEVEL) + #else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(_RELEASE_MAJOR, _RELEASE_MINOR, 0) + #endif +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__) + #if __VER__ > 1000 + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE((__VER__ / 1000000), ((__VER__ / 1000) % 1000), (__VER__ % 1000)) + #else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__VER__ / 100, __VER__ % 100, 0) + #endif +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__TINYC__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__TINYC__ / 1000, (__TINYC__ / 100) % 10, __TINYC__ % 100) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DMC_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DMC_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__DMC__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DMC_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__DMC__ >> 8, (__DMC__ >> 4) & 0xf, __DMC__ & 0xf) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DMC_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DMC_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DMC_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DMC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_DMC_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DMC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__COMPCERT_VERSION__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__COMPCERT_VERSION__ / 10000, (__COMPCERT_VERSION__ / 100) % 100, __COMPCERT_VERSION__ % 100) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__POCC__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__POCC__ / 100, __POCC__ % 100, 0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION +#endif +#if defined(__LCC__) && defined(__LCC_MINOR__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(__LCC__ / 100, __LCC__ % 100, __LCC_MINOR__) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION +#endif +#if \ + defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION) && \ + !defined(__clang__) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION) && \ + !defined(__COMPCERT__) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION >= JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#if \ + defined(__has_attribute) && \ + ( \ + (!defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION) || JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,5,9)) \ + ) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) __has_attribute(attribute) +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#if defined(__has_attribute) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#if defined(__has_attribute) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#if \ + defined(__has_cpp_attribute) && \ + defined(__cplusplus) && \ + (!defined(JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION) || JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,15,0)) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) __has_cpp_attribute(attribute) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE_NS) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE_NS +#endif +#if !defined(__cplusplus) || !defined(__has_cpp_attribute) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE_NS(ns,attribute) (0) +#elif \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION) && \ + (!defined(JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION) || JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,15,0)) && \ + (!defined(JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION) || JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(19,20,0)) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE_NS(ns,attribute) JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(ns::attribute) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE_NS(ns,attribute) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#if defined(__has_cpp_attribute) && defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) __has_cpp_attribute(attribute) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#if defined(__has_cpp_attribute) && defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) __has_cpp_attribute(attribute) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN +#endif +#if defined(__has_builtin) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN(builtin) __has_builtin(builtin) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN(builtin) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_BUILTIN) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_BUILTIN +#endif +#if defined(__has_builtin) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_BUILTIN(builtin,major,minor,patch) __has_builtin(builtin) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_BUILTIN(builtin,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_BUILTIN) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_BUILTIN +#endif +#if defined(__has_builtin) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_BUILTIN(builtin,major,minor,patch) __has_builtin(builtin) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_BUILTIN(builtin,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_FEATURE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_FEATURE +#endif +#if defined(__has_feature) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_FEATURE(feature) __has_feature(feature) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_FEATURE(feature) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_FEATURE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_FEATURE +#endif +#if defined(__has_feature) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_FEATURE(feature,major,minor,patch) __has_feature(feature) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_FEATURE(feature,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_FEATURE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_FEATURE +#endif +#if defined(__has_feature) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_FEATURE(feature,major,minor,patch) __has_feature(feature) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_FEATURE(feature,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_EXTENSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_EXTENSION +#endif +#if defined(__has_extension) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_EXTENSION(extension) __has_extension(extension) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_EXTENSION(extension) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_EXTENSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_EXTENSION +#endif +#if defined(__has_extension) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_EXTENSION(extension,major,minor,patch) __has_extension(extension) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_EXTENSION(extension,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_EXTENSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_EXTENSION +#endif +#if defined(__has_extension) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_EXTENSION(extension,major,minor,patch) __has_extension(extension) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_EXTENSION(extension,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#if defined(__has_declspec_attribute) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) __has_declspec_attribute(attribute) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#if defined(__has_declspec_attribute) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) __has_declspec_attribute(attribute) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#if defined(__has_declspec_attribute) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) __has_declspec_attribute(attribute) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(attribute,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING +#endif +#if defined(__has_warning) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING(warning) __has_warning(warning) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING(warning) (0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_WARNING) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_WARNING +#endif +#if defined(__has_warning) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_WARNING(warning,major,minor,patch) __has_warning(warning) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_HAS_WARNING(warning,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GNUC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_WARNING) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_WARNING +#endif +#if defined(__has_warning) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_WARNING(warning,major,minor,patch) __has_warning(warning) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_WARNING(warning,major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if \ + (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)) || \ + defined(__clang__) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(18,4,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,7,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(2,0,1) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION_CHECK(0,9,17) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(10,1,0) && defined(__C99_PRAGMA_OPERATOR)) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(value) _Pragma(#value) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(15,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(value) __pragma(value) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(value) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +#endif +#if defined(__clang__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH _Pragma("clang diagnostic push") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP _Pragma("clang diagnostic pop") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH _Pragma("warning(push)") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP _Pragma("warning(pop)") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,6,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop") +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(15,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH __pragma(warning(push)) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP __pragma(warning(pop)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(5,6,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH _Pragma("push") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP _Pragma("pop") +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,4,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(8,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH _Pragma("diag_push") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP _Pragma("diag_pop") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK(2,90,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH _Pragma("warning(push)") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP _Pragma("warning(pop)") +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +#endif + +/* JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_ is for + HEDLEY INTERNAL USE ONLY. API subject to change without notice. */ +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_ +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) +# if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wc++98-compat") +# if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wc++17-extensions") +# if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wc++1z-extensions") +# define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_(xpr) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wc++98-compat\"") \ + _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wc++17-extensions\"") \ + _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wc++1z-extensions\"") \ + xpr \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +# else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_(xpr) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wc++98-compat\"") \ + _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wc++17-extensions\"") \ + xpr \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +# endif +# else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_(xpr) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wc++98-compat\"") \ + xpr \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +# endif +# endif +#endif +#if !