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MySQL - 10.4.14-MariaDB : Database - cardcolor
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/*Table structure for table `t_admin` */
CREATE TABLE `t_admin` (
`Name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
`PS` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL
/*Data for the table `t_admin` */
insert into `t_admin`(`Name`,`PS`) values
/*Table structure for table `t_code` */
CREATE TABLE `t_code` (
`random_code` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`email` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`date_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL
/*Data for the table `t_code` */
insert into `t_code`(`random_code`,`email`,`date_time`) values
('EHqVO9lBGe9mnD1xAGAcpfYFNCKnrEXZ','12','2020-12-23 20:25:52'),
('4OMISACH1d6T2ZFqrOWoZg0RgVktTDcx','33','2020-12-23 20:25:55');
/*Table structure for table `t_paragraph_1` */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_paragraph_1`;
CREATE TABLE `t_paragraph_1` (
`stage_name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`stage_title` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
`stage_detail` longtext DEFAULT NULL
/*Data for the table `t_paragraph_1` */
insert into `t_paragraph_1`(`stage_name`,`stage_title`,`stage_detail`) values
('STAGE 0','STAGE 0 / - CLEAR LIGHT (“ALL”NESS / NOTHINGNESS- UNITY)','What’s at the core – DNA? Transpersonal, Transcendent. Original organizing life force. Programming one comes in with. Extremes: container for everything. What’s at the core? One’s basic foundation is found here. It\'s the DNA or programming one came in with. Spirituality is very important. May signify deep spiritual or mystical states. May also feel detached or disembodied, have poor sense of boundaries, or want to take over. This is a transpersonal place of extremes, good/evil either/or etc., a place where the first grief of separation is still felt. One may have a deep nostalgia to return to spirit. On the negative side one may be experiencing a transpersonal crisis of faith, no hope or “God is Dead” feelings. Returning to this place when it is not regularly chosen can mean the potential for re-creation of self. '),
('STAGE 1','STAGE 1: THE ENTRY (THE DESCENT INTO MATTER)','The Void is a viewpoint that is first developed during the intrauterine experience prior to birth. There is no sense of individual will here. Time seems to stand still in an eternal now. You may experience physical sensations of pressure, heaviness, or claustrophobia that could recall your birth experience. The stage can be triggered later in life as the aftermath of sweeping changes to your sense of who you are. It may also follow extreme physical challenges and profound spiritual experiences. In Stage 1, the Void, your ego is closely aligned with the Self in a covert, paradoxical relationship called negative inflation. This gives you an exaggerated sense of yourself as small, powerless, and acted on by external forces (victim). This is a stage when your ego does not function well, and you need to be patient with yourself and put your trust in tried and true instincts to see you through. In terms of spiritual experience, this stage is comparable to the mystic’s intense absorption in deep inner states of not-thingness. Aspects of physical embodiment and gravity. Close to the earth and the deep unconscious. Might feel like you don’t fit into the world. Loneliness. #BoldStart#If all the other cards are at ending stages, this might be a BEGINNING AGAIN / REBIRTH or RE-ENTRY (perhaps into the mystery school).#BoldEnd# The heaviness of physical embodiment in a different way; as in a burden of “mission” and/or message. Beginning again in a whole new way. Feel like you don’t fit into the world may be that the world doesn\'t understand your work or the consciousness of the interconnectedness and complexity of life; assent to process.'),
('STAGE 2','STAGE 2: BLISS/MULTIPLICITY (FORMING WITHOUT KNOWING)','No boundaries. Information comes in through dreams, intuition, sensing, or \"sleeping on it.\" Growth in multiple forms. Receptivity / Regeneration / Recovery. Bliss occurs following birth when, if all goes well, you are cuddled, fed, and cared for in ways that make the world seem a safe and welcoming place, A pleasant lack of ego boundaries characterizes Bliss, even when experienced later in life. This stage is accompanied by deep relaxation. The state of mind is dreamy, drowsy. It has been found that creative persons return to this stage often between periods of productivity, to rest and receive inspiration from the unconscious. Mystics swim in this state of mind as in an ocean of love. '),
('STAGE 3','STAGE 3: LABYRINTH (MOVEMENT OF ENERGY /FINDING ONE’S PATH)','Neurological connections between mind and body. Feelings and images predominate. A beginning trust in the process. Consciousness is activated. Labyrinth is developed during an infant’s exploration of its body and its surroundings. During the stage of the Labyrinth, an infant experiments with sensing and movement and begins to organize its findings into a map of reality. When experienced later in life, this stage brings flexibility and openness to new information that can be beneficial for healing physical and psychological injuries. Some spiritual practices cultivate this state of consciousness for communicating with the ancestors, for contacting animal spirit guides, or for other shamanic practices. Active searching and exploring, even though not goal directed, gives this stage a characteristically energetic quality.'),
('STAGE 4','STAGE 4: BEGINNINGS (READINESS TO START)','Basic needs and support. Passivity and dependency. New #BoldStart#Beginnings - opened prior to the age of two, when baby and mother enjoy the ultimate experience of mutual bonding. Mother /child relationships. When is needs are met and its mother takes pleasure in mother love, a baby feels content and trusting. Ever after, this stage is characterized by a pleasant sense of containing and nurturing creative energy, though just what will develop is not al all clear. On a spiritual level, this stage is about feeling compassion for others and serving from heart-felt caring.#BoldEnd# '),
('STAGE 5','STAGE 5: THE TARGET (FOCUS AND DEFENSE)','Learning HOW: patterns , rules and rhythms. Protect self and build boundaries; concern with what is sacred, what is profane. Learning to focus and discriminate, but with intensity. The first assertion of the self as ego; concern with self-preservation and defense.\\nTarget is established with the baby’s intense experience of leaving the womb. It is further developed during the toddler’s discovery of itself as a separate person. Around age two, you begin to actively go after what you want instead of passively waiting for it to be provided, and this creates inevitable conflicts with caregivers. When you do not get what you want, you become frustrated. Not getting your way can even lead to a feeling of being victimized. During Stage 5, Target, behaviors for self-soothing and protection arise as a normal reaction to feelings of disappointment and vulnerability. These behaviors further define your psychological separateness from others and act to reinforce you ego. Later in life, ritualized behaviors for self-care and self-protection may be elaborated as reassurance that your ego boundaries are adequate. The target state of mind can be triggered when you feel tired or vulnerable, or when you encounter unexpected resistance from others. On a spiritual level, this stage may bring an appreciation for religious rituals, as well as a realization of the limits imposed by your ego. Considering the possibility of transcending these limits may also occur.'),
('STAGE 6','STAGE 6: STRUGGLE (THE DRAGON FIGHT)','Breaking free of parental dictates and beginning a quest for individuation. Establishment and expression of ego boundaries. “Dragon Fight” and “slaying of the parents” – surpassing of the mother (holds child fast) and father (values and tradition). #BoldStart#The tension of the opposites#BoldEnd# –and the wholeness gained by confronting each. Dragon Fight has to do with adolescent conflicts that accomplish your separation from your parents, and from the tribe or community in which you grew up. At this stage, you may break out of hidebound traditions in general. Dragon Fight is characterized by an increase of tension at all levels of the psyche. Issues are polarized and may be acted out in emotional confrontations with others. All this conflict creates greater and greater energy until finally enough energy is available to generate a new psychological perspective. The new viewpoint resolves the conflicts between your ego and traditional sources of control into a new synthesis that fully incorporates both sides of the conflict. Important transitions later in life—times such as midlife—can bring you around again to the stage of Dragon Fight. On a spiritual level, this stage is concerned with confronting self-doubt, facing the temptations to misuse power, and working through the contradictions between religious dogma and your own spiritual experience.'),
('STAGE 7','STAGE 7: SQUARING THE CIRCLE (FULL CONSCIOUSNESS)','Self (Ego) is fully evident and expressed. Assumption of autonomy and responsibility. Linearity and form enter the realm of wholeness. The expectations of the world are addressed: i.e., enough money, degrees, etc. Squaring the Circle is opened when you can function independently and go to school. It is fully developed in young adulthood when you have completed your education and have the potential to create, but as yet you have accomplished little. Intellectual ability is heightened here. This is a time when you are filled with a sense of power, importance and mission. Your ego is synchronized with the deeper order of the Self and you receive an injection of energy because of this. To use the energy appropriately, you choose goals that will accomplish more than simple fulfillment of ego desires for wealth, health, and happiness. You find projects worthy of your best efforts, projects that challenge you to grow, create, and care for others. Later in life, completing some kind of training, formal or informal, can bring you to an experience of Squaring the Circle. On a spiritual level, this stage is about dedicating yourself to principles and practices that enhance life for you and others.'),
('STAGE 8','STAGE 8: FUNCTIONING EGO (THE SPECIALIST)','Full autonomy and will. Individuality and full identity. Mature / can be alone but not lonely\r\nCareer issues. Functioning Ego opens during those moments of generative adult life when you are actively engaged in bringing your ideas and inspirations into reality. You are busy doing, no longer just being. During this stage you are comfortable working within groups or organizations in order to accomplish your personal goals. Conversely, you have the ability to feel comfortable by yourself and to work without supervision to accomplish the goals you believe in. The state of mind of Functioning Ego can be triggered as you become engrossed in accomplishing a challenging task, such as remodeling your house, starting a business, or managing interpersonal issues as a community leader. This stage can be activated as you take inititative to bring an inspiration into reality. On a spiritual level, this stage is about finding ways of sharing your wisdom gently and respectfully with others in ways they can understand.\r\n'),
('STAGE 9','STAGE 9: SELF AND OTHERS (MANIFESTING / CRYSTALLIZATION)','Self and others /group identification/ professional peer respect. Socialization of self with others as a larger organism. Wants to bring things to completion, leave a mark or legacy; interest in mentorship. The sense of what one has and hasn’t accomplished. Crystallization reflects a time of fulfillment, satisfaction, and completion. This stage is opened by your adult experience of finishing a project or fulfilling an important commitment, such as raising a family. A slowing of creative activity and a sense of harmony, balance, and relaxed enjoyment characterize this stage. Crystallization is a sweet time, a moment of joy, and a pause for delight in the cycle of the Great Round. In later cycles, Crystallization is a time when you achieve mastery of a spiritual practice. You may apply your intellect to help you think through a knotty spiritual dilemma and feel a sense of achievement for having done so.'),
('STAGE 10','STAGE 10: ENDINGS (SHIFTS AND CHANGES)','Mid-life and a time to reassess goals; a time to sort through and jettison the non-essential. Crossroads or major transitional change. A gate - some see as a burden, others welcome it.\r\nFeeling separated and a sense of loss, an encounter with death. Gates of Death begins the natural process of ending the Great Round cycle, in preparation for a new beginning. The influence of the Self can be seen in experiences that open this stage. It often comes in losses or obstructions that challenge you and cause you to question who you think you are. You may find that things that were important no longer hold your interest. Sometimes an event, such as an illness, will forcefully shift you to this stage. In the unfolding of human life this stage coincides with late midlife, although it is experienced earlier at important turning points in the relationship between your ego and the Self. This stage can be a bittersweet parting with what was, or a painful rending from what can no longer be. Energy declines for outward things as more and more of it shifts inward into the unconscious. It is a time when you are asked to let go of life the way it was, but you have no sense of what is to come. You feel betwixt and between. You may begin to lose touch with the spirituality that has been an easy and comforting relationship with God.\r\n'),
('STAGE 11','STAGE 11: FRAGMENTATION (DISINTEGRATION)','The dark night of the soul. A time of creative chaos; crisis and opportunity. A stage of unanswerable questions- can be feeling victimized by “fate”. A time of fear, confusion and loss of meaning. Fragmentation continues the entropy begun in Gates of Death. This stage is about challenges to your body, and much more. What began as endings in the outer world continues here as a de-structuring of your ego to the point that you may feel like a stranger to yourself. This is all a necessary prelude to a major reorganization of your ego. For many this stage is profoundly disturbing, as they find their belief in the ultimate order of things challenged. It is not unusual to feel dizzy or nauseated when experiencing this stage. Your understanding of the nature of reality may be changed by what you experience here in Fragmentation. It may seem you have completely lost contact with the Self, but the chaos experienced here is really orchestrated by the Self. The disorganization speeds the letting go that is necessary before your ego can be restructured in a stronger, more complex pattern in keeping with your potential for wholeness. The Spanish mystic Saint John of the Cross knew this stage well. He described it as the Dark Night of the Soul. This stage can bring you intense spiritual experiences. '),
('STAGE 12','STAGE 12: TRANSCENDENT ECSTASY (INTEGRATION)','Rebirth. Order out of chaos. Realignment with self /new potentials. Self –actualization. Transcendent Ecstasy reflects the blissful experience that follows the struggle of the previous stage. It comes as the result of embracing the limitations of the physical body and stepping beyond into a much larger dimension where spirit permeates and support everything In this stage, you experience the freedom of transcending beliefs that had become too narrow for you. It is the gift of old age and those rare moments of ecstasy earlier in life. You knowingly surrender your ego to the care of the Self, and you are rewarded with a glimpse of ultimate reality, an sense of the divine order and your rightful place within it. On a spiritual level, Stage 12, Transcendent Ecstasy, is a moment of understanding the divine through direct experience, rather than by intellect. This is a peak experience. It is a moment to be treasured as the essence of your circling the Great Round. Take it with you like a seed to be planted in the darkness for your next beginning Stage 1 – The Void. Specifically if card z, the bird like symbol is chosen, it can represent soaring with newness. Trust in whatever the future holds. Happiness and Freedom).'),
/*Table structure for table `t_paragraph_2` */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_paragraph_2`;
CREATE TABLE `t_paragraph_2` (
`card_name` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
`card_title` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
`card_detail` longtext DEFAULT NULL
/*Data for the table `t_paragraph_2` */
insert into `t_paragraph_2`(`card_name`,`card_title`,`card_detail`) values
('a','Card a (Stage 0)','Spiritual connection intuited. \r\n“There”, but it is a tenuous hold. Spiritual connection intuited but unable to inform everyday life. Body and spirit seem mutually exclusive. Attraction to traditional religions and spiritual exploration; A “Seeker”.\r\n'),
('b','Card b (Stage 0)','Fully there--no constraints. The spiritual informs all you do. Perspective and a sense of humor. “In the world but not of it”; Nirvana. Attraction to mystical paths; Zen meditation, Philosophy.'),
('ab','Card a-b (Stage 0)','“There”, but may still feel earth- bound in some way. The “lived-world” seems an inconvenience to spiritual life. Attraction to monasticism, meditative physical practices (e.g., yoga). '),
('c','Card c (Stage 1)','Feeling the heaviness of the physical embodiment; possible loneliness; may feel like outsiders in this world; longing for \"Home.\" Unsure if wanted in this world.'),
('d','Card d (Stage 1)','Feeling caught in the web of own or others’ creation-sensing complexity and inter-connectedness. Visceral awareness, reactive; The womb experience. DNA.'),
('cd','Card c-d (Stage 1)','Sensing interconnectedness; the closest to the entrance to the mystery school. An “Old Soul” starting anew. Sense of mission. Possible issues of trust and support.'),
('e','Card e (Stage 2)','Sensing consciousness beyond body and mind\r\nBliss; float-y; inspired; intuitive; no sense of ego. Innocence. Escapist tendencies; A dreamer. Consciousness beyond body'),
('f','Card f (Stage 2)','An awareness on some level of connection to inspiration. Lives in realm of intuitive possibilities. Idealistic.'),
('ef','Card e-f (Stage 2)','Random; possible pre-disease indicator. Easily influenced; Lack of discernment. “Thin-skinned”. Cellular changes.'),
('g','Card g (Stage 3)','Energy that could go either way. An urge to awaken. Desire for path and direction. Where to invest energy next.'),
('h','Card h (Stage 3)','Energy that is ready to go. Needs focus. Tenuous control. Acting without thinking. Buzzing with excitement.'),
('gh','Card g-h (Stage 3)','Energy which is either spiraling in or out. May love adrenaline and energy for its own sake. A dynamo.'),
('i','Card i (Stage 4)','Nurturance. Ready to begin, but needs some support\r\nReproductive issues; may be child like; baby of the family. Nurturance in all forms. Passive'),
('j','Card j (Stage 4)','Indicates a strong readiness to start.\r\nIndicates a readiness to start. A need to “be seen” and “make a mark” in the world. A literal new beginning.'),
('ij','Card i-j (Stage 4)','Possible dependency\r\nNeeds support before they can begin; symbiosis. The ties that bind. Apprenticeship.'),
('k','Card k (Stage 5)','A need for defense. Sees self as target and/or focus of attention. Admires discipline. A perfectionist. Attraction to martial arts, tests of will.'),
('l','Card l (Stage 5)','Has found a way out and may be close to resolution.\r\nFeels the pressure of own and others’ expectations; Wants to loosen up, learn to just “be”. Habits are comforting. Possibly superstitious. Fear that stress is what holds world together.'),
('kl','Card k-l (Stage 5)','Little room to breathe. May be caught in ritual.\r\nVery defensive; Ritualistic behavior may bind anxiety. “Paralysis by analysis”; Change of any kind may be overwhelming. May feel like a victim. “Tightly wound”; '),
('m','Card m (Stage 6)','Struggle. \r\nThe tension and attraction of the opposites. Ambivalence. Seeking balance in life.'),
('n','Card n (Stage 6)','Almost done with struggle.\r\nBeginning resolution--a part of each is in the other. Mating. Interest in relating or about a relationship,'),
('mn','Card m-n (Stage 6)','Tension with teeth or possibly merging, but with some pain. Vulnerability. \r\nTension with teeth. The “other” seen as possible enemy; Vulnerability issues. Looking for “missing piece”'),
('o','Card o (Stage 7)','Equi-distant Cross of Templars\r\nBalance of Male/Female energies; Harmony. Interest in highest potential. Perfection, Idealism. '),
('p','Card p (Stage 7)','Time and linearity (the square) enter eternity (the circle) Perfect symbol of wholeness in the world (Jung). \r\nSquaring the Circle; the best symbol of wholeness (Jung). Integrity. Attainment.'),
('op','Card o-p (Stage 7)','The template for monk’s mandala. Balance in all aspects. \r\nForm and time enter eternity. Refinement of aesthetic sense. Excellence in all forms.'),
('q','Card q (Stage 8)','Here I am; DaVinci--The Man in the Star. Charisma. Supreme belief in abilities.'),
('r','Card r (Stage 8)','The self in movement. “Who I am is what I do”; Healthy self-esteem. Confidence.'),
('qr','Card q-r (Stage 8)','The softer, feminized version of the star; \r\nThe softer version of the star; Quiet confidence and self acceptance. Humility.'),
('s','Card s (Stage 9)','Acknowledged/accolades.\r\nHas attained a special place amongst peers. Societal rituals and traditions; Professional acknowledgement/accolades.'),
('t','Card t (Stage 9)','The flowering of culture and self. Urge to leave some sort of legacy to the world. Creative brilliance.'),
('st','Card s-t (Stage 9)','Sensing that expected role in society is completed; Looking for a new way to give; Interest in teaching or mentoring.'),
('u','Card u (Stage 10)','May be externally imposed.\r\nA crossroads; a sense of limits. One is forced to stop. A need for rest and reassessment.'),
('v','Card v (Stage 10)','A sense of an ending; possibly a literal ending. Issues of acceptance and surrender.'),
('uv','Card u-v (Stage 10)','Endings as inevitable; may feel crucified. \r\nAcceptance of endings as inevitable; Awareness of sacrifices for the greater good.'),
('w','Card w (Stage 11)','Chaos that can be both disorienting and purifying; flying apart; No longer feeling in control, perhaps relief.'),
('x','Card x (Stage 11)','Experience of mental anguish or physical pain; Fear of oblivion; torn apart. Possibly sexual issues. Courage needed.'),
('wx','Card w-x (Stage 11)','Something has shattered. Pain. Victimized by forces beyond one’s control (natural and otherwise). Purgation.'),
('y','Card y (Stage 12)','Everything flowing again. Euphoria and enthusiasm. Celebration and Release.'),
('z','Card z (Stage 12)','Soaring with newness. Trust in whatever the future holds. Happiness and Freedom.'),
('yz','Card y-z (Stage 12)','The quiet eternal flame that is always inside; Higher guidance. Warmth and Equanimity.');
/*Table structure for table `t_paragraph_3` */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_paragraph_3`;
CREATE TABLE `t_paragraph_3` (
`color_name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
`color_title` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
`color_bold` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
`color_detail` longtext DEFAULT NULL
/*Data for the table `t_paragraph_3` */
insert into `t_paragraph_3`(`color_name`,`color_title`,`color_bold`,`color_detail`) values
('100_Light_Red','100 Light Red','Vulnerability / Related to skin but not sensual / May need comforting.\r\nEmbryonic sense of beginnings /Soft deeply felt spirituality / Tenderness\r\nOpenness/ Bodily tissue.\r\n','May lack the energy and be too weak to carry out the tasks of this stage. May feel vulnerable and can infer dependency or neediness at relationship stages (1, 4, 7, 9). The light red may also relate to the body or be selected by someone who is a body-worker. It may speak to the need for the individual to rest or be nurtured. May also represent compassion.'),
