This package allows you read and write traits using play-json
. It does this
by adding a discriminator property to the JSON which can be used to identify
the precise implementation when parsing the JSON back to Scala.
The library is deployed to Maven Central.
Add the following to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.leonard" %% "play-json-traits" % "$version"
import io.leonard.TraitFormat.{ traitFormat, caseObjectFormat }
import play.api.libs.json.Json.format
import play.api.libs.json._
sealed trait Animal
case class Dog(s: String) extends Animal
case class Cat(s: String) extends Animal
case object Nessy extends Animal
val doggy = Dog("woof!")
val kitty = Cat("Meow!")
val animalFormat = traitFormat[Animal] << format[Dog] << format[Cat] << caseObjectFormat(Nessy)
val doggyJson = animalFormat.writes(doggy).toString
// returns {"s":"woof!","type":"Dog"}
val animal1: Animal = animalFormat.reads(Json.parse(doggyJson)).get
animal1 == doggy
animalFormat.writes(kitty).toString() == """{"s":"Meow!","type":"Cat"}"""
More examples can be found in the spec.
By default the discriminator property is called type
. However, this can
be customised by doing the following:
val animalFormat = traitFormat[Animal]("animalType") << format[Dog] << format[Cat]
animalFormat.writes(doggy).toString() == """{"s":"woof!","animalType":"Dog"}"""