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_(x) x +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CONST_CAST) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CONST_CAST +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_CONST_CAST(T, expr) (const_cast(expr)) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wcast-qual") || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,6,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_CONST_CAST(T, expr) (__extension__ ({ \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CAST_QUAL \ + ((T) (expr)); \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP \ + })) +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_CONST_CAST(T, expr) ((T) (expr)) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_REINTERPRET_CAST) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_REINTERPRET_CAST +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_REINTERPRET_CAST(T, expr) (reinterpret_cast(expr)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_REINTERPRET_CAST(T, expr) ((T) (expr)) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST(T, expr) (static_cast(expr)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST(T, expr) ((T) (expr)) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CPP_CAST) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CPP_CAST +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) +# if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wold-style-cast") +# define JSON_HEDLEY_CPP_CAST(T, expr) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wold-style-cast\"") \ + ((T) (expr)) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +# elif JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,3,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_CPP_CAST(T, expr) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + _Pragma("diag_suppress=Pe137") \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +# else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_CPP_CAST(T, expr) ((T) (expr)) +# endif +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_CPP_CAST(T, expr) (expr) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wdeprecated-declarations") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("warning(disable:1478 1786)") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED __pragma(warning(disable:1478 1786)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(20,7,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("diag_suppress 1215,1216,1444,1445") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(17,10,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("diag_suppress 1215,1444") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(15,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED __pragma(warning(disable:4996)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("diag_suppress 1215,1444") +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("diag_suppress 1291,1718") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,13,0) && !defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("error_messages(off,E_DEPRECATED_ATT,E_DEPRECATED_ATT_MESS)") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,13,0) && defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("error_messages(off,symdeprecated,symdeprecated2)") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("diag_suppress=Pe1444,Pe1215") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK(2,90,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED _Pragma("warn(disable:2241)") +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_DEPRECATED +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wunknown-pragmas") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunknown-pragmas\"") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS _Pragma("warning(disable:161)") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS __pragma(warning(disable:161)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(17,10,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS _Pragma("diag_suppress 1675") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunknown-pragmas\"") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(15,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS __pragma(warning(disable:4068)) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(16,9,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,3,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS _Pragma("diag_suppress 163") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS _Pragma("diag_suppress 163") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS _Pragma("diag_suppress=Pe161") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS _Pragma("diag_suppress 161") +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wunknown-attributes") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunknown-attributes\"") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,6,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wdeprecated-declarations\"") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(17,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES _Pragma("warning(disable:1292)") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES __pragma(warning(disable:1292)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(19,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES __pragma(warning(disable:5030)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(20,7,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES _Pragma("diag_suppress 1097,1098") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(17,10,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES _Pragma("diag_suppress 1097") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,14,0) && defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES _Pragma("error_messages(off,attrskipunsup)") +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(18,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(8,3,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES _Pragma("diag_suppress 1173") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES _Pragma("diag_suppress=Pe1097") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES _Pragma("diag_suppress 1097") +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_CPP_ATTRIBUTES +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CAST_QUAL) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CAST_QUAL +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wcast-qual") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CAST_QUAL _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wcast-qual\"") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CAST_QUAL _Pragma("warning(disable:2203 2331)") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CAST_QUAL _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wcast-qual\"") +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CAST_QUAL +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNUSED_FUNCTION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNUSED_FUNCTION +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wunused-function") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNUSED_FUNCTION _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-function\"") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,4,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNUSED_FUNCTION _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-function\"") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(1,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNUSED_FUNCTION __pragma(warning(disable:4505)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNUSED_FUNCTION _Pragma("diag_suppress 3142") +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNUSED_FUNCTION +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(14,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED(since) __declspec(deprecated("Since " # since)) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR(since, replacement) __declspec(deprecated("Since " #since "; use " #replacement)) +#elif \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_EXTENSION(attribute_deprecated_with_message) && !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(5,6,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,13,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(17,10,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(18,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(18,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(8,3,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,3,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED(since) __attribute__((__deprecated__("Since " #since))) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR(since, replacement) __attribute__((__deprecated__("Since " #since "; use " #replacement))) +#elif defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201402L) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED(since) JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_([[deprecated("Since " #since)]]) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR(since, replacement) JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_([[deprecated("Since " #since "; use " #replacement)]]) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(deprecated) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,10,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED(since) __attribute__((__deprecated__)) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR(since, replacement) __attribute__((__deprecated__)) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(13,10,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK(6,50,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED(since) __declspec(deprecated) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR(since, replacement) __declspec(deprecated) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED(since) _Pragma("deprecated") + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR(since, replacement) _Pragma("deprecated") +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED(since) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_DEPRECATED_FOR(since, replacement) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_UNAVAILABLE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_UNAVAILABLE +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(warning) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_UNAVAILABLE(available_since) __attribute__((__warning__("Not available until " #available_since))) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_UNAVAILABLE(available_since) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT_MSG) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT_MSG +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(warn_unused_result) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,4,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,15,0) && defined(__cplusplus)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(17,10,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__)) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT_MSG(msg) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__)) +#elif (JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(nodiscard) >= 201907L) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_([[nodiscard]]) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT_MSG(msg) JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_([[nodiscard(msg)]]) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(nodiscard) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_([[nodiscard]]) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT_MSG(msg) JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_([[nodiscard]]) +#elif defined(_Check_return_) /* SAL */ + #define JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT _Check_return_ + #define JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT_MSG(msg) _Check_return_ +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT + #define JSON_HEDLEY_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT_MSG(msg) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_SENTINEL) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_SENTINEL +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(sentinel) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(5,4,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_SENTINEL(position) __attribute__((__sentinel__(position))) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_SENTINEL(position) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN __noreturn +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN __attribute__((__noreturn__)) +#elif defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN _Noreturn +#elif defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_([[noreturn]]) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(noreturn) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,11,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(10,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,10,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN __attribute__((__noreturn__)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,10,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN _Pragma("does_not_return") +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(13,10,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN __declspec(noreturn) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN _Pragma("FUNC_NEVER_RETURNS;") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION_CHECK(3,2,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN __attribute((noreturn)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK(9,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN __declspec(noreturn) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_RETURN +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_NO_ESCAPE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_NO_ESCAPE +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(noescape) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_ESCAPE __attribute__((__noescape__)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_ESCAPE +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE_RETURN) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE_RETURN +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(13,10,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME(expr) __assume(expr) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_assume) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME(expr) __builtin_assume(expr) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) + #if defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME(expr) std::_nassert(expr) + #else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME(expr) _nassert(expr) + #endif +#endif +#if \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_unreachable) && (!defined(JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION))) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(18,10,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(13,1,5) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION_CHECK(10,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE() __builtin_unreachable() +#elif defined(JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE() JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME(0) +#endif +#if !