('101_Red','101 Red','Physical and emotional warmth / Blood / Life energy / Libido / Passion / Demanding baby / Energy / Anger / Vitality / Will to live /Strong / Healthy.','Red has great energy and represents active participation. It is often associated with the will to live or survival (as in life-blood). Red speaks to human needs and may be either acknowledgement of needs or neediness. Red can also represent pain in a physical or mental sense. Emotionally it can indicate great passion and excitement, or anger and various related emotions including aggression, resentment, or frustration. '),
('102_Dark_Red','102 Dark Red','Old hurt and pain, such as dried blood/ Betrayal of old/ “Badge” of survival.','The dark red is tinted with black and represents old wounding or resentments that can impact a person mentally or physically. Old wounds can become repressed or expressed as rage and even develop into physical ailments. Mental and physical pain may be indicated. The dark red can speak to a sense of having sacrificed something.'),
('103_Fuchsia','103 Fuchsia','Excitation or arousal / Anxiety / Heightened bodily response / Dare devil behavior / The healed skin beneath the scab.','includes hints of blue and often infers anxiety, or an intense physical or mental reaction. When black is also chosen, the combination may represent heightened anxiety evolving into depression. Fuchsia can infer neediness and may not be a productive use of energy.'),
('200_Light_Blue','200 Light Blue','Receptive and passive but with spiritual over tones/ Intuitive.','The pastel blue is passive yet still trusting and accepting. At stages requiring fire-energy (such as 4, 5 and 6), the light blue may be too passive. At times the light blue is intuitive and spiritual.'),
('201_Virgin_Mary_Blue','201 Virgin Mary Blue','Positive Mother / Virgin Mother / Receptive feminine qualities / Passive/Idealized feminine /Purity / Reflective.','A bright blue with a hint of turquoise that makes the color reminiscent of the sky. It brings a mediator quality in its healing ability and a spiritual quality. VM stands for Virgin Mary and can carry associated qualities.'),
('202_Blue','202 Blue','Wisdom and Intuition from feminine perspective. / Cool headedness /Comfortable /Easy/ Role of the mother in the world /Expansive / Philosophical/ I’m OK, you’re OK.','This blue is both rich in hue yet clear of darkness. It is nearly always positive, bringing\r\ntrust, acceptance and healing to a stage. At times, all blues are too passive for stages requiring\r\nfire energy.'),
('203_Dark_Blue','203 Dark Blue','Negative aspects of Mother –the gift of the terrible mother is deep intuition /','Femininity / Receptivity / Womb-tomb nature of Mother Earth /Mystery /Cold, \r\ndeep water / Fear of Engulfment and Oblivion. Difficulty bringing experience to discourse / May feel undeserving. The silencing nature of “the Establishment” or Institution as well as the comfort and protection offered. The dark blue is tinted with black and can represent the deepest intuition and also the negative side of the Mother, critical and overpowering –“the gift of the terrible mother. This characteristic can be one that is experienced or projected. The intensity of the dark blue can bring deep wisdom and intuition.\r\n'),
('204_Medium_Blue','204 Medium Blue','Wisdom, Feelings and intuition from feminine perspective. Comfortable place /Receptive /Intuitive Cool headedness /Comfortable /Easy/ Role of the mother in the world.','Philosophical/ I’m OK, you’re OK. Medium blue is rich in hue yet clear of darkness. It is nearly always positive, bringing trust, acceptance and healing to a stage. At times, all blues are too passive for stages requiring fire energy. Medium Blue, sometimes brings more intuitive wisdom than other blues.'),
('300_Light_Yellow','300 Light Yellow','Knowledge / Inspiration/Cognition without ego /No defenses/ Flexibility of thought and tolerance of new/ideas and approaches / May not yet be ready to defend or articulate ideas.','The pastel yellow most often brings inspiration to a stage. It may reflect a spirituality or connection to higher consciousness that brings a feeling of being blessed. The pastel indicates that someone may be able to sustain the self without a strong ego presence. At certain stages it may represent a mental or physical weakness.'),
('301_Yellow','301 Yellow','Active/Cognition, Good Father/Male/ Individual will/Hero/Abstract thinking/Confidence /Knowledge /Logos / Illumination and awakening / Vision and clarity/Communication / Education / Supreme confidence in thought / Articulate.','yellow empowers a person with understanding through the intellect. It can bring a connection to higher levels of awareness. Yellow often represents the self as a hero—someone who has a mission and is capable of meeting challenges. The ego is strong but not domineering. The color connects to father, to God the Father or male energy. At certain stages, yellow can bring in too much light or intensity indicating a drying up emotionally or physically, as in fear or disease. Abstract thinking.'),
('302_Ochre','302 Ochre','Speaks of confused or tarnished relationship / Ambivalence with father. Negative aspects of Patriarchy/ Legalistic thinking even if obsolete or proven wrong:','\"The Law is the Law\" / Inflexible and Dictatorial / Judgmental / “Stain” of sin and elimination issues. Perhaps tarnished gold that has lost its’ shine. Yellow tainted with black can be toxic or tarnished. The color often brings in negative aspects of the father, God the Father or male energy and may reflect disillusionment. This may manifest as punishing or critical. Self-esteem may be low or the person may feel overwhelmed or fearful. Ambition may become over-achievement. Possible illness or toxicity.'),
('303_Gold','303 Gold','Strong sense of mission and purpose / Patriarchy / Creative ability/Birth of the Hero / Fulfillment. / the Institution of Laws for greater good / May be overcompensation to please “Father” or appease \"Tribe.\"','Gold represents hero qualities, ambition and a dedication to a mission. The mission may come with inspiration or idealism. Sometimes the individual may be overachieving. There may be a strong relationship to the father, God the Father or the masculine elements, in both positive and negative ways.'),
('400_Light_Orange','400 Light Orange','Non-Sexual physicality and touch is important/ Sensual /Embodied spirituality: Chaste and vulnerable / Romantic ideal seems better than physical consummation.','Often reflects an association with the body, a person who is a body worker. Sensuality or sexuality. It may also reflect a weakness, a feeling of vulnerability or a need for touch.'),
('401_Orange','401 Orange','Power / The wants of the ego are strong / Aggression /Assertion / Ambition / The Rebel Personality / Mastery that comes from experience / Leadership /Will.','May be “willful” and unable to face evidence contrary to beliefs. May act self-righteously and without thinking of others / Sense of invincibility/Can be anger with or rejection of (and by) the father.\r\nThe color of power, blending the passion of red with the cognitive abilities of yellow. It reflects ambition, control, assertive energy.\r\n'),
('402_Dark_Orange','402 Dark Orange','Less of a sense of overt rebel or authority issues / Heaviness around ambition /Shutting down /resignation / Thwarted will and frustration / Unresolved tension with Father; “Beaten down” and resentful / May “act out” inappropriately/ the Loser.','Infers power that has gone bad. This may be toxic to oneself or others. The dark orange may indicate a harvesting of the fruits of ones’ labors or assertion that now feels heavy.'),
('403_Coral','403 Coral','Takes delight in the body / Sensuality / Vitality / Symbiosis / Reaches out to soothe others / Sees others as “babies” to be nurtured. ','Mind-body approach to health and healing / preventive medicine. Combines orange with red (passion) or passion with power. It is a color of sexual arousal, an intense relationship to the body or it can be related to romantic love with sexual influences. Could be sensual.'),
('500_Light_Green','500 Light Green','Positive harmonious blending of action and receptive forces in the psyche /Spirituality as nature /Germination period / Beginning of acceptance.','Watching Nature express herself and learning her patterns. Mother Nature’s child. Spirituality felt through nature; gentle healing; passive or possibly weak; letting things take their own natural course. The germination stage of an idea. The beginnings of acceptance and balance.'),
('501_Green','501 Green','Healing /Good balance of control and nurturing / Caring professions /Energy infusing compassion /Confidence in growth / Nature’s gifts / Renewal.','Welcomes the cycle of change. Encourages others. Ecology. Right use and respect of natural and human resources. Healer qualities; caring and unconditional love; integration; a balance as in the ecological processes of nature; promoting growth or, in some stages, neutralizing or stopping movement. Can indicate healing.'),
('502_Dark_Green','502 Dark Green','Threatening aspects of nurturer / The controller-nurturer.','The deepest woods could be scary. Ritual, magical encounter with nature. May seek affiliation with the “Old School” or Lodge to feel sense of continuity and safety (especially if male). Dominance of Nature through hunting for “sport” dark shadows of the forest which can be malevolent but can also provide the products of healing. Ritual encounter with nature. May have a dominating aspect of the mother or negative elements of parents. Mythologically the wicked witch in the forest. Perhaps hiding something. May also represent rituals or heavy traditions or cultural influences. May suggest something scary.'),
('600_Light_Purple','600 Light Purple','Transcendental flavor / Deals with bliss / Dissociation of physical body “Born into” one’s status –conferred, not earned.','Delicate constitution. Sacred sense of the body. Incorruptible. Given to fantasy world and daydreams. Often relates to the spiritual. It also speaks to the dependency with the mother or the merging back with the mother. May be a desire to merge with the spiritual. It can exhibit weakness or symbiosis.'),
('601a_Purple','601a Purple','Royalty and special-ness / Attitude of Entitlement /Philosopher-King/in touch with the richness /Royal wisdom.','Special Mission that involves compassion and sacrifice at the highest level. A need to prove potential conferred by “Destiny”. Royal beneficence and altruism.Pure purple may relate to grief and mourning. It is a color of bruising and can be related to being wounded. It is also the purple of royalty: entitlement and specialness. Associated with spirituality.'),
('602a_Dark_Purple','602a Dark Purple','Wisdom / Deposed King / Shaman /Knowing and knowing how /I have been through it, I have earned the Right.','Leaving behind worldly preoccupations after serving world / Urge to consolidate some sort of legacy / Interest in Occult or Mysticism / Use of abundant resources in humble service to the greater good. Dark purple has qualities of indigo and of purple. The intensity of the color may often bring with it a feeling of being overwhelmed---by oppression of the critical mother or by mourning and loss. The heaviness and burden of royalty or specialness.'),
('700_Mauve','700 Mauve','Anxiety from either physical or emotional source/ Intimation of burden of spiritual demands, the “bruised” mystic.','Wounded healer. Could be Spiritual Emergency /Crisis of integration, spiritual cost /Ambivalence surrounding sexual expectations / A sympathetic soul. Anxiety, could have breathing problems, sometimes reflects a dependence on the mother or others. (May be associated with pulmonary problems, asthma.)'),
('701_Red_Violet','701 Red Violet','\"I have earned my special place\" / Spirituality /Richness / Holiness / Dignity / The Master / The Wounded or charismatic healer.','Energy is more integrated than 700 (Mauve). The “Purple Heart” of heroism in battle / The “Enshrined” hero. Feelings of specialness. Could be narcissistic. May demand attention. Sometimes represents a feeling of self-sacrifice. Authentic spirituality but gained at a cost.'),
('702_Dark_Red_Violet','702 Dark Red Violet','Taking on the sins of the world; shamanic cleansing or ordeal/ The Wounded Healer who may retreat to the mountaintop; ','The Guru/Heaviness of the Mystic’s knowledge / The Sacrificial Mantle / May be ostracized or scapegoated for cultural catharsis / The Saint or Martyr. Can reflect grief, wounding, or feelings of self-sacrifice. Can reflect tie back to mother in an unhealthy way. Sometimes spiritual. Burdened wounded healer. May be in depression.'),
('703_Magenta','703 Magenta','Purple of \"special-ness\" combined with the red of libido/ Life-force /Survival / Procreation / Sexual ecstasy / Confident, in-charge female /Goddess energies. ','May be using physicality and sexuality to teach, transform, and heal (Tantra) / the Divine Prostitute /the Sexual Initiator, initiation through sexuality. A powerful person, could be a performer or an organizer. Sometimes reflects anxiety. Strong Feminine energy. Goddess. Representing much energy to be in the world.'),
('800_Light_Turquoise','800 Light Turquoise','Mediators, healers and those in the helping professions /Receptive / Walk your talk.','Deep understanding of one’s own truth. Clarity of insight into all worlds seen and unseen/ Creative inspiration, especially for artists and theorists. Represents a healer or healing, especially at a spiritual level. May be trying to heal or weak. The gentle mediator.'),
('801_Turquoise','801 Turquoise','Mediators, healers and those in the helping professions /Knowing and putting it into the world /Pioneer – willing to go the extra mile /\"I know I am special\" and my contributions are valued.','An ability to elevate natural processes to the theoretical realm, and vice-versa\r\nA person who is a healer, mediator or therapist or someone who uses healing to move \r\nthrough the stages. Uses healing (green) and intuition (blue) to mediate being in the world.\r\n'),
('802_Dark_Turquoise','802 Dark Turquoise','Smothering mother, so unhealthy side of mediator / Healer / Helper / Punitive /Healer / ','\"Burdened Mediator\". Put-upon caregiver. May always be “in the middle” of others’ dramas. Fatigue brought on by the constant opinions and expectations of others. May be a burdened mediator or healer. May have a negative side to healing. Trying to \"be\" in the world.'),
('900_Light_Yellow_Green','900 Light Yellow Green','New growth/ Healing/ Bringing Spiritual energy into the ground/Fresh and new spring / Regeneration / New beginnings / Exuberance / \"Hope springs eternal\".','A healthy green that indicates balance, harmony, caring. May stop progress or slow a process or may be fresh new growth and healing.'),
('901_Yellow_Green','901 Yellow Green ','Healthy green / Healing / Good balance of control and nurturing /Maturation of 900 (light yellow-green)','Qualities evident in the \"real\" world. Playful, childlike humor allows others to loosen up and “let go”. Sees possibilities in every situation / Optimistic and imaginative\r\nA healthy green that indicates balance, harmony, caring. Fresh new healing –like spring grass.'),
('902_Dark_Yellow_Green','902 Dark Yellow Green','Sick green / Associated with real or imagined illness /Toxicity/Body fluid/ Pollution.','Toxicity brought on by poison or stagnation. \"Pan\'s color\" - Pantheistic earth. Growth process becomes unnatural or stunted. May relate to illness or toxicity; could be emotional toxicity; may have eating problems; often sensitive to smells; heavy; difficulty with healing.'),
('903_Chartreuse','903 Chartreuse','Reaction to harsh authoritarian superego / Individuality/ May be zany, manic, funny personality- considered unconventional or even eccentric/ ','Communication with other worlds or realities –divas, elementals, leprechauns, (even \"little green men\" or aliens) and other forms of life. Maybe has an interest in Science Fiction. May be a prankster. May resist facing “adult” challenges and responsibilities. Causes drying up; may be relentless, driven; or frightened. Can respond in a manic way or be zany. Highly individualistic. May be trying too hard to heal. May be overly bright and feel like \"too much.\"'),
('1000_Light_Brown','1000 Light Brown','Sandy, burned-out, parched, dried out / Mild indications of positive or negative aspects.','Ground of spirituality is always present. Relief. Perhaps no demands made. Purity of devotion after self has “burned away\". May be an attempt to “ground” spirituality. Humility and modesty as ideals. Desire to fit in and be like the others. Burnt out, parched, dried out, attempt at neutrality, undemanding, humility, earth, skin.'),
('1001_Brown','1001 Brown','Moderate indications of either positive or negative aspects/ Home and hearth /Rich, fertile or compost/manure/ Grounded approach.','A need to \"put down roots\" and commit to or establish. Interest in turning waste into something useful. Self-effacement for the sake of spiritual commitment (i.e., monk\'s robes). Homogeneity. Conformity -belonging to \"one of the infantry\" is important. Rich, fertile ground, home and hearth, rootedness, conforming, modest. Can have a heavy and negative association. Building and establishing. Earth and \'grounded-ness\'.'),
('1002_Dark_Brown','1002 Dark Brown (701 Brown) ','Accentuated indications of either positive or negative aspects / Self-esteem issues / Insecurity /Overwhelmed / Corporate and corporeal conventionality ','/ Grounded in \"it\" / Sense of Physicality / Disappointment / Sense of rejection/Unworthiness. Could be self-esteem issues, insecurity, overwhelmed, in the \"thick of it.\" Can be heavy. Can be the deepest richest of \'soils\'.'),
('1500_Light_Gray','1500 Light Gray','May indicate a lack of energy or lack of emotion','/Attempt to disengage from reactive emotions. Etheric qualities / Beginning of mystery/ Spiritual or meditative discipline.'),
('1501_Gray','1501 Gray','May indicate a lack of energy or lack of emotion.','Metallic quality / Neutrality / Uncertainty / Purgatory or Limbo /Spiritual surrender / Turning away from the material world / Resignation.'),
('1502_Black','1502 Black','Lack of light / Loss of hope or consciousness / May represent a void. ','Mystery /Death / Wish to make invisible or be invisible/ The Void, where everything begins and ends /Magical thinking /the Prima Materia / Shamanistic Realm of Magic and superstition / The Cave / Introspection / Formless potential that is yet to be realized / Fear and Trembling / Awe.'),
('2000_White','2000 White','Transpersonal / Spiritual / White light of consciousness.','Could be lack of affect or a sign of things missing / Shock / Purity and spirit / ‘De-physicalization’ –possible dissociation on physical level or in contact with the spiritual level / Creative spark/ Transformation / the Goddess aspect/ Angelic help / Spirit contact/Afraid to “flesh out” issues of stage, reticence, immobility, inertia. May wish for a/ Deus ex machine (or miracle) to intervene or absolve one of responsibility'),
('2004_Black_Sparkle','2004 Black Sparkle','Can relate to being in the darkness / Can also speak to a contemplative, quiet place / Holding all potential/ Internalization of spiritual energies.','The Reluctant Mystic / Able to move “under the radar” / Investigate the motives of others / “Cloak of Invisibility” / Mystery of Mysteries “Magic” in its most potent state/ Primeval chaos and chaos theory/ The magical realm of sleep and dreams / The hidden and Occult/ Constantly “takes the world in”, but remains inscrutable by nature/ Still waters run deep. May speak to the mystery of spirituality. It may infer the ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel or for hope to shine through the depths. Black sparkle may reflect some of the qualities of black but with a spiritual or hopeful element. Shamanistic understanding or connections.'),
('2005_Silver_Sparkle','2005 Silver Sparkle','Relates to lunar energy and aspects of the feminine/ Realm of the Cosmic Mother.','Indicator of transpersonal experience (especially when seen at stages 0, 2 or 12). If seen in the top of the round, it can speak to distortion, attempt to distract, avoidance, or chameleon-like accommodation. Can also be faithful reflection / Non-penetrating shield /All colors reflected here / May represent the ideal solution or supreme avoidance (quicksilver) –depending on where it is placed. Suggests the transpersonal and spirituality. It may also be a reflection back (mirror quality) or distortion especially at stage 5, 6 or 11. Feminine or lunar spirituality. Idealism.'),
('2006_Gold_Sparkle','2006 Gold Sparkle','Relates to solar energy and aspects of the masculine /Indicator of transpersonal experience,','especially if seen at stages 0, 2, or 12. If seen in the top of the round, it can speak to spirituality. Possible distortion or inflation. Gold often indicates a transformational process/ Supreme confidence/ Complete trust in all Laws Spiritual/ Highest expression of Traditional Religion (the Father)/ May represent the idealized solution (depending on where it is placed). May also indicate the institution of a new mode of liturgy, religious or therapeutic ideal, or an interest in the ministry or teaching of spiritual values. The elevation of creative effort for a transcendent purpose. Expresses the “Ideal” of the stage. Suggests the transpersonal and spirituality. It may also be a reflection back or distortion. Gold also suggests a transformation through alchemical means. Masculine or solar spirituality. Idealistic.'),
('2007_White_Sparkle','2007 White Sparkle','May be the deepest divinity of the white light of consciousness/ Mystical light/ May represent the “white out” often associated with white.','Possible unwillingness to surrender to the “blank” or shock effect/ Resolve to walk through the snow storm and not lay down and die in it. Contact with realm of Spirit and Angelic Beings, or personified guidance and faith. Can also indicate “snowing” others or oneself - could indicate hypocrisy. Can suggest the white light of consciousness or perseverance –the hope to make it through the ordeal. Spirituality. The expectation of divine intervention (especially at stage 7 or 8). Pure consciousness, or pure trust in something greater than self.');
/*Table structure for table `t_paragraph_4` */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_paragraph_4`;
CREATE TABLE `t_paragraph_4` (
`stage_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`color_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
`color_detail` longtext DEFAULT NULL
/*Data for the table `t_paragraph_4` */
insert into `t_paragraph_4`(`stage_name`,`color_name`,`color_detail`) values
('Stage 0','100: LIGHT RED','Compassion (Infant Pink ? very sensitive, vulnerable soul, may be dependent, needs support). Good psychics. Soft, gentle, deeply felt spirituality; the white light of spirituality into the red of passion and energy; diffused sense of higher level; innocence, magical child; color of fetus; a soul which is sensitive.'),
('Stage 0','101: RED','(May be transpersonal or cosmic rage, or strong force to live). A strong healthy energy; choice of monks; sacrificial; fusion of will; willingly enter sacrifice in good sense; strong force to survive or live; one who has a high infusion of energy; the first shot of spiritual energy - incredible new awakening; beginning of kundalini experience; recognition of incarnation as sacrifice; first chakra.'),
('Stage 0','102: DARK RED','A deep hurt at one’s core. These may be the failed mystics. They sacrificed all to know and did not make it. (Transpersonal or karmic wounding- may be from another life). Azalea: Highly reactive or easily aroused. Failed mystic may not accomplish the task even though the sacrificed everything: the reluctant mystic or transitional mystic who is “done with it” - not in a bad way, but rather with a sense of completion; silent waiting; possible fear or scary feeling about this stage – it may be too intense; on the cross—fulfillment- abandonment-fulfillment.'),
