Library cookbook which provides a resource for writing runtime configuration files.
A runtime configuration file can come in many flavors, but ultimately the purpose is to manage them using a simple resource. The only type which is provided by default is a bash runtime configuration which is simply a key-value pair.
This cookbook supports several different formats for writing out runtime configuration files from a Ruby Hash object.
- Java .properties
- UNIX and Windows style environment variables
The example which is used for testing purposes is writing out an bashrc skeleton file which manages HTTP proxies.
rc_file '/etc/skel/bashrc' do
type 'bash'
'http_proxy' => '',
'https_proxy' => '',
'ftp_proxy' => '',
'no_proxy' => 'localhost,'
Additionally, this resource supports writing out standard configuration file types such as JSON, YAML and EDN. The example below shows to write out a Berkshelf configuration file in the JSON format.
rc_file '/etc/skel/berkshelf.json' do
type 'json'
'cookbook' => {
'copyright' => 'Bloomberg Finance L.P.',
'email' => '',
'license' => 'apachev2'
Any new types can be added by modifying the resource (adding a type
and writing the appropriate erb template. If you do not wish to send
a PR or fork this cookbook, you can use 'custom' as your type
, but
you must pass in your own cookbook and source template.