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The state of machine learning models in handwritten character recognition


This repository contains models and utilities used to achieve results described in paper. "The state of machine learning models in handwritten character recognition". Link to the article is presented here.

Description of directory structure

This repository consists of the following directories:

  • models - source code of models tested in the article.
  • resources - python virtual environments and datasets used in model training and/or testing.
  • utils - utilities used mainly for cutting, cropping, transforming and augmenting datasets.
  • scripts - scripts used for automatic training and testing of the models.

Dataset formats

The following dataset formats are being used in the project:

  • idx-ubyte - binary files containing encoded labels and dataset images.
  • .mat - dataset images and labels stored inside matlab file.
  • extracted - dataset images extracted into train-images and test-images directories, with separate directories for each class. Example - letter a sample used for training can be stored as train-images/a/xxxx.png.
  • extracted_undivided - same as above but samples aren't divided into train and test directories.

Getting started

Two separate virtual environments are required in order to run all the models and utilities. They should be created under resources/python/.

Python 3.6.8 is required to run TextCaps model, and Python 3.11.7 is required to run all the other models/utilities.

Every model and utility directory should contain a file called requirements.txt.

Create appropriate virtual environments and activate the one you'll be using for now (3.6.8 for TextCaps, 3.11.7 for everything else).

Once inside model/utility directory, use:

pip install -r requirements.txt

to install all requirements.

In order to use TextCaps tensorflow-gpu 1.2.1 must be installed, with cuda_8.0.61 and cudnn-8.0.

Using models


When run with no arguments, the model will train itself on EMNIST-letters dataset, and then perform a test against EMNIST-letters test subset.

Resulting weights will be saved to ./saved_models directory under model1.pth and model2.pth for VGG and VGG-Spinal respectively.

Model behavior can be modified by using the following arguments:

  • --train_path - Path to the training subset of dataset in extracted format (dataset/train).
  • --test_path - Path to the testing subset of dataset in extracted format (dataset/test).
  • --test - If this option is specified, the model will only be tested (training is disabled).
  • --saved_model_path - Directory in which .pth weight files are stored. Used both for loading and saving files. Default value is ./saved_models.
  • --model1_filename - Weights filename of VGG model. Default value is model1.pth.
  • --model2_filename - Weights filename of VGG-Spinal. Default value is model2.pth.
  • --verbose - Whether to show some examples of data loaded to the user. Not specified by default.
  • --do_not_rotate_images - Do not perform automatic rotation of images when no train dataset is specified. Not specified by default.
  • --cmsuffix - By default, a confusion matrix image is generated by the model. This allows appending a suffix to the filename in case we are running multiple tests from script file. Default is empty.


When run with no arguments, the model will train itself on EMNIST-letters dataset, and then perform a test against EMNIST-letters test subset.

Resulting weights will be saved to ./saved_models directory under model.pth.

Model behavior can be modified by using the following arguments:

  • --train_path - Path to the training subset of dataset in extracted format (dataset/train).
  • --test_path - Path to the testing subset of dataset in extracted format (dataset/test).
  • --test - If this option is specified, the model will only be tested (training is disabled).
  • --saved_model_path - Directory in which .pth weight file is stored. Used both for loading and saving files. Default value is ./saved_models.
  • --model_filename - Weights filename of VGG model. Default value is model1.pth.
  • --cmsuffix - By default, a confusion matrix image is generated by the model. This allows appending a suffix to the filename in case we are running multiple tests from script file. Default is empty.
  • --verbose - Whether to show model summary. Not specified by default.
  • --do_not_rotate_images - Do not perform automatic rotation of images when no train dataset is specified. Not specified by default.


This model requires the following parameters in order to run:

  • --train_path - Path to the training subset of dataset in extracted format (dataset/train). Required only when training.
  • --test_path - Path to the testing subset of dataset in extracted format (dataset/test).

If no other arguments are specified, the model will train itself on specified dataset, and then perform a test against specified test dataset.

Model behavior can be modified by using the following optional arguments:

  • --epochs - Amount of epochs the model uses. Default is 60.
  • --verbose - Print additional debug information about model. Default is not specified.
  • --cnt - Amount of samples taken from each class. Default is 200.
  • --num_cls - Amount of iterations the model performs. Default is 47.
  • --batch_size - Batch size the model uses. Default is 32.
  • --lr - Initial learning rate. Default is 0.001.
  • --lr_decay - The value multiplied by lr at each epoch. Set a larger value for larger epochs. Default is 0.9.
  • --lam_recon - The coefficient for the loss of decoder. Default is 0.392.
  • --routings - Number of iterations used in routing algorithm. Should be > 0. Default is 3.
  • --shift_fraction - Fraction of pixels to shift at most in each direction. Default is 0.1.
  • --save_dir - Directory where snapshots of the model will be saved.
  • --weights - The path of the saved weights. Should be specified when testing. Default is empty.
  • --data_generate - If specified will generate new data with pre-trained model. Requires --weights to be specified. Not specified by default.
  • --samples_to_generate - This option is used only when --data_generate is specified.
  • --test - If this option is specified, the model will only be tested (training is disabled). Requires --weights to be specified.
  • --cmsuffix - By default, a confusion matrix image is generated by the model. This allows appending a suffix to the filename in case we are running multiple tests from script file. Default is empty.