('Stage 0','103: FUCHSIA','Anxious about being here or entering the world. Feminine; seeking for/asking for recognition; admiration for goddess; fertile goddess; physicality; divine prostitute; healing; passion or excitement; single minded, focused perspective once one is now out of the void; energy that is affected by spiritual matters; some anxiety or irritation around deep spiritual issues.'),
('Stage 0','200: LIGHT BLUE','Intuition fused with white light of consciousness; most impersonal level of the energies; feelings are not in realm of physicality--more with ethereal body.'),
('Stage 0','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','Idealization of the feminine; consort of the god; communal idea of the ideal; safest ideal –has the expansiveness and purity of water; like clear water, it has the reflective qualities of intuition; trust in the universe; feeling a relationship to a universal consciousness; responds to feminine images of the divine.'),
('Stage 0','202: BLUE','Comfortable, easy, intuitive; expansive; joyful; can represent being deep and solemn; role of mother in the world. '),
('Stage 0','203: DARK BLUE','You “get it” but why does it still feel heavy. Old issues healed through an experienced life, traumas have been healed; gone through it; spirituality is now solid; wisdom as lived; seen in elders; an established feeling like deep water -more risk and cold; difficult; moved into the place of pulling in from a spiritual perspective; constructive; gift of terrible mother is intuition gained at a cost; mysterious; womb to tomb; might be afraid of mystery.'),
('Stage 0','204: MEDIUM BLUE','(Healthy Blues: trust in the universe at the deepest level of the feminine. Relates to a universal consciousness. May be more comfortable with feminine images of God Very feeling type individual). Indigo: relates more to a destructive terrible cosmic mother, demanding and fearsome, may come in with intuitive gifts. Feels comfortable at this place; receptive; intuitive.'),
('Stage 0','300: LIGHT YELLOW','Feels guided or inspired. May be blessed by the Father or feels they get help from a higher mystical dimension. Literally infusion of clear light; inspiration; cognition without ego involved; no defensiveness in ideas; a sense of guidance or inspiration; a sense of being blessed; a sense of support and help from a higher mystical realm.'),
('Stage 0','301: YELLOW','A strong belief is Father God. May have a classical acceptance of light as the ultimate good. May have heroic qualities. The quest if very important. The question is “who am I?” What is my purpose? Strong seeker archetype. Place of confidence and clarity; empowerment; based on understanding; personal power; balanced; aware of your place in the world, but not in an ego sense; the combination of mental owning and Gnostic experience (gnosis--true knowledge); construct your own knowledge; gnosis as constructing; a strong sense of commitment to God the father; a sense of ultimate good in relation to light; a sense of heroic qualities; a sense of importance of the quest.'),
('Stage 0','302: OCHRE','Dark Yellow (Ochre) may tap into the more punishing aspects of the father, as in Yaweh the nay-sayers. Spirituality infused by nature; grounding of ideas; earth; your choice of what you make of it; potential; could also feel tarnished –as in, when you feel God has let you down; Kierkegaard\'s fear and trembling; crux of faith; patriarchal energy; God the father could be viewed as punishing.'),
('Stage 0','303: GOLD','May have a primal instinct toward achievement. It’s an attitude that world will be their oyster and they the pearl! Birth of the hero; Apollo; son of god; heroic qualities; recognition or fulfillment of destiny; a strong desire to fulfill one\'s destiny; needs a sense of mission to be fully alive; the sense that the world is the oyster and they are the pearl; king of the soul; cultural color; equated with masculine; takes it out of individual to the super culture that is blessed by the father; father energy in a pure detached form; inflation found in most rituals and traditions.'),
('Stage 0','400: LIGHT ORANGE','Use of the body in service of the spirit; second charka - sexual energy; engendering - the physical embodiment of the spiritual experience; grandmother energy; energy becomes transpersonal; speaks mostly to body; called by nuns as \"enfleshment\"; can feel cold and sterile feel although it is sensual or sexual in nature; a sense of passion for life; the discovery of soul through the body.'),
('Stage 0','401: ORANGE','May be driven towards power (Yet there may be an underlying struggle felt as, I don’t deserve. May also have enormous energy). 2nd chakra; relationships; most questioning of colors; how do you fit in this?; shape-shifter? Persephone? the Wiccan? the magician?; testing of one\'s commitment in the world; will is now beginning to enter in; possible questions around birth –resulting in much energy invested here.'),
('Stage 0','402: DARK ORANGE','The heaviness of deep understanding. S0-403: CORAL: vitality; chance for conception; fertility; bring spirituality into flesh; co-creation; recreation; fertile womb; spiritual exstasy; still in 2nd chakra; more physical and co-creative; a sense of the sexual/sensual nature; life as a passion; the discovery of the soul through body. Peach/Mango/Coral: may have a very sexual or sensual nature, a passion for life. More grounded feeling; shutting down by choice; not always bad; harvesting; reaping the harvest of spiritual understanding; wisdom; harvesting everything that you have done; getting ready for integration -having resolved place with divine; resolution; true resignation - equanimity implied in this resignation; close to saffron color of Tibetan Buddhism; resignation: life is impermanent.'),
('Stage 0','403: CORAL','Peach/Mango/Coral: may have a very sexual or sensual nature, a passion for life vitality; chance for conception; fertility; bring spirituality into flesh; co-creation; recreation; fertile womb; spiritual ecstasy; still in 2nd chakra; more physical and co-creative; a sense of the sexual/sensual nature; life as a passion; the discovery of the soul through body.'),
('Stage 0','500: LIGHT GREEN','Pantheism; spirituality as nature and degrees of it; healing; living and let live; passive; letting things take their own course; germination stage; early acceptance or beginning of acceptance.'),
('Stage 0','501: GREEN','All feels healed or capable of being healed. Healthy Greens: a healthy caring individual, may have a resonance with nature. Heart chakra; nature; energy going into and infusing compassion; confidence that it will grow; giving over to greater forces; trusting that things will take their course; a healthy sense of caring; resonates with nature.'),
('Stage 0','502: DARK GREEN','Something is still scary—even at this stage. Malevolence, no trust. Engulfing cosmic other. May hide how they feel, the spiritual is scary and untrustworthy. Deepest woods; feminine; ritual encounter with nature; trust the dark wood -which could be malevolent; could be scary but one can also develop comfort with the dark wood; involved with the shadows in the forest; may have a dominating aspect of the mother which is scary; inability to trust; the deep loyal aspect of spirituality.'),
('Stage 0','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Lavender- has a sense of merging with the cosmic mother. Yearns for unity and union. Child monarch; born into position; recognition of what one came in with; philosopher-king in touch with the richness which is not necessarily his; royal wisdom; a sense of unity with the goddess; yearning for union with higher force.'),
('Stage 0','601a: PURPLE','Deep understanding of the spiritual cycle. Marks the first grief of separation. The leaving of the beloved. May have a programming of self-sacrifice. Regal: born to royalty. Feels self to be one of the special ones. Lives with high expectations. Sense of separation; the leaving of the beloved; destined to life of self-sacrifice; the wounded healer; authentic spirituality. '),
('Stage 0','602a: DARK PURPLE','Closest to indigo; the burdened, wounded healer; deposed king; learning to fly; the professor emeritus; incredible wisdom; knowing and knowing how; may feel entitled; I have been through it; I have earned the right; leaving behind conventions; the heavy mantle of spirituality.'),
('Stage 0','700: MAUVE','Wanting to trust the process…will I emerge from the dark night of the soul? May have breathing problems, pervasive anxiety. Burden of recognition; anxiety; breathing problems; violation; bruised mystic; spiritual experience with repercussions and problems afterwards, physical or spiritual emergency; crisis of integration; strong sense of union with the spiritual; some anxiety about issues of spirituality. '),
('Stage 0','701: RED VIOLET','Richness; willing to go through physical trials for enlightenment; mortification of the body for spiritual advancement; 7th charka - spirituality at the highest levels; sense of being special; living one\'s life with high expectation; attraction to the goddess.; but energy is still accessible; energy is more integrated.'),
('Stage 0','702: DARK RED VIOLET','Deep hurt—possibly from long, long ago. Heaviness of the mystics; sacrificial mantle; the lamb of god or possibly hurt by god.'),
('Stage 0','703: MAGENTA','(Locked into Cosmic Mother. Some part of the fetus remains trapped in mother consciousness. Partakes of Goddess energies). Goddess energies; goddess who still has flesh; engendering goddess; attraction to the face and energies of the goddess.'),
('Stage 0','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','Healing; mediating color; receptive; speaks of spirituality; walk your talk; taking that which is nonverbal and bringing it to some understanding of reality; teaching by example; deep understanding of one\'s own truth; knowing and putting the knowing into work; came to do healing of self and others; the healing of the self from a spiritual core. '),
('Stage 0','801: TURQUOISE','Like light turquoise. Healing; mediating color; receptive; speaks of spirituality; walk your talk; taking that which is nonverbal and bringing it to some understanding of reality; teaching by example; deep understanding of one\'s own truth; knowing and putting the knowing into work; came to do healing of self and others; the healing of the self from a spiritual core. Spiritual healer and mediator; knowing one’s own truth.'),
('Stage 0','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Willing to do it. (Aquas- came in to do healing on self and others. Heals self from a spiritual core level. Live in the shadow of the temple—everything has to have deep meaning). Pioneer; willing to go extra mile; going out there mediator with a heavy burden of the healer. '),
('Stage 0','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','May be highly sensitive. Bringing spiritual energy into the ground; natural law; spring; new growth; regeneration; beginning; new beginnings; can be a sense of the toxicity of the cosmic womb; may be reactive to smells. '),
('Stage 0','901: YELLOW GREEN','Celebratory and comfortable. Maturation of the above; healthy and caring person; resonates with nature; fresh new spirituality.'),
('Stage 0','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Body fluid color; water ferns; pantheistic; earth; Pan\'s color; satyr; trickster; closest to the human that an elemental can take; part of the chrysalis; a sense of the toxicity of the cosmic womb; reaction to smells; possible contamination or pollution, may feel abandoned by God; something here may feel toxic. '),
('Stage 0','903: CHARTREUSE','A sense of fear about judgments, possible zany or outrageous behaviors or perspectives on psychology, theology and religion. No escape from the burning rays of the luciferian light. Has a core sense of zaniness. Can’t do anything without being seen. Sick Greens- toxic cosmic womb, look for physiological illness. Communication with other worlds--divas, elementals; may feel like one cannot do anything without being seen; a sense of fear about judgments; possible zany or outrageous behaviors.'),
('Stage 0','1000: LIGHT BROWN','Fertile implication of excrement; ground; spirituality is always present; come full circle; relief; no demands made by it.'),
('Stage 0','1001: BROWN','Trying to feel comfortable and establish oneself but still some heaviness. Brown/Ochre: very low self-esteem. Feels deeply unworthy. Rich, grounded and natural sense of spirituality, may have mixed feelings here.'),
('Stage 0','1002: DARK BROWN','Overwhelmed by it; feeling suffocated; feet of clay; sense of physicality; salt of the earth; may represent being stagnant or grounded in it; could be sense of unworthiness; feel abandoned by meaning; may be asking ‘why’ of god.'),
('Stage 0','1500: LIGHT GRAY','Sense of ethereal quality; balance between purity and wisdom; at the center of this stage, but uncertain and not quite sure how to move into it; beginning of mystery. '),
('Stage 0','1501: GRAY','Transpersonal depression. Transpersonal guilt. “A patient may drown in the waters a mystic swims in”. May be a sense of depression and guilt about spiritual issues; may not be comfortable with the spiritual; may have questions; existential angst; mystic -not here, not there -mist before the mystery.'),
('Stage 0','1502: BLACK','Loss of meaning (Transpersonal despair or depression. Can indicate an anti-life force at one’s core. Void; where everything begins and ends; magic happens; prima material; shamanistic; a sense of despair about the spiritual; may suggest an anti-life outlook; a sense of no hope; existential angst. '),
('Stage 0','2000: WHITE','May be unsure about everything; the deepest ambivalence; may feel unsupported (May have access to other Transpersonal states. Can also be white light). Color; light of conversion; surrender to the spiritual; shock –may pose a fundamental question: to live or not to live; a sense of ambivalence concerning life on the earth; depersonalization. \n'),
('Stage 0','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','Wanting to explore the deepest spiritual mysteries. Spiritual; the deep mysteries; could speak to spiritual depression, holding all potential; all colors in it – so most deeply receptive of spiritual energies; internalization of the spiritual energies.'),
('Stage 0','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','Most instrumental of colors; clear channel; information not corrupted; faithful reflection; non penetrating; shield; all colors reflected here; either totally transpersonal or totally personal; mirror for other people; I don’t want you to see what is happening here; lunar aspect of the feminine; just take it in and send it out; connected with the spiritual. '),
('Stage 0','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Complete trust in all laws (spiritual/physical/love); no discourse about ego; sees themselves as whole; being in the world; transpersonal psychology; the stage before the words; transformational; a true hero/heroine. Lit from within: white light of spiritual surrender; shock; white out; sparkle may indicate the willingness to carry on—to keep going in the midst of the snow storm.'),
('Stage 0','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','White light of spirituality, spiritual determination to trust and make it through; the purity of spirituality; leaving a space for the next new learning; deeply, clearly spiritual. Shiny: connected with the transpersonal very spiritual. Lit from within; possible depersonalization.'),
('Stage 1','100: LIGHT RED','Skin may be primary organ of experience. vulnerable; compassionate; question of one\'s fertility; can life be supported?; hyperactive behavior; fearful; may have a sense of depression Person could even be depressed or suicidal. Extremely vulnerable. Self destructive behavior. RE-ENTRY Compassion for self, others and the world. Deeply felt spirituality, but may feel vulnerable or exposed to be back in the world; diffused sense of higher level; innocence, magical child – the world is new again; color of fetus; a sensitive soul.'),
('Stage 1','101: RED','Passion; life force; rage; fight for life. Probably not conscious of rage or its reason. Since this is the first stage of incarnation, it could be energy to get feet on the ground; endeavor to understand the ground; strongest energy; will to survive; demonstration of one’s fertility; will life support you?; Strong will; DNA which supports the beginning of life; lack of consciousness or ownership about anger; may project a sense that they must fight for life; issues of survival; an awareness which may be instinctual; shamanic consciousness. RE-ENTRY A strong healthy energy; willingly enter the sacrifice of being in the world; strong force to survive or live in the world; infused with spiritual energy – new beginning; recognition of incarnation as sacrifice; first chakra.'),
('Stage 1','102: DARK RED','In general, red is Passion; life force; rage; fight for life. Since this is the first stage of incarnation, it could be energy to get feet on the ground; endeavor to understand the ground; strongest energy; will to survive; demonstration of one’s fertility; will life support you? Strong will; DNA which supports the beginning of life; lack of consciousness or ownership about anger. Becasue this is the DARK RED, it may signify having had experience of the bleeding womb or a painful uterine experience. Deep wounding. Heaviness, possibly imprinted on the psyche. May feel like a betrayal of soul; a deep wounding (which may be derived from painful uterine experiences) Could feel an inability to act during situations of crisis. In rare instances, it could even be programming of the criminal mentality. RE-ENTRY Hard to come back to, or be in, the world; the reluctant mystic or transitional mystic, who is “starting again” – like the bodhisattva, who given the chance to leave the world, chooses to stay.'),
('Stage 1','103: FUCHSIA','\"Hot Pink\" High anxiety or anxiousness. Possible mbivalence about being in the physical; may feel abandoned; may feel let down by the physical realm, unable to heal earlier experiences. RE-ENTRY Feminine; admiration for goddess; fertile goddess; physically re- entering the world; healing; focused perspective once one is now out of the void; energy that is affected by spiritual matters; may be some anxiousness around deep spiritual issues or being in the world.'),
('Stage 1','200: LIGHT BLUE','a sense of trust; endeavor to heal the trauma that may have occurred. RE-ENTRY Intuition fused with white light of consciousness; most impersonal level of the energies; trying to bring intuition and spirituality into the realm of physicality.'),
('Stage 1','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','Associated with mother – present or absent. Some healing may have taken place. RE-ENTRY Comfortable readiness to be back. Idealization of the feminine in the world; has the expansiveness and purity of clear water; it has the reflective qualities of intuition; intuiting what self and others need; trust in the universe to be back in the world; feeling a relationship to a universal consciousness; responds to feminine images of the divine in the world.'),
('Stage 1','202: BLUE','Bringing intuitive understanding to one’s own healing. RE-ENTRY Comfortable, easy, intuiting a new beginning; expansive; joyful entry; can represent being deep and solemn; role of mother in the world.'),
('Stage 1','203: DARK BLUE','A sense of the mother which rejects. May have been close to death at time of birth. A sense of the engulfing. A personality that may be depressed. May lack an autonomous sense of self or have an inability to make choices. May feel rejected or a heaviness. RE-ENTRY Still a little heavy. Old issues healed through an experienced life, traumas have been healed; gone through it; spirituality is now solid; wisdom as lived; seen in elders; an established feeling like deep water; constructive; deep intuition gained at a cost.'),
('Stage 1','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Deep intuitive perspective, similar to “O”. Trust you’ll get through. Some healing may have taken place.Ttrying to understand intuitively. RE-ENTRY Feels comfortable at this place; receptive; intuitive.'),
('Stage 1','300: LIGHT YELLOW','May have spiritual guidance. Trying to understand at different levels. Gut understanding of what is going on. RE-ENTRY Literally infusion of clear light; ready to bring inspiration to the world; cognition without ego involved; no defensiveness in ideas; a sense of guidance or inspiration; a sense of being blessed; a sense of bringing support and help from a higher realm to the world; true understanding.'),
('Stage 1','301: YELLOW','A glimmer of consciousness; strong feelings of being all right; developing one’s own sense of support; shining a miner’s lamp into the unconscious. May deal with the unconscious processes. RE-ENTRY Place of confidence and clarity; empowerment; based on understanding; personal power; balanced ego; aware of your place in the world, but not in an egoic sense; constructing your own knowledge; a sense of ultimate good in relation to light; a sense of heroic qualities; a sense of importance of the quest.'),
('Stage 1','302: OCHRE','Could signify an absent father, a punishing or critical Father or a “policing mentality”. Influences of the sense of the critical or punishing father; may result in esteem issues; acute sense of smell related to birth process. May question whether the individual felt (or was) wanted by the father. RE-ENTRY Spirituality infused by nature; grounding of ideas; earth; your choice of what you make of it; potential; could also feel tarnished – anticipating the difficulty of re-entering the world; may need to rethink deep beliefs.'),
('Stage 1','303: GOLD','Very ambitious (or could be absent father). Coming awake or conscious in the deep unconscious. It is as though in the deep unconscious they have a miner’s lamp. They are lucid dreamers and diagnosticians. They may have strong positive feelings of being o.k. They can create their own support. Uncanny sense of connection with darkness. Bringing consciousness into unconsciousness. Attempting to understand the world, possibly sensing that one came in with a sense of mission. RE-ENTRY Birth of the hero; heroic qualities; recognition or fulfillment of destiny in the world; a strong desire to fulfill one\'s destiny; mission is to be fully alive; takes it out of individual to the super culture that is blessed by the father-world of rituals and traditions.'),
('Stage 1','400: LIGHT ORANGE','Trying to be in the world. Could be a sense of sexual stimulation; eroticism, may even be sign of sexual addictions. RE-ENTRY Use of the body in service of the spirit; second charka - sexual energy; engendering -the physical embodiment of the spiritual experience; grandmother energy; energy becoming transpersonal; speaks mostly to body; \"enfleshment\"; a sense of passion for life; the discovery of soul through the body; compassion.'),
('Stage 1','401: ORANGE','2nd chakra. Living \"my way\" Persephone; entry into the world with a strong sense of ambition and assertion. May feel that a sense of power will help. Awareness of the unconscious. RE-ENTRY 2nd chakra; back in the world with a vengeance; a strong and deep decision to re-enter the world and relationships; how do you fit in this?; testing of one\'s commitment in the world; willing oneself to be in the world; beginning to enter in. '),
('Stage 1','402: DARK ORANGE','Coming into the world with “the cards stacked against them,” heavy dynamics, tension, ambiguity about sense of place in family. RE-ENTRY More grounded feeling; shutting down by choice; reaping the harvest of spiritual understanding; wisdom; getting ready for integration -having resolved place with divine; resolution; true resignation - close to saffron color of Tibetan Buddhism; understanding that life is impermanent.'),