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME) + #if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME(expr) JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST(void, ((expr) ? 1 : (JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE(), 1))) + #else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME(expr) JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST(void, expr) + #endif +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE) + #if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(value) return (JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST(void, JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME(0)), (value)) + #else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(value) JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE() + #endif +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(value) return (value) +#endif +#if !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_UNREACHABLE() JSON_HEDLEY_ASSUME(0) +#endif + +JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wpedantic") + #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic" +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wc++98-compat-pedantic") && defined(__cplusplus) + #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc++98-compat-pedantic" +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_WARNING("-Wvariadic-macros",4,0,0) + #if defined(__clang__) + #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvariadic-macros" + #elif defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION) + #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wvariadic-macros" + #endif +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_NON_NULL) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_NON_NULL +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(nonnull) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,3,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NON_NULL(...) __attribute__((__nonnull__(__VA_ARGS__))) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NON_NULL(...) +#endif +JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PRINTF_FORMAT) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_PRINTF_FORMAT +#endif +#if defined(__MINGW32__) && JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(format,4,4,0) && !defined(__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PRINTF_FORMAT(string_idx,first_to_check) __attribute__((__format__(ms_printf, string_idx, first_to_check))) +#elif defined(__MINGW32__) && JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(format,4,4,0) && defined(__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PRINTF_FORMAT(string_idx,first_to_check) __attribute__((__format__(gnu_printf, string_idx, first_to_check))) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(format) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(5,6,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(10,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PRINTF_FORMAT(string_idx,first_to_check) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, string_idx, first_to_check))) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PRINTF_FORMAT(string_idx,first_to_check) __declspec(vaformat(printf,string_idx,first_to_check)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_PRINTF_FORMAT(string_idx,first_to_check) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CONSTEXPR) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CONSTEXPR +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) + #if __cplusplus >= 201103L + #define JSON_HEDLEY_CONSTEXPR JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_(constexpr) + #endif +#endif +#if !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CONSTEXPR) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_CONSTEXPR +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_LIKELY) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_LIKELY +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_UNLIKELY) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_UNLIKELY +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_UNPREDICTABLE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_UNPREDICTABLE +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_unpredictable) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_UNPREDICTABLE(expr) __builtin_unpredictable((expr)) +#endif +#if \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_expect_with_probability) && !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(9,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT(expr, value, probability) __builtin_expect_with_probability( (expr), (value), (probability)) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT_TRUE(expr, probability) __builtin_expect_with_probability(!!(expr), 1 , (probability)) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT_FALSE(expr, probability) __builtin_expect_with_probability(!!(expr), 0 , (probability)) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_LIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect (!!(expr), 1 ) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_UNLIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect (!!(expr), 0 ) +#elif \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_expect) && !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,15,0) && defined(__cplusplus)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(10,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,7,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(3,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(6,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION_CHECK(0,9,27) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION_CHECK(8,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT(expr, expected, probability) \ + (((probability) >= 0.9) ? __builtin_expect((expr), (expected)) : (JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST(void, expected), (expr))) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT_TRUE(expr, probability) \ + (__extension__ ({ \ + double hedley_probability_ = (probability); \ + ((hedley_probability_ >= 0.9) ? __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 1) : ((hedley_probability_ <= 0.1) ? __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 0) : !!(expr))); \ + })) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT_FALSE(expr, probability) \ + (__extension__ ({ \ + double hedley_probability_ = (probability); \ + ((hedley_probability_ >= 0.9) ? __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 0) : ((hedley_probability_ <= 0.1) ? __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 1) : !!(expr))); \ + })) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_LIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 1) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_UNLIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 0) +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT(expr, expected, probability) (JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST(void, expected), (expr)) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT_TRUE(expr, probability) (!!(expr)) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT_FALSE(expr, probability) (!!(expr)) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_LIKELY(expr) (!!(expr)) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_UNLIKELY(expr) (!!(expr)) +#endif +#if !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_UNPREDICTABLE) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_UNPREDICTABLE(expr) JSON_HEDLEY_PREDICT(expr, 1, 0.5) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_MALLOC) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_MALLOC +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(malloc) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,11,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(12,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MALLOC __attribute__((__malloc__)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,10,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MALLOC _Pragma("returns_new_memory") +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(14,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MALLOC __declspec(restrict) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_MALLOC +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PURE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_PURE +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(pure) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(2,96,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,11,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(10,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(17,10,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PURE __attribute__((__pure__)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,10,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PURE _Pragma("does_not_write_global_data") +#elif defined(__cplusplus) && \ + ( \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(2,0,1) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) \ + ) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PURE _Pragma("FUNC_IS_PURE;") +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PURE +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CONST) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CONST +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(const) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(2,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,11,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(10,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(17,10,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_CONST __attribute__((__const__)) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,10,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_CONST _Pragma("no_side_effect") +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_CONST JSON_HEDLEY_PURE +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_RESTRICT) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_RESTRICT +#endif +#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) && !defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_RESTRICT restrict +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(14,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(10,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(17,10,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,2,4) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(8,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,14,0) && defined(__cplusplus)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) || \ + defined(__clang__) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_RESTRICT __restrict +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,3,0) && !defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_RESTRICT _Restrict +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_RESTRICT +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INLINE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_INLINE +#endif +#if \ + (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)) || \ + (defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 199711L)) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INLINE inline +#elif \ + defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(6,2,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INLINE __inline__ +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(12,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(3,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INLINE __inline +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_INLINE +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_ALWAYS_INLINE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_ALWAYS_INLINE +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(always_inline) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,11,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(10,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,10,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_ALWAYS_INLINE __attribute__((__always_inline__)) JSON_HEDLEY_INLINE +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(12,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_ALWAYS_INLINE __forceinline +#elif defined(__cplusplus) && \ + ( \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(6,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) \ + ) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_ALWAYS_INLINE _Pragma("FUNC_ALWAYS_INLINE;") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_ALWAYS_INLINE _Pragma("inline=forced") +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_ALWAYS_INLINE JSON_HEDLEY_INLINE +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(noinline) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,11,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(10,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_VERSION_CHECK(15,12,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION_CHECK(5,2,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION_CHECK(6,4,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,0,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(4,3,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION_CHECK(1,2,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION_CHECK(2,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,10,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE __attribute__((__noinline__)) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(13,10,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE __declspec(noinline) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(10,2,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE _Pragma("noinline") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) && defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE _Pragma("FUNC_CANNOT_INLINE;") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE _Pragma("inline=never") +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_COMPCERT_VERSION_CHECK(3,2,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE __attribute((noinline)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK(9,0,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE __declspec(noinline) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NEVER_INLINE +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PRIVATE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_PRIVATE +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PUBLIC) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_PUBLIC +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IMPORT) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_IMPORT +#endif +#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PRIVATE +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PUBLIC __declspec(dllexport) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) +#else +# if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(visibility) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,3,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,11,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(13,1,0) || \ + ( \ + defined(__TI_EABI__) && \ + ( \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,2,0) && defined(__TI_GNU_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT__)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(7,5,0) \ + ) \ + ) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PRIVATE __attribute__((__visibility__("hidden"))) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PUBLIC __attribute__((__visibility__("default"))) +# else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PRIVATE +# define JSON_HEDLEY_PUBLIC +# endif +# define JSON_HEDLEY_IMPORT extern +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_NO_THROW) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_NO_THROW +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(nothrow) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,3,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_THROW __attribute__((__nothrow__)) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(13,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_THROW __declspec(nothrow) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NO_THROW +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_FALL_THROUGH) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_FALL_THROUGH +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(fallthrough) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(7,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_FALL_THROUGH __attribute__((__fallthrough__)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE_NS(clang,fallthrough) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_FALL_THROUGH JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_([[clang::fallthrough]]) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(fallthrough) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_FALL_THROUGH JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_([[fallthrough]]) +#elif defined(__fallthrough) /* SAL */ + #define JSON_HEDLEY_FALL_THROUGH __fallthrough +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_FALL_THROUGH +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_RETURNS_NON_NULL) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_RETURNS_NON_NULL +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(returns_nonnull) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,9,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_RETURNS_NON_NULL __attribute__((__returns_nonnull__)) +#elif defined(_Ret_notnull_) /* SAL */ + #define JSON_HEDLEY_RETURNS_NON_NULL _Ret_notnull_ +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_RETURNS_NON_NULL +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_ARRAY_PARAM) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_ARRAY_PARAM +#endif +#if \ + defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) && \ + !defined(__STDC_NO_VLA__) && \ + !defined(__cplusplus) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ARRAY_PARAM(name) (name) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_ARRAY_PARAM(name) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTANT) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTANT +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE_CONSTEXPR) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE_CONSTEXPR +#endif +/* JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_ is for + HEDLEY INTERNAL USE ONLY. API subject to change without notice. */ +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_ +#endif +#if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_constant_p) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,4,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION_CHECK(0,9,19) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(4,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(13,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION_CHECK(6,1,0) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION_CHECK(5,10,0) && !defined(__cplusplus)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION_CHECK(8,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MCST_LCC_VERSION_CHECK(1,25,10) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTANT(expr) __builtin_constant_p(expr) +#endif +#if !defined(__cplusplus) +# if \ + JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_types_compatible_p) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(3,4,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(13,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION_CHECK(8,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(5,4,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION_CHECK(0,9,24) +#if defined(__INTPTR_TYPE__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_(expr) __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__((1 ? (void*) ((__INTPTR_TYPE__) ((expr) * 0)) : (int*) 0)), int*) +#else + #include + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_(expr) __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__((1 ? (void*) ((intptr_t) ((expr) * 0)) : (int*) 0)), int*) +#endif +# elif \ + ( \ + defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_SUNPRO_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION) && \ + !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION)) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_EXTENSION(c_generic_selections) && !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,9,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(17,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_IBM_VERSION_CHECK(12,1,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_ARM_VERSION_CHECK(5,3,0) +#if defined(__INTPTR_TYPE__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_(expr) _Generic((1 ? (void*) ((__INTPTR_TYPE__) ((expr) * 0)) : (int*) 0), int*: 1, void*: 0) +#else + #include + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_(expr) _Generic((1 ? (void*) ((intptr_t) * 0) : (int*) 0), int*: 1, void*: 0) +#endif +# elif \ + defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION) || \ + defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION) || \ + defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TINYC_VERSION) || \ + defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_ARMCL_VERSION) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL430_VERSION_CHECK(18,12,0) || \ + defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL2000_VERSION) || \ + defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL6X_VERSION) || \ + defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CL7X_VERSION) || \ + defined(JSON_HEDLEY_TI_CLPRU_VERSION) || \ + defined(__clang__) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_(expr) ( \ + sizeof(void) != \ + sizeof(*( \ + 1 ? \ + ((void*) ((expr) * 0L) ) : \ +((struct { char v[sizeof(void) * 2]; } *) 1) \ + ) \ + ) \ + ) +# endif +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_) + #if !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTANT) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTANT(expr) JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_(expr) + #endif + #define JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE_CONSTEXPR(expr) (JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTEXPR_(expr) ? (expr) : (-1)) +#else + #if !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTANT) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_IS_CONSTANT(expr) (0) + #endif + #define JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE_CONSTEXPR(expr) (expr) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_BEGIN_C_DECLS) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_BEGIN_C_DECLS +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_END_C_DECLS) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_END_C_DECLS +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_C_DECL) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_C_DECL +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_BEGIN_C_DECLS extern "C" { + #define JSON_HEDLEY_END_C_DECLS } + #define JSON_HEDLEY_C_DECL extern "C" +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_BEGIN_C_DECLS + #define JSON_HEDLEY_END_C_DECLS + #define JSON_HEDLEY_C_DECL +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_ASSERT) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_ASSERT +#endif +#if \ + !defined(__cplusplus) && ( \ + (defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L)) || \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_FEATURE(c_static_assert) && !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(6,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) || \ + defined(_Static_assert) \ + ) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_ASSERT(expr, message) _Static_assert(expr, message) +#elif \ + (defined(__cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(16,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_ASSERT(expr, message) JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_(static_assert(expr, message)) +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_ASSERT(expr, message) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_NULL) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_NULL +#endif +#if defined(__cplusplus) + #if __cplusplus >= 201103L + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NULL JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_CPP98_COMPAT_WRAP_(nullptr) + #elif defined(NULL) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NULL NULL + #else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NULL JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST(void*, 0) + #endif +#elif defined(NULL) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NULL NULL +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_NULL ((void*) 0) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_MESSAGE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_MESSAGE +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wunknown-pragmas") +# define JSON_HEDLEY_MESSAGE(msg) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(message msg) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,4,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_MESSAGE(msg) JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(message msg) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_CRAY_VERSION_CHECK(5,0,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_MESSAGE(msg) JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(_CRI message msg) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_IAR_VERSION_CHECK(8,0,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_MESSAGE(msg) JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(message(msg)) +#elif JSON_HEDLEY_PELLES_VERSION_CHECK(2,0,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_MESSAGE(msg) JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(message(msg)) +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_MESSAGE(msg) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_WARNING) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_WARNING +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wunknown-pragmas") +# define JSON_HEDLEY_WARNING(msg) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_DISABLE_UNKNOWN_PRAGMAS \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(clang warning msg) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(4,8,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_PGI_VERSION_CHECK(18,4,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(13,0,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_WARNING(msg) JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(GCC warning msg) +#elif \ + JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(15,0,0) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_WARNING(msg) JSON_HEDLEY_PRAGMA(message(msg)) +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_WARNING(msg) JSON_HEDLEY_MESSAGE(msg) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE +#endif +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE_MSG) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE_MSG +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(diagnose_if) +# if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wgcc-compat") +# define JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE(expr) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wgcc-compat\"") \ + __attribute__((diagnose_if(!