Description of utilities


DataSetPacker provides an ability to pack the dataset from extracted to .mat format (used by TextCaps model).

The following arguments are accepted by this utility:

  • --source - Source directory of dataset in extracted format (required).
  • --destination - Destination directory where resulting dataset in .mat format will be placed (required).
  • --reverse_colors - Whether colors of the images should be inverted. Helpful when converting from (white background,black letters) to (black background,white letters) format used by EMNIST. False by default.
  • --filename - Name of the resulting .mat file containing converted dataset.


DirectorySplitter splits a dataset from extracted_undivided format into train and test directories by moving files to appropriate folders, respecting split_ratio. Resulting dataset is in extracted format.

The following arguments are accepted by this utility:

  • --source - Source directory of dataset in extracted_undivided format (required).
  • --destination - Destination directory where resulting dataset in extracted format will be placed (required).
  • --split_ratio - Split ratio between training and testing sets. Default is 0.8, meaning 80% of samples will go to training subset and 20% of samples will go to testing subset.


Data augmenter creates multiple variants of the source dataset by rotating each sample by a certain amount of degrees.

The following arguments are accepted by this utility:

  • --source - Source directory of dataset in extracted_undivided format (required).
  • --destination - Destination directory where resulting rotated dataset in extracted_undivided format will be placed (required).
  • --angle - Rotation angle of each sample. This parameter is required.


Utility that extracts sample images from dataset in .idx-ubyte format to separate .png images (dataset in extracted_undivided format). Also creates .txt file / numpy array with labels for each letter.

The following arguments are accepted by this utility:

  • --source_dataset - Source directory of dataset in idx3-ubyte format (required).
  • --source_labels - Labels file in idx1-ubyte format (required)
  • --destination - Destination directory where resulting processed dataset in extracted_undivided format will be placed (required).


Transforms source dataset in extracted_undivided format into a dataset more familiar to EMNIST dataset by inverting image color scale, applying Gaussian Filter and centering the images. More details are available in our paper.

The following arguments are accepted by this utility:

  • --source - Source directory of dataset in extracted_undivided format (required).
  • --destination - Destination directory where resulting processed dataset in extracted_undivided format will be placed (required).
  • --threshold - For every pixel, the same threshold value is applied. If the pixel value is smaller than the threshold, it is set to 0, otherwise it is set to a maximum value. Default is 100.
  • --verbose - Whether debug data should be printed. False by default.


Automatically detect contour of dark image on white background, center it and add white margin to image from dataset.

The following arguments are accepted by this utility:

  • --source - Source directory of dataset in extracted_undivided format (required).
  • --destination - Destination directory where resulting cropped dataset will be placed in extracted_undivided format (required).
  • --threshold - For every pixel, the same threshold value is applied. If the pixel value is smaller than the threshold, it is set to 0, otherwise it is set to a maximum value. Default is 100.
  • --margin - Size of added margin. This argument is required.


Divide previously fitted scans of letter sheets collected as part of collecting data sets into a rectangular grid.

The following arguments are accepted by this utility:

  • --source - Source directory of scanned letter sheets (required).
  • --destination - Destination directory where resulting dataset will be placed in extracted_undivided format (required).
  • --left_margin - Margin from the left side of the sheet/letter where cutting will start. Default is 36px.
  • --upper_margin - Margin from the top side of the sheet/letter row where cutting will start. Default is 48px.
  • --crop_width - How much each letter should be cropped horizontally. Default is 196px.
  • --crop_height - How much each letter should be cropped vertically. Default is 196px.
  • --divisor - Additional gap applied between each letter both vertically and horizontally. Default is 5px.
  • --num_tiles_x - Amount of tiles in x direction on scanned page (horizontally). Default is 12.
  • --num_tiles_y - Amount of tiles in y direction on scanned page (vertically). Default is 17.
  • --num_files - Amount of samples that should be obtained from each scan page. After extracting this number of samples extracting process will stop and utility will move to another scan file.


Channel reduction to grayscale, normalization, shadow removal and image scaling to 28x28px.

The following arguments are accepted by this utility:

  • --source - Source directory of dataset in extracted_undivided format (required).
  • --destination - Destination directory where processed dataset in extracted_undivided format will be placed (required).