('Stage 1','403: CORAL','Orange means that one may have come into this world with a strong sense of assertion and ambition. High Anxiety. May have need for power. May have gift of being a dowser. Peach/Mango/Coral: may have been sexually stimulated by the birthing experience. Easily eroticized. Look for sexual addictions. A sense of sexual stimulation; erotic. A sense of embodiment. RE-ENTRY Vitality; chance for conception; fertility; bring spirituality into flesh; co-creation; ecreation; fertile womb; spiritual ecstasy; still in 2nd chakra; more physical and co-creative; a sense of the sexual/sensual nature; life as a passion; the discovery of the soul through body.'),
('Stage 1','500: LIGHT GREEN','An endeavor to heal; bring something into the world. RE-ENTRY Pantheism; spirituality as nature and degrees of it; healing; living and let live; passive; letting things take their own course; germination stage; early acceptance or beginning of acceptance.'),
('Stage 1','501: GREEN','A healthy color here. The trauma of birth may be removed. Resonance with the earth which nourishes; healing earlier experiences. RE-ENTRY Being back is healing; healer in the world. Heart chakra; nature; a depth psychologist; energy going into and infusing compassion; confidence that it will grow; trusting that things will take their course; a healthy sense of caring; resonates with nature.'),
('Stage 1','502: DARK GREEN','Heavy and scary No trust. Being initiated into the earth mysteries. Like Wicca; shaman serpents; birth and death of the earth, father sage or wise woman of the woods or wicked stepmother, malevolence of mother or mother earth. Could be extremely retentive. RE-ENTRY May still want, or need to make world less scary. Feminine; ritual encounter with nature and the deepest woods; trust in the dark woods and cycles of nature; developing a comfort with things that were scary; the deepest loyal aspect of spirituality.'),
('Stage 1','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Spiritual support; special-ness; a sense of merging with the goddess; longing for spiritual union. RE-ENTRY Gently sensing one’s specialness; recognition of what one came in with and back for; philosopher-king in touch with the both richness and normalcy; royal wisdom; a sense of unity with the goddess; yearning for union with a higher force in the world.'),
('Stage 1','601a: PURPLE','Royal lineage. May be here to have fun but may be a sense of grief in relation to separation. Experience of fear or loss of love. May be destined to a life of self-sacrifice or coming in with a mission, a legacy. Self-sacrifice -perhaps on another level. Could be a \"special child\" as in born to parents later in life. RE-ENTRY A sense of spirituality and specialness. The leaving of the beloved to come back to the world; may choose to lead a life of self-sacrifice; the wounded healer.'),
('Stage 1','602a: DARK PURPLE','The burdened wounded healer. Regal: Born to royalty- feels they are the “Special Ones” with high expectations. Awareness of heaviness of life’s burden; the wounded healer. RE-ENTRY Closest to indigo; the burdened, wounded healer in the world; learning to fly; the professor emeritus; incredible wisdom; knowing and knowing how; may feel entitled; I have been through it; I have earned the right; leaving behind conventions as one begins again.'),
('Stage 1','700: MAUVE','Birth may have caused wound to others. Scarlet letter with other people\'s lives. To investigate and transform may depend on circumstance. Could be a generalized sense of anxiety or fears that are rooted in the physiological. RE-ENTRY Burden of recognition may cause anxiousness; the bruised mystic who is returning to the world; spiritual experience with repercussions afterwards, physical or spiritual emergency; crisis of integration; strong sense of union with the spiritual with some anxiety around issues of spirituality.'),
('Stage 1','701: RED VIOLET','A sense of the wounded healer. a feeling of being special; may reflect a sense of narcissism; a sense of being born to royalty; heroic; wounded-ness or having earned one’s place. RE-ENTRY Richness; regression in service of transcendence; spirituality at the highest levels; sense of wounded healer; attraction to the goddess, but her energy is accessible and feels more integrated.'),
('Stage 1','702: DARK RED VIOLET','The heaviness of being in this world. RE-ENTRY Heaviness of the mystics; sacrificial mantle; sensing the wounds of the world.'),
('Stage 1','703: MAGENTA','Magenta: locked into the mother’s domain. May be controlling from underneath. Azalea: Hyperactive, Transpersonal inflammation. May be enclosed by the mother\'s rule; the exploring the deep feminine mysteries. RE-ENTRY Goddess energies; goddess who still has flesh; engendering and embodying the goddess; attraction to the energies of the goddess.'),
('Stage 1','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','Beginning to trust in the process of being in the world. RE-ENTRY Gentle healer and mediator in the world; receptive; speaks of spirituality; walk your talk; teaching by example; deep understanding of one\'s own truth; knowing and putting the knowing into the world; came to do healing of self and others; the healing of the self from a spiritual core.'),
('Stage 1','801: TURQUOISE','Trusting the process; true knowledge of coming into the world; why one is here; expressive quality; trusting of expression; master healer of stone; shaman; no fear of depths. RE-ENTRY Gentle healer and mediator in the world; receptive; speaks of spirituality; walk your talk; teaching by example; deep understanding of one\'s own truth; knowing and putting the knowing into the world; came to do healing of self and others; the healing of the self from a spiritual core. Spiritual healer and mediator; knowing one’s own truth.'),
('Stage 1','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Attempting to heal the trauma that may have occurred at this stage. The heaviness of coming into the world and the awareness of one’s burden; the burden of the shaman. RE-ENTRY The wounded healer who is ready to take on the burden; pioneer; willing to go extra mile; going out there; sensing heaviness of world; mediator with a heavy burden of the healer.'),
('Stage 1','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','The gentle creator. May be sensitive to smell. May have been ill or mother was ill at birth. May respond to food as bilious. May be very picky about what eats. May have bio-chemical problems. May have experienced toxic poisoning in utero. May live on edge of death or be in a race towards death. RE-ENTRY Bringing spiritual energy into the world; natural law; spring; new growth; regeneration; beginning; new beginnings; can be a gentle, new and soft sense of healing.'),
('Stage 1','901: YELLOW GREEN','Mischievous sprite; play with energies; human experience; human holiday; creating for own sake; combination of greens with yellow-emergence of the ego; adding will; fresh new healing. RE-ENTRY Freshly healed; ready to begin again; maturation; healthy and caring person; resonates with nature.'),
('Stage 1','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Early toxic experience; May have been ill or mother was ill at birth. May respond to food as bilious. May be very picky about what eats. Sensitive to smell. May have bio-chemical problems. May have experienced toxic poisoning in utero. May live on edge of death or be in a race towards death. May have been ill at birth; sensitive to smell. RE-ENTRY May have a deep hesitancy (sensing all the pain and hurt) about being back in the world - that can feel toxic. Body fluid color; water ferns; pantheistic; earth; Pan\'s color; satyr; trickster; closest to the human that an elemental can take; part of the chrysalis; may have a deep hesitancy (sensing all the pain and hurt) about being back in the world.'),
('Stage 1','903: CHARTREUSE','Scary unconscious. A sense of the unconscious which may have unique or manic qualities; trying too hard to heal or be in the world. RE-ENTRY Communication with other worlds--divas, elementals; may feel like one cannot do anything without being seen; a sense of fear about judgments; possible zany or outrageous behaviors; shape-shifter.'),
('Stage 1','1000: LIGHT BROWN','Little energy for being in the world. RE-ENTRY May be hesitant or want more energy. Fertile implication of the world; ground; spirituality is always present; come full circle; relief; no demands made by it.'),
('Stage 1','1001: BROWN','Taking on the \"sins of the father\" Legacy of those whom you don\'t know. Monks\' robes. Paying the price of those who have sinned before you. Sensing heaviness of the tribe. Concerned with the earth. I can write my own story. May have a \"failure to thrive\". Too many forces keeping you from accomplishing your goals; concern about filtering in unwanted energies. RE-ENTRY Trying to get re-established. Rich, grounded and natural sense of spirituality, may have mixed feelings about being back in the world.'),
('Stage 1','1002: DARK BROWN','Relates to a very low self-esteem. May feel like they came from a cosmic ass hole. May have acute sense of smell (esp.bad smells). Taking on the \"sins of the father\" Legacy of those whom you don\'t know. Monks\' robes. Paying the price of those who have sinned before you. Sensing heaviness of the tribe. Concerned with the earth. I can write my own story. May have a \"failure to thrive\". Too many forces keeping you from accomplishing your goals; concern about filtering in unwanted energies. DARK BROWN is even heavier. Close to the earth. Possible low self-esteem. RE-ENTRY Overwhelmed by making the choice to come back; feet of clay; sense of physicality; salt of the earth; may represent being stagnant or grounded in it; could be sense of unworthiness. '),
('Stage 1','1500: LIGHT GRAY','Doesn\'t see things clearly yet; lots of possibilities; mystery; stranger who moves through the crowds; the Gray Ghost. \"I know how to float\". RE-ENTRY Sense of ethereal quality; balance between purity and wisdom; at the center of this stage, but uncertain and not quite sure how to move into it; beginning of mystery.'),
('Stage 1','1501: GRAY','Transpersonal depression. Transpersonal or cosmic guilt. “A patient may drown in the waters that a mystic swims in”. Depression concerning the spiritual; low sense of energy; may be sickly; possible guilt. RE-ENTRY May be a sense of depression and guilt about spiritual issues; may have spiritual or existential questions; clearly knowing the world is not black and white; trying to remain neutral; mystic - not here, not there -mist before the mystery; in the world as an introvert.'),
('Stage 1','1502: BLACK','Extremely heavy depression. Negation of everything. Loss of hope. Negative transpersonal. Bitterness. Can be invisible--on two levels; being egoless; ultimate protection; could also be a sense of heavy depression; a perspective of negation; a sense of loss of hope. RE-ENTRY Void; where everything begins and ends; magic happens; prima material, shamanistic; may be trying to negate a sense of despair about the choice to be in the world.'),
('Stage 1','2000: WHITE','Shock. Deep denial of feeling. Such a denial comes from “central control”. A major shutdown. Not basically feelings things. Speaks to survival; something from outside stepping in to help; sensing support of the universe; I am here to help; shock; committing to a new way of life; redefining who they are; blinding; can be either end of spectrum--transpersonal understanding or empty; no emotional response; totally empty, void; presence of all colors; could be rigidity; question –what was happening at time of birth? de-physicalization; doesn’t know how to feel. RE-ENTRY May not know the next step for being back in the world; leaving an open space. Being in the world with no judgment; surrender to the spiritual; may be asking the fundamental question or have a sense of ambivalence concerning life on the earth; depersonalization.'),
('Stage 1','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','Seeking to integrate energies; in the middle; transpersonal perspective; may present a distorted perspective; there may be a dynamic behind the mirror; exploring the deep mysteries. RE-ENTRY Spiritual; the deep mysteries; shamanistic understanding and approach to world; holding all potential; all colors in it -so most deeply receptive of spiritual energies.'),
('Stage 1','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','May be the quality of the mirror; transpersonal perspective. Sensing that one is in the world with a physical body. RE-ENTRY Internalization of spiritual energies; clear channel; faithful reflection; non penetrating; may also reflect a strong commitment to re-enter the world; both personal and transpersonal; mirror for other people; I don’t want you to know the journey that brought me here; lunar aspect of the feminine; just take it in and send it out; connected with the spiritual.'),
('Stage 1','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Idealistic. Trying to understand or make sense of the world. RE-ENTRY Complete trust in all laws (spiritual/physical/love); no ego; sees themselves as whole and being in the world; transpersonal psychology; spirituality in their world; transformational; a true hero(ine). '),
('Stage 1','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Idealistic; open to the new. Shiny Cards- mirror quality like a closed door on the unconscious. May have a distorted way of viewing the world. May have heavy dynamics behind the closed door. May be trying to bring a transpersonal perspective into the world. RE-ENTRY Lit from within; depersonalization; spirituality in the world; spiritual surrender; lit from within; back in the world with a mission.'),
('Stage 2','100: LIGHT RED','Pink: Skin is in, soft tissue, needs gentle touching, very sensitive or may be ill (look for sick green in other stage). Azalea: look for inflammatory disorders, physical or psychological. Diffused anxiety. “Flayed inner child”. Could be rashes, itchy skin. A diffused sense of anxiety; may suggest rashes or itchy skin; a sense of the inner child being punished; need for gentle touching; very sensitive.'),
('Stage 2','101: RED','Red: diffusion of anger or pain. Explore painful uterine experience with bleeding. Having menstrual cycle or PMS. Sudden eruption of anger. Un-owned anger diffusion of pain or anger; problems with menstrual cycle; too much energy for this stage.'),
('Stage 2','102: DARK RED','Angry inside; projection of rage; old hurt feels close; physical illness.'),
('Stage 2','103: FUCHSIA','May indicate internal anxiety; inflammatory.'),
('Stage 2','200: LIGHT BLUE','A sense of being at home; trust; a sense of the good mother; acceptance.'),
('Stage 2','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','Receptivity and acceptance here; intuition.'),
('Stage 2','202: BLUE','Intuition; receptivity; comfort.'),
('Stage 2','203: DARK BLUE','An intuitive sense that may have been born out of a need for protection; may experience difficulties with criticism; a deep process that may be overwhelming; intuitive, but not completely trusting of it.'),
('Stage 2','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Indigo: feels the oppressiveness of the terrible mother, look for feminine disorders in woman such as yeast infections, PMS, ovarian cancer, etc. Has been deeply overwhelmed physically drowning. The trust of the good mother; a sense of acceptance; intuition.'),
('Stage 2','300: LIGHT YELLOW','The Poet (look for many pastels used). Involved with inspiration or imagination; a sense of the blessing of the father; clairvoyance.'),
('Stage 2','301: YELLOW','May have access to many states of consciousness, and is aware at unconscious levels. Lucidity. Possibly sticky cells, prone to disease process. May have effects of radiation. May have access to different stages of consciousness -clairvoyance; also aware of the unconscious; perhaps prone to diseases; too much light for body; effects of radiation possible; may need to drink more water.'),
('Stage 2','302: OCHRE','Potential as a high achiever, but not focused; may also manifest self-esteem problems -hard on oneself; may be a pre-disease indicator.'),
('Stage 2','303: GOLD','Idealism; inspiration; possibility of alchemical transformation at the cellular level.'),
('Stage 2','400: LIGHT ORANGE','Potential as a high achiever, but not focused; a sense of eroticism.'),
('Stage 2','401: ORANGE','Manifestation of high degree of energy; a high achiever, but may lack direction because there is little focus at this stage; suggests “will” -which could mean frustration and or discomfort at this stage.'),
('Stage 2','402: DARK ORANGE','Uncomfortable energy; frustrated or heavy sense.'),
('Stage 2','403: CORAL','Peach/Mango/Coral – polymorphous perverse. Erotic all over like babies. Orange—high achieve but lacks direction. A sense of the erotic.'),
('Stage 2','500: LIGHT GREEN','Healing on the cellular level.'),
('Stage 2','501: GREEN','Growth; generative; indiscriminate process of growth; endeavors to take in everything.'),
('Stage 2','502: DARK GREEN','Malevolent, engulfing aspects of mother. Fear of growing. Trying to control it. Indiscriminate growth process. Healthy Greens: generative and growth producing aspects. Lots of growth like weeds. Growth needs indiscriminate, takes in everything like groupies. Sick greens: could mean a poor breasting experience. Birthing environment was sick. Will have mixed emotions about sources of food (picky eaters, throw up easily etc.). The following could be applicable: gets seasick, smells everything or smell can be totally absent. Can smell out a situation. With food nothing agreed with them as a child. Skeptical very cautious about information they take in. Experience a lot of disappointments in womb a breakdown and release of toxins has occurred perhaps from a negative emotional state of the mother. Stomach problems. Balance Problems. Negative aspects of the mother; may be trying to control the growth process, too heavy for this place.'),
('Stage 2','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Lavender- symbiotic. Longing for mother for a transpersonal unity. May be love of fantasy. A sense of longing for the mother; longing for unity with the spiritual; loves fantasy.'),
('Stage 2','601a: PURPLE','Attis syndrome (child-god who is forever young). A sacrifice to the great mother. Castration fears. Symbiotic, narcissistic wounds. Disempowerment. A sense of sacrifice to the goddess; a possible sense of disempowerment; wounds as a consequence of narcissism; a sense of special-ness, but may not be recognized by others; a sense of frustration because of need for attention; regression to idealistic bliss.'),
('Stage 2','602a: DARK PURPLE','Regal: has a sense of specialness but may feel unrecognized. Frustrated need for attention sensing heaviness around feeling special or wounded.'),
('Stage 2','700: MAUVE','May be asthmatic. Holds breath. May be prone to anxiety attacks; a possible sense of conflict between the desire for the experience of bliss, but also being afraid of it.'),
('Stage 2','701: RED VIOLET','Possible frustration; related to the feminine power or problems.'),
('Stage 2','702: DARK RED VIOLET','Unexpressed anger and frustration; heavy.'),
('Stage 2','703: MAGENTA','Magenta: look for inflammatory disorders, physical or psychological…diffused anxiety. “Flayed inner child” Rashes, itchy skin. There is no power in stage 2. It is unfocused, so may indicate hyper-anxiety or generalized anxiety. Diffused sense of anxiety; suggestion of rashes, itchy skin; sense of being unfocused.'),
('Stage 2','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','Healing taking place at the cellular level; a sense of relaxation; possibility of healing through altered states.'),
('Stage 2','801: TURQUOISE','Healing and mediating.'),
('Stage 2','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Aquas: healing at the cellular level. Also healing through altered states of consciousness. The heaviness of healing.'),
('Stage 2','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','May be a feeling of constant depression; or anticipation of healing.'),
('Stage 2','901: YELLOW GREEN','Tendency to be a skeptic; cautious about information that is received; may have experienced a lot of disappointments; a release of toxins as a consequence of negative states; desirous of being healed.'),
('Stage 2','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Heavy sense of disappointment: energy stagnation.'),
('Stage 2','903: CHARTREUSE','Could be disease or radiation. A sense of being burned out or dehydrated.'),
('Stage 2','1000: LIGHT BROWN','Stuck. Low energy that may be due to low self-esteem; feeling dry.'),
('Stage 2','1001: BROWN','Stuck and unable to move. Possibility of problems of self-esteem; also, the possibility of a disease process; fertility; life of the community; recycling -process of letting go.'),
('Stage 2','1002: DARK BROWN','Stuck in the mud – no answers. Brown/Ochre: deeps self-esteem problems. Could be disease process. Infestation. Heavy feelings.'),
('Stage 2','1500: LIGHT GRAY','Very little energy for living.'),
('Stage 2','1501: GRAY','Guilt. Anti-life. Pulls from unconscious. Coming unglued in a negative way. Patient drowns in the water a mystic swims in. A disease process. Drugs??? Suggestions from the unconscious that may be anti-life; negative energy which may fragment the person; abstract thinking; guilt, low energy.'),
('Stage 2','1502: BLACK','Black: Death on a cellular level. Look for a disease process. May be suicidal. May be frightened of getting into altered states. Suggestion of death on the cellular level; possibility of disease; wary of altered states; closed door.'),
('Stage 2','2000: WHITE','Not in touch with the body. White: very high. Usually a positive choice here. Spiritual indicator. Also look for shock effect whenever you see white. Something in unconscious is turned off. A good indicator of spirituality; may also be the shock effect; not knowing how or what to feel; could also indicate abstract thinking.'),
('Stage 2','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','May easily have experiences of non-ordinary consciousness; perhaps tendency to be spacey; loves fantasy and the deep mysteries.'),
('Stage 2','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','Transpersonal knowing.'),
('Stage 2','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Alchemy, inspiration and idealism, alchemical transformation at the cellular level. In touch with the numinous.'),
('Stage 2','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Open to the numinous. Shiny: transpersonal high, may experience non-ordinary states easily, may also tend to be spacey and loves fantasy. May be in touch with the numinous white light; may feel like they are caught in a blinding snow storm, but can make it through.'),
('Stage 3','100: LIGHT RED','Little energy. Pink: feels very vulnerable and needy. Look for body or physical influences. May have a difficult time dealing with hard reality. Azalea: gastrointestinal problems. Inflammatory illnesses or ulcers, very anxious. Person may be scared to death and may act out to stop the process. Magic one. High anxiety. Pepto Bismo Pink. Sense of vulnerability and need; seeking body or physical influences; may have concerns about issues of death and dying; may act out in order to stop this concern.'),
('Stage 3','101: RED','Lots of energy; ready to go; endeavor to uncover something; Strong energy to get through something. Yet may be a sign of danger, since uncovering can move behavior toward explosive or erratic. Endeavor to want to uncover something, but, at the same time, an uncovering that may be dangerous and explosive; kundalini energy (spiritual emergence/emergency).'),
('Stage 3','102: DARK RED','Being pulled to inner pain. Process may be getting down to the nitty gritty. Involved with inner pain; process is dealing with basics; may indicate that they are ready for change.'),
('Stage 3','103: FUCHSIA','High states of anxiety; also, afraid to remedy situations of anxiety.'),
('Stage 3','200: LIGHT BLUE','A sense of healing during the inner journey; may also be endeavoring to slow the process.'),
('Stage 3','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','A sense of trust in the process; the sense of intuition and feelings may be activated by this sense of trust.'),