(expr), #expr, "error"))) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +# define JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE_MSG(expr,msg) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + _Pragma("clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wgcc-compat\"") \ + __attribute__((diagnose_if(!(expr), msg, "error"))) \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP +# else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE(expr) __attribute__((diagnose_if(!(expr), #expr, "error"))) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE_MSG(expr,msg) __attribute__((diagnose_if(!(expr), msg, "error"))) +# endif +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE(expr) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_REQUIRE_MSG(expr,msg) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_FLAGS) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_FLAGS +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(flag_enum) && (!defined(__cplusplus) || JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING("-Wbitfield-enum-conversion")) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_FLAGS __attribute__((__flag_enum__)) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_FLAGS +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_FLAGS_CAST) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_FLAGS_CAST +#endif +#if JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_VERSION_CHECK(19,0,0) +# define JSON_HEDLEY_FLAGS_CAST(T, expr) (__extension__ ({ \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_PUSH \ + _Pragma("warning(disable:188)") \ + ((T) (expr)); \ + JSON_HEDLEY_DIAGNOSTIC_POP \ + })) +#else +# define JSON_HEDLEY_FLAGS_CAST(T, expr) JSON_HEDLEY_STATIC_CAST(T, expr) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_EMPTY_BASES) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_EMPTY_BASES +#endif +#if \ + (JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(19,0,23918) && !JSON_HEDLEY_MSVC_VERSION_CHECK(20,0,0)) || \ + JSON_HEDLEY_INTEL_CL_VERSION_CHECK(2021,1,0) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_EMPTY_BASES __declspec(empty_bases) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_EMPTY_BASES +#endif + +/* Remaining macros are deprecated. */ + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_NOT_CLANG_VERSION_CHECK) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_NOT_CLANG_VERSION_CHECK +#endif +#if defined(__clang__) + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_NOT_CLANG_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) (0) +#else + #define JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_NOT_CLANG_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) JSON_HEDLEY_GCC_VERSION_CHECK(major,minor,patch) +#endif + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_CPP_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_BUILTIN) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_BUILTIN +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_BUILTIN(builtin) JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_BUILTIN(builtin) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_FEATURE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_FEATURE +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_FEATURE(feature) JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_FEATURE(feature) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_EXTENSION) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_EXTENSION +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_EXTENSION(extension) JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_EXTENSION(extension) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_DECLSPEC_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_DECLSPEC_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_DECLSPEC_ATTRIBUTE(attribute) + +#if defined(JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_WARNING) + #undef JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_WARNING +#endif +#define JSON_HEDLEY_CLANG_HAS_WARNING(warning) JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_WARNING(warning) + +#endif /* !defined(JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION) || (JSON_HEDLEY_VERSION < X) */ + + +// This file contains all internal macro definitions (except those affecting ABI) +// You MUST include macro_unscope.hpp at the end of json.hpp to undef all of them + +// #include + + +// exclude unsupported compilers +#if !defined(JSON_SKIP_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER_CHECK) + #if defined(__clang__) + #if (__clang_major__ * 10000 + __clang_minor__ * 100 + __clang_patchlevel__) < 30400 + #error "unsupported Clang version - see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#supported-compilers" + #endif + #elif defined(__GNUC__) && !(defined(__ICC) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)) + #if (__GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) < 40800 + #error "unsupported GCC version - see https://github.com/nlohmann/json#supported-compilers" + #endif + #endif +#endif + +// C++ language standard detection +// if the user manually specified the used c++ version this is skipped +#if !defined(JSON_HAS_CPP_20) && !defined(JSON_HAS_CPP_17) && !defined(JSON_HAS_CPP_14) && !defined(JSON_HAS_CPP_11) + #if (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 202002L) || (defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 202002L) + #define JSON_HAS_CPP_20 + #define JSON_HAS_CPP_17 + #define JSON_HAS_CPP_14 + #elif (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201703L) || (defined(_HAS_CXX17) && _HAS_CXX17 == 1) // fix for issue #464 + #define JSON_HAS_CPP_17 + #define JSON_HAS_CPP_14 + #elif (defined(__cplusplus) && __cplusplus >= 201402L) || (defined(_HAS_CXX14) && _HAS_CXX14 == 1) + #define JSON_HAS_CPP_14 + #endif + // the cpp 11 flag is always specified because it is the minimal required version + #define JSON_HAS_CPP_11 +#endif + +#ifdef __has_include + #if __has_include() + #include + #endif +#endif + +#if !defined(JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM) && !defined(JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM) + #ifdef JSON_HAS_CPP_17 + #if defined(__cpp_lib_filesystem) + #define JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM 1 + #elif defined(__cpp_lib_experimental_filesystem) + #define JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM 1 + #elif !defined(__has_include) + #define JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM 1 + #elif __has_include() + #define JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM 1 + #elif __has_include() + #define JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM 1 + #endif + + // std::filesystem does not work on MinGW GCC 8: https://sourceforge.net/p/mingw-w64/bugs/737/ + #if defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ == 8 + #undef JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM + #undef JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM + #endif + + // no filesystem support before GCC 8: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support + #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) && __GNUC__ < 8 + #undef JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM + #undef JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM + #endif + + // no filesystem support before Clang 7: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support + #if defined(__clang_major__) && __clang_major__ < 7 + #undef JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM + #undef JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM + #endif + + // no filesystem support before MSVC 19.14: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support + #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1914 + #undef JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM + #undef JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM + #endif + + // no filesystem support before iOS 13 + #if defined(__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) && __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 130000 + #undef JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM + #undef JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM + #endif + + // no filesystem support before macOS Catalina + #if defined(__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED) && __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 101500 + #undef JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM + #undef JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM + #endif + #endif +#endif + +#ifndef JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM + #define JSON_HAS_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM 0 +#endif + +#ifndef JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM + #define JSON_HAS_FILESYSTEM 0 +#endif + +#ifndef JSON_HAS_THREE_WAY_COMPARISON + #if defined(__cpp_impl_three_way_comparison) && __cpp_impl_three_way_comparison >= 201907L \ + && defined(__cpp_lib_three_way_comparison) && __cpp_lib_three_way_comparison >= 201907L + #define JSON_HAS_THREE_WAY_COMPARISON 1 + #else + #define JSON_HAS_THREE_WAY_COMPARISON 0 + #endif +#endif + +#ifndef JSON_HAS_RANGES + // ranges header shipping in GCC 11.1.0 (released 2021-04-27) has syntax error + #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) && __GLIBCXX__ == 20210427 + #define JSON_HAS_RANGES 0 + #elif defined(__cpp_lib_ranges) + #define JSON_HAS_RANGES 1 + #else + #define JSON_HAS_RANGES 0 + #endif +#endif + +#ifdef JSON_HAS_CPP_17 + #define JSON_INLINE_VARIABLE inline +#else + #define JSON_INLINE_VARIABLE +#endif + +#if JSON_HEDLEY_HAS_ATTRIBUTE(no_unique_address) + #define JSON_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS [[no_unique_address]] +#else + #define JSON_NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS +#endif + +// disable documentation warnings on clang +#if defined(__clang__) + #pragma clang diagnostic push + #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation" + #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation-unknown-command" +#endif + +// allow disabling exceptions +#if (defined(__cpp_exceptions) || defined(__EXCEPTIONS) || defined(_CPPUNWIND)) && !defined(JSON_NOEXCEPTION) + #define JSON_THROW(exception) throw exception + #define JSON_TRY try + #define JSON_CATCH(exception) catch(exception) + #define JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH(exception) catch(exception) +#else + #include + #define JSON_THROW(exception) std::abort() + #define JSON_TRY if(true) + #define JSON_CATCH(exception) if(false) + #define JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH(exception) if(false) +#endif + +// override exception macros +#if defined(JSON_THROW_USER) + #undef JSON_THROW + #define JSON_THROW JSON_THROW_USER +#endif +#if defined(JSON_TRY_USER) + #undef JSON_TRY + #define JSON_TRY JSON_TRY_USER +#endif +#if defined(JSON_CATCH_USER) + #undef JSON_CATCH + #define JSON_CATCH JSON_CATCH_USER + #undef JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH + #define JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH JSON_CATCH_USER +#endif +#if defined(JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH_USER) + #undef JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH + #define JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH JSON_INTERNAL_CATCH_USER +#endif + +// allow overriding assert +#if !defined(JSON_ASSERT) + #include // assert + #define JSON_ASSERT(x) assert(x) +#endif + +// allow to access some private functions (needed by the test suite) +#if defined(JSON_TESTS_PRIVATE) + #define JSON_PRIVATE_UNLESS_TESTED public +#else + #define JSON_PRIVATE_UNLESS_TESTED private +#endif + +/*! +@brief macro to briefly define a mapping between an enum and JSON +@def NLOHMANN_JSON_SERIALIZE_ENUM +@since version 3.4.0 +*/ +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_SERIALIZE_ENUM(ENUM_TYPE, ...) \ + template \ + inline void to_json(BasicJsonType& j, const ENUM_TYPE& e) \ + { \ + static_assert(std::is_enum::value, #ENUM_TYPE " must be an enum!"); \ + static const std::pair m[] = __VA_ARGS__; \ + auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(m), std::end(m), \ + [e](const std::pair& ej_pair) -> bool \ + { \ + return ej_pair.first == e; \ + }); \ + j = ((it != std::end(m)) ? it : std::begin(m))->second; \ + } \ + template \ + inline void from_json(const BasicJsonType& j, ENUM_TYPE& e) \ + { \ + static_assert(std::is_enum::value, #ENUM_TYPE " must be an enum!"); \ + static const std::pair m[] = __VA_ARGS__; \ + auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(m), std::end(m), \ + [&j](const std::pair& ej_pair) -> bool \ + { \ + return ej_pair.second == j; \ + }); \ + e = ((it != std::end(m)) ? it : std::begin(m))->first; \ + } + +// Ugly macros to avoid uglier copy-paste when specializing basic_json. They +// may be removed in the future once the class is split. + +#define NLOHMANN_BASIC_JSON_TPL_DECLARATION \ + template class ObjectType, \ + template class ArrayType, \ + class StringType, class BooleanType, class NumberIntegerType, \ + class NumberUnsignedType, class NumberFloatType, \ + template class AllocatorType, \ + template class JSONSerializer, \ + class BinaryType> + +#define NLOHMANN_BASIC_JSON_TPL \ + basic_json + +// Macros to simplify conversion from/to types + +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_EXPAND( x ) x +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_GET_MACRO(_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20, _21, _22, _23, _24, _25, _26, _27, _28, _29, _30, _31, _32, _33, _34, _35, _36, _37, _38, _39, _40, _41, _42, _43, _44, _45, _46, _47, _48, _49, _50, _51, _52, _53, _54, _55, _56, _57, _58, _59, _60, _61, _62, _63, _64, NAME,...) NAME +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE(...) NLOHMANN_JSON_EXPAND(NLOHMANN_JSON_GET_MACRO(__VA_ARGS__, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE64, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE63, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE62, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE61, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE60, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE59, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE58, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE57, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE56, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE55, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE54, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE53, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE52, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE51, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE50, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE49, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE48, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE47, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE46, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE45, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE44, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE43, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE42, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE41, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE40, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE39, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE38, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE37, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE36, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE35, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE34, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE33, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE32, \ + NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE31, \ + 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NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE4(func, v1, v2, v3) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE3(func, v2, v3) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE5(func, v1, v2, v3, v4) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE4(func, v2, v3, v4) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE6(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE5(func, v2, v3, v4, v5) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE7(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE6(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE8(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE7(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE9(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE8(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE10(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE9(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE11(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE10(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE12(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE11(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE13(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE12(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE14(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE13(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE15(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE14(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE16(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE15(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE17(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE16(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE18(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE17(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE19(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE18(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE20(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE19(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE21(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE20(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE22(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE21(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE23(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE22(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE24(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE23(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE25(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE24(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE26(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE25(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE27(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE26(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE28(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE27(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE29(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE28(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE30(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE29(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE31(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE30(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE32(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE31(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE33(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE32(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE34(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE33(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE35(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE34(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE36(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE35(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE37(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE36(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE38(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE37(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE39(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE38(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE40(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE39(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE41(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE40(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE42(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE41(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE43(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE42(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE44(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE43(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE45(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE44(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE46(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE45(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE47(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE46(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE48(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE47(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE49(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE48(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE50(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE49(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE51(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE50(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE52(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE51(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE53(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE52(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE54(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE53(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE55(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE54(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE56(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE55(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE57(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE56(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE58(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE57(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE59(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE58(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE60(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58, v59) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE59(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58, v59) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE61(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58, v59, v60) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE60(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58, v59, v60) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE62(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58, v59, v60, v61) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE61(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58, v59, v60, v61) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE63(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58, v59, v60, v61, v62) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE62(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58, v59, v60, v61, v62) +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE64(func, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58, v59, v60, v61, v62, v63) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE2(func, v1) NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE63(func, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9, v10, v11, v12, v13, v14, v15, v16, v17, v18, v19, v20, v21, v22, v23, v24, v25, v26, v27, v28, v29, v30, v31, v32, v33, v34, v35, v36, v37, v38, v39, v40, v41, v42, v43, v44, v45, v46, v47, v48, v49, v50, v51, v52, v53, v54, v55, v56, v57, v58, v59, v60, v61, v62, v63) + +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_TO(v1) nlohmann_json_j[#v1] = nlohmann_json_t.v1; +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_FROM(v1) nlohmann_json_j.at(#v1).get_to(nlohmann_json_t.v1); +#define NLOHMANN_JSON_FROM_WITH_DEFAULT(v1) nlohmann_json_t.v1 = nlohmann_json_j.value(#v1, nlohmann_json_default_obj.v1); + +/*! +@brief macro +@def NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_INTRUSIVE +@since version 3.9.0 +*/ +#define NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_INTRUSIVE(Type, ...) \ + friend void to_json(nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, const Type& nlohmann_json_t) { NLOHMANN_JSON_EXPAND(NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE(NLOHMANN_JSON_TO, __VA_ARGS__)) } \ + friend void from_json(const nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, Type& nlohmann_json_t) { NLOHMANN_JSON_EXPAND(NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE(NLOHMANN_JSON_FROM, __VA_ARGS__)) } + +#define NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_INTRUSIVE_WITH_DEFAULT(Type, ...) \ + friend void to_json(nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, const Type& nlohmann_json_t) { NLOHMANN_JSON_EXPAND(NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE(NLOHMANN_JSON_TO, __VA_ARGS__)) } \ + friend void from_json(const nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, Type& nlohmann_json_t) { Type nlohmann_json_default_obj; NLOHMANN_JSON_EXPAND(NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE(NLOHMANN_JSON_FROM_WITH_DEFAULT, __VA_ARGS__)) } + +/*! +@brief macro +@def NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE +@since version 3.9.0 +*/ +#define NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(Type, ...) \ + inline void to_json(nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, const Type& nlohmann_json_t) { NLOHMANN_JSON_EXPAND(NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE(NLOHMANN_JSON_TO, __VA_ARGS__)) } \ + inline void from_json(const nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, Type& nlohmann_json_t) { NLOHMANN_JSON_EXPAND(NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE(NLOHMANN_JSON_FROM, __VA_ARGS__)) } + +#define NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE_WITH_DEFAULT(Type, ...) \ + inline void to_json(nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, const Type& nlohmann_json_t) { NLOHMANN_JSON_EXPAND(NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE(NLOHMANN_JSON_TO, __VA_ARGS__)) } \ + inline void from_json(const nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, Type& nlohmann_json_t) { Type nlohmann_json_default_obj; NLOHMANN_JSON_EXPAND(NLOHMANN_JSON_PASTE(NLOHMANN_JSON_FROM_WITH_DEFAULT, __VA_ARGS__)) } + + +// inspired from https://stackoverflow.com/a/26745591 +// allows to call any std function as if (e.g. with begin): +// using std::begin; begin(x); +// +// it allows using the detected idiom to retrieve the return type +// of such an expression +#define NLOHMANN_CAN_CALL_STD_FUNC_IMPL(std_name) \ + namespace detail { \ + using std::std_name; \ + \ + template \ + using result_of_##std_name = decltype(std_name(std::declval()...)); \ + } \ + \ + namespace detail2 { \ + struct std_name##_tag \ + { \ + }; \ + \ + template \ + std_name##_tag std_name(T&&...); \ + \ + template \ + using result_of_##std_name = decltype(std_name(std::declval()...)); \ + \ + template \ + struct would_call_std_##std_name \ + { \ + static constexpr