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bmeike edited this page Nov 11, 2011 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the ProgrammingAndroidExamples wiki!

This repo contains working code for the example in O'Reilly's Programming Android; Mednieks, Dornin, Meike, Nakamura

The projects are organized by the primary chapter in which the examples appears. All been tested in eclipse, using the emulator (with the exception of a couple that are hardware dependent; those projects have notes to that effect in their README files).

If you have questions, please be sure to check the FAQ

To set up a project, check it out and then:

cd $PROJ

cp tools/ide/eclipse/project .project

cp tools/ide/eclipse/classpath .classpath

Start eclipse and use File > Import > "Existing project into workspace"

Comments are welcome! Send problems and comments to programmingandroidexamples at callmeike dot net. You may be able to get an answer to your question much more quickly, though, by looking in the FAQ

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