('Stage 3','202: BLUE','Intuiting what is needed and offering it.'),
('Stage 3','203: DARK BLUE','May feel heavy. An intuitive sense that may have been born out of a need for protection; may experience difficulties with criticism; a deep process that may be overwhelming; intuitive, but not completely trusting of it.'),
('Stage 3','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Healthy Blues: Trusting the process. Intuitive or feeling sense is activated in the journey. Indigo: Intuitive, but may feel overpowered by fears of criticism. Very deep process. Watch for feelings of becoming overwhelmed. Heightened sense of intuition.'),
('Stage 3','300: LIGHT YELLOW','Inspired sensing (may also indicate a weak color for the task of this place). A sense of being guided.'),
('Stage 3','301: YELLOW','Figuring it out. A sense of inner knowing; capability of handling things; concern with Performance; possible sense of perfectionism.'),
('Stage 3','302: OCHRE','Something feels finished or no longer important. Judgmental or punishing aspect of the strict superego. May have dynamics with the domineering father. May have issues with a dominating father; judgmental aspects of the superego; possibility of repressing or retaining.'),
('Stage 3','303: GOLD','(As activator is stimulated). Yellow: may have an inner knowing needed to handle things. Developing of a sense of mission.'),
('Stage 3','400: LIGHT ORANGE','A desire for more assertion but needs more energy to do it.'),
('Stage 3','401: ORANGE','Assertive energy in pursuit of consciousness. A very ambitious person. Power needs, -- encountering the screaming baby. Lots of needs. Look for other hot colors in the spread. Assertion of energy to deal with consciousness; a person with ambition; manifestation of needs.'),
('Stage 3','402: DARK ORANGE','Assertiveness but with a burden. Assertion with a sense of heaviness.'),
('Stage 3','403: CORAL','Sensuality. Peach/Mango/Coral- an erotic color at stage 3 where sex is first differentiated. May be a very sexual person. Very Phallic (sexually pushy) in his/her basic way of reacting. Primary identity is sexual. Beginnings of sexual differentiation; suggestion of a sexual person.'),
('Stage 3','500: LIGHT GREEN','Trying to control inner process but not always successfully.'),
('Stage 3','501: GREEN','A person who is endeavoring to control and heal processes in a calm way; bringing healing in. '),
('Stage 3','502: DARK GREEN','To heal but too heavy. Approaching a frightening overwhelming or hidden dynamic in the unconscious. Healthy Greens: person may be trying to control his process or want to approach dynamics in a calmer way. Possibility of the hidden dynamic of the unconscious.'),
('Stage 3','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Lavender- often relates to spiritual energy, person may feel pulled to merge again in blissful union. High level of spiritual energy. May approach unconscious with some degree of immaturity. A high level connection with spirituality; also may approach the unconscious with some degree of immaturity.'),
('Stage 3','601a: PURPLE','A feeling of specialness, but maybe with a cost. A sense of involvement with the unconscious in relation to the sacrificial process; also for mourning; a sense of symbiotic relationship to the mother; sense of entitlement and personal power.'),
('Stage 3','602a: DARK PURPLE','Purple: may be contacting parts of the unconscious that relate to the sarifical or to a mourning process. The purple is still part of the cosmic mother, so the person may have a symbiotic or narcississtic bond with mother. Regal: look for aspects of personal power on the trip. Sense of entitlement. The heaviness of sacrifice or entitlement.'),
('Stage 3','700: MAUVE','Associated with breath. May have had a breathing problem as a baby or even now. Panic disorder. Asthma? Possible asthma; anxiety; possibly panic disorder.'),
('Stage 3','701: RED VIOLET','A sense of the wounded healer in energy. Anxious; possible kundalini.'),
('Stage 3','702: DARK RED VIOLET','The wound may still feel heavy. Heavy feeling of anxiousness.'),
('Stage 3','703: MAGENTA','Energy of the goddess; the energy of the strong female. Magenta: gastrointestinal problems. Inflammatory illnesses or ulcers, very anxious. Person may be scared to death and may act out to stop the process. Magic one. High anxiety. May preview propensity to act out. May be afraid concerning issues of death and dying; may have a tendency to act out in order to stop these concerns; may be in touch with blood mysteries—womb to tomb; feminine energy.'),
('Stage 3','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','Anticipation of healing.'),
('Stage 3','801: TURQUOISE','Bringing peace and understanding to the situation. Sensing healing energy; mediation.'),
('Stage 3','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Burdened mediator. Aquas: healing is possible in the inner journey. May be trying to slow down the process. Healing and mediating, but with a sense of heaviness.'),
('Stage 3','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','Wants to go forward but some hesitancy.'),
('Stage 3','901: YELLOW GREEN','New fresh healing in energy. Discovering new energy but unsure if it will go forward or backward; a sense of newness.'),
('Stage 3','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Toxicity and heaviness in energy. May know what they need to do but feel they can’t do it; may feel like their world is jaded; toxicity in energy.'),
('Stage 3','903: CHARTREUSE','Or may be zany; very individualistic. May be experiencing a frightening trip; fear -nowhere to hide; zany; unstable energy; possible exhibitionist tendencies; playfulness.'),
('Stage 3','1000: LIGHT BROWN','Feels like they are stagnating: possibly grounding energy.'),
('Stage 3','1001: BROWN','Possibility of repression; possibility of illness; a sense of retentive approach toward opening up to consciousness; renunciation—a path of service; investiture into a community; someone on a “worn out” path; possibly grounding energy.'),
('Stage 3','1002: DARK BROWN','Hard to get started. Browns/Ochre and Sick Greens – don’t regress this person or he/she may get sick or throw up. Found when someone has repressed a lot or has toxicity buildup in the system. Monsters that live in green may be circulating at all levels of the nervous system. See stage 2 for more on toxicity. Or may have an anal retentive approach to opening consciousness. Heavy energy; possible contamination.'),
('Stage 3','1500: LIGHT GRAY','Possible denial of feelings.'),
('Stage 3','1501: GRAY','Hesitancy. The original guilt trip- denial of feelings, eating disorders, indicates a non-life force from unconscious depression. Possible guilt; no energy at an energy stage.'),
('Stage 3','1502: BLACK','Doesn’t want to do it or think about it. Negation of feelings, esp. significant in this very affective state. Very frightened or unconscious. Doesn’t trust non-ordinary states. A closed door. May have death fears. Anxieties about the unconscious; skeptical of altered states; possibly may have death fears; a sense of negation of feelings; heavy or negated energy.'),
('Stage 3','2000: WHITE','Doesn’t know what to do or how to react. Shock. No affect. May not be feeling anxiety. Separation anxiety originates here and anxiety is intense if the issue deals with separation. May be in a state of denial or disassociating. A sense of shock without feeling; deer caught in the headlight; denial; also anxiety about separation; look for other signs of dissociation; surrender; question of suicidal thoughts or tendencies; doesn’t know what to do.'),
('Stage 3','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','Very much attracted to the spiritual journey; quest for the inner mystery.'),
('Stage 3','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','Idealism. Quiet spiritual energy; energy for its own sake.'),
('Stage 3','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Idealistic. Spiritual energy; energy for its own sake; -possible radiation?'),
('Stage 3','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Spiritual. Shiny: very attracted to the spiritual journey. A need to know the inner light. Evolutionary. Quest for or feeling guided by the inner light of consciousness; appeal to the angelic.'),
('Stage 4','100: LIGHT RED','Pink: dependent, lacks energy. May also be a place to rest and get nurtured, massage might be good. A sense of dependency; needs more energy; place of rest for nurturance; may also reflect a deep sense of need; gentle beginning.'),
('Stage 4','101: RED','Red: natural home. Healthy aggression here. Someone who is very aware of needs and can really express them. Lust for life. Will to live. A sense of healthy assertion; survival color; clearly aware of needs; ability to express clearly; a sense of lust for life; string life energy.'),
('Stage 4','102: DARK RED','Heaviness. Aspects of old resentments, especially about relationships, repressed rage or bottled up anger because nurturance needs were not met Something has really gone wrong with early parenting. Old resentments may be present; heaviness especially about relationships; may also be indication of repressed rage because nurturance needs were not met.'),
('Stage 4','103: FUCHSIA','Azalea: hysterical needs – I need you. I need you! Possible fear or anxiety around beginnings.'),
('Stage 4','200: LIGHT BLUE','Passive; hard to begin.'),
('Stage 4','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','May depend on the feminine; a person whose mothering needs were not met and hence seeking it; beginning spirituality; intuiting beginnings.'),
('Stage 4','202: BLUE','A receptive state; intuitive; return to the depths of the good mother.'),
('Stage 4','203: DARK BLUE','Some heaviness present. A sense of the dominant/domineering mother.'),
('Stage 4','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Intuitive. Healthy Blues: Passivity and Dependence on the feminine (look for alcohol dependence, co-dependence dynamics) Person seeks re-mothering. Royal Blue: receptive/intuitive. Going back to depths for the good mother. Trust. Indigo: overpowering mother dynamics. “Smother Mother” or critical parenting. Passive; wanting to begin but going slow; may be dependent on something.'),
('Stage 4','300: LIGHT YELLOW','Blessed or weak ties (bond) to or with the father as caregiver. Giving birth to the higher self; weak ties to the father as caregiver.'),
('Stage 4','301: YELLOW','Yellow: Special child. Daddy’s child. Baby was elevated and given too much power or attention. Precocious child. A sense of special-ness with the father; granted too much power or attention; the special child; new thoughts or awareness of oneself as a thinker; thinking about the new.'),
('Stage 4','302: OCHRE','Suggests a sense of the parent who punishes; low self-esteem; tendency toward addiction; tarnished parenting.'),
('Stage 4','303: GOLD','A sense of mission is beginning; birth of the Heroic self.'),
('Stage 4','400: LIGHT ORANGE','May want attention; connections are important; some hesitancy around beginning but wants to.'),
('Stage 4','401: ORANGE','Projects are undertaken with a sense of strong assertion; a sense of power; also characteristics of a demanding child; expresses a sense of lots of needs; lots of energy around beginnings.'),
('Stage 4','402: DARK ORANGE','The burden of constant achievement or keeping up.'),
('Stage 4','403: CORAL','Sensuality. Peach/Mango/Coral- person sexually connected to body. May have new love in life. Love as the important connection. Wants touching. May be erotic. Sexuality is useful not necessarily interesting. A person who is connected to body; a sense of a new love in relationships; love is an important connection; needs the sense of touching.'),
('Stage 4','500: LIGHT GREEN','Seeking to nurture or parent oneself.'),
('Stage 4','501: GREEN','Be bringing healing to the situation or beginning. A person who undertakes self-nurturing; trying to heal oneself; may also be a person who is vulnerable and thus does not wish to grow.'),
('Stage 4','502: DARK GREEN','Trying to heal but heaviness still present. Frightening or overwhelming mother dynamic. Suspicious of receiving. Everything held in check. Growth arrested. Doesn’t show needs. Images of a powerful mother or wife or ex-wife; growth may arrested; may be skeptical of receiving things from others; one who does not show needs; in fact, one who endeavors to hide needs.'),
('Stage 4','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Lavender: symbiotic or co-dependent dynamic. (Color AND stage of co-dependency). Manifests dynamics of co-dependency; the princess.'),
('Stage 4','601a: PURPLE','Sense of specialness. Purple: locked into the mother. Narcissistic child. Involvement with mother; tendency to be a narcissistic child; a sense of being special; has a greater sense of self; not as tied in with the mother.'),
('Stage 4','602a: DARK PURPLE','The heaviness of being the special one; heaviness around beginnings.'),
('Stage 4','700: MAUVE','Possible anoxia at birth – difficulty breathing (blue babies) anxiety about beginnings. Victim. May have experienced difficulty of breathing at birth; may manifest anxieties about beginnings.'),
('Stage 4','701: RED VIOLET','Bringing a sense of the wounded healer to the new beginning. May be a sense of specialness that may not feel supported.'),
('Stage 4','702: DARK RED VIOLET','The heaviness of the wounded healer. The burden of feeling too special; may suggest possible heart or physical problems; heaviness.'),
('Stage 4','703: MAGENTA','Extreme narcissistic needs, wants to be front and center stage, putting on acts to get attention. Regal: special child, not quite as locked into mother, has more of a sense of self. Tendency toward narcissism; may want to be the center of attention; strong feminine energy; sense of special beginning.'),
('Stage 4','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','Gentle mediator. Trying to gather one’s energy.'),
('Stage 4','801: TURQUOISE','Some passivity in self-starting; may be nostalgic for good nurturing; beginning to understand, heal and mediate new beginnings.'),
('Stage 4','802: DARK TURQUOISE','The burdened mediator. The heaviness of feeling like one has to do things on their own.'),
('Stage 4','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','Trying to parent oneself; trying to heal.'),
('Stage 4','901: YELLOW GREEN','Disguising/hiding one\'s needs; sensing a fresh new start; fresh new healing; re-visioning the new.'),
('Stage 4','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Failing growth, moving out into the world but with weak roots; miscarriage?; toxicity around beginning.'),
('Stage 4','903: CHARTREUSE','Individuality may be overpowering. Toxic nurturing experience. Drug burn out? Sick Greens – Camouflage needs, toxic breast experience. Rejects nurturing. A nurturing experience that has been toxic or “too” much.'),
('Stage 4','1000: LIGHT BROWN','May feel abandoned; little energy to begin with.'),
('Stage 4','1001: BROWN','Low sense of self-esteem; tendency toward addiction; grounded-ness; desire to “put down roots.”'),
('Stage 4','1002: DARK BROWN','Brown/Ochre: pathological conditions, self-esteem very poor. Tendency for addiction and pollution. Father abandonded? May feel like they are alone; heaviness.'),
('Stage 4','1500: LIGHT GRAY','Very little energy for the new beginning.'),
('Stage 4','1501: GRAY','Doesn’t want to start? Relates to loss of mothering or nurturing sick energy may also relate to gilt. Possibly death of mother at an early age? A sense of loss about mother\'s nurturing; manifests a sick energy; perhaps a sense of guilt; little energy.'),
('Stage 4','1502: BLACK','Can’t begin. Death at the beginning of life. Aborted beginning. Possibility of death at the beginning of life; heaviness; depression.'),
('Stage 4','2000: WHITE','Mother/Child relationship, dynamics could be denied. Could be existential. Question of to be or not to be. Could be arrested development. Critical choice point. Suggestion of mother-child relationship in which the dynamics may be denied; could be the basic question of \"to be or not to be\"; possibly a place of arrested development; deprivation; renunciation -especially with ‘loose lasso’ card; wanting to begin but needing support; not knowing how one feels about new beginning.'),
('Stage 4','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','Beginning to seek deep understanding; may be suggesting heavy dynamics as one begins.'),
('Stage 4','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','Idealism about the new. Beginning of new spiritual understanding.'),
('Stage 4','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Birth of the hero; sparkly or spiritual new beginnings.'),
('Stage 4','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Shiny: Birth of the divine child within. Could also be a closed door to the heavy dynamics at this stage. Birth of the divine child.'),
('Stage 5','100: LIGHT RED','Pink: feelings of helplessness and vulnerability, need for protections. Ineffective defense system. May have weak defenses. A pushover. Anxiety; diffused sense of anger; feelings of vulnerability and helplessness; a sense of need for protection; a sense of weak defenses.'),
('Stage 5','101: RED','Energy needed to get through this stage. Could relate to anger and rebellion: if it is not released it can create somatic problems. Some feel that if they let it out it would be a major explosion. A sense of bottled up rage; manifestations of this rage could end up with somatic problems; the energy needed to get through this stage.'),
('Stage 5','102: DARK RED','Bottled up rage; implosions that could also end up in somatic problems. Energy, but could be connected to anger and rebellion; if anger is not released, it could lead to somatic problems; a need to defend oneself that could be connected to old hurt and pain.'),
('Stage 5','103: FUCHSIA','Azalea: anxious, non-directed, overly defended anger need to get into red anger. Irritation about one’s own powerlessness.'),
('Stage 5','200: LIGHT BLUE','Not engaging in the struggle.'),
('Stage 5','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','Trying to take the higher road as a way of handling problem; taking a philosophical approach.'),
('Stage 5','202: BLUE','Uses passivity as a means of defense; may engage in passive-aggressive behavior; difficulty accessing intuition - may have replaced intuition with ritual. '),
('Stage 5','203: DARK BLUE','Tendency to engage in criticism compulsively; a person who has assimilated the terrible mother; does not have the ability to engage intuition.'),
('Stage 5','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Healthy blues: passive aggressive – uses passivity as a defense. Gathering resources, developing discipline, getting rid of thoughts that no longer work; mental hygiene.'),
('Stage 5','300: LIGHT YELLOW','Trying to bring insight (doesn’t fit – not a spiritual place.) No energy. Perhaps feeling trapped, could be a preview of burn-out listless. Does not have energy; may have a sense of the feeling of being trapped; a sense of listlessness; a sense of not fitting in a spiritual place; trying to understand.'),
('Stage 5','301: YELLOW','Cognitive use of power. Intellectualizing as a defense, concern about authority or whose in power. Use of cognitive powers; concern with authority; concern about who is in power; intellectualization; trying to understand.'),
('Stage 5','302: OCHRE','A power trip which manipulates; the punishing aspects of the father dynamics; a sense of being disempowered; a quality of being driven; internalized inner critic; cynic.'),
('Stage 5','303: GOLD','Intellectualization as a way to control; trying to understand.'),
('Stage 5','400: LIGHT ORANGE','Wants more energy; unable to move; passivity; getting sick; not enough energy to get out; dissipation of body energy.'),
('Stage 5','401: ORANGE','Very strong enormous primal energy. Concern about hierarchies. Way of being may be to stand firm with self-assertive energy – the right color (red with yellow of self). Could be aggressive and/or manipulative (especially if other magician colors are chosen in the spread) Highly manipulative preciseness. Task: to get enough energy to get out. A primal sense of energy; a person who is concerned about hierarchies; endeavor to stand firm with use of self-assertive energy; could manifest a sense of aggression; possible manipulation of others; much energy around control issues.'),
('Stage 5','402: DARK ORANGE','Angry and hurt; may feel heavy and stuck; frustration.'),
('Stage 5','403: CORAL','Peach/Mango/Coral- these colors not often seen here-may relate to assertive qualities of orange (but weak) may also relate to ritualistic or compulsive sexual behavior. Somatizing of imploded anger. May relate to compulsive and ritualistic sexual behaviors; a sense of anger which manifests itself somatically; feeling the issues.'),
('Stage 5','500: LIGHT GREEN','Weak defense; pale wisdom; wants to understand something, but doesn’t know what it is; pray to make it better; looking for guidance.'),
('Stage 5','501: GREEN','Trying to heal; the need to defend oneself.'),
('Stage 5','502: DARK GREEN','May relate to the witch mother, magic and ritual, ritualistic behavior because of fears, extremely controlling. Healthy Greens: relates to control. “I won’t move” obsessive-compulsive qualities, may have an officious parental attitude or an “I know better” attitude. Endeavors to heal self and others by ritualistic means; engaging in ritualistic behavior because of fears; endeavors to be controlling; loneliness of the child making their way through the world - alone in the process; working with energies in a prescribed way; could possible relate to religious rituals – which may be healing.'),
('Stage 5','600: LIGHT PURPLE','A sense of the universal, structured way of things. Lavender: Doesn’t fit. Locked into symbiotic dynamics of mother’s domain. Immaturity. A sense of not fitting in; could be involved in a symbiotic relationship with mother; perhaps a sense of immaturity; universal.'),
('Stage 5','601a: PURPLE','Purple: defensive pattern of universalizing, red of it locked with blue of mother. Can’t come out. Trapped. Needs to release the red. Could be locked in grief, but not feeling it. Or could be the magical quality of obsessives or person could be stuck in pain. Use of ritual or spiritual or traditional wisdom to overcome obstacles; universalizing--generalizing (we must all defend one\'s faith or country; “we are all human”); could be involved in grief without feeling it; possibility of the magical quality of obsessions; a person who could be stuck in pain; loves the sense of the specialness of ritual and magic; can be a catalyst for making sense of the world from a spiritual approach; are there special circumstances? Why is this special? (A choice is involved.)'),
('Stage 5','602a: DARK PURPLE','Stuck in pain; scapegoat; martyr.'),
('Stage 5','700: MAUVE','Retentive dynamics as a way to control. Someone who may always be sick in order to retain control; anxiety around a need to defend oneself.'),
('Stage 5','701: RED VIOLET','Feeling the pain of defending oneself, What is one proud of? Possible pain around not having acknowledgement.'),
('Stage 5','702: DARK RED VIOLET','Defending oneself against disillusionment; can\'t control one\'s actions; also has to do with establishment--one becomes aware of a glass ceiling; wounded by tradition; disillusionment with establishment; defending one\'s self within the establishment; defense around established beliefs; possible PTSD.'),
('Stage 5','703: MAGENTA','Trying to be strong. Magenta: anxious, non-directed, overly defended anger need to get into red anger. Compulsively controlling. Regal: loves specialness of ritual or magic. Diffused sense of anger; endeavors to control somewhat compulsively; may suggest alchemical changes (color of tantra -entering a tantric practice and rituals.)'),
('Stage 5','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','Trying to heal but little energy to do so.'),
('Stage 5','801: TURQUOISE','Trying to heal or mediate the issue; and still may feel powerlessness. Trying to heal the sense of powerlessness.'),
('Stage 5','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Aquas: compulsive or ritualized attempts to heal self or others or could be healing way to get through stage 5. Feeling burdened and frustrated after being engaged for a long time; burdened healer.'),
('Stage 5','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','Doesn’t want to fit or defend oneself; trying to heal, but with little energy to do so.'),
('Stage 5','901: YELLOW GREEN','Trying to bring healing to the situation. Feeling like the defense is making one feel sick; trying to heal but looking at things that get in the way?'),
('Stage 5','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Too heavy for healing. The defense may be internalized, hard to stomach.'),
('Stage 5','903: CHARTREUSE','Relentless \"no escape\". Sick Greens: very fearful of the slimy monster, compulsively warding against feeling sick or toxic, could relate to eating disorders, compulsive vomiting. No exit. Has a compulsive sense of warding off feelings of illness; a sense of no escape; energy that may not be reined in by reality; could indicate break with reality.'),
('Stage 5','1000: LIGHT BROWN','Wants more energy; unable to move; passivity; getting sick; not enough energy to get out; dissipation of body energy.'),
('Stage 5','1001: BROWN','May be anal and stuck. A sense of being disempowered; a quality of being driven; may be trying to create stability in their world.'),
('Stage 5','1002: DARK BROWN','Brown/Ochre: sadomasochistic aspects person be into colonic. Disempowering or have anal problems (hemorrhoids) Have a driven quality. Power/Powerless. Defending the environment; does not have a lot of energy; lots of anger which can eat on itself; affect on the body; energy going inward; implosion; may be \'failed ecology\'; also on ecology of the self; anal problems; root chakra--renunciation; a way of clearing out; not going to take up the fight; battle fatigue; camouflage.'),
('Stage 5','1500: LIGHT GRAY','Minimal response toward the need to defend; unwilling to see the conflict; wanting not to think about the issue.'),
('Stage 5','1501: GRAY','Possibly choosing not to put ones energy into the situation; withdrawing. Defending against guilt and pain. Really stuck. No feelings. A sense of defense against pain and guilt; a person who is stuck; a sense of no feelings about things.'),
('Stage 5','1502: BLACK','Could be suicidal. Life has lost its meaning even in maintaining defenses. Might be like a no-exit situation. A person for whom life may have lost meaning even as defenses are maintained; confronts a sense of no exit from a situation; can be judgment colors; rigidity.'),
('Stage 5','2000: WHITE','Doesn’t want to or know how to think about the issue. (probably a stage 1 and 9 person as well). A person who may be stuck in ritual acts; one who undertakes repetition for repetition\'s sake; can be judgment color -righteously rigid; doesn’t want to think about the issue.'),
('Stage 5','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','Elements of fantasy; magical thinking.'),
('Stage 5','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','Not wanting to show the conflict; a mirror that deflects.'),
('Stage 5','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Trying to understand and spiritualize, but possible fantasy.'),
('Stage 5','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Shiny: person may distort reality as a defense. Element of fantasy, magical thinking. Feeling overwhelmed and not wanting to think about it; hopeful of divine intervention.'),
('Stage 6','100: LIGHT RED','Little energy to put into the issue. Pink: person unable to fight or struggle, feels extremely vulnerable (like a one year old facing a lion) suicide? Inability to fight or struggle; feels vulnerable; reactive and stressed about the struggle; polarizes the struggle.'),
('Stage 6','101: RED','Lots of energy going to the issue. Energy is mobilized for the struggle though it may be painful and may involve a lot of anger. A sense of wounding and resentments; possibly a lot of negative feelings; may indicate sexual issues.'),
('Stage 6','102: DARK RED','Old hurt and pain may still be present and may be activated by struggle. Early wounding and resentments. Possibly incest related to the struggle or possibly feeling of having sacrificed something as in an abortion. Really negative feelings. Conflictual material which has not been processed. Castration fears. Struggling and feeling hurt; engaging in the struggle -especially when seen with dark blue; struggling to resolve the issue; lack of health or partnership can be issues here; old hurt and pain may still be present.'),
('Stage 6','103: FUCHSIA','Irritation and anxiousness around the struggle. Azalea: extremely reactive and stressed about the struggle, polarizes the struggle. Irritation around the struggle.'),
('Stage 6','200: LIGHT BLUE','Very little energy to struggle.'),
('Stage 6','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','A sense of feeling that the struggle one is engaged in is tough but worth it; trying to bring in meaning.'),
('Stage 6','202: BLUE','Attempting to engage in the struggle; may be an idealistic view of partnership.'),
('Stage 6','203: DARK BLUE','Painful but trying to engage in and resolve the struggle -especially when seen with dark red; may also be the assimilation of the critical parent; possible identification with the aggressor.'),
('Stage 6','204: MEDIUM BLUE','To intuit the solution. Healthy blues: too passive for this stage a lot of feeling instead of saying “I fight” – they say “I feel”. Royal- may have some intuition about the struggle. Indigo - incorporation of the critical parent. Or identification with the aggressor. (Patty Hearst Syndrome). Engaging in the struggle to bring resolution.'),
('Stage 6','300: LIGHT YELLOW','(May be a weak color here. No fight or may attempt to fight with intellect. Or may be an incorporation of the spiritual father, no animosity with the father, feels blessed.) Endeavors to fight with the intellect -but not strongly; possibly incorporating the spiritual father; no struggles with the father; a sense of being blessed in the midst of struggle.'),
('Stage 6','301: YELLOW','The birth of the hero; ego developing as an independent self; reveals a resolution of the struggle; using one’s intellect to resolve the issue.'),
('Stage 6','302: OCHRE','Ochre/Dark Gold: Self-critical, possible sadomasochism; birth of the hero sometimes seen in the gold with the need for a sense of mission. Idealization with Yaweh – the domineering all-powerful father. May see a questioning of the father – why? Why not? Critical of the self; the hero who is on a tough mission; a sense of dominating and powerful father; may be the idealization of God the father; also may be questioning the father; self-esteem and self-identity issues; need to identify the issues in order to deal with the struggles.'),
('Stage 6','303: GOLD','Yellows: Natural home. Resolution of the Oedipal complex. Birth of the hero. Ego as independent self. Birth of the hero; a sense of idealism.'),
('Stage 6','400: LIGHT ORANGE','Sexual arousal; the sense of the Oedipal struggle is not being manifested responsibly; may be struggles around sexuality.'),
('Stage 6','401: ORANGE','A sense of power struggles; a sense of conflict over power; bringing energy to the struggle.'),
('Stage 6','402: DARK ORANGE','Heavy sense of the power struggle.'),
('Stage 6','403: CORAL','Feeling it. Peach/Mango/Coral – sexual arousal begins, sexual aspects of the Oedipal. Not necessarily acted out responsibly. Problems around sexuality. Sexual arousal; the sense of the Oedipal struggle is not being manifested responsibly; embodying the struggle.'),
('Stage 6','500: LIGHT GREEN','Trying to bring healing to the struggle, but little energy to do so.'),
('Stage 6','501: GREEN','Getting ready for a resolution with the Oedipal struggle; looks for ways to neutralize the conflict.'),
('Stage 6','502: DARK GREEN','May feel abandoned, heavy handed healing; too heavy. Incorporating negative aspects of parents in attempt to resolve the Oedipal, controlling aspects. Healthy Greens: preparation for resolution of the Oedipal. Also look for some attempt to neutralize the conflict. Negative aspects of parents may be used to resolve this Oedipal conflict; also dealing with controlling aspects; may feel abandoned.'),
('Stage 6','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Lavender: may have bisexual identity conflict, libido still tied up with mother. Still struggling with grief at loss of parent, or in a struggle around grief. Sexual energy is still tied in with mother; may be struggling with grief at the loss of a parent; may involve struggle around grief.'),
('Stage 6','601a: PURPLE','Sexual energy is still tied up with mother; may be struggling with grief at the loss of a parent; may involve struggle around grief; also may generalize the conflict; may have a victim identification; trying to maintain a sense of specialness. May have bisexual identity conflict, libido still tied up with mother. Also may generalize the conflict; may have a victim identification.'),
('Stage 6','602a: DARK PURPLE','Purple: may have bisexual identity conflict, libido still tied up with mother. Still struggling with grief at loss of parent, or in a struggle around grief. Regal: not a good place to be in regal – a person may universalize conflict. Heaviness around the struggle or grief.'),
('Stage 6','700: MAUVE','Struggles with anxiety; the struggle brings up anxiety.'),
('Stage 6','701: RED VIOLET','Trying to resolve the struggle; may feel bruised or wounded.'),
('Stage 6','702: DARK RED VIOLET','The heaviness of having tried to resolve the struggle for a long time; possible mental or emotional abuse.'),
('Stage 6','703: MAGENTA','Still in mother’s domain, doing a lot of performing with the drama of the struggle. Positive side strives toward autonomy and a sense of own empowerment. Hysterical energy (acting out daredevil). Continues to be under mother\'s influence; a sense of drama in the struggle; a sense of striving for personal empowerment and autonomy.'),
('Stage 6','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','An attempt to heal the struggle.'),
('Stage 6','801: TURQUOISE','Mediation; trying to heal or mediate the struggle; shows the ability to lift it out of the personal.'),
('Stage 6','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Trying to heal the struggle that feels like a heavy burden.'),
('Stage 6','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','A weak attempt to heal the struggle.'),
('Stage 6','901: YELLOW GREEN','A sense of the dynamics of jealousy; one may become sick while dealing with the struggles; trying to bring a new perspective to the struggle.'),
('Stage 6','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Sick Greens: become nauseous or sick when engaging in the struggle, monsters in the green range, dynamics of jealousy. A heavy burden around the struggle, feels like it will never end.'),
('Stage 6','903: CHARTREUSE','Really engaged in the struggle. Can’t get away with anything. Light always on them. The struggle has a driven quality. Deeply engaged in the struggle; a drive that pushes toward action; also a sense of bringing the drive to a stop; can be a sense of play - humor your way out of it; unconventional relationship. '),
('Stage 6','1000: LIGHT BROWN','May blame oneself for the struggle.'),
('Stage 6','1001: BROWN','A need to identify issues in order to deal with struggles; issues of self-esteem and identify; trapped in a conventional or uncomfortable relationship.'),
('Stage 6','1002: DARK BROWN','Brown: self-esteem and self-identity issues: need to be able to identify issues in order to engage in the struggle. Also S and M sexual conflicts. May feel overwhelmed and want to give up the struggle.'),
('Stage 6','1500: LIGHT GRAY','No energy to engage in the struggle -consciously or unconsciously.'),
('Stage 6','1501: GRAY','No energy to struggle or choosing not to engage in it. May be guilt around sexual identity and or Oedipal attractions, gray may have influence of obscuring the struggle or a giving up. There may be a sense of guilt about one\'s sexual identity; may also have the capacity to obscure the struggle; a sense of giving up.'),
('Stage 6','1502: BLACK','Giving up. Negation of struggle. No affect around conflict. Says “no”. Struggle is negated; one who is not affected by conflicts; making it abstract.'),
('Stage 6','2000: WHITE','No affect – which is required when dealing with a conflict. May be surrendering to the pressures. Defenses are nullified. Not dealing with conflicts may become somatized and effect the immune system. Going belly up. May be giving in to pressure; one\'s defenses are negligible; a denial of conflicts which may then manifest somatically; not dealing with it; making it abstract; sublimated relationships.'),
('Stage 6','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','A sense of the closed door; a possible retreat into fantasy.'),
('Stage 6','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','A sense of the closed door; a possible retreat into fantasy. Not wanting anyone to know about the struggle; how one deals with interpersonal dynamics.'),
('Stage 6','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','May indicate that the hero will emerge.'),
('Stage 6','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Shiny: could be a closed door or a retreat into fantasy. Giving up the struggle -possibly for a greater good.'),
('Stage 7','100: LIGHT RED','Pink: pre-genital color doesn’t fit with sexual dynamic. Color is non-erotic and vulnerable. A sense of not fitting in with the sexual dynamics; a sense of vulnerability; anxiety about keeping a relationship together; this is a sense of anxiety in full consciousness. '),
('Stage 7','101: RED','Much energy to establish something in the world. Needing or neediness in a relationship, could be very conscious anger or lots of energy to balance things. A sense of need in relationships; possible conscious anger; great amount of energy to balance things.'),
('Stage 7','102: DARK RED','Hurt or pain is fully conscious. Walking wounded. Fully conscious of one\'s hurts and pains; a sense of the walking wounded.'),
('Stage 7','103: FUCHSIA','Lots of feelings. Azalea: anxious about keeping it together or about a relationship – anxiety is in full consciousness. Anxious about keeping it together; focus on \"me\" in the relationship; attempt to get out into the world; a feminine color.'),
('Stage 7','200: LIGHT BLUE','A sense of negotiation skills has developed; ability to speak from both sides of the mouth in the endeavor to maintain a balance.'),
('Stage 7','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','Knowing what to do in the world. May be a conscious endeavor to be receptive; an awareness of intuitive abilities; intuition is used to bring about integration.'),
('Stage 7','202: BLUE','Laying down ground work, putting things into action, knowing intuitively what to do; study and education.'),
('Stage 7','203: DARK BLUE','Intuition is used, but it may feel heavy; also a sense of the demanding critical parent; this may be a dominant personality characteristic; a fear of criticism may cause modifications in what one may wish to say; associated with the depths of the ocean.'),
('Stage 7','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Healthy Blues: this is an active stage and blues are passive – yet may be a conscious choice to be receptive – says “I am a feeling, intuitive person” use of intuitive to help integrate. Indigo - use of intuition but also demanding, critical parent may be dominant personality characteristic. Or one may allow the fear of criticism to modify the expression of his/her own power. The heaviness of color is more associated with the depths of the ocean. Feels comfortable in their own skin; functions comfortably.'),
('Stage 7','300: LIGHT YELLOW','Inspiration. Identification with spiritual father. Feeling blessed. Subtlety appreciated. A sense of oneness with the spiritual father; a sense of feeling blessed.'),
('Stage 7','301: YELLOW','A sense of preservation; a sense of openness to learning; a sign of good thinker; an awareness of purpose or mission; one who is articulate; a positive sense of male energies; reason has come into being; good sense of the development of the ego; abstract thinking.'),
('Stage 7','302: OCHRE','Ochre/Dark Gold- aspects of patriarchy and punishing aspects of father; high achievement needs – sometimes birth of hero in gold, requires a sense of mission to accomplish. May have an overdeveloped sense of responsibility. Manifestations of good and bad senses of patriarchy; may have overbearing sense of responsibility; a sense of not deserving to be where I am; low self-esteem.'),
('Stage 7','303: GOLD','Yellows: preserver quality – this color lives comfortably here; openness to learning, good thinkers, aware of purpose or mission, articulate, positive sense of male energies, birth of reason and ego development. Mandala in all yellow – manic overwork. A sense of high idealism; possible sense of inflation; birth of the hero.'),
('Stage 7','400: LIGHT ORANGE','Passivity which is not bad; taking a breather; malleable; adjustable; consciousness of body; a sense of release of sexual energy.'),
('Stage 7','401: ORANGE','Inflated feelings of power and ambition, libido energy invested in the father. Feelings of power and ambition which may be inflated; sexual energy is invested in the father; assertiveness and ambition in the world.'),
('Stage 7','402: DARK ORANGE','May be a heavy power trip or ambition feels heavy.'),
('Stage 7','403: CORAL','Peach/Mango/Coral – sexual energy released genital phase begins. Something going on sexually. Healthiest to have them here. Sensual presence in the world; ready for relationship.'),
('Stage 7','500: LIGHT GREEN','Ambivalence; haziness; taking safe route; hesitation.'),
('Stage 7','501: GREEN','Healthy Greens, home color the correct color – speaks to resolution of the Oedipal. Uniting and internalization of mother and father. Readiness to become a parent. Resolution with the Oedipal conflict; a sense of the internalization of the parental figures; one\'s readiness to become a parent; could mean making money; healing and comfort in the world.'),
('Stage 7','502: DARK GREEN','Something hidden- the internalization of controlling pattern. May be an attraction for the witch-type in a relationship. May be a set or a dogmatic world view. Full light of day and hiding something dogmatic. Possibility of developing a dogmatic view of the world; the possible internalization of controlling parents or a punishing relationship.'),
('Stage 7','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Lavender- non-erotic, narcissistic, possibly selfish, or may be working with death issues at the crossroads. Could be some spiritual aspects. Being aware of higher levels of consciousness; realization of yourself; feeling special; non erotic sense of self; may also be working with death issues; surrender to a higher power. '),
('Stage 7','601a: PURPLE','Narcissistic. Needs to be the big mother. Into power. Royal; identified with universal mother; the libido is invested in the mother; feeling of being special.'),
('Stage 7','602a: DARK PURPLE','Regal: born to the royalty. Feeling of power and being special. Heaviness of special-ness; being aware of the one’s place relative to the whole; being aware of higher levels of existence; awareness of the responsibility of consciousness.'),
('Stage 7','700: MAUVE','Pre-genital. Doesn’t fit. Still tied up with mother masquerading as grown-up. I don\'t deserve to be here; masquerading as a grown up; anxiousness about performance in the world; anxiety about something in the world.'),
('Stage 7','701: RED VIOLET','Color of balance, sensing energy that is feminine; strong female.'),
('Stage 7','702: DARK RED VIOLET','Sense of internal anger; come to full consciousness about a sense of pain; consciousness of heavy heart; just plain heaviness; martyr; awareness of what the cost has been.'),
('Stage 7','703: MAGENTA','Strong woman in the world. The consummate performer – needs attention, possibly professional actors. A chosen way of being. Goddess Archetype may be felt in a relationship to Divinity as Feminine. Someone in their full power. A desire to be recognized; a sense of relationship with the goddess.'),
('Stage 7','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','Trying to maintain balance in the world.'),
('Stage 7','801: TURQUOISE','Can see both sides. Mediator in the world; a good sense of balance in the world; good mediating skills; accolades -work well received.'),
('Stage 7','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Sensing the heaviness of keeping one’s balance in the world; the burdened mediator. Aquas: negotiating skills are developed but person may speak out of both sides of their mouth in attempts to maintain balance. Sensing the heaviness of keeping one’s balance in the world.'),
('Stage 7','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','Gentle, tentative consciousness; preparing for roles that support self and others.'),
('Stage 7','901: YELLOW GREEN','Fresh new healer and healing. Balancing life; readiness to coach, mentor and parent; healer.'),
('Stage 7','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Sensing the heaviness of consciousness and /or the world; may feel one is falling short of expectations in performance; toxicity.'),
('Stage 7','903: CHARTREUSE','Ultimate inflation and burn out, relentlessly trying to balance everything. Sick Greens: due to early negative experience, relationships turn sour and may be toxic. One is relentlessly trying to balance everything; feelings of inflation; originality and original thinking; individuality.'),
('Stage 7','1000: LIGHT BROWN','Passivity which is not bad; taking a breather; malleable; adjustable; consciousness of body.'),
('Stage 7','1001: BROWN','Passivity which is not bad; may feel one has to adjust to the world; consciousness of body; a sense of low self-esteem; establishing roots in the world; could be interest in ecology; can be tied to racial identity.'),
('Stage 7','1002: DARK BROWN','Brown- very low self-esteem, possibly masochistic – “I don’t deserve to be where I am”. Low self-esteem; don\'t deserve to be where I am; self is really well rooted and grounded; consciousness is grounded; self-realization of the atheist/ possible racial identity.'),
('Stage 7','1500: LIGHT GRAY','How did I get here? Am I ready?; questioning; translucent; hiding; does not want to stick out; does not want to make waves; no power in this.'),
('Stage 7','1501: GRAY','Perhaps mood disorders; depression; heaviness. Depression or guilt in full consciousness. Full consciousness of one\'s sense of depression and/or guilt.'),
('Stage 7','1502: BLACK','Someone in a state of eclipse – the light is covered possibly mood disorder (bipolar). Close to depression. A sense that the light is covered up; depression; perhaps mood disorders; depression; heaviness.'),
('Stage 7','2000: WHITE','Expecting help from others. The dynamics at this stage are not felt; surrender -issues given over to another; divine intervention; doesn’t know how to feel.'),
('Stage 7','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','Exploring the depths. A very expanded way of dealing with religious issues; manifests an attitude that one can do anything, that there are no limits.'),
('Stage 7','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','Spirituality and idealism in the world. May have expectations that are too high.'),
('Stage 7','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Spiritual; idealism; inspired thinking.'),
('Stage 7','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Shiny Gold: high idealism, espansion, to inflation. Icarus identifying with the power of the sun. Before the crash! Shiny – extremely expansive. May verge on manic, religious grandiosity. Attitude is “I can do anything”. There is no limit. Overidealism. ’Blissed out’ on religion; elevation; inflation of self; strong connection to mission; exuberant force of expression in the world; expectation of divine intervention.'),
('Stage 8','100: LIGHT RED','Pink: lacks persona, feeling very vulnerable, no defenses. No sense of defense; may feel vulnerable; a sense of personal is lacking; anxiousness about personal identity issues; may also be love loving that risks vulnerability; can also be compassion and the vulnerability that comes from being so open and empathic.'),
('Stage 8','101: RED','A lot of energy invested in personal identity, could be a feeling of deep frustration about chosen identity in life and not being able to change it or (not comfortable) pursuing one’s career with a vengeance. Energy invested in promoting self or upset that you haven’t gotten where you want to be. Strong energy.'),
('Stage 8','102: DARK RED','Old rage has become part of identity – plays the martyr. One\'s identity is made up of old hurt or pain; the endeavor to play the martyr; aware of, and possibly carrying, old pain and hurt.'),
('Stage 8','103: FUCHSIA','Azalea- anxiety about identity – hysterical personality. May be some anxiety present with self or career.'),
('Stage 8','200: LIGHT BLUE','One identifies with the therapist, healer, mediator.'),
('Stage 8','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','Indication of \"I am o.k., you are o.k.\". A sense of full identity and autonomy; a sense that one has accepted one\'s role in life; a sense of trust; a sense of comfort with the differences of others.'),
('Stage 8','202: BLUE','A sense of being identified with the intuitive; possesses wisdom.'),
('Stage 8','203: DARK BLUE','A sense of the intuitive; internalization of the critical parent; may feel heavy or critical of the parent; intuition feels heavy.'),
('Stage 8','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Healthy blues: at home color says “I’m ok, you’re ok. One has reached identity and full autonomy, sense of acceptance of life’s role, to trust and be comfortable with others’ differences. Royal: intuitive becomes a way of being identified. May have wisdom. Indigo- may be intuitive or identity may include internalization of the critical parent. '),
('Stage 8','300: LIGHT YELLOW','The inspired thinker. Artistic aesthetic, spiritual inspired (Poets live here). If this is a rejected card may be a rejection of weakness. A sense of the artistic, aesthetic, spiritual, inspired individual; a rejected card at this color may indicate a rejection of weakness.'),
('Stage 8','301: YELLOW','Yellows: functioning ego color, identify as an intellectual, rational person or could be egotistical sense of selfish. Plays the role King of the Hill. Competing. The abstract thinker; identification with the intellectual, rational person; may endeavor to play the \"king of the hill” -the academic.'),
('Stage 8','302: OCHRE','May embrace old strongly traditional values. Ochre/Dark Gold: may have messiah complex overly ambitious; Sense of mission (gold). May have a messiah complex; one that may be overly ambitious; may also reflect self-esteem that sometimes questions itself; a wish for greater personal strength; something feels toxic.'),
('Stage 8','303: GOLD','A strong sense of mission; the Hero(ine).'),
('Stage 8','400: LIGHT ORANGE','A sensual presence in the world.'),
('Stage 8','401: ORANGE','The will to do it. One who is ambitious and assertiveness. Strong and assertive.'),
('Stage 8','402: DARK ORANGE','Orange: power oriented, very ambitious. May strive for a sense of power over. Sometimes feeling powerless. The heaviness of always having to strive; the burdened achiever.'),
('Stage 8','403: CORAL','Peach/Mango/Coral- identity as a sexual being perhaps a bodyworker. Or may have a passion for life. Accepts one\'s self as a sexual being; may have a strong passion for life.'),
('Stage 8','500: LIGHT GREEN','A gentle healer or soft healing presence.'),
('Stage 8','501: GREEN','Identifies one\'s self as a healer; one who nurtures and cares; a self that is healing or healed.'),
('Stage 8','502: DARK GREEN','To heal but heavy. More controlling aspects of green. Identifies one\'s self as a healer; one who nurtures and cares; a self that is healing or healed. Hiding something in the woods? Heavy, scary or controlling aspects of a healer or nurturer.'),
('Stage 8','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Lavender: not differentiated – co-dependent with part of libido still tied up with mother, dependent for approval, might have a spiritual identity Grief? A sense of dependency; seeking approval; may be tied in with the libido and the mother; possible spiritual identity.'),
('Stage 8','601a: PURPLE','Purple: “born to the purple” or the ultimate “me-first” narcissistic, perhaps mourning about the loss of some part of identity (a career with hospice?). A sense of entitlement or spirituality; perhaps involved with a sense of loss of some aspect of one\'s identity; views one\'s self as a special person; has the corner office; the achiever.'),
('Stage 8','602a: DARK PURPLE','Regal: projects self as being the special person, born of royalty, narcissistic. The heaviness of being many things to many people.'),
('Stage 8','700: MAUVE','Not differentiated – co-dependent with part of libido still tied up with mother, dependent for approval, might have a spiritual identity Grief? Anxiety about identity. May be some anxiety around one’s sense of self.'),
('Stage 8','701: RED VIOLET','The wounded healer. Goddess energy; strong feminine presence.'),
('Stage 8','702: DARK RED VIOLET','Sensing the many wounds of the feminine; the heaviness of being a strong female.'),
('Stage 8','703: MAGENTA','The goddess; strong female energy; one (often female) who enjoys being in charge The performer. Wants to feel powerful or special, in charge. Not negative here. Possibly inflamed or overreactive. Wants to feel special; one who performs; one who endeavors to be in charge.'),
('Stage 8','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','Gentle healing energy.'),
('Stage 8','801: TURQUOISE','The mediator. Able to be a helper, counselor and mediator for others.'),
('Stage 8','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Aquas- identification as the healer, mediator therapist. The burdened mediator or healer.'),
('Stage 8','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','Healing and growth.'),
('Stage 8','901: YELLOW GREEN','Fresh new healing. Healer; feeling revitalized; may have dealt with illness and now feel better.'),
('Stage 8','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','For too long to bring healing to something. The heaviness of not feeling well; something is toxic.'),
('Stage 8','903: CHARTREUSE','Burned out or dried up, workaholic, relentless and driven, manic. Possibly just zany personality. Sick Greens: poor self-esteem, person may be ill, identity tied up with being sick. Very individualistic; relentless drive; somewhat manic; may be a workaholic; may be an expansive personality; zany; original thinker.'),
('Stage 8','1000: LIGHT BROWN','Not much energy; dry. A feeling that something is missing; issues of menopause?'),
('Stage 8','1001: BROWN','Brown/Ochre: ultimate low self-esteem, feeling impotent and dried up. Feels like they can’t do what they want in the world; may not feel good about themselves; may be reflective of racial identity; establishing something in the world.'),
('Stage 8','1002: DARK BROWN','May have felt for a long time that they can’t make a difference; hard to get things established.'),
('Stage 8','1500: LIGHT GRAY','Wants and needs more energy; possible depression or guilt.'),
('Stage 8','1501: GRAY','Self-negating, might involve some guilt. Capacity to act has been neutralized. Little energy; could feel guilty; wants to change in some way; possible depression.'),
('Stage 8','1502: BLACK','Self may feel very heavy. Self-negation- could be suicidal. Have just left a job. May have just left one\'s job; a sense of self-negation; may feel that there is little to look forward to.'),
('Stage 8','2000: WHITE','Possible shock; doesn’t know how to feel. Could be a point of transformation or a critical choice point – to be or not to be in career or life. A critical point of transition or transformation; a sense of the crossroads in relation to one\'s career; not wanting to think about things.'),
('Stage 8','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','A sense of being a star; feels special; possibility of being over idealized or grandiose; may have a sense of the shaman; hidden spirituality, mystery –the cloak of invisibility.'),
('Stage 8','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','Here I am; feels good about themselves but may not want to show it; the persona of spirituality in the world; sparkling –almost too shiny personality; Idealistic.'),
('Stage 8','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Here I am! Aware of their own spiritual presence; sense of spirituality; Idealistic.'),
('Stage 8','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Shiny: Hello Dolly syndrome. The big star or the big win. The need to be special. Could be over-idealized or grandiose (Gamblers). A quiet, spiritual presence; a light to others; expectation of divine guidance.'),
('Stage 9','100: LIGHT RED','Pink: extremely vulnerable, no defenses in dealing with others. A sense of vulnerability; lacking defenses in dealing with others; may be overly sensitive and reactive to others; compassion for others.'),
('Stage 9','101: RED','Lots of energy spent being in the world. In conflict with system so holds anger, may be in a lot of pain, wants to change it but doesn’t know how – needs are not met. Anger is maintained because of conflict with family and/or work; wants change, but does not know how to bring it about; one\'s needs are not being met; much energy needed to be with \'others.\''),
('Stage 9','102: DARK RED','Brings up old and painful programming related to early wounding. Betrayals of all kinds, enraged. Brings up old and painful situations; a generalized sense of betrayal; a sense of anger; old hurt activated by others; heaviness of being in world.'),
('Stage 9','103: FUCHSIA','Anxiousness in social situations. Azalea: hysteric super reactive to others. Histrionic. Unassuming leader; not flashy; may feel anxious about one’s role; some anxiety activated by other. '),
('Stage 9','200: LIGHT BLUE','Realm of the therapists, healers; sensitive and intuitive; one who may be in touch with the needs of others more than their own.'),
('Stage 9','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','A sense of acceptance of others that is spiritual; a sense of I am o.k., you are o.k.'),
('Stage 9','202: BLUE','Relation to high culture; completion of a cycle of intuitive knowing and wisdom; comfort with others.'),
('Stage 9','203: DARK BLUE','A sense that this stage is ending; may feel critical aspects of the world; also may sense the heaviness of the world; heavy knowing.'),
('Stage 9','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Healthy Blues: feelings of acceptance of others and self-projects an attitude of “I’m ok you’re ok”. Azure – peacekeeper of group (2and9). Indigo- intuition that stage is ending, person may feel critical aspects of world or may project it. Knows that one fits into the world; comfort.'),
('Stage 9','300: LIGHT YELLOW','Sees the more subtle, spiritual, inspirational, authentic qualities of the group. An inspiration to others; inspired thinker in the world.'),
('Stage 9','301: YELLOW','A thinker considered smart by others. Yellows- may relate to others intellectually. One may feel wonderful, sitting on top of the mountain (king of the hill) ego inflated. Fully functional will and action follows them. A sense of being wonderful, sitting on the top of the world, or the mountain top; may have a relation to others intellectually; a thinker.'),
('Stage 9','302: OCHRE','Embracing old; outdated rituals and groups beliefs. Ochre/Dark Gold: energy of high achievers sense of mission (gold) possibly projects punishing aspects of the father. Achievement may feel heavy or tainted; sensing that one’s knowing or rituals now feel tarnished.'),
('Stage 9','303: GOLD','Sense of mission; the hero or heroine in the world.'),
('Stage 9','400: LIGHT ORANGE','The person who quietly gets many things done.'),
('Stage 9','401: ORANGE','And energy in the world. Strives for power position in the group. Has or wants a position of power in the group; assertion in the world.'),
('Stage 9','402: DARK ORANGE','Feeling burdened. May feel they are working too hard in the group.'),
('Stage 9','403: CORAL','Peach/Coral/Mango – Ask, how is the passion of their life being expressed! May be the erotic one in the group – is turned on by groups, groupies, orgies, feeling vulnerable (peach) or sensually high while in groups. A person who thrives in and loves groups; relates to others passionately and with compassion; may feel vulnerable within the group.'),
('Stage 9','500: LIGHT GREEN','Mediator; healing energy; healer in the group; helping professions; gentle healer.'),
('Stage 9','501: GREEN','The healer in the world. Involved with the healing professions; possesses healing qualities.'),
('Stage 9','502: DARK GREEN','Healthy Greens: healing qualities, the helping professions. A sense of negative parental influences; may be hiding some family secrets; the burdened healer; isolation within the institution; one may be strongly associated with their cultural rituals.'),
('Stage 9','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Lavender: co-dependence, symbiotic relationships in groups, enmeshed family system, relates to mourning and not wanting to let go (to move to stage 10). Involved with the group and may need something from the group; sense of knowledge about things, but may not completely healed; need more energy; may feel the only way to achieve is via pain and suffering; gentle spiritual presence.'),
('Stage 9','601a: PURPLE','A sense of feeling special or having arrived (has corner office) May relate to mourning, or to sacrificing self, martyrdom. The beginning of the ending is part of the recent awareness. Regal: person who has the corner office, feels special, works very hard to stay there. A sense of special-ness; a sense of having arrived; a sense of not wanting to let go because of mourning; one who works hard to maintain what has been accomplished.'),
('Stage 9','602a: DARK PURPLE','Functioning in groups; wounded-ness shows itself; projecting wounded-ness; heaviness; may be the person who knows much, but no longer accepts tradition.'),
('Stage 9','700: MAUVE','Co-dependence, symbiotic relationships in groups, enmeshed family system, relates to mourning and not wanting to let go (to move to stage 10). Anxiety about groups and relationships. May feel nervous especially that things may be changing or ending; might have anxiety about groups and relationships.'),
('Stage 9','701: RED VIOLET','Making sense of it all. A sense that one has arrived; feels special; wounded healer.'),
('Stage 9','702: DARK RED VIOLET','Works very hard to maintain one’s sense of specialness; the burdened wounded healer in the world.'),
('Stage 9','703: MAGENTA','Feeling entitled and empowered in the group. Performing in the group. An “in charge” person in any group. A feeling of entitlement and empowerment by the group; a sense of being in charge in a group; strong female in the world.'),
('Stage 9','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','Gentle mediator; an attempt to heal the things that are changing.'),
('Stage 9','801: TURQUOISE','Feeling like one belongs and has an important place; the mediator in the workplace and home; therapists and healers..'),
('Stage 9','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Aquas: the mediators in the home or work place. Therapists or healers may be the wounded healers. May be more in touch with others needs than own. Indigo: intuition that stage is ending, person may feel critical aspects of world may project it. The established way of doing things feels oppressive; sensing the heaviness of impending change; the burdened mediator.'),
('Stage 9','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','Readiness for healing and helping.'),
('Stage 9','901: YELLOW GREEN','New healing. Supportive and caring - especially after the breakdown of some kind of system; fresh new approach to the world and others.'),
('Stage 9','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Heaviness; something toxic. May be “sick” about the things that are changing.'),
('Stage 9','903: CHARTREUSE','Burn-out city. Becomes driving pushing relentless non-stop. Sick Greens: something has gone bad. Indicates the breakdown of the system (work or family system). A sense of compulsion--driving and pushing which may be relentless; individualistic in the world.'),
('Stage 9','1000: LIGHT BROWN','Feeling that things aren’t as they should be; feeling disillusioned; possible racial identity.'),
('Stage 9','1001: BROWN','Brown/Ochre: feelings of such disillusionment that the world is like a cesspool. Feelings of disillusionment concerning the world; possible interest in sustainable agriculture; builder; may be racial identity.'),
('Stage 9','1002: DARK BROWN','Heaviness with the group. Muddy waters; around the group, there is the sense that one is out one\'s elements; sense of muddiness; possible racial identity.'),
('Stage 9','1500: LIGHT GRAY','Murky; depression; family secrets.'),
('Stage 9','1501: GRAY','“Dead City” institutional place is dead for that person. One may be burning bridges. Possibly built about family secrets, depression. A sense that the institutional place is dead; process of burning bridges; possibly a sense of guilt about family secrets; may manifest a sense of depression; little energy for being ‘out there.’'),
('Stage 9','1502: BLACK','“Dead City” the system is dead. Negation of feeling related to family or work, sense that the cycle is over, may be repeating patterns and not moving on to Stage 10. May be staying in a dead marriage or job? Defense is to blame it on others. A negative sense in relation to family and work; defensive posture which blames others; repetition of patterns without resolution; a secret; inscrutability with peers; heaviness.'),
('Stage 9','2000: WHITE','Could be at a critical choice about work or family, could be a shock about new information relating to these systems an inability to feel about it yet – white short circuits – wiping out the tapes or known ways. May be unsure how one feels about work and/or family; a sense of shock about new information relative to these issues; inability to process the new information; may be in a situation not of their choosing; may not know how they feel or reserving judgment.'),
('Stage 9','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','Can be highly creative; the endeavor to make it work via magical aspects; possible to have a distorted view of expectations about the work place and the group; bringing a spiritual perspective that is not seen.'),
('Stage 9','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','Idealized expectations in the workplace; can be highly creative; spirituality.'),
('Stage 9','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Trying to make magical creative aspects work; idealizing the workplace or family; a spiritual presence in the world, viewed as a spiritual person.'),
('Stage 9','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Shiny: “high hopes” expectations of work place may be realized or inflated, one is bond to become disappointed. Is so overwhelming may become non-productive ending in disillusionment; may reflect a delusional system, or can be highly creatively magical aspects come in – tries to make it work. May be fantasizing or have distorted view of expectations for group or work place. Doesn’t want to think about things that are happening; trying to bring spirituality to the group or workplace; perseverance; idealizing; quietly reflecting the white light of consciousness.'),
('Stage 10','100: LIGHT RED','Pink: take seriously – could indicate suicidal ideations. May sense an end; a person who is in the state of much hurt; person feels vulnerable.'),
('Stage 10','101: RED','Destruction may be happening too fast, strong affect, probably anger related to this ending, person may act out or may be fighting for life. A sense of ending or destruction which is unfolding too quickly; possible sense of anger in relation to this ending; a person may have the sense of fighting for their life; brining much energy to something that is ending.'),
('Stage 10','102: DARK RED','Bitterness and Anger. A sense of loss is bringing up old wounds; also unresolved issues.'),
('Stage 10','103: FUCHSIA','Azalea: aspect of pink- need to assess suicide potential, also inflammatory person is really hurting – hysterical. Anxiety around things that are ending.'),
('Stage 10','200: LIGHT BLUE','A sense of the need to heal feelings of loss; endeavoring to work things through as easily as possible.'),
('Stage 10','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','A sense of acceptance of impending loss; a sense of trusting the process.'),
('Stage 10','202: BLUE','Acceptance of change and loss; feeling comfortable with the changes.'),
('Stage 10','203: DARK BLUE','Intuition that the cycle has ended; may feel heavy.'),
('Stage 10','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Healthy blues: some passive acceptance of the impending loss, feeling or trusting the process that is going on. Indigo: intuition that the cycle has ended. Destructive Kali. Receptive or passive acceptance of change.'),
('Stage 10','300: LIGHT YELLOW','May be aware of the spiritual meaning of this stage; possible also that this could simply be a burn out, bringing an inspired way to view the change or end.'),
('Stage 10','301: YELLOW','May be masking the pain; also may be aware of what is happening, reaction formation (“I am feeling fine”). Possible that the individual is disguising the pain; may be aware of what is happening; trying to understand the changes.'),
('Stage 10','302: OCHRE','Negating a sense of ambition or power; a sense of feeling impotent; \\may indicate a kind of retirement; a feeling of powerlessness; accepting that something that was shiny is now tarnished.'),
('Stage 10','303: GOLD','Retirement or choosing and receptive to the change; not wanting to leave the gilded cage; trying to bring spirituality to understanding.'),
('Stage 10','400: LIGHT ORANGE','Feeling vulnerable, letting go; sensing that youth is ending.'),
('Stage 10','401: ORANGE','May have been forced to retire. May reflect loss of power, letting go of ambition. Be alert to possible approaching depression. Orange also has the element of rebellion. May reflect a sense of loss of power; a releasing of ambition; or trying to hold to the possibility of approaching depression in the light of loss of power/ambition; also has the element of rebellion.'),
('Stage 10','402: DARK ORANGE','May also have the element of rebellion. The heaviness and or depression around loss of status or ambition; the heaviness of change.'),
('Stage 10','403: CORAL','Also sense of loss of relationship or one’s sensuality. Peach/Mango/Coral – need to assess suicidal potential (pink family) Sexual fascination with death. Losing sexual relationship or potency. Possible sense of loss of potency; also sense of loss of relationship.'),
('Stage 10','500: LIGHT GREEN','A weak attempt to heal the pain or bring healing.'),
('Stage 10','501: GREEN','Pain or bring healing. The endeavor to heal the pain; a sense of control of the process of healing.'),
('Stage 10','502: DARK GREEN','Very afraid. Healthy greens: an attempt to heal the pain or possibly control its process. A sense of being afraid; things are ending and may feel scary; may reflect the dark aspects of the mother; may be a sense of malevolence; financial or material loss.'),
('Stage 10','600: LIGHT PURPLE','May have more spiritual aspect to it. Relates to mourning. Allowing oneself to feel sadness or mourning.'),
('Stage 10','601a: PURPLE','Feeling of mourning. Regal: aspects of mourning, but it is masked, universalizing it so one doesn’t feel it (“oh that happens to everybody”). Appropriate for this stage; process of mourning; generalizes the feeling of mourning with the understanding that it happens to everybody; the wounded healer.'),
('Stage 10','602a: DARK PURPLE','The heaviness around mourning, the burdened wounded healer; hospice workers.'),
('Stage 10','700: MAUVE','Holding on. Not wanting to experience the loss, lots of anxiety, not wanting to separate. A holding on in the endeavor not to experience loss; anxiety about not wanting to separate.'),
('Stage 10','701: RED VIOLET','The wounded healer; has a spiritual aspect to endings or changes.'),
('Stage 10','702: DARK RED VIOLET','The burdened wounded healer; heaviness around endings.'),
('Stage 10','703: MAGENTA','Magenta: need to assess suicide potential, also inflammatory person is really hurting – hysterical. Intimations of death; a person who is in the state of much hurt; a feminine understanding of womb to tomb; and attempt to bring feminine wisdom in.'),
('Stage 10','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','Sensing a need to heal the feelings of loss.'),
('Stage 10','801: TURQUOISE','A need to heal the feelings of loss; trying to create a way to get through easily; bring understanding and mediating to the changes.'),
('Stage 10','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Aquas: a need to heal the feelings of loss, a way to get through easily. The burden of the change or loss; the burdened healer.'),
('Stage 10','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','Changes and endings don’t feel good; trying to heal.'),
('Stage 10','901: YELLOW GREEN','Trying to bring a new perspective to the changes; understanding and healing with a new perspective.'),
('Stage 10','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Stagnation and heaviness; sensing that something is toxic about the changes.'),
('Stage 10','903: CHARTREUSE','Trying too hard to heal or fix the changes. Very frightened. Can’t get away from (luciferian light) discuss belief system – everything is bleaching out. “Bargaining” stage – surgeries etc. trying to maintain some of the potency. Sick greens: possibly predicting disease stagnation like a cesspool. A sense of being frightened; can\'t get away from the light; questioning belief system; too much healing.'),
('Stage 10','1000: LIGHT BROWN','Sensing that one is losing power.'),
('Stage 10','1001: BROWN','Brown/Dark Ochre: feelings of powerlessness. A feeling of powerlessness; sensing that what one has established in changing.'),
('Stage 10','1002: DARK BROWN','The heaviness of feeling powerless.'),
('Stage 10','1500: LIGHT GRAY','May feel guilt; spiritual surrender.'),
('Stage 10','1501: GRAY','Relates to death, perhaps guilt around loss. May manifest a sense of guilt around some sense of loss; may be spiritual sense of surrender; not knowing how one feels about the changes; not putting any energy into the endings and changes.'),
('Stage 10','1502: BLACK','The ultimate negation, could be impending doom (of something or someone or self) going into an abyss. “Giving up”. A sense of ultimate negation; an impending sense of doom; the heaviness of endings; possible depression. '),
('Stage 10','2000: WHITE','Bringing the white light of spirituality or an empty open space to the changes. Element of shock relating to these dynamics or denial of them. Element of shock in relation to issues; possible also of denial of issues; bringing the white light of spirituality to the changes.'),
('Stage 10','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','Cosmic despair. Death or ending with a glimmer of hope. Reflective quality like a mirror; may involve a fascination with death; may be cosmic despair; fascination and acceptance with the mysteries around death and endings; trying to bring a spiritual perspective.'),
('Stage 10','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','May idealize, spiritualize or even hide how they feel about death; trying to bring a spiritual perspective the changes and endings. May be interested or drawn to the issues around death; may be denying ones pain; may idealize and hide how they feel about death.'),
('Stage 10','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Possible idealized perspective or spiritual understanding to the issue. Trying to bring a spiritual perspective; possible idealized Perspective.'),
('Stage 10','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','An open spiritual perspective. Shiny: reflective quality like a closed door or a fascination with death. No matter what changes, this person will carry on and persevere; bringing the white light of consciousness to endings.'),
('Stage 11','100: LIGHT RED','May be a sense of anxiety; may also be a compassion perspective. A sense of vulnerability; may be an indication that something may be physically wrong; a sense of pain—physical or psychic; may be a sense of anxiety.'),
('Stage 11','101: RED','Feelings of pain or being crushed, a shattering, may be physical pain everything is coming apart, anger – non-directed rage. Feelings of being crushed; a sense of shattering; a sense that things are coming apart; a sense of anger and generalized rage; may indicate current physical pain; strong reactions at this stage.'),
('Stage 11','102: DARK RED','Old rage stirring up may be ready for release, could also be pain. Chronic pain shows up here. Panic attacks? Old issues and pains are manifesting themselves; problems prior to release; things are falling apart and allowing old hurt to surface.'),
('Stage 11','103: FUCHSIA','Azalea: may be in terrible pain, physical or psychic. Incredible anxiety. Really sense illness; not feeling well; sensing that one is falling apart; anxiety about falling apart; one is worried about things falling apart (in relation to card that one likes); anxious and uncomfortable at this stage.'),
('Stage 11','200: LIGHT BLUE','The endeavor to care for the self during pain; the endeavor to heal everyone\'s pain; a sense of generalized pain.'),
('Stage 11','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','Feelings of being overwhelmed; a threat to the sense of trust in the process, but still trying to trust and understand spiritually.'),
('Stage 11','202: BLUE','Comfort with chaos. Trust in the process feels threatened, but still trying to heal it.'),
('Stage 11','203: DARK BLUE','A sense of the depth of pain; a sense of being engulfed; heaviness at a heavy stage.'),
('Stage 11','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Healthy Blues: relates to feelings becoming overwhelming. Trust in the process is being threatened. Indigo: feeling the depth of pain. Being engulfed (with card X). Holding on to trust that things will improve.'),
('Stage 11','300: LIGHT YELLOW','Weak or ineffectual response to the pressure. Response to pressure may be weak or ineffectual; trying to understand.'),
('Stage 11','301: YELLOW','Trying to understand or make sense of the ordeal. May be an attempt to mask pain, sense of self may be disintegrating, losing intellectual capabilities, or could be a feeling of being swallowed by male energies (or something dominating or overpowering). Elderly may be losing cognitive abilities. Dark yellow- disempowering. May be the endeavor to disguise pain; a sense that the self may be in the process of disintegration; possible loss of intellectual capacities; a sense of being swallowed up by the masculine energies; chaos theory.'),
('Stage 11','302: OCHRE','May look for breaking up of a pattern of withholding. The masking of the pain could be disempowering; a sense of being engulfed by masculine energies; the pattern of withholding may be breaking up; the churning up of old issues; a sense that the “shit hits the fan”; the old ways of knowing are falling apart and it is not comfortable.'),
('Stage 11','303: GOLD','A pattern which may be breaking up; may be intellectualizing or masking the pain; trying to emerge heroically through the ordeal.'),
('Stage 11','400: LIGHT ORANGE','Vulnerability; sensing that one\'s body is aging; falling apart; emphasis on the sense of hurt; cannot bring anything to the process of falling apart; sense of totally wiped out and not having the energy to deal with it.'),
('Stage 11','401: ORANGE','Diffusion of power, chaotic dissonance, may imply person is trying to keep people from knowing how bad he feels, or may be rebelling against fragmenting. A sense of diffusion of power; disguising one’s pain so as to keep people from knowing; possibly a sense of rebellion against fragmentation; may be a catalyst; trying very hard to control things.'),
('Stage 11','402: DARK ORANGE','Feeling the heaviness of losing power; feels hard to keep finding the energy to deal with ordeal.'),
('Stage 11','403: CORAL','Peach/Mango/Coral – could be sexualized fascination for destruction (peach may be feeling vulnerable or may be feeling vulnerable or may relate to physical illness), dissipation of sexual or romantic energy. Harlequin or sexualized compulsion to death. Vampires. May be the dissipation of sexual or romantic energy; may be embodying the pain.'),
('Stage 11','500: LIGHT GREEN','Weak attempt to heal; hazy view of what is falling apart; don\'t know how to do it, however, moving toward movement; safe position around chaos.'),
('Stage 11','501: GREEN','Trying to heal the situation. Healthy Greens: attempt to heal or a desperate attempt to keep from falling apart. The endeavor to engage in healing; the strong endeavor to keep from falling apart.'),
('Stage 11','502: DARK GREEN','May be a sense of malevolence relating to the engulfing witch mother (with card X) going into the depths of the frightening unconscious. May be experiencing the depths of a frightening unconscious; things are falling apart and it may feel heavy and scary.'),
('Stage 11','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Lavender:” Wounding, mourning feeling the pain. Crushing. “Wine Press of life”. Mourning; sadness; a stage that one is going through; recognition of a process; a sense of surrender; giving up the ghost; a crushing sense of wounding, mourning, pain.'),
('Stage 11','601a: PURPLE','Trying to maintain a sense of being special or see the gift of the ordeal. Wounding, mourning feeling the pain. Crushing. “Wine Press of life”. Regal: one’s sense of specialness is disintegrating. Wounded healer; drawn to pain; someone with spiritual understanding; one who is comfortable with chaos and ambiguity, especially with card w); a crushing sense of wounding, mourning and pain; trying to maintain a sense of being special.'),
('Stage 11','602a: DARK PURPLE','Willingness to accept pain (especially at middle card); also for the x card; if it is a card they like, then there is something about pain which they find pleasurable; heaviness at this stage.'),
('Stage 11','700: MAUVE','Lots of anxiety holding on, not going with the process. Fighting the process of falling apart; holding your breath; lots of energy is required; hanging in requires fight; looking for a rescue (physical/spiritual); waiting for someone to rescue me; generalized sense of anxiety; a sense of holding on so as not to go with the process. '),
('Stage 11','701: RED VIOLET','Knowing on some level that one will emerge from the ordeal even stronger and wiser; the wounded healer. Feeling desperate; feeling the wound in the body; trying to be strong.'),
('Stage 11','702: DARK RED VIOLET','Has a sense of violence; insidious; urban gang feeling; anger at god; general sense of anger; the heaviness here feels very personal.'),
('Stage 11','703: MAGENTA','May be in terrible pain, physical or psychic. Incredible anxiety. Also one’s capacity to control and organize is disintegrating, or possibly a feeling of being engulfed by a powerful woman (X card). May be a sense of pain--physical or psychic; a disintegration of one\'s ability to be in control and organization; possibility of a feeling of being engulfed by strong feelings; trying to be strong.'),
('Stage 11','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','An attempt to heal what is happening.'),
('Stage 11','801: TURQUOISE','Trying to heal, mediate and understand the pain and disintegration.'),
('Stage 11','802: DARK TURQUOISE','Aqaus: caring for self during pain or trying to heal everyone’s pain. The wound may become generalized, caring for self while trying to heal others. Turquoise- trying to heal others not self. The heaviness of dealing with a difficult situation for too long.'),
('Stage 11','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','A weak response to healing.'),
('Stage 11','901: YELLOW GREEN','A tendency to act out in order to deal with problems; trying to bring a new, fresh healing perspective; looking for a creative response.'),
('Stage 11','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','A sense of illness that is out of control; sense that everything is turning sour; heavy and toxic at this stage.'),
('Stage 11','903: CHARTREUSE','Can be a creative response to the chaos- like Mardi Gras – immerse and celebrate in it. Really zany or really burned out, dried up or may be frightened – can’t get away from the destruction. Schizophrenic green. Sick Greens: may relate to illness, toxicity through the system out of control. Feels like everything is turning sour, bitter and may have a tendency to act out. Yet may also be a releasing of toxins. A sense of being burned out; may be frightened; a sense that one cannot get away from destruction; a creative response to the chaos.'),
('Stage 11','1000: LIGHT BROWN','Vulnerability; sensing that one\'s body is aging; falling apart; emphasis on the sense of hurt; cannot bring anything to the process of falling apart; sense of totally wiped out.'),
('Stage 11','1001: BROWN','Brown/Ochre: churning up; a lot of shit releasing, power issues and elimination issues, the shit hits the fan (with card W) Stress breakdown into bitterness blaming and shaming. A stirring up of negative issues; a sense that the “shit hits the fan” (card w); heavy feelings.'),
('Stage 11','1002: DARK BROWN','Could represent falling apart of the earth ecologically; heavy feelings.'),
('Stage 11','1500: LIGHT GRAY','Ambivalence; I am not sure; I don’t know what to put into it; no impact.'),
('Stage 11','1501: GRAY','Feelings of destruction perhaps guilt or may relate to illness. Feelings of destruction; a sense of guilt; a sense of illness; defense against chaos; not knowing how one feels; not putting any energy into the ordeal.'),
('Stage 11','1502: BLACK','Negative. A giving up or giving into the pain just before it turns around. A sense of acquiescence to giving up or giving in to pain, prior to a turning around; defense against chaos; too abstract against for the dynamics at this stage; trying to negate; sensing negation.'),
('Stage 11','2000: WHITE','Trying not to feel it. Denial or shock – not feeling the gragmentation, loss of transpersonal connection, existential fragmentation. To crash and burn. A sense of shock such that one is not feeling the fragmentation; loss of spiritual connection; a sense of existential fragmentation; too abstract for the dynamics at this stage.'),
('Stage 11','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','An irresistible pull to chaos or fragmentation; trying to understand the spiritual aspects of pain and chaos.'),
('Stage 11','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','Trying to bring a spiritual perspective to ordeal; possibly trying to hide how one really feels about this stage; trusting that the growing tip of the new and creative will emerge through the chaos. '),
('Stage 11','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Bringing a spiritual perspective; sensing that the growing tip of creativity will emerge through the chaos; attraction to the beauty of the chaos.'),
('Stage 11','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Shiny: like the moth to the flame. Irresistible pull to destruction or to the bizarre or to chaos. The sense of spiritual perseverance through the bad time.'),
('Stage 12','100: LIGHT RED','Compassion. Pink: person likes to be passive and dependent – it’s a way of being or a vulnerability of the body-physiological implications. Possible latter stages of cancer, body defenseless. A sense of passivity and dependency; the endeavor to take chances and risks; feeling or embodying the sense of satisfaction and completion.'),
('Stage 12','101: RED','The euphoria of completion and new beginnings. Volcanic quality, explosive affect, could relate to physical dynamics of predicting a stroke or seizure, unexpressed libido (Impending explosion). Or pretty passionate person. A dynamic activity in preparation for the next stage; kundalini; much energy around spiritual/religious/or new potential; may be too much energy in the system; possible aneurysm.'),
('Stage 12','102: DARK RED','Processing the old hurt and pain out- to be done with it. Physical level as above may be processing the pain or woundedness out of the system, rage mobilized. A process by which the sense of pain or wounded-ness is removed from the system; letting go of the heaviness.'),
('Stage 12','103: FUCHSIA','Azalea: overwhelming anxiety, daredevil for the thrills or highs of taking chances. Hyperactive or person takes chances to get attention. Intense feelings about healing and new possibilities.'),
('Stage 12','200: LIGHT BLUE','A sense of harmony; a sense of healing of self and others.'),
('Stage 12','201: VIRGIN MARY BLUE','Profound sense of love; ability to give in totally; to trust completely.'),
('Stage 12','202: BLUE','Feelings of love and acceptance; the comfortable sense of everything coming together. '),
('Stage 12','203: DARK BLUE','A sense of wisdom and deep intuition about the whole process; something, however, may be blocked; deeply intuitive, but a little heavy.'),
('Stage 12','204: MEDIUM BLUE','Healthy Blues: deep feeling of love and being able to totally give in to and trust. Indigo: sense of deep intuition and wisdom about the whole process, but may be too heavy, something may be blocked. Deep part of ocean. Real Depth. Feelings of love, harmony and healing.'),
('Stage 12','300: LIGHT YELLOW','A sense of spiritual renewal and inspiration; a sense of being guided by higher powers to higher levels of awareness.'),
('Stage 12','301: YELLOW','Bringing consciousness to the whole process – birth of the hero, feels happiest when they truly understand or can use mind. The bringing of consciousness to the whole process; ability to achieve true understanding; use of the mind; birth of the hero.'),
('Stage 12','302: OCHRE','Letting go of negative issues and dynamics.'),
('Stage 12','303: GOLD','High ambitions – overachievers, person with a mission. A person with a sense of mission; the hero undertaking the journey.'),
('Stage 12','400: LIGHT ORANGE','A sense of euphoria.'),
('Stage 12','401: ORANGE','The needed energy for the next new thing. Getting high on power, grandiosity. A heightened sense of power; a sense of grandiosity; intense feelings around new possibilities.'),
('Stage 12','402: DARK ORANGE','Anticipating the new but with some heaviness or hesitation.'),
('Stage 12','403: CORAL','Peach/Mango/Coral- sense of body arousal; arousal. A sense of body arousal; orgasmic.'),
('Stage 12','500: LIGHT GREEN','A gentle feeling of harmony and healing.'),
('Stage 12','501: GREEN','The healer of self and others. Healthy Greens: harmonious healing renewal. A sense of harmony; of healing; of renewal.'),
('Stage 12','502: DARK GREEN','The healing that occurs here may not be complete – still some heaviness (but too heavy for this place). May suggest the beginnings of looking into the depth of the unconscious.'),
('Stage 12','600: LIGHT PURPLE','Religious tendencies, merging back with cosmic mother. Looking for spiritual unity. Sense of merging with the goddess; religious tendencies are present here.'),
('Stage 12','601a: PURPLE','Religious tendencies, merging back with cosmic mother. Regal: like magenta, a powerful goddess type. The strong woman- standing in her power. Powerful person, the controller, organizer goddess archetype. Feels empowered. A sense of empowerment; a person of power; of control; an organizer; a sense of the goddess; everything comes together. Spirituality and specialness; a powerful goddess type; spiritual intensity.'),
('Stage 12','602a: DARK PURPLE','Still some heaviness. The wounded healer; authentic and earned spirituality.'),
('Stage 12','700: MAUVE','Person with anxiety attacks, get anxious about expression of this stage. A sense of anxiety about expression of this stage; a sense of holding back.'),
('Stage 12','701: RED VIOLET','A feeling of strength and power; wounded healer; kundalini.'),
('Stage 12','702: DARK RED VIOLET','A feeling of power that may feel heavy; the burdened wounded healer.'),
('Stage 12','703: MAGENTA','The strong woman- standing in her power. Powerful person, the controller, organizer goddess archetype. Feels empowered. A sense of empowerment; a person of power; of control; an organizer; a sense of the goddess; everything comes together.'),
('Stage 12','800: LIGHT TURQUOISE','A gentle sense of a greater purpose.'),
('Stage 12','801: TURQUOISE','It all comes together. Knowing why you are here, knowing there is a greater purpose.'),
('Stage 12','802: DARK TURQUOISE','May still be something else needed to feel the delightfulness of this stage. Aquas: sense of healing self and others, harmonious here. Turquoise: nice and healing. It all comes together. Knowing why you are here, knowing there is a greater purpose. Doing deep underground work; may be purposeful but heavy; should be lighter – may feel heavy.'),
('Stage 12','900: LIGHT YELLOW GREEN','Healing seems closer now.'),
('Stage 12','901: YELLOW GREEN','New perspectives emerge; ready to start again with a new fresh sense of healing. Letting go of negative issues and dynamics; fresh new healing and understanding.'),
('Stage 12','902: DARK YELLOW GREEN','Knowing that one must let go of toxicity; not completely healed, but close. Sensing that it is time to let go of negativity and how difficult it is.'),
('Stage 12','903: CHARTREUSE','Zaniness and euphoria at the celebration- but maybe too much. Zany – sense of being watched. Everything is exposed to inescapable light. Sick greens: releasing toxins, letting go of negative dynamics. Could be eating disorders or taking in stuff which is not good “Looks on life with jaundiced eye”. A sense of exposure to the light; a sense of being watched; may be trying too hard to heal; very individualistic spirituality.'),
('Stage 12','1000: LIGHT BROWN','A sense that one is letting go of negativity.'),
('Stage 12','1001: BROWN','Let the heaviness go. Brown/Ochre: releasing toxins letting go of negative dynamics. Letting go of negative issues and dynamics; fertility of ideas.'),
('Stage 12','1002: DARK BROWN','May want to stay here. All the new possibilities can seem overwhelming.'),
('Stage 12','1500: LIGHT GRAY','A tentative desire to embrace this stage.'),
('Stage 12','1501: GRAY','Neutralizing affect, guilt and denial may hold back expression here. May have difficulty feeling pleasure. A sense of guilt may hold back one\'s expression about this stage; may have some difficulty of feeling pleasure; should have more energy here.'),
('Stage 12','1502: BLACK','Negation of all pleasure, person may not be able to have orgasm. A sense of negation of all that is pleasurable.'),
('Stage 12','2000: WHITE','Leaving openness for the new. Not sure how to proceed. Aspect of surrender to the spiritual, spiritual growth and awareness or may relate to the loss of ability to feel pleasure. Or possibly choice not to be here a death wish doesn’t want to be embodied. Full surrender cards at 2, 6, and 11 (how disassociative is the person). Surrender to the spiritual; awareness of the spiritual; spiritual growth.'),
('Stage 12','2004: BLACK SPARKLE','The realm of the mystic; a very spiritual stage; the possibility of peak experiences; may have an interest in the spiritual mysteries; the shaman.'),
('Stage 12','2005: SILVER SPARKLE','Appreciative of one’s own spirituality. A spiritual color at a spiritual stage; lit from within; bright comfortable spirituality.'),
('Stage 12','2006: GOLD SPARKLE','Metallic gold: the hero’s journey. A spiritual color at a spiritual stage; authentic natural spirituality; sense of natural luminosity and spirituality.'),
('Stage 12','2007: WHITE SPARKLE','Shiny: the mystic, very spiritual – takes one back to “O” – the peak experience. Illumined. Spirituality. Awe and wonder. The white light of consciousness at a spiritual stage; pure Spirituality.');