Welcome to the Azure Rambi project! This repository contains code and resources for managing and deploying the Rambi Application using Azure services.
Azure Rambi is a project designed to simplify the management and deployment of Azure resources. It provides a set of tools and scripts to automate common tasks.
To get started with Azure Rambi, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/bmoussaud/azure-rambi.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd azure-rambi
Install the required dependencies by running:
az login
azd auth login
azd up
? Enter a new environment name: dev
? Select an Azure Subscription to use: 1. fake-subscription (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
? Select an Azure location to use: 21. (Europe) France Central (francecentral)
? Pick a resource group to use: Create a new resource group
? Enter a name for the new resource group: azrambi-dev
Warning: the provision phases include an APIM and A Redis Cache that can take a veryyyyyyy loooooong time to become available. Patience ! if it fails run the azd up
command again.
(✓) Done: Key Vault: rambikveab45rexk4hhs (689ms)
(✓) Done: Azure OpenAI: azrambi-openai-eab45rexk4hhs (695ms)
(✓) Done: Container Registry: azurerambieab45rexk4hhs (719ms)
(✓) Done: Storage account: azrambieab45rexk4hhs (723ms)
(✓) Done: Azure AI Services Model Deployment: azrambi-openai-eab45rexk4hhs/gpt-4o (570ms)
(✓) Done: Azure AI Services Model Deployment: azrambi-openai-eab45rexk4hhs/o1-mini (584ms)
(✓) Done: Azure AI Services Model Deployment: azrambi-openai-eab45rexk4hhs/dall-e-3 (991ms)
(✓) Done: Log Analytics workspace: azure-rambi-log-eab45rexk4hhs (580ms)
(✓) Done: Cache for Redis: azure-rambi-redis-eab45rexk4hhs (1.846s)
(✓) Done: Application Insights: azure-rambi-appIn-eab45rexk4hhs (1.4s)
(✓) Done: Container Apps Environment: azure-rambi (917ms)
(✓) Done: Azure API Management: azure-rambi-apim-eab45rexk4hhs (23.719s)
(✓) Done: Container App: movie-generator-svc (17.974s)
(✓) Done: Container App: gui-svc (18.365s)
(✓) Done: Container App: movie-poster-svc (18.47s)
Deploying services (azd deploy)
(✓) Done: Deploying service gui
- Endpoint: https://gui-svc.happyfield-037b39a8.francecentral.azurecontainerapps.io/
(✓) Done: Deploying service movie_generator_svc
- Endpoint: https://movie-generator-svc.happyfield-037b39a8.francecentral.azurecontainerapps.io/
(✓) Done: Deploying service movie_poster_svc
- Endpoint: https://movie-poster-svc.happyfield-037b39a8.francecentral.azurecontainerapps.io/
To open the application, click on the link below the Done: Deploying service gui
az deployment group create --resource-group <target_rg> --template-file infra/user_portal_role.bicep
gh auth login
- Execute
infra/configure_authenticate_github_actions.sh .azure/dev/.env
The infra/main.bicep
- CognitiveServices
- Open AI gpt-4
- Open AI o1-mini
- Open AI dall-e-3
- Container Registry
- Azure Container Apps Environment
- Container Apps
- gui: the frontend
- movie_poster_svc : service managing the poster description and the poster generation
- movie_generator_svc: service managing the movie generation.
- API Management
- Application Insight
- Key Vault
- Storag Account (Blob Storage)
The infra/user_portal_role.bicep grants to the current authenticated user the right to browse the content of the keyvault
and the blob storage
using the Azure portal.
edit the file infra/authenticate_with_Azure_App_Service_for_GitHub.sh with your context and run it to grant a contributor to the resource group and to generate the secrets used by the GitHub action pipeline to deploy the differents components.
- Service: Azure Application Service using the python runtime on linux
- CI/CD Pipeline: .github/workflows/main_azure-rambi.yml
Note: The bicep files come from: https://github.com/microsoft/AzureOpenAI-with-APIM/
The OpenAPI json file is available here: https://developer.themoviedb.org/openapi. You'll find the file for v3 and v4 version
The generate_movie
method has been moved to a new FastAPI service located in src/movie_generator_svc
. This service is configured to run in Azure Container Apps.
To deploy the new movie_generator_svc
service, follow these steps:
Build the Docker image:
docker build -t movie_generator_svc:latest src/movie_generator_svc
Push the Docker image to your container registry:
docker tag movie_generator_svc:latest <your-container-registry>/movie_generator_svc:latest docker push <your-container-registry>/movie_generator_svc:latest
Update the Azure Container Apps configuration to use the new image.
To use the new movie_generator_svc
service, make a POST request to the /generate
endpoint with the following JSON payload:
"movie1": {
"title": "Movie 1 Title",
"plot": "Movie 1 Plot",
"poster_url": "Movie 1 Poster URL"
"movie2": {
"title": "Movie 2 Title",
"plot": "Movie 2 Plot",
"poster_url": "Movie 2 Poster URL"
"genre": "Desired Genre"
The service will return a JSON response with the generated movie details.
azd down --force --purge
We welcome contributions! Please read our contributing guidelines for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
- name: Build the image in the Azure Containe Registry
id: acr
uses: azure/acr-build@v1
service_principal: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_ID }}
service_principal_password: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_PASSWORD }}
tenant: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
registry: ${{ env.ACR_NAME }}
repository: azure-rambi
image: movie_poster_svc
tag: ${{ github.sha }}
folder: src/movie_poster_svc
git_access_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
branch: main