auto const value = ::nlohmann::detail:: \ + is_detected_exact::value; \ + }; \ + } /* namespace detail2 */ \ + \ + template \ + struct would_call_std_##std_name : detail2::would_call_std_##std_name \ + { \ + } + +#ifndef JSON_USE_IMPLICIT_CONVERSIONS + #define JSON_USE_IMPLICIT_CONVERSIONS 1 +#endif + +#if JSON_USE_IMPLICIT_CONVERSIONS + #define JSON_EXPLICIT +#else + #define JSON_EXPLICIT explicit +#endif + +#ifndef JSON_DISABLE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION + #define JSON_DISABLE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION 0 +#endif + +#ifndef JSON_USE_GLOBAL_UDLS + #define JSON_USE_GLOBAL_UDLS 1 +#endif + +#if JSON_HAS_THREE_WAY_COMPARISON + #include // partial_ordering +#endif + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace detail +{ + +/////////////////////////// +// JSON type enumeration // +/////////////////////////// + +/*! +@brief the JSON type enumeration + +This enumeration collects the different JSON types. It is internally used to +distinguish the stored values, and the functions @ref basic_json::is_null(), +@ref basic_json::is_object(), @ref basic_json::is_array(), +@ref basic_json::is_string(), @ref basic_json::is_boolean(), +@ref basic_json::is_number() (with @ref basic_json::is_number_integer(), +@ref basic_json::is_number_unsigned(), and @ref basic_json::is_number_float()), +@ref basic_json::is_discarded(), @ref basic_json::is_primitive(), and +@ref basic_json::is_structured() rely on it. + +@note There are three enumeration entries (number_integer, number_unsigned, and +number_float), because the library distinguishes these three types for numbers: +@ref basic_json::number_unsigned_t is used for unsigned integers, +@ref basic_json::number_integer_t is used for signed integers, and +@ref basic_json::number_float_t is used for floating-point numbers or to +approximate integers which do not fit in the limits of their respective type. + +@sa see @ref basic_json::basic_json(const value_t value_type) -- create a JSON +value with the default value for a given type + +@since version 1.0.0 +*/ +enum class value_t : std::uint8_t +{ + null, ///< null value + object, ///< object (unordered set of name/value pairs) + array, ///< array (ordered collection of values) + string, ///< string value + boolean, ///< boolean value + number_integer, ///< number value (signed integer) + number_unsigned, ///< number value (unsigned integer) + number_float, ///< number value (floating-point) + binary, ///< binary array (ordered collection of bytes) + discarded ///< discarded by the parser callback function +}; + +/*! +@brief comparison operator for JSON types + +Returns an ordering that is similar to Python: +- order: null < boolean < number < object < array < string < binary +- furthermore, each type is not smaller than itself +- discarded values are not comparable +- binary is represented as a b"" string in python and directly comparable to a + string; however, making a binary array directly comparable with a string would + be surprising behavior in a JSON file. + +@since version 1.0.0 +*/ +#if JSON_HAS_THREE_WAY_COMPARISON + inline std::partial_ordering operator<=>(const value_t lhs, const value_t rhs) noexcept // *NOPAD* +#else + inline bool operator<(const value_t lhs, const value_t rhs) noexcept +#endif +{ + static constexpr std::array order = {{ + 0 /* null */, 3 /* object */, 4 /* array */, 5 /* string */, + 1 /* boolean */, 2 /* integer */, 2 /* unsigned */, 2 /* float */, + 6 /* binary */ + } + }; + + const auto l_index = static_cast(lhs); + const auto r_index = static_cast(rhs); +#if JSON_HAS_THREE_WAY_COMPARISON + if (l_index < order.size() && r_index < order.size()) + { + return order[l_index] <=> order[r_index]; // *NOPAD* + } + return std::partial_ordering::unordered; +#else + return l_index < order.size() && r_index < order.size() && order[l_index] < order[r_index]; +#endif +} + +// GCC selects the built-in operator< over an operator rewritten from +// a user-defined spaceship operator +// Clang, MSVC, and ICC select the rewritten candidate +// (see GCC bug https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=105200) +#if JSON_HAS_THREE_WAY_COMPARISON && defined(__GNUC__) +inline bool operator<(const value_t lhs, const value_t rhs) noexcept +{ + return std::is_lt(lhs <=> rhs); // *NOPAD* +} +#endif + +} // namespace detail +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +// #include + + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace detail +{ + +/*! +@brief replace all occurrences of a substring by another string + +@param[in,out] s the string to manipulate; changed so that all + occurrences of @a f are replaced with @a t +@param[in] f the substring to replace with @a t +@param[in] t the string to replace @a f + +@pre The search string @a f must not be empty. **This precondition is +enforced with an assertion.** + +@since version 2.0.0 +*/ +template +inline void replace_substring(StringType& s, const StringType& f, + const StringType& t) +{ + JSON_ASSERT(!f.empty()); + for (auto pos = s.find(f); // find first occurrence of f + pos != StringType::npos; // make sure f was found + s.replace(pos, f.size(), t), // replace with t, and + pos = s.find(f, pos + t.size())) // find next occurrence of f + {} +} + +/*! + * @brief string escaping as described in RFC 6901 (Sect. 4) + * @param[in] s string to escape + * @return escaped string + * + * Note the order of escaping "~" to "~0" and "/" to "~1" is important. + */ +template +inline StringType escape(StringType s) +{ + replace_substring(s, StringType{"~"}, StringType{"~0"}); + replace_substring(s, StringType{"/"}, StringType{"~1"}); + return s; +} + +/*! + * @brief string unescaping as described in RFC 6901 (Sect. 4) + * @param[in] s string to unescape + * @return unescaped string + * + * Note the order of escaping "~1" to "/" and "~0" to "~" is important. + */ +template +static void unescape(StringType& s) +{ + replace_substring(s, StringType{"~1"}, StringType{"/"}); + replace_substring(s, StringType{"~0"}, StringType{"~"}); +} + +} // namespace detail +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +#include // size_t + +// #include + + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace detail +{ + +/// struct to capture the start position of the current token +struct position_t +{ + /// the total number of characters read + std::size_t chars_read_total = 0; + /// the number of characters read in the current line + std::size_t chars_read_current_line = 0; + /// the number of lines read + std::size_t lines_read = 0; + + /// conversion to size_t to preserve SAX interface + constexpr operator size_t() const + { + return chars_read_total; + } +}; + +} // namespace detail +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END + +// #include + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 The Abseil Authors +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +#include // array +#include // size_t +#include // conditional, enable_if, false_type, integral_constant, is_constructible, is_integral, is_same, remove_cv, remove_reference, true_type +#include // index_sequence, make_index_sequence, index_sequence_for + +// #include + + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace detail +{ + +template +using uncvref_t = typename std::remove_cv::type>::type; + +#ifdef JSON_HAS_CPP_14 + +// the following utilities are natively available in C++14 +using std::enable_if_t; +using std::index_sequence; +using std::make_index_sequence; +using std::index_sequence_for; + +#else + +// alias templates to reduce boilerplate +template +using enable_if_t = typename std::enable_if::type; + +// The following code is taken from https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp/blob/10cb35e459f5ecca5b2ff107635da0bfa41011b4/absl/utility/utility.h +// which is part of Google Abseil (https://github.com/abseil/abseil-cpp), licensed under the Apache License 2.0. + +//// START OF CODE FROM GOOGLE ABSEIL + +// integer_sequence +// +// Class template representing a compile-time integer sequence. An instantiation +// of `integer_sequence` has a sequence of integers encoded in its +// type through its template arguments (which is a common need when +// working with C++11 variadic templates). `absl::integer_sequence` is designed +// to be a drop-in replacement for C++14's `std::integer_sequence`. +// +// Example: +// +// template< class T, T... Ints > +// void user_function(integer_sequence); +// +// int main() +// { +// // user_function's `T` will be deduced to `int` and `Ints...` +// // will be deduced to `0, 1, 2, 3, 4`. +// user_function(make_integer_sequence()); +// } +template +struct integer_sequence +{ + using value_type = T; + static constexpr std::size_t size() noexcept + { + return sizeof...(Ints); + } +}; + +// index_sequence +// +// A helper template for an `integer_sequence` of `size_t`, +// `absl::index_sequence` is designed to be a drop-in replacement for C++14's +// `std::index_sequence`. +template +using index_sequence = integer_sequence; + +namespace utility_internal +{ + +template +struct Extend; + +// Note that SeqSize == sizeof...(Ints). It's passed explicitly for efficiency. +template +struct Extend, SeqSize, 0> +{ + using type = integer_sequence < T, Ints..., (Ints + SeqSize)... >; +}; + +template +struct Extend, SeqSize, 1> +{ + using type = integer_sequence < T, Ints..., (Ints + SeqSize)..., 2 * SeqSize >; +}; + +// Recursion helper for 'make_integer_sequence'. +// 'Gen::type' is an alias for 'integer_sequence'. +template +struct Gen +{ + using type = + typename Extend < typename Gen < T, N / 2 >::type, N / 2, N % 2 >::type; +}; + +template +struct Gen +{ + using type = integer_sequence; +}; + +} // namespace utility_internal + +// Compile-time sequences of integers + +// make_integer_sequence +// +// This template alias is equivalent to +// `integer_sequence`, and is designed to be a drop-in +// replacement for C++14's `std::make_integer_sequence`. +template +using make_integer_sequence = typename utility_internal::Gen::type; + +// make_index_sequence +// +// This template alias is equivalent to `index_sequence<0, 1, ..., N-1>`, +// and is designed to be a drop-in replacement for C++14's +// `std::make_index_sequence`. +template +using make_index_sequence = make_integer_sequence; + +// index_sequence_for +// +// Converts a typename pack into an index sequence of the same length, and +// is designed to be a drop-in replacement for C++14's +// `std::index_sequence_for()` +template +using index_sequence_for = make_index_sequence; + +//// END OF CODE FROM GOOGLE ABSEIL + +#endif + +// dispatch utility (taken from ranges-v3) +template struct priority_tag : priority_tag < N - 1 > {}; +template<> struct priority_tag<0> {}; + +// taken from ranges-v3 +template +struct static_const +{ + static JSON_INLINE_VARIABLE constexpr T value{}; +}; + +#ifndef JSON_HAS_CPP_17 + template + constexpr T static_const::value; +#endif + +template +inline constexpr std::array make_array(Args&& ... args) +{ + return std::array {{static_cast(std::forward(args))...}}; +} + +} // namespace detail +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +#include // numeric_limits +#include // false_type, is_constructible, is_integral, is_same, true_type +#include // declval +#include // tuple + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +#include // random_access_iterator_tag + +// #include + +// #include + +// #include + + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +namespace detail +{ + +template +struct iterator_types {}; + +template +struct iterator_types < + It, + void_t> +{ + using difference_type = typename It::difference_type; + using value_type = typename It::value_type; + using pointer = typename It::pointer; + using reference = typename It::reference; + using iterator_category = typename It::iterator_category; +}; + +// This is required as some compilers implement std::iterator_traits in a way that +// doesn't work with SFINAE. See https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/1341. +template +struct iterator_traits +{ +}; + +template +struct iterator_traits < T, enable_if_t < !std::is_pointer::value >> + : iterator_types +{ +}; + +template +struct iterator_traits::value>> +{ + using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag; + using value_type = T; + using difference_type = ptrdiff_t; + using pointer = T*; + using reference = T&; +}; + +} // namespace detail +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END + +// #include + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +// #include + + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +NLOHMANN_CAN_CALL_STD_FUNC_IMPL(begin); + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + + + +// #include + + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + +NLOHMANN_CAN_CALL_STD_FUNC_IMPL(end); + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END + +// #include + +// #include + +// #include +// __ _____ _____ _____ +// __| | __| | | | JSON for Modern C++ +// | | |__ | | | | | | version 3.11.2 +// |_____|_____|_____|_|___| https://github.com/nlohmann/json +// +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann +// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT + +#ifndef INCLUDE_NLOHMANN_JSON_FWD_HPP_ + #define INCLUDE_NLOHMANN_JSON_FWD_HPP_ + + #include // int64_t, uint64_t + #include // map + #include // allocator + #include // string + #include // vector + + // #include + + + /*! + @brief namespace for Niels Lohmann + @see https://github.com/nlohmann + @since version 1.0.0 + */ + NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN + + /*! + @brief default JSONSerializer template argument + + This serializer ignores the template arguments and uses ADL + ([argument-dependent lookup](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/adl)) + for serialization. + */ + template + struct adl_serializer; + + /// a class to store JSON values + /// @sa https://json.nlohmann.me/api/basic_json/ + template class ObjectType = + std::map, + template class ArrayType = std::vector, + class StringType = std::string, class BooleanType = bool, + class NumberIntegerType = std::int64_t, + class NumberUnsignedType = std::uint64_t, + class NumberFloatType = double, + template class AllocatorType = std::allocator, + template class JSONSerializer = + adl_serializer, + class BinaryType = std::vector> + class basic_json; + + /// @brief JSON Pointer defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value within a JSON document + /// @sa https://json.nlohmann.me/api/json_pointer/ + template + class json_pointer; + + /*! + @brief default specialization + @sa https://json.nlohmann.me/api/json/ + */ + using json = basic_json<>; + + /// @brief a minimal map-like container that preserves insertion order + /// @sa https://json.nlohmann.me/api/ordered_map/ + template + struct ordered_map; + + /// @brief specialization that maintains the insertion order of object keys + /// @sa https://json.nlohmann.me/api/ordered_json/ + using ordered_json = basic_json; + + NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_END + +#endif // INCLUDE_NLOHMANN_JSON_FWD_HPP_ + + +NLOHMANN_JSON_NAMESPACE_BEGIN +/*! +@brief detail namespace with internal helper functions + +This namespace collects functions that should not be exposed, +implementations of some @ref basic_json methods, and meta-programming helpers. + +@since version 2.1.0 +*/ +namespace detail +{ + +///////////// +// helpers // +///////////// + +// Note to maintainers: +// +// Every trait in this file expects a non CV-qualified type. +// The only exceptions are in the 'aliases for detected' section +// (i.e. those of the form: decltype(T::member_function(std::declval()))) +// +// In this case, T has to be properly CV-qualified to constraint the function arguments +// (e.g. to_json(BasicJsonType&, const T&)) + +template struct is_basic_json : std::false_type {}; + +NLOHMANN_BASIC_JSON_TPL_DECLARATION +struct is_basic_json : std::true_type {}; + +// used by exceptions create() member functions +// true_type for pointer to possibly cv-qualified basic_json or std::nullptr_t +// false_type otherwise +template +struct is_basic_json_context : + std::integral_constant < bool, + is_basic_json::type>::type>::value + || std::is_same::value > +{}; + +////////////////////// +// json_ref helpers // +////////////////////// + +template +class json_ref; + +template +struct is_json_ref : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_json_ref> : std::true_type {}; + +////////////////////////// +// aliases for detected // +////////////////////////// + +template +using mapped_type_t = typename T::mapped_type; + +template +using key_type_t = typename T::key_type; + +template +using value_type_t = typename T::value_type; + +template +using difference_type_t = typename T::difference_type; + +template +using pointer_t = typename T::pointer; + +template +using reference_t = typename T::reference; + +template +using iterator_category_t = typename T::iterator_category; + +template +using to_json_function = decltype(T::to_json(std::declval()...)); + +template +using from_json_function = decltype(T::from_json(std::declval()...)); + +template +using get_template_function = decltype(std::declval().template get()); + +// trait checking if JSONSerializer::from_json(json const&, udt&) exists +template +struct has_from_json : std::false_type {}; + +// trait checking if j.get is valid +// use this trait instead of std::is_constructible or std::is_convertible, +// both rely on, or make use of implicit conversions, and thus fail when T +// has several constructors/operator= (see https://github.com/nlohmann/json/issues/958) +template +struct is_getable +{ + static constexpr bool value = is_detected::value; +}; + +template +struct has_from_json < BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t < !is_basic_json::value >> +{ + using serializer = typename BasicJsonType::template json_serializer; + + static constexpr bool value = + is_detected_exact::value; +}; + +// This trait checks if JSONSerializer::from_json(json const&) exists +// this overload is used for non-default-constructible user-defined-types +template +struct has_non_default_from_json : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct has_non_default_from_json < BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t < !is_basic_json::value >> +{ + using serializer = typename BasicJsonType::template json_serializer; + + static constexpr bool value = + is_detected_exact::value; +}; + +// This trait checks if BasicJsonType::json_serializer::to_json exists +// Do not evaluate the trait when T is a basic_json type, to avoid template instantiation infinite recursion. +template +struct has_to_json : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct has_to_json < BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t < !is_basic_json::value >> +{ + using serializer = typename BasicJsonType::template json_serializer; + + static constexpr bool value = + is_detected_exact::value; +}; + +template +using detect_key_compare = typename T::key_compare; + +template +struct has_key_compare : std::integral_constant::value> {}; + +// obtains the actual object key comparator +template +struct actual_object_comparator +{ + using object_t = typename BasicJsonType::object_t; + using object_comparator_t = typename BasicJsonType::default_object_comparator_t; + using type = typename std::conditional < has_key_compare::value, + typename object_t::key_compare, object_comparator_t>::type; +}; + +template +using actual_object_comparator_t = typename actual_object_comparator::type; + +/////////////////// +// is_ functions // +/////////////////// + +// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/conjunction +template struct conjunction : std::true_type { }; +template struct conjunction : B { }; +template +struct conjunction +: std::conditional(B::value), conjunction, B>::type {}; + +// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/types/negation +template struct negation : std::integral_constant < bool, !B::value > { }; + +// Reimplementation of is_constructible and is_default_constructible, due to them being broken for +// std::pair and std::tuple until LWG 2367 fix (see https://cplusplus.github.io/LWG/lwg-defects.html#2367). +// This causes compile errors in e.g. clang 3.5 or gcc 4.9. +template +struct is_default_constructible : std::is_default_constructible {}; + +template +struct is_default_constructible> + : conjunction, is_default_constructible> {}; + +template +struct is_default_constructible> + : conjunction, is_default_constructible> {}; + +template +struct is_default_constructible> + : conjunction...> {}; + +template +struct is_default_constructible> + : conjunction...> {}; + + +template +struct is_constructible : std::is_constructible {}; + +template +struct is_constructible> : is_default_constructible> {}; + +template +struct is_constructible> : is_default_constructible> {}; + +template +struct is_constructible> : is_default_constructible> {}; + +template +struct is_constructible> : is_default_constructible> {}; + + +template +struct is_iterator_traits : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_iterator_traits> +{ + private: + using traits = iterator_traits; + + public: + static constexpr auto value = + is_detected::value && + is_detected::value && + is_detected::value && + is_detected::value && + is_detected::value; +}; + +template +struct is_range +{ + private: + using t_ref = typename std::add_lvalue_reference::type; + + using iterator = detected_t; + using sentinel = detected_t; + + // to be 100% correct, it should use https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator/input_or_output_iterator + // and https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator/sentinel_for + // but reimplementing these would be too much work, as a lot of other concepts are used underneath + static constexpr auto is_iterator_begin = + is_iterator_traits>::value; + + public: + static constexpr bool value = !std::is_same::value && !std::is_same::value && is_iterator_begin; +}; + +template +using iterator_t = enable_if_t::value, result_of_begin())>>; + +template +using range_value_t = value_type_t>>; + +// The following implementation of is_complete_type is taken from +// https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2015/12/02/partial-support-for-expression-sfinae-in-vs-2015-update-1/ +// and is written by Xiang Fan who agreed to using it in this library. + +template +struct is_complete_type : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_complete_type : std::true_type {}; + +template +struct is_compatible_object_type_impl : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_compatible_object_type_impl < + BasicJsonType, CompatibleObjectType, + enable_if_t < is_detected::value&& + is_detected::value >> +{ + using object_t = typename BasicJsonType::object_t; + + // macOS's is_constructible does not play well with nonesuch... + static constexpr bool value = + is_constructible::value && + is_constructible::value; +}; + +template +struct is_compatible_object_type + : is_compatible_object_type_impl {}; + +template +struct is_constructible_object_type_impl : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_constructible_object_type_impl < + BasicJsonType, ConstructibleObjectType, + enable_if_t < is_detected::value&& + is_detected::value >> +{ + using object_t = typename BasicJsonType::object_t; + + static constexpr bool value = + (is_default_constructible::value && + (std::is_move_assignable::value || + std::is_copy_assignable::value) && + (is_constructible::value && + std::is_same < + typename object_t::mapped_type, + typename ConstructibleObjectType::mapped_type >::value)) || + (has_from_json::value || + has_non_default_from_json < + BasicJsonType, + typename ConstructibleObjectType::mapped_type >::value); +}; + +template +struct is_constructible_object_type + : is_constructible_object_type_impl {}; + +template +struct is_compatible_string_type +{ + static constexpr auto value = + is_constructible::value; +}; + +template +struct is_constructible_string_type +{ + // launder type through decltype() to fix compilation failure on ICPC +#ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER + using laundered_type = decltype(std::declval()); +#else + using laundered_type = ConstructibleStringType; +#endif + + static constexpr auto value = + conjunction < + is_constructible, + is_detected_exact>::value; +}; + +template +struct is_compatible_array_type_impl : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_compatible_array_type_impl < + BasicJsonType, CompatibleArrayType, + enable_if_t < + is_detected::value&& + is_iterator_traits>>::value&& +// special case for types like std::filesystem::path whose iterator's value_type are themselves +// c.f. https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/3073 + !std::is_same>::value >> +{ + static constexpr bool value = + is_constructible>::value; +}; + +template +struct is_compatible_array_type + : is_compatible_array_type_impl {}; + +template +struct is_constructible_array_type_impl : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_constructible_array_type_impl < + BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType, + enable_if_t::value >> + : std::true_type {}; + +template +struct is_constructible_array_type_impl < + BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType, + enable_if_t < !std::is_same::value&& + !is_compatible_string_type::value&& + is_default_constructible::value&& +(std::is_move_assignable::value || + std::is_copy_assignable::value)&& +is_detected::value&& +is_iterator_traits>>::value&& +is_detected::value&& +// special case for types like std::filesystem::path whose iterator's value_type are themselves +// c.f. https://github.com/nlohmann/json/pull/3073 +!std::is_same>::value&& + is_complete_type < + detected_t>::value >> +{ + using value_type = range_value_t; + + static constexpr bool value = + std::is_same::value || + has_from_json::value || + has_non_default_from_json < + BasicJsonType, + value_type >::value; +}; + +template +struct is_constructible_array_type + : is_constructible_array_type_impl {}; + +template +struct is_compatible_integer_type_impl : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_compatible_integer_type_impl < + RealIntegerType, CompatibleNumberIntegerType, + enable_if_t < std::is_integral::value&& + std::is_integral::value&& + !std::is_same::value >> +{ + // is there an assert somewhere on overflows? + using RealLimits = std::numeric_limits; + using CompatibleLimits = std::numeric_limits; + + static constexpr auto value = + is_constructible::value && + CompatibleLimits::is_integer && + RealLimits::is_signed == CompatibleLimits::is_signed; +}; + +template +struct is_compatible_integer_type + : is_compatible_integer_type_impl {}; + +template +struct is_compatible_type_impl: std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_compatible_type_impl < + BasicJsonType, CompatibleType, + enable_if_t::value >> +{ + static constexpr bool value = + has_to_json::value; +}; + +template +struct is_compatible_type + : is_compatible_type_impl {}; + +template +struct is_constructible_tuple : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_constructible_tuple> : conjunction...> {}; + +template +struct is_json_iterator_of : std::false_type {}; + +template +struct is_json_iterator_of : std::true_type {}; + +template +struct is_json_iterator_of : std::true_type +{}; + +// checks if a given type T is a template specialization of Primary +template