This dashboard is created in the context of studies in IMAC.
IMAC League Superhero Dashboard : choose your IMAC superhero and manage it!
- Andréa Guillot - (
- Baptiste Ory - (
- Brice Mangeat - (
- Solène Mary-Vallée - (
- You can clone the repository in your folder.
git clone
- Architecture of repository
├── styles
├── src
| ├─ actions
| | └─ index.js
| ├─ components
| | ├─ views
| | | └─ DashboardView.js
| | └─ component's folders
| ├─ state
| | └─ index.js
| ├─ index.html
| └─ index.js
├─ package.json
└─ .gitignore
- Install parcel globally
npm install -g parcel-bundler
- Install node's modules on the repository
npm i
- Start the server on port 1234 (http://localhost:1234